The world

Biden administration approval: exchange of hostages+exemption from sanctions
Biden administration approval: exchange of hostages+exemption from sanctions

US media: The Biden administration has approved the exchange of hostages with Iran and waived the $6 billion asset trading sanctions against Iran. According to US media reports, on the 11th local time, the Biden administration approved the authorization to waive the trading sanctions on the previously frozen $6 billion Iranian assets and release 5 detained Iranian citizens in exchange for the release of 5 detained US citizens. This exemption will ensure that $6 billion in funds can be transferred from South Korean banks to the Central Bank of Qatar without US sanctions, to be used by Iran to purchase international humanitarian supplies. △ The US Capitol Hill reported that the agreement was signed by US Secretary of State Brynken last weekend and submitted to the Congress for approval on the 11th local time.

Buying a fortune report for 38 yuan... Young people's "cloud fortune telling" encounter multiple tricks, and their online consultation is automatically charged
Buying a fortune report for 38 yuan... Young people's "cloud fortune telling" encounter multiple tricks, and their online consultation is automatically charged

Recently, there has been a saying among many young people that goes, "Ask the eight characters for big things, ask the Tarot for small things, and ask the zodiac signs for nothing.". With the enthusiasm of young people for "cloud fortune telling", a large number of businesses engaged in such business have appeared on the Internet. They attract users through websites, apps, official account and even circles of friends under the guise of "fortune tellers", "Chinese Classics Lecture Hall", "psychological counseling", "fortune telling" and other names. The investigation by reporters found that many of these merchants used this as a scam to obtain money. However, many fell into this trap, and some even fell into deeper traps more than once, making it difficult to extricate themselves. How could Ms. Wang, a netizen from Shandong, find it hard to believe and pay for an unprofessional fortune teller when she encountered a scam on her online fortune telling. In February this year, work and relationships

Since September, more than 30 provinces and cities in China have optimized their real estate policies, and 8 cities have officially announced the complete lifting of purchase restrictions in the real estate market | nationwide
Since September, more than 30 provinces and cities in China have optimized their real estate policies, and 8 cities have officially announced the complete lifting of purchase restrictions in the real estate market | nationwide

To support the demand for rigid and improved housing, and further boost market confidence, the pace of implementing real estate policies in various regions has accelerated. Since September, more than 30 provinces and cities in China have optimized their real estate policies, and at the same time, more and more cities are following up on the lifting of purchase and sales restrictions. Within one day of following up on the lifting of property purchase and sales restrictions in two cities in Shandong, both cities will fully lift their property purchase and sales restrictions. On September 11th, according to Qilu Evening News, the reporter learned from the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Jinan City that in order to maintain the stable and healthy development of the city's real estate market, support rigid and improved housing demand, and further boost market confidence, Jinan City has adjusted its current real estate regulation policies and measures: lifted restrictions on purchasing houses in Lixia District and Shizhong District within the Second Ring Road; At the same time, commercial housing can be listed for trading after obtaining the Real Estate Ownership Certificate. From 2023

Guangming Daily article: Reflections triggered by PPT
Guangming Daily article: Reflections triggered by PPT

One of the inventors of PowerPoint, Dennis Austin, recently passed away in California, USA at the age of 76. The news of his death has sparked a review of information communication and presentation methods represented by PPT. In 1987, this software, which combines graphics, clip art, and multiple fonts, was born. In 1990, it was released on the Windows operating system, popularizing professional presentations as easy to operate fools and further enhancing the visualization of office systems. Thirty years later today, PPT has transcended various cultures and become a symbol of workplace life. According to statistics, there are currently over 30 million PPT presentations created by users worldwide every day; Some argue that 30 million is just data from 2001, and now this number

There are heavy rainstorm and severe convection weather in the local area, and rainstorm yellow warning! Involving 12 provinces
There are heavy rainstorm and severe convection weather in the local area, and rainstorm yellow warning! Involving 12 provinces

The Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a yellow rainstorm warning at 06:00 on September 12: It is estimated that from 08:00 on September 12 to 08:00 on September 13, there will be heavy to rainstorm in parts of central and eastern Chongqing, northeastern Guizhou, southeastern Henan, southwestern and eastern Hubei, western Hunan, central Anhui, central Jiangsu, northern Jiangxi, western and southern Yunnan, southern Guangxi, southwestern coast of Guangdong, northern Hainan Island, among which, there will be heavy rainstorm in parts of southeastern Chongqing, central Anhui, central Jiangsu and southwestern Guangxi; The maximum hourly rainfall in the above-mentioned areas is 30-50 millimeters, which can exceed 70 millimeters in some areas. There are also strong convective weather such as thunderstorms and strong winds in some areas. Defense guidelines: 1. The government and relevant departments should do a good job in preventing rainstorm according to their responsibilities; 2. The traffic management department should take into account the road conditions during heavy rainfall

The Canadian Prime Minister was met with a scumbag in India this time, I didn't expect it to happen
The Canadian Prime Minister was met with a scumbag in India this time, I didn't expect it to happen

The G20 summit has ended, and leaders from various countries have returned home, except for Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, who is still staying in India. Are you reluctant to leave? Wrong! In Western countries, Canada is currently the country that India hates the most. This time in India, I met Trudeau with a nose full of dust. I had long wanted to put some oil on my feet and leave quickly, but unfortunately, human calculation is not as good as fate, and he still can't leave. Why? The special plane in Canada has malfunctioned. The Canadian Air Force is having a headache due to mechanical issues with the aircraft, which cannot be resolved overnight. Mr. Prime Minister, please make do with staying in India for a few more nights. Trudeau has no choice, even in India, he really doesn't want to stay any longer. It's simple, Modi is very indifferent to him. During this G20 summit, Modi held meetings with almost all Western leaders, but unfortunately, with Trudeau, there was only one very

Resolutely oppose! Chinese Embassy in the UK Two Answers to Journalist's Questions
Resolutely oppose! Chinese Embassy in the UK Two Answers to Journalist's Questions

The spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in the UK answered a reporter's question regarding the British side's speculation about "Chinese spies": The claim that China is suspected of "stealing British intelligence" is completely groundless and maliciously defamed, and we firmly oppose it. We urge relevant parties in the UK to stop anti China political manipulation and stop this self directed and self acting political farce. The spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in the UK responded to a reporter's question regarding the erroneous statements made by British officials regarding China. The spokesperson of the embassy stated that the remarks made by the British side disregard the facts, distort black and white, attack China for no reason, and rudely interfere in China's internal affairs. China firmly opposes and strongly condemns them. China has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, and a maintainer of international order. China has never been a challenge or threat to any country. We always practice mutual respect, equal treatment, and non-interference in each other's internal affairs

Check it out!, Live streaming sales have unexpectedly started selling "military products"
Check it out!, Live streaming sales have unexpectedly started selling "military products"

In recent years, counterfeit goods related to the military have been repeatedly banned, not only by unscrupulous merchants who illegally produce and sell "military" branded counterfeit goods, but also seriously damage the reputation and image of the military. Recently, the Guangdong Military Region's security inspection team, in conjunction with the Foshan Municipal Public Security Bureau and the Foshan Market Supervision Administration, lawfully investigated and corrected a illegal shop that sells counterfeit military products. The shop opened an online store on a certain platform and sold various types of counterfeit military uniforms and other military related products through online live streaming. Its warehouse also had a large number of illegal military related goods. The law enforcement team conducted on-site legal education on the merchant and ordered it to immediately rectify the situation. The market supervision and management department seized the illegal goods in accordance with the law. The next step is to... Thoroughly investigate and hold the merchant responsible in accordance with the law. This joint military civilian law enforcement is a normal occurrence

There are three major doubts raised by the outside world, but there are rumors of severe wear and tear, and the delivery of the Taiyushan ship is less than a year old
There are three major doubts raised by the outside world, but there are rumors of severe wear and tear, and the delivery of the Taiyushan ship is less than a year old

According to reports, it is reported that the Yushan ship recently entered the Taiwan ship terminal for maintenance in accordance with the contract. However, what puzzled the logistics maintenance personnel of the Taiwan Navy was that the bearing sleeve of the Yushan ship's main shaft was severely worn. Although the bearing sleeve was classified as a consumable item, the bearing sleeves of various types of military and official ships were set to be replaced after 5 years or 20000 hours, and the Yushan ship experienced severe bearing sleeve wear in the past year of delivery. The report stated that the outside world questioned whether this was a design issue, a construction flaw, or improper operation

C919 and ARJ21 come together! This task is fully underway
C919 and ARJ21 come together! This task is fully underway

On September 11, 2023, a C919 aircraft painted blue and green landed smoothly at Urumqi Diwobao International Airport, about to begin its first demonstration flight into Xinjiang. At the same time, the ARJ21 aircraft is conducting "circular flights" within the territory and "cross flight" between the north and south of Xinjiang based on Yining Airport. The gathering of C919 and ARJ21 aircraft models in Xinjiang marks the comprehensive demonstration flight of domestic commercial aircraft in Xinjiang. According to the plan, two C919 aircrafts will take Urumqi as the base to carry out demonstration flights for half a month, and the routes will radiate Karamay, Yining, Kuqa, Altay and other major airports in Xinjiang. The ARJ21 aircraft was based at Yining and Kuche airports, radiating through 25 airports throughout Xinjiang from east to west and from south to north for demonstration flights. As of now, ARJ

Get a new order! Qualcomm announces a three-year agreement with Apple on chip supply
Get a new order! Qualcomm announces a three-year agreement with Apple on chip supply

On the evening of September 11th, Qualcomm Technologies announced that it had reached an agreement with Apple to provide Snapdragon 5G modems and RF systems for smartphones launched in 2024, 2025, and 2026. Affected by the news, Qualcomm's US stock rose nearly 7% before trading, but the subsequent increase narrowed. As of the close, Qualcomm's per share report was $110.28, up 3.90%. Smartphone processor chips bear the heavy responsibility of competing for the discourse power of the new generation of mobile terminals, but are constrained by multiple factors such as technology and market. Currently, only Qualcomm, Samsung, MediaTek, and Spreadtrum are able to participate in the competition globally. In the high-end chip market, mobile phone manufacturers have almost no choice but to become flagship phones. A Qualcomm engineer previously told reporters that advanced manufacturing processes can accelerate Apple's self-developed chips

The Chinese representative exercises the right of defense against Japan's sophistry! Strongly refute!
The Chinese representative exercises the right of defense against Japan's sophistry! Strongly refute!

The Chinese representative exercised the right of defense against Japan's sophistry: Japan, which is determined to act alone, must be subject to strict international supervision. The International Atomic Energy Agency's Board of Directors opened on September 11th at the Vienna International Center. Ambassador Li Song, the Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations and other international organizations in Vienna, strongly criticized Japan for unilaterally initiating the discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea, and strongly urged Japan to accept strict international supervision. In response to the Japanese representative's sophistry, Li Song exercised his right of defense and strongly refuted it. Li Song stated that on August 24th, the Japanese government ignored strong international doubts and opposition and unilaterally initiated the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea. History will remember this day. The discharge of contaminated water from Fukushima nuclear power into the sea is a major nuclear safety issue with cross-border and long-term far-reaching impacts, and is by no means a private matter of Japan alone. The Fukushima nuclear accident that occurred 12 years ago has already caused

Korean Central News Agency: Kim Jong un has departed on a special train to Russia
Korean Central News Agency: Kim Jong un has departed on a special train to Russia

According to the Korean Central News Agency on the 12th, Kim Jong un, General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and Chairman of the State Council, departed from the capital of North Korea, Pyongyang, on a special train to visit Russia on the afternoon of the 10th. Members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Vice Chairman of the State Council, Prime Minister Kim Dae jung, and other leading cadres of the party, government, and military agencies bid farewell to Kim Jong un. Kim Jong un bid farewell to the officials who came to bid farewell. According to a report by KCNA on the 11th, Kim Jong un will soon visit Russia at the invitation of Russian President Putin. Kim Jong un will meet and have talks with Putin during his visit. The Kremlin of Russia issued a statement on the same day, stating that at Putin's invitation, Kim Jong un will "make an official visit to Russia in the coming days.".

Lula changed her tune again?, Just finished saying Putin "won't be arrested"
Lula changed her tune again?, Just finished saying Putin "won't be arrested"

According to Agence France Presse, Brazilian President Lula withdrew his guarantee on September 11th that Russian President Putin will not be arrested when he attends the G20 meeting in Rio de Janeiro next year, stating that the matter should be decided by the judiciary. According to reports, Putin did not attend the G20 summit held in the Indian capital New Delhi this year, thus avoiding potential political criticism or risks arising from an arrest warrant by the International Criminal Court. The report pointed out that Brazil is a signatory to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, and Lula's statement on the 9th that Putin will not be arrested for attending the G20 summit in Brazil next year is surprising. According to reports, Lula told reporters on the 11th, "I don't know if the Brazilian judiciary will arrest him. It's up to the judiciary, not the government, to decide."

Can you take 10 consecutive days off? Multiple urban areas in Hangzhou announce the autumn vacation time for primary and secondary schools
Can you take 10 consecutive days off? Multiple urban areas in Hangzhou announce the autumn vacation time for primary and secondary schools

Recently, several urban areas in Hangzhou announced the autumn vacation time for primary and secondary schools. Shangcheng District: Autumn vacation arrangement: This year's autumn vacation is scheduled for two days, September 27th and 28th. The time for school autumn outings and sports meet will be arranged separately by each school according to their actual situation. The Mid Autumn Festival and National Day in 2023 are scheduled to be 8 days from September 29 to October 6. Gongshu District: The autumn vacation for primary and secondary schools in 2023 is arranged for a total of 3 days, with a centralized and unified autumn vacation time of September 27th and 28th. The other day is arranged by each school and can be used to organize autumn outings, sports meetings, and other activities. The Mid Autumn Festival and the National Day are scheduled to be closed from September 29 to October 6 in 2023, a total of 8 days. There is no compensatory leave before the festival. West Lake District: Autumn vacation schedule. This year's autumn vacation is scheduled for September

The young man coughed on the train and was violently beaten by the woman sitting next to him! Changchun Railway Police: Detention!
The young man coughed on the train and was violently beaten by the woman sitting next to him! Changchun Railway Police: Detention!

Recently, a video on social media platforms titled "A woman walks wildly and pulls her hair due to a man sitting next to her coughing" has attracted the attention of netizens. On September 11th, the Changchun Railway Police reported that the woman involved, Luo, had been administratively detained for 7 days for provoking and causing trouble. According to a previous report on the public channel of Guizhou Radio and Television Station @ People's Attention, at around 16:00 on September 8th, the K1229 train in Shenyang, Liaoning Province stopped at the Wafangdian Railway Station. A woman cursed at a man and scratched his hair. Mr. Jiang, a witness, claimed that the boy was feeling unwell and coughing all the time. The girl suddenly started hitting the boy on the head for about five or six minutes, but the boy didn't fight back. The girl scolded and hit while the train police took the two away. The train departed from Dalian to Qiqihar, and after arriving at Wafangdian Railway Station, two people collided

Latest: She admitted! Sentenced in Hong Kong
Latest: She admitted! Sentenced in Hong Kong

In mid July, a 12-year-old "double non" boy was abandoned by his mother at Guanghua Hospital in Hong Kong, causing widespread social attention. The Hong Kong police subsequently contacted the mother of the boy in mainland China, arranged for him to return to Hong Kong to assist in the investigation, and arrested and prosecuted him in accordance with the law. On September 11th, the mother of the boy pleaded guilty to one count of cruel treatment of children in the Kowloon City Magistrates Court in Hong Kong and was sentenced to four months in prison with a three-year probation. The mother of a 37 year old boy named C J. J, with the code name J, was charged with intentional abuse or neglect of a 12-year-old child who is responsible for custody, care, or care in the emergency room of Kwong Wah Hospital in Yau Ma Tei Wo, on July 21, 2023, in a manner that may cause unnecessary suffering to the child. A 12-year-old boy abandoned in Hong Kong. The defense appealed to the court for mercy

Libya enters a state of emergency and is hit by a storm
Libya enters a state of emergency and is hit by a storm

According to the website of Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao on September 11, storm "Daniel" swept the Mediterranean Sea and triggered floods in Libya, killing at least 150 people. The Libyan Red Crescent Society predicts that the death toll will rise to 250. According to Reuters, Mohammed Masood, spokesman of the Libyan government in Benghazi, said on the 11th that at least 150 people had been killed by the floods and rainstorm caused by "Daniel" in Derna, Lvshan and Maierji suburbs of Libya. Various regions have suffered huge financial losses. Daniel attacked eastern Libya on the 10th, with the Green Mountains and Benghazi being particularly severely affected. A rescue team has also been deployed in Delna, located approximately 900 kilometers east of the Libyan capital Tripoli. Reuters quoted witnesses as saying that the water level in Delna has reached a height of 3 meters. report

British media: Zelensky claims to be "prepared for a long-term war"
British media: Zelensky claims to be "prepared for a long-term war"

The website of The Economist published an exclusive interview with Ukrainian President Zelensky on September 10th. The report states that Zelensky is preparing for a long-term war. He said, "For a long-term war, I must be prepared. Emotionally, I am already prepared." The report stated that Zelensky realized that Ukraine would face huge risks if the West began to reduce economic support. This will not only harm the Ukrainian economy, but also weaken Ukraine's combat capability. Given that multiple Western allies will hold elections next year, Zelensky knows that maintaining support for Ukraine will be difficult, especially in the absence of significant progress on the front line. Zelensky predicts that if Biden is re elected president, he will continue his current policy. "Do they want Afghanistan to repeat that scene?" In addition, Zelensky

Promotion across provinces, Wang Hesheng, Secretary of the Haidian District Committee of the Communist Party of China in Beijing
Promotion across provinces, Wang Hesheng, Secretary of the Haidian District Committee of the Communist Party of China in Beijing

Wang Hesheng, Secretary of the Haidian District Party Committee of Beijing, has taken office across provinces and has been appointed as a leader of Heilongjiang Province.Governor and Party Secretary of the Provincial Government, Liang Huiling, presided over the meeting, and members of the Party leadership team of the Provincial Government made speeches. The report shows that Wang Yixin, Yu Jian, Li Yi, Xu Xiangguo, Wang Hesheng, and Chang Cheng attended the meeting. Xu Xiangguo is currently the Deputy Governor and Party Member of the Heilongjiang Provincial Government, as well as the Secretary of the Daxing'anling District Committee. Changcheng is currently the Secretary General of the Heilongjiang Provincial Government

The Ministry of Education has issued the Interim Measures for Administrative Punishments on Extracurricular Training
The Ministry of Education has issued the Interim Measures for Administrative Punishments on Extracurricular Training

Recently, the Ministry of Education issued the Interim Measures for Administrative Punishments on Extracurricular Training.The Measures propose overall requirements for administrative penalties for off campus training. The regulations are applicable to natural persons, legal persons, or other organizations that recruit preschool children and primary and secondary school students aged 3 and above from the society, and illegally carry out extracurricular training. Administrative penalties for off campus training should follow the principles of fairness and openness

The Tianzhou-5 cargo spacecraft has been controlled to re-enter the atmosphere
The Tianzhou-5 cargo spacecraft has been controlled to re-enter the atmosphere

According to the China Manned Space Engineering Office, at 9:13 am Beijing time on September 12, 2023, the Tianzhou-5 cargo spacecraft, which successfully completed its scheduled mission, has been controlled to re-enter the atmosphere. Most of the components of the cargo spacecraft were burned and destroyed during re-entry, with a small amount of debris falling into the designated safe waters of the South Pacific. It is reported that multiple space application projects carried by the Tianzhou-5 cargo spacecraft have progressed smoothly and achieved gratifying results, accumulating important experience for the operation and management of space station applications and development stages. Among them, the Tianzhou-5 cargo spacecraft successfully released the "Macau Student Science Popularization Satellite 1" cubic star on December 18, 2022. Currently, the cubic star is in stable orbit and provides good aerospace science for amateur radio enthusiasts in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, both sides of the Taiwan Strait, and around the world

Report after being hit by your spouse? Response from the Judicial Bureau: An investigation has been conducted into the affair between the directors of the two judicial offices in Yuncheng, Shanxi
Report after being hit by your spouse? Response from the Judicial Bureau: An investigation has been conducted into the affair between the directors of the two judicial offices in Yuncheng, Shanxi

On September 11th, a woman in Yuncheng, Shanxi Province, posted a video with her real name reporting that her husband, Zhang, the director of a judicial office in Wenxi County, Yuncheng, had an affair with Zhao, the director of a judicial office in Linyi County, Yuncheng, which attracted attention. According to online reports, a woman claimed in the video that she reported her husband's infidelity and multiple domestic violence in real name, as well as illegal cohabitation with Zhao, the director of a judicial office in Linyi County. "On the evening of August 25, 2023, at around 11:00 pm in our housing in Yuncheng, I ran into Zhang, who was naked, and Zhao, who was sleeping naked in bed." On the afternoon of August 11, the reporter called the Wenxi County Judicial Bureau to inquire about the above report, and the staff said, "We have already replied to the Internet Information Department. Please listen to the official news, and also replied to the Propaganda Department." The staff member said that the Judicial Bureau has been found

The person in charge of the Supervision Department of Extracurricular Education and Training of the Ministry of Education answered questions from reporters regarding the Interim Measures for Administrative Punishments on Extracurricular Training
The person in charge of the Supervision Department of Extracurricular Education and Training of the Ministry of Education answered questions from reporters regarding the Interim Measures for Administrative Punishments on Extracurricular Training

In order to thoroughly implement the Opinions of the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on Further Reducing the Homework Burden and Extracurricular Training Burden of Students in Compulsory Education, and to deepen the governance of extracurricular training in accordance with the law, the Ministry of Education recently issued the Interim Measures for Administrative Punishments of Extracurricular Training. The person in charge of the Supervision Department of Off campus Education and Training of the Ministry of Education answered questions from reporters regarding the Measures. 1. Q: What is the background of the promulgation of the Measures? Answer: The Party Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the "double reduction" work. "Standardizing off campus training institutions" has been included in the Party's century long historical resolution.The Implementation Outline for the Construction of a Rule of Law Government proposes to increase education and training, which are closely related to the immediate interests of the people

The Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security have launched the joint supervision and prosecution of the third batch of five major cross-border telecommunications network fraud cases
The Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security have launched the joint supervision and prosecution of the third batch of five major cross-border telecommunications network fraud cases

The Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security jointly launched the third batch of five major cross-border telecommunications network fraud cases to crack down on illegal activities such as overseas telecommunications network fraud and domestic collaborative crime in accordance with the law. Recently, the Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Ministry of Public Security jointly launched the third batch of five major cross-border telecommunications network fraud cases, insisting on internal and external linkage, making every effort to crack down on gangs, networks, and blockchains, digging deep into organizers, leaders, and behind the scenes "financiers", and effectively safeguarding social stability and the vital interests of the people.

China's ocean thermal energy reserves are abundant and have huge development prospects, achieving new breakthroughs in power generation
China's ocean thermal energy reserves are abundant and have huge development prospects, achieving new breakthroughs in power generation

CCTV News: Recently, China's first marine floating thermoelectric power generation device, led by the Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey of the China Geological Survey, has successfully completed sea trials. This marks a crucial step in the development and utilization of ocean thermal energy in China, from land testing to offshore engineering applications. Ocean thermal energy refers to the thermal energy formed by the temperature difference between the surface seawater and the deep seawater in the ocean. China has abundant reserves of ocean thermal energy and great development prospects. Not long ago, the "Marine Geology II" scientific research vessel carried China's first marine floating thermoelectric power generation device and conducted its first sea trial in the South China Sea at a depth of 1900 meters. The total duration of the experimental power generation exceeds 4 hours, with a maximum power generation of 16.4 kilowatts. This sea trial not only proves the feasibility of the independently developed ocean thermoelectric power generation system, but also achieves

The high-precision ground-based timing system Dunhuang timing platform project can achieve national soil coverage of long wave timing signals upon commencement of construction
The high-precision ground-based timing system Dunhuang timing platform project can achieve national soil coverage of long wave timing signals upon commencement of construction

CCTV news: The construction of the Dunhuang Time Service Platform project of high-precision ground-based time service system, a major national science and technology infrastructure project undertaken by the National Time Service Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, started yesterday. This marks a crucial step for China in promoting the nationwide coverage of long wave timing signals and improving the safety and reliability of time usage in important areas. The Dunhuang timing station is located in the northeast of Dunhuang City, with a construction period of 3 years. The construction content will include an enhanced Roland transmission system, an antenna system with a radius of 300 meters and a tower height of 278 meters, and the construction of a timing monitoring station in the urban area of Dunhuang City. At present, the enhanced Roland time service station is the most reliable ground-based long wave time service means. China can realize long wave time service by building three long wave time service stations in Korla, Xinjiang, Dunhuang, Gansu, and Naqu, Xizang, and combining the existing long wave time service system

New Breakthrough in Thermal Energy Generation through Ocean Thermal Energy in China | Ocean | China
New Breakthrough in Thermal Energy Generation through Ocean Thermal Energy in China | Ocean | China

Guangzhou, September 11th (Xinhua) - Marine thermal energy is an important offshore new energy source and an important field of global new energy research. The 20kW ocean floating thermoelectric power generation device, led by the Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey of the China Geological Survey, has successfully completed sea trials in the South China Sea and returned to Nansha, Guangzhou. This is the first time in China that the principle verification and engineering operation of ocean thermal energy generation have been achieved under actual sea conditions, effectively promoting the development and utilization of deep-sea energy in China. The ocean thermoelectric power generation device is equipped with the "Marine Geology No. 2" ship for pre sea testing preparation. According to Xinhua News Agency, ocean thermal energy is one of the renewable energy sources in the ocean, which refers to the thermal energy formed by the temperature difference between the surface seawater and the deep seawater. It has great development value and potential. Introduction by Ningbo, Senior Engineer of Guangzhou Marine Geological Survey Bureau,

High Quality Development Research Tour | Small Apples Create a Big Industry World - Insights on the Apple Industry Cluster in Luochuan, Shaanxi | Technology | Apples
High Quality Development Research Tour | Small Apples Create a Big Industry World - Insights on the Apple Industry Cluster in Luochuan, Shaanxi | Technology | Apples

Xi'an, September 11th (Xinhua) -- Little Apples Create a Big World of Industry - News from Xinhua News Agency reporters Wang Yuhao, Zheng Xin, and Sun from Luochuan, Shaanxi. During the golden autumn season, the fields in Luochuan, Shaanxi are filled with the sweet aroma of apples. On the apple tree, early ripe red apples hang all over the branches. Jie Guisheng, a fruit farmer in Laomiao Town, Luochuan County, is busy harvesting fresh fruits. He told reporters, "This year, Luochuan has abundant rainfall, big apples, and sufficient moisture. It is expected to have a good harvest.". In the enterprise workshop of the Luochuan Apple Industry Cluster not far away, there is another busy scene. In the natural partner brand sorting workshop of Yangang Fruit Industry Park, with the help of automated production lines, apples are inspected, sorted, cleaned, and boxed into large trucks. On September 10th, in Luochuan, Apple Modern

From "Hiking Measurement" to "Sky Ground" Integrated Monitoring - Technology Assists in the Protection of Tropical Rainforests in Hainan | Tropical Rainforests | Technology
From "Hiking Measurement" to "Sky Ground" Integrated Monitoring - Technology Assists in the Protection of Tropical Rainforests in Hainan | Tropical Rainforests | Technology

Haikou, September 11th (Xinhua) - From "Hiking Measurement" to "Sky and Earth" Integrated Monitoring - Technology Assists in the Protection of Tropical Rainforests in Hainan. Xinhua reporters Chen Kaizi and Yuan Rui, the emerald bird, jump into the water, picking up fish in their mouths; The round nosed giant lizard travels slowly, searching for forest delicacies; Gibbons climb up tree tops and sing loudly... These scenes of Hainan's tropical rainforest are being recorded and presented in real-time by remote monitoring systems. The picture shows the ecological monitoring platform in the Bawangling area of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park. Since the pilot of the national park system in 2019, Hainan has been focusing on building a new model of intelligent ecological management and protection. The Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park Management Bureau has established a provincial-level smart management center and a smart rainforest big data center platform, and is located in Bawangling, Diaoluo Mountain, and Wuzhishan

Decision to appoint Chen Jie as Vice Mayor, Report on the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress | Situation | ShanghaiStrictly abide by the Party Constitution, Party rules, and Party discipline. The Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Party Group of the Municipal Government, and the Party Group of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference held separate meetings to firmly support the Central Committee's decision on the Party Central Committee | Politics | Party GroupCan Shanghai connect with the greenways of these cities? Official: Proposed Preparation of Greenway Construction Standards for the Yangtze River Delta | Standards | Yangtze River DeltaChen Jining, Gong Zheng, and colleagues from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee exchanged their experiences and insights on thematic education research based on their respective experiences. Education | Municipal Party Committee | ThemeThe Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference awarded commemorative plaques to members and standing committee members of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference who are no longer re elected in ShanghaiPropose ideas and measures around releasing domestic demand, and the Chairman's Meeting of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference deliberates on key research reports and measures | ideas | research