Why did the third season of the documentary "China" quickly "break out of the circle" and "go overseas"?

Release time:Apr 24, 2024 06:09 AM

Over the past two months, the third season of the documentary "China" has taken the audience back to the "childhood" of Chinese civilization with 12 episodes, using vivid and freehand visual effects, grand and delicate narrative style, and youthful trend communication methods. , quickly "going out of the circle" and "going overseas", laying a new starting point and milestone for the continuous improvement of the overseas influence of domestic documentaries. On the 15th, a seminar for the film was held in Beijing.

Yang Xiaowei, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, said that the creation and broadcast of the documentary "China" is an innovative exploration to continue the Chinese context and promote the inheritance and development of China's excellent traditional culture. He introduced that "China" is a boutique project of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television's "Recording the New Era" documentary creation and communication project. Since 2020, the General Administration has been paying attention to the creation and dissemination of this documentary, and has provided financial support, creative guidance, promotion and broadcasting, etc., striving to make it a masterpiece that innovatively displays Chinese history, inherits and promotes Chinese culture, and interprets Chinese civilization. .

Yang Haodong, member of the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department, said that the documentary "China" shows the beauty of China's history, mountains and rivers, and culture in a three-dimensional way from asking "Why China" to pursuing "China's home". It profoundly reveals the outstanding characteristics and evolutionary trajectory of Chinese civilization, explores the roots of Chinese civilization and the origin of Chinese culture, and is an innovative work that inherits and develops China's excellent traditional culture. Based on the creative inspiration of rock painting murals, the earliest art of mankind and the earliest form of writing, nearly a thousand paintings showing the images of Chinese mythological figures and ancestors were painted, allowing the cultural relics collected in museums and the heritage displayed on the vast land to be written on The words in ancient books come alive. "China" focuses on telling Chinese stories well, highlighting the "Chinese flavor" and "worldwide" in image style, narrative method, and archaeological history, opening a "window" for overseas audiences to understand the spiritual world of the Chinese nation.

Zhang Huali, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Hunan Radio, Film and Television Group Co., Ltd., said: "This symposium is likely to be a new starting point. The documentary "China" may have a fourth season."

The third season of "China" opened the second-generation copyright to the world, which greatly stimulated the creative enthusiasm of video bloggers and gave birth to a large number of second-generation short videos with millions or tens of millions of views. Zhang Yutong, blogger of the second creative editing of the documentary "China", shared her creative process on the spot. She believed that myths and legends that are full of Chinese aesthetics and mysterious colors have aroused spiritual resonance among many people. This support comes from everyone's increasing cultural confidence. . "The moral character, spiritual concepts and ideological culture contained in the excellent traditional Chinese culture will be rooted in our hearts and benefit us throughout our lives."

Liu Hanjun, director of the Literature and Art Bureau of the Central Propaganda Department, said that the third season of the documentary "China" "uses a deep thinking that connects the past and the present and reaches the heaven and earth, a kind of piety that pursues the future with caution and respects the culture, showing courtesy to the ancestors, sages and sages." Respect, this is the view of history and culture that we should have today." He said that he watched the documentary in its entirety and couldn't put it down. "Its narrative is grand, the structure is neat, and the context is clear. It is a successful exploration of continuous cultural tradition, and it is a masterpiece that can stand the test of practice."

Fan Zongchai, secretary of the branch party group, vice president and secretary-general of the China Television Artists Association, said that throughout the first to third seasons of "China", a grand narrative of the unique development path of Chinese civilization has been completed, showing the creative team and producer Hunan Radio and Television The infinite love for the glorious history and the turbulent era makes people full of respect and deserves to be carefully summarized, widely publicized and disseminated overseas.

Hu Zhifeng, vice chairman of the China Television Artists Association and professor at Beijing Normal University, expressed his recognition of the work as "refreshing" and "significant", and is eagerly looking forward to the more amazing next season. He said that documentaries are visual teaching materials that promote cultural self-confidence in the new era, and their demonstration significance in gathering the cultural consensus of the Chinese people is very important.

Zhou Youqiang, director of the Theoretical Research Office of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, said that the third season of "China" ended in a stunning way with a "leopard's tail". The work focuses on contemporary China with a view of history and the times, and uses unique artistic imagination to bring the almost vague ancient China to life. The refreshing and elegant text contains powerful and rigorous historical logic and well-founded scenarios. The description, clear narrative language, and dense story structure present the ancient Chinese people's worldview, values, and aesthetics to the audience in a smooth and flowing manner. The creative team's ingenious, innovative and creative artistic spirit is vividly displayed on the screen.

Lu Fan, director of the Audio and Video Office of the Center for Integrated Media of Peking University and deputy director of the Television Research Center of Peking University, said that the first to three seasons of "China" are both meticulous and surprising works, allowing the audience to see more "possibilities" in literary and artistic creation. ". In "reaching the broad yet subtle", it expands its vision to the entire Chinese history and ideological generation; in "the source of living water", it constructs Chinese aesthetics and Chinese values, highlighting the core driving force of "people" in history; in "life and life" In "What Is Called Easy", we interpret the origin of history with the beauty of literature and art, and promote cultural self-confidence, cultural consciousness, and cultural self-improvement through unremitting innovation.

Why did the third season of the documentary "China" quickly "break out of the circle" and "go overseas"?
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