The world

Why can Chinese civilization last for 5000 years without interruption? Come to the "National Study" and explore the country | version | study
Why can Chinese civilization last for 5000 years without interruption? Come to the "National Study" and explore the country | version | study

The National Version Library of China is mainly responsible for coordinating national version resource planning, census collection, collection display, research exchange, and promotion. It is the national version resource total library and the seed gene library of Chinese culture. Its layout is "one overall and three separate" - the "Wenhan Pavilion" of the Central Headquarters, the "Wenji Pavilion" of the Xi'an Branch, the "Wenrun Pavilion" of the Hangzhou Branch, and the "Wenqin Pavilion" of the Guangzhou Branch. Let's learn about the "Wenhan Pavilion" of the Central Museum and its precious exhibits. The "Wenhan Pavilion" of the Central Museum of the Chinese National Version Museum is located at the foot of Yanshan Mountain in Changping District, Beijing. From south to north, the main buildings of Wenxing Tower, Wenhua Hall, and Wenhan Pavilion are arranged in sequence, with "halls, corridors, and halls" on the east and west sides accompanied by buildings. The surrounding landscape and gardens complement each other. Version is the carrier and medium for inheriting excellent traditional Chinese culture, and it is the long-standing and thriving civilization of China

@Multiple locations for college entrance examination candidates are equipped with intelligent security gates. Do not bring security gates with these devices or items
@Multiple locations for college entrance examination candidates are equipped with intelligent security gates. Do not bring security gates with these devices or items

Tomorrow, the 2023 National College Entrance Examination will kick off. This year, the Ministry of Education has made preventing cheating on mobile phones a top priority for the safety of this year's college entrance examination. In order to more accurately and effectively detect electronic devices such as mobile phones carried around, many places have not only increased the number of security checks, but also upgraded their smart devices to help ensure a safe college entrance examination. This year's college entrance examination, Beijing, Zhejiang, Jiangxi and other places will adopt two security checks for entering examination centers and examination venues, and activate intelligent security gates. At the entrance of the examination point in Xinjian District No.2 Middle School in Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, intelligent security gates have been installed in place. When candidates pass by, they can detect the metal content through communication devices such as mobile phones and sound an alarm. There is also a camera above each security checkpoint, and the identity recognition system can not only recognize the identity information of candidates, but also supervise the entire process of candidates entering the venue and transmit the situation to the exam

How to "connect the antenna" and "open the window" for the promotion of grassroots cadres? Media: Effectively solving bottlenecks, difficulties, and pain points | Organizational | Aspect | Grassroots Governance | Promotion | Channels | Grassroots | Cadres
How to "connect the antenna" and "open the window" for the promotion of grassroots cadres? Media: Effectively solving bottlenecks, difficulties, and pain points | Organizational | Aspect | Grassroots Governance | Promotion | Channels | Grassroots | Cadres

National governance relies on grassroots governance, and grassroots governance focuses on grassroots cadres. If grassroots cadres are full of spirit and fighting spirit, it will continuously innovate grassroots governance and promote the modernization of national governance. On the contrary, if grassroots cadres find it difficult to fully utilize their talents, showcase their talents, and obtain smooth promotion channels and appointment opportunities, it will dampen their enthusiasm for work and entrepreneurship, make it difficult for grassroots governance to overcome difficulties, and endanger the foundation of national governance. The starting point of grassroots work is low, promotion is slow, remuneration is not high, working conditions are difficult, and work pressure is high, usually facing significant challenges in talent recruitment. At present, the civil service exams and recruitment plans at all levels are aimed at the grassroots level. When promoting cadres, the organizational department will also give priority to candidates with grassroots work experience. However, many people still worry about grassroots work, which can harm

Who exactly did it?, Kakhovka Dam Bombed by Russia | Dam | Kakhovka
Who exactly did it?, Kakhovka Dam Bombed by Russia | Dam | Kakhovka

To be honest, when I heard the news of the Kakhovka Dam being bombed, my heart sank - the worst thing happened. There is no doubt that this is the "Huayuankou incident" of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and it is an unscrupulous anti human act, which will be followed by serious humanitarian disaster, economic disaster and ecological disaster. Because this is not an ordinary dam, the Kakhovka Dam is 30 meters high and 3.2 kilometers long, built in 1956 during the Soviet era. It is the largest dam in Ukraine, with a storage capacity of 182 billion cubic meters behind it, ranking second in the world! You should know that the total storage capacity of our Three Gorges Reservoir is only 39.3 billion cubic meters. Now, with the dam breaching and surging floods pouring out, the water level in some downstream areas has risen by 10 meters, and a large number of towns are being flooded

The South Korea US alliance has been upgraded, and Yoon Seok yeol announces North Korea | South Korea | Yoon Seok yeol
The South Korea US alliance has been upgraded, and Yoon Seok yeol announces North Korea | South Korea | Yoon Seok yeol

"The South Korean US alliance has now been upgraded to a 'nuclear based alliance'. According to Yonhap News Agency on the 6th, South Korean President Yoon Seok yeol attended the 68th 'National Day of Fame' commemoration ceremony at the National Seoul loyalist house. In his speech, he reiterated the previous achievements of his visit to the United States - the Washington Declaration, and made the above statement.". The Governor of Chang'an Street noticed that on May 2nd, during a state meeting presided over by Yoon Seok yeol at the Presidential Palace in Seoul, he stated that "the South Korea US alliance has been upgraded based on nuclear technology and has expanded to include supply chain, industry, and technology alliances." Just over a month later, Yoon Seok yeol's definition of the relationship between the two countries has changed again. "It's really naive, I believe the United States and Japan can solve all the problems." Faced with this "escalation" statement, South Korean netizens frankly said it's absurd. Fighting fires with one's own aspirations

Ma Xiaowei, Director of the National Health Commission, wrote an article in People's Daily: Medical Aid to Foreign Countries Helps Build a Community of Human Health | Medical Aid to Foreign Countries | Medical Care
Ma Xiaowei, Director of the National Health Commission, wrote an article in People's Daily: Medical Aid to Foreign Countries Helps Build a Community of Human Health | Medical Aid to Foreign Countries | Medical Care

The Chinese people love peace and cherish life, and foreign medical aid is a vivid manifestation. Sending medical teams to developing countries is a great undertaking personally initiated by the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries such as Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai. It is a socialist aid method with Chinese characteristics and a golden signboard for China's international cooperation and foreign exchanges. It has made important contributions to promoting the noble cause of human peace and development and has won widespread praise from the international community.

Privacy is revealed after medicine is taken, and it is difficult to reply to perfunctory refunds. The online health consulting platform is full of chaos: providing consulting information by pretending to be an identity | medical treatment | prescription | Internet | doctor | consultation | consultation | platform
Privacy is revealed after medicine is taken, and it is difficult to reply to perfunctory refunds. The online health consulting platform is full of chaos: providing consulting information by pretending to be an identity | medical treatment | prescription | Internet | doctor | consultation | consultation | platform

Using her identity to provide consultation replies, perfunctory refunds are difficult, medication is needed before privacy is leaked. The online health consultation platform is full of chaos, with dry eyes, foreign body sensation, and frequent tears. Recently, Beijing resident Weng Hong went to a health consultation service platform for online consultation due to discomfort in her eyes. After inputting the above symptoms, the platform claimed that she had "Sjogren's syndrome", and taking propolis can greatly alleviate the symptoms. The platform shows that the person who received the consultation and provided this plan is a well-known doctor from a tertiary hospital in Beijing. Weng Hong thought to herself, "The products recommended by experts are definitely not a problem," so she spent over 300 yuan to buy a box of propolis soft capsules, but after taking them for a while, they did not have any effect. Recently, she realized she had been tricked when she saw media reports claiming that the health consulting service platform was providing health consultations online under the guise of a doctor. along with

The grey industry chain of "car fraud" with interlocking starting and ending: How can low-income households become "debtors" in car loan fraud? Used cars | institutions | car purchases | fraud | debt repayment | automobiles | finance | loans
The grey industry chain of "car fraud" with interlocking starting and ending: How can low-income households become "debtors" in car loan fraud? Used cars | institutions | car purchases | fraud | debt repayment | automobiles | finance | loans

Dare to communicate with others, afraid of being collected loans and avoiding everywhere, constantly in a daze... This is the life of Liu, a rural subsistence allowance household, after becoming a "debtor" for car loan fraud. "They first took me to the supermarket to buy clothes for me to change into, and then asked me to borrow money from a car dealership to buy a car, saying that as long as I cooperate with the signature, I can earn monthly interest." To Liu's surprise, he neither bought a car nor received any interest, but was plagued by the "nightmare" of financial institutions collecting loans. Recently, the Shanting Branch of Zaozhuang Public Security Bureau in Shandong Province has cracked a series of car loan fraud cases, and groups such as low-income earners, disabled people, and people with intellectual disabilities have become ideal "credit white households" in the eyes of fraudsters, repeatedly being deceived. How did this group become the "debtors" of car loan fraud? What is behind it“

Even breaking the law and committing crimes, be wary of the popularity of "one yuan lottery" in primary and secondary schools: there are minors addicted to students | administration | surrounding | campus | toys | prizes | minors | lottery tickets
Even breaking the law and committing crimes, be wary of the popularity of "one yuan lottery" in primary and secondary schools: there are minors addicted to students | administration | surrounding | campus | toys | prizes | minors | lottery tickets

The "one-dollar lottery ticket" sold by merchants ". "I saw that the door of the car was not closed tightly, so I took some change from the car." On May 23, Xiao Wei, a minor suspected of theft, confessed to the procuratorial police about the crime. Xiaowei dropped out of primary school and wandered around. At the beginning of this year, he used the method of pulling the car door to steal five times, and the one with the least profit was only 10 yuan. When asked what he did with the money, Xiaowei said: "I went to the small shop next to the school to buy food and drink, and I also bought some small lottery tickets to play." What is the "small lottery"? After asking Xiaowei in detail, Xi Xiaowen, director of the third procuratorial department of the hospital, and the police officers launched an investigation. They found that some stationery shops, book bars and commissaries around the campus sold "small lottery tickets. These small lottery tickets are priced at 1 yuan each, and the appearance

Why is it unpleasant?, Worker's Daily: Nearly 70% of high priced banquets are pre made dishes. Banquets | Use | Catering | Price | Consumer | Cost | Hotel | Pre made dishes
Why is it unpleasant?, Worker's Daily: Nearly 70% of high priced banquets are pre made dishes. Banquets | Use | Catering | Price | Consumer | Cost | Hotel | Pre made dishes

According to a report from the Chao News client on June 5th, a newlywed couple in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, chose a expensive banquet package from a well-known hotel in the city in order to leave an unforgettable wedding banquet for their friends and family. However, after the wedding, the couple was told by their friends and family that the cost performance of the banquet was not high, with 70% of the 16 dishes being pre made. A reporter's investigation found that for a wedding banquet priced at nearly 6000 yuan per table, the same dishes on the menu can be paired with over 1000 yuan on online shopping platforms. With the development of fresh food locking technology and cold chain technology, the variety of pre made dishes is becoming increasingly diverse, and is no longer limited to the field of ordinary takeaway fast food. Some high-end catering and hotel banquets are also beginning to use pre made dishes in large quantities. This situation brings both joy and worry. On the one hand, the development of prefabricated dishes has entered a more mature stage, and catering enterprises can use it to reduce production costs and improve operational efficiency

12.91 million candidates rushed to the examination room, and the 2023 college entrance examination will start today
12.91 million candidates rushed to the examination room, and the 2023 college entrance examination will start today

On June 7th, 2023, the national college entrance examination officially kicked off, with 12.91 million candidates rushing to the examination centers nationwide, setting a new record for the number of applicants. Recently, many regions have introduced measures to ensure smooth exams for candidates. At the same time, to ensure exam safety, multiple departments have carried out special actions such as purifying the exam related network environment, cracking down on the sale of cheating equipment, and cracking down on cheating in substitute exams to comprehensively manage the exam environment. Various regions have introduced measures to ensure the order of examination venues. This year's college entrance examination, prevention of mobile phone cheating has become a top priority in various regions. For the first time, many examination venues are equipped with intelligent security gates. For example, the college entrance examination papers in Zhejiang are escorted by dedicated vehicles and monitored throughout the process. Synchronous remote monitoring and comprehensive supervision of various examination venues. All examination personnel have completed the examination related business training and passed the assessment. All examination points are subject to standardized management,

Media: "13 years of repeating exams for top universities" should not be regarded as "inspirational role models". Top universities | universities | admissions | college entrance exams | candidates | admitted | repeating exams | Tang Moumou
Media: "13 years of repeating exams for top universities" should not be regarded as "inspirational role models". Top universities | universities | admissions | college entrance exams | candidates | admitted | repeating exams | Tang Moumou

Recently, Guangxi candidate Tang once again opened his social media account. Tang's social account authentication information is "For Tang, a 13 year repeating student at Tsinghua University". Three months ago, he posted an article "Fight for 100 More Days", and netizens cheered him on in the comment section. According to reports, after last year's college entrance examination, Tang, known as the "nail household", was admitted to the School of Nursing at Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine. Many people thought he would go to college with peace of mind, but he still gave up. From Tang's account authentication information, it can be seen that he highly recognizes his experience of "repeating 13 years of studying at Tsinghua University" and uses it as his identity tag. However, it has to be said that his pursuit is paranoid. If he continues to take the exam and doesn't get into Tsinghua University, will he have to stay old? And even if he finally gets admitted to Tsinghua University, his

Supporting the platform of the "abandoned building", the corrupt details of the former director of the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau have been exposed! The mentality of hiding "safety symbols" in mobile phones | Yang Xiude | Mobile phones
Supporting the platform of the "abandoned building", the corrupt details of the former director of the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau have been exposed! The mentality of hiding "safety symbols" in mobile phones | Yang Xiude | Mobile phones

Yang Xiude, male, born in February 1965, started working in September 1984 and joined the CPC in June 1993. Formerly served as the Director of the Housing Reform Office in Yuanyuanshan County, Director of the County Urban Construction Bureau, Secretary and Director of the Party Group and Director of the Wenshan Prefecture Housing and Construction Bureau, Director of the Planning Bureau, and Deputy Director of the Wenshan Prefecture Political Consultative Conference Proposal Committee. In March 2022, Yang Xiude was subjected to disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Wenshan Prefecture on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law; In October of the same year, he was expelled from the party and from public office. After investigation, Yang Xiude took advantage of his position to seek benefits for others in real estate project planning, building qualification upgrading, and other aspects. He has repeatedly accepted bribes and gifts from others, totaling 4.078 million yuan. In February 2023, Yang Xiude was sentenced to nine years in prison and fined RMB 600000 for the crime of bribery; To Yang Xiu

Five tickets a day! Involving multiple small and medium-sized securities firms | Business | Securities firms
Five tickets a day! Involving multiple small and medium-sized securities firms | Business | Securities firms

Securities firms continue to research business penalties. On June 6th, the Shanghai Securities Regulatory Bureau website issued five consecutive fines related to securities firms, involving Deng Yongkang, an analyst at Minsheng Securities, Cao Xute, an analyst at Shengang Securities, Zhang Peng, an analyst at Nomura Oriental International Securities, Song Tao, an analyst at Shanghai Shenyin Wanguo Securities Research Institute, and Yu Jinxin, an analyst at Minsheng Securities. Recently, there have been frequent violations in the research business of small and medium-sized securities firms. China Securities News reporters have found that since May, multiple securities firms or their related employees, including Shanxi Securities, Pacific Securities, Shouchuang Securities, and Zhongyuan Securities, have been fined for violating regulations in their research and reporting business. Issues such as unlicensed employment, insufficient prudence in research and reporting production, and management systems for research and reporting business have received key regulatory attention. Industry insiders point out that high-quality and compliant research reports are the foundation for the development of securities research institutes. As the seller's city

Armed escort and dedicated guards... Unveiling the extraordinary "journey" of the college entrance examination paper. Hours | College Entrance Examination | Guard
Armed escort and dedicated guards... Unveiling the extraordinary "journey" of the college entrance examination paper. Hours | College Entrance Examination | Guard

The annual college entrance examination kicked off on June 7th. When candidates sit in the examination room and receive the test paper handed over by the invigilator, have they ever been curious about what extraordinary "journey" such a crucial test paper went through before it was finally delivered to them? Proposition, printing, transportation, storage... Behind each link lies the hard work of the participants, as well as the special technological power that enables each college entrance examination paper to be delivered to the hands of the candidates without fail. Mysterious test takers will begin their selection process about two months before the college entrance examination, usually consisting of university and middle school teachers. This process is called "entrance examination". The relevant departments will conduct a comprehensive review of the selected proposers, strengthen confidentiality education, and sign confidentiality agreements. During the college entrance examination proposition period, the proposer

The county mayor extended an invitation to the whole country, with Han Qiaosheng and Huang Jianxiang praising it. Guizhou's "Village Super" became popular in Rongjiang | Village Super | Han Qiaosheng
The county mayor extended an invitation to the whole country, with Han Qiaosheng and Huang Jianxiang praising it. Guizhou's "Village Super" became popular in Rongjiang | Village Super | Han Qiaosheng

After the village BA, Guizhou's "village supermarket" has recently become popular again. The so-called "Village Super League" actually refers to the currently popular Guizhou rural sports event on the internet - the Rongjiang Hemei Rural Football Super League, which is commonly referred to as the "Village Super League". As for the popularity of the scene, sports celebrity Han Qiaosheng sighed after commenting on the scene, "This is a football carnival deeply rooted in the soil!" Famous sports commentator Huang Jianxiang also praised the "village supermarket". "National style, local flavor, and sense of joy are understood that the" village supermarket "players are mainly villagers from all walks of life, including fish sellers, pork sellers, excavators, part-time workers, teachers, students, and civil servants, ranging in age from 15 to more than 40. Among them, there are many contestants who have rushed back from other places. The boss is also a local of Rongjiang, and he is also

Who left behind their diving boots? Can new clues from the explosion of the "Beixi" pipeline bring the real culprit to the surface? Personnel | Pipeline | Beixi
Who left behind their diving boots? Can new clues from the explosion of the "Beixi" pipeline bring the real culprit to the surface? Personnel | Pipeline | Beixi

After the explosion of the Beixi pipeline in September last year, it has been a mystery who the true culprit was. Renowned American investigative journalist Seymour Hirsh pointed out in February this year that the North Stream pipeline was secretly sabotaged by US intelligence agencies and the US military, but was denied by the US government. US media reported that suspected US Navy diving boots were found at the scene of the North Creek pipeline explosion. On May 5th, the US independent news website "Grey Zone" reported that they had found a diving boot near the damaged North Creek pipeline, which was highly similar to the one used by the US military but was ignored by investigators. This video was released by the "Grey Zone" website and was filmed by Swedish engineer Eric Anderson using an unmanned submersible on May 24th. The video shows that there is a black and orange color scheme, similar to diving

Deeply summarize the significance of this project!, General Secretary's Use of "Three Matters" in China | Ecology | General Secretary
Deeply summarize the significance of this project!, General Secretary's Use of "Three Matters" in China | Ecology | General Secretary

The General Secretary summarized the significance of this project in depth using the "three concerns". Click on the video ↓↓↓ The theme of the symposium is to strengthen the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification and promote the construction of key ecological projects such as the "Three North". The General Secretary used "three key issues": concerning China's ecological security, building a strong country, and sustainable development of the Chinese nation, to deeply summarize the important significance of sand prevention and control. When it comes to the construction of the "Three North" project, as we all know, it is a major ecological project implemented together with China's reform and opening up, and an important landmark project in the construction of ecological civilization. After more than 40 years of unremitting efforts, China's national defense sand control work has achieved tremendous achievements that have attracted worldwide attention, and key governance areas have achieved a transition from "sand advancing and people retreating" to "green advancing and sand retreating"

It also ignited this industry, becoming the world's number one! China exported 1.07 million cars in the first quarter | transport ships | China
It also ignited this industry, becoming the world's number one! China exported 1.07 million cars in the first quarter | transport ships | China

In the first quarter of this year, China exported 1.07 million vehicles, surpassing Japan for the first time and becoming the world's largest automobile exporter. The significant growth in automobile exports has driven international automobile transport ships to be in high demand, with shipping companies and car companies taking action to book ships. Previously, no shipyard in China was able to build large car roll on/roll off ships, but now, Chinese shipbuilding companies are seizing rare market opportunities and achieving zero breakthroughs. China took on 88.4% of the global orders for 74 car transport ships last year. Holding orders makes it difficult for China to export cars to the sea. The tropical shipbuilding industry is hot, and the Taicang Port in Jiangsu, located 60 kilometers away from the mouth of the Yangtze River, is the largest port in Jiangsu's foreign trade. On May 23rd, a massive roll on/roll off cargo ship arrived at port, with over 130 vehicle dockers on standby and over 4300 cars about to be loaded onto the ship,

How is the progress of wheat harvesting? In the face of "bad rain", what areas should we make up for our shortcomings? Claims | Wheat | Rotten Field Rain
How is the progress of wheat harvesting? In the face of "bad rain", what areas should we make up for our shortcomings? Claims | Wheat | Rotten Field Rain

June 6th is the "Mangzhong" of the 24 solar terms. At present, it is the harvest period for summer wheat. Henan, which has just suffered from severe "rotten rain", is currently experiencing a rush to harvest wheat? How to dry, sun dry, purchase, and claim wheat that has been affected by the "rotten rain" to reduce the losses of grain farmers? What are the shortcomings that future agriculture needs to address in response to natural disasters? News 1+1 invites Wen Xuhua, Chief Economist of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Henan Province, and Guo Tiancai, Professor of Henan Agricultural University and Advisor of the Wheat Expert Guidance Group of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, to jointly pay attention to the progress of wheat harvesting? The focus of wheat harvesting in Henan has gradually shifted to the north of the Yellow River. As of 17:00 on June 6th, the area of wheat harvesting in Henan province has exceeded 70%. At present, the focus of wheat harvesting in Henan has shifted to the north of the Yellow River. Ensure 2

Received a sentence of ten and a half years! Shaanxi reported 5 typical cases of damaging the business environment, and the former director of the Highway Bureau helped his uncle undertake engineering cases | Environment | Shaanxi
Received a sentence of ten and a half years! Shaanxi reported 5 typical cases of damaging the business environment, and the former director of the Highway Bureau helped his uncle undertake engineering cases | Environment | Shaanxi

Recently, the Shaanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision reported 5 typical cases of party members and cadres damaging the business environment, as follows. 1. Ma Runqian, former Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Yulin Highway Bureau, took advantage of his position to seek benefits for his family's business activities. From June 2020 to June 2021, Ma Runqian arranged for the person in charge of his subordinate unit Yulin Road and Bridge Construction Engineering Company to help his uncle Ma undertake the ancillary engineering of the company's construction project. He also arranged for his cousin Ma's loader to participate in the construction of the subsidiary company's construction project, disrupting the fair competition market environment. Ma Runqian also had other serious violations of discipline and law. In August 2022, he was expelled from the party and public office. In April 2023, he was sentenced to ten years and six months in prison. 2. Former Party Committee Secretary of the Agriculture and Rural Bureau of Lantian County, Xi'an City

United Nations: Helping Regional Situation Development, Iranian Embassy in Saudi Arabia Formally reopens International | Beijing | Iran
United Nations: Helping Regional Situation Development, Iranian Embassy in Saudi Arabia Formally reopens International | Beijing | Iran

On the evening of June 6th Saudi time, the Iranian Embassy in Saudi Arabia officially reopened. The embassy is located in the embassy district of Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. The Iranian Embassy in Saudi Arabia held a reopening ceremony, with representatives from Saudi Arabia and representatives from multiple embassies, including China, invited to attend. With the support of the Chinese side, representatives of Saudi Arabia and Iran held a dialogue in Beijing in March this year. The three sides signed and issued a joint statement, announcing their agreement to resume diplomatic relations and reach the "Beijing Agreement". They emphasized that the three sides will work together to maintain the basic norms of international relations and promote international and regional peace and security. Afterwards, frequent interactions between the two countries continued to advance towards the goal of restoring diplomatic relations. According to a statement issued by the Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on June 5th, the Iranian Embassy and Consulate in Saudi Arabia, as well as the Iranian Representative Office in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation,

Announcement of the Legislative Work Plan of the State Council for 2023 | State Council | Plan
Announcement of the Legislative Work Plan of the State Council for 2023 | State Council | Plan

Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Issuing the Legislative Work Plan of the State Council for the Year 2023 (No. 18, 2023): The Legislative Work Plan of the State Council for the Year 2023 has been approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council, and is now issued to you. Please implement it seriously. The General Office of the State Council May 31, 2023 The Legislative Work Plan of the State Council for 2023 marks the beginning of the comprehensive implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and an important year for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country.

He broke that "door"! AI Video: Starting from the End of America's "Monitoring Empire", Ten Years ago | Enemies | America
He broke that "door"! AI Video: Starting from the End of America's "Monitoring Empire", Ten Years ago | Enemies | America

Ten years ago, a person broke through a "door" and exposed the reckless surveillance and intelligence theft activities of American intelligence agencies around the world. The dirty secrets inside this "door" have become the most authentic footnote to the names of the "spying empire" and "hacker empire" in the United States, and have also made the person who broke the "door" wanted by the US government. The breaking of this "door" triggered a serious diplomatic incident, causing a devastating blow to the international reputation of the United States. This "door" is the famous "prism door". This person is Edward Snowden, a former employee of the US defense contractor. On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Prism Gate incident, Xinhua News Agency launched an AI short video titled "Prism Gate 10th Anniversary: The Essence of the US Surveillance Empire Never Changes", which garnered over a million views on overseas social media in just 24 hours. This paragraph is composed of

Coming, official announcement! Universities with over 10 million job opportunities | Industry | Official announcement
Coming, official announcement! Universities with over 10 million job opportunities | Industry | Official announcement

On June 6th, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security launched the 2023 Hundred Day and Ten Million Recruitment Special Action, with the theme of "Employment Leading Future Dreams and Youth Building". Over a period of 100 days, it will provide over ten million job opportunities to college graduates and other groups, helping college graduates and various types of workers find employment. Diversified expansion of job channels. Innovatively launched the "Employment Director Visiting Enterprises, Entering Parks and Expanding Jobs" activity, actively connecting with key enterprises, government investment projects, industrial parks, etc., and collecting a batch of urgently needed job information. Timely grasp the vacancy situation of positions in grassroots government agencies, public institutions, grassroots service projects, grassroots management, and social services, and widely collect a batch of recruitment position information. Mobilize operational human resource service institutions, industry associations, and social organizations to participate widely, and focus on selecting a group of positions suitable for the educational level and skill level of college graduates

It's going to be suspended. The alma mater of actress Zhao Lusi, Taiwan Mingdao University, is a faculty member | University | Taiwan
It's going to be suspended. The alma mater of actress Zhao Lusi, Taiwan Mingdao University, is a faculty member | University | Taiwan

According to local media such as CTV News Network, on the afternoon of June 5th, the education authorities in Taiwan held a meeting and confirmed the withdrawal of Mingdao University, Global University of Science and Technology, and Datong College of Technology. The three universities will cease all enrollment in the 2023 academic year and cease operations at the end of the 2023 academic year. Public information shows that all three universities are private. Among them, Mingdao University, formerly known as Mingdao Management College, is located in Pitou Township, Changhua County. It was renamed Mingdao University in 2007. Global University of Technology is located in Yunlin County. It was founded in 1989, renamed Global Business College in 1992, Global Institute of Technology in 2000, and Global University of Technology again in 2010. Datong Technical College is located in the eastern district of Chiayi City and is a well-known private technical college for baseball. According to the data

The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly condemns it! The Secretary General of the United Nations has issued a statement, stating the time of the destruction of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station
The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs strongly condemns it! The Secretary General of the United Nations has issued a statement, stating the time of the destruction of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Station

On the 6th local time, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement strongly condemning the damage caused by the Ukrainian armed forces to the Kakhovka hydropower station. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the destruction by the Ukrainian military has led to a large-scale humanitarian and environmental disaster. The destruction of a reservoir dam has caused a significant increase in water levels downstream of the Dnieper River, flooding villages and towns, and requiring thousands of residents to evacuate. Agriculture and the ecosystem at the mouth of the Dnieper River in the area have suffered huge losses due to the Kiev regime's destructive actions. The decrease in water level in the Kakhovka Reservoir will also have an impact on the water supply in Crimea, and the protection of agricultural land in the Kherson region will be disrupted. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that the incident was a terrorist act targeting purely civilian infrastructure. It was pre planned by the Kiev regime for military purposes and is part of the so-called "counterattack" of the Ukrainian armed forces

A 22-year-old girl has been crying all along... The owner has found her! The doctor said there may be scars on the face, and the lakeside drone fell from the sky and scratched the pedestrian department | flight | drone
A 22-year-old girl has been crying all along... The owner has found her! The doctor said there may be scars on the face, and the lakeside drone fell from the sky and scratched the pedestrian department | flight | drone

The night before yesterday at around 8 o'clock, a young girl and two friends were shopping on the in77 lakeside pedestrian street. Unexpectedly, a drone fell from the sky and scratched her face, and her friends were also hit by the drone. The police officers from the Shangcheng Public Security Bureau quickly arrived and sent the girl to the hospital for treatment. "I don't want to leave scars," the reporter contacted the injured girl, whose surname is Guan. She is 22 years old and has been living with her parents in Hangzhou for more than ten years since childhood. She now runs a clothing store. On the phone, Xiaoguan kept crying, "I haven't slept until today." One was due to a painful wound. Her mouth was hit by a drone propeller, "and a piece fell off." Her chin and face were both scratched, with wounds. On the other hand, Xiaoguan was worried about her injuries. After the incident, she was taken to the Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, and after examination, the doctor indicated that there may be scars left,

Airport: This is a technical job. Graduates from Zhejiang University are applying for field services and bird repellent services, which has sparked discussions about bird repellent services. | Staff | Graduates
Airport: This is a technical job. Graduates from Zhejiang University are applying for field services and bird repellent services, which has sparked discussions about bird repellent services. | Staff | Graduates

Recently, Wenzhou Airport Group released a recruitment announcement for the spring of 2023, in which Chen, a graduate of Zhejiang University, applied for the position of venue manager and bird repellent, sparking heated discussions among netizens. "Alas, the competition is too fierce now," "it's too intense," and "it doesn't need to be done at Zhejiang University, right?"... In addition to questioning, many netizens also expressed that "starting from a low level is not a problem," thinking that "this is a job that concerns the safety of passengers. Isn't it necessary to have a professional person?" On June 6th, a reporter from Chao News contacted the staff of Wenzhou Airport Group, and the airport replied that this recruitment is a social recruitment. Job seekers submit their application intentions and then participate in the prescribed written and interview exams. The airport will select the best candidates based on their comprehensive scores. The reporter found that in the recruitment announcement released earlier by Wenzhou Airport Group, "

Chinese enterprises quickly open their doors to provide protection, as Chinese blogger Dakar is suddenly attacked by thugs in Senegal | blogger | thug
Chinese enterprises quickly open their doors to provide protection, as Chinese blogger Dakar is suddenly attacked by thugs in Senegal | blogger | thug

It is reported that on the night of June 1 local time, a blogger named "Flying close to the ground" Tiktok was attacked by a mob in Dakar, the capital of Senegal, Africa, and the window was smashed. The situation is critical. During the evacuation, there were still people chasing the vehicle and attempting to pull the car door with their hands. A group of two cars dodged along the way and suddenly discovered a Chinese company along the way. He asked in Chinese, "Are you Chinese?" The door immediately opened. The blogger and his team entered safely, although the vehicle was damaged, all personnel were safe. Then they left the chaotic area and safely arrived at the Chinese hotel. According to a video released by a Chinese blogger, at 20:30 on June 1st, the blogger drove to the capital of Senegal, Dakar, and suddenly encountered riots. Riots smashed cars along the way, and the blogger's car window was smashed. Under the crisis, bloggers