The world

Lawyer's reminder... hotel prices will double during the National Day holiday! Multiple netizens renting out their own homes
Lawyer's reminder... hotel prices will double during the National Day holiday! Multiple netizens renting out their own homes

According to statistics from China Railway Group, from September 13th to 18th, more than 100 million train tickets were sold nationwide. It is expected that during the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holidays, the daily passenger flow of railways will approach 16 million, which is about twice the daily passenger flow during the Spring Festival travel period. With the high popularity of travel during the National Day holiday, prices of some popular scenic spots and hotels have also shown a trend of skyrocketing. According to Red Star News, the holiday prices of some luxury hotels in Sanya, Hainan and Xishuangbanna, Yunnan have nearly tripled, and the prices of economy hotels have generally doubled. Besides hotels, many homestays are also very popular. The holiday prices of some homestays in Chunxi Road and Taikouli Business District of Chengdu are about 3.38 times higher than those in the off-season. Industry practitioners in the picture have expressed that the prices of holiday hotels are about 2-3 times higher than those in the off-season, and this price range is reasonable

Price difference of several hundred on different dates! 12306 response, same number of sleeper beds for the same train
Price difference of several hundred on different dates! 12306 response, same number of sleeper beds for the same train

The ticket prices for the same train and berth differ by several hundred on weekdays and the day before the holiday. "Will train tickets continue to increase in price?" Some netizens also raised questions, sparking discussion and attention. Question: Will train tickets increase in price? Recently, a netizen posted on social media that the D927 sleeper from Beijing to Shenzhen costs 1150 yuan per day for the upper berth, but on September 28th, the price rose to 1860 yuan, and the lower berth for the movable sleeper reached 2090 yuan, exceeding the daily airfare. Taking the upper berth price of this train as a reference, a reporter from Da Wan News later found that the price did fluctuate on the 12306 platform: the price was 1290 yuan on September 22, decreased to 1150 yuan from September 23 to September 25, 1430 yuan on September 27, increased to 1860 yuan from September 28 to 29, and 129 yuan on October 1

Make 7000 yuan a day?, Go to Hong Kong to buy gold bars
Make 7000 yuan a day?, Go to Hong Kong to buy gold bars

After the popularity of depositing in Hong Kong, buying gold bars in Hong Kong has also become popular! Recently, Zhongxin Jingwei found on many social media platforms that some bloggers shared their experience of buying gold bars from Hong Kong and reselling them in mainland China, claiming that a round trip can earn thousands of yuan. Some bloggers also summarized which gold stores have a cheaper unit price. In some social media chat groups, there are also many netizens discussing how to make money by taking advantage of the difference in gold prices between the two regions. Buy gold in Hong Kong and earn 7000 yuan a day? On the afternoon of the 18th, Zhongxin Jingwei arrived at the Li Chang Jinpu located in Sheung Wan, Hong Kong Island. There were already several customers waiting on the sofa in the store. Taizheng, who came from Shenzhen, revealed that there was a significant price difference between gold in Hong Kong and mainland China last week. After purchasing gold bars from Hong Kong, they were sold to merchants engaged in gold recycling in Shenzhen Shuibei, earning around 16-17 yuan per gram. He and his friends traveled back and forth multiple times within a week,

Ma Chaoxu Meets with Acting Deputy Secretary of State Newland of the United States
Ma Chaoxu Meets with Acting Deputy Secretary of State Newland of the United States

On September 19th, Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu attended the general debate of the 78th United Nations General Assembly in New York and met with Acting Deputy Secretary of State Newland at the invitation, exchanging candid views on China US relations and international and regional issues of common concern. Ambassador to the United States, Xie Feng, attended. Ma Chaoxu stated that stabilizing and improving China US relations is in line with the common interests of both countries and the expectations of the international community. Both sides should strengthen dialogue, properly resolve differences, promote cooperation, and implement the important consensus reached at the Bali meeting between the two heads of state. Newland stated that the US is willing to continue to strengthen communication, dialogue, and cooperation with China, responsibly manage differences, and is committed to the stable development of US China relations.

International Observation: Promoting High Quality Development of China ASEAN Economic and Trade Cooperation
International Observation: Promoting High Quality Development of China ASEAN Economic and Trade Cooperation

The 20th China ASEAN Expo was held in Nanning, Guangxi from September 16th to 19th. This year's East China Expo organized and signed a total of 470 investment cooperation projects, with a total investment of 487.3 billion yuan. The number of events, projects, total investment, and the proportion of manufacturing investment have all reached new highs in previous years. At present, China ASEAN economic and trade cooperation is constantly deepening and deepening, and the connotation of economic and trade cooperation is constantly enriching and expanding, promoting both sides to jointly build an open regional economy and build a closer China ASEAN community with a shared future. Bilateral trade has improved and upgraded. China has maintained its position as the largest trading partner of ASEAN for 14 consecutive years, and both sides have been the largest trading partners of each other for 3 consecutive years. In 2022, the trade volume between China and ASEAN reached 975.34 billion US dollars, which is 12.5 times the trade volume in 2003, with an average annual growth rate of 14.2%, accounting for the global total

International observation: Joining hands to build a more unbreakable community with a shared future between China and Cambodia
International observation: Joining hands to build a more unbreakable community with a shared future between China and Cambodia

Recently, Cambodia's newly appointed Prime Minister, Hun Manai, made an official visit to China and attended the 20th China ASEAN Expo and China ASEAN Business and Investment Summit in Nanning, Guangxi, achieving fruitful results. The policy communication has achieved significant results. Hong Manai made China the first stop of his bilateral visit, fully demonstrating China's important position in Cambodia's foreign exchanges and demonstrating the sincerity of the new Cambodian government in continuing to pursue a friendly policy towards China. Before his visit to China, Hong Manai stated that the new government aims to further enhance the relationship between China and Cambodia; During their visit to China, China and Cambodia signed the Action Plan for Building a Community of Shared Future between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Royal Government of Cambodia, as well as a series of practical cooperation documents. The Chinese and Cambodian governments also reached consensus on the docking of development strategies, issued a joint communique, and agreed to promote the "the Belt and Road" initiative

Musk: China may lead the world in the development of AI technology | worldview
Musk: China may lead the world in the development of AI technology | worldview

On September 19th, according to comprehensive foreign media reports, on the 18th local time, American entrepreneur Musk stated that China may eventually lead the world in the development of artificial intelligence technology. Image: Musk. According to reports, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu is currently on a visit to the United States. He had a conversation with Musk at the Tesla factory in Fremont, California on the 18th, discussing a range of issues including artificial intelligence. According to reports, during a conversation with Netanyahu, Musk said, "As for which countries you mentioned will have important leadership positions in the field of artificial intelligence, China is definitely one of them, one of the very top countries, and may be the first." The United Nations Security Council held a theme on July 18, titled "Artificial Intelligence Brings International Peace and Security Belt."

European media: Over the past 30 years, public trust in US national institutions has gradually collapsed, and Americans are living in a culture of distrust
European media: Over the past 30 years, public trust in US national institutions has gradually collapsed, and Americans are living in a culture of distrust

China Daily, September 19th (Xinhua) - According to the European website "Modern Diplomacy" on the 16th, American writer and critic Gerald Beck recently pointed out that the US Congress, current government, Federal Bureau of Investigation, judiciary, large corporations, technology companies, unions... what do these institutions have in common? The answer is: the American public no longer trusts them. According to a screenshot article on the European website Modern Diplomacy, in the past 30 years, people have witnessed something unprecedented that threatens the survival of American democracy - the collapse of public trust in national leaders and institutions. If there is a phenomenon that better reflects what has happened in the United States in the past few years than any other phenomenon, it is that the American people live in a culture of distrust. According to relevant survey data, within a generation

Will call for more people to participate in strikes, American Automobile Workers Union: If negotiations do not make progress
Will call for more people to participate in strikes, American Automobile Workers Union: If negotiations do not make progress

According to Consumer News and Business Channel, on September 18th local time, Sean Finn, the chairman of the United Automobile Workers Union, stated that if there is no "significant progress" in negotiations before noon on September 22nd, the union will call on more factory workers to go on strike. Finn said in a video released online by the trade union, "The auto workers have waited long enough to correct the mistakes of the three major auto companies. We can't wait to die or waste time. Therefore, the noon of September 22 is the new deadline." Finn said, "If the negotiations fail to make progress, we will call on more people to stand up and take part in the strike in the future." On the 18th local time, the United Auto Workers' Union strike entered the the fourth day

The future of the US temporary funding agreement is uncertain. The government's "shutdown" crisis highlights the failure of American style democracy
The future of the US temporary funding agreement is uncertain. The government's "shutdown" crisis highlights the failure of American style democracy

There are only about two weeks left until the start of the new fiscal year for the US federal government on October 1st. However, not only is the budget for the 2024 fiscal year far from passing in Congress, but even the temporary funding bill to prevent the US federal government from shutting down on October 1st is still stuck in the House of Representatives. On September 17th, some Republicans in the United States House of Representatives announced that an agreement had been reached within the Republican Party regarding temporary funding to the federal government. However, to avoid government shutdown, there is still a long way to go. According to the Washington Post, some Republicans in the House of Representatives have announced a temporary funding agreement that will keep federal government funds running until October 31st, while also demanding an additional 1% reduction in government spending during this period. This reduction is the average for each department, except for the United States

Speech as a scholar, behavior as a model (People's Forum)
Speech as a scholar, behavior as a model (People's Forum)

At Renmin University of China, many people have heard a small story about Professor Gao Mingxuan. Once, this elderly gentleman in his 90s was going to give a lecture to a young teacher. Someone noticed that his 16 page manuscript was full of editing marks. Originally, he revised the manuscript the night before for this event until 2am. Although the lecture topic is roughly the same as before, he is still meticulous in lesson preparation: "Every time the audience is different, of course, it needs to be reorganized." This renowned teacher, who has been awarded the national honor of "People's Educator," not only cultivated a group of talents with his knowledge, but also influenced many young students with his words, deeds, and character. A teacher is also someone who teaches by doing things and metaphorically describes various virtues.

Mastering historical initiative (people's perspective) and learning historical thinking
Mastering historical initiative (people's perspective) and learning historical thinking

To improve our historical thinking ability, we need to strengthen our learning of history, adhere to the position, viewpoint, and method of historical materialism, do a good job in practical work through in-depth thinking of history, enhance the courage and strength to forge ahead from the continuation of national cultural bloodline, draw wisdom and strength from the century long struggle history of the Party, learn and draw on all outstanding achievements of civilization from the history of human civilization, strengthen our historical confidence, and grasp the initiative of history. Only then can we win a bright future. To understand the path of knowledge, we must first focus on history. "Anti corruption and integrity in the history of our country", "National governance in the history of our country", "Rule of law and virtue in the history of our country", "Official governance in the history of China", "Latest Archaeological Discoveries and Their Significance in China", "Deepening the Project of Exploring the Origins of Chinese Civilization"... Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has collectively learned about the excellent traditional Chinese culture

Deeply grasp the significant significance of the "second combination" (ideological and political)
Deeply grasp the significant significance of the "second combination" (ideological and political)

Socialism with Chinese characteristics is rooted in the fertile soil of Chinese culture, reflects the will of the Chinese people, and is suitable for the development and progress of China and the times

Bravely shouldering the mission of the new era, the Guangming Forum promotes the spirit of educators. Excellent teachers | educators | forum
Bravely shouldering the mission of the new era, the Guangming Forum promotes the spirit of educators. Excellent teachers | educators | forum

【 Guangming Forum 】 Author: Lai Desheng Recently, the National Excellent Teacher Representative Symposium was held in Beijing.The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that we must adhere to the priority of education development, self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology

Never stop burning in the converter (Chinese Road, Chinese Dream), the flame of innovation
Never stop burning in the converter (Chinese Road, Chinese Dream), the flame of innovation

Transforming rough ore into high-quality molten steel requires multiple processes of quenching and refining; To become a "steel" youth, just like this. From my first day on the job, I aspired to become a qualified steelmaker. Nowadays, as a skilled technician in the factory, my most valuable experience is to persist in innovation. Creativity may suddenly shine, but innovation often requires accumulated efforts over time. Only by putting effort into daily life and observing carefully in practice can we find new breakthroughs. When I joined, I was a loading worker. At that time, the 260 ton converter in the factory had just been put into use, and I had to climb up to a height of 57 meters every day to move dozens of pounds of debugging equipment back and forth. Although I often feel exhausted, I still persist in reading books, learning theories, and jotting down unfamiliar parameters and some precautions in the small notebook I carry with me

Innovative consumption models are a powerful way to unleash consumption potential. Food | Consumption | Models
Innovative consumption models are a powerful way to unleash consumption potential. Food | Consumption | Models

【 Guangming Review 】 Author: Liu Fan Recently, a well-known food district in Chongqing extended its consumption period to create a nighttime economy, with an average annual passenger flow of over 20 million people in the "late night cafeteria"; Changsha, Hunan Province, promotes the integration of food, culture, entertainment and other consumer formats, and endows service consumption with more humanistic connotations through grafting situational experiences. Since the beginning of this year, a series of measures have been taken nationwide to accelerate the recovery of the consumer market, including innovative models, optimized services, and enriched forms, to promote the accelerated recovery of the catering, cultural tourism, entertainment, sports, exhibition and other service consumption markets. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to enhance the fundamental role of consumption in economic development. The 2022 Central Economic Work Conference emphasized the priority of restoring and expanding consumption. Enhance consumption capacity, improve consumption conditions, and innovate consumption scenarios. basic level

Xinhua All Media+| Technology Empowers Unlimited Vitality - Observation of the "Intelligent Asian Games"
Xinhua All Media+| Technology Empowers Unlimited Vitality - Observation of the "Intelligent Asian Games"

Intelligent technology and competitive sports complement each other, digital economy and urban construction are organically integrated, independent innovation and the development of the times are advancing hand in hand... The Hangzhou Asian Games is not only a sports event, but also a technological feast. Through the "Intelligent Asian Games", it showcases the surging innovation trend on the land of China and the resounding pace of China in building a technological powerhouse. The intersection of sports and technology on the banks of Xizi Lake and Wulin Square in the center of Hangzhou witnessed the evolution of the torch relay method for the Asian Games. 33 years ago, the torch relay event of the Beijing Asian Games marched to Hangzhou Station. At that time, Wulin Square was a grassland, surrounded by citizens who came to see the Asian Games torch. Many people voluntarily followed the torchbearer along the way. 33 years later, strolling through the renovated Wulin Square, people can take out their belongings anytime, anywhere

Let the flames of civilization be passed down from generation to generation (on-site comments, cultural landmarks, inheritance and development ④), and be brave in innovation
Let the flames of civilization be passed down from generation to generation (on-site comments, cultural landmarks, inheritance and development ④), and be brave in innovation

To activate the vitality of China's excellent traditional culture with the spirit of the times is not to accept everything according to orders and simply return to the ancients. Instead, we should adopt a Marxist attitude and method, take its essence, discard its dregs, and treat it differently. We should inherit the advantages and disadvantages along the banks of the Jiuqu River and under the hidden screen peak. Green bamboo sways in the wind, surrounded by the ancient and elegant Zhu Xi Garden. Visitors from all over are enthusiastic and climb up the stairs, following the guide all the way, watching and asking questions. Touching history, the recitation of Zhu Zi's family teachings and poetry can be heard from time to time in the crowd, with a lingering charm. "Zhu Xi's Neo Confucianism is an ideology that dates back over 800 years. What impact and inspiration can it have on the world today?" Not long ago, 22 young scholars from 16 countries of Sinology walked into Zhu Xi's Garden, and an Italian scholar asked a question. The People included in Zhu Xi's Neo Confucianism

Promoting efficient circulation and use of data (People's Daily Review)
Promoting efficient circulation and use of data (People's Daily Review)

Data elements are becoming the most advanced and active new production factors beyond labor, land, capital, and technology, and an important foundational and strategic resource for high-quality development. Data resources are the core elements of digital China construction. Industry digitization, education digitization, life digitization, entertainment digitization... Currently, many fields in China are transitioning towards digitization, and new economic formats with data elements as the core are becoming increasingly diverse. In the process of building and releasing value in the data element market, data exchanges are an indispensable part. At present, there are multiple data exchanges initiated, led or approved by the government across the country. At the same time, the construction of market operation systems such as data asset evaluation, registration and settlement is accelerating, and specialized enterprises in fields such as data collection, storage, and application are developing rapidly. The data element industry is also developing rapidly

Dreaming of Hangzhou for a Thousand Years
Dreaming of Hangzhou for a Thousand Years

Surrounded by mountains, waters, lakes, and cities, Hangzhou is renowned for its unique Jiangnan charm. The ancient city has a long history of over 2200 years, dating back to the establishment of Qiantang County in the Qin Dynasty. The "First Boat of China" touches the pulse of eight thousand years of history, with exquisite and unparalleled jade artifacts. The grand triple city scale water conservancy project, Liangzhu Site, is a testament to the 5000 year history of Chinese civilization. The surging waves and intertwining banks and water form a picturesque charm. The Grand Canal and Qiantang River blend together, and Hangzhou's magnificent scenery stretches for a thousand years. One caliber of mountain tea supports a silk umbrella of West Lake, and the charm of landscape and human economy are connected through time and space. This place is both a paradise on earth and a cultural economy. Hangzhou, the capital of internet celebrities and the city of the future, will once again usher in the "surging" moment of the Asian Games by the banks of Xizi Lake, the Grand Canal, and the Qiantang River

Grasping high-quality and effective thematic education with a highly responsible spirit | Ideology | Education
Grasping high-quality and effective thematic education with a highly responsible spirit | Ideology | Education

According to the central arrangement, the second batch of themed education will be carried out in government agencies at and below the provincial level, their directly affiliated units, and other grassroots party organizations. All regions, departments, and units should understand the spirit of the central government, implement the goals, requirements, and key measures proposed by the central government, and ensure the connection and linkage between the first and second batches of theme education. With a highly responsible spirit, high standards and high-quality requirements should be consistently implemented to ensure that the second batch of theme education achieves tangible results. We should pay attention to meeting the target requirements. The overall requirements of the second batch of thematic education are consistent with those of the first batch. We must firmly grasp the overall requirements of "learning ideology, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements", and integrate theoretical learning

Grasping the Significance of Civilization Continuation of "Two Combinations" in China | Culture | Significance
Grasping the Significance of Civilization Continuation of "Two Combinations" in China | Culture | Significance

Historical experience has shown that the combination of two is the greatest weapon for us to achieve success. On the one hand“

The Guangming Forum grasps the principle of "upholding righteousness without conservatism, respecting the past without restoring it" in practice. The Chinese nation | Culture | Forum
The Guangming Forum grasps the principle of "upholding righteousness without conservatism, respecting the past without restoring it" in practice. The Chinese nation | Culture | Forum

The precise grasp of the spirit of innovation and progress of the Chinese nation, as well as the profound interpretation of the methodology of cultural construction, is to adhere to the principles of integrity rather than conservatism, and to respect the past rather than retro. To build modern civilization of the Chinese nation, we must adhere to principles of integrity and innovation. Shouzheng, Shoushou

(Micro Asian Games) Hangzhou Asian Games Volunteer as Torchbearer: Meeting like-minded PhD students while running | Torchbearer | Volunteer
(Micro Asian Games) Hangzhou Asian Games Volunteer as Torchbearer: Meeting like-minded PhD students while running | Torchbearer | Volunteer

"It is a great honor for me to be a torchbearer in my hometown, and the spiritual qualities conveyed by torchbearers from all walks of life are also worth learning from," said Qi Bote, a doctoral student at Zhejiang University and a volunteer for the Hangzhou Asian Games on September 19th. On that day, the Quzhou Station of the 19th Asian Games Torch Relay in Hangzhou was launched, with Qi Bote serving as the 23rd torchbearer. Qi Bote, a doctoral student from Zhejiang University and a volunteer for the Hangzhou Asian Games, served as the 23rd torchbearer. The interviewee provided pictures of Qi Bo's unique "multiple identities": former athlete, doctoral student at Zhejiang University, and volunteer for the Hangzhou Asian Games to receive foreign athletes one-on-one. When I was a child, my parents hoped that I would stay fit and have an outgoing personality. In high school, I was admitted to Zhejiang through my sports skills

(Micro Asian Games) The Torch of the Hangzhou Asian Games Passes in Quzhou, Running from the Southern Confucius Temple to the Future Torch | Asian Games | Hangzhou
(Micro Asian Games) The Torch of the Hangzhou Asian Games Passes in Quzhou, Running from the Southern Confucius Temple to the Future Torch | Asian Games | Hangzhou

On September 19th, Quzhou Station of the 19th Asian Games Torch Relay in Hangzhou was launched, with a total length of 8844 meters and a total duration of about two and a half hours. At the starting ceremony of the torch relay at Quzhou Station of the Hangzhou Asian Games. "The torch relay started from the Confucius Nanzong family temple, which has a grand Confucian style. As the first torchbearer, I am honored. In my opinion, Confucianism, the spirit of the Asian Games, traditional culture, and sports are interconnected in many aspects." said Kong Lingli, the 76th generation eldest grandson of Confucius. The theme of this transmission activity is "Nankong Holy Land · Quzhou Rites", aiming to reflect the humanistic spirit of Quzhou in the new era, showcase Quzhou's "Two Sons Culture", and highlight the main theme of "from history to the future". For me, this torch relay is particularly beautiful for me

The world watches the Asian Games with a strong sense of greenery! The Hangzhou Asian Games, where low-carbon and environmental protection can be seen everywhere, is worth looking forward to
The world watches the Asian Games with a strong sense of greenery! The Hangzhou Asian Games, where low-carbon and environmental protection can be seen everywhere, is worth looking forward to

On September 19th, China Daily reported that "green, intelligent, frugal, and civilized" is the concept upheld by the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou. It can be said that green is the main color tone and the most profound background color of this Asian Games. The planning and construction of venues, the coordinated utilization of energy, the guarantee of transportation, and the operation of events all highlight a strong sense of greenery. It is reported that out of 56 Asian Games arenas, only 12 are newly built venues, while the remaining 44 are temporary venues or renovated on the basis of existing venues. In addition, the electricity used in the venues is also a green supply, which is an important step towards hosting a "carbon neutral" Asian Games. The picture shows the Fuyang Water Sports Center. At the Fuyang Water Sports Center, known as the "modern version of Fuchun Mountain Dwelling Map," rainwater is recycled

(Micro Asian Games) The men's volleyball team of the Asian Games kicked off. Overseas students born in the 2000s cheer for the country | Competition | Event
(Micro Asian Games) The men's volleyball team of the Asian Games kicked off. Overseas students born in the 2000s cheer for the country | Competition | Event

Shaoxing, September 19th (Xinhua) - "Seeing athletes from our own country compete, it feels very warm. No matter which country wins, we are very happy." On September 19th, "00s" Kyrgyz girl Darika said in an interview at the Sports Center Gymnasium of China Textile City. She also watched the competition with a Kazakh girl named Fari. On the morning of that day, the men's volleyball event of the Hangzhou Asian Games began, with Kyrgyzstan facing Kazakhstan in the first match. Kazakhstan won the preliminary round 3-2. In the audience area, two girls from the aforementioned two countries rushed to the Asian Games venue to cheer for the competition. The first game of the men's volleyball event at the Hangzhou Asian Games. This spring, Darika and Fari came to Zhejiang Normal University to study abroad and study design together. I learned that during the Hangzhou Asian Games, my country

(Micro Asian Games) Confucius, the 76th generation eldest grandson of Confucius, "walked out of his home" to pass the torch: The torch of Confucianism is passed down in Quzhou, Zhejiang Province
(Micro Asian Games) Confucius, the 76th generation eldest grandson of Confucius, "walked out of his home" to pass the torch: The torch of Confucianism is passed down in Quzhou, Zhejiang Province

On September 19th, in Quzhou, Zhejiang, the 76th generation eldest grandson of Confucius, Kong Lingli, walked out of the gate of the Southern Confucius Family Temple, took the first torch, and started running. Kong Lingli, the 76th eldest grandson of Confucius, served as the first torchbearer. "The torch relay started from the Confucius Nanzong family temple with a grand Confucian style, and I am honored to be the first torchbearer. In my opinion, Confucianism and the spirit of the Asian Games, traditional culture, and sports are interconnected in many aspects," he said. On that day, the torch relay at Quzhou Station of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou was launched, with a total length of 8844 meters and a total duration of about two and a half hours. The theme of this transmission activity is "Nankong Holy Land · Quzhou Rites", aiming to reflect the humanistic spirit of Quzhou in the new era and showcase Quzhou's "Two Sons Culture"

Anhui Power Made in China: Launching New Engines to Create New Momentum
Anhui Power Made in China: Launching New Engines to Create New Momentum

A few days ago, the all-new NIO EC6 model was officially launched. Since its headquarters settled in Hefei, China in 2020, NIO has successively launched multiple pure electric vehicle models. "In August of this year, we delivered 19300 new cars, a year-on-year increase of 81%. Since its establishment, the company has produced nearly 400000 mass-produced cars," said Wei Jian, Senior Vice President of NIO. If Anhui is compared to a fast moving car, then the new energy vehicle industry is its new engine. Automobile is the first industry in Anhui, and the development of new energy vehicles is the focus of a major article on improving the quality and increment of the first industry. Gathering 7 complete vehicle manufacturing enterprises: In the first half of the year, the automobile production exceeded 1 million units, a year-on-year increase of 43.6%, including 342000 new energy vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 87.8%; From January to July, the revenue and profit growth of the automotive manufacturing industry was significant

This province welcomes a new vice governor, and after the appointment of the central alternate committee member
This province welcomes a new vice governor, and after the appointment of the central alternate committee member

According to the website of Hainan People's Congress, on September 19th, the 6th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 7th People's Congress of Hainan Province decided to appoint Bater as the Vice Governor of Hainan Provincial People's Government. Previously, Bater was a member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of the Hainan Provincial Committee. According to the official resume, Bater, male, Mongolian, born in February 1967, holds a master's degree in economics and is a member of the Communist Party of China. Bater has been working at the Ministry of Land and Resources for a long time. In 2013, he went to Hainan and served as a member of the Standing Committee and Deputy Mayor of Haikou City. After his temporary employment ended in 2015, he stayed in Haikou and continued to serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor. In April 2017, Bater was appointed as the Secretary of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Hainan Provincial Department of Land and Resources, and in February 2018, he became the Director. In September of the same year, he was transferred to the position of Party Secretary and Director of the Emergency Management Department of Hainan Province. 2021

Decision to appoint Chen Jie as Vice Mayor, Report on the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress | Situation | ShanghaiStrictly abide by the Party Constitution, Party rules, and Party discipline. The Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Party Group of the Municipal Government, and the Party Group of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference held separate meetings to firmly support the Central Committee's decision on the Party Central Committee | Politics | Party GroupCan Shanghai connect with the greenways of these cities? Official: Proposed Preparation of Greenway Construction Standards for the Yangtze River Delta | Standards | Yangtze River DeltaChen Jining, Gong Zheng, and colleagues from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee exchanged their experiences and insights on thematic education research based on their respective experiences. Education | Municipal Party Committee | ThemeThe Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference awarded commemorative plaques to members and standing committee members of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference who are no longer re elected in ShanghaiPropose ideas and measures around releasing domestic demand, and the Chairman's Meeting of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference deliberates on key research reports and measures | ideas | research