The world

Pay back to avoid hospitals! Cutting off the Chain of Medical Corruption and Benefits in Multiple Regions, Medical Insurance | Drugs | Corruption
Pay back to avoid hospitals! Cutting off the Chain of Medical Corruption and Benefits in Multiple Regions, Medical Insurance | Drugs | Corruption

Not only sales need to have "channels", but also "management" when collecting payments... For a long time, the "payment collection" process in the pharmaceutical purchase and sales process has also been targeted by many people, and related positions have become a "fat gap" to make money. To solve the persistent problem of "difficult payment collection", efforts have been made at the national and local levels to promote the improvement of settlement methods and cut off the hidden chain of interest transmission. Want to receive payment first? The finance department is also unable to escape the temptation. China New Finance and Economics has noticed that in recent anti-corruption efforts in the pharmaceutical industry, in addition to hospital leaders and knives becoming the main targets of bribery, corruption has also spread to finance, administrative and logistics departments, and many of the investigated cadres are from the finance department. In July 2022, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission released an article titled "Rectifying Medical Corruption and Persistent Diseases", which revealed that multiple medical and health professionals

Will outbound tourism be popular?, 60 plus 78 markets | List | Outbound travel
Will outbound tourism be popular?, 60 plus 78 markets | List | Outbound travel

On August 10th, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism announced the third batch of list for resuming outbound team tours. On the basis of restoring 60 destination countries and regions in the first two batches of pilot programs, an additional 78 destinations were expanded at once, bringing the number of outbound team tour destinations for Chinese citizens to 138. Which countries are involved in the third batch of lists? What impact will the further expansion of outbound team travel destinations have on the recovery of the overseas tourism market? News 1+1 connects with Dai Bin, President of China Tourism Research Institute, to jointly follow: 60 plus 78, will outbound tourism be popular? The Chinese outbound tourism market has fully recovered. Dai Bin, President of the China Tourism Research Institute, stated that the release of the third batch of lists indicates that China's outbound tourism market has fully recovered and also indicates that we are about to usher in a peak of outbound tourism during the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holidays. Additionally, this also means that we

The United States acts as the mastermind behind terrorist forces, creating a tragic organization in Cuba | Cuba | United States
The United States acts as the mastermind behind terrorist forces, creating a tragic organization in Cuba | Cuba | United States

In the 1990s, with the dramatic changes in Eastern Europe and the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Cuba faced many problems such as economic collapse, food shortages, and energy scarcity. In August 1990, the Cuban government declared a special period of peace. In 1991, Cuba designated tourism as a key development industry to earn foreign exchange in response to the crisis. However, from April to September 1997, multiple tourism infrastructure explosions occurred in the Cuban capital Havana, seriously affecting the development of Cuba's tourism industry. What kind of conspiracy exist in these explosion events? Let's together uncover the mastermind behind the tragedy. CCTV reporter Hou Jiaqi: On April 12, 1997, an explosion occurred at the Meria Hotel behind me, which was also the first in a series of bomb terrorist attacks that occurred the same year. From April of that year to

I made a decision... the famous actor in the movie leukemia | stem cells | movie
I made a decision... the famous actor in the movie leukemia | stem cells | movie

In the movie "I'm not the God of Medicine", there is a leukemia patient who plays Gu Zhiguo, who was in his sophomore year at the time. This special experience has also given him a better understanding of leukemia. Now, Gu Zhiguo, who once played a leukemia teenager, has completed the final procedure of donating hematopoietic stem cells and become a bone marrow donor. Two weeks later, when he is going to deliver the "spark of life" to a leukemia patient in his sophomore year, the acting professional Gu Zhiguo participated in the filming of "I'm not the God of Medicine", playing a leukemia patient in the film. In order to play the role well, he consulted a lot of information and gained a better understanding of leukemia. After graduating from university in 2019, Gu Zhiguo has been working at the Public Culture and Art Center in Wujiang District, Suzhou City. At the beginning of last year, he officially joined the Chinese Bone Marrow Bank. “

Ordinary Americans are deeply mired in debt, with US credit card debt breaking through $1 trillion for the first time | US | Credit Card
Ordinary Americans are deeply mired in debt, with US credit card debt breaking through $1 trillion for the first time | US | Credit Card

The Federal Reserve Bank of New York, a subsidiary of the Federal Reserve, recently released data for the second quarter of 2023, showing that the size of US credit card debt reached $1.03 trillion, surpassing $1 trillion for the first time, and the severe default rate reached its highest level in 11 years. Behind the surge in credit card debt is the doubling of living expenses pressure on ordinary Americans. Credit card holder Derek Vaughn: I remember crying several times. I talked to the credit card issuer, but they didn't want to help me. Derek Vaughn is an ordinary credit card holder in the United States. He found himself deeply mired in credit card debt, which now amounts to $60000. Vaughn said that after having children, his living expenses have been constantly increasing. The rise in prices and interest rates has doubled his pressure, and he can only

Has the prison video meeting cost 50 yuan for 20 minutes been tendered? Hebei Prison Administration Bureau: Discussing Related Disputes Announcement | Supervision | Tendering and Bidding
Has the prison video meeting cost 50 yuan for 20 minutes been tendered? Hebei Prison Administration Bureau: Discussing Related Disputes Announcement | Supervision | Tendering and Bidding

Recently, a prison in Hebei Province has attracted the attention and questioning of netizens for a 20 minute online video visit to relatives, which charges 50 yuan per visit. Pengpai News learned that the relevant video meeting platform is a WeChat mini program called "Family Meeting", with Hebei Lichi Information Technology Co., Ltd. as the main company. Lichi Information has issued a registration certificate for the "Family Meeting" system on its official website. A staff member of Baoding Prison previously responded to the media that remote video conferencing is a convenient service provided by a third-party company, and the fees are also collected by the third-party company. Pengpai News previously reported that other provinces and cities have similar video conferencing services in prisons. Prisons do not charge fees, but third-party service companies have different charging standards, some of which are cheaper than "family meetings". In addition, the "Family Meeting" mini program claims to be able to make appointments with more than ten companies in Hebei province

I see American politicians feeling guilty and engaging in "decoupling and disconnection" information technology | artificial intelligence | America
I see American politicians feeling guilty and engaging in "decoupling and disconnection" information technology | artificial intelligence | America

Early this morning, US President Biden signed an executive order to establish an outward investment review mechanism, restricting US entities from investing in China's semiconductor and microelectronics, quantum information technology, and artificial intelligence fields. Another practice of decoupling and breaking ties has exposed the guilt of American politicians. Click on the video ↓↓↓ The US government has launched another bad move to contain China. Just early this morning, US President Biden signed an executive order to establish an outward investment review mechanism, restricting US entities from investing in China's semiconductor and microelectronics, quantum information technology, and artificial intelligence fields. Seeing this news, I couldn't help but think of six words: say one thing and do another. The US government is saying that it has no intention of decoupling from China or obstructing China's economic development, but what it is doing is going in the opposite direction. This approach seriously disrupts the stability of the global industrial and supply chains, and essentially goes against globalization

Does working on WeChat after work count as overtime? The court has ruled! Li Xiaomei | Company | Court
Does working on WeChat after work count as overtime? The court has ruled! Li Xiaomei | Company | Court

The court ruled that "WeChat office" during non working hours does not count as overtime. Li Xiaomei joined a technology company in Beijing on April 1, 2019 as a product operator. The two parties signed a labor contract until March 31, 2022, which stipulated that Li Xiaomei would implement an indefinite working hour system. Later, due to overtime issues, a labor dispute arose between the two parties. Li Xiaomei submitted the "Official Account Duty Form for Holiday Community", WeChat chat records, and DingTalk check-in records, stating that she often uses social media to communicate with customers and employees after work or during holidays, and the company should pay her overtime pay. The company believes that Li Xiaomei is mainly responsible for answering occasional questions from customers in the customer group during her duty on rest days, rather than working overtime. First instance court: Agreed on an irregular working schedule, the company does not need to pay overtime pay. Li Xiaomei applied for labor

Beijing, Tianjin, and other places have announced their reporting methods! Investigation and clearance, involving the field of pharmaceutical anti-corruption | Medicine | Beijing Tianjin
Beijing, Tianjin, and other places have announced their reporting methods! Investigation and clearance, involving the field of pharmaceutical anti-corruption | Medicine | Beijing Tianjin

Since the beginning of this year, over 150 hospital leaders have been investigated, and a large-scale medical anti-corruption campaign is underway. On July 28th, a video conference was held in Beijing to mobilize and deploy the coordination of disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies in carrying out the centralized rectification of corruption in the national pharmaceutical industry. According to the news of "Honest Hegang" on WeChat official account, and according to the unified deployment of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Heilongjiang Province, on August 9, the mobilization and deployment meeting of Hegang City's discipline inspection and supervision authorities to cooperate in the centralized rectification of corruption in the medical field was held, and arrangements were made to cooperate in the centralized rectification. We need to strengthen the investigation and handling of cases, closely monitor the issue of corruption in the pharmaceutical industry, focus on the "key minority", key positions, and key links, and launch a strong attack and severe punishment to form a strong momentum and effective deterrence for punishing and combating corruption. We must persist in accepting bribes

Xi'an police report: Detention of assaulter for 15 days, convenience store staff refused to fight back after being beaten. Convenience store | Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province | Police
Xi'an police report: Detention of assaulter for 15 days, convenience store staff refused to fight back after being beaten. Convenience store | Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province | Police

On the evening of August 9th, the Sanqiao New Street Police Station of our bureau received a report from the public stating that they had been beaten at a convenience store. After receiving the alarm, the police immediately arrived at the scene for disposal. After investigation, at around 21:00 that evening, Liu kicked the power bank device of a convenience store for no reason, and when the store clerk Li tried to dissuade him, he was beaten by Liu. According to the relevant provisions of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Public Security Administration Punishments, our bureau has detained Liu for fifteen days. Previously, it was reported that a shop assistant weighing 280 pounds was beaten and refused to fight back: to avoid being identified as a fight. On August 9th, Mr. Li, a male shop assistant weighing 280 pounds in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, revealed that he had been beaten by a stranger and never fought back. The video shows Mr. Li sitting outside the convenience store to cool off. A man walked up to the store to retrieve his shared power bank, but did not take it out for the first time. He kicked the charging device. Mr. Li is here

Expert: With disguised strategic bombing capabilities, Japan conducts research on transport aircraft launching long-range missiles AGM | cruise missiles | strikes | the United States | capabilities | Japan | transport aircraft | missiles
Expert: With disguised strategic bombing capabilities, Japan conducts research on transport aircraft launching long-range missiles AGM | cruise missiles | strikes | the United States | capabilities | Japan | transport aircraft | missiles

Japan is considering modifying its C-2 transport aircraft to have the ability to launch long-range cruise missiles and become a quasi strategic bomber. According to an article published on the US military website "Warzone" on the 7th, the Japanese Ministry of Defense is considering retrofitting C-2 transport planes into "arsenal aircraft" capable of launching long-range missiles, in order to have long-range strike capabilities. In the view of military experts, the modified C-2 transport aircraft that can launch long-range cruise missiles will become a quasi strategic bomber, greatly enhancing the long-range strike capability of the Japan Air Self Defense Force. The maximum carrying capacity of the Japanese C-2 transport aircraft reaches 30 tons. The C-2 transport plane will transform into a "arsenal aircraft". According to sources from the Japanese Ministry of Defense quoted by The Nippon Times, Japan's modified C-2 transport plane can release trays equipped with missiles from the rear hatch. After release

Biden approves a major disaster statement, increasing the number of wildfire victims in Hawaii to 36. News | Time | Biden
Biden approves a major disaster statement, increasing the number of wildfire victims in Hawaii to 36. News | Time | Biden

As of the evening of the 9th, wildfires raging on Maui Island in Hawaii, USA have caused at least 36 deaths. According to official statements from Maui County, Hawaii, as well as news from American media such as the Los Angeles Times, a wildfire broke out on Maui Island, the second largest island in the Hawaiian Islands, on the 8th. Under the influence of strong winds brought by Hurricane Dora, the fire quickly spread. On the evening of the 9th local time in Maui County, it was announced that at least 36 people have died in the fire. Dozens of people were injured in the fire, and 271 buildings, including schools, churches, and many small businesses, were damaged or even burned down. According to reports, the fire spread over 2000 acres and posed a threat to over 35000 people on the island of Maui. The famous historical and cultural tourist destination of La Haina Town is the hardest hit area of this fire. At least 11000 tourists from Maui Island

Add two new recruits in a day! The latest version of the "Underground Family" in China shows the iron | diameter | family
Add two new recruits in a day! The latest version of the "Underground Family" in China shows the iron | diameter | family

On August 8th, two shield tunneling machines, "Yong'an" and "Longrun", from China Railway, were taken offline in Jiangmen, Guangdong and Deyang, Sichuan, respectively. "Yong'an" is a super large diameter dual-mode shield tunneling machine specially designed for the Guifengshan Tunnel, with an excavation diameter of 14.29 meters, which is about 5 floors high. It is the largest diameter earth pressure/TBM dual-mode shield tunneling machine in China. "Longrun" serves the construction of the Dianzhong Water Diversion Project, with an excavation diameter of 4.6 meters, which is the world's smallest diameter single shield TBM for water diversion projects. On the same day, two national treasures, one big and one small, embarked on their journey to the center of the earth. As a powerful tool for entering the earth, shield tunneling machines are essential core equipment for the construction of a great country. In the 1990s

Media: Tightening the safety barrier of internet celebrity "wild scenic spots" should become a common sense measure | venue | safety
Media: Tightening the safety barrier of internet celebrity "wild scenic spots" should become a common sense measure | venue | safety

At around 10 o'clock on August 9th, more than 10 tourists were taking photos at the popular check-in point in Yuliba, Yucheng District, Ya'an, Sichuan. They suddenly encountered a flood in the river, and many people were washed away by the flood. According to government officials in Bifengxia Town, after preliminary investigation, a total of 11 people were washed away. As of 14:12 on the same day, 7 people have died and 4 have been rescued. Local public security and fire departments are still continuing to carry out search and rescue operations. A sudden flood claimed the precious lives of seven tourists. In addition to grief, it is also necessary to reflect on why such a tragedy occurred? How can we prevent tragedies from happening again? It is undeniable that with the support of modern technology, meteorological risk warning is basically "qualified". According to media reports, at 17:20 on August 8th, the Ya'an Water Resources Bureau and the Ya'an Meteorological Bureau jointly released the first report

National security agencies have cracked the CIA spy case! Details Disclosure Seth | Spy | Mechanism
National security agencies have cracked the CIA spy case! Details Disclosure Seth | Spy | Mechanism

Recently, national security agencies have uncovered a CIA espionage case. The suspect Zeng XX, born in July 1971, is a staff member of a military industrial group of our country and an important secret related person. During the period when Zeng was sent by his unit to Italy for further studies, US embassy official Seth took the initiative to get to know him. Afterwards, he gradually became close through activities such as dinners, outings, and watching operas. Zeng gradually developed a psychological dependence on Seth, and Seth took this opportunity to instill Western values in Zeng. Under Seth's boasting and persuasion, Zeng's political stance was shaken. As the interaction between the two sides gradually deepened, Seth revealed his identity as a member of the Central Intelligence Agency's Rome station to Zeng, promising to pay a huge amount of compensation and handling immigration procedures for Zeng's family to the United States, requesting Zeng to provide sensitive military information. Zeng

Economic Daily: US investment restrictions on China are blatant economic coercion against China | US | economy
Economic Daily: US investment restrictions on China are blatant economic coercion against China | US | economy

On the early morning of August 10th Beijing time, US President Biden signed an executive order to establish an outward investment review mechanism, restricting US entities from investing in China's semiconductor and microelectronics, quantum information technology, and artificial intelligence fields. The United States, under the guise of national security, restricts American companies from investing in China, which is a blatant economic coercion and technological bullying. Its real purpose is to curb China's development rights and maintain its own hegemony and self-interest. The US side stated that the executive order aims to "prevent US capital and expertise from helping develop technologies that may support China's military modernization and threaten US national security", and is a necessary measure to "protect national security". The US has repeatedly claimed that it has no intention of decoupling from China, obstructing China's economic development, or containment of China, but has frequently generalized the concept of "national security" and imposed indiscriminate export controls on China

Collect 10% sales rebate, indictment: Sichuan Hospital Dean's designated consumables supplier benefits | medical | consumables
Collect 10% sales rebate, indictment: Sichuan Hospital Dean's designated consumables supplier benefits | medical | consumables

Anti corruption in the pharmaceutical industry continues to receive attention. Recently, multiple medical institutions have launched self inspection and self correction, investigating kickbacks. Recently, a lawsuit released by the 12309 China Prosecutors Network revealed that the former director of a hospital in Liangshan, Sichuan, designated a sales representative of a medical consumables company as the supplier of the consumables. After receiving the payment, the medical representative sent a cash payment of 2.48 million yuan to the dean in proportion to 10% of the total sales amount of consumables. The above indictment shows that from 2008 to 2021, in order to seek illegitimate benefits, Huang Jian, a sales representative of a medical consumables company, sent a total of RMB 3.375 million to Gu Xiande, former Secretary of the Party General Branch and Dean of Butuo County People's Hospital in Liangshan, Sichuan, and Tang Fangneng, former Secretary of the Party Branch and Dean of Butuo Zhongyi Hospital, through gratitude fees, kickbacks, and other means. Among them, from 2008 to

"It was only after taking a glance that I felt at ease. The director of the cultural protection department of the Youjin Ancient Temple in Hebei denied that it was a good temple to show off." The director of the Kaishan Temple Cultural Protection Office said. Director Rong
"It was only after taking a glance that I felt at ease. The director of the cultural protection department of the Youjin Ancient Temple in Hebei denied that it was a good temple to show off." The director of the Kaishan Temple Cultural Protection Office said. Director Rong

The flood in Kaishan Temple has receded. There is still some standing water on the cobblestone ground in the yard, and crucian carp bigger than a palm are splashing in the water. The soil became soft, and when one foot stepped on it, the shoes sank into the mud. The water stains on the red wall and the mud on the base of the Buddha statue indicate the location and speed of the flood's retreat. "At the deepest point, it's over two meters, and it drops by 50 centimeters in a day," said Rong, the director of the cultural protection office of Kaishan Temple. On the morning of August 9th, cultural relics protection experts at all levels visited Kaishan Temple to assess the damage and subsequent repair plans. There are several cracks on the wall, and the bricks on the stone steps are somewhat loose. Other than that, there are not many other problems. "Now the bricks have enough moisture and are expanding. We need to wait until they are completely dry before we see if they will shrink and crack." The staff of the Baoding Museum said, "No one can say for sure how long it will take.". “

What is the trend of anti-corruption in central enterprises?, In the first half of the year, 214 centrally managed enterprises voluntarily invested in state-owned assets | official | enterprise
What is the trend of anti-corruption in central enterprises?, In the first half of the year, 214 centrally managed enterprises voluntarily invested in state-owned assets | official | enterprise

On the 10th, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission announced that in the first half of this year, under the deterrence of cases and policy inspiration, 214 state-owned enterprises voluntarily surrendered. Observations have pointed out that this data reflects the strong trend of multiple breakthroughs and in-depth promotion of anti-corruption work in state-owned assets and central enterprises since the beginning of this year. At the beginning of this year, there were multiple breakthroughs in anti-corruption work in areas such as energy and electricity, and the government designated state-owned enterprises as key areas for anti-corruption and strengthened their deployment. The communiqu é of the second plenary session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in January, when mentioning this year's anti-corruption work deployment, pointed out that "highlighting key areas, deepening the rectification of corruption in areas such as finance, state-owned enterprises, political and legal affairs, and food procurement and sales, where power is concentrated, capital is intensive, and resources are enriched.". In the eyes of the outside world, this has provided a "roadmap" and "construction plan" for the anti-corruption efforts of central enterprises for a period of time. In the following six months,

Zhejiang man in ICU rescue for half a month! Doctor: You must not eat like this. Three people have eaten it. News report | Huangjiu | Men
Zhejiang man in ICU rescue for half a month! Doctor: You must not eat like this. Three people have eaten it. News report | Huangjiu | Men

These two days, swimming crabs have finally been on the market! Many Hangzhou foodies rush to try fresh food as soon as possible, and Qian Baojun has previously reported that although swimming crabs are delicious, eating too much at once can cause suffering. Some people stayed in the ICU for more than half a month before turning the tide. The man ate three swimming crabs in a row and stayed in the ICU for half a month. The swimming crab meat is delicious and nutritious, containing a large amount of protein and fat, as well as a lot of calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins, etc., which is deeply loved by diners. According to ancient Chinese medicine records, crabs have a cold nature and a salty taste, which belong to the liver and kidney meridians. They can have the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, promoting dampness and reducing jaundice, dispersing nodules and removing blood stasis. When entering the liver and kidney meridians, they can also nourish tendons and promote blood circulation, and have a certain effect on bone fractures and blood stasis caused by trauma. However, swimming crabs have a cold nature and high cholesterol content in crab roe, which can be consumed in large quantities at once

Adventure exploration? Ukraine unilaterally announces the establishment of a "humanitarian corridor" humanitarian | corridor | Udan
Adventure exploration? Ukraine unilaterally announces the establishment of a "humanitarian corridor" humanitarian | corridor | Udan

According to Reuters, Ukraine announced the establishment of a "humanitarian corridor" on August 10th, allowing dozens of cargo ships stranded in the country's ports to enter the Black Sea. The report suggests that Ukraine's move can test its ability to reopen sea routes under current circumstances. Russia, which withdrew from the Black Sea food agreement last month, is now attempting to re blockade Ukrainian ports. Ukrainian Navy spokesperson Oleg Chareh said, "Today, a new humanitarian corridor has been launched." He said, "This corridor will be very transparent, and we will install cameras on the ship and broadcast them to show that it is a purely humanitarian mission with no military purpose." The report stated that the Ukrainian Navy stated in a statement that Ukraine has submitted the route to the International Maritime Organization. The Ukrainian Navy claims

Looking at China, Biden is going to our neighboring country. Source | Diplomacy | Biden
Looking at China, Biden is going to our neighboring country. Source | Diplomacy | Biden

It has to be said that Biden is really a diplomatic veteran. He clearly wanted to go to Vietnam, but when he said it, it seemed like Vietnam was begging him to go quickly. During a political fundraising event a few days ago, Biden mysteriously announced that Vietnam wanted to upgrade its relationship with the United States and become a major partner of the United States. Therefore, he decided to visit Vietnam "soon". He previously revealed that he received a phone call from a "Vietnamese leader" who "really wants to meet with me when I attend the G20 summit" and "he hopes to elevate us to a major partner on equal footing with Russia and China.". What does it mean? From my personal interpretation, Biden's meaning is still very meaningful. If what Biden said is true, the G20 summit will take place on September 9th

Polish Defense Minister announces the deployment of 10000 soldiers to the Polish Belarus border Warsaw | Belarus | Poland
Polish Defense Minister announces the deployment of 10000 soldiers to the Polish Belarus border Warsaw | Belarus | Poland

According to the Associated Press on August 10th, Polish Defense Minister Marius Bouashchak announced on August 10th that Poland plans to deploy 10000 soldiers in its border area with Belarus. The report points out that Warsaw is very concerned about Wagner Group mercenaries and immigrants attempting to illegally cross the border within Belarus. Bouvashchak said that ultimately 10000 Polish soldiers will be deployed to the border areas. He revealed this news during an interview with the national radio station. The day before, a Polish official announced that Poland would send an additional 2000 soldiers to the border areas in the next two weeks, thereby doubling the size of the military in the border areas. These soldiers deployed to the border area of Poland and Belarus will reinforce the police and border defense forces there. Polish Defense Minister Marius Boushchak reported that Poland

Japan no longer pretends, Aso travels to Taiwan | Taiwan Strait | Japan
Japan no longer pretends, Aso travels to Taiwan | Taiwan Strait | Japan

Taro Aso, the 82 year old former Japanese Prime Minister and Vice President of the Liberal Democratic Party, led a delegation to visit Taiwan, China from August 7 to 9. During his time in Taiwan, he overestimated his abilities and spoke nonsense, advocating for "strengthening deterrence based on war" and falsely claiming that the situation in the Taiwan Strait was "transitioning from a normal period to an extraordinary period.".The Governor of Chang'an Street noticed that, based on Matsuno's response, the Kishida government tends to prioritize

Is it the heaviest animal in Earth's history? Team | Skeleton | Earth History
Is it the heaviest animal in Earth's history? Team | Skeleton | Earth History

An international research team recently published a paper in the British journal Nature, stating that an ancient giant whale that lived approximately 39 million years ago and is now extinct may have weighed more than a blue whale, earning the title of "heaviest animal in Earth's history.". After analyzing some skeletal fossils unearthed in Peru, the research team discovered this giant whale with exceptionally heavy bones. This new species is named "Perucetus colosus", which means "giant whales from Peru". Researchers have found that the skeleton of this ancient giant whale is about 20 meters long, but it is exceptionally heavy. The estimated weight of the complete skeleton is between 5 and 8 tons, which is 2 to 3 times heavier than the 25 meter long blue whale skeleton exhibited at the British Museum of Natural History. according to

Sun Su, former female director of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, was held criminally responsible. Position: Minister
Sun Su, former female director of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, was held criminally responsible. Position: Minister

On August 10th, according to the official WeChat account of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Hainan procuratorial organs lawfully prosecuted Sun Su for suspected bribery. It is reported that Sun Su, a former first level inspector of the Propaganda Department of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee, is suspected of bribery. The investigation by the Hainan Provincial Supervision Commission has been concluded and transferred to the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution. After being entrusted by the People's Procuratorate of Hainan Province, the People's Procuratorate of Haikou City shall file a public prosecution with the Intermediate People's Court of Haikou City in accordance with the law. During the review and prosecution stage, the procuratorial organs informed the defendant Sun Su of his litigation rights in accordance with the law, interrogated the defendant in accordance with the law, and listened to the opinions of the defense counsel. The People's Procuratorate of Haikou City has filed a lawsuit accusing that from 2011 to 2017, the defendant Sun Su used his position as a member of the Standing Committee of the Sanya Municipal Committee and Minister of Propaganda to seek benefits for others, and directly or through others, accepted bribes,

First time! Russia announces the launch of the "Lunar-25" probe into space launch site | Moon | Russia
First time! Russia announces the launch of the "Lunar-25" probe into space launch site | Moon | Russia

On the 11th local time, the Soyuz-2.1b rocket carrying the unmanned lunar probe Lunar-25 ignited and took off from the Eastern Launch Site. Moon-25 is expected to land in the South Pole of the Moon in 10 to 12 days. If successful, it will become the first probe in human history to land on the South Pole of the Moon. This is also Russia's first launch of a lunar probe. The Lunar-25 weighs 1.8 tons and is equipped with a robotic arm that can sample lunar soil at a depth of up to 30 centimeters. All sampling and analysis will be conducted on the moon, and the analysis results will be sent back to Earth. On August 11, 2023 local time, the Soyuz-2.1b rocket carrying the unmanned lunar probe Lunar-25 ignited and took off from the Russian Eastern Launch Site. in addition

Being prosecuted!, Office of the Deputy Director of the Leading Group for the Management of Giant Pandas | Zhang Shaojun | Giant Pandas
Being prosecuted!, Office of the Deputy Director of the Leading Group for the Management of Giant Pandas | Zhang Shaojun | Giant Pandas

On August 10th, according to the official WeChat account of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, the Sichuan procuratorial organs lawfully prosecuted Zhang Shaojun for suspected bribery. According to the picture, recently, Zhang Shaojun, former deputy director of the Sichuan Provincial Administration of Giant Panda National Park, was suspected of accepting bribes. The case has been designated by the Sichuan Provincial People's Procuratorate for jurisdiction, and the Chengdu Railway Transport Branch of the Sichuan Provincial People's Procuratorate has filed a public prosecution with the Chengdu Railway Transport Intermediate People's Court in accordance with the law. During the review and prosecution stage, the procuratorial organs informed the defendant Zhang Shaojun of his litigation rights in accordance with the law, interrogated the defendant in accordance with the law, and listened to the opinions of the defense counsel. The Chengdu Railway Transport Branch of the Sichuan Provincial People's Procuratorate has filed a lawsuit accusing the defendant Zhang Shaojun of using the convenience of his position, or the convenience formed by his own power and status, to engage in other state officials' actions in their positions

To use both powerful medicine and sun exposure, Xinhua Daily Telegraph: Cure Medical Corruption | Field | Xinhua
To use both powerful medicine and sun exposure, Xinhua Daily Telegraph: Cure Medical Corruption | Field | Xinhua

Recently, the "Thunder Anti Corruption" campaign has swept across the pharmaceutical industry, with some major cases being made public. News such as "more than 150 hospital deans and secretaries across the country have been investigated", "doctors have seen classmates appear in anti-corruption notices", and "9 medical personnel jointly report department heads" have been trending. This indicates that this anti-corruption battle is strong and genuine, has deterred many lawbreakers, responded to the voices of the people, and reflected the firm determination of the Party and the government to eradicate corruption in the medical field. For many years, the fight against corruption in the pharmaceutical industry has never stopped. However, the medical system is highly specialized, relatively independent, and operates in a closed manner, with strong concealment, providing opportunities for criminals to evade supervision, and also posing many challenges for the anti-corruption efforts in the pharmaceutical industry to advance towards a "deep water zone". How difficult is it to investigate corruption in deep-water areas? How cunning is a fox? From the published cases, it can be seen that

The successful hoisting of the first core module of Linglong 1 in the world | Module | Global
The successful hoisting of the first core module of Linglong 1 in the world | Module | Global

The picture shows the lifting site of the core module of the Linglong 1 reactor. On August 10th, in Changjiang, Hainan, the core module of the world's first land-based commercial small nuclear reactor, Linglong 1, was lifted high and moved towards the direction of the nuclear island. The lifting was successful, and key equipment such as pressure vessels and evaporators were in place in one step. The installation work of the world's first reactor, Linglong 1, entered its peak period. "Linglong 1" is a technology demonstration project of China National Nuclear Corporation's Hainan Multipurpose Modular Small Reactor, which is a significant achievement of China's independent innovation in nuclear power after "Hualong 1". It fills the domestic gap and has broad global market prospects. The successful hoisting of the core module of the reactor this time is the "first show" of modular manufacturing and installation of nuclear reactors, marking China's progress in modular small-scale production