The world

Pudong Maternal and Child Health Hospital provides emergency assistance to ensure the safety of the mother and daughter. Pregnant women experience significant bleeding before delivery
Pudong Maternal and Child Health Hospital provides emergency assistance to ensure the safety of the mother and daughter. Pregnant women experience significant bleeding before delivery

Recently, Ms. Zhao, 33 years old this year, successfully gave birth to her second child, but recalling the process of this delivery, she still has lingering palpitations. During the prenatal examination at the Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Pudong New Area, Ms. Zhao was diagnosed with central placenta previa. On the noon of September 12th, she, who was 36+2 weeks pregnant, suddenly experienced a large amount of vaginal bleeding at home. She immediately called 120 ambulance to be urgently transported to the emergency department of the New District Maternal and Child Health Hospital. The hospital's obstetrics team immediately responded and waited in front of the emergency room. Upon receiving the pregnant woman, they immediately activated the emergency cesarean section green channel: opening the vein, laboratory examination, blood preparation and transfusion, and a series of preoperative preparations. The chief obstetrician Zhang Zhiping promptly performed the cesarean section surgery for the pregnant woman, Ms. Zhao, and successfully delivered a female baby. Ms. Zhao, who is undergoing postpartum recovery, told reporters that her first pregnancy was a cesarean section, and her second pregnancy was detected during a check-up

The China Coordinate · Shanghai Urban Targeted Outdoor Challenge is held to promote the integration of "business, culture, sports, and tourism"
The China Coordinate · Shanghai Urban Targeted Outdoor Challenge is held to promote the integration of "business, culture, sports, and tourism"

Recently, the "China Coordinates · Shanghai Urban Directional Outdoor Challenge" was successfully held at the Lingang New Area Division Stadium, attracting more than 500 people to participate. The Shanghai Coordinates Urban Orientation Challenge was founded in 2011 and was successfully upgraded to China Coordinates in 2016. It has been held for twelve consecutive sessions so far. In December 2021, the "China Coordinates · Shanghai Urban Directional Outdoor Challenge" was included in the first batch of events recognized by the "Shanghai Events" brand, helping Shanghai build a globally renowned sports city and promoting the rapid development of the sports industry. It is reported that this competition takes "sports+cultural tourism" as its development strategy and diversified events as leverage, showcasing a new business card for cultural and tourism events in the Lingang New Area, establishing a regional outdoor event brand, promoting the integration and popularity gathering of "commercial, cultural and tourism", and helping to create a "young city, young people"

Book exchange parties, garden tours... "Enjoy Reading Caolu" Reading Carnival, making more people fall in love with reading
Book exchange parties, garden tours... "Enjoy Reading Caolu" Reading Carnival, making more people fall in love with reading

The start of September is the perfect time for reading. Over the past weekend, Caolu Town launched the "Enjoy Reading Caolu" Reading Carnival, working together with fishing books to bring a rich cultural feast to the people in the town, especially for school-age children. Through book exchange events and garden tours, more children will love reading and participate in environmental reading in the new era of civilization practice activities. In order to build the "Book Fragrance Caolu", Caolu Town established the "Enjoy Reading Caolu" reading brand in 2019. Represented by the town's library and the Fisherman's Book Sandao Academy, multiple community book borrowing points have been established and diversified reading activities have been carried out, bringing the fragrance of books to thousands of households. It is reported that this "Enjoy Reading Caolu" Reading Carnival is another nationwide reading promotion activity launched by Caolu Town this year. At Hengyue Rongxin Square, the low-carbon and environmentally friendly book exchange event will start on the night of September 15th

From January to August this year, 277 types and 2079 volumes of donated family genealogies were collected
From January to August this year, 277 types and 2079 volumes of donated family genealogies were collected

From January to August this year, the Shanghai Library received donations of 277 types and 2079 volumes of family genealogy from readers. Almost every day, readers donated their genealogies through express delivery or on-site delivery. Even in the scorching summer of July, the Shanghai Library still receives donations of 317 volumes of 23 family genealogies; By the end of August, 58 types of 420 volumes of family genealogy have been collected in a continuous stream... This year, the list of family genealogies donated by the Shanghai Library showcases an unprecedented prosperity in the era of genealogy revision. The librarians in the genealogy reading room of the Shanghai Library warmly welcome and patiently guide readers who come to search for genealogies, roots, and hope to continue their studies; Donating genealogy, issuing donation certificates in a timely manner, keeping records and cataloging, and contributing to the inheritance of excellent traditional Chinese culture with readers. The reporter learned that the donated family tree covers more than 100 different surnames, including Wang, Li, Zhang, Liu, Chen, and other major surnames

District leaders conduct research in municipal characteristic industrial parks to deepen the construction of free trade pilot zones
District leaders conduct research in municipal characteristic industrial parks to deepen the construction of free trade pilot zones

On the afternoon of September 18th, Zhu Zhisong, a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the District Party Committee, and Director of the Management Committee of the China Pilot Free Trade Zone, led a team to conduct a theme research on deepening the construction of the pilot free trade zone in Shanghai Jingu Intelligent Terminal Manufacturing Characteristic Industrial Park and Zhangjiang Digital Chain Characteristic Park, in accordance with the arrangements for theme education and the deployment requirements of the Daxing investigation and research. The Shanghai Jingu Intelligent Terminal Manufacturing Special Industrial Park and the Zhangjiang Digital Chain Special Industrial Park are both municipal level characteristic industrial parks. Among them, Shanghai Jingu Intelligent Terminal Manufacturing Characteristic Industrial Park aims to create a core area of intelligent terminal industry and a new industrial carrier model that integrates high-end manufacturing, first launch manufacturing, and flagship manufacturing. The first project of the park is being accelerated in the construction process, relying on the manufacturing foundation of Jinqiao. Currently, the investment in the park is progressing well, and many high-quality enterprises have expressed their intention to settle in. Zhangjiang Shulian Te

More than ten thunderous applause from the whole audience! This original musical play in Pudong has successfully premiered, with an hour of performance
More than ten thunderous applause from the whole audience! This original musical play in Pudong has successfully premiered, with an hour of performance

On average, every five minutes, the whole audience erupts with applause! Recently, the original musical play "Our Journey is the Sea of Stars" successfully premiered at the Red Scarf Theater of the Youth Activity Center in Pudong New Area. More than 600 primary and secondary school students and parent representatives from 10 school districts in Pudong saw their own stories on stage; Through laughter, tears, and applause, I also gain enlightenment for growth. "Our Journey is the Starry Sea" is the first original musical drama released by the Pudong education system. It is guided by the Shanghai Theatre Academy and performed by young theater actors from Shanghai and students from Pudong who love drama. The drama revolves around middle school students such as Lang Yue, Xia Yuhan, and Fu Sinan visiting Nanhuizui to observe the "Super Moon" event, telling the story of contemporary teenagers pursuing their scientific dreams. On stage, three children and their

You can enjoy wonderful cultural performances at your doorstep
You can enjoy wonderful cultural performances at your doorstep

In the construction of the "three circles", various streets and towns in Pudong continuously introduce a variety of public cultural services to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of the people. Huinan Town and Nicheng Town plan to carry out a series of activities to deliver cultural activities to the doorstep of residents. Recently, the "Red Mud City Sings to the Sun" - the first performance of the 2023 Mud Town Literature and Art Week held in the Cultural Center Square, attracted nearly 500 residents to stop and watch. The first event kicked off with the joyful "Fitness Fishing Drum", and the entire performance was full of climaxes and excitement. The soundtrack recitation "When We Choose This City" created and performed by the Town Cultural Center tells the story of the past, present, and future of Mud City; The skit "Huyou" is close to life, with the theme of teaching the elderly how to deal with fraud correctly, benefiting the audience greatly; dance

Provide suggestions and suggestions for landscape lighting management in Pudong New Area, and invite public representatives to attend the executive meeting of the district government
Provide suggestions and suggestions for landscape lighting management in Pudong New Area, and invite public representatives to attend the executive meeting of the district government

Public participation in major administrative decisions is a powerful means to strengthen the construction of a rule of law government and improve the efficiency of government decision-making. On the afternoon of September 18th, Hang Yingwei, Deputy Secretary General of the Municipal Government, Deputy Secretary of the District Committee, and District Mayor, presided over the 42nd Executive Meeting of the District Government, inviting three public representatives to attend and participate in the review of the "Several Regulations on Landscape Lighting Management in Pudong New Area". At the meeting, three public representatives, Wang Hui, Director of the Landscape Department of the Shanghai Greening and Urban Appearance Management Bureau, Sun Kaijun, Chairman of Shanghai Roman Lighting Technology Co., Ltd., and Wang Bin, Senior Partner of the Shanghai Branch of Beijing Longan Law Firm, provided suggestions and suggestions on the relevant content of the Several Regulations. Wang Hui believes that the institutional design of the Several Regulations is innovative and leading, strengthening the coordination of departments, refining the hierarchical management system, and strengthening the management of the entire lifecycle

Huinan Town explores new paths for rural property management and creates a "15 minute rural community living circle"
Huinan Town explores new paths for rural property management and creates a "15 minute rural community living circle"

Recently, Xingfu Village in Huinan Town and Rainbow Property held a signing ceremony for the "Property Management Service Contract". The renovation system introduced qualified property service enterprises to the village, providing villagers with essential management services such as security, cleaning, greenery, and warranty, opening up a new model of rural property services. In the face of many difficulties in rural governance, such as the low level of village level property service management and the "reconstruction and light management" of public facilities, how to make property management adapt to local customs? Huinan Town actively explores the model of party building leading rural property management services, strives to solve the difficulties, pain points, and bottlenecks of grassroots governance, focuses on building a "15 minute rural community life circle", and promotes the synchronous improvement of rural governance quality and efficiency and public happiness. The property management service for villagers is provided at the entrance of the village, and Mr. Huang, a villager from Xingfu Village, enters the village through the parking gate, just like living in a residential area.

This themed event will be held to help promote Mandarin
This themed event will be held to help promote Mandarin

On September 17th, the Chuansha New Town "Promoting Mandarin and Leading the Area" Home in Shanghai · Dream Building Chuansha themed promotional activity was held at the town's Party and Mass Service Center. Through a series of activities, Mandarin was promoted among ethnic minorities, building a bridge and new belt for communication among people of all ethnic groups, and promoting cultural integration. A promotional video jointly shot by residents of various ethnic groups in Chuansha New Town opened the curtain on the day's event. In the early stage, representatives of ethnic minorities and students within the town, as well as students from the "Yungui Class" of Shanghai Haichuan Jianxin Education Group, went to places such as Chuansha Ancient Town and Lianmin Village to become "promoters" and actively promote Mandarin. On the day of the event, interactive activities were also set up, including special lectures on promoting knowledge, showcasing style, visiting exhibitions of ethnic story themed works, ethnic pasting music, and ethnic language guessing to share with everyone

(Micro Asian Games) Coming from the Southern Song Dynasty, this lamp is about to appear in the Hangzhou Asian Games. | Diameter | Micro
(Micro Asian Games) Coming from the Southern Song Dynasty, this lamp is about to appear in the Hangzhou Asian Games. | Diameter | Micro

Hangzhou, September 18th (Xinhua) - A golden bamboo ball is adorned with a red lantern, which is thrown up as the actors dance, and the formation changes slowly with the music, sometimes like a bud blooming, and sometimes like waves undulating. A few days later, the Linping Rolling Lantern with a history of over 800 years will appear as a warm-up program at the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games. Linping is located in the northeast of Hangzhou. During the Hangzhou Asian Games and Paralympics, it will host events such as football, volleyball, karate, and blind goal kick. The selection of the Linping Rolling Lantern as a warm-up program for the opening ceremony of the Asian Games is not only to host the competition, but also a tribute from the local people to the Asian Games. Why did the rolling lamp originate? According to legend, in ancient times, Linping was close to the banks of the Qiantang River, where salt fishing was thriving and pirates often attacked. The public competed in lantern races, showcasing their superb martial arts skills and intimidating pirates. Canghai Mulberry

Digital Technology Creating Brilliant Scenes - Hangzhou Asian Games Opening Ceremony Will Raise Electronic Fireworks
Digital Technology Creating Brilliant Scenes - Hangzhou Asian Games Opening Ceremony Will Raise Electronic Fireworks

Technology Daily reporter Jiang Yun, intern Lu Xinyi, correspondent Yin Peiqin, recently released a trailer for the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games. In just 16 seconds, it includes elements such as dance, lighting, special effects, and grand scenes. It is expected that, unlike previous large-scale event opening ceremonies, this opening ceremony will cancel the physical fireworks display, and instead use digital technology, such as 3D animation and AR technology, to showcase a dazzling "fireworks" scene. Rehearsal for the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games. According to the general public impression, fireworks performances are indispensable for the opening ceremony of large-scale sports events and cultural evening parties. If there are no physical fireworks, will the atmosphere of the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games be discounted? During an interview with the media, Sha Xiaolan, the chief director and producer of the opening ceremony, stated that the creative team will use digital technology to move from top to bottom

China ASEAN Deepening Financial Cooperation to Serve the High Quality Development of the "the Belt and Road"
China ASEAN Deepening Financial Cooperation to Serve the High Quality Development of the "the Belt and Road"

China News Network, Nanning, September 18 The 15th China ASEAN Financial Cooperation and Development Leaders' Forum was held in Nanning, Guangxi, on the 18th, and more than 300 government, finance and enterprise participants discussed the theme of "financial services, high-quality development of the the Belt and Road". Zheng Wei, Deputy Director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange of China, said that the People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange will continue to deepen exchanges and cooperation with ASEAN countries, strengthen financial policy innovation and supply, provide more powerful financial support for the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" high-quality development, deepen the reform of foreign exchange business facilitation, promote trade facilitation of high-quality enterprises, cross-border financing facilitation and other policy measures, and support the development of new trade formats. At the same time, promote the innovation of cross-border financial products and services, and guide more financial resources to invest in the key projects of the "the Belt and Road" and the western land, sea and new

The small badge "Fireworks" is passed down! Let's learn the story behind the Asian Games emblem together →
The small badge "Fireworks" is passed down! Let's learn the story behind the Asian Games emblem together →

As the Hangzhou Asian Games approach, licensed goods for the Asian Games have also become a focus of attention. The emblem design team for the Asian Games has designed a mini version of the torch emblem based on the Hangzhou Asian Games torch "Fireworks". Let's learn about the story behind the emblem ↓↓ Yu Pengcheng, a licensed product designer for the Hangzhou Asian Games: The torch of the Hangzhou Asian Games is named "Huohuo", and many elements come from the Liangzhu culture in Hangzhou. I also want to extract the elements of the Liangzhu culture on the torch, including other important elements. In this set of "firewood" torch badges, there are also many small details that are not easy to discover, all containing the designer's ingenuity. Yu Pengcheng, a licensed product designer for the Hangzhou Asian Games: The top of the torch, these four are the fire outlets, and the small details are the "@" symbol in the middle because of the Hangzhou Asian Games

US media: The strike by car workers will have a significant impact or lead to a recession in the US economy
US media: The strike by car workers will have a significant impact or lead to a recession in the US economy

On September 18th, according to a report by Fox2 TV in the United States, workers from the three major car companies in the United States began strikes on September 15th. If this strike continues for a long time, it will have a significant impact. Salesperson Roy Williams said, "I hope the strike will last very short. If it continues for a longer time, it will affect dealer inventory." Williams said that the strike will have a greater impact on automotive industry employees and ordinary people who purchase cars. Expert Masters, who focuses on labor issues, said that if the strike lasts for more than two weeks, it may lead to a recession in the US economy. Masters said, "To prevent the economy from falling into recession or inflation from rising more severely than before, I believe that if the strike lasts for more than two weeks, the US government will intervene."

【 Poetry and Painting Jiangnan Welcoming the Asian Games 】 Hangzhou Asian Games continues to heat up tourism | Features | Jiangnan
【 Poetry and Painting Jiangnan Welcoming the Asian Games 】 Hangzhou Asian Games continues to heat up tourism | Features | Jiangnan

Guangming News: As the Hangzhou Asian Games approach, the "Asian Games tourism fever" has also arrived ahead of schedule. On the afternoon of September 18th, the reporter visited the Qinghefang Historical and Cultural Characteristic Scenic Area located in Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City. At attractions such as Hu Qingyu Hall and Sijiao Modern Architecture, many tourists checked in to experience the charm of Hangzhou, where history and culture blend with the vitality of the Asian Games. On September 18, 2023, tourists visited the Qinghefang Historical and Cultural Characteristic Scenic Area in Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City. On September 18, 2023, media reporters filmed at Hu Qingyu Hall, a historical and cultural characteristic scenic spot in Qinghefang, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City. On September 18, 2023, media reporters filmed handmade pan marbles at Hu Qingyu Hall, a historical and cultural characteristic scenic spot in Qinghefang, Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City. On September 18, 2023, tourists visited Qinghefang in Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City

Entering the Deshou Palace to explore the Guanghua ruins of the Song Dynasty's thousand year old charm. (Guangming Net | Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province | Song Yun)
Entering the Deshou Palace to explore the Guanghua ruins of the Song Dynasty's thousand year old charm. (Guangming Net | Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province | Song Yun)

Guangming Network News: The Deshou Palace Site Museum of the Southern Song Dynasty is located in Shangcheng District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. It is the first modern site of the capital city of the Southern Song Dynasty. On September 18th, the reporter walked into the Deshou Palace Site Museum of the Southern Song Dynasty to experience the living scenes and historical background of the Southern Song Dynasty on site. As the Hangzhou Asian Games approach, more and more citizens and tourists are coming to visit and welcome the Asian Games. The Deshou Palace Site Museum embodies the cultural heritage of Hangzhou, allowing people to appreciate the historical and cultural atmosphere of this millennium old city while enjoying modern sports events. On September 18, 2023, media reporters filmed cultural relics and exhibits at the Deshou Palace Site Museum of the Southern Song Dynasty in Hangzhou. On September 18, 2023, media reporters visited the South Song Dynasty Deshou Palace Site Museum in Hangzhou. On September 18, 2023, media reporters in Hangzhou

International Style at the 20th East China Expo: Symphony of Cooperation between Sister Cities
International Style at the 20th East China Expo: Symphony of Cooperation between Sister Cities

Nanning, September 18th, China News Agency (Xinhua) - International Style at the East China Expo: Symphony Concert by Sister Cities by Lin Xin and Chen Qiuxia. The author is Lin Xin. The sour and spicy Thai fried rice noodles, the fragrant and sweet Vietnamese durian, and the unique flavor of Spanish ham The 20th China ASEAN Expo, which is currently being held, is full of international style. International sister cities are invited to participate and play a symphony of cooperation together. During the East China Expo, more than 30 sister cities from nearly 20 countries visited Guangxi International Sister Cities with their specialties, hoping to open up the "international circle of friends" market. Good items from Guangxi's international sister cities such as Thailand, Vietnam, and Indonesia gathered together, attracting many viewers to watch and make purchases. At the exhibition, a strong aroma of Dongyin Gong wafted in, stimulating the audience's taste buds. Vice Chairman of Thailand Guangxi Federation Liu Hongliang and His Wife

(20th East China Expo) Promotion of Local Currency Settlement Cooperation Consensus among Central Bank Officials of ASEAN Countries
(20th East China Expo) Promotion of Local Currency Settlement Cooperation Consensus among Central Bank Officials of ASEAN Countries

Nanning, September 18 (China News Agency) - Promoting the diversification of the international monetary system is becoming a common expectation for emerging economies and developing countries. Officials from multiple ASEAN central banks stated at the 15th China ASEAN Financial Cooperation and Development Leaders Forum held in Nanning, Guangxi on the 18th that dependence on a single currency should be reduced and cooperation in local currency settlement should be promoted. Against the backdrop of global economic weakness, economic and trade cooperation between China and ASEAN has risen against the trend. The trade volume between the two sides has increased by 16.8 times over the past 20 years and has been the largest trading partner for three consecutive years. In the first eight months of this year, the total trade value between China and ASEAN was 4.11 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 1.6%, accounting for 15.2% of China's total foreign trade value. Close economic and trade exchanges bring about a large number of cross-border transactions and payment demands, how to reduce them

Xinhua All Media+| Green and Harmonious Coexistence - Observation of the "Green Asian Games"
Xinhua All Media+| Green and Harmonious Coexistence - Observation of the "Green Asian Games"

As the autumnal equinox approaches, the fragrance of osmanthus surges in secret, and the land of Zhijiang welcomes the time of the Asian Games. The "Silk Road Scenery" illuminates Hangzhou, with over 100 million people contributing "green energy" through low-carbon actions... The Hangzhou Asian Games will achieve the use of green electricity in all competition venues. Zhejiang is the birthplace of the concept of "green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as gold and silver", and the "Green Asian Games" has become a distinctive symbol of the Hangzhou Asian Games. Here, the green development concept of China in the new era has deeply rooted in people's hearts, and the construction of a beautiful China is being comprehensively promoted. The scene of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature is slowly unfolding. This is a photo taken on June 28, 2023, of the sports stadium complex at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center. Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi took photos of low-carbon competitions and implemented the "dual carbon" action in Hami, Xinjiang. A gust of wind blew by and the fan blades turned; In Jiayuguan, Gansu, a beam of light shines down, and electrons in the photovoltaic system

What are the characteristics of new types of corruption, such as borrowing, investment, and entrusted wealth management? Look at this case
What are the characteristics of new types of corruption, such as borrowing, investment, and entrusted wealth management? Look at this case

The Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has made "resolutely investigating and punishing new and hidden corruption" one of the key areas of anti-corruption work this year. Since the beginning of this year, disciplinary inspection and supervision organs at all levels have been closely monitoring the new manifestations and trends of corrupt behavior, and strictly supervising the enforcement of discipline and law. Recently, Jingyang District, Deyang City, Sichuan Province investigated and dealt with a case of using civil debt to transfer bribery. Recently, the People's Court of Jingyang District, Deyang City, Sichuan Province held a court hearing to hear the case of Liu Jinfu, former deputy director of the local comprehensive administrative law enforcement bureau, accepting bribes and abusing power. The reporter learned during the trial that Liu Jinfu's largest bribe of 200000 yuan was collected through the transfer of civil debt. Simply put, Liu Jinfu transferred the non-performing debt that could not be collected to his private boss. Why is this situation recognized as bribery? Handling cases

Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: Decision to expel the former mayor from the party
Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: Decision to expel the former mayor from the party

On September 19th, the Qinghai Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision announced that Kong Lingdong, former deputy secretary of the Xining Municipal Party Committee and mayor, had been expelled from the Party and public office for serious violations of discipline and law. According to the official resume, Kong Lingdong was born in December 1970 in Wuwei, Gansu. He has served as the Director and Party Secretary of the Development and Reform Commission of Xining City, Deputy Mayor of Haidong City, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Deputy Director of the Management Committee of Xining Economic and Technological Development Zone, Standing Committee Member of the Xining Municipal Party Committee, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xining Economic and Technological Development Zone, and Executive Deputy Director of the Management Committee. In 2021, he was appointed as the Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Xining Municipal Party Committee. In January 2023, Kong Lingdong was dismissed from his position as Deputy Secretary of the Xining Municipal Party Committee and Mayor. On January 19th, he announced that he had been investigated. After investigation, it was found that Kong Lingdong, as a party member, leading cadre, and national public servant, lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original aspiration and mission, and was disloyal to the party

The turnover rate is 15.7%, and according to a survey conducted in Hunan, 1680 women in Yueyang City resigned due to childbirth in the past 5 years
The turnover rate is 15.7%, and according to a survey conducted in Hunan, 1680 women in Yueyang City resigned due to childbirth in the past 5 years

Some officials believe that population and family planning work are potential achievements, and short-term results cannot be seen; Some central cities can benefit from the demographic dividend, but lack motivation for population and family planning work; Some cities and counties with an outflow of population believe that "even if they do more work, their children will still have to work in developed areas when they grow up", so they lack enthusiasm in population and family planning work... Recently, a research report titled "Solving the Difficulties and Blockages of" Not wanting to Have Children, Not daring to Have Children "by the Education, Science and Health Commission of the Hunan Provincial People's Congress was published online, highlighting the above issues. Pengpai News has noticed that around April this year, the Education, Science and Health Commission of the Hunan Provincial People's Congress took the lead in organizing relevant units to conduct in-depth research on the implementation of the Population and Family Planning Law and the Hunan Provincial Population and Family Planning Regulations. They have visited Changsha, Changde, and

Practitioner: Perhaps in the future, buying soap as a gift for diamonds will lead to a sharp drop in global diamond prices
Practitioner: Perhaps in the future, buying soap as a gift for diamonds will lead to a sharp drop in global diamond prices

Over the past few decades, diamonds have been the darling of the luxury goods market, and the price of certified diamonds has dropped by 35% to 40% in the past year, prompting people to wonder if the myth of diamond skyrocketing prices is gradually fading. Data shows that the International Diamond Exchange Diamond Price Index reached a historical peak of 158 in March 2022, and has since fallen to around 110, reaching a new low in nearly five years, with a decline of about 30%. Industry insiders say that the sustained high inflation in many countries around the world is an important reason for this phenomenon. In addition, the price of natural diamonds has also been impacted by artificial diamonds. A high-end diamond brand store owner told reporters that unlike in the past, more than half of customers will choose artificial diamonds recently. Flechteger, director of the Belgian Diamond Exchange Federation, said that two years ago, people

There are two more cities optimizing their real estate market policies! Tianjin has important innovations in "recognizing houses but not loans"
There are two more cities optimizing their real estate market policies! Tianjin has important innovations in "recognizing houses but not loans"

Recently, various regions have been intensively implementing and optimizing real estate policies. On September 18th, Xiamen released a new policy to stabilize the real estate market, which proposed to cancel the purchase and sale restrictions outside the island, reduce the down payment ratio and interest rate of off island housing loans, and adjust the determination of housing provident fund loan units, the minimum down payment ratio, and the first and second home interest rates simultaneously. On the same day, Tianjin officially announced the implementation of the "house recognition but not loan recognition" policy, and the new policy will be implemented from September 19, 2023. It is worth noting that according to the new policy in Tianjin, not only is there a house with a loan in another city, but a house without a house in Tianjin is considered the first home. Moreover, even if there is a house with a loan in the suburbs of Tianjin, a house without a house in the urban area of Tianjin is considered the first home. Industry insiders believe that the "housing recognition but not loan recognition" policy in Tianjin has significant innovation, dividing the city into restricted and non restricted purchase areas, which is better than the traditional "housing recognition but not loan recognition" policy

The seller has been warned, latest news: contract blown, "State owned enterprise buys 5000 drones for 300 million yuan"
The seller has been warned, latest news: contract blown, "State owned enterprise buys 5000 drones for 300 million yuan"

Recently, Changda Transportation Investment and Development Co., Ltd. in Pingyu County, Henan Province spent 300 million yuan to purchase 5000 drones, which has attracted social attention. Previously, the discipline inspection and supervision commission of the county stated that it had received a report letter and was circulating it according to the procedure. The seller of these 5000 drones is Yancheng Yongyue Intelligent Equipment Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of listed company Yongyue Technology Co., Ltd. On September 18th, according to information disclosed by Yongyue Technology, the company and its chairman were issued a warning letter by the Jiangsu Provincial Securities Regulatory Bureau and recorded in the integrity file of the securities and futures market due to incomplete information disclosure in this incident, which violated the management measures for information disclosure of listed companies. On the same day, another announcement released by Yongyue Technology stated that after multiple negotiations, Yongyue Intelligent and Pingyu Changda Trading agreed to terminate the previous purchase and sale agreement and terminate the contract

Maotai Urgent Declaration!
Maotai Urgent Declaration!

Maotai and Defu jointly launched Maoxiaoling Liquor Heart Chocolate, which opened its after-sales service on September 16th and quickly sold out on the online platform. At present, this co branded chocolate needs to be purchased on time in channels such as Defu Tmall flagship store and Tmall supermarket, and is shipped within 7 days after payment. Online official channels are hard to find, while unofficial channels have already started scalpers. On September 18th, the reporter noticed that in unofficial stores on platforms such as, Pinduoduo, and Xianyu, the price of Maoxiaoling liquor heart chocolate was hyped up, with increases ranging from 70% to 150%. In the morning of September 19, in view of the recent situation that Mao Xiaoling's liqueur chocolate has been sold out since it was launched in multiple channels, the WeChat official account of Moutai International Hotel said that it would resolutely resist some businesses from selling Mao Xiaoling's liqueur chocolate at a higher price. Please

Another group of "insiders" from the disciplinary commission have fallen off their horses!, After the former deputy leader of the Central Inspection Team surrendered himself
Another group of "insiders" from the disciplinary commission have fallen off their horses!, After the former deputy leader of the Central Inspection Team surrendered himself

At 9 o'clock this morning, two "insiders" from each disciplinary commission were investigated and punished simultaneously. According to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Zhang Benlin, former leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Yunnan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision stationed at the Provincial Department of Science and Technology, Li Xiaodong, member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Inner Mongolia Normal University, and the Supervision Commissioner of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Supervision Commission stationed at Inner Mongolia Normal University have been investigated; Feng Qing, former member of the Party Group of Guangdong Supply and Marketing Cooperative and former leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision stationed in Guangdong Supply and Marketing Cooperative, and Liu Qizhi, former member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Sinopec Quanzhou Petrochemical Co., Ltd., were both dismissed. Shangguanhe has noticed that as of now, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has released news of multiple disciplinary commission insiders being investigated simultaneously for five consecutive times. Last week, another former deputy leader of the Central Inspection Team voluntarily surrendered. Four disciplinary commission insiders were simultaneously dealt with, and their public resumes showed that those who voluntarily surrendered to the case

District Education Bureau: The principal apologizes for the dismissal of the teacher, and a preschool teacher in Lianyungang harshly rebukes the children and demands a smile from the teacher | Video | Request
District Education Bureau: The principal apologizes for the dismissal of the teacher, and a preschool teacher in Lianyungang harshly rebukes the children and demands a smile from the teacher | Video | Request

▲ In the online video, the teacher sternly scolded the children. Image source/video screenshot Recently, a video of a teacher at Hongxu Kindergarten in Shahe Town, Lianyungang City scolding young children with a bad attitude has attracted public attention after it was released on third-party social media platforms. The video shows that in the classroom, while children are queuing up to collect food, the teacher is filming the video, scolding the children, and occasionally making them smile at the camera being filmed. An informed netizen commented, "This is a matter of our town. At that time, in order to create a warm and happy scene of students drinking milk and eating cookies, the teacher recorded a video and posted it in the class group, forgetting to turn off the original sound, and then it was posted on social media by the parents of the students." On September 18th, a relevant staff member of the Education Bureau of Ganyu District, Lianyungang City responded to Upstream News reporters, saying, "The situation is..."

Decision to appoint Chen Jie as Vice Mayor, Report on the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress | Situation | ShanghaiStrictly abide by the Party Constitution, Party rules, and Party discipline. The Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Party Group of the Municipal Government, and the Party Group of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference held separate meetings to firmly support the Central Committee's decision on the Party Central Committee | Politics | Party GroupCan Shanghai connect with the greenways of these cities? Official: Proposed Preparation of Greenway Construction Standards for the Yangtze River Delta | Standards | Yangtze River DeltaChen Jining, Gong Zheng, and colleagues from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee exchanged their experiences and insights on thematic education research based on their respective experiences. Education | Municipal Party Committee | ThemeThe Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference awarded commemorative plaques to members and standing committee members of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference who are no longer re elected in ShanghaiPropose ideas and measures around releasing domestic demand, and the Chairman's Meeting of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference deliberates on key research reports and measures | ideas | research