The world

Meeting You | 18-year-old College Student Bravely Speeches for Dreams on the Bus | Bus | Dream
Meeting You | 18-year-old College Student Bravely Speeches for Dreams on the Bus | Bus | Dream

"Hello everyone, I am a freshman student from Central South University of Forestry and Technology. I am not here to promote myself, but mainly to briefly introduce myself, share my growth experience and dreams. I hope to break through my introverted personality and change my stuttering habit." My 18-year-old dares to think of this video captured by bus passengers, with a total duration of 1 minute and 41 seconds. The male speaker occasionally gets stuck due to nervousness, but it does not affect millions of netizens watching it in a second. The boy in the video is called Le Guoqiang, an 18-year-old freshman who has been stuttering since childhood. However, due to his dream of becoming a judge, he chooses to give a speech on the bus, speaking out for his dream and hoping to overcome his stuttering. Tens of thousands of comments from netizens regarding the speech behavior of Le Guoqiang on the bus

Group development, planning first! "Ten Million Projects" Let Beautiful Economy Bloom in Mogan Mountain Mogan Mountain | Homestays | Economy
Group development, planning first! "Ten Million Projects" Let Beautiful Economy Bloom in Mogan Mountain Mogan Mountain | Homestays | Economy

With the deepening implementation of the "Thousand Village Demonstration and Ten Thousand Village Renovation" project, in Moganshan Town, Deqing County, Zhejiang Province, the old houses in the village have been transformed into various styles of homestays, combined with the beautiful natural environment, gradually forming the "Moganshan Homestay Group". But with the increasing saturation of 850 homestays in the town, the transformation of Moganshan is urgent. The Da Bai Xiong Outdoor Theme Camp, located in Nanlu Village, Moganshan Town, officially opened during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday. This project integrates various formats such as outdoor sports elements, mountain vacations, and parent-child interactive parks, attracting many tourists to come and check in. The Daxiantan Strong Village Company, which introduced this project, was jointly established by three villages: Nanlu Village, Xiantan Village, and Sihe Village. Dr. Qiao, General Manager of Xianzhitan Tourism Development Co., Ltd.: We will integrate the resources of the three villages to strengthen the village company

The Shanxi Provincial Safety Commission Office has just been supervising safety production in the local area, and the Xinzhou Investigation and Mining Enterprise Concealing Incident Inspection Team | Supervision | Commission Office
The Shanxi Provincial Safety Commission Office has just been supervising safety production in the local area, and the Xinzhou Investigation and Mining Enterprise Concealing Incident Inspection Team | Supervision | Commission Office

On June 29th, China Newsweek reported on the concealment of the death of miners in Daixian, Shanxi. The report exposed that in addition to concealing the collapse that caused three deaths last year, Jingcheng Iron Mine has also concealed multiple mining accidents in the past 15 years, involving at least 17 miners who died. Among them, the 2022 accident has entered the trial process. The "Xinzhou Daily" WeChat official account released news on the evening of the 29th: In response to the report on the concealment of safety accidents by mining enterprises in Daixian County released by the media on the afternoon of June 29th, the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee and the People's Government of Daixian County Party Committee and the People's Government of Daixian County attached great importance to it, and immediately established a joint investigation team headed by the Standing Committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Executive Vice Mayor, with the Standing Committee of the Xinzhou Municipal Party Committee and the Secretary of the Daixian County Party Committee as the deputy leaders, and the relevant emergency and public security departments as the members, to immediately conduct in-depth investigation on the relevant information reported by the media, and be serious

It is a unique phenomenon in the history of Chinese culture, thinker | Cao Weiming: This "green" tradition in Jiangnan culture | Shanghai | Culture
It is a unique phenomenon in the history of Chinese culture, thinker | Cao Weiming: This "green" tradition in Jiangnan culture | Shanghai | Culture

Editor's note: Jiangnan culture is an important component of excellent traditional Chinese culture. From the perspective of its main location in the Yangtze River Delta region, due to its abundant river, lake, and sea resources, it reflects unique water cultural characteristics. In the view of Cao Weiming, a librarian at the Shanghai Museum of Culture and History, the culture of the Yangtze River Delta region has both a beautiful, delicate, and romantic side, as well as a rational side that seeks truth and pragmatism; There is both a populist background and an elitist connotation. Among them, the literati elegant collection has been revitalized with the most vibrant symbol of Jiangnan culture, featuring a green and green color. The following is his speech at the Qingxi Lecture Hall. The Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Anhui provinces in the Yangtze River Delta region are close neighbors, with mountains and rivers intertwined, sharing the same customs and atmosphere. They are geographically close, have close relationships with people, integrate industry and culture, and shine together, containing common cultural genes and shared cultural resources in the Jiangnan region. Locality, accent, and village

Taiwan withdrawal: better performance than US made F-35, mainland announces new "vertical takeoff and landing fighter" vertical | mainland | performance ratio
Taiwan withdrawal: better performance than US made F-35, mainland announces new "vertical takeoff and landing fighter" vertical | mainland | performance ratio

According to Taiwan's "Zhongshi News Network", a design and research institute of an airline in Chinese Mainland recently announced a new patent for "twin engine tandem vertical takeoff and landing aircraft". Former Taiwanese Navy captain Huang Zhenghui pointed out that for mainland designed vertical takeoff and landing fighter jets, when two engines rush together, the required runway will be shorter. "When the combat runway is attacked, the probability of it taking off is higher." Huang Zhenghui said that the biggest problem with Taiwan's F-35 fighter jets purchased from the United States during vertical takeoff and landing is that the vertical fans are "too heavy". The vertical takeoff and landing fighter designed by the mainland has removed a vertical lift fan in front of the aircraft and replaced it with a front and rear two seat engine. When it performs vertical takeoff and landing, two engines rush together at a faster speed, so it requires a shorter runway. In this way, during combat, even if the runway

A 5-year-old girl may become unconscious after consuming a large amount of food on an empty stomach, and lychees can easily lead to hypoglycemia
A 5-year-old girl may become unconscious after consuming a large amount of food on an empty stomach, and lychees can easily lead to hypoglycemia

Lychee is so sweet that eating too much can actually lead to hypoglycemia? On June 30th, Pengpai News learned from the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Zhenhai District, Ningbo that a 5-year-old girl suffered from hypoglycemia due to excessive consumption of lychees and was rescued from life-threatening conditions. "The patient came with unclear consciousness, inability to respond, cold limbs, and accompanied by urinary incontinence, which was an urgent situation." The attending doctor recalled that the examination found that the patient's blood sugar was only 1.8mmol/L, indicating hypoglycemic shock. Family members recalled that she didn't have dinner the night before and was very hungry that morning. She ate a bowl of fresh lychees on an empty stomach and soon fell into a coma. The director of pediatrics at the hospital, Bi Meifen, stated that continuous or one-time consumption of lychee may lead to "lychee disease", which is a hypoglycemia caused by lychee consumption, characterized by hunger, thirst, dizziness, sweating, pale complexion, and palpitations

Data from the Organization Department of the Central Committee: fewer than 100000 Party members joined the Party before the founding of New China | CPC | Data
Data from the Organization Department of the Central Committee: fewer than 100000 Party members joined the Party before the founding of New China | CPC | Data

On June 30, Xinhua News Agency released the Statistical Bulletin of the CPC (CPC) published by the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee. As of December 31, 2022, the total number of members of the CPC was 98.041 million, a net increase of 1.329 million over the end of 2021, or 1.4%. In the section on the time of joining the Party as a Party member, the above-mentioned communique mentioned that 96000 people joined the Party before the establishment of New China, 13.69 million people joined the Party from the establishment of New China to the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, 60.532 million people joined the Party from the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee to the 18th National Congress, and 23.805 million people joined the Party since the 18th National Congress. According to the above bulletin data, as of the end of 2022, the number of party members who joined the Communist Party of China before the establishment of the People's Republic of China was less than 100000, which is 96000. Compared to June last year, the Central Organization Department

At the age of 95, bid farewell in pain! Red Flag Canal Special Model Ren Yangcheng passed away, builder | Red Flag Canal | passed away at a young age
At the age of 95, bid farewell in pain! Red Flag Canal Special Model Ren Yangcheng passed away, builder | Red Flag Canal | passed away at a young age

On June 30th, the reporter learned that Ren Yangcheng, a special model of Hongqiqu, passed away at 13:30 noon on June 29th at the Hongqiqu Hospital in Linzhou, at the age of 95. Ren Yangcheng, the builder of the Red Flag Canal, was born in 1927 in Gucheng Village, Rencun Town, Lin County, to a poor peasant family. In Linzhou, when it comes to Ren Yangcheng, it can be said that everyone knows and knows. During the 10 years of construction of the Hongqi Canal, Ren Yangcheng led the rescue team to fight on the front line of aerial rescue. On the cliffs and cliffs of Pear Tree Cliff, Tiger Mouth, Hengwu Cliff, and Little Ghost Face, Ren Yangcheng's majestic posture of overcoming danger in the air is left behind. He flew back and forth between the cliffs for years and months, with strings of blood blisters on his waist worn by ropes. His clothes and skin were stuck together, and he couldn't even take them off. On the construction site, there gradually came a catchphrase: "The captain of the rescue team is responsible for..."

"3000 yuan face cream is sold for 300 yuan in empty bottle after use"? Illegal! Platform | Fake Materials | Empty Bottles
"3000 yuan face cream is sold for 300 yuan in empty bottle after use"? Illegal! Platform | Fake Materials | Empty Bottles

Recently, the issue of "300 yuan for an empty bottle of face cream sold for 3000 yuan" aroused heated discussion. It is understood that there are cases of buying and selling empty bottles of skincare products on some second-hand trading platforms. Asking buyers about the purpose of purchasing empty bottles, most of them replied that they would collect them. However, some people use purchased skincare products to fill fake bottles and sell them as genuine products. What are the legal consequences of skincare products being packaged in real bottles or fake ingredients? Does the platform need to take responsibility? Let's take a look at the professional interpretation of Lawyer Chen Xianmin, a member of the Lawyer Expert Database of the Rule of Law Daily and a partner of Beijing Yingke Law Firm! Purchasing genuine bottles and filling fake materials of products, using counterfeit products as genuine ones, using inferior products as good ones, and producing and selling counterfeit and inferior cosmetics, the perpetrator shall bear corresponding civil, administrative, and even criminal responsibilities: from civil liability

Fake! Two more central enterprises have issued statements. State owned enterprises | illegal elements | statements
Fake! Two more central enterprises have issued statements. State owned enterprises | illegal elements | statements

For two consecutive days, China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Co., Ltd. and the Scientific Research Institute of the State Administration of Grain and Material Reserves have successively issued statements, claiming to have been impersonated by illegal elements and reminding all sectors of society to pay attention to preventing risks. A Chinese journalist from a securities firm noticed that following April, the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council announced the third batch of 295 counterfeit "central enterprises". Since June, several large central or state-owned enterprises have issued announcements claiming that they have been deceived by illegal elements who impersonate the company's name, with various fraudulent methods. In addition, the reporter learned that in order to completely eradicate the problem of affiliated operations and crack down on counterfeit state-owned enterprises, central enterprises have established a reporting mechanism at the group level, smooth channels for reporting affiliated operations and counterfeit state-owned enterprises, and assign dedicated personnel to receive letters and visits. China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau Exposes Three Counterfeit Projects China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau Engineering Co., Ltd. stated in a statement

The Hong Kong Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs warns anti China politicians from the United States and Britain! National Security Law | Hong Kong | Resident in Hong Kong
The Hong Kong Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs warns anti China politicians from the United States and Britain! National Security Law | Hong Kong | Resident in Hong Kong

In response to the recent statements made by some members of the US Senate on the 26th anniversary of Hong Kong's return and the third anniversary of the implementation of the National Security Law, as well as the debate in the UK House of Commons on the third anniversary of the implementation of the National Security Law, the spokesperson for the Hong Kong Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition, vigorously slandering the successful practice of "One Country, Two Systems" in Hong Kong, and openly defending the anti China and Hong Kong riots, seriously trampling on international law and basic norms of international relations. The spokesperson stated that since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, the rule of law and business environment in Hong Kong have improved, society has become more stable and united, ushering in a new era of free governance and prosperity, and opening a new chapter of good governance and good governance. The hearts of Hong Kong citizens are determined, and Hong Kong society is full of hope, peace, and a new atmosphere. Recent polls show that over 80% of Hong Kong citizens surveyed believe that the National Security Act is in place in Hong Kong

Local announcement, sudden! A fire broke out in a factory building in Haikou. Source | Haikou Emergency Management Bureau | Haikou
Local announcement, sudden! A fire broke out in a factory building in Haikou. Source | Haikou Emergency Management Bureau | Haikou

On June 30, Haikou Emergency Management Bureau reported a fire information on its WeChat official account "Haikou Emergency": at 11:14 on June 30, a plant located in Haima Yiheng Road, Longhua District, Haikou caught fire. The combustible material is sponge stored in the factory building, with an area of approximately 500 square meters exposed to fire, and no personnel were trapped or injured. At 13:00, the official Weibo account of Haikou Fire Protection released a report on the situation. The full text of the report is as follows: Around 11:00 am on June 30th, a factory building caught fire on Haima Yiheng Road in Longhua District, Haikou City. At present, the fire has been brought under control. Please do not panic and do not believe or spread rumors. Previously, according to videos released by netizens, thick smoke billowed at the scene, and the entire factory building was shrouded in a large fire. At 11:27, the Haikou Fire Rescue Detachment dispatched 25 fire trucks and 105 fire rescue personnel to rush to the scene

Shenzhen new employee, confirm! The Secretary of Shantou University has decided. Jiang Hong | Ceremony | Secretary
Shenzhen new employee, confirm! The Secretary of Shantou University has decided. Jiang Hong | Ceremony | Secretary

Today, Southern University of Science and Technology held its 2023 graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony. Jiang Hong. According to the official website of South China University of Science and Technology, Jiang Hong, the Secretary of the Party Committee of the school, attended the ceremony and announced the decision to commend outstanding graduates. This also means that Jiang Hong has taken over as the new Party Secretary of Southern University of Science and Technology. Jiang Hong is a PhD and professor in management, and a member of the Communist Party of China. This former Secretary of the Party Committee of Shantou University. Jiang Hong, born in September 1968, is from Weinan, Shaanxi. I started working in July 1990 and joined the Communist Party of China in November 1987. I hold a Ph.D. in Management, a professor, and a doctoral supervisor. Formerly served as the Director of the Audit Office of Jinan University. In November 2008, he was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee and Vice President of the Party Committee of Southern Medical University. In August 2011, he was appointed as the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Southern Medical University. In March 2017

China's statement: Representative of the Security Council on the issue of providing weapons to Ukraine | Weapons | Ukraine
China's statement: Representative of the Security Council on the issue of providing weapons to Ukraine | Weapons | Ukraine

Vice Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations: A large amount of weapons are flowing into Ukraine, with increasing spillover effects and proliferation risks. Ambassador Geng Shuang's speech during the Security Council's consideration of the issue of providing weapons to Ukraine. Madam President, I would like to thank High Representative Zhong Manquan and several other reporters for their briefings. Since the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, a large number of weapons and equipment have continued to flow into the battlefield, with a continuous expansion in variety and quantity, increasing lethality and lethality, and increasing risks of spillover effects and proliferation. At the same time, since the outbreak of the crisis, civilian casualties in conflict areas have continued to increase, civilian facilities have been increasingly damaged, and "black swan" and "gray rhinoceros" incidents have occurred one after another. The brutality, severity, danger, and unpredictability of war are increasing, which is deeply worrying. In the current situation, what the world needs more is a ceasefire and an end to war, rather than just a ceasefire

Nearly half are in a state of losing control! Canada is facing the worst forest fire in history, with over 500 fires burning. Data | Canada | Forests
Nearly half are in a state of losing control! Canada is facing the worst forest fire in history, with over 500 fires burning. Data | Canada | Forests

The latest data from the Canadian Interdepartmental Forest Fire Center shows that there have been over 3000 forest fires in Canada since the beginning of this year, with an area of over 80000 square kilometers affected by fires, setting the highest level on statistical records. According to central data, as of the 29th, there are still over 500 wildfires burning across Canada, with nearly half of them in a state of loss of control. According to the Canadian meteorological department's monitoring, the smoke generated by wildfires in early June covered a large area of the North American continent from the central region to the Atlantic coast. The air quality in urban areas such as Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, and even cities such as New York and Chicago in the United States deteriorated sharply. In mid June, smoke has spread to some coastal areas of Europe due to atmospheric circulation. The Canadian Ministry of Environment has issued an air quality warning for Quebec and Ontario provinces, stating that it is expected that most of the two provinces will be affected in the near future

Fully adopt Chinese standards! This type of subway train made its debut in Guangzhou | Subway | Standard
Fully adopt Chinese standards! This type of subway train made its debut in Guangzhou | Subway | Standard

On the 29th, the A-type Chinese standard subway train with a speed of 80 kilometers per hour was released in Guangzhou, Guangdong and will be put into operation on the Guangzhou subway. The A-type standard train was jointly developed by Guangzhou Metro Group and CRRC Changke Co., Ltd. It has achieved significant breakthroughs in key core technology research and development. Key systems such as the vehicle body and bogie fully adopt Chinese standards, and 28 key components such as bearings, couplings, chips, and high and low voltage electrical components have achieved autonomy, significantly reducing train maintenance and repair costs, and promoting industrial scale and standardization. The Chinese standard subway train is a new and technologically leading product platform that is led by Chinese standards, adopts standardized, modular, and serialized design concepts, inherits existing subway train application experience, and independently develops based on the needs of domestic subway users. Subway trains can be divided based on their body width

The perfect backstage rescue for a 12-year-old boy! With a loud voice, everyone was amazed. The microphone on stage was malfunctioning, Beizi | Mom | the microphone
The perfect backstage rescue for a 12-year-old boy! With a loud voice, everyone was amazed. The microphone on stage was malfunctioning, Beizi | Mom | the microphone

Recently, a boy from Zhoushan, Zhejiang Province, caught fire with a video of an emergency rescue scene at a Yue Opera performance. He amazed the audience with just one opening of his voice! The boy in the video is named Beizi Yue. On the same day, Beizi Yue's mother Wang Fuping's Zhoushan Yongdong Youth Yue Opera Troupe was performing in the fishing village of Baiquan Diaomen in Dinghai. The Beizi Yue brothers went to the countryside with their father to watch their mother's performance. At that time, the stage was playing "Li Mao Chang Tai Zi: Kou Kou", but the actor's microphone suddenly malfunctioned. Beizi Yue, who was watching the play on the side screen, was urgently rescued. Some netizens said that the filming was too short and not enough to watch. Now, a long version is presented ↓↓↓↓↓↓. Netizens commented: "There is no future for young people." Beizi Yue, who was born in May 2011 at the age of 12, is actually an "old play" in Yue opera. "Bone" Beizi Yue's Mother Wang Fuping comes from the Hometown of Yue Opera——

Successfully put into production!, China's first 10000 ton photovoltaic hydrogen production project | Green Hydrogen | China
Successfully put into production!, China's first 10000 ton photovoltaic hydrogen production project | Green Hydrogen | China

China's first 10000 ton photovoltaic hydrogen production project was put into operation. Sinopec announced on the 30th that its Xinjiang Kuche Green Hydrogen Demonstration Project has successfully produced hydrogen, making it China's first 10000 ton photovoltaic hydrogen production project. Liu Shiliang, General Manager of Sinopec New Star Company, said that the project produces hydrogen with a purity of 99.9%, utilizing the abundant solar energy resources in Xinjiang to generate electricity and produce hydrogen. The construction content mainly includes photovoltaic power generation, transmission and transformation lines, electrolytic water hydrogen production, hydrogen storage and transportation, public works and supporting auxiliary production facilities. The electrolytic water hydrogen production capacity is 20000 tons/year, the hydrogen storage capacity is 210000 standard cubic meters, and the hydrogen transmission capacity is 28000 standard cubic meters/hour. Green hydrogen is directly produced through renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, and does not produce greenhouse gases during the production process. The green hydrogen produced by this project will be supplied to Sinopec nearby

Guangzhou Railway Group responds to "online rumors of passengers arguing with each other, hot water splashing on children", hot water | passengers | children
Guangzhou Railway Group responds to "online rumors of passengers arguing with each other, hot water splashing on children", hot water | passengers | children

In response to the online transmission of D7158 train passengers arguing with each other about splashing hot water on children, after investigation and verification by the train duty unit Guangjiu Passenger Transport Section, the situation is as follows: On June 29th, after the departure of D7158 train Lufeng, the train conductor found a dispute between passengers from seat 6A and seat 7A when inspecting carriage 6. During the dispute, seat 6A passengers splashed hot water from their tea cups onto the ground of the carriage, and the hot water splashed onto the soles of the children accompanying seat 7A passengers. The train staff immediately stopped passengers from arguing and promptly provided scald medicine and broadcasted medical information. Subsequently, the 7A passenger requested an apology from the 6A passenger to the train conductor. The train conductor relayed the 7A passenger's request to the 6A passenger, but the passenger refused to apologize. At present, train staff have transferred passengers from both sides in dispute to the Guangzhou East Station Police Station for handling. Dear passengers, please be civilized

Poland scared?, Wagner Plan Transfer to Belarus | Poland | Plan
Poland scared?, Wagner Plan Transfer to Belarus | Poland | Plan

According to the German news television channel website on June 29th, Poland plans to further strengthen its defense on the eastern border with this neighboring country as Russian Wagner mercenaries are scheduled to be transferred to Belarus. The report states that the Polish government's Security and Defense Committee held a special meeting. Polish Deputy Prime Minister Yaroslav Kaczynski said after the meeting that the country plans to increase its presence on the eastern border and build "various types of obstacles and defensive structures to protect our borders in the event of attacks.". Kaczynski stated that according to intelligence obtained by Poland, up to 8000 Wagner warriors may settle in Belarus. Poland is a member state of the European Union and NATO, with a border of 418 kilometers with Belarus. In the late summer and autumn of 2021, there

Exclusive Review | Defend the True Bottom Line and Punish Police Out of Nothing | Traffic | Review
Exclusive Review | Defend the True Bottom Line and Punish Police Out of Nothing | Traffic | Review

In the past few days, there have been two screenshots of Yan Qiuqiu/Wen causing a stir in WeChat Moments. A picture is a chat record, stating that there are cases of doctors soliciting prostitution and departments organizing prostitution in Renji Hospital. As a result, Renji Hospital reported to the police. This morning, the police reported that the information circulating online was a rumor, and the fabricated person was administratively punished by the police in accordance with the law. The other one is an on-site map. A child on Shanghai Metro Line 2 had a high fever and convulsions, but someone left a message under the post, spreading rumors that someone was indiscriminately killing someone. Finally, the police found out that this person fabricated false information in order to gain traffic, and the rumormonger was ultimately detained administratively. In the Internet era, the sharing mechanism, interaction mechanism and the "endless" characteristics of the Internet have led to more and more people eating melons. If there is not enough "melons", "making melons" becomes a choice for some people. Little did they know

Inspiration China Inspiration | How did two generations of Japanese people's childhood peak in Sichuan? Shu Han | Three Kingdoms | Inspiration
Inspiration China Inspiration | How did two generations of Japanese people's childhood peak in Sichuan? Shu Han | Three Kingdoms | Inspiration

There is a Japanese youth born in the 1980s who reads and studies comics and games in "The Records of the Three Kingdoms" every day. This Japanese youth is the protagonist of this issue, Yagi Taida. This time, he opened a magical map to explore the culture of Shu Han in the Three Kingdoms and clicked to watch the first issue of "Inspiration of China". The Japanese manga "The Records of the Three Kingdoms" has sold over 70 million copies, and the game "The Records of the Three Kingdoms" has been popular for 38 years. The Three Kingdoms are still the top childhood of two generations in Japan. In this magical map about the culture of Shu Han in the Three Kingdoms, there is the author Yoshikawa Yingzhi, who depicts Zhuge Liang's witty words. The source of inspiration is the manga artist Yokoyama Kazuki, who depicts Zhang Fei. The inspiration for the Battle of Ma Chao is inspired by the annual "Guan Di Festival" held on Zhonghua Street in Yokohama, Japan every summer

A spokesperson for the US State Department stated that the US will not send troops to Ukraine. NATO | Ukraine | Spokesperson
A spokesperson for the US State Department stated that the US will not send troops to Ukraine. NATO | Ukraine | Spokesperson

In response to former NATO Secretary General Rasmussen's comments on the possibility of NATO countries sending troops to Ukraine and whether the United States will support this action, US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller stated on the 29th that US President Biden has made it clear that the United States will not send troops to Ukraine. Previously, former NATO Secretary General Rasmussen stated that it was necessary to establish a "roadmap" for Ukraine's accession to NATO at the upcoming NATO summit. If this is not done, some countries are likely to act alone. He said that it is not ruled out that Poland will provide more support to Ukraine at the national level, and the Baltic countries will follow closely, and may even send troops to Ukraine. In response, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Riyabkov stated on the 22nd that if NATO deploys troops in Ukraine, NATO will make a huge mistake

He was found not guilty. The Sewol shipwreck in South Korea sank nine years later | Jin Qichun | the accident
He was found not guilty. The Sewol shipwreck in South Korea sank nine years later | Jin Qichun | the accident

According to Yonhap News Agency, Jin Qichun, the then secretary general of South Korea's Cheong Wa Tai, was found not guilty of misrepresenting the reporting time of the Sewol shipwreck accident on the 29th local time. It has been 9 years and 2 months since the Sewol shipwreck occurred, and 5 years and 3 months since his prosecution. According to reports, on the 29th, the Second Division of the South Korean Supreme Court ruled that Kim Ki chun was not guilty and ruled that a retrial would take legal effect. The court stated that there was no legal misunderstanding in the retrial of the case regarding the crime of falsifying official documents. Yonhap said that in Jin Qichun's documents submitted to the Congress, Park Geun hye, the then president suspected of fabricating, was prosecuted by the prosecution in March 2018 when she received a telephone call and real-time report on the day of the Sewol shipwreck accident. Both the first and second instance courts have determined that the documents submitted by Jin Qichun to the National Assembly

Are you causing trouble again? $440 million! Biden's 10th military sales to Taiwan since taking office on the 29th | Cooperation | Military Sales
Are you causing trouble again? $440 million! Biden's 10th military sales to Taiwan since taking office on the 29th | Cooperation | Military Sales

According to Taiwanese media reports, the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency announced a new wave of arms sales to Taiwan on the evening of the 29th, with an estimated total amount of $440 million. This is the 10th military sale to Taiwan by US President Biden since taking office in January 2021, and also the second military sale this year. On the evening of the 29th, the US Defense Security Cooperation Agency issued a statement stating that the US Department of State has approved the sale of two batches of military sales to the US Representative Office, one of which is worth 332.2 million US dollars, including 30mm high explosive incendiary tracer bullets, multifunctional ammunition, and training ammunition, and the other is worth 18 million US dollars, including spare and maintenance parts for wheeled vehicles, weapons, and other related components. In response to the US arms sales to Taiwan, our Ministry of National Defense has repeatedly expressed strong opposition. The spokesperson pointed out that we demand that the US stop selling weapons to Taiwan and military contacts with Taiwan,

The US State Department approves the sale of F-35 fighter jets to the Czech Republic
The US State Department approves the sale of F-35 fighter jets to the Czech Republic

The U.S. Department of Defense said on June 29 that the U.S. State Department has approved the sale of F-35 fighter jets and other weapons and equipment to the Czech Republic. The total order is estimated to reach 5.62 billion U.S. dollars. According to Reuters, the United States will sell a batch of F-35 fighter jets and a spare engine, 70 AIM-120C-8 advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles, various types of bombs and related accessories, parts, and technical support to the Czech Republic. Major suppliers include Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and Boeing. On the 29th, the US Congress approved the above-mentioned arms sales plan submitted by the Defense and Security Cooperation Agency of the US Department of Defense on the same day. However, this does not mean that the United States and the Czech Republic have negotiated or signed a contract. The two sides did not disclose the details of the contract being negotiated, and it is not clear the number of fighters included in the order. Czech

Unbeneficial to China, the United States, and the world, China US dialogue opens: obstructing collaborators in the name of security | China US | security
Unbeneficial to China, the United States, and the world, China US dialogue opens: obstructing collaborators in the name of security | China US | security

On the 29th, a dialogue between former government officials and business leaders from China and the United States was held via video, with more than 30 Chinese and American officials from various fields including economy, trade, health, agriculture, and climate change attending to discuss the current development of China US relations. Attendees stated that the current Sino US relations are at a low point, and both sides attach great importance to conducting direct and honest communication. Stabilizing and improving China US relations as soon as possible is not only in the fundamental interests of the two peoples, but also a common expectation of the international community. Wang Chao, President of the Chinese People's Diplomatic Association: China respects the interests of the United States and will not challenge or replace the United States. Similarly, the United States should also respect China and not harm its legitimate rights and interests. To be frank, the previous proposals made by the US, whether it is the "three part method," "three point theory," or "risk reduction," are essentially confrontational. large

Appointed as the County Party Secretary at the age of 33! Dr. Tsinghua, born after 1985, resumes his new position as the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress | Meeting | County Party Secretary
Appointed as the County Party Secretary at the age of 33! Dr. Tsinghua, born after 1985, resumes his new position as the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress | Meeting | County Party Secretary

According to the WeChat official account of Fujian "Longyan People's Congress", the 11th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 6th Longyan People's Congress was held on June 30, and it was decided to appoint Comrade Wang Bo as the Vice Mayor of Longyan People's Government. On the morning of June 6th, the Organization Department of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee issued a notice on the pre appointment publicity of Comrade Wang Bo: Wang Bo, male, Han ethnicity, born in May 1987, graduate student, a member of the Communist Party of China, currently the Secretary of the Shanghang County Party Committee, is proposed to be appointed as the Deputy Party and Government Secretary of the district and city. According to the public resume, Wang Bo entered Tsinghua University to study after graduating from Southeast University in 2008. In 2013, after graduating, Dr. Wang Bo worked in Fujian and served as the Deputy Director of Science and Technology of the Yongfeng New Area Management Committee in Longyan City. During this period, he also served as the First Secretary of the Party Committee of Gaopi Town, Yongding County. In 2015, Wang Bo was appointed as a member of the Party Working Committee of Longyan Economic and Technological Development Zone in Fujian Province

Important release, "dual listing"! Two major exchange listed companies | Hong Kong Stock Exchange | Exchange
Important release, "dual listing"! Two major exchange listed companies | Hong Kong Stock Exchange | Exchange

Yesterday, the Beijing Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange signed a memorandum of understanding in Beijing, launching a dual listing arrangement for eligible listed companies in both Beijing and Hong Kong. According to the memorandum, the Beijing Stock Exchange and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange will support listed companies that meet the conditions in both markets to apply for listing in each other's markets, as shown in the video of the CCTV Finance "On Time Finance" program. If a company listed on the Beijing Stock Exchange meets the conditions for issuance and listing on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, it may submit an application for issuance and listing to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in accordance with the Trial Measures for the Administration of Overseas Issuance and Listing of Securities by Domestic Enterprises, and then report to the China Securities Regulatory Commission for filing. Companies listed in Hong Kong that meet the relevant regulations of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the listing conditions of the Beijing Stock Exchange may apply for public offering and listing on the Beijing Stock Exchange in accordance with the current system rules. The two institutions will also focus on project research, market promotion

WeChat reply again! What industry pain points have this exposed?, Multiple universities claim to discontinue WeChat payments | WeChat | pain points
WeChat reply again! What industry pain points have this exposed?, Multiple universities claim to discontinue WeChat payments | WeChat | pain points

Recently, several universities across the country have announced that they will suspend the use of WeChat Pay due to the collection of transaction fees. WeChat Pay apologized for this and stated that the campus non-profit scenario will maintain zero rates. What are profitable and non-profit scenarios on campus? What industry pain points have this exposed? More than 01 universities have announced that WeChat Pay will be discontinued due to additional fees. Recently, Northwestern University announced that Tencent's WeChat Pay will implement refined management for campus users starting from July 1st. In addition to tuition fees, all other fees will be restricted and a 0.6% handling fee will be charged. To safeguard the interests of teachers and students, starting from June 30th, WeChat scanning payment services will be temporarily suspended for campus card users, including campus card and payment