The world

How can the Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Anti epidemic Medical Team in Cambodia create a new model for foreign aid? Task | China | Medical Team
How can the Chinese Traditional Chinese Medicine Anti epidemic Medical Team in Cambodia create a new model for foreign aid? Task | China | Medical Team

The Chinese side has also specially formulated a three-step orderly linkage mechanism of "advance group, short-term expert group, and long-term medical team", which is unprecedented in China's foreign medical aid tasks implemented in other countries and regions in the past. China News Agency full text word count: 2411. Estimated reading time: 9 minutes. On May 17th, the first Chinese medical team to aid Cambodia in the fight against the epidemic successfully completed its mission and returned to China. In January 2022, China and Cambodia signed an agreement between the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of China and the Ministry of Health of Cambodia on dispatching traditional Chinese medicine anti epidemic medical teams to work in Cambodia. According to the agreement, China will dispatch a traditional Chinese medicine anti epidemic medical team to Cambodia. What is the special background and significance of this aid mission to Cambodia? What role does traditional Chinese medicine play in assisting Cambodia in its fight against the epidemic? Chinese Medicine Anti Epidemic Medical Team Assisted in Cambodia

Out of control, Autonomous Beauty Drone with AI System | Human | AI
Out of control, Autonomous Beauty Drone with AI System | Human | AI

According to the Hong Kong Asia Times website on June 5th, during a surprising simulation exercise, a US autonomous weapon system defied operator instructions during combat operations, raising questions about the increasing use of artificial intelligence in warfare. According to reports, this month, the "Theater" column under the "Driving" website in the United States reported that Colonel Tucker Hamilton, who is responsible for AI testing and combat research in the United States Air Force, described a simulation exercise during the Future Combat Aerospace Capabilities Summit held by the Royal Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics in London in May. In the simulation exercise, a drone equipped with an AI system is tasked with air defense suppression of enemy ground to air missile launch points, and the final combat command will be issued by the drone operator. Hamilton pointed out that during the exercise, AI believed that

The Chinese Consulate has issued a reminder! Travel Certificate | Passport | Consulate
The Chinese Consulate has issued a reminder! Travel Certificate | Passport | Consulate

On June 10, the WeChat official account, "the Consulate General of the People's Republic of China in Los Angeles", issued a reminder about Chinese citizens who came to the United States through abnormal channels to apply for a replacement passport: recently, Chinese citizens entered the United States through abnormal channels and lost their personal passports. Many of them, due to the lack of valid identification documents, legal status in the United States, and no economic income, have difficulty living locally, or their actual situation after coming to the United States is far lower than expected. They are forced to choose to return to their home country and apply for passports and travel permits from the Consulate General. The Consulate General in Los Angeles reminds Chinese citizens in the consular area to come to the United States through legal channels with valid Chinese passports and US visas, ensuring that the purpose of coming to the United States is consistent with the type of visa held, and avoiding entry obstacles and other issues. 2、 The passport of the People's Republic of China is a document used by Chinese citizens to enter and exit the country and to prove their nationality and identity while abroad

【 Li Xiang China 】 Chinese civilization is constantly evolving and peaceful through inclusiveness | China | Chinese civilization
【 Li Xiang China 】 Chinese civilization is constantly evolving and peaceful through inclusiveness | China | Chinese civilization

In his important speech at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly expounded the five outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization, namely, continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness, and peace. this paper comprehensively and systematically expounds the major theoretical and practical problems of the inheritance and development of Chinese culture, and provides a fundamental basis for us to deeply understand the internal mechanism and development motivation of Chinese civilization. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that there are many important elements of Chinese excellent traditional culture, which together shape the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization. Chinese culture has a long history, and Chinese civilization is broad and profound. The ancient civilization inherited for thousands of years accumulates the deepest spiritual pursuit of the Chinese nation, represents the unique spiritual identity of the Chinese nation, and provides rich nourishment for the continuous growth and development of the Chinese nation. Chinese excellent traditional literature

【 Li Xiang China 】 Building Modern Civilization and Culture of the Chinese Nation through Strengthening Cultural Confidence and Self Strengthening | China | The Chinese Nation
【 Li Xiang China 】 Building Modern Civilization and Culture of the Chinese Nation through Strengthening Cultural Confidence and Self Strengthening | China | The Chinese Nation

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, from the perspective of the overall strategy for the development of the party and the country, made a comprehensive, systematic and in-depth exposition of a series of major theoretical and practical issues in the inheritance and development of Chinese culture, and put forward a series of major conclusions. It points out the direction for building a modern civilization of the Chinese nation and a socialist cultural power. Cultural self-confidence helps create a new form of human civilization. Chinese culture has a long history and Chinese civilization is extensive and profound. Based on the new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, a new historical position of China's development, only a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the history of Chinese civilization can we more effectively promote the creative transformation and innovative development of Chinese excellent traditional culture, and more effectively promote the construction of socialist culture with Chinese characteristics To build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation. Coming from historical China

The Historical and Global Significance of the "Second Combination" in China | Culture | Global Significance
The Historical and Global Significance of the "Second Combination" in China | Culture | Global Significance

Culture is crucial to the development of our country. At a new historical starting point, vigorously promoting cultural prosperity, building a strong cultural nation, and building a modern civilization of the Chinese nation are the new cultural missions of the new era.

The Historical Background and Contemporary Construction of Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation | Culture | The Chinese Nation
The Historical Background and Contemporary Construction of Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation | Culture | The Chinese Nation

On June 2, General Secretary Xi Jinping attended the cultural inheritance and development symposium and delivered an important speech, clearly putting forward the grand goal of "creating a new culture of our era and building a modern civilization of the Chinese nation. In order to accomplish this historical task, we must base ourselves on reality, look back on the past, focus on the future, grasp the rich historical connotation of Chinese civilization, and realize another historic "Phoenix Nirvana" of the Chinese nation in the baptism of Chinese-style modernization. in order to construct the modern civilization form of the Chinese nation. The construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation requires a profound and rich historical background. One of the outstanding characteristics of Chinese civilization is its continuity. There are four ancient civilizations in the world, namely ancient Babylon, ancient Egypt, ancient India and China. Only Chinese civilization continues to this day in the form of a state. Chinese civilization was able

Co drawing a Beautiful China Update Scroll, 【 Geographical Evaluation Line 】 Guisheng Online Review: Building a "Green Barrier" in China | Ecology | Guisheng
Co drawing a Beautiful China Update Scroll, 【 Geographical Evaluation Line 】 Guisheng Online Review: Building a "Green Barrier" in China | Ecology | Guisheng

He emphasized the need to shoulder the mission bravely, not be afraid of hardships, and work hard for a long time to create a new miracle in China's sand prevention and control in the new era, to build the green barrier of thousands of miles in the northern region of the motherland more firmly, and to achieve greater success in building a beautiful China. A good ecology is what the people hope for. From 2005 to 2022, the National Plan for Desertification Prevention and Control has been continuously updated, and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China attaches great importance to desertification prevention and control work, making it the main task of desertification prevention and control. The key governance areas have achieved a historic transformation from "sand in and people out" to "green in and sand out", and the desert

Let the flowers of the spiritual home shine more brilliantly, according to the evaluation line. Litchi Visual Evaluation: Emphasizing both protection and inheritance of culture | Protection | Spiritual Home
Let the flowers of the spiritual home shine more brilliantly, according to the evaluation line. Litchi Visual Evaluation: Emphasizing both protection and inheritance of culture | Protection | Spiritual Home

Special commentator/Su Xiaoxuan, June 10th, 2023 is "Cultural and Natural Heritage Day". This year's theme is "Cultural Relics Protection and Utilization and Cultural Confidence and Self Strengthening" and "Strengthening the Systematic Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage to Promote Sustainable Development". In recent days, various regions and departments have carried out a series of exhibition activities, further enhancing the people's awareness of intangible cultural heritage protection, creating a good social atmosphere for intangible cultural heritage protection, and better inheriting and promoting excellent traditional Chinese culture. History is the carrier of culture, and culture is the bloodline of history. Key activities such as the National Intangible Cultural Heritage Quyi Week, the 20th anniversary commemoration of the Convention for the Protection of Intangible Cultural Heritage, and the Cloud Tour Intangible Cultural Heritage · Image Exhibition will be held. With the support of intangible cultural heritage related venues, public cultural institutions, scenic spots, etc., a wide range of intangible cultural heritage exhibitions, interactive exchanges, and observation experiences will be carried out. This year's exhibition activities

Why have there been intensive interactions between high-level officials from China and the United States recently? Track | Responsibilities. Here it is | China and the United States
Why have there been intensive interactions between high-level officials from China and the United States recently? Track | Responsibilities. Here it is | China and the United States

"I am the representative of the Chinese people, and it is my sacred duty to come to defend China's interests. I am the envoy of the Chinese people, and I come to enhance exchanges and cooperation between China and the United States, which is my important mission." On May 23, the newly appointed Chinese Ambassador to the United States, Xie Feng, delivered the aforementioned speech after arriving in New York. In recent times, "exchange", "contact", and "communication" have become high-frequency terms in China US relations, and the international community's expectations for the recovery of bilateral relations have increased.However,

During her visit to China, she proposed that Honduras apply to join the BRICS New Development Bank for development | Honduras | Country
During her visit to China, she proposed that Honduras apply to join the BRICS New Development Bank for development | Honduras | Country

According to Reuters, on the evening of June 9th, the office of Honduras President Castro tweeted that during a meeting with Dilma Rousseff, the President of the New Development Bank of the BRICS, Castro had officially applied for Honduras to join the institution. Castro is currently on a six day visit to China. The New Development Bank, headquartered in Shanghai, is a multilateral development bank jointly established by Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa in 2015. Its aim is to mobilize resources for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in emerging economies such as the BRICS and developing countries, and to contribute to global growth and development as a multilateral and regional financial institution. In 2021, the New Development Bank launched an expansion to include Bangladesh, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Uruguay as new member countries

He plans to be promoted to the main hall, and two new deputy mayors will be appointed in deputy provincial cities! Appointment and dismissal after returning from three years of aid to Xinjiang | Work | Deputy provincial level
He plans to be promoted to the main hall, and two new deputy mayors will be appointed in deputy provincial cities! Appointment and dismissal after returning from three years of aid to Xinjiang | Work | Deputy provincial level

On June 9th, the 10th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 15th People's Congress of Wuhan City voted to approve personnel appointment and removal matters. Appoint Meng Hui and Wang Yuancheng as Vice Mayors of Wuhan Municipal People's Government. Meng Hui was born in May 1970 in Yancheng, Jiangsu. He is a member of the Democratic Progressive Party, holds a doctoral degree, and is a senior engineer. Formerly served as the Chief Engineer of Wuhan Construction Engineering Quality Supervision Station, Deputy Director of Wuhan Audit Bureau, and Deputy District Mayor of Jianghan District. In 2015, he was appointed as the Director of Wuhan Education Bureau. In January 2022, he was elected as the Vice Chairman of Wuhan Political Consultative Conference. He is also a member of the Standing Committee of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a member of the Central Committee of the Democratic Progressive Party, a deputy chairman of the Hubei Provincial Committee, and a chairman of the Wuhan Municipal Committee. Wang Yuancheng was born in January 1968 in Zigui, Hubei. He holds a master's degree in economics from a university and started working in July 1987

The primary task is this, Terry Gou: If given the opportunity to work for 4 years, Ko Wen je | Kinmen | Terry Gou
The primary task is this, Terry Gou: If given the opportunity to work for 4 years, Ko Wen je | Kinmen | Terry Gou

After failing to win the nomination for Taiwan leaders by the Kuomintang in 2024, Terry Gou's subsequent actions have attracted much attention. Today, he changed into a camouflage vest and visited the "Exotic Story Museum" in Zhongzhen New Village, Pingzhen District, Taoyuan City, as well as visited the Charming Golden Triangle business district. When Guo Taiming mentioned his experience as a forerunner in Kinmen, he experienced the ruthlessness of artillery fire. At that time, the shells hit their positions and flew over their heads, only then did he know

Draw out the "three key points" for flood prevention, and activate the fourth level emergency response for flood prevention! Emergency Consultation between the National Defense Administration and the Ministry of Emergency Management, Southern Rainfall Personnel | Measures | Office of the National Defense Administration
Draw out the "three key points" for flood prevention, and activate the fourth level emergency response for flood prevention! Emergency Consultation between the National Defense Administration and the Ministry of Emergency Management, Southern Rainfall Personnel | Measures | Office of the National Defense Administration

On June 10th, the General Office of Flood Control and the Ministry of Emergency Management organized a special video conference on flood prevention for scheduling. It is predicted that large floods may occur in the Pearl River, Minjiang River and other basins during the main flood season this year. The recent heavy rainfall is mainly concentrated in the southeast, south and southwest parts of China, and rainstorm or heavy rainstorm occurs locally. The Central Meteorological Observatory continues to issue yellow rainstorm warnings today, so the flood control situation is not optimistic. The meeting emphasized the need to strengthen the three links of consultation and judgment, early warning release, and response linkage. Rolling organizing the joint consultation, research and judgment, putting forward targeted prevention and response measures and suggestions, highlighting the short-term and imminent early warning of rainstorm, earnestly implementing the disaster early warning "call response" mechanism that directly reaches the grass-roots responsible person, constantly consolidating the early warning information and emergency response linkage mechanism, presetting rescue forces and materials in advance, and carrying out timely emergency handling; We need to focus on the full force team

I actually brought the wrong passport, it's embarrassing! Online rumor that Messi arrived in Beijing and was stranded at the airport due to visa issues. Fans | Personal | Messi
I actually brought the wrong passport, it's embarrassing! Online rumor that Messi arrived in Beijing and was stranded at the airport due to visa issues. Fans | Personal | Messi

Today, there is a news online that football king Messi is trapped at Beijing Airport! This has driven the fans crazy. According to the plan, Messi arrived in Beijing this morning by private plane, accompanied by his "bodyguard" De Paul, as well as well-known football stars Di Maria, Enzo, and Paredes. Because Messi has dual citizenship and holds both Argentine and Spanish passports. According to the revised Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Argentine Republic on Facilitating the Visa Application for Tourists and the Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of the Argentine Republic on Facilitating the Visa Application for Business Personnel, China and Argentina will apply for a ten-year valid, multiple entry tourist and business visa for eligible citizens of both countries from June 15, 2017. As of now, China and 1

But was "trapped" in the trap of "online lending"?, Create a mobile phone package for mobile | finance | package
But was "trapped" in the trap of "online lending"?, Create a mobile phone package for mobile | finance | package

I wanted to set up a mobile phone package with a low monthly rent, but I got a series of "sets" and was unwittingly "bought" an Internet loan financial product with installment payment. Mr. Wu is a salesperson who wants to apply for a lower monthly rental phone card due to business needs. On May 22nd, he came to a Guangdong Telecom business hall in Tianhe District, Guangzhou to inquire about business. The salesperson introduced several packages, with a minimum of 99 yuan. Mr. Wu thinks it's too expensive. After multiple inquiries, the salesperson said there is a package with a monthly rent of 39 yuan. The set meal started like this. The first "set": The "package" includes elderly phones. The mobile phone package usually includes calls, data, and text messages, but Mr. Wu's "package" includes a mobile phone. After he signed various documents and took photos, the salesperson took out an elderly phone

Is the child's vaccination certificate stamped with a "death certificate special seal"? Latest response from the hospital: Apologize and suspend the child involved | Hospital | Special seal
Is the child's vaccination certificate stamped with a "death certificate special seal"? Latest response from the hospital: Apologize and suspend the child involved | Hospital | Special seal

On the 10th, Chengdu Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital issued a statement in response to the online rumor that "infant vaccination certificates were stamped with a special seal for death certificates". The hospital and the staff involved felt deeply responsible for this and replaced the documents on the same day. They sincerely apologized to the parents of newborns and obtained understanding. The hospital has suspended the parties involved and will handle them in accordance with the facts and regulations. On the 9th, a citizen of Chengdu posted a video stating that their child was born on the 3rd at the Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Hospital of Chengdu First People's Hospital. When the hospital applied for a vaccination certificate for the child, they even stamped the official seal with a "death certificate special seal". Mr. Wang, the father of the child, said that the hospital staff said "the lid was wrong", but no one apologized to them. Ms. Zou, who is still giving birth, claimed to have found the hospital and demanded an apology and compensation from the party and management personnel

All have been captured, the tomb raiding group is wearing stolen dragon robes to take photos and show off the stolen | cultural relics | tomb raiding
All have been captured, the tomb raiding group is wearing stolen dragon robes to take photos and show off the stolen | cultural relics | tomb raiding

The Han Dynasty pottery Gui, the Ming Dynasty Hongzhi 18th year Xiao Pei tomb epitaph, the Qing Dynasty Five Claw Dragon Robe... These stolen cultural relics all come from the same group of tomb robbers. This group of tomb robbers has been wandering in multiple provinces such as Guangxi, Guangdong, Jiangxi, Anhui, Gansu, and Guizhou for the past six years, excavating over 40 ancient tombs and over a hundred cultural relics, which can be described as having a notorious reputation. With the unremitting efforts of the public security organs in Guilin, Guangxi, all the suspect involved in the case have been arrested and brought to justice, and the relevant cultural relics have also been recovered. Over 40 ancient tombs were excavated in the past 6 years. Huangge Town, Nansha District, Guangzhou faces the vast Shiziyang and the Pearl River estuary, adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao, and faces Dongguan across the river. This was originally an alluvial plain, which has undergone many changes and has now evolved into a landscape of "one mountain, three waters, and six plains". During the reign of Emperor Tongzhi of the Qing Dynasty, the mother of Li Yangsheng, the commander-in-chief of Guangdong's land routes in Jieshi, was a first-class imperial edict husband

Someone helps, US warning: "Russia will start building local drone factories" Iran | Russia | factory
Someone helps, US warning: "Russia will start building local drone factories" Iran | Russia | factory

According to Agence France Presse, the White House warned on June 9th that Russia "has received equipment from Iran to build a drone factory on its own land," which "may start producing at full capacity from early next year.". According to the report, John Kirby, the strategic communication coordinator of the White House National Security Council, said, "Military cooperation between Russia and Iran seems to have deepened." He stated that he was based on information from the US intelligence agency. On the 9th, the White House sent a briefing to governments and businesses around the world, believing that it could help them "better understand the risks of Iran's drone projects" and avoid helping such projects "due to negligence.". The report also stated that the US government has distributed a satellite image, stating that it is the estimated location of the drone factory in Moscow based on intelligence agency information

Killed and killed, former beauty queen violent | Mexico | Queen
Killed and killed, former beauty queen violent | Mexico | Queen

On June 8th, according to the website of The Spanish, former beauty queen Maria Luisa Manrix Angelano of Mexico was found dead at home on June 6th, with obvious signs of violence on her body. The Manriks case further highlights the seriousness of domestic violence and violence against women in Mexico. Manriks is currently 44 years old. She is a mother of two and a well-known female entrepreneur and model who has won multiple beauty pageants. According to reports, the last time she was seen was around 7am on the 6th, when she was taking her two children to school. Shortly after losing all contact with her, family and friends began posting "missing person notices" on social media. A few hours later, her body was found at home. The investigation shows that this woman has been beaten and attacked with sharp tools

Mysterious disappearance of body? Official response: Xi'an | Construction site | Official after accidental death
Mysterious disappearance of body? Official response: Xi'an | Construction site | Official after accidental death

Mr. Liu from Xi'an reported that on the evening of June 4th, his brother-in-law Mr. Zhao died unexpectedly while transporting goods to the construction site, and his body was nowhere to be found. On the morning of June 10th, Mr. Liu told reporters that he learned from the local police on the 9th that the body of his brother-in-law, who had been missing for four days, was in a hospital in Xi'an. The wife of the deceased, Ms. Liu, stated that it has been 6 days since the incident occurred, but the construction and construction parties have not provided a proper solution. The construction party of the involved construction site stated that the company is currently negotiating with the family to handle this matter. The construction party stated that all parties have responsibilities and should divide them. After the public security organs investigate and issue a conclusion, the court will handle it according to its judgment. At present, family members are waiting for notification to go to the hospital to examine the body. The local police and emergency department are investigating and handling this matter. The man involved in the construction site delivered bricks to the construction site and died, with his body missing

Not good!, Trump America | Justice | Trump
Not good!, Trump America | Justice | Trump

According to Agence France Presse on June 9th, retaining confidential documents, obstructing justice, and falsifying evidence... Trump became the first former US president to be criminally charged by federal judicial agencies, and the charges were also very serious. What did he do? According to the indictment released on the 9th, in January 2021, Trump left the White House and returned to his mansion in Florida, taking away dozens of cardboard boxes and piling them up in the entertainment room, restroom, or utility room. The National Archives urged Trump to return the documents, and one year later he returned 15 cardboard boxes containing nearly 200 confidential documents. In June 2022, FBI agents rushed to Palm Beach and retrieved 38 confidential documents. These documents were placed elsewhere by Trump's lawyers. The investigators believe that there are other confidential documents that were reproduced in August of that year

Over 6000 people have been evacuated! Ukrainian Hydroelectric Company: Reservoir water loss has exceeded one-third, and the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station has been hit, causing flooding. Water level | Region | Reservoir
Over 6000 people have been evacuated! Ukrainian Hydroelectric Company: Reservoir water loss has exceeded one-third, and the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station has been hit, causing flooding. Water level | Region | Reservoir

According to Salido, the temporary head of the Russian controlled Kherson region, as of the morning of June 10th, over 6000 people, including 235 children and 81 people with limited mobility, have been evacuated from multiple flood affected municipalities in the Kherson region. Over 1700 evacuated individuals have been sent to temporary resettlement sites, and 62 have been hospitalized for treatment. The water level in the city of Novokhovka has further fallen, dropping by 3 meters in one day, with a current depth of 7 meters. The work of pumping water and clearing street debris has begun. The water level in the lower reaches of the Dnieper River has also begun to decline, with the Alyoshki water level dropping from 5 meters to 3 meters and the Gorayapristani water level dropping from 5 meters to 4 meters. According to the calculation of the Russian Water Resources Agency, the Dnieper River will return to the normal riverbed downstream of the Kakhovka hydropower station before June 16th. Ukrainian Hydroelectric Company

Secretary of the Party Committee of Pingguo City, Guangxi, Luo Chengyuan, resigned from his position as a representative of the Municipal People's Congress due to personal reasons. Meeting | Request | Guangxi | Pingguo | Position | Baise | Pingguo City | Luo Cheng
Secretary of the Party Committee of Pingguo City, Guangxi, Luo Chengyuan, resigned from his position as a representative of the Municipal People's Congress due to personal reasons. Meeting | Request | Guangxi | Pingguo | Position | Baise | Pingguo City | Luo Cheng

Recently, Luo Cheng, Secretary of the Party Committee of Pingguo City, Baise, Guangxi, resigned from his position as a representative of the People's Congress of Pingguo City due to personal reasons. On June 9th, the 14th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 2nd People's Congress of Pingguo City, Baise, Guangxi was held. According to the news of "Weiyan Pingguo" on the WeChat official account, the meeting decided to accept Luo Cheng's request to resign as a deputy to the Fifth People's Congress of Baise; Accept Luo Cheng's request to resign from his position as a representative of the Second People's Congress of Pingguo City. In addition, according to the WeChat official account "Pingguo People's Congress", the meeting passed the Decision on Accepting Luo Cheng and Lu Liping's Request to Resign as Deputies to the Second Pingguo People's Congress. According to Article 55 of the Electoral Law of the National People's Congress and Local People's Congresses of the People's Republic of China

Emergency transfer of 2603 people, extremely heavy rainstorm hit Beihai, Guangxi Weather | Rescue | Beihai, Guangxi
Emergency transfer of 2603 people, extremely heavy rainstorm hit Beihai, Guangxi Weather | Rescue | Beihai, Guangxi

From June 7th to 10th, a rare and sustained heavy rainfall process occurred in the urban area and surrounding counties of Beihai, Guangxi. The cumulative rainfall in the city exceeded 500 millimeters, making it the largest recorded rainfall in Beihai City. On the noon of June 9th, the command center of the Beihai Fire Rescue Brigade received emergency calls for help from Baisha Town and Shankou Town in Hepu County. The main type of disaster was the trapped group being surrounded by floods, which urgently needed rescue, relocation, and evacuation. After receiving the alarm, the detachment immediately dispatched firefighting and rescue forces in multiple routes to the disaster stricken area for rescue. In the Baisha River Basin of Hepu County, due to multiple factors such as continuous rainfall and upstream flood discharge, floods flooded the embankment, causing more than 2000 people to be trapped. After arriving at the scene, firefighting and rescue personnel repeatedly entered the disaster stricken area, searching for trapped individuals building by building and house by house, and mobilizing those who were stranded

Five people have been killed. An explosion has occurred in a factory in Türkiye. Ministry of Defense | Türkiye | Factory
Five people have been killed. An explosion has occurred in a factory in Türkiye. Ministry of Defense | Türkiye | Factory

On June 10 local time, the Ministry of Defence of Türkiye issued a statement saying that an explosion occurred in a factory in the capital Ankara that day, which has killed five people. The cause of the accident is under investigation. According to local media reports, the factory is affiliated to Türkiye Machinery and Chemical Industry Group, and mainly produces rockets and explosives according to the needs of Türkiye's Ministry of Defence and Ministry of the Interior. According to Russian Sputnik News Agency on June 10, Shahin, governor of Ankara Province, Türkiye, said that according to preliminary judgment, the explosion in the local military factory was caused by chemical reaction. Sha Xin told reporters, "Around 8:45, an explosion occurred due to a chemical reaction. Unfortunately, 5 workers died." He also revealed that the workers buried under the ruins after the explosion were rescued.

27 deaths!, Somalia's Leftover Bomb Suddenly Explodes Hotel | Time | Somalia
27 deaths!, Somalia's Leftover Bomb Suddenly Explodes Hotel | Time | Somalia

According to the CCTV News client, on June 9th local time, a bomb explosion occurred in Mural Village, Lower Shabelle Oblast, Somalia, resulting in 27 deaths and 53 injuries, with the majority of the victims being children. It is reported that the village is controlled by the Somali "Youth Party". The Somali Youth Party is an extremist organization associated with Al Qaeda, which has launched multiple terrorist attacks in Somalia and its neighboring countries in recent years. More news: A hotel attack occurred in Somalia, resulting in 9 deaths. Local time on June 10th, Somali police reported that the attack on a hotel in the capital Mogadishu on the evening of the 9th resulted in a total of 9 deaths, including 6 civilians and 3 security personnel, and 10 others were injured. The Somali security forces have successfully rescued 84 trapped individuals, and all 7 attackers have died. △

Coming with the expectations of the people!
Coming with the expectations of the people!

On June 9th, Honduras President Castro arrived in Shanghai and began his first visit to China, which received widespread attention. This visit is the first state visit of the President of Honduras to China, and the two heads of state will hold a historic meeting. Less than three months after the establishment of diplomatic relations, China and Hong Kong have rapidly docked and cooperated in various fields, and the progress of cooperation is encouraging. This week, US Assistant Secretary of State Conda visited China again after half a year, and Chinese and US diplomats held talks in Beijing, which also attracted widespread public attention. But while the US seeks dialogue with China, it also shows a contradictory side. On June 7th local time, Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng was invited to attend an event and delivered a keynote speech, clarifying China's position and attitude on China US relations. On June 6th, the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge tunnel began injecting seawater, causing international concerns. The Japanese government's rebellion

Multiple Measures Taken Together to Promote Employment of Fresh College Graduates Online Recruitment Activities Busy Graduates | Recruitment | Activities
Multiple Measures Taken Together to Promote Employment of Fresh College Graduates Online Recruitment Activities Busy Graduates | Recruitment | Activities

CCTV News: Recently, the National College Student Employment Service Platform launched the "Online Recruitment Activity for 2023 College Graduates in the E-commerce Industry", jointly organized by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Commerce, which will continue until June 30th. During the event, the Ministry of Education opened the main venue of the "Online Recruitment for 2023 College Graduates in the E-commerce Industry" activity on the National College Student Employment Service Platform, and set up sub venues on websites such as the National Recruitment Platform. It is expected that more than 10000 participating units will provide over 150000 job information. This recruitment activity will also carry out a series of offline activities such as face-to-face recruitment between schools and enterprises, organizing national e-commerce demonstration base tours, and so on. Next, the Ministry of Education will actively collaborate with relevant departments to organize the "National Online Recruitment of College Graduates for Small and Medium sized Enterprises in 100 Days" and "Equipment Manufacturing Industry" activities

What services are included in this "companion exam package" | sites | employees
What services are included in this "companion exam package" | sites | employees

"I have made a lot of preparations for my child, but I see that the items on their site are more complete. Moreover, the volunteers also prepared fans and water for our parents, which surprised me and made me grateful," said Ms. Wang, a parent who accompanied her child to take the college entrance examination outside the Beijing 101 China Petroleum Branch. The annual college entrance examination kicked off on June 7th, and the "Warm Companion Examination" service provided by the Beijing Federation of Trade Unions in 2023 arrived as scheduled. More than 150 employee volunteer service teams and over a thousand employee volunteers have set up 44 service stations for the college entrance examination in 16 districts of the city, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, and Hebei Shougang, directly reaching the forefront of the college entrance examination. They provide services to candidates, accompanying parents, and frontline employees serving the college entrance examination throughout the entire period of the exam. Beijing Chenjinglun Middle School located in Chaoyang District