The world

A "giant watermelon" hidden 700 meters underground? Go to the mysterious laboratory to search for "ghost particles" experiment | equipment | particles
A "giant watermelon" hidden 700 meters underground? Go to the mysterious laboratory to search for "ghost particles" experiment | equipment | particles

In the deep mountains of Jiangmen, Guangdong, the large-scale scientific facility - Jiangmen Neutrino Experimental Facility - is under intense construction. This laboratory, hidden 700 meters underground, is studying a type of "ghost particle" in the universe - neutrinos. What does this mysterious laboratory look like? Why did it have to be built so deep? What is "ghost particle"? CCTV News "Top Laboratory" takes you to explore how difficult it is to capture "ghost particles" at depths of 700 meters underground. Neutrinos are one of the smallest units that make up the material world, with a very ancient history. They were born just a few seconds after the universe exploded. Neutrinos are ubiquitous in the universe. Every second, 70 billion neutrinos pass through our fingertips. However, capturing it is not an easy task. Neutrinos are small, uncharged, and come and go without a trace, but

The Central Meteorological Observatory continues to issue a red warning for rainstorm. Many places in the north are encountering continuous heavy rain and strong wind | weather | warning north
The Central Meteorological Observatory continues to issue a red warning for rainstorm. Many places in the north are encountering continuous heavy rain and strong wind | weather | warning north

Affected by the residual circulation of Typhoon Dussuri, the fifth typhoon of this year, many northern regions have experienced large-scale heavy rainfall in the past two days. At 6:00 on July 31, the Central Meteorological Station continued to issue a red warning for rainstorm: since July 29, heavy to rainstorm has occurred in central and southern Hebei, eastern Hebei, most of Beijing, Tianjin, central and eastern Shanxi, most of Henan, central and western Shandong, and the northern part of the peninsula. heavy rainstorm has occurred in parts of central and southern Beijing, central and southern Hebei, northeast Hebei, northern Henan, eastern Shanxi, and western Shandong, and extremely heavy rainstorm has occurred in parts of central and southern Hebei, southwest Beijing, and northern Henan. The maximum hourly rainfall intensity in most regions is 20 to 50 mm, and the local area exceeds 80 mm. It is estimated that from 8:00 on July 31 to 8:00 on August 1, there will be heavy to rainstorm in most parts of Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, eastern Shanxi, etc

National Defense Administration: Refine Defense Key Directions and Proactively Schedule Defense Response | Response | National Defense Administration
National Defense Administration: Refine Defense Key Directions and Proactively Schedule Defense Response | Response | National Defense Administration

CCTV News: The National Flood Control Administration continued to organize consultations on July 30th to further dispatch and deploy extreme heavy rainfall prevention and response work in northern regions. At 9:00 am, a second level emergency response for flood control was launched in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, and Henan. On the morning of July 30th, the General Administration of Flood Control and the Ministry of Emergency Management presided over a special video conference and scheduling for flood prevention. They jointly consulted with the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Water Resources, and the China Meteorological Administration to conduct point-to-point scheduling of key provinces such as Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, and Henan, analyze and judge the development trend and impact of heavy rainfall, and further arrange and deploy flood prevention and rescue work in key areas. The National Flood Control Administration launched a second level emergency response for flood prevention in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, and Henan at 9:00 am on July 30th. The meeting pointed out that the intensity of this round of rainstorm is extremely high and the risk of disaster is extremely high

These health tips should be aware that drinking water | water quality | weather during heavy rainfall
These health tips should be aware that drinking water | water quality | weather during heavy rainfall

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 30 At 17:30 on the 29th, the Beijing Meteorological Station upgraded and issued a red rainstorm warning signal: it is expected that heavy rainstorm will occur in Beijing from the night of the 29th to the night of August 1, and extremely heavy rainstorm will occur in the west and south. The Beijing Municipal Health Commission and the Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention have suggested that since the skin is likely to be exposed to rain during the rainstorm, the rain soaked parts should be cleaned with clean water in time to avoid causing various skin inflammation. In addition, attention should be paid to changes in the quality of drinking water to avoid the risk of related diseases caused by heavy rainfall causing pollution of drinking water. On July 29th, vehicles were driving in the rain at Beitaiping Bridge located in Haidian District, Beijing. Ren Chao, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency, photographed by the Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that heavy rain, rainstorm or continuous rainfall flooded and waterlogged low-lying areas, which could easily

People's Forum Online Review | Promoting Realistic Results in Theme Education Thought | Party Members and Cadres | Forum
People's Forum Online Review | Promoting Realistic Results in Theme Education Thought | Party Members and Cadres | Forum

There is a deadline for concentrated learning and education, and the implementation of the original mission is endless.Thought is the precursor to action. No matter what you do, you must have thought first and then action. Only with correct thinking can you have correct action. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, every thematic education has started with ideological education, focusing on solving problems such as lack of in-depth learning, lack of unity in thinking, and inability to keep up with actions

Revitalizing Traditional Villages with New Vitality | Protecting | Villages
Revitalizing Traditional Villages with New Vitality | Protecting | Villages

The Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development recently issued a replicable experience list for the protection and utilization of traditional villages, summarizing the experiences of various regions in improving laws and policies for the protection and utilization of traditional villages, innovating methods for the protection and utilization of traditional villages, improving mechanisms for the protection and utilization of traditional villages, and inheriting and developing excellent traditional culture. Specific measures were also listed. This provides a clear direction for learning how to improve the local living environment and promote the development of rural industries while protecting and utilizing traditional villages in various regions. Traditional villages are a vivid carrier of inheriting China's excellent historical and cultural heritage, containing rich economic, ecological, and cultural values. Retaining the rural customs and charm of traditional villages cannot be achieved through either specimen protection or destructive development. Instead, it is necessary to tailor policies to local conditions and classify them, activate and utilize them on the basis of protection, and make traditional villages "live"

Let the "Great Passage" Release "Great Vitality" (People's Current Review) High Quality | Transportation | Great Passage
Let the "Great Passage" Release "Great Vitality" (People's Current Review) High Quality | Transportation | Great Passage

Since this year, China's transportation fixed assets investment has maintained a rapid growth, a number of major transportation projects have continued to refresh the progress, and the construction of a modern high-quality national comprehensive three-dimensional transportation network has accelerated, providing strong support for expanding domestic demand, stabilizing growth, and benefiting people's livelihood. Transportation is a fundamental, leading, strategic, and important service industry in the national economy. Its good development trend will further boost market confidence and promote economic recovery. Transportation is the cornerstone of stable investment and growth. In the first five months of this year, China completed 1.4 trillion yuan of transportation fixed assets investment, up 12.7% year on year; The operating freight volume increased by 7.4% year-on-year, the operating passenger volume increased by 57.0% year-on-year, and the port cargo throughput increased by 7.9% year-on-year. Now, the main bridge of the Hong Kong Zhuhai Macao Bridge

Still a global investment hotspot, quality of open China | China | Global
Still a global investment hotspot, quality of open China | China | Global

Core point: Qiao Ruiqing, a columnist on China Economic Net, believes that in the first half of this year, the quality of China's investment attraction continued to improve, fully demonstrating that China's economic development prospects have been recognized by many international investors. With the continuous optimization and upgrading of China's industrial structure, the development space of high-tech industries will continue to expand, and the quality of attracting foreign investment will also continue to improve. The vitality of cross-border investment is an important window for observing the trend of economic development. In the first half of this year, the number of newly established foreign-invested enterprises in China reached 24000, an increase of 35.7%; The investment in high-tech industries increased by 7.9%, among which the investment in high-tech manufacturing increased by 28.8%. It should be noted that the economy cannot take off without the traction of capital factors. Many countries around the world regard attracting foreign investment as an important means of promoting their own economic development,

A profound understanding of the prominent unity of Chinese civilization (academic balance)
A profound understanding of the prominent unity of Chinese civilization (academic balance)

A Chinese history is a history of the integration of various ethnic groups into a diverse and integrated Chinese nation.Today's academic edition focuses on the prominent unity of Chinese civilization—— In the thousands of years of history, China has formed a unified multi-ethnic country with a population of over 1.4 billion and a high degree of spiritual and cultural unity, which is unique in the world.

Grasping Stable Employment from a Strategic Perspective | Employment | Strategy
Grasping Stable Employment from a Strategic Perspective | Employment | Strategy

Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood. The recent meeting of the Central Political Bureau emphasized the need to increase efforts to ensure people's livelihoods, elevate stable employment to a strategic level, comprehensively consider the bottom line of grassroots "three guarantees", and expand the middle-income group. This requires further strengthening employment orientation in economic development, improving employment promotion mechanisms, and creating an "employment friendly" economic development environment. In the second quarter, the average national urban survey unemployment rate was 5.2%, a decrease of 0.3 percentage points from the first quarter. The employment data not only reflects the positive recovery of the national economy, but also indicates that the willingness of workers to find jobs is increasing, which lays the foundation and adds confidence for sustained efforts to stabilize employment in the second half of the year. However, it should be noted that the task of stabilizing employment is still arduous and arduous. From the current situation, it is difficult for young people to find jobs and for some industries to recruit workers

Universiade Observation | "Prominent Package" Rongbao and Its "Breaking Circle" Password Rongbao | Universiade | Password
Universiade Observation | "Prominent Package" Rongbao and Its "Breaking Circle" Password Rongbao | Universiade | Password

"Rongbao" at the opening ceremony of the Universiade. On July 28th, the 31st World University Summer Games opened in Chengdu, Sichuan, China. At the opening ceremony, the mascot of the Chengdu Universiade, "Rongbao," was bouncing and spinning around, with a cute and adorable appearance. She gained countless fans overnight and became popular, being ridiculed by netizens as the biggest "eye-catching bag" of the night's performance. As a sports souvenir of the Universiade, the design of "Rongbao" presents the charm of Chinese civilization and Bashu culture from all aspects. For example, the facial design of "Rongbao" refers to the traditional art treasure - the facial makeup style of Sichuan Opera, which is another innovative manifestation of Sichuan Opera, a Chinese intangible cultural heritage, keeping up with the times. As the mascot of the Universiade, the main innovation of "Rongbao" lies in the flame like shape of its ears, eyes, and tail, integrating

The Universiade meets the charm of Bashu, which really matches! National | Kangyong | Universiade
The Universiade meets the charm of Bashu, which really matches! National | Kangyong | Universiade

On the evening of July 28th, at the opening ceremony of the Chengdu Universiade, in just 20 seconds, Kang Yong, a national second level actor from the Chengdu Sichuan Opera Research Institute, transformed 12 faces. The last face was created based on the giant panda "Hua Hua", stunning the audience. What's special about this face change? Let's take a look together. At the opening ceremony of this Universiade, accompanied by the accompaniment of modern folk music, the faces of Chinese Red Flower, Sun Wukong Monkey, and Giant Panda quickly flashed across Kang Yong's face, leaving one overwhelmed. It is extremely rare in the industry to change 12 faces in 20 seconds. A regular performance typically involves changing 6 to 9 faces within 3 to 5 minutes. Kang Yong, the inheritor of Sichuan Opera's facial transformation technique and a national second level actor, transforms 12 faces in 20 seconds, using the current Sichuan Opera style called Fei Face

Japanese Fukushima fishermen: absolutely do not believe in so-called "water treatment" safety. Fukushima | fishermen | safety
Japanese Fukushima fishermen: absolutely do not believe in so-called "water treatment" safety. Fukushima | fishermen | safety

Fukushima Prefecture in Japan was originally a place with developed fishing industry, and many people rely on the sea for a lifetime to make a living. For over a decade after the Fukushima nuclear accident, local fishermen have been hoping to resume their lives, but once the contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is discharged into the sea, all their efforts will be in vain. A Fukushima fisherman in his seventies who is unwilling to disclose his identity to the public said in an interview with CCTV that the statements made by the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company regarding the safety of nuclear contaminated water are completely untrustworthy. Fukushima fishermen: If we don't go out to sea to fish for a few years, as fishermen, even if we haven't forgotten how to fish, our motivation will have long been lost. Fukushima fishermen: We can feel that three years after the nuclear accident, when we first resumed fishing. I didn't catch much fish and couldn't sell it for a good price. Later on

Post-90s Ph.D. in a small courtyard in the field of "self seeking hardship" | Technology | self seeking hardship
Post-90s Ph.D. in a small courtyard in the field of "self seeking hardship" | Technology | self seeking hardship

"Young people should 'seek hardship on their own'. For students in our Science and Technology Academy, seeking hardship on their own is down-to-earth, taking the initiative to take on responsibilities, and doing practical things for the people in the fields." Xu Junping, a post-90s doctor from the Science and Technology Academy of China Agricultural University, told reporters during the recording of the 'Youth Talk' program. The "Science and Technology Academy" was established by the team of academicians Zhang Fushuo from China Agricultural University in 2009 in Baizhai Township, Quzhou County, Hebei Province. It is a technology service platform that integrates talent cultivation, agricultural technology innovation, and new technology demonstration and promotion. In March 2019, Xu Junping, who was still a graduate student, received a call from his supervisor asking him to go to the Hangjinhou Banner Science and Technology Academy in Inner Mongolia. It was the first time he heard the name "Hangjinhou Banner" and he felt very confused. But the mentor's teachings linger in my ears: "If all research

Affected by the discharge of nuclear contaminated water from Fukushima Island into the sea, the passenger flow at South Korea's east coast beach has sharply decreased by nearly 40%. South Korea | Beach | Passenger flow
Affected by the discharge of nuclear contaminated water from Fukushima Island into the sea, the passenger flow at South Korea's east coast beach has sharply decreased by nearly 40%. South Korea | Beach | Passenger flow

The hot weather in South Korea has hit, and many people used to go to beach resorts to cool down. However, this year, due to the impact of Japan's Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge plan, public anxiety has increased, and the passenger flow of beach resorts has declined, which has also had an impact on nearby business districts. In Gangneung City, Gangwon do, on the east coast of South Korea, the reporter visited the largest seawater bath in the area, which is also one of the three major seawater baths in South Korea. Starting from early July, the bathhouses on the east coast of South Korea have been gradually opening, and the peak season officially entered in late July. However, the reporter saw that there were not many tourists here. According to the latest data, as of last weekend, the 85 bathhouses on South Korea's east coast received only 872000 visitors, a decrease of 36% compared to the same period last year. Not only here, but also in the first half of this month, the passenger flow of beaches in Busan, South Korea has sharply decreased by 3%

Realizing a significant transformation from key rectification to systematic governance (people's perspective) System | Work | Perspectives
Realizing a significant transformation from key rectification to systematic governance (people's perspective) System | Work | Perspectives

Ecology is a unified natural system, an organic chain that is interdependent and closely linked. It is necessary to adhere to the integrated protection and systematic governance of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sands. The construction of ecological civilization must achieve a significant transformation from key remediation to systematic governance, reflecting a profound transformation in thinking and working methods. The governance of soil erosion is a global problem. Mountains and rivers are connected, forests and grass accompany each other, fields and soil depend on each other, and there are countless things to do. Where can we make efforts? Faced with this "tough bone", Wulian County in Shandong Province broke through slate, filled in new soil, and built water sources, launched the battle for mountain and water control, and summarized the governance experience of "the source lies in mountain control, the key is to increase greenery, and the key is to store water". Today, based on long-term practical exploration, China has formed a technical route for comprehensive management of mountains, waters, forests, fields, and villages, with small watersheds as the unit and a combination of engineering, plants, and cultivation measures

The pleasure of sports is not only in the chairman | culture | sports
The pleasure of sports is not only in the chairman | culture | sports

A video of Reno Ed, acting president of the International Federation of Sports Federations, in an interview with the media, quickly spread online. Reno Ed advises foreign athletes participating in the Universiade not to change their dietary habits before the competition. Eating spicy food can easily lead to diarrhea before the competition, but after the competition, they can fully experience Chengdu's culinary culture. Sichuan cuisine, as one of the representatives of Chinese culinary culture, is not only deeply loved by the Chinese people, but also has early entered the world and gained global reputation. At the Chinese food stall of the athletes' restaurant in the Universiade Village, rich dishes such as Twice cooked pork, shredded pork with fish flavor, Longshou, Dandan noodles, etc. show the unique charm of Sichuan food culture. An athlete stated that due to her later competition schedule, she has to fight against Sichuan cuisine every day. To resist the temptation of Sichuan cuisine, it is indeed

Patriotic sentiment inspires centripetal force and cohesion. China | Chinese nation | sentiment
Patriotic sentiment inspires centripetal force and cohesion. China | Chinese nation | sentiment

This is an important conclusion drawn from a thorough examination of the development process of Chinese history. Since the emergence of the concept of great unity during the Spring and Autumn period, although the situation of unity and division has intertwined in over 2000 years of historical evolution, the formation and development of a unified multi-ethnic country has always been a major trend in history. Especially during the Ming and Qing dynasties, the situation of national unity was not only a political necessity, but also an inevitable result of economic and cultural development. To deeply grasp the prominent unity of Chinese civilization, it is necessary to fully understand the role of excellent traditional Chinese culture in it, and fully understand the centripetal force and cohesion inspired by the patriotic sentiment of maintaining harmony, governing peace, and taking responsibility for the rise and fall. The patriotism is an important part of China's excellent traditional culture, and its value foundation is the unity and isomorphism of family and country.

International Observation | Is China's Investment in Overseas Ports a Threat? Does American fallacy reveal the threat of hegemonic logic? United States
International Observation | Is China's Investment in Overseas Ports a Threat? Does American fallacy reveal the threat of hegemonic logic? United States

Beijing, July 30 (Xinhua) - US politicians and media have recently smeared China's port cooperation with other countries, spreading the so-called "China's investment in global port threat theory", claiming that China's investment in overseas ports makes it "easier to provide support for the Chinese navy", which is a "geopolitical risk hidden in front of the public eye". The accusations made by the United States are purely unfounded. Numerous facts have proven that China's port cooperation with relevant countries aims to promote the development of Sino foreign economic and trade, and has played a positive role in developing the local economy, improving infrastructure, and increasing local employment. In port cooperation, China respects the wishes of relevant countries, does not interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, complies with local laws and regulations, and has won recognition from all parties. On the contrary, it is precisely the United States itself that is establishing military bases around the world and constantly undermining world peace and stability. The United States is not rebellious

Ding Ning's "Return" to the Field: Sports are a Good Platform for Human Communication World | Universiade | Sports
Ding Ning's "Return" to the Field: Sports are a Good Platform for Human Communication World | Universiade | Sports

"Part of sports is about competition and competition, but more of it is about communication and learning from others how to become better. There are also many processes of cooperation, making it a great platform for people to communicate with each other." Ding Ning, a famous Chinese table tennis player and deputy leader of the table tennis project of the Chinese university student team at the Chengdu University Games, said in an interview with reporters in Chengdu on the 30th. Ding Ning started playing table tennis at the age of 5 and retired in 2021. She said she has participated in many international competitions, but has not participated in the World University Games, "with some regrets.". But this time participating in the Chengdu Universiade with a new identity, Ding Ning saw many familiar faces and felt particularly happy and friendly. "On the field, we are all striving for victory, but off the field, we are like friends, chatting and greeting each other." Recently, Ding Ning said

Carrying approximately $1.5 billion in debt! The United States, a nearly century old enterprise, may apply for bankruptcy protection in logistics | History | Enterprise
Carrying approximately $1.5 billion in debt! The United States, a nearly century old enterprise, may apply for bankruptcy protection in logistics | History | Enterprise

According to multiple media reports in the United States, due to a deep financial crisis, the nearly century old logistics company in the United States, Yale Freight Company, may apply for bankruptcy protection on July 31. According to multiple US media reports on the 28th, local logistics industry publications cited a memo from the company stating that the freight company will "cease normal operations" on the same day and lay off a batch of employees, the number of which is currently unclear. Industry insiders say that the company has stopped receiving new freight orders and is currently only processing orders that are already in the system. Industry insiders have stated that the company is facing long-term debt problems, with poor operating conditions and insufficient cash flow to support long-term operations. Data shows that as of the end of March this year, the company's outstanding debt was approximately $1.5 billion, including approximately $730 million owed to the federal government. And the Q1 business announced in May this year

Haikou Longhua District's response to "obstruction of landing of over 10 billion foreign-funded projects": The registered capital of the company is only HKD 10000, and the United Nations Global Village Limited | Project | Company
Haikou Longhua District's response to "obstruction of landing of over 10 billion foreign-funded projects": The registered capital of the company is only HKD 10000, and the United Nations Global Village Limited | Project | Company

Recently, a netizen named "Diploma Ambassador" on WeChat Video Account released a short video titled "Blocked landing of over 10 billion foreign-funded projects". Our center attaches great importance to it and immediately verifies the relevant situation. Specifically, the project investor mentioned in the video may be "United Nations Global Village Limited". The company docked with our center on March 15, 2023, proposing to register and establish a wholly-owned United Nations Global Village Co., Ltd. in Longhua District, Haikou City, and claimed to invest over 10 billion yuan in the construction of the headquarters building project. Our center maintains close contact with investors and actively communicates to promote progress. After consulting with the market regulatory department, according to relevant documents such as the "Rules on Prohibitions and Restrictions on the Use of Enterprise Names", the words "World" and "United Nations" have been separated

Are the staff not allowing tourists to take shelter from the rain due to the following shifts? Guiyang Jiaxiulou: Criticizing Education Scenic Area | Tourists | Staff
Are the staff not allowing tourists to take shelter from the rain due to the following shifts? Guiyang Jiaxiulou: Criticizing Education Scenic Area | Tourists | Staff

The Guiyang Jiaxiulou Scenic Area Management Office released a statement on July 30: At about 18:00 on July 29, a sudden rainstorm occurred in Guiyang, causing some tourists to stay in the Jiaxiulou Scenic Area. The staff prevented tourists from entering the Jiaxiulou Scenic Area to take shelter from the rain on the ground that they had to leave work and clear the site. After investigation, it was found that the number of tourists inside the Jia Xiu Building was already saturated at that time. As an ancient building, the interior space was relatively small and could not accommodate more people to enter. The Jiaxiulou Scenic Area will be closed around 19:00 on the same day after all tourists inside Jiaxiulou leave after the rain stops. During this process, the staff of the scenic area lacked service awareness and had a rigid attitude, which led to disputes with tourists and brought them a bad experience. In this regard, the scenic area management office has conducted serious criticism and education on the staff involved, and the scenic area will also draw lessons from other cases to solidly carry out cultural relics scenic area service awareness and services

Wang Jingbo intends to be appointed as a new vocational college | undergraduate | new position
Wang Jingbo intends to be appointed as a new vocational college | undergraduate | new position

On July 28th, the Organization Department of the Heilongjiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China released a list of proposed cadres, among which Wang Jingbo was proposed to serve as the administrative chief of a provincial undergraduate institution. Wang Jingbo, female, Han ethnicity, born in August 1970, is a graduate student and a member of the Communist Party of China. She is currently the Vice President and Standing Committee Member of the Party Committee of the University of International Business and Economics, and is proposed to serve as the Administrative Director of a provincial undergraduate institution. According to public information, Wang Jingbo taught at Beijing Vocational College of Political Science and Law from 1996 to 2001, and at China University of Political Science and Law from 2001 to 2020. He served as the Vice President and Dean of the Institute of Rule of Law and Government, and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2003 and Professor in 2008. I have worked as a visiting scholar at Yale University in the United States and the University of Paris in France. From 2017 to 2019, served as Deputy Chief Judge of the Administrative Trial Division of the Supreme People's Court. two hundred and two

US nuclear submarines participate in South Korea US joint exercises! Submarines | South Korea and the United States | The United States
US nuclear submarines participate in South Korea US joint exercises! Submarines | South Korea and the United States | The United States

South Korea and the United States exercise to counter North Korean submarines, with US nuclear submarines participating. According to Yonhap News Agency on the 30th, the South Korean Navy stated that it held a joint anti submarine combat exercise with US nuclear submarines in the waters south of Jeju on the 29th, aimed at enhancing the ability of the South Korean and US navies to counter North Korean submarines. Korean media: The exercise aims to enhance the ability of the South Korean and US navies to counter North Korean submarines. According to reports, South Korea's Aegis destroyer "Li Gu Li Er", the "Zhang Baogao" class "Li Shunchen" submarine, and the US "Los Angeles" class nuclear powered submarine "Annapolis" participated in the exercise. The report states that this joint exercise aims to prevent underwater infiltration by the North Korean army, with a focus on mastering the operational procedures for detecting, identifying, and tracking North Korean submarines. The South Korean Navy stated that the exercise aims to enhance the ability of the South Korean and US navies to counter North Korean submarines in the context of North Korea's successive missile launches and increased threats

Guo Taiming left a message to pay his respects. He threw a shocking bomb late at night: journalist who withdrew from the Kuomintang | Xie Dianlin | Guo Taiming
Guo Taiming left a message to pay his respects. He threw a shocking bomb late at night: journalist who withdrew from the Kuomintang | Xie Dianlin | Guo Taiming

On the early morning of the 31st, Xie Dianlin, the chairman of Changhua County Council who ran for election in 2024, the founder of Ting Hon Hai, announced his withdrawal from the Kuomintang on Facebook. He referred to himself as a grassroots party member, hoping to promote unity in the opposition, but the situation has evolved to this day, turning into a atmosphere of suspicion and killing among comrades.Changhua County

Six provinces have also intensively appointed deputy provincial (city) chiefs, and the State Council has appointed 8 leading cadres to take office! Last week's personnel. Duan Yijun | Hebei Province | Resume
Six provinces have also intensively appointed deputy provincial (city) chiefs, and the State Council has appointed 8 leading cadres to take office! Last week's personnel. Duan Yijun | Hebei Province | Resume

Last Friday, the State Council appointed and dismissed 11 national staff members. Among them, Duan Yijun was appointed as the Deputy Director of the National Ethnic Affairs Commission; Appoint Liu Liehong as the Director of the National Data Bureau, among others. Duan Yijun once served as the Deputy Governor of Sichuan Province. Last week, a total of 6 provinces densely appointed deputy provincial government positions; Liu Liehong is the first director of the newly established National Data Administration of China. In addition, several officials took office last week. Liu Liehong was appointed as the Director of the National Data Administration last Friday. The website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security announced that the State Council will appoint and dismiss national staff members. Among them, Duan Yijun was appointed as the Deputy Director of the National Ethnic Affairs Commission; Appoint Zhao Changhua as the Deputy Minister of Justice; Appoint Liu Jun as the Deputy Director of the State Administration for Market Regulation; Appoint Yang Guorui as the Deputy Director of the State Administration of Radio and Television; Wang Song was appointed Deputy Director of the State Internet Information Office; appoint

Corruption and corruption in the workplace, resulting in the downfall of 7 mayors! Last week's fall from the position of Municipal Party Secretary | Tobacco | Corruption
Corruption and corruption in the workplace, resulting in the downfall of 7 mayors! Last week's fall from the position of Municipal Party Secretary | Tobacco | Corruption

In the past week, four "tigers" were simultaneously "double opened", and two "tigers" were arrested. One "tiger" was on trial, and the other "tiger" was sentenced. Last week, multiple officials were also investigated. At 4 pm last Thursday, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection simultaneously announced that the four "tigers" had been "double opened". Ji Binchang, former Party Secretary and Chairman of the Qingdao Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, who fell from power on January 6th this year, was accused of losing his ideals and beliefs, abandoning his original mission, being disloyal and dishonest to the Party, and resisting organizational censorship; Ignoring the spirit of the central eight point regulations, accepting gifts and gifts in violation of regulations, accepting banquets and tourism arrangements that may affect the fair execution of official duties; Violating organizational principles, concealing or not reporting personal matters, and seeking benefits for others in employee recruitment work; Using power for personal gain and seeking benefits for their children in investment and management;

Numerous netizens offer tips! WeChat response: Singer Liu Wei cannot log on to his mother's WeChat and sends a message seeking help on WeChat | Mother | Tips
Numerous netizens offer tips! WeChat response: Singer Liu Wei cannot log on to his mother's WeChat and sends a message seeking help on WeChat | Mother | Tips

Early this morning, singer Liu Wei couldn't log in to his mother's WeChat account and posted a message asking for help. On July 30th, @ Liu Wei Julius posted a message asking netizens for help: Why can't my mother's WeChat account log in! Who can tell me that if I restart, clean, or delete it, my chat history will be gone? This is precious to me... Who can help me! And @ Tencent WeChat team. Numerous netizens have commented on Liu Wei's suggestions, and he has also updated the difficulties he encountered in the comment section. The WeChat team has also quickly responded in the comment section. At around 11 pm that night, Liu Wei posted an apology. I'm sorry, it took up everyone's public resources. I'm sorry... Those are not just chat records, they are our precious memories, just like what is said in Dream Hunting Journey, true departure is not death but legacy

French "political prodigy" controversial, 34 year old becomes minister and president | Macron | politics
French "political prodigy" controversial, 34 year old becomes minister and president | Macron | politics

Author: Wang Zhening. 46 year old French President Macron recently reorganized his cabinet and elected a 34 year old Minister of Education, Briel Atal, which has become a hot topic. Atal can be described as a "fresh meat in politics" and is the youngest Minister of National Education and Youth in France. His experience is also quite eye-catching: he became a millionaire at the age of 26, had alumni with multiple French presidents, and even gained a small group of fans on social media due to his appearance Although his political path has been very smooth, he is now facing controversy brought about by labels such as "wealthy second-generation"· Atar. Gabriel Atal, a wealthy second-generation, has been in the officialdom since childhood. He was born on March 16, 1989 in Kramar. Father Ive Atal has served as a lawyer and a film producer