The world

The detained President's family is still under house arrest, and Niger's coup soldiers announce the establishment of a new government
The detained President's family is still under house arrest, and Niger's coup soldiers announce the establishment of a new government

On the 10th, Niger's coup soldiers announced on national television a decree signed by their leader Abdulrahman Chiani, announcing the establishment of a new government. According to the law, the new government of Niger has a total of 21 members, including 4 women. Ali Mahaman Ramin Zene was appointed as the Prime Minister and served as the Minister of Economy and Finance of Niger from 2003 to 2010. In addition, Salif Modi was appointed as the Minister of State responsible for national defense affairs, and Mohammad Tunba was appointed as the Minister of the Interior and Public Security. According to local media reports, the 21 individuals announced this time were not members of the government before President Bazum was detained. On July 26th, some members of the Niger Presidential Guard detained Bazum. Late that night, representatives of the coup soldiers issued a television statement announcing the establishment of the National Committee for the Defense of the Motherland and the lifting of Pakistan

Taiwan, China, China Online Comment Taro Aso flees Taiwan: Any provocative act is doomed to end in failure | Time | Taro Aso
Taiwan, China, China Online Comment Taro Aso flees Taiwan: Any provocative act is doomed to end in failure | Time | Taro Aso

Taro Aso, an 82 year old Japanese politician, led a delegation to visit Taiwan, China from August 7 to 9. During his stay in Taiwan, he falsely claimed that the situation in the Taiwan Strait was "changing from ordinary times to extraordinary times".The mainland has clearly responded that Japan had colonized Taiwan for half a century and committed countless crimes, bearing serious historical responsibility towards the Chinese people. It is especially important to be cautious in words and actions, and reflect on oneself. Numerous historical facts have proven that 50 years of colonial rule was half a century of Japan's brutal enslavement and insane plunder of Taiwan, but Taiwanese compatriots have never

Can you really adapt to the "fast era"?, Slow employment for college graduates. Ye Zi | Development | Era
Can you really adapt to the "fast era"?, Slow employment for college graduates. Ye Zi | Development | Era

Recently, "slow employment" seems to have become a phenomenon of employment. What is slow employment? Several graduates have expressed that slow employment refers to the choice of college students who do not intend to immediately seek employment or continue their studies after graduation, but temporarily choose to study abroad, teach, accompany their parents at home, conduct entrepreneurial research, or take a break, slowly considering their life path. On one hand, many first and second year college students have collectively interned at large factories, while on the other hand, many graduates have actively or passively chosen "slow employment". In the increasingly fast-paced era, what are the considerations behind job seekers seeking slow employment? Is it cost-effective to actively delay graduation in exchange for fresh student status? How to choose a career when entering the workplace? Choosing slow employment is taking advantage of the situation. CDA data analyst platform career planning agent Tong Zhigang told Guoshi Direct that slow employment does not

Suzhou needs to establish local standards for Su style noodles, eating 430 tons of noodles a day. Chongqing | Su style noodles | local
Suzhou needs to establish local standards for Su style noodles, eating 430 tons of noodles a day. Chongqing | Su style noodles | local

According to the "Suzhou Release" WeChat official account, the launch conference for the standardization construction of Suzhou style noodles was held on August 8th in Zhangjiagang City, Suzhou. The formulation of the "Guidelines for the Inheritance of Suzhou style Traditional Culture and Suzhou style Noodle Making Techniques" was officially launched. How much do people in Suzhou love to eat noodles? According to the "Suzhou Release" information, the average annual employment of Suzhou style noodles in the city is about 160000 people, and the daily consumption of flour exceeds 360 tons. Noodles are made by adding 1 kilogram of flour and 2 liang of water, and people in Suzhou consume over 430 tons of Soviet style noodles every day. Through the inheritance of generations of craftsmen, Su style noodles have become one of the business cards of Jiangnan cuisine culture. Their production techniques are listed as representative projects of Suzhou's intangible cultural heritage, but they also face problems such as uneven selection of raw material processing areas, processing formulas, and production process levels. Next, relevant departments, industry associations, and leading enterprises in Suzhou style noodle shops will

Will the phenomenon of "explosive buying" still occur under the depreciation of the Japanese yen?, Chinese citizen team tour to Japan resumes news | culture | depreciation
Will the phenomenon of "explosive buying" still occur under the depreciation of the Japanese yen?, Chinese citizen team tour to Japan resumes news | culture | depreciation

On August 10th, according to the official website of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the General Office of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued a notice on resuming the business of Chinese citizens traveling as outbound group tourists to relevant countries and regions through travel agencies. According to the notice, starting from today, travel agencies and online tourism enterprises across the country will resume operating group tours and "air ticket+hotel" services for Chinese citizens traveling abroad to relevant countries and regions. Among them, Japan, South Korea, the United States, the United Kingdom, and others are all included in the third batch of recovery lists. "I've been looking forward to it for a long time," Lai Lijun, a senior leader of Jinjiang Tourism, told First Financial after the above notice was released. He said that team tour routes such as Japan will be quickly implemented, and there will be overtime in the future. The tourism industry has become one of the pillars of Japan's economy. Taking the 2019 tourism data before the pandemic, which is highly valued by the Japan National Tourism Administration, as an example

Returning to the original intention of treating diseases and saving lives, People's Daily Review: Strictly crack down on medical corruption, over a hundred hospital leaders have been investigated for corruption | in the field |
Returning to the original intention of treating diseases and saving lives, People's Daily Review: Strictly crack down on medical corruption, over a hundred hospital leaders have been investigated for corruption | in the field |

The anti-corruption efforts in the pharmaceutical industry have been deepened, and multiple hospital leaders have fallen behind in response. According to media reports, as of August 6th, the number of hospital party secretaries and deans who have been publicly reported as being investigated nationwide has reached 168. Due to statistical limitations, this number may actually be even higher. All kinds of signs indicate that the anti-corruption efforts in the medical field are unprecedented in strength and breadth, and are real. In fact, the investigation of the hospital party secretary and director does not seem sudden. According to incomplete statistics from the People's Daily Health Client, 46 hospital party secretaries and deans were investigated before April this year, and dozens of hospitals or designated retail pharmacies were fined for illegal use of medical insurance funds. In May, the National Health Commission and 14 other departments jointly issued the "Work on Correcting Unhealthy Practices in the Field of Pharmaceutical Purchasing and Sales and Medical Services in 2023"

Wang Yeqiao Was "Double Opened" by Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection | Question | Wang Yeqiao
Wang Yeqiao Was "Double Opened" by Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection | Question | Wang Yeqiao

According to the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision: Recently, with the approval of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee, the Hainan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted an investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Wang Yeqiao, former Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Hainan Agricultural Reclamation Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. After investigation, Wang Yeqiao violated political discipline and opposed organizational review; Ignoring the spirit of the central eight point regulations and integrity discipline, and illegally accepting gifts and gifts; Violating organizational discipline and failing to report personal matters in accordance with regulations; Violating work discipline and intervening in the operation activities of state-owned enterprises. Taking advantage of one's position to seek benefits for others in engineering project contracting, land approval, etc., and illegally accepting huge amounts of property. Wang Yeqiao, as a party member and leading cadre who has long held important positions in the land and resources department and the Sea Reclamation Group, lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, and regarded public power as a means of seizing it

Beijing decision: posthumously award Liu Jie as an "Outstanding Communist Party Member of Beijing", posthumously honor him with first-class merit, and evaluate him as a martyr with Han ethnicity | rescue | first-class merit
Beijing decision: posthumously award Liu Jie as an "Outstanding Communist Party Member of Beijing", posthumously honor him with first-class merit, and evaluate him as a martyr with Han ethnicity | rescue | first-class merit

From July 29 to August 2, Beijing suffered from extremely heavy rainstorm. In flood control and disaster relief work, comrades Feng Zhen, Liu Jie, Xiong Li, Liu Jianmin, and Wang Hongchun have sacrificed their precious lives to protect the safety of people's lives and property. To recognize and learn from their heroic deeds, the Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China has decided to posthumously award comrades Feng Zhen, Liu Jie, Xiong Li, and Liu Jianmin the title of "Outstanding Communist Party Member of Beijing". The Beijing Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Beijing Municipal People's Government have decided to commemorate Comrade Liu Jie and Comrade Xiong Li with first-class merit. The Beijing Municipal People's Government has designated Comrade Liu Jie, Wang Hongchun, Liu Jianmin, and Xiong Li as martyrs. Feng Zhen, male, Han ethnicity, born in December 1992 in Wenshang, Shandong Province, is a member of the Communist Party of China. Prior to his death, he was the monitor of the Special Service Class 1 at the Bei'anhe Fire Rescue Station in Haidian District, Beijing, as well as the station manager at the Xixiaoying Small Station. He is a first-class fire safety officer

My Ministry of Foreign Affairs has stated that the United States is conducting cyber espionage against Japan. China | Network | United States
My Ministry of Foreign Affairs has stated that the United States is conducting cyber espionage against Japan. China | Network | United States

Q: According to WikiLeaks, the United States has conducted cyber espionage on 35 targets in Japan, including some members of the Japanese cabinet. May I ask if the spokesperson has any comments on this? Answer: We have noticed relevant reports. The US government not only carries out large-scale, systematic, and indiscriminate cyber theft against countries around the world, but has also recently attempted to dispatch cyber military forces to relevant countries under the guise of "capability cooperation" to infiltrate their network systems. For this reason, the United States is willing to spread false information about so-called "Chinese hackers" through the media and other means, luring and coercing relevant countries, especially China's neighboring countries, to accept the US cyber military deployment. Considering that the United States possesses the world's most advanced cyber hacking technology, this approach is tantamount to "luring wolves into the house", which not only endangers the cybersecurity of relevant countries, but may also make them unknowingly

The subway signs misspelled China as Qian! Netizens Angry about Subway | Netizens | Qian
The subway signs misspelled China as Qian! Netizens Angry about Subway | Netizens | Qian

Recently, the incident of "Nanchang Subway misspelling China as Christian" has attracted the attention of netizens. According to a report from Bailu Video on August 9th, a netizen in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, posted a post claiming that the English word "China" was misspelled at Exit 3 of Wolongshan Station on Line 2 of Nanchang Subway. The exit sign was printed with "Christian", and the netizen also said that "they were first surprised and then angry when they saw it." In response, Nanchang Subway staff responded that they had received feedback from passengers that they printed a new sticker in its original place that evening. Some netizens commented that this mistake should not be unique. Recently, some netizens also found it on roadside advertising boards and university admission notices. misspelling 👇👇👇Is there a lot of typos on the introduction board of Wanli Bidao? Response from Zhuhai River Chief Office: An error occurred by the construction agency

Taiwan Air Force responds with a thrilling stunt performance. Media | Engine | Response
Taiwan Air Force responds with a thrilling stunt performance. Media | Engine | Response

The pilot made an emergency landing after circling around, and both the aircraft and the aircraft were safe.

Harbin Station, the main stream of the Songhua River, may experience a flood peak. Urgently reinforce the embankment! Tonight's rainfall | Kanu | Main stream
Harbin Station, the main stream of the Songhua River, may experience a flood peak. Urgently reinforce the embankment! Tonight's rainfall | Kanu | Main stream

Central Meteorological Station: "Kanu" will bring strong rainfall to Jilin, Heilongjiang and other regions △ The Central Meteorological Station of the CCTV Finance and Economics "On schedule Finance and Economics" column video predicted that, affected by the 6th typhoon "Kanu" this year, from today on, some regions in eastern Jilin, Heilongjiang and other regions will have heavy to rainstorm, and local heavy rainstorm. The Central Meteorological Observatory issued a blue typhoon warning and a blue rainstorm warning this morning. There will be a significant rainfall in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and Shandong in the next two days. Meteorological experts remind that the wind and rain affected area of typhoon "Kanu" in the future is highly overlapped with the area where rainstorm and flood disasters occurred in Heilongjiang and Jilin provinces in the early stage, so the pressure of flood control and flood control is great. It is suggested to make preparations in advance to deal with floods, mountain torrents, geological disasters, urban and rural waterlogging in small and medium-sized rivers. Rainstorm Red Warning Signal Issued by Heilongjiang Meteorological Observatory

Zheng Guoxue, former member of the Jilin Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, sentenced to 16 years in prison project | RMB | Zheng Guoxue
Zheng Guoxue, former member of the Jilin Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, sentenced to 16 years in prison project | RMB | Zheng Guoxue

On August 10, 2023, the Intermediate People's Court of Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture, Jilin Province publicly announced the case of Zheng Guoxue, former member of the Standing Committee of the Jilin Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the United Front Work Department, accepting bribes and abusing his power in accordance with the law. Zheng Guoxue was sentenced to thirteen years in prison for the crime of bribery and fined 1.5 million yuan in gold and silver; Offending the crime of abuse of power, sentenced to five years in prison, with a combined punishment for several crimes. The decision is made to sentence the sentence to sixteen years in prison and impose a fine of 1.5 million yuan; The defendant Zheng Guoxue's illegal gains and profits from bribery shall be recovered in accordance with the law, and the remaining amount of RMB 1074451 shall continue to be recovered. After trial, it was found that from 2002 to 2019, the defendant Zheng Guoxue served as the Deputy Director and Director of the Management Committee of Jilin Economic and Technological Development Zone, as well as Jilin Province

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is answering questions from the United States and Taiwan regarding the signing of the so-called "US Taiwan 21st Century Trade Initiative Phase I Agreement Implementation Act"
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is answering questions from the United States and Taiwan regarding the signing of the so-called "US Taiwan 21st Century Trade Initiative Phase I Agreement Implementation Act"

Q: On the 7th, the White House website announced that President Biden signed the so-called "Implementation Act for the First Phase of the US Taiwan 21st Century Trade Initiative" into law. What is the spokesperson's comment on this? A: China has always firmly opposed any form of official exchanges between countries that have established diplomatic relations and Taiwan, China, China, including the negotiation and signing of any agreements with sovereignty implications and official nature.The Chinese side is unwavering in its determination to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity. We urge the US to immediately change course, repeal the so-called "bill", stop advancing the "initiative" negotiations, and not go further on the wrong path.

At least 36 people died, a sudden fire broke out! Tourist Town Transforms into Ruins and Wildfires | Sea Area | Town
At least 36 people died, a sudden fire broke out! Tourist Town Transforms into Ruins and Wildfires | Sea Area | Town

According to Agence France Presse on August 10th, a local government department reported that a wildfire that flattened a small town in Hawaii, USA, has caused at least 36 deaths. Desperate people jumped into the sea to avoid the rapidly spreading fire. In a previous report by Agence France Presse, it was reported that at least 12 people were rescued from the water by US Coast Guard officers as emergency rescue agencies were overwhelmed by the seemingly unforeseeable disaster. "We are still in search and rescue mode, so I don't know how this number will change," said Richard Bison, the mayor of Maui County in Hawaii, at a press conference. Hawaii's Lieutenant Governor Sylvia Luke issued an emergency announcement, stating that the hospital system on Maui Island is "overwhelmed by receiving too many patients with burns and inhaling smoke.". She said, "91."

Zhaxi Jicai in Shigatse, Xizang: Let the "special effects" of intangible cultural heritage show new vitality in the new era
Zhaxi Jicai in Shigatse, Xizang: Let the "special effects" of intangible cultural heritage show new vitality in the new era

On August 10 in Shigatse, China News Network ( Zhaxiji Colours in Shigatse, Xizang: Let intangible cultural heritage "stunts" show new vitality in the new era. Gongsanglum, a reporter from Shigatse, China News Network (, "grabs a little highland barley on the left with his thumb, index finger and middle finger, and sprinkles three times up, and then grabs a little tsamba on the right, and sprinkles three times up." Lucky Chema, highland barley wine, Hada... Labaqiongda, director of Zhaxiji Colours Gold, Silver and Copper Factory in Shigatse, Xizang, dressed in a solemn Tibetan costume, is introducing Tibetan traditional customs to visiting collectors. The picture shows Zaxiji color craftsmen making characteristic warm pots. Gongsanglum Shezhaxijicai Gold and Silver Bronze Ware Factory is located in Zhaxijicai Community, Sangzhuzi District, Shigatse City. Recently, when the reporter walked into the "courtyard style" processing factory of Zhaxiji Color, the craftsmen in the factory were tinkling and tinkling to make local silver and bronze ware, with exquisite carving skills

Create a new engine for high-quality joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" Chongqing | Channel | Engine
Create a new engine for high-quality joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" Chongqing | Channel | Engine

Chongqing Guoyuan Port is the largest intermodal transportation hub port for railways, highways, and waterways in China's inland rivers, as well as an important pivot for the western land sea new corridor. The picture shows the overall view of the Orchard Port. Recently, we imported 38 TEUs of Thai longan through the China Laos International Express, which only took 9 days to transport, saving 5 days and more than 30% of costs. Deng Haoji, Chief Operating Officer of Hongjiu Fruit, said that the company has operated 16 factories in countries such as Thailand and Vietnam. The next step is to rely on the logistics network of the western land sea new channel and build a fruit distribution center in Chongqing, further expanding the market of ASEAN countries. From the "Chongqing Guangxi New" multimodal transportation in 2017 to the "southbound channel" and then to the upgrade to the national strategic western land sea new channel in 2019, the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2022 clearly stated that

A number of economic data performed poorly in July, Taiwan's Federation of Labor and Industry called for the resumption of cross-strait pragmatic exchanges and economic development | Taiwan | Economy
A number of economic data performed poorly in July, Taiwan's Federation of Labor and Industry called for the resumption of cross-strait pragmatic exchanges and economic development | Taiwan | Economy

Taipei, August 9th (Xinhua) - The economic data released by Taiwan authorities for July has shown poor performance.The statistics department of the Taiwan authorities announced on the 9th that Taiwan's CPI in July increased by 1.88% compared to the same period last year, slightly expanding compared to June; The CPI in the first seven months of this year increased by 2.26% compared to the same period last year. Officials from the department stated that the year-on-year increase in CPI in July was mainly due to the demand for leisure and entertainment driving up entertainment service prices, as well as the rise in prices of meat, takeout fees, rent, personal care service fees, and medical expenses. It is worth noting that, excluding factors such as vegetable and energy prices, the core CPI increased by 2.73% year-on-year, reaching a high in nearly half a year,

Hong Kong participates in the construction of the "the Belt and Road" and goes deep and solid | One Belt | Hong Kong
Hong Kong participates in the construction of the "the Belt and Road" and goes deep and solid | One Belt | Hong Kong

The picture shows the participants at the 7th "the Belt and Road" Summit Forum in Hong Kong conducting business docking. Photographed by Li Zhihua, a reporter from China News Service, "This year marks the 10th anniversary of the initiative of jointly building the the Belt and Road. Over the past 10 years, the joint construction of the the Belt and Road has achieved substantial and impressive achievements, and Hong Kong's participation in and assistance in the joint construction of the the Belt and Road have also made remarkable achievements." Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant departments, held the sixth joint meeting with the Hong Kong SAR government to support Hong Kong's full participation in and assistance to the construction of the the Belt and Road. In the opinion of Guo Lanfeng, a member of the Party Leadership Group of the National Development and Reform Commission, Hong Kong has the unique advantage of "relying on the motherland and connecting to the world", and it is promising to deeply participate in the construction of the "the Belt and Road". Since the "the Belt and Road" initiative was put forward, Hong Kong has been closely followed and actively responded

Macau Youth Makers Embrace High Quality Development Opportunities in Mainland China | Chen Zhenjie | Youth
Macau Youth Makers Embrace High Quality Development Opportunities in Mainland China | Chen Zhenjie | Youth

Qingdao, August 9th (Xinhua) - Unlike most young people in Macau, Chen Zhenjie did not choose to find a job in finance, tourism, or government agencies after graduating from university. Born in Macau and studying in mainland China, he chose to become an entrepreneur in the field of technology. 31 year old Chen Zhenjie has nearly 10 years of entrepreneurial experience. In 2014, while still pursuing a postgraduate degree at Peking University, he and his classmates founded "Extreme Vision" company in Macau, focusing on the development and application of artificial intelligence visual algorithms. The following year, he moved his company to Shenzhen and became a "maker" in the Greater Bay Area. In 2021, he continued to move north and settled the headquarters of this enterprise, which already has thousands of users, in Qingdao, Shandong, actively participating in the high-quality development of the mainland's technology industry. In Chen Zhenjie's view, "high-quality development" means an increase in reliance on technological elements.

Ethiopia is committed to the success of the "the Belt and Road" Belt | China | Ethiopia
Ethiopia is committed to the success of the "the Belt and Road" Belt | China | Ethiopia

Studying in China, speaking fluent Chinese and familiar with Chinese culture, Muratu Tshome has served as the President of Ethiopia, Minister of State for Economic Development and Cooperation, and Ambassador to China. A few days ago, the large-scale transnational financial media reporting activity of "the Belt and Road" of People's Daily Online entered Ethiopia and interviewed Mulatu exclusively. Muratu Teshome accepted an exclusive interview with People's Daily Online. Photo by Chen Xingxing, a journalist from People's Daily Online: "Egypt China cooperation is not a flash in the pan." Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Ethiopia in 1970, the relationship between the two countries has developed well and they are comprehensive strategic partners, making it a model of China Africa exchanges. Muratu recalled that in the development of bilateral relations, cooperation in the fields of trade and investment, especially Chinese enterprises going to Ethiopia for business or participating in Ethiopia's infrastructure construction, was the most beneficial for both countries. Muratu said, "These fields are..."

"A Little Grass" Opens "Happiness Flower" Fungus on the "the Belt and Road" | United Nations | A Grass
"A Little Grass" Opens "Happiness Flower" Fungus on the "the Belt and Road" | United Nations | A Grass

The original "small grass" bloomed "happy flowers" on the "the Belt and Road" in midsummer. In the campus of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, a four to five meter high fungus forest grew luxuriantly against the scorching sun. A batch of mushroom grass, deer antler and ganoderma lucidum, are growing rapidly under the shade of the mushroom grass forest. Lin Zhanxu, a researcher at Fujian A&F University and chief scientist at the National Fungal Grass Engineering Technology Research Center, along with international student David, are inspecting the growth of this batch of fungal grass, Antlers Ganoderma lucidum, in the cultivation room. Half a century ago, in order to help impoverished farmers lift themselves out of poverty and protect the ecological environment, Lin Zhanxu invented the mushroom grass technology of "replacing wood with grass" to cultivate edible mushrooms. Over the years, this "small yet beautiful, quick to take effect, and beneficial to people's livelihoods" technology has spread from Fujian to the whole country and to the world. A "Happiness Grass" - Let many countries along the "the Belt and Road" put

Commentator on "India insists on doing its own thing" | Author | India
Commentator on "India insists on doing its own thing" | Author | India

On August 8, Nihon Keizai Shimbun published an article entitled "India Insists on" Going Our Own Way "by Hiroyuki Akita, a commentator of the newspaper. The article excerpt is as follows: The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has deepened the cracks in the international community, and India's attitude has received increasing attention. This is because the position of India, the world's most populous country, will largely influence the balance of international power. Indian Prime Minister Modi is also strongly aware of the increasing presence in India. In late July, the author visited the Indian capital New Delhi and saw billboards adorned with the logo of the G20 summit all over the streets. This is a promotion for the G20 summit to be held in New Delhi in early September. India hopes to use the successful hosting of the G20 as a springboard to consolidate the position of leaders in emerging and developing countries. The problem is, India will have to leave in the future

Will the express delivery industry become increasingly competitive in the second half of the year?, Behind 550 billion yuan, service war quietly kicks off revenue | express delivery | service war
Will the express delivery industry become increasingly competitive in the second half of the year?, Behind 550 billion yuan, service war quietly kicks off revenue | express delivery | service war

As China's economy and society fully resume normal operation, the overall logistics demand in China has shown a mild recovery, with the express delivery business returning to steady growth. The National Postal Administration released the "June 2023 China Express Development Index Report", which showed that in the first half of the year, the express delivery business volume exceeded 60 billion pieces, with a year-on-year growth rate of over 17%. The express delivery business revenue is expected to exceed 550 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth rate of about 11.5%. In the first half of the year, SF Express Holdings continued to rank first with a revenue of 122.4 billion yuan, while YTO's market share surpassed Yunda and climbed to second place. Shentong, on the other hand, achieved a business volume of 7.731 billion votes... From the currently announced performance, major express delivery companies have their own strengths and weaknesses, but their single ticket price trends are surprisingly consistent, reflecting the undercurrent of the express delivery industry

The presidential candidate unfortunately died, with gunshots raising slogans | Sports Center | Candidate
The presidential candidate unfortunately died, with gunshots raising slogans | Sports Center | Candidate

On August 9th, an election rally was held in the Anderson School Gymnasium in Quito, the capital of Ecuador. At 18:20 in the evening, the event ended and presidential candidate Fernando Villavesensio walked towards his car under the escort of security personnel. Gunshots erupted, and three men wearing black clothes, masks, and hats shot at him as he entered the back seat of the car. The video shows that the gunman fired at least 12 shots. A police officer quickly closed the door behind him, trying to protect him. Gunshots rang out one after another, and the sports arena where the election rally was held was bloodstained on the ground. The scene was in chaos... Apart from Villavesensio, eight people were injured. The gunman took advantage of the chaos to escape and even drove over a police officer· The accident scene was a mess· When people hear gunshots

Tsai Ing wen expands the program "Guardians" | Gendarmerie | Tsai Ing wen
Tsai Ing wen expands the program "Guardians" | Gendarmerie | Tsai Ing wen

In response to the possible beheading of senior members of the Democratic Progressive Party, including Tsai Ing wen, in future military conflicts, the Taiwanese "gendarmerie" known as the "escort team" will establish a "gendarmerie" battalion in the Southern District Office in Taipei City, with the size of the troops expanding from 5600 to 11000. Why expand the "Guard Team" and deploy it to Taipei? Taiwan's withdrawal will expose the true intention of Tsai Ing wen's cruelty and malice."This is a very cruel thing!" Shuai Huamin emphasized, "What does the supervising team do?"? If the timid Taiwanese army runs backwards, the commanding team will use machine guns to escort the formation from behind

Using the strictest system and the strictest rule of law to protect the ecological environment and safeguard the environmental rights and interests of the people
Using the strictest system and the strictest rule of law to protect the ecological environment and safeguard the environmental rights and interests of the people

CCTV News: The Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate jointly released the Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Application of Law in Handling Criminal Cases of Environmental Pollution on August 9th. According to the revision of the Criminal Law and in response to new issues in judicial practice, the Interpretation punishes environmental pollution crimes in accordance with the law, providing strong judicial protection for the comprehensive promotion of the construction of a beautiful China. The judicial interpretation released this time has made clear provisions on the conviction and sentencing standards for the crime of environmental pollution, the rules for handling environmental data falsification, and the rules for balancing leniency and severity in handling criminal cases of environmental pollution. Some environmental pollution crimes can be sentenced to more than seven years in prison. According to the revised Criminal Law, judicial interpretations clearly state that key protected areas, such as drinking water source protection zones and core protected areas of nature reserves, that are determined by law, are protected

Multiple emergency repair and supply teams are working hard to repair electricity. The electricity load in the main urban area of Zhuozhou has reached over 90% before the disaster, and the flood control and disaster relief efforts are underway
Multiple emergency repair and supply teams are working hard to repair electricity. The electricity load in the main urban area of Zhuozhou has reached over 90% before the disaster, and the flood control and disaster relief efforts are underway

CCTV News: Flood control and disaster relief work is being intensified in North China, Northeast China and other regions. State Grid of China has organized multiple emergency repair and supply guarantee teams to fully carry out power restoration work, accelerating the recovery of power facilities in disaster stricken areas. On August 9th, Beijing held a press conference on the situation of flood prevention and disaster relief work. The extremely heavy rainstorm has seriously damaged the infrastructure in mountainous areas. State Grid Beijing Electric Power has quickly organized personnel and allocated materials to carry out emergency repair work. On August 4th, power supply was restored to 16 residential areas. As of 18:00 on August 8th, except for 9 villages relocated, all villages have resumed formal or temporary power supply. The emergency repair and restoration work in Hebei, Heilongjiang, Jilin and other places is also accelerating. The power supply of the main urban area of Zhuozhou has been basically restored, and the electricity load has reached over 90% of the pre disaster level. As of 17:00 on the 9th, villages in rural areas have experienced power outages due to disasters

Medical institutions in Zhuozhou, Hebei Province have orderly resumed normal diagnosis and treatment services. Disaster situation | Hospital | Zhuozhou, Hebei Province
Medical institutions in Zhuozhou, Hebei Province have orderly resumed normal diagnosis and treatment services. Disaster situation | Hospital | Zhuozhou, Hebei Province

CCTV News: Currently, large comprehensive hospitals in Zhuozhou City, Baoding, Hebei Province have resumed normal diagnosis and treatment, and community health service centers and township health centers are also resuming diagnosis and treatment services in an orderly manner. After the disaster, the Second Central Hospital of Baoding City, located in the urban area of Zhuozhou, quickly activated the emergency plan, expanded the emergency green channel, and included trapped people, resettlement personnel, and rescue personnel to ensure that patients receive treatment as soon as possible. Diaowo Town, where Zhuozhou Fanyang Hospital is located, is one of the areas that have been severely affected by the disaster. After the disaster, Fanyang Hospital actively resumed work and follow-up visits with the help of rescue personnel. Starting from August 5th, medical consultations have been fully resumed here. Currently, 246 disaster affected individuals have been admitted for free hospitalization. Shuangta Community is one of the larger communities in the urban area of Zhuozhou, with a permanent population of over 70000 people.

Disappearing for over 40 years, reappearing in Qinghai to recreate the endangered and rare fish basin on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau | Fish | Qinghai Tibet Plateau
Disappearing for over 40 years, reappearing in Qinghai to recreate the endangered and rare fish basin on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau | Fish | Qinghai Tibet Plateau

Recently, the reporter learned from the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Supervision Bureau of Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province that the unique and rare fish species of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau, the slender tailed catfish, has reappeared after disappearing for more than 40 years in the Lancang River basin, the source of the three rivers in China. It is reported that the Northwest Plateau Biology Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, together with the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Law Enforcement Bureau of Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Law Enforcement Department of Nangqian County, carried out relevant fish resources investigation and germplasm collection in the Nangqian section of Zhaqu basin in the upper reaches of the Lancang River in the source region of the three rivers in China, and found for the first time the endangered and rare fish in the upper reaches of the Lancang River, Siphophorus tenuis. According to researcher Zhao Kai, doctoral supervisor of the Northwest Plateau Biology Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Siphophora tenuis is a unique fish in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau and the only carnivorous benthic native fish in the source basin of the three rivers of the Lancang River. It has strict requirements on the habitat environment and is an indirect reflection of the water body