The world

Generation Z Youth Enters Nanjing Summer: Summer Rain in the Lake and Egret on the River, Metropolitan City | Grandpa | Youth
Generation Z Youth Enters Nanjing Summer: Summer Rain in the Lake and Egret on the River, Metropolitan City | Grandpa | Youth

Nanjing, July 3 (Xinhua) - "Everything here reminds me of my grandfather's words." Recently, "Generation Z" young bloggers from Russia, Equatorial Guinea, Turkmenistan, El Salvador, and Bangladesh followed the "Generation Z Portrait of China" online interactive activity and walked into Nanjing, Jiangsu to experience the vibrant summer in the Jiangnan region of China. Nanjing, located on the banks of the Yangtze River and renowned for its mountains, rivers, and forests, is continuously committed to the harmonious coexistence between humans and nature, as well as the ecological protection of rivers, lakes, and bays. The urban ecological environment is becoming increasingly better. In the most famous scenic spot in Nanjing, Xuanwu Lake Park, surrounded by trees, most of the lake surface has been covered with green lotus leaves, and various lotus flowers are tender and tender by the occasional yellow plum rain in summer, creating a beautiful scene of June in Jiangnan. At Xuanwu Lake Park in Nanjing, young bloggers are trying the East

The "drug" disease in the United States is difficult to eradicate, and the rampant drug abuse is becoming increasingly severe. Why has the US drug control failed? Professional | New York City | United States
The "drug" disease in the United States is difficult to eradicate, and the rampant drug abuse is becoming increasingly severe. Why has the US drug control failed? Professional | New York City | United States

More than 50 years ago, then US President Nixon declared war on drugs, and the "drug" disease in the United States became increasingly severe, becoming a deep-rooted "American disease". Why did the Anti Drug War fail? The key is that American politicians prioritize how to use this issue to gain political and economic benefits for themselves, rather than the well-being of the people. In June of this year, some vending machines with transparent glass appeared on the streets of New York City, with illustrations of "drugs" printed on them. At first glance, they looked like drug vending machines. However, upon closer inspection, it was discovered that it contained items related to drugs, such as disposable drug tools and drug overdose emergency kits, which were available for people to access for free. According to The New York Post, the cocaine pipes were sold out the night they were placed on vending machines. In addition to free distribution and suction

The "drug" disease in the United States is difficult to eradicate | Americans use 80% of the world's opioid drugs | Drugs | United States
The "drug" disease in the United States is difficult to eradicate | Americans use 80% of the world's opioid drugs | Drugs | United States

The chaos on Kensington Avenue in Philadelphia, USA is just a microcosm of the current state of drug abuse in the United States. Americans only make up 5% of the world's population, but they use 80% of the world's opioid drugs. Last year, an average of about 300 people died from drug overdoses per day in the United States. A report by the American Diplomatic Association pointed out that since 2000, over 1 million people have died from drug overdoses in the United States, and the number of drug overdose deaths in the United States continues to rise every year. According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, an average of about 300 Americans have died every day from drug overdoses in the past year. Among approximately 280 million Americans aged 12 and above, there are currently approximately 31.9 million drug users, with an average of 1 in every 12 Americans using drugs. The National Public Radio NPR commented that "absolute liberalism"

Still struggling in economic pain, [World Report] Foreign media: "grocery store pain", increased emergency spending... The American people are "slowing down" inflation data and feeling no pain in food | The United States | Pain
Still struggling in economic pain, [World Report] Foreign media: "grocery store pain", increased emergency spending... The American people are "slowing down" inflation data and feeling no pain in food | The United States | Pain

On July 3rd, China Daily reported that although the inflation rate in the United States has decreased compared to its high point in 2022, the reality is that many Americans still feel pain in grocery stores. It is reported that from April 2021 to February 2023, the United States has seen monthly price increases for household food purchases above the average level for nearly two consecutive years. As spending rises and savings decrease, Americans are becoming increasingly poor, inflation has greatly increased emergency spending, and the American people are experiencing a false sense of security. Nearly 82% of American adults indicate that they are more or less concerned about further price increases in the near future. Screenshot of a report by U.S. News&World Report. U.S. News&World Report recently stated that the price fluctuations of American eggs are a factor in

Even doctors raise their "butcher's knives", in the "black prison" of the United States, humans | doctors | America
Even doctors raise their "butcher's knives", in the "black prison" of the United States, humans | doctors | America

Recently, a United Nations special envoy was granted permission to inspect Guantanamo Prison for the first time, and the investigation found that detainees at Guantanamo Prison continue to be subjected to inhumane treatment by the United States. In the 21 years since its establishment in 2002, Guantanamo Prison has been plagued by scandals of prisoner abuse, causing great outrage in the international community. However, in the face of calls to close Guantanamo prison, the United States has always turned a deaf ear. It's not just Guantanamo, it's no secret that the United States has established "black prisons" around the world. What's particularly chilling is that the "human purgatory" like "black prisons" have a dark power that distorts human nature, and some well-dressed "American medical experts" have transformed into "demons" in these "black prisons". The Central Intelligence Agency of the United States once hired two individuals named James Mitchell and Bruce, respectively·

Can't be cured by "throwing the blame"? [Truth | Marvel Review] Drug Addiction in the United States | Problems | The United States
Can't be cured by "throwing the blame"? [Truth | Marvel Review] Drug Addiction in the United States | Problems | The United States

Recently, the US Department of Justice announced that it is suing Chinese companies and citizens on suspicion of producing and selling chemical precursors related to fentanyl. This is just a repeated tactic by the US to smear China through the fentanyl issue. The proliferation of drugs in the United States, without reflecting on its own governance failure, but focusing on blaming and attacking other countries, can be seen by discerning people, this is just a pale disguise of governance incompetence. The United States has not failed to address the drug problem. According to research from the University of Pennsylvania, since 1971, the United States has spent over $1 trillion to curb the spread of drugs. But in 2021 alone, the number of accidental drug overdose deaths recorded by the federal government is higher than the number of deaths between 1979 and 1998. Nowadays, the United States is the world's largest consumer of drugs, with approximately 60% of the drugs produced globally being imported into the United States

The Dance of Ankles - AI Video Reveals the Founding of America's "Pit" Alliance with Bad Deeds. Afterwards | Alliance | United States
The Dance of Ankles - AI Video Reveals the Founding of America's "Pit" Alliance with Bad Deeds. Afterwards | Alliance | United States

The American alliance system began after World War II, mainly marked by the establishment of NATO in 1949. Afterwards, the United States established a series of bilateral alliances with Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines, gradually building a global network of alliances. The United States stationed troops in allied countries, making them dependent on American military power while also strengthening their control over them; When allies and the United States have different positions, the United States uses various means to exert pressure on them; "Allies" also have to endure the pervasive surveillance of the United States for a long time; The behavior of the United States stabbing its allies in the back for its own interests is even more numerous... Dancing with the United States but breaking its ankle, is this performance really worth it? Please watch the AIGC art short video "Ankle Fold Dance" - END - edited by Jiang Yi, jointly produced by the Zhejiang Branch of the International Department of Xinhua News Agency

"The EU is considering concessions to Russia" component | Russia | EU
"The EU is considering concessions to Russia" component | Russia | EU

According to Reuters on July 3, citing the Financial Times, the European Union is considering Russia's proposal to establish a branch of the Agricultural Bank of Russia to reconnect with the global financial network. The newspaper said that given the current sanctions imposed on the Agricultural Bank of Russia, this move aims to safeguard the Black Sea Grain Agreement, which allows Ukraine to export food to the global market. Russia stated last week that it believes there is no reason to extend the grain agreement beyond July 17th, as the West has taken "outrageous" action on the agreement. However, Russia guarantees to poor countries that its food exports will continue. The Financial Times quoted informed sources as saying that Moscow's plan is to have the aforementioned branches handle payments related to grain exports. The newspaper also stated that the new branch will be allowed to use the Global Interbank Financial Communications Association

First time! Russian Defense Minister Shoigu Talks about the "Wagner Incident" Wagner | Russia | Incident
First time! Russian Defense Minister Shoigu Talks about the "Wagner Incident" Wagner | Russia | Incident

According to Reuters on July 3rd, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu made his first mention of the recently high-profile Wagner incident at a high-level meeting of the Russian military. According to reports, Shoigu stated that this matter did not affect Russia's special military operations in Ukraine. He said that the purpose of the Wagner incident was to destabilize Russia, but due to the loyalty and sense of responsibility of Russian soldiers, the incident ultimately failed and did not have an impact on the frontline situation. In addition, the Russian Sputnik News Agency reported on the 3rd that Shoigu said on the 3rd that the Ukrainian army had not achieved the goal of counter attack in any direction. According to the report, Shoigu said during a conference call with leaders of the Russian armed forces in Moscow, "Overall, the enemy has not achieved their goals in any direction, which proves the ability of our soldiers."

Former Director of Xi'an Big Data Bureau, Liu Jun served as Party Secretary of Xi'an Expo Affairs Center | CPC | Municipal Committee | Liu Jun | Exhibition | Xi'an | Expo | Xi'an City
Former Director of Xi'an Big Data Bureau, Liu Jun served as Party Secretary of Xi'an Expo Affairs Center | CPC | Municipal Committee | Liu Jun | Exhibition | Xi'an | Expo | Xi'an City

On July 3rd, the Organization Department of the Xi'an Municipal Party Committee released a cadre appointment and removal information. Among them, Comrade Liu Jun was appointed as the Secretary of the Party Group of the Xi'an Expo Affairs Center of the Communist Party of China, and was relieved of his position as a Standing Committee Member and Member of the Yanta District Committee of the Communist Party of China in Xi'an. According to public information, Liu Jun, male, Han ethnicity, born in October 1980, holds a master's degree in engineering and is a member of the Communist Party of China. He has served as the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Science at Northwestern Polytechnical University, Deputy Director of the Theoretical Department of the Propaganda Department of the Xi'an Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Director of the Office of the Guidance Committee for the Construction of Spiritual Civilization in Xi'an City, Director of the Literary and Art Department of the Propaganda Department of the Xi'an Municipal Party Committee, Standing Committee Member and Minister of the Propaganda Department of Yanliang District Committee in Xi'an City, Director of the Supervision Office of the Xi'an Municipal Party Committee, and Secretary and Director. During the epidemic, in December 2021, the malfunction of the "One Code Pass" in Xi'an attracted widespread attention. two

A tour guide in Beijing passed away due to heat stroke! Colleague: Led a tour in high temperature for nearly 2 hours Colleague | Gong Ge | High temperature
A tour guide in Beijing passed away due to heat stroke! Colleague: Led a tour in high temperature for nearly 2 hours Colleague | Gong Ge | High temperature

According to data released by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Meteorology at 12:20 noon on July 2, the temperature in most areas of Beijing was 35-36 ℃, with a temperature of 36.3 ℃ at the Southern Suburb Observatory. The yellow high temperature warning is still in effect. According to Beijing News Radio, on this noon, 49 year old tour guide "Gong Ge" fainted in a bus after leading a study tour group from the Summer Palace. He passed away after being sent to the hospital for rescue efforts. The hospital certificate shows that "Gong Ge" passed away due to heat stroke. On July 3rd, a colleague of "Gong Ge" told Red Star News that the 49 year old "Gong Ge" had already felt some discomfort after leading a research group into the Summer Palace for an hour, but he still insisted on taking the team's students onto the bus outside the park. At present, Gong's colleagues are still working with

The full text is here! Speech by Wang Yi at the Opening Ceremony of the 2023 China Japan South Korea International Cooperation Forum
The full text is here! Speech by Wang Yi at the Opening Ceremony of the 2023 China Japan South Korea International Cooperation Forum

Grasping the Right Direction and Revitalizing Asia Together - Speech by Wang Yi at the Opening Ceremony of the 2023 China Japan South Korea International Cooperation Forum Respected Guests and Friends: Good morning everyone! I am delighted to have the opportunity to attend the opening ceremony of the China Japan Korea Cooperation International Forum in Qingdao. This forum is the first offline event since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic. First of all, I would like to extend warm congratulations on the convening of the forum and heartfelt thanks to all present here and those from all walks of life who have been committed to cooperation between China, Japan, and South Korea for a long time! This forum focuses on revitalizing cooperation between China, Japan, and South Korea in the post pandemic era, which can be said to be timely. Over the past three years of the epidemic, the people of China, Japan, and South Korea have stood by each other and helped each other, leaving behind many touching stories of overcoming difficulties together, fully embodying the bond of neighboring countries with a narrow strip of water. Sunshine always comes after wind and rain, China, Japan, and South Korea need to seize the opportunity

Biden will visit three European countries, the UK | White House | Biden
Biden will visit three European countries, the UK | White House | Biden

According to Agence France Presse, the White House announced on July 2nd that US President Biden will conduct a diplomatic visit to Europe from July 9th to 13th, with destinations in the UK, Lithuania, and Finland. On July 11th and 12th, Biden will attend the NATO summit held in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius. The US government stated in a statement that Biden will then travel to the Finnish capital Helsinki to attend a meeting between US and Nordic leaders. Finland officially joined NATO in April. After the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the country and Sweden simultaneously applied to join NATO. Sweden's "accession" application was blocked by Türkiye and Hungary. According to reports, before his visit, Biden will meet with Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Christsson at the White House on the 5th to discuss Sweden's process of joining NATO. Ukrainian President Zelensky also said that he hopes Ukraine

The United Nations report shows that the United States is the world's largest consumer of toluene
The United Nations report shows that the United States is the world's largest consumer of toluene

June 26th is International Narcotics Day. According to a report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the United States is the world's largest consumer of drugs, with approximately 60% of the drugs produced globally imported into the United States. Last year, about 109600 people in the United States died from drug overdose, which not only set a historical record but also exceeded the total number of deaths from gunshots and car accidents in the United States that year. Fortune magazine bluntly stated that drugs have become the biggest public health problem in the United States. Some people stumble along, some lose consciousness and lie on the ground, and some make actions similar to self harm. This is not the setting of a zombie movie, but rather a terrifying scene that actually takes place in some first tier cities in the United States. Drug erosion has turned Kensington Avenue in Philadelphia, USA into a "zombie land". The Daily Mail of the UK describes it as the largest city in Pennsylvania

National Health Commission: Building National Major Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Base International | Emergency | National
National Health Commission: Building National Major Infectious Disease Prevention and Control Base International | Emergency | National

China has become one of the countries in the world with the largest number of international emergency medical teams. As of now, out of the 40 national medical emergency teams in China, 5 teams have successfully passed the certification of the World Health Organization's International Emergency Medical Team, and the total number of global teams that have achieved this certification is 37. On July 3rd, the National Health Commission held a press conference on "Medical Emergency System and Capacity Building". Guo Yanhong, Director of the Medical Emergency Department of the National Health Commission, released the latest data. Specifically, among these 40 national medical emergency teams, 32 are in the category of national emergency medical rescue, 5 are in the category of poisoning treatment, and 3 are in the category of nuclear radiation treatment. The COVID-19 epidemic in the past three years has once again demonstrated the importance of public health emergency management. Guo Yanhong stated that currently, the National Health Commission is promoting national emergency measures

Previously, it was forcibly enforced for about 128 million yuan, and Zheng Shuang was restricted from high consumption in Jiujiang | Zheng Shuang | high consumption
Previously, it was forcibly enforced for about 128 million yuan, and Zheng Shuang was restricted from high consumption in Jiujiang | Zheng Shuang | high consumption

According to Tianyan's App search, recently, Zheng Shuang and his wholly-owned Jiujiang Herd Effect Film and Television Culture Studio and Jiujiang Cool Bear Film and Television Culture Studio added a new consumption restriction order, and the applicant was Khorgos Shanghui Film and Television Culture Media Co., Ltd., involving a dispute over service contracts. According to public information, Shanghui Film and Television is the production company of Zheng Shuang's starring role in "Top Secret". According to risk information, Zheng Shuang and two studios have been forcibly executed for approximately 128 million yuan in the aforementioned case. Previously, rumors of Zheng Shuang evading taxes through "yin-yang contracts" have attracted great attention. On August 27, 2021, the State Administration of Taxation announced that the First Inspection Bureau of the Shanghai Taxation Bureau had found that Zheng Shuang had not lawfully declared personal income of 191 million yuan and evaded taxes of 45.2696 million yuan from 2019 to 2020, among others

British media leaks! British special forces may have hastily executed 80 Afghan civilians. British Airborne Forces | British media reports
British media leaks! British special forces may have hastily executed 80 Afghan civilians. British Airborne Forces | British media reports

According to a report on the website of The Guardian on July 2, lawyers representing the families of the deceased stated in a public investigation that between 2010 and 2013, 80 Afghans may have been victims of hasty executions by three independent units of the British Special Airborne Forces operating in the country. It is believed that an elite soldier "killed" 35 Afghans with his own hands during a six-month service period, reportedly as part of a policy aimed at killing "all men of combat age" in raid houses, regardless of whether they posed a threat. According to reports, Afghans were often killed when soldiers from special airborne forces separated them from their families for allegedly picking up weapons, but in five incidents, the number of people killed by gunfire exceeded the number of weapons found. According to reports, Lee&Day Law Firm in the UK

Name not yet publicly available, an alumnus donated 600 million yuan to Central South University as a national key university | alma mater | Name
Name not yet publicly available, an alumnus donated 600 million yuan to Central South University as a national key university | alma mater | Name

On July 3rd, Jiupai News learned from Central South University that an alumnus of the university donated 600 million yuan to his alma mater, but his name was not disclosed. According to a press release from the university, Central South University recently held a signing ceremony for a donation agreement. According to the agreement, an alumni donated 600 million yuan to their alma mater to support talent cultivation, discipline construction, and scientific research, and to assist in the construction of the school's "Double First Class" and the implementation of strategies such as Healthy China, Digital China, and Manufacturing Power. The school expresses sincere gratitude to alumni for their love for their alma mater and donating 600 million yuan to support its construction and development. They are full of expectations for the cooperation and development between the two sides, and will make good use of the donated funds to continuously contribute to the construction of the national innovation system and economic and social development. This is the largest donation received by Central South University to date and the second donation exceeding 100 million in 2023

Don't believe you guys, try it! " High Quality Development Research Tour - Hainan Station, "Special Fragrance Planting of Big Leaf Tea in Maona Village | Tea Fragrance | Quality"
Don't believe you guys, try it! " High Quality Development Research Tour - Hainan Station, "Special Fragrance Planting of Big Leaf Tea in Maona Village | Tea Fragrance | Quality"

Entering Wang Juru's stir fried tea shop in Maona Village, Shuiman Township, Hainan, a sweet and mellow aroma of tea fills the nose. In the room, there are layers of tea leaves that are air dried with a dustpan. The charcoal fire for frying tea emits red flames, and the dried black tea emits a refreshing fragrance. On the afternoon of June 29th, the "High Quality Development Research Tour" journalist team arrived at Maona Village, Shuiman Township, Wuzhishan City, Hainan. Overlooking Maona Village. Wuzhi Mountain has an altitude of 1867 meters, and Maona Village is located at the foot of the mountain. With low latitude, high altitude, and slightly acidic soil, it is a high-altitude tropical rainforest cloud and mist tea production area. The unique geographical environment and climate have created the unique quality of large leaf tea. "The big leaf tea in Maona Village is particularly fragrant. If you don't believe it, you can try it!" The reporters took the freshly dried black tea samples handed over by Wang Ying, a member of the Shuiman Township Party Committee and Organization Committee, and sniffed them, giving them thumbs up.

Preventing food waste in takeout (observed by commentators), taking multiple measures on the platform | merchants | food
Preventing food waste in takeout (observed by commentators), taking multiple measures on the platform | merchants | food

Promoting the formation of a joint governance pattern that integrates government regulation, industry self-discipline, enterprise autonomy, social supervision, and consumer participation to curb food waste through online ordering has become a consumption habit for many people. Statistics show that as of December 2022, the number of online food delivery users in China has reached 521 million. As the scale of online ordering continues to expand, the phenomenon of food waste in takeout has also attracted attention. In order to enjoy the merchant's "full discount", add more food that cannot be eaten; The labeling of food quantities is not clear enough and lacks necessary reminders. It is only after receiving takeout that they realize they have ordered too much... Various reasons have led to some consumers ordering too much, making online ordering a high-risk area for food waste. Preventing food waste in takeout is an important aspect of curbing food waste in catering, and it is also an inherent requirement for online catering platforms to achieve high-quality development.

In June, the prosperity index of China's logistics industry was 51.7%, remaining within the prosperity range
In June, the prosperity index of China's logistics industry was 51.7%, remaining within the prosperity range

The logistics industry prosperity index is an important indicator of logistics activity and a barometer of social and economic circulation. The China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing announced today the June China Logistics Industry Prosperity Index. Compared with last month, the prosperity index of China's logistics industry has slightly rebounded, market demand has improved, and most industries have maintained a positive trend of new demand. The prosperity index of China's logistics industry in June was 51.7%, an increase of 0.2 percentage points from the previous month, and continued to remain within the prosperity range. From the perspective of the total business volume index, the eastern, central, and western regions have all steadily rebounded, especially with the total business volume index in the eastern region reaching over 55%, rebounding for two consecutive months and continuing to play a stabilizing role. From a demand perspective, the new order index of the logistics industry in June was 50.4%, a 0.7 percentage point increase from the previous month and a comeback

How can urban renewal actions bring a new look to a city's old appearance? History | Scale | Urban Renewal
How can urban renewal actions bring a new look to a city's old appearance? History | Scale | Urban Renewal

Since the reform and opening up, China has experienced the largest and fastest urbanization process in world history. Data from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development shows that by the end of 2022, China's urbanization rate has reached 65.22%, 920 million people live in cities and towns, and the urban built-up area has reached 63000 square kilometers. The comprehensive carrying capacity of the city has steadily improved, the living environment has continued to improve, and the quality of urban development and people's living standards have significantly improved, laying a solid material foundation for promoting the construction of Chinese path to modernization. However, it should also be noted that in the process of rapid urbanization, China's urban development has also accumulated some contradictions and problems. In the past, emphasis was placed on pursuing speed and scale, but the overall, systematic, livable, inclusive, and growth of cities were insufficient. Some big cities have prominent "urban diseases", and many old cities have become outdated

June China Warehousing Index Release: Demand Stable and Increasing, Industry Maintaining Good Operating Trend Percentages | Index | Demand
June China Warehousing Index Release: Demand Stable and Increasing, Industry Maintaining Good Operating Trend Percentages | Index | Demand

Warehousing is an important part of logistics operations. As a barometer of the warehousing industry, the comprehensive changes in China's warehousing index system can observe the development status and changing patterns of various industries and even the national economy. The China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing announced today the China Warehousing Index for June. The index has been in an expansion range of over 50% for five consecutive months, and the new order index and average inventory turnover index have rebounded, indicating a steady increase in warehousing demand and more active business activities, driving up inventory turnover. In June, China's warehousing index was 50.7%, a decrease of 0.6 percentage points from the previous month. It has been in the expansion range of over 50% for five consecutive months, indicating that the warehousing industry still maintains a good operating trend. From a demand perspective, the new order index for June was 51.7%, compared to the previous month

Can provide an example for the world, former Brazilian President Rousseff: China's achievements in poverty alleviation are commendable to the world | poverty alleviation | China
Can provide an example for the world, former Brazilian President Rousseff: China's achievements in poverty alleviation are commendable to the world | poverty alleviation | China

On July 2nd, Dilma Rousseff, President of the New Development Bank of the BRICS countries and former President of Brazil, delivered a speech at the opening ceremony of the 11th World Peace Forum, affirming China's tremendous achievements in poverty alleviation. Rousseff said that China has lifted millions of people out of poverty, which is a great achievement and very commendable. Rousseff said that Brazil also has similar poverty alleviation actions. Brazil's population is one seventh that of China, and poverty alleviation policies have achieved good results, but political factors have challenged the sustainability of this process. As a populous country, China can serve as an example for other parts of the world to achieve such a large-scale poverty alleviation. Rousseff also mentioned that China

China provides strong impetus for international investment and trade development - Visiting Peter McBride, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fonterra | Agreement | Development
China provides strong impetus for international investment and trade development - Visiting Peter McBride, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Fonterra | Agreement | Development

Peter McBride, Chairman of the Board of Directors of New Zealand dairy giant Fonterra, recently stated in a written interview with Xinhua News Agency that China is committed to promoting high-level opening-up to the outside world, providing ample opportunities for multinational enterprises, including Fonterra, to develop in China and providing strong impetus for international investment and trade. McBride told reporters that the Chinese market is full of vitality and is one of Fonterra's most important strategic markets. He said that benefiting from the continuous progress of the New China Economic and Trade Relations, Fonterra has actively cooperated with Chinese partners in areas such as nutrition, innovation, and sustainable development for many years, resulting in significant business growth. This is the booth of New Zealand's two major milk powder brands, Gaopei and Hesilan, at the 3rd Consumer Expo. New Zealand is one of the earliest developed countries to sign a free trade agreement with China. last year

Kenyan scholar: The "the Belt and Road" initiative is fundamentally changing the African Belt | Initiative | Fundamentality
Kenyan scholar: The "the Belt and Road" initiative is fundamentally changing the African Belt | Initiative | Fundamentality

Recently, Peter Kagwanga, director of the Kenya African Policy Research Institute, said in an interview with People's Daily Online that the "the Belt and Road" initiative is changing Africa in a very fundamental way. "The 'the Belt and Road' initiative has put forward the idea of supporting infrastructure in Africa, and the construction of infrastructure has led to the development of other fields, which is what the initiative is doing. It is integrating all the components of sustainable development in Africa." Kagwan, taking the Mombasa Nairobi Railway in Kenya as an example, said that Kenya has one of the most advanced rail systems in East Africa. The railway extends from Nairobi to the west of the country, not only improving the travel speed of people, but also significantly reducing the time required for cargo transportation. The reduction in transportation time for commodities has provided broad development space for industrialization and stimulated regulation

How to make foreigners fall in love at first sight?, East-west Question · Dialogue between China and Foreign Countries | Qi Baishi's "Ink and wash Jianghu" Painting | Traditional Chinese Painting | Qi Baishi
How to make foreigners fall in love at first sight?, East-west Question · Dialogue between China and Foreign Countries | Qi Baishi's "Ink and wash Jianghu" Painting | Traditional Chinese Painting | Qi Baishi

Chinese painting is one of the representatives of Chinese art and a business card for Chinese culture to go global. In the current world where art is flourishing and digital technology is rapidly developing, the development of traditional Chinese painting is full of both opportunities and challenges. How is the dissemination of traditional Chinese painting overseas? How to expand the international influence of traditional Chinese painting? How can the spirit of traditional Chinese painting survive and develop in the new era? Regarding the above issues, China News Agency invited Wu Hongliang, Dean of Beijing Academy of Painting, and Cui Changyuan, Director of the Institute of Chinese Culture and Art at Qingyun University in South Korea and President of the Korean Chinese Language and Literature Research Association, to observe and engage in dialogue through the paintings of Chinese painting master Qi Baishi. Cui Changyuan stated that Qi Baishi's paintings are increasingly popular and beloved in South Korea, and cultural exchange can enhance the sense of identity between South Korea and China. Wu Hongliang also expressed that

It is not only a symbol but also a driving force. [Guangming Review] Established National Ecological Day Jinshan | Ecology | Ecological Day
It is not only a symbol but also a driving force. [Guangming Review] Established National Ecological Day Jinshan | Ecology | Ecological Day

Author: Wang Shichuan: National Ecological Day has been set! The Third Session of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress voted on June 28th to establish August 15th as National Ecological Day. The decision points out that the country carries out ecological civilization propaganda and education activities in various forms, and continuously achieves new results in promoting ecological civilization construction with the spirit of perseverance.Some people say that setting up National Ecological Day,

Liaoning Old Industrial Base Stimulates Manufacturing Vitality (Revitalization through Northeast China) Group | National | Liaoning
Liaoning Old Industrial Base Stimulates Manufacturing Vitality (Revitalization through Northeast China) Group | National | Liaoning

If you open the column, the Northeast region is an important industrial and agricultural base in my country. It is very important to maintain the strategic position of national defense security, food security, ecological security, energy security, and industrial security, which is related to the overall development of the country. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has visited the Northeast many times for investigation and research, presided over many symposiums, planned to promote the comprehensive and all-round revitalization of the Northeast, and pointed out the way forward and provided fundamental follow-up for the revitalization of the Northeast in the new era. From now on, this newspaper has launched a series of reports on "going to the Northeast to see the revitalization", showing that the cadres and masses of Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang provinces bear in mind the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and strive to write a new chapter of the revitalization of the Northeast with a new atmosphere, new responsibilities, and new achievements. Industry is the lifeblood of Liaoning's economy. Liaoning's comprehensive revitalization is based on industry and has advantages.

Rainstorm, land disaster and mountain torrent are all sent out! Attention should be paid to places like Sichuan! Panzhihua City | Disasters | Mountain Floods
Rainstorm, land disaster and mountain torrent are all sent out! Attention should be paid to places like Sichuan! Panzhihua City | Disasters | Mountain Floods

Warning upgrade! Sichuan issued the first yellow warning for mountain torrents this year. At 17:00 on July 3, the Sichuan Provincial Water Resources Department and the Sichuan Meteorological Bureau jointly issued a yellow warning for mountain torrents. This is the third consecutive mountain torrent disaster warning issued by our province after entering the main flood season, and it is also the first yellow warning of mountain torrent disaster issued by our province this year. The scope of the warning has been further expanded compared with the previous two. Early warning information shows that from 20: 00 on July 3 to 20: 00 on July 4, Mianning, Yuexi, Meigu, Zhaojue, Xide, Xichang, Puge, Butuo, Dechang, Yanyuan, Jinyang, Yanbian, Miyi, Wanyuan, Tongchuan, Dachuan, Xuanhan, Kaijiang, Dazhu, Quxian, Qianfeng, Yuechi, Guangan, Wusheng, Liangshui, Huaying and other 26 mountains