The world

Global Connection | China's Aid Brings Real Benefits to the Palestinian People Hillside | Schools | China
Global Connection | China's Aid Brings Real Benefits to the Palestinian People Hillside | Schools | China

A modern Chinese school, "Chinese School," is located on a hillside in the Ram'an Rabila district of the West Bank city in Palestine. This school is equipped with modern teaching equipment and infrastructure, solving the problem of hundreds of local students struggling to attend school. Not far northwest of the school, a newly constructed asphalt road meanders through the satellite city and village between the two mountains in the outskirts of Lhamanla. At the end of the road stands a signboard thanking the local government for China's assistance. After this road is opened, villagers no longer need to take detours when traveling. According to the Chinese office in Palestine, China has always provided assistance to the best of its ability to support the development of the Palestinian economy and improve people's living standards. Currently, it has assisted in the construction of more than 40 projects.

Fruitful achievements in Sino African economic and trade cooperation | fields | achievements
Fruitful achievements in Sino African economic and trade cooperation | fields | achievements

Beijing, June 13th - The Third China Africa Economic and Trade Expo will be held in Changsha from June 29th to July 2nd. This is one of the most important exchange activities between China and African countries in the field of economy and trade this year. At a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on the 13th, Vice Minister of Commerce Li Fei stated that the China Africa Economic and Trade Expo is an important mechanism for China Africa economic and trade cooperation and an important window for local economic and trade cooperation with Africa. It is of great significance for China to promote high-level opening up to the outside world and build a new development pattern. Over the past 10 years, China Africa economic and trade cooperation has achieved fruitful results. According to statistics, the cumulative total trade volume between China and Africa has exceeded 2 trillion US dollars, and China has always maintained its position as Africa's largest trading partner. Chinese enterprises have signed contracts for non newly contracted projects with a total amount exceeding 700 billion US dollars and completed a turnover exceeding 400 billion US dollars; China vs. Africa

"Showcasing the Responsibility of Chinese Enterprises through Practical Actions" Peru | China | Enterprises
"Showcasing the Responsibility of Chinese Enterprises through Practical Actions" Peru | China | Enterprises

"Thanks to the timely help of Chinese enterprises, the Pan American Highway can be kept unblocked, greatly reducing the impact of rainstorm and flood on our lives." When talking about the help of Chinese friends to guard the dam of the Qiankai River, Paula, a citizen of Lima, the capital of Peru, was grateful. Paula's home is located near the Qiankai River in Lima City. Not long ago, under the influence of tropical cyclones, rainstorm and flood disasters occurred across Peru. The water level of Qiankai River has rapidly risen, some riverbanks have been washed away, and large areas of farmland have been submerged. The surging floods are constantly impacting the roadbeds and bridges of the Pan American Highway, which is highly likely to cause damage to the road and even affect the transportation of Peru's South North Corridor. In a critical situation, the Peru Qiankai Port project department, a joint venture between China Harbour and China Communications Fourth Navigation Bureau, promptly extended a helping hand. After receiving a request for assistance from the Lima City Hall, the project department immediately established a rescue team to rush

Green creates miracles, barren mountains are covered in green clothes. Aerial photography of China, experiencing the beauty of summer. Altitude | Grassland | Experience
Green creates miracles, barren mountains are covered in green clothes. Aerial photography of China, experiencing the beauty of summer. Altitude | Grassland | Experience

CCTV News: As summer enters, countless trees are lush and full of vitality. Today's "Beautiful China · Summer Tour", we first follow the camera to experience the beauty of the motherland's land in the summer. Chengde, Hebei: Bird's-eye view of the forest sea. When clouds rise, the sky is lush and lush. This is the Saihanba Mechanical Forest Farm in Chengde, Hebei Province. The undulating forest sea is shrouded in morning mist, like a dream, like a fairyland on earth. Walking through it, one's eyes are lush and refreshing. Spanning more than half a century, three generations of Saihanba people have sowed seeds in the sandy land and planted greenery in the crevices of stones, creating a green miracle in the history of ecological construction in the high-altitude and cold sandy areas of northern China. Now the forest area of Saihanba has exceeded 1.15 million mu, and the forest coverage has also increased to 82%, building a strong ecological barrier for the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region. Yichuan, Shaanxi: The Hukou Waterfall of the Yellow River is majestic

1.2 million mu of purple clover in Huanxian County, Gansu Province, China, harvested and promoted the development of grass and animal husbandry industry. First crop | purple clover | Huanxian County, Gansu Province
1.2 million mu of purple clover in Huanxian County, Gansu Province, China, harvested and promoted the development of grass and animal husbandry industry. First crop | purple clover | Huanxian County, Gansu Province

CCTV News: In Huan County, Qingyang City, Gansu Province, 1.2 million acres of purple alfalfa are being harvested for the first crop, and farmers are seizing the sunny weather to start harvesting and welcome a bountiful harvest. The reporter saw patches of purple alfalfa swaying in the wind in Quzi Town, Huan County, and roaring harvesters shuttling through the fields, creating a scene of abundant harvest. This year, a total of 14000 forage harvesting machinery were deployed in Huanxian County to participate in harvesting operations. Zhou Xiaoquan, the person in charge of the harvesting service team in Quzi Town, Huan County: We have organized 15 agricultural machinery harvesting service teams and 60 machines, with an average daily operating area of over 4000 acres. It is expected that the alfalfa harvesting task in 15 villages in Quzi will be completed within half a month. It is understood that purple clover is a high-quality forage for cattle and sheep. In recent years, Huan County has made "planting grass, raising sheep, and large-scale breeding" the top industry for increasing people's income and wealth, and has accelerated its implementation

100000 acres of lotus flowers are blooming one after another, attracting visitors to the beautiful economy. The scenery continues to heat up, and the lotus seed economy
100000 acres of lotus flowers are blooming one after another, attracting visitors to the beautiful economy. The scenery continues to heat up, and the lotus seed economy

CCTV News: Currently, 100000 acres of lotus flowers are blooming in Shicheng County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, becoming a beautiful summer scenery. CCTV reporter Liu Yuntong is on site and will immediately connect with him. Hello Yuntong, take us to see the scenery there together. CCTV reporter Liu Yuntong: I am currently in Shicheng County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, where the 100000 mu lotus flowers have just begun to bloom. I am now immersed in a cluster of lotus flowers. It has just rained lightly, and the delicate and graceful lotus flowers are blooming in the ripples of the blue waves. The swaying figure in the wind has become a unique scenery of summer. This lotus belongs to the ornamental variety, with over 200 different varieties for tourists to enjoy. Don't be fooled by how beautiful this place is now. Previously, it was a deserted riverbank with stones everywhere. The local area transformed the wasteland into a wasteland through centralized land consolidation

The river water is clear, green grass is lush, and "one ditch is clear, one ditch is bird" harmoniously coexisting as a tributary | Qinhe River | Qingshui
The river water is clear, green grass is lush, and "one ditch is clear, one ditch is bird" harmoniously coexisting as a tributary | Qinhe River | Qingshui

CCTV News: Qinyuan County, Changzhi City, Shanxi Province is the birthplace of the Qinhe River, a primary tributary of the Yellow River. It is also one of the areas with the best ecological environment and the most beautiful natural scenery in Shanxi Province. Through the natural light and shadow, we explore the model of local river management together. At the dawn, the reporter followed the volunteers into the Qinhe River located in the urban area. Here, not only can you catch a glimpse of the famous river passing through the countryside, Qinhe River, but you can also enjoy the exclusive visual welfare of birds at dawn. Led by birdwatching volunteers, the reporter approached a section of the river with abundant water, grass, and flat terrain. A group of about ten black storks are standing in groups in the shallow river water, searching for delicious food. They looked like no one was around, bowing their heads and busy pecking at the small fish in the water. The slight difference in height and feather color suggested that some of them were breeding

Originally, it was sent from here to the whole country, and the "Guangdong" Bay Area saw China amidst the vast waves. The Chelizi Port Area you ate | Chelizi | China
Originally, it was sent from here to the whole country, and the "Guangdong" Bay Area saw China amidst the vast waves. The Chelizi Port Area you ate | Chelizi | China

Cherries from Chile, durians and mangosteens from Southeast Asia, oranges from South Africa... These common imported fruits on the market enter China from the Nansha Port area of Guangzhou Port. Among them, the cherries imported from Nansha Port accounted for about 50% of the national cherries, making it the port with the largest import volume of cherries in Chinese Mainland. Thanks to the continuous optimization of customs clearance services in the Nansha Port area, the container ship Lu Ningyuan/Shekou, which is preparing to dock, can transport fresh imported fruits from overseas to consumers' dining tables in less than 2 hours. Li Jinhong, Deputy General Manager of Guangzhou Nansha Port Container Terminal Co., Ltd., stated in an interview that Nansha Port Area will continue to provide fast and smooth logistics services to better serve the development of domestic and foreign trade. Producer/Planned and Reviewed by Wang Piyi/Niu Ning

The Supreme People's Procuratorate Releases Guiding Cases to Assist in Preventing and Resolving Financial Risks Fund | Case | The Supreme People's Procuratorate
The Supreme People's Procuratorate Releases Guiding Cases to Assist in Preventing and Resolving Financial Risks Fund | Case | The Supreme People's Procuratorate

CCTV News: The Supreme People's Procuratorate recently released the 44th batch of guiding cases, which focus on cracking down on new types of financial crimes, punishing black and gray industry chaos in financial crimes, and better helping to prevent and resolve financial risks. There are a total of three guiding cases released this time, namely: the illegal fundraising case of Zhang Yeqiang and others, the currency forgery case of Guo Siji, Xu Weilun and others, and the illegal business operation case of Sun Xudong. Among them, the illegal fundraising case involving Zhang Yeqiang and others is a new type of criminal case involving private equity funds, which has guiding significance for correctly distinguishing between legitimate private equity and illegal fundraising. Defendant Zhang Yeqiang and others obtained the qualifications of private equity and private securities investment fund managers in the name of Guoying Fund Management Company, which they actually controlled. Later, they used their business projects as investment targets for issuing private equity funds and adopted telephone communication

Guided by industrial demand, China will increase the innovation chain of about 200 vocational colleges and applied undergraduate colleges | majors | demand
Guided by industrial demand, China will increase the innovation chain of about 200 vocational colleges and applied undergraduate colleges | majors | demand

CCTV News: Yesterday, the reporter learned from the National Development and Reform Commission that China will add about 200 new vocational colleges and applied undergraduate colleges, promoting the formation of a professional system closely connected to the industrial chain and innovation chain. Liu Ming, Director of the Social Department of the National Development and Reform Commission: Vocational education talent cultivation must be guided by industry demand. In our research, we found that the professional settings of some vocational colleges do not match the industry demand well, and the professional chain does not form effective support for the industry chain. In this regard, the country will conduct a mid-term evaluation of the implementation of the "14th Five Year Plan" to promote the integration of industry and education in engineering vocational education, and adjust relevant reserve colleges and projects based on the evaluation results. About 200 new vocational colleges and applied undergraduate colleges will be added, and eligible vocational education industry education integration projects will be approved within the central budget

China will build 100 integrated training models for engineering and education to enhance the quality of skilled talent training
China will build 100 integrated training models for engineering and education to enhance the quality of skilled talent training

CCTV News: The integration of engineering and education is an important measure to promote the integration of enterprise needs into talent training and expand the content of integrated industry education training. The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security stated yesterday that carrying out the integration of engineering and learning is an important breakthrough in improving the quality of skilled talent training. By the end of the 14th Five Year Plan, the country will build 100 majors with integrated engineering and learning training models. The integrated training model of engineering and learning is a way to integrate the work process and learning process, and cultivate skilled workers and skilled craftsmen with both moral and technical skills. As of now, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has officially announced the integrated engineering curriculum standards and curriculum plans for 31 majors, including CNC turning and automotive maintenance. They have been piloted in more than 360 technical colleges and universities, and machining center operations have also been launched

The 3rd China Africa Economic and Trade Expo involves projects worth over 10 billion US dollars, Changsha, Hunan | Customs | Expo
The 3rd China Africa Economic and Trade Expo involves projects worth over 10 billion US dollars, Changsha, Hunan | Customs | Expo

CCTV News: The Third China Africa Economic and Trade Expo will be held in Changsha, Hunan from June 29th to July 2nd. The Third China Africa Economic and Trade Expo has collected 156 various projects submitted by China and Africa, involving a total project amount of 10.7 billion US dollars. The Ministry of Commerce introduced at the press conference of the State Council Information Office yesterday that the process of African integration is continuing to deepen and has made positive progress, which will also provide new opportunities for economic and trade cooperation between China and Africa. The Ministry of Commerce stated that in recent years, the progress made in African integration has been particularly reflected in the construction of free trade zones on the African continent. The mainland free trade zone was officially launched on January 1, 2021, committed to forming a large market covering 1.3 billion people and a scale of 2.3 trillion US dollars. At present, 54 out of 55 members of the African Union have signed the main agreement, including tariff reductions, rules of origin, and other related matters

Four Departments Deploy Key Cost Reduction Tasks for 2023, Stimulating Enterprise Vitality | Raw Materials | Enterprises
Four Departments Deploy Key Cost Reduction Tasks for 2023, Stimulating Enterprise Vitality | Raw Materials | Enterprises

CCTV News: On June 13th, the National Development and Reform Commission and four other departments issued a notice on the key work of cost reduction in 2023, proposing multiple tasks such as improving tax and fee preferential policies and enhancing the quality and efficiency of financial services to the real economy. The notice specifies the improvement of tax and fee preferential policies, and enhances the accuracy and targeting of tax and fee preferential policies. Targeted tax and fee reduction policies will be introduced in areas such as technological innovation and key industrial chains. Improve tax and fee preferential policies. By the end of 2023, small-scale taxpayers with monthly sales below 100000 yuan will be exempt from value-added tax. In terms of improving the quality and efficiency of financial services to the real economy, the notice proposes to promote stable and gradual reduction of loan interest rates. Continuously play the important role of the reform efficiency of loan market quotation interest rates and the market-oriented adjustment mechanism of deposit interest rates, and promote the financing of business entities

How beautiful!, The way you roll up your sleeves for love requires | blood donation | sleeves
How beautiful!, The way you roll up your sleeves for love requires | blood donation | sleeves

What conditions do blood donors need to meet? What issues should be noted before blood donation? Does blood donation have any impact on physical health June 14th is World Blood Donor Day. Regarding blood donation, it is important to understand ↓ 01. What conditions do blood donors need to meet? To become a qualified blood donor, it is necessary to meet the following conditions. The country advocates voluntary blood donation by healthy citizens aged 18-55. If multiple blood donors who have no previous blood donation reactions and meet health examination requirements voluntarily request to donate blood again, the age can be extended to 60 years old. Male weight ≥ 50 kilograms, female weight ≥ 45 kilograms. Blood pressure: systolic blood pressure 90-140mmHg, diastolic blood pressure 60-90mmHg, pulse pressure ≥ 33mmHg. Pulse: 60-100 times per minute. Healthy body, not recommended for illness

China has made significant progress in the development of voluntary blood donation, ranking among the top in the world in various aspects
China has made significant progress in the development of voluntary blood donation, ranking among the top in the world in various aspects

CCTV News: Today is the 20th World Blood Donor Day. The relevant person in charge of the National Health Commission recently stated that since the promulgation and implementation of the Blood Donation Law of the People's Republic of China in 1998, China has made significant progress in the development of voluntary blood donation. The Global Blood Safety Report released by the World Health Organization shows that China ranks among the top in terms of total voluntary blood donation, blood safety level, and rational clinical blood use. The relevant person in charge of the National Health Commission stated that China's voluntary blood donation work has formed a pattern of "government led, departmental cooperation, social support, and public participation". The voluntary blood donation system has been fully established, and the blood management system and normative standard system are constantly improving. A blood collection and supply service system has been established nationwide, covering both horizontal and vertical aspects. A total of 453 blood stations have been built nationwide, forming a network of

The vast countryside is also a stage for success (warm news and hot reviews) Wang Yifu | Zhao Ye | Stage
The vast countryside is also a stage for success (warm news and hot reviews) Wang Yifu | Zhao Ye | Stage

【 Character 】 Wang Yifu and Zhao Ye, a teacher at Shenyang Agricultural University 【 Story 】 Wang Yifu and Zhao Ye are teachers at Shenyang Agricultural University. The two responded to the school's call and respectively went to Maliantun Village and Chaoyangbao Village in Shengli Street, Kangping County, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province to serve as the first secretaries stationed in the village. From school to rural areas, they bring their young daughters and devote themselves wholeheartedly to the front line of rural revitalization. "We all believe that going to the countryside has great potential." This is the voice of Wang Yifu and Zhao Ye, as well as the voice of many young people who are committed to rural construction. Over the past year in the village, Wang Yifu and Zhao Ye have gained valuable life experiences through their hard work and dedication, as well as the recognition and trust of their fellow villagers. Coming to the countryside, in order to do a good job, the key is to combine reality and leverage one's strengths. Before settling in the village

Research has shown a genuine enthusiasm (Quick Review) for cadres | Questions | Quick Review
Research has shown a genuine enthusiasm (Quick Review) for cadres | Questions | Quick Review

This inspires us to do a good job in investigation and research, seeking truth and being pragmatic is the key, and to have a genuine attitude. Party members and cadres go to the front line to conduct research, in order to discover real problems and truly solve them in real scenarios. Putting down the shelf and throwing oneself down is the proper posture for investigation and research; Adhere to problem oriented and targeted approach, only surface phenomena can be seen clearly; Only by keeping your eyes down and sinking into the grassroots can real problems come to the surface. Party members and cadres need to be more genuine in their research in order to grasp the basic materials, identify the bottlenecks and difficulties, and more accurately observe the public situation and understand public opinion. On this basis, it is necessary to concentrate public wisdom, repeatedly argue, and conduct investigations and research in order to provide scientific and rational references for decision-making. Be more realistic in research

Promoting a clean and upright culture, with the theme of learning from the correct culture | Cadres | Times
Promoting a clean and upright culture, with the theme of learning from the correct culture | Cadres | Times

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposes to strengthen the construction of a clean culture in the new era, educate and guide Party members and cadres to enhance their awareness of not wanting to be corrupt. A refreshing breeze moistens thousands of households, and a clean and elegant charm embarks on a new journey. Carry out the Clean Culture Promotion Month activity and hold a Clean Speech Competition;New Era and New Journey, Special Party Building

Integration of Culture and Tourism to Promote Development (Frontline Visit of Ten Million Projects) Pingqiao | Qiaotou Village | Promoting Development
Integration of Culture and Tourism to Promote Development (Frontline Visit of Ten Million Projects) Pingqiao | Qiaotou Village | Promoting Development

"That place is called Pingqiao Village, which is not far from the seaside, extremely remote, and a small village by the river..." The content in the middle school textbook "Social Drama" is familiar. What does Pingqiao Village look like today? The "Pingqiao Village" described by Mr. Lu Xun is now Anqiaotou Village, Yuecheng District, Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province. Coming here, the rice paddies are verdant, with pink walls and black tiles, small bridges and flowing water, creating a beautiful new atmosphere in the countryside. Strolling through the village, on the "social drama stage" at the blessing square at the entrance of the village, villagers are rehearsing Yue opera; Wupeng boats shuttle back and forth in the river; On the shore, the sculpture of "Run Tu and 猹" is lifelike... "We must make industrial revitalization the top priority of rural revitalization." Xuan Mingde, Secretary of the Party General Branch of Anqiaotou Village, deeply felt it. With the continuous promotion of the "Ten Million Project", the development path of Anqiaotou Village has become clear: empowering rural revitalization with culture

Sci Tech Innovation Wave Rushing towards Enterprises in the Greater Bay Area | Center | Wave
Sci Tech Innovation Wave Rushing towards Enterprises in the Greater Bay Area | Center | Wave

【 High quality Development Research Tour 】 Orange, purple, blue, green... Walking into the China Spallation Neutron Source Experimental Hall, various spectrometers like seven colored petals can be seen extending outward from the target station. What is the use of these different colored spectrometers? "It's very useful!" Chen Hesheng, an academician of the CAS Member and the chief commander of the China Spallation Neutron Source Project, told reporters that the spallation neutron source is like a "super microscope", and the neutrons generated by it are like "probes". Through different spectrometers, the internal structure of materials can be clearly detected: from mobile phone chips and DNA to deep-sea submersibles and high-speed rail wheels. "For example, how much mileage should the wheels of high-speed trains be replaced? This requires the use of an engineering material stress diffractometer." Chen Hesheng introduced that through this spectrometer, the residual stress of the wheels can be measured

What does Shenzhen rely on?, High quality development soft environment | Shenzhen | High quality
What does Shenzhen rely on?, High quality development soft environment | Shenzhen | High quality

Reporter's notes on high-quality development research: Shenzhen strives to build a better "soft environment" to help innovation and development. When visiting Shenzhen Mindray Biomedical Electronics Co., Ltd. and the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shenzhen Advanced Technology Research Institute recently, reporters found that Shenzhen is striving to build a better "soft environment" to help innovation and development. Mindray Medical is a well-known enterprise in the field of medical devices in China. Over the past 32 years, it has grown from an imported medical equipment agent to a large medical device and solution supplier in China, mastering core technologies in its own hands. Moreover, in this market that has long been dominated by European and American companies, Mindray Medical's multiple products can compete with international companies on the same stage. Its independently developed monitors, anesthesia machines, and ventilators rank among the top in the global market share. The picture shows the doctors displayed in the Mindray Medical Exhibition Hall

China injects confidence and energy into regional peace, international hot review: Palestinian President visits China five times | Plan | China
China injects confidence and energy into regional peace, international hot review: Palestinian President visits China five times | Plan | China

On the morning of June 13th, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas arrived in Beijing and officially began his state visit to China. As an old and good friend of the Chinese people, this is the fifth visit of 88 year old Abbas to China. Abbas's series of friendly exchanges with China have laid a solid foundation for consolidating Pakistan China relations. 2023 marks the 35th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Pakistan. Over the past 35 years, the friendship between the two sides has been enduring and renewed. External attention, how will the development of China Pakistan relations continue to deepen in the new era? How will the cooperation between the two countries reach a new level? With Abbas's visit to China, the answer is self-evident. This is a tacit understanding between old friends, and even more so, a heavy trust. This understanding and trust have transcended time and stood the test. On the one hand, China will continue to contribute to the resolution of Palestine

Hot Review | Street Qinsheng Conveys Warmth, Making the City a Spiritual Home for Everyone Shenzhen | Playing the Piano | Spiritual Home
Hot Review | Street Qinsheng Conveys Warmth, Making the City a Spiritual Home for Everyone Shenzhen | Playing the Piano | Spiritual Home

Not long ago, a video of a construction worker wearing a safety helmet and work clothes playing the piano on the streets of Shenzhen was uploaded online, causing many netizens to like it. Everyone exclaimed that this scene brought deep emotion and warmth to people, while also curious about why he played the piano here and why pianos appeared on the street. The construction worker who plays the piano is called Yi Qunlin. In an interview, he said that he learned piano at a relative's house in the county town when he was young, but it has been more than 30 years since he touched it. At that time, he and his son saw someone playing at the subway entrance and asked if it was a charity piano that anyone could play. Encouraged by his son, Yi Qunlin went up and played a few songs, and his son recorded this scene. There are a total of eight pianos on the Huaqiangbei Pedestrian Street in Shenzhen, and the street office has been placing them for the market since 2018

[Remembering General Secretary's Instructions · Enterprise Research Record] Luhai Mingzhu Guoyuan Port Yangtze River | Train | Enterprise
[Remembering General Secretary's Instructions · Enterprise Research Record] Luhai Mingzhu Guoyuan Port Yangtze River | Train | Enterprise

Many years ago, this was just a quiet and unnamed small mountain village in Chongqing, named Orchard because it grew patches of locally visible citrus trees. From scratch, from small to large, from large to strong, Guoyuan Port has leapt from an inland port and bulk cargo port to a multimodal transportation hub port, a Jiangda Haimen household port, a demonstration port for integrated development, and a green and ecological smart port in just 15 years.

Xinhua News Review | Activists Promoting the Development of World Human Rights - One of the Chinese Perspectives in Global Human Rights Governance Series China | Beijing | Human Rights
Xinhua News Review | Activists Promoting the Development of World Human Rights - One of the Chinese Perspectives in Global Human Rights Governance Series China | Beijing | Human Rights

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 13 (Xinhua) - Action Faction for Promoting the Development of World Human Rights - One of the China's Leading Commentaries on Global Human Rights Governance - Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Binbin. The Global High end Forum on Human Rights Governance will be held in Beijing from June 14 to 15. Around the theme of "Equality, Cooperation, and Development: The 30th Anniversary of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action and Global Human Rights Governance", more than 300 Chinese and foreign guests from nearly 100 countries and international organizations were invited to attend, to jointly exchange and discuss ideas on improving global human rights governance and promoting the healthy development of the world's human rights cause. As a founding member of the United Nations and a permanent member of the Security Council, China has always participated in UN human rights affairs with a responsible attitude, actively integrated into the global human rights governance system, and worked hard to promote the healthy development of the international human rights cause. With ginseng

All sectors of Honduras pay attention to President Hong Kong's visit to China and look forward to deepening China Hong Kong cooperation
All sectors of Honduras pay attention to President Hong Kong's visit to China and look forward to deepening China Hong Kong cooperation

Honduran President Theomala Castro's recent visit to China has attracted great attention from all walks of life in Honduras. In addition, local mainstream media such as the Honduran national television station, the government newspaper "People's Power", and the country's largest circulation and influential "News" also reported extensively. China Central Radio and Television also jointly planned and broadcast an one-hour special program on China-Hong Kong relations and Chinese culture with Honduran mainstream media TV 11. Hou Jiaqi, head office reporter: I am now on my way to Honduras's mainstream media station 11. Today I will participate in an one-hour live program as a special guest. This program is a special program about China-Hong Kong relations and Chinese culture, which we co-planned with 11 stations. Show at noon that day

Looking towards the south! High quality development sets sail for Nansha Port in the Bay Area | Port | China
Looking towards the south! High quality development sets sail for Nansha Port in the Bay Area | Port | China

[Global Network reporter Shu Yiheng] the Pearl River Port, Lingding Bay. On the afternoon of June 13th, an offline visiting team consisting of journalists from central and local news websites, representatives from the Positive Energy Network, and others, visited the Nansha Port Area of Guangzhou Port to explore China amidst the vastness of the Guangdong Bay Area. This is the geographical and geometric center of the the Pearl River estuary and the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, and an important hub node connecting the the Pearl River port city group, Hong Kong and Macao regions, and even to the ocean. According to Fan Jianwen, Deputy Director of the Production Business Department of Guangzhou Port Co., Ltd., Nansha Port has sufficient shoreline resources for port construction, with about 6 kilometers of deep-water shoreline available for development as a port. By adding 15 kilometers of shoreline through excavation, more than 50 large deep-water berths can be constructed, which can meet the port construction needs of Guangzhou City in the next 30-50 years. Guangzhou Port Nansha Port Area Global

Refuse the rumor! "Henan University Students Trapped in Binding Steel Bars and Punished Steel Cage Workers" is False Information | Network | University Students
Refuse the rumor! "Henan University Students Trapped in Binding Steel Bars and Punished Steel Cage Workers" is False Information | Network | University Students

On June 1st, the online account "Construction Co., Ltd." forwarded a video of "College Students Crying on the First Day of Binding Steel Bars" released by the online account "Construction Engineering Mr. Wang". The video showed a worker wearing a red vest with the name "Tianjin Baiwan" trapped in a steel cage, but the location of the incident was not marked. On June 9th, "Today Video" marked in the forwarded video that "on June 1st, Henan, on June 10th, the online account" Construction Co., Ltd. "fabricated false information that" the workers involved have been fined 1000 yuan ". Subsequently, after being edited and processed by multiple domestic news media, exaggerated and untrue headlines such as "Henan work study college students trapped in steel cages, three workers who caused mischief were punished" were reported. On June 14th, the online account "Construction Co., Ltd." issued an apology statement regarding the relevant false information. 《

Hillary burst out laughing: He's in danger. When he heard Trump appear again in court for trial, time | Trump | Hillary
Hillary burst out laughing: He's in danger. When he heard Trump appear again in court for trial, time | Trump | Hillary

Hillary laughed heartily when talking about Trump's second prosecution. According to The New York Post, on a program recorded in New York City on June 12th local time, former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton couldn't help but laugh "schadenfreude" when talking about former President Trump's second prosecution, jokingly stating that Trump had entered a "dangerous territory". That evening, Hillary participated in the recording of the podcast program "Pod Save America" in New York City. When asked about her reaction to the Trump classified scandal, Hillary burst into laughter. "I have a lot of reactions," she laughed. "I think the best reaction for the public is to see how it will develop and what will happen, right?" After Trump's appearance in court, he arrived at the airport in Hilla

Claiming shareable teachers, two private schools in Hengshui have been accused of illegally recruiting repeat students for education under the banner of Hengzhong
Claiming shareable teachers, two private schools in Hengshui have been accused of illegally recruiting repeat students for education under the banner of Hengzhong

Recently, Pengpai News received a report from local parents in Hebei that two private schools, Hengshui Experimental School and Hengshui Fuyang Middle School, still illegally recruit repeat students under the guise of public school Hengshui Middle School, violating the provisions of the Ministry of Education's "Six Independence" policy for private schools regarding "independent enrollment and independent teaching teams.". Multiple enrollment teachers from the two schools mentioned above have all told Pengpai News that the two schools and Hengshui Middle School share the same teaching model, and teachers also move back and forth between these three schools. Many teachers claim that Hengshi and Hengfu schools uniformly admit repeat students and allocate campuses based on different subject combinations. On the morning of June 14th, the principal of Fuyang Middle School responded to the surging news by stating that the sharing of resources between Fuyang Middle School and Hengshui Middle School is a "cooperation and assistance" relationship and does not violate any rules