The world

The stigma of "slavery" in the United States is still alarming, with overseas online reviews stating that after 158 years, African Americans | race | America
The stigma of "slavery" in the United States is still alarming, with overseas online reviews stating that after 158 years, African Americans | race | America

June 18th, New York City, United States. Two African American women embraced and wept during the celebration of June Day. June 19th is the American Black Slave Liberation Day, known as June Day. On that day, many places in the United States held marches or rallies, but there were also many people calling for June Day as an opportunity to reflect on the chronic racism in the United States. Obviously, no amount of celebration activities can conceal the bloody and tearful background of June Day, let alone whitewash the reality of America's racial ills. To this day, the stain of slavery in the United States is still alarming. June Day itself is a symbol of the unresolved racial issues in the United States. The birth of June Day can be traced back to 1865, but it was not until 2021 that it became a national holiday commemorating the abolition of slavery in the United States. With a history of only 247 years

Meeting China | Palestinian Girl Haida: In China, I Found My "Soul City" and Friendly Relations | Palestine | China
Meeting China | Palestinian Girl Haida: In China, I Found My "Soul City" and Friendly Relations | Palestine | China

Because of longing, they came to China; Because of their dreams, they choose to stay. What kind of sparks do foreigners collide with when they encounter China? Global Information Radio specially plans to "meet China" and listen to the "dialogue" between foreign friends and China. Haida, who is 21 years old this year, comes from Palestine and is currently an international student majoring in Chinese language at Beijing Language and Culture University. Influenced by her father, Hayda has planted a seed of longing for China in her heart since childhood. The development opportunities in China, as well as the friendliness and enthusiasm of the Chinese people, have brought Hayda to China and made her fall in love with it. Today, let's follow the reporter to learn about the story of the Palestinian girl, Hajda. "I chose to study in China because it is a very great country and the Chinese people are also very friendly to us. There are many development opportunities here."

International environmental experts: Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge poses a nuclear threat to the Asia Pacific region | Japan | Environmental protection
International environmental experts: Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge poses a nuclear threat to the Asia Pacific region | Japan | Environmental protection

Sean Bernie, a senior nuclear expert at the Japan office of the international environmental agency Greenpeace, wrote in China Daily on June 14th that Japan is about to discharge contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the Pacific, posing a nuclear threat to the Asia Pacific region. Comic author: China Daily, Ma Xuejing. The Japanese authorities fabricated lies to mislead the public. Currently, the equipment related to the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant has been basically completed, and Tokyo Electric Power Company has started trial operation of the equipment on June 12th. At the same time, carefully fabricated lies about nuclear contaminated water have spread. For example, the Japanese government stated that the International Atomic Energy Agency and some scientists believe there is no need to worry about the impact of these nuclear contaminated water. The Japanese authorities also stated that a "multi nuclide treatment system" can be used to filter out the vast majority of nuclides in nuclear contaminated water, except for tritium.

"I really want to write a thank-you letter to the hospital" (assisting the county in the village notes) during the visit. For Xiangyang Village, thank you letter
"I really want to write a thank-you letter to the hospital" (assisting the county in the village notes) during the visit. For Xiangyang Village, thank you letter

At 5:30 in the morning, just after dawn, Yang Jikui, a doctor from Xiangyang Village in Yucheng County, Henan Province, got up and packed his medicine box, preparing to start the day's visit. His first stop was at the home of villager Wang Yuqiu, who is 49 years old and has a medical history of nearly 10 years. "Low pressure is 90, high pressure is 120, and the heart rate is 87 per minute. The condition is relatively stable. Just continue to maintain the current dosage of medication and go out to exercise more when you have time," Yang Jikui instructed. Later, he arrived at Wang Jingying's house again. She, who had just given birth to her third child half a month ago, is still in the recovery period. "Dr. Yang, my appetite is gradually recovering now. What should I pay attention to when eating?" "I can't eat too greasy to nourish, it's not conducive to wound healing." Yang Jikui checked the condition of the fetus again. The child can be prepared to come to the village clinic to build electronic files one month after birth

On the graduation photo, he appeared in the circle in position C!, Never absent from auxiliary police in 17 years | child | out of the circle
On the graduation photo, he appeared in the circle in position C!, Never absent from auxiliary police in 17 years | child | out of the circle

Another year's graduation season has arrived. Recently, children from a primary school in Suqian, Jiangsu Province, invited retired auxiliary police officer Zhang Zhongxiao to take graduation photos together and asked him to stand in position C. He also held a 17 year strong guard school position to ensure that every child can safely cross the road. Zhang Zhongxiao, 59 years old this year, is an auxiliary police officer from the Traffic Police Detachment of Suqian Public Security Bureau. He has been steadfast in his nursing position for 17 years. During school and after school, the flow of students and vehicles intertwined to direct traffic and regulate vehicle parking. Guiding students to cross the road is his job. He said, "Every time I am on duty, I must see the last child safely cross the road. This is my responsibility and mission." Due to outstanding work achievements, Zhang Zhongxiao has been awarded various awards. The honorary titles of "Jiangsu Civilized Transportation Person" and "New Era Jiangsu Public Security Traffic Auxiliary Police Model" have been awarded multiple times

Can you apply for early retirement by paying? Be wary of new types of elderly care fraud procedures | One person | Elderly care
Can you apply for early retirement by paying? Be wary of new types of elderly care fraud procedures | One person | Elderly care

Starting from April this year, the Zhuankou Branch of the Wuhan Public Security Bureau has received reports from citizens, claiming that someone has carried out fraud under the guise of helping to handle procedures for "early retirement" and "increasing retirement benefits.". Wang Han, a police officer from the Dunkou Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone: Around April this year, we received reports from residents in our jurisdiction. Seven or eight people came to report that they had contacted an acquaintance in June last year and said they could help them with early retirement. However, by April this year, this matter had not been completed and their money could not be recovered even after being handed over to that person. They couldn't contact this person anymore, so they suspected they had been scammed. After receiving the alarm, the police immediately organized a special team to conduct an investigation and analysis. Victim: My partner is not old enough and his physical condition is not very good, so I want to bring it up to him

"Tianjin Role Model" Jin Wankun: My Promise and Life are Equally Long Role Models | Tianjin | Life
"Tianjin Role Model" Jin Wankun: My Promise and Life are Equally Long Role Models | Tianjin | Life

On June 19th, 91 year old Jin Wankun was awarded the honorary title of "Tianjin Model". In the field of freshwater fish breeding, Jin Wankun is a name that resounds like thunder. Starting from a semi illiterate background, he relied on diligent self-study to cultivate 11 nationally approved new aquatic species over several decades. Among them, 5 were the leading fishery species recommended by the Ministry of Agriculture, and he published 5 monographs including "Embryonic Development Atlas of Hybrid Freshwater Fish Species". He has published more than 90 papers in national academic journals, and has undertaken 26 projects such as the National Spark Program, Agricultural Science and Technology Achievement Transformation, and Good Seed Engineering. Under his leadership, the New Aquatic Seed Farm located in Ninghe District was approved by the Ministry of Agriculture as a national modern fishery seed industry demonstration farm and a national demonstration farm for healthy aquaculture. Jin Wankun is revered as the "Yuan Longping of the aquaculture industry"

The transportation department strengthens dynamic tracking to ensure the safe and efficient transportation of key materials during the Dragon Boat Festival. Transportation | passenger flow | dynamics
The transportation department strengthens dynamic tracking to ensure the safe and efficient transportation of key materials during the Dragon Boat Festival. Transportation | passenger flow | dynamics

CCTV News: On June 19th, the Ministry of Transport issued a notice on ensuring transportation services and safety production during the 2023 Dragon Boat Festival holiday. The notice points out that transportation authorities in various regions should scientifically analyze the main flow direction of passenger flow in their jurisdiction, hot travel areas, improve passenger flow monitoring and emergency dispatch mechanisms in key areas such as passenger hubs and tourist attractions. The notice also requires that transportation and other departments in various regions should strengthen dynamic tracking of key hubs, main channels, and key areas to ensure smooth operation, and do a good job in monitoring the operation of railways, highways, water transportation, civil aviation, postal and express industries, effectively ensuring the safe and efficient transportation of energy materials, agricultural inputs and machinery, as well as key materials such as grain, people's livelihood, and foreign trade during peak summer seasons.

The restoration of the Duku Highway brings good prospects to tourists with its beautiful scenery. Open to traffic | tourists. Every year | Outlook
The restoration of the Duku Highway brings good prospects to tourists with its beautiful scenery. Open to traffic | tourists. Every year | Outlook

On June 18th, the Duku Highway officially resumed operation, welcoming tourists from all directions. Due to natural factors such as winter snowfall and icing in the Tianshan Mountains, the Duku Highway has a closure period of up to 8 months each year. What attracts tourists from all over the world to this road, which only passes for four or five months a year? To what extent can a highway drive local economic development? How to expand and improve service capabilities when the peak tourism season in Xinjiang arrives? How can good scenery bring good prospects? Why does the 8-month closure of the Duku Highway attract tourists every year? Duku Highway starts from Dushanzi District, Karamay City in the north and ends at Kuqa City, Aksu Prefecture in the south, with a total length of 561km, and half of its sections are above 2000m above sea level. The Duku Highway runs through the backbone of the Tianshan Mountains, with magnificent scenery along the way, forming a sky stretching over 500 kilometers

Escort college graduates on the employment path. Graduates pay increasing attention and importance to private enterprises. Universities | college students | graduates on the employment path
Escort college graduates on the employment path. Graduates pay increasing attention and importance to private enterprises. Universities | college students | graduates on the employment path

CCTV News: Currently, it is the graduation season for college students. According to statistics from the Ministry of Education, the number of college graduates in China is expected to reach 11.58 million in 2023, setting a new historical high. In recent days, various regions have been helping graduates to accurately connect with enterprises through campus recruitment, enterprise entry into campus, and other forms. The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Education have launched a special action plan for the employment of college graduates. Through measures such as expanding job resources and strengthening guidance and assistance, universities are striving to help more graduates determine their employment prospects. Chengdu: The average monthly salary for positions is 8800 yuan, with nearly 10000 job seekers per day. Recently, at a job fair for college graduates in Chengdu, 378 employers announced 10000 positions with an average monthly salary of 8800 yuan. Nearly 10000 job seekers entered the job market on the same day. Hefei: Subsidies are mostly for college graduates

Expanding the scope to 8 provinces, flood control level four emergency response emergency | flood control | scope
Expanding the scope to 8 provinces, flood control level four emergency response emergency | flood control | scope

On June 18th, the National Flood Control Administration launched a fourth level emergency response for flood control in Guangxi and Jiangsu, continuing to maintain the fourth level emergency response for flood control in Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, and Guizhou. The General Office of National Flood Control dispatched two additional working groups to assist and guide local flood control work in Hunan, Hubei, and Jiangxi, Anhui. On the 18th, the Emergency Management Department organized a special video conference on flood prevention and dispatch, jointly studying and assessing the development trend of rain and flood conditions with the China Meteorological Administration and the Ministry of Water Resources. They also dispatched flood prevention indicators in provinces such as Hubei, Jiangxi, Hunan, Anhui, Zhejiang, and Guizhou, and made detailed arrangements for flood prevention and disaster relief work in key areas. The Office of the National Defense Administration has issued a notice to provinces such as Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, etc., requiring comprehensive implementation of the defense index system, with local administrative heads taking responsibility

Various regions have taken out "real gold and silver" to reduce the burden of job hunting for college graduates | Job seeking | Graduates
Various regions have taken out "real gold and silver" to reduce the burden of job hunting for college graduates | Job seeking | Graduates

According to statistics from the Ministry of Education, the number of college graduates in China is expected to reach 11.58 million in 2023, reaching a new historical high, and their job search and employment have attracted much attention. During the job search rush, how can various regions check their pulse, provide policies, expand positions, and build platforms to attract talents for college graduates? Hefei, Anhui: Using "real gold and silver" to reduce the burden of job hunting for college graduates. At the end of May, at a job fair in Hefei, Anhui, 300 employers with 15000 positions engaged in supply and demand docking with college graduates. Many job positions and subsidies have led to many graduates from other regions seeking employment here. What attracts Sun Baoyu to seek employment here is not only the humane subsidy, but also the high success rate of job seeking. He had participated in job fairs before, many of which were plagued by a shortage of professional positions, but this surprised him a bit

Ensuring smooth sales of grain for farmers, ensuring equal supply of food for people, equal supply of machinery, and equal supply of food for money
Ensuring smooth sales of grain for farmers, ensuring equal supply of food for people, equal supply of machinery, and equal supply of food for money

CCTV News: Recently, many parts of the country have entered a critical period of "three summers" to seize the golden harvest period, and farmers in various regions are accelerating the promotion of harvesting work. In addition, as the winter wheat harvest comes to an end, the summer grain procurement work is also being comprehensively and orderly promoted. In recent days, Liu Weiting, a grain grower in Lijin County, Dongying City, has transported all the over 800000 kilograms of wheat he has harvested to the nearby Shandong Grain Planting Depot for sale. The grain depot plans to purchase 13000 tons of new wheat this year. Entering the peak period of procurement, all staff of the grain depot are on duty, achieving the goal of "opening doors early and collecting scales late" to ensure smooth grain sales for farmers. Li Longjin, General Manager of Shandong Zhigu Grain and Oil Reserve Lijin Co., Ltd.: Currently, farmers have a relatively high enthusiasm for delivering grain. They are now achieving the goal of "people waiting for grain, machinery waiting for grain, money waiting for grain", extending working hours, and using the fastest time to ensure the quality of grain

Deployment of Two Departments to Strengthen the Work of Heatstroke Prevention and Cooling in Employers | Health | Department
Deployment of Two Departments to Strengthen the Work of Heatstroke Prevention and Cooling in Employers | Health | Department

Recently, it was learned from the National Health Commission that in order to strengthen labor protection during high-temperature operations and high-temperature weather operations, and effectively prevent occupational heatstroke incidents, the National Health Commission and the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention recently issued a notice on doing a good job in heatstroke prevention and cooling for employers in 2023, deploying heatstroke prevention and cooling work in key industries, key positions, and populations. The picture notice indicates that currently, various parts of the country are entering the summer hot season one after another. In recent years, incidents of heatstroke and death among workers have occurred frequently due to summer hot work and hot weather operations, posing a serious threat to the physical and mental health and life safety of workers. Health administrative departments and disease control authorities at all levels should further clarify their work responsibilities, strengthen organizational leadership, systematically plan and deploy, and collaborate to promote heatstroke prevention and cooling work in employers and various professions

The starting point of the "Maritime Silk Road" is not just about maritime legends, but also about China. [Video] Foreign journalists experience unique cultural and historical features here
The starting point of the "Maritime Silk Road" is not just about maritime legends, but also about China. [Video] Foreign journalists experience unique cultural and historical features here

On June 20th, China Daily reported that Fujian Province is located at a transportation hub between the East China Sea and the South China Sea. It was the starting point of the historical Shanghai Silk Road and Zheng He's voyages to the West, as well as a hub for maritime commerce. The advantage of being situated near the mountains and the sea made it a legend in the era of great navigation. Recently, the "2023 China International Media Theme Interview Team" once again visited Fujian, following the development trajectory of the Silk Road, visiting Dehua, Zhangzhou, and Fuqing, listening to the prosperous history of port trade and experiencing local culture. The theme interview team visited ancient villages, museums, ancient streets and docks, as well as the Maritime Silk Road ruins in the three places. Foreign media expressed strong interest in that prosperous maritime culture and were amazed at how magnificent and magnificent China's maritime trade history is. Foreign journalist Faisa said, "I didn't expect China's maritime trade to develop."

Frontline research | Where does the "funding flow" for rural revitalization in small villages come from? Hotspots | Funds | Funds Flow
Frontline research | Where does the "funding flow" for rural revitalization in small villages come from? Hotspots | Funds | Funds Flow

Rural revitalization cannot be achieved without financial support. At the beginning of this year, Sichuan set a phased goal of building a higher level "Tianfu granary" for the new era. Yongfeng Village in Meishan, Sichuan happens to be located in the core model area of the "Tianfu Granary" demonstration zone. Recently, this small village received a reward of 600000 yuan, which excited the villagers. What exactly happened in the village? Where did this money come from? What do they need money for? Yongfeng Village is located in the core model area of the "Tianfu Granary" demonstration zone in Sichuan. Currently, the high-quality transformation of this high standard farmland has been basically completed, with green seedlings everywhere. The road surface and ditch surface have also been refreshed, presenting a green pastoral scenery. For the village, one of the most important tasks this year is to fully complete the village's over 3000 acres of land by June according to the plan

Exploring the Chenghuang Temple in Haicheng, visiting the red brick buildings... "China has an appointment, meeting in Fujian" media interview group walked into Zhangzhou bamboo lattice | Fujian | China
Exploring the Chenghuang Temple in Haicheng, visiting the red brick buildings... "China has an appointment, meeting in Fujian" media interview group walked into Zhangzhou bamboo lattice | Fujian | China

In Douxiang Village, bamboo grids record the simple folk customs of southern Fujian; In the Chenghuang Temple in Haicheng, the solemn hall tells the folk history stories on both sides of the Taiwan Straits; In Daimei Ancient Village, the gorgeous and magnificent red brick buildings recount the deep "nostalgia" of the local people... On the 18th, the 2023 international media themed interview activity "China's Appointment · Meeting in Fujian" went to Zhangzhou, Fujian, to visit the ancient street wharf and the Haisi site, and to trace the footprints of the "the Belt and Road" construction in Fujian and the world's common development. In Douxiang Village, Haicheng Town, Zhangzhou City, there is a "bamboo grid" hanging at the doorstep of every villager's house, which is the same height as the door and slightly wider than the door. The villagers of Douxiang Village, photographed by Xie Xiaozi on People's Daily, often open their doors and block the "bamboo grid" in front of them, providing shade, rain, and ventilation. People outside the house cannot see inside, while those inside can be quiet

More than 45% of county hospitals in the reform of medical and health integration have reached the level of tertiary hospital service capacity
More than 45% of county hospitals in the reform of medical and health integration have reached the level of tertiary hospital service capacity

County hospitals are the leader of rural medical and health service networks and the link between urban and rural medical and health service systems, covering a population of about 900 million. Promoting the integration reform of county-level medical and health care, in accordance with the goal of solving common diseases in cities and counties, the health systems in various regions of China are striving to promote the sinking of high-quality medical resources, so that more people can enjoy more convenient and affordable medical services. The National Health Commission recently announced the "2021-2022 County Hospital Medical Service Capacity Assessment", which shows that as of the end of 2022, more than 87% of county hospitals have reached the service capacity of second level hospitals, and more than 45% of county hospitals have reached the service capacity of third level hospitals. According to the evaluation, in 2022, the number of types of diseases admitted to county hospitals nationwide increased by 133 compared to 2020; Surgical and operational types compared to 2020

Important breakthrough! Localization of Key Pilot Training Systems in China | Vision | Pilots
Important breakthrough! Localization of Key Pilot Training Systems in China | Vision | Pilots

Today, China's first aviation safety and simulation research laboratory was established in Zhuhai and officially released the country's first fully self-developed "full motion flight simulator visual system". The overall achievements of this project are at the international advanced level, achieving breakthroughs in key technologies of self-developed visual systems. China has become the third country in the world to independently develop a complete visual system. Watch videos to learn about the new generation of visual systems ↓ Experience flight training simulators from a first perspective ↓ Video In China, every civil aviation pilot must undergo over 1000 hours of simulation training in their career to enhance their ability to cope with extreme weather conditions or sudden flight situations. And the place where they conduct flight training is a full motion flight simulator that can simulate real flight situations. A full motion flight simulator typically consists of a simulated cockpit, motion system

Did Cixi panic? Who is the "ceiling" of Zhejiang Yangmei?, Lanxi "knocking on the door" Zhejiang | Yangmei | Lanxi
Did Cixi panic? Who is the "ceiling" of Zhejiang Yangmei?, Lanxi "knocking on the door" Zhejiang | Yangmei | Lanxi

During this period, a large number of waxberries have been listed in various parts of Zhejiang. The "Yangmei War" has kicked off, with a C-position competition taking place in the Baoyou area and even in the national fruit market. China's waxberries are seen as active in Zhejiang's waxberry territory. More than ten main producing areas, big and small, are active in Zhejiang. Just like the "hometown of Chinese waxberries", there are Yuyao, Cixi, Zhoushan Baiquan Town, Xianju, Huangyan, Qingtian, Ouhai, Majian Town, Xiaoshan Suqian Town, Shaoxing Hutang Street, Shangyu... But who is the "ceiling" of Zhejiang's waxberries? Netizens have their own opinions on the market. On June 14th, the most prominent shelf at the entrance of the Rose Fresh Fruit Shop on Renhe Road in Cixi City was filled with black and purple yangmei. Customers flocked to buy them, but these yangmei were not

Local response: Tourism bloggers hold photos of endangered plants in Mount Laoshan and mock experts for stealing | Qingdao | plants
Local response: Tourism bloggers hold photos of endangered plants in Mount Laoshan and mock experts for stealing | Qingdao | plants

Recently, a citizen of Qingdao posted on their WeChat Moments claiming that tourists in the Laoshan Scenic Area were secretly picking Qingdao lilies, a second level protected plant in China. A science popularization expert also posted on Weibo, saying that they saw a local tourism blogger not only publicly displaying suspected stolen Qingdao lilies, but also sarcastically criticizing researchers who rated rare plants. On the morning of the 20th, Upstream News reporters learned from the Natural Resources Bureau of Laoshan District and relevant departments of Laoshan Scenic Area in Qingdao that they will also strengthen inspections and governance against such illegal mining activities. On the afternoon of the 19th, when the upstream news reporter contacted the popular science writer and popular plant science major V "Amun" who posted the microblog, he still felt very angry, "I saw it on a official account, and he held a large number of national second-class protected plants

My little brother and sister fell into the basement from the ventilation duct on the 29th floor and unfortunately died... Family members speak up! Roof | Ventilation ducts | Pipe openings
My little brother and sister fell into the basement from the ventilation duct on the 29th floor and unfortunately died... Family members speak up! Roof | Ventilation ducts | Pipe openings

On June 17th, two children in a residential area in Pingdingshan, Henan fell from the 29th floor to the negative second floor along a ventilation duct. On the morning of the 20th, Ms. Lu, the cousin of the two children, told Jimu News reporters that the two children unfortunately died and there were no safety warning signs at the ventilation duct openings. According to Ms. Lu, the two children are siblings. The older brother is 10 years old and the younger sister is 6 years old. They live in Jinyu Lanwan Community, Pingdingshan City. "Their home is on the 29th floor of the top floor of the east unit of Building 7 in the community," Ms. Lu told reporters. The incident occurred around 7:10 pm on the 17th, when the child's grandmother was cooking at home and the two children ran to the rooftop to play. Before long, the child's grandmother heard a deafening noise. At that time, the child's grandmother immediately went to the rooftop to find the child, but did not see the child. She only noticed that one meter above the rooftop was missing

Zhang Youxia Meets with the Chairman of the Pakistan Federation of Trade Unions on Strategy | Cooperation | Pakistan
Zhang Youxia Meets with the Chairman of the Pakistan Federation of Trade Unions on Strategy | Cooperation | Pakistan

On the afternoon of June 20th, Zhang Youxia, Vice Chairman of the Central Military Commission, met with the Chairman of the Pakistan Joint Chiefs of Staff, Sahir, in Beijing. Zhang Youxia said that China and Pakistan are all-weather strategic partners, and the "iron rod" friendship between the two countries has withstood the test of international changes and is as strong as a rock and unbreakable. China is willing to work together with Pakistan to implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, further strengthen high-level exchanges and strategic communication, enrich and expand practical cooperation, and work together to address various global challenges. The relationship between the two militaries is an important pillar of the relationship between the two countries. We hope that the two militaries will continue to support each other strategically, promote deeper and more practical cooperation in defense and security, and jointly maintain international and regional peace and stability. Sahir said that the friendship between Pakistan and China is higher than mountains, deeper than the sea, harder than steel, and sweeter than honey. Thank you for China's long-term strong support for Pakistan's development and security. No matter international or regional

The four prime ministers will visit China! The Chinese side introduces relevant arrangements to the community. Africa | will. Chinese side | arrangement
The four prime ministers will visit China! The Chinese side introduces relevant arrangements to the community. Africa | will. Chinese side | arrangement

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning presided over a regular press conference on June 20th. A reporter asked: This morning, China announced that the Prime Ministers of Barbados, Mongolia, New Zealand, and Vietnam will visit China. Can the spokesperson further introduce the arrangements for the aforementioned visit and China's expectations? Mao Ning: At the invitation of Premier Li Qiang of the State Council, Barbados Prime Minister Motley, Mongolia Prime Minister Oyun Erden, New Zealand Prime Minister Hopkins, and Vietnam Prime Minister Fan Mingzheng will attend the 14th Summer Davos Forum held in Tianjin and make an official visit to China. Barbados is an important country in the Caribbean region and also an important partner of China in the region. China Pakistan relations have traditionally been friendly. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 46 years ago, political mutual trust between the two sides has continuously deepened, and cooperation in various fields has yielded fruitful results, bringing tangible benefits to the people of both countries

How may secrets be stolen?, The US military will invest heavily to build a super "spy submarine" underwater | Sea Wolf | US military
How may secrets be stolen?, The US military will invest heavily to build a super "spy submarine" underwater | Sea Wolf | US military

Recently, the US military's plan to invest heavily in building a super "spy submarine" has attracted widespread public attention, with the US military claiming that it is preparing for an underwater war. So, what is the difference between this type of "spy submarine" called "underwater super spy" and the US active submarine? How will the spy submarine steal secrets? Military observer Cao Weidong brought his interpretation. Is the wolf here? US media recently reported that the US Navy will purchase a single "Sea Wolf" class nuclear submarine as an "underwater junction room" to monitor underwater optical cables. Analysis suggests that the United States will first send this "spy submarine" to the Taiwan Strait and East China Sea. What do you think of this? Cao Weidong: "Spy submarines" mainly engage in illegal reconnaissance and collection of signals from other countries, and are more interested in military cables and optical cables. Except for the Taiwan Strait and the East China Sea, as long as it is of interest to the United States

The former general manager of a state-owned enterprise illegally accepted 114 bottles of high-end liquor such as Maotai! Jiangsu Publicly Announces 5 Typical Issues of Illegal Eating and Drinking, Tian Guangming | Punishment | Violation
The former general manager of a state-owned enterprise illegally accepted 114 bottles of high-end liquor such as Maotai! Jiangsu Publicly Announces 5 Typical Issues of Illegal Eating and Drinking, Tian Guangming | Punishment | Violation

Tian Guangming, former Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Taizhou Urban Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd., violated regulations by accepting banquets from management and service recipients. From 2020 to 2021, Tian Guangming served as Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of Taizhou Port Economic Development Zone, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Taizhou Urban Investment Group, and received banquets from several construction enterprise bosses; Illegally accepting 114 bottles of high-end liquor such as Maotai and 72 high-end cigarettes. Tian Guangming also has other serious violations of discipline and law. In December 2022, Tian Guangming was expelled from the Party and public office, and suspected of committing a crime was transferred to the procuratorial organs for legal review and prosecution. Zhou Xiaofu, former member of the Party group and deputy director of the Suzhou Municipal Office Affairs Management Bureau, violated regulations by accepting banquets from management and service recipients. January 2019 to 2022

The first tiger to be tried this year has been sentenced! The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection once accused him of hastily discussing the Party's central policies and policies, and of being greedy for 26 years of influence | Xu Ming | hastily discussing the Party
The first tiger to be tried this year has been sentenced! The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection once accused him of hastily discussing the Party's central policies and policies, and of being greedy for 26 years of influence | Xu Ming | hastily discussing the Party

Xu Ming, former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the State Grain Administration, was sentenced to 15 years in prison in the first instance of the bribery and bribery case involving the use of influence. According to the CCTV news client, on June 20, 2023, the Intermediate People's Court of Xiamen City, Fujian Province, publicly announced the case of Xu Ming, a former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the State Grain Administration, accepting bribes and using his influence. The defendant Xu Ming was sentenced to 14 years in prison and fined RMB 4 million for the crime of accepting bribes. He was also sentenced to two years in prison and fined RMB 100000 for the crime of using his influence to accept bribes, and decided to serve 15 years in prison and fined RMB 4.1 million; Xu Ming, who has been seized, detained, or frozen, shall be lawfully recovered and turned over to the national treasury for his bribery and bribery crimes, as well as his gains and interests obtained through the use of influence. After trial, it was found that from 1995 to February

The original island owner is missing, 28.68 million yuan! China's first uninhabited island has changed ownership and become a deserted island | right of use | China
The original island owner is missing, 28.68 million yuan! China's first uninhabited island has changed ownership and become a deserted island | right of use | China

From the Peach Blossom Island in Jin Yong's works to the deserted island in Robinson Crusoe, building a small house on a secluded island facing the sea, all embody the romantic and tempting fantasies of people from ancient and modern times, both at home and abroad, about the island. Recently, the "number one uninhabited island in China" has welcomed a new "island owner". After the first auction failed, on June 16th, Danmenshan Island in Xiangshan County, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province was successfully sold for 28.68 million yuan in a second auction. The buyer was a natural person named Li Guozhu. Is the life of the island owner as beautiful as imagined? According to the public information of the isolated niche travel destination in the auction page screenshot, Danmenshan Island is the first uninhabited island in China with clear usage rights. It is located to the east of Dongchen Township in Xiangshan County, facing Danmen Village across the sea, and is about 1 kilometer away from the outermost point of the mainland,

The People's Bank of China Holds a Warning Education Conference: Profound Lessons Learned from Fan Yifei and Other Cases, Strengthening | Foreign Exchange Bureau | Strengthening | Politics | People's Bank of China | System | Cadres | Theme Education
The People's Bank of China Holds a Warning Education Conference: Profound Lessons Learned from Fan Yifei and Other Cases, Strengthening | Foreign Exchange Bureau | Strengthening | Politics | People's Bank of China | System | Cadres | Theme Education

The People's Bank of China held a warning education conference and theme education promotion meeting. Recently, the People's Bank of China held a warning education conference and theme education promotion meeting. Qu Jishan, a member of the Party Committee of the People's Bank of China and the head of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission stationed in the People's Bank of China, reported on typical cases of violations of discipline and law within the systems of the People's Bank of China and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange. Pan Gongsheng, a member of the Party Committee of the People's Bank of China, Secretary of the Party Group of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, and Director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, put forward requirements for the system of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange. Guo Shuqing, Secretary of the Party Committee of the People's Bank of China and head of the Theme Education Leading Group, deeply understood the arduous tasks faced by the construction of Party conduct and clean governance. Xuan Changneng, member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the People's Bank of China, presided over the meeting, and Ye Dong, leader of the 33rd Central Guidance Group

Xu Ming, former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the State Grain Administration, was sentenced to 15 years in prison in the first trial for accepting bribes | Xu Ming | Deputy Director
Xu Ming, former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the State Grain Administration, was sentenced to 15 years in prison in the first trial for accepting bribes | Xu Ming | Deputy Director

On June 20, 2023, the Intermediate People's Court of Xiamen City, Fujian Province, publicly announced the verdict on the case of Xu Ming, a former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the State Grain Administration, accepting bribes and using his influence. The defendant Xu Ming was sentenced to 14 years in prison and fined RMB 4 million for the crime of accepting bribes, and was sentenced to two years in prison and fined RMB 100000 for the crime of using his influence to accept bribes. The court also decided to execute the sentence of 15 years in prison and fined RMB 4.1 million; Xu Ming, who has been seized, detained, or frozen, shall be lawfully recovered and turned over to the national treasury for his bribery and bribery crimes, as well as his gains and interests obtained through the use of influence. After trial, it was found that from 1995 to 2021, the defendant Xu Mingliyong served as the Director of the Foreign Investment Department, Director of the Foreign Investment Enterprise Department, and Director of the Foreign Economic Coordination Department of the former State Economic and Trade Commission