The world

Is ride hailing still a way out for middle-aged people? Online ride hailing | driver | middle-aged person
Is ride hailing still a way out for middle-aged people? Online ride hailing | driver | middle-aged person

Introduction: From the data, the reason for the high pressure on drivers to accept orders and the decline in income is that on the one hand, the online ride hailing market is still in a recovery period, and the order volume has not fully recovered to the level of 2021 this year. On the other hand, transportation capacity is indeed constantly increasing. In the past few years, ride hailing services have become a good choice for many car owners to transition to when they are unemployed, with flexible jobs that can bring in substantial income. However, recently many ride hailing drivers have reported a decline in income and increasing difficulty in accepting orders. The first financial reporter recently interviewed several ride hailing drivers, and according to their feedback, even in first tier cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, the era of ride hailing drivers earning easily over 10000 yuan per month has passed. In second tier and third tier cities, ride hailing drivers have higher difficulty in accepting orders and an empty car rate, with over 300 drivers even appearing during some time periods

The Ren case brings three warnings, from the first generation of shareholders to being fined a lifetime ban on trading | stocks | case
The Ren case brings three warnings, from the first generation of shareholders to being fined a lifetime ban on trading | stocks | case

Control 201 stock accounts and manipulate 16 stocks. Recently, Ren, who has been floating and sinking A-shares for more than 30 years, was investigated and tried by the China Securities Regulatory Commission for manipulating the securities market. He decided to confiscate his illegal gains of 74.1394 million yuan, impose a fine of 222 million yuan, and take lifelong measures to ban entry into the securities market. From the first generation of shareholders to being fined a lifetime ban, the Ren case brings three warning points. Firstly, the increasingly standardized A-share market does not allow stock price manipulators to operate smoothly. Due to the covert and diverse methods of manipulating the market, especially those who manipulate the market under the guise of market value management, it is highly confusing and difficult to detect for a while, resulting in some institutions and individuals relying on it for a long time. With the continuous upgrading of regulatory skills by regulatory authorities, these "stock price manipulation techniques" have gradually surfaced

Does the total score of the driver's license increase to 18 points? Official news has arrived, scoring | driver | total score
Does the total score of the driver's license increase to 18 points? Official news has arrived, scoring | driver | total score

What should I do if my driver's license is deducted points? Someone said, "Your driver's license now has 18 points" In fact, it's not that the driver's license score has changed to 18 points, but rather that the traffic management department has launched the "Learning Method Score Reduction" policy. The deduction value can be accumulated by up to 6 points in a scoring cycle through learning applications. Some netizens have also asked if they want to apply for "Learning Method Score Reduction" on the "Traffic Management 12123" app but find it impossible to apply for learning, and the system review has not been approved? What is the reason for this? Don't worry, the authoritative answer from the traffic police department has arrived ↓↓ What is the point reduction for studying law? If a motor vehicle driver has accumulated less than 12 points after handling traffic violation records and participates in traffic safety education organized by the traffic management department of the public security organ and meets the prescribed requirements, they can apply to accumulate points in the existing accumulated points of the motor vehicle driver

The victim was shot in the head? Police report: Emotional dispute, burglary and assault | Charm | Police
The victim was shot in the head? Police report: Emotional dispute, burglary and assault | Charm | Police

On the evening of June 14th, a netizen in Ziyang, Sichuan Province posted a video claiming that there was a suspected burglary in the second phase of Banshan Fengqing Garden in Yanjiang District, and the victim was also shot in the head. That night, Cover News reporters arrived at the incident community, and several nearby residents confirmed that a man was injured and was taken away by "120" emergency, all of whom said "I heard he was shot in the head.". The victim's family members stated that the police have come to collect evidence and are currently unable to accept interviews. The incident occurred in the community. At around 10:00 am on June 15th, the Yanjiang District Branch of Ziyang Public Security Bureau issued a police report: At around 6:00 pm on June 14th, our bureau received a report from the public stating that someone in the Banshan Style Community of Yanjiang District had been hacked. After receiving the police, the police quickly rushed to the scene to carry out the work of wounded treatment, on-site inspection, visiting the masses, etc., and at about 1:00 a.m. on the 15th, the suspect Li

Japanese media: NATO's move targets Tokyo, four countries | Liaison Office | NATO
Japanese media: NATO's move targets Tokyo, four countries | Liaison Office | NATO

According to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, NATO plans to open a liaison office in Tokyo in 2024, and hopes to strengthen cooperation with Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand as a hub. Japanese media reported that NATO will develop new cooperation plans with Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand to strengthen cooperation in areas such as cybersecurity and space. According to reports, NATO plans to complete a new version of its cooperation plan with Japan this summer, while advancing coordination work with three other countries in the Indo Pacific region. The NATO liaison office planned to be established in Tokyo in 2024 will become a hub for implementing NATO cooperation with the four countries. The report points out that NATO regards Japan, South Korea, Australia, and Singapore as important partners in the "Indo Pacific region", and the related actions are not intended to include the four countries in the collective defense mechanism, but rather in the network

Rectifying the chaos caused by crushing grasslands, Qinghai Lake is surrounded by barbed wire for 360 kilometers around the lake? Scenic Area: Previously, there were fenced tourists | Qinghai Lake | Fence
Rectifying the chaos caused by crushing grasslands, Qinghai Lake is surrounded by barbed wire for 360 kilometers around the lake? Scenic Area: Previously, there were fenced tourists | Qinghai Lake | Fence

Qinghai Lake, as the largest inland saline lake in China, is surrounded by towering mountains and nestled like a jade plate between the high mountains and grasslands in the northeast of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. Every summer, this place becomes a popular check-in spot for many tourists. Recently, there has been a discussion on multiple social media platforms that "all 360 kilometers around Qinghai Lake are surrounded by barbed wire". Many netizens have questioned this as not conducive to the tourist experience, and some even believe that the scenic area intentionally charges fees for surrounding the lake. On June 14th, a staff member of the Qinghai Lake Scenic Area Protection and Utilization Management Bureau stated, "That is misleading, and tourists and the public have misunderstood us. The fence of Qinghai Lake has actually existed for many years." The staff member stated that tourists driving around the lake are free of charge, and entering the scenic area requires buying a ticket. In earlier years, there were herdsmen's grasslands around the lake, and herdsmen

Qin Gang Meets with Antigua and Barbuda Foreign Minister Green for Cooperation | Foreign Minister | Antigua and Barbuda
Qin Gang Meets with Antigua and Barbuda Foreign Minister Green for Cooperation | Foreign Minister | Antigua and Barbuda

On June 15, 2023, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang met with Antigua and Barbuda Foreign Minister Green in Beijing to attend the Global Forum on Human Rights Governance and visit China. Qin Gang stated that Amba is a reliable good friend and partner of China in the Caribbean region. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations 40 years ago, both sides have always understood and supported each other on issues related to each other's core interests and major concerns, becoming a model of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit, and common development for countries of all sizes. China is willing to work with Angola to consolidate political mutual trust, jointly build the "the Belt and Road", deepen practical cooperation, expand people to people and cultural exchanges, close multilateral cooperation, and promote greater development of bilateral relations.China attaches great importance to the development of Tongjiale

Father and son almost died! This kind of seasonal dish is often eaten by many people in the summer, and a bowl of it will be served to father and son
Father and son almost died! This kind of seasonal dish is often eaten by many people in the summer, and a bowl of it will be served to father and son

Various fresh fruits and vegetables are being sold in the summer. As a seasonal dish, zucchini is loved by many people. However, recently, a father and son were poisoned and hospitalized due to eating "gourds", almost losing their lives. A plate of bitter gourds almost killed the father and son. 61 year old Mr. Yang from Gongxian, Sichuan, planted several gourds in his yard. Recently, seeing the results of the gourd, Mr. Yang picked four tender fruits and stir fried a plate of "zucchini fried meat slices". When Grandpa Yang and his son eat together, they both feel extremely bitter in their mouths. My son felt too bitter, so he stopped eating gourds and melons. However, Grandpa Yang felt that eating more bitterness could clear the heat, so he didn't mind and even took a few slices. After a while, both Mr. Yang and his son experienced symptoms of diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting. The two of them will immediately go to the local county hospital for treatment, Yang Da

Arrest has been taken, Zhengzhou University reports: a former student from the department, a man disguised as a woman enters the women's bathroom to secretly take photos of a student | Women's Clothing | Zhengzhou University
Arrest has been taken, Zhengzhou University reports: a former student from the department, a man disguised as a woman enters the women's bathroom to secretly take photos of a student | Women's Clothing | Zhengzhou University

On the 15th, Zhengzhou University reported that on the evening of June 14, 2023, a man dressed as a woman entered the women's bathroom for candid photos on the south campus of the school. He was controlled by students and security personnel on the spot and handed over to the public security organs. According to the results of the investigation by the public security organs, the man was a former graduate of the school. At present, the public security organs have imposed administrative detention on them in accordance with the law. @ Zhengzhou University Weibo Screenshot According to previous media reports, on the evening of June 14, some netizens reported that a man disguised as a woman sneaked into a girl's bathroom on the south campus of Zhengzhou University. Video from the scene showed the man wearing a wig and a fleshy pink costume. ▲Video screenshots The reporter learned from an insider of Zhengzhou University that at 8 o'clock in the evening on the 14th, the man involved in the incident disguised as a woman and entered the women's bathhouse to secretly take pictures. After being discovered, teachers and students worked together to control it and called the police.

Ring the alarm for grassroots cadres!, The Four Issues Reported by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection | Corruption | The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
Ring the alarm for grassroots cadres!, The Four Issues Reported by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection | Corruption | The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

On June 7th, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection released four cases of corruption around the public, including illegal embezzlement of funds and bonus payments, illegal profit-making for family and friends, and embezzlement of public funds. These four cases of "micro corruption" have a relatively mild degree and a relatively small impact, but their manifestations and subjects are diverse. As pointed out in the notice, from April to November 2019, Pan Chenggang, the former party branch secretary of Jianhejiayuan residential area in Beixinjing Street, Changning District, Shanghai, and He Xiaoying, the former director of the neighborhood committee, decided to participate in the embezzlement of more than 20000 yuan from the relevant funds of the neighborhood committee for the illegal distribution of bonuses. In February 2019, Xu Jianzhong, former probationary deputy general manager of Baoshan Grain and Oil Company and village branch manager, former party branch secretary and manager of Shanghai Baoliang Military Grain Supply Station, rented out the houses and premises of Baoshan Grain and Oil Company Gucun Branch to a company controlled by his relatives,

General Administration of Customs: lifting ban on boneless beef under 30 months of age in Poland and Belgium | Announcement | Beef
General Administration of Customs: lifting ban on boneless beef under 30 months of age in Poland and Belgium | Announcement | Beef

Announcement on lifting the ban on deboning beef under 30 months of age in Poland According to the results of risk assessment, from the date of this announcement, the former State Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau and the former Ministry of Agriculture 2001 Joint Announcement No. 143 The ban on deboning beef under 30 months of age. The inspection and quarantine requirements for Polish deboned beef under 30 months of age to be exported to China shall be formulated separately. It is hereby announced. Announcement of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the General Administration of Customs on June 15, 2023 on lifting the ban on deboning beef under 30 months in Belgium According to the results of risk assessment, from the date of this announcement, the former Ministry of Agriculture and the former State Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau 2001 The ban on deboning beef under 30 months in Belgium was lifted by Joint Announcement No. 143. Belgian boneless beef under 30 months of age is exported to China for inspection

Russian response: False, Lukashenko: Russia Ukraine negotiations to lease Crimea Crimea | Russia | Lukashenko
Russian response: False, Lukashenko: Russia Ukraine negotiations to lease Crimea Crimea | Russia | Lukashenko

According to a report by Russian news agency on June 14th, Belarusian President Lukashenko stated that Russia and Ukraine seem to be reaching an agreement on leasing Crimea during negotiations in Istanbul. Russian President's press secretary Peskov commented that Crimea is a region of Russia and cannot be rented by any country. Peskov reported that reporters asked Peskov to confirm whether this was indeed the case, and the latter said, "No, it's not like that." He emphasized, "Crimea is an integral part of the Russian Federation and a region of Russia." The report stated that after a coup in Ukraine, Crimea was annexed by Russia after a referendum in March 2014. Ukraine still regards Crimea as a temporarily occupied national territory, and many Western countries support Kiev's position. Russian leaders have repeatedly stated that Crimea

Do you have the right to view the other party's phone? The lawyer's interpretation has arrived, suspecting that he has been caught in a secret filming regulation | behavior | mobile phone
Do you have the right to view the other party's phone? The lawyer's interpretation has arrived, suspecting that he has been caught in a secret filming regulation | behavior | mobile phone

Recently, multiple incidents of secret filming have attracted widespread attention. Firstly, a young man on the subway was suspected of having cameras installed on his shoes to secretly take photos, but was falsely accused and wanted to sue the other party; Another woman was secretly photographed by a man from the opposite side while taking the subway, and she decisively approached him to delete the photo; In a series of secret filming incidents, how the parties involved should protect themselves and protect their rights has sparked a lot of discussion among netizens. So, what legal consequences will the act of secretly taking photos face? Do you have the right to view the other person's phone when suspected of being secretly filmed? What should I do if I am falsely accused of secretly filming? Xiao Ying, a member of the Lawyer Expert Database of the Rule of Law Daily and a partner of Beijing Zhide Law Firm, brings professional interpretation! What are the rights and interests of others suspected of being infringed upon by the act of secretly taking photos? The act of secretly taking photos infringes on the portrait and reputation rights of the person being secretly photographed

The Argentine team's China tour starts tonight! Beijing Police Reminder Fans | Invitational Tournament | Beijing Police
The Argentine team's China tour starts tonight! Beijing Police Reminder Fans | Invitational Tournament | Beijing Police

Tonight, the Beijing police have issued a notice that the international football invitation match between the Argentine and Australian national teams will be held tonight at the "New Workers' Stadium". The Beijing police have issued a reminder for spectators: Firstly, real name admission is required for this competition. Fans should bring their ID cards when going to watch the game, accept ticket inspection by on-site ticket inspectors, and undergo on-site security checks. 2、 Encourage fans to enter the stadium in advance and take their seats accordingly. They are not allowed to disturb the order of the stadium and stands in any form, and create a civilized and enthusiastic atmosphere for watching the game. 3、 It is strictly prohibited to carry ignition materials such as lighters and matches; Items such as power banks, baseball bats, long sticks, and sharp objects that are prone to causing personal injury. 4、 Do not insult or verbally attack coaches, athletes, and referees on the field, treat wins and losses rationally, restrain emotions, and do not indulge

Long Two Ding One Arrow 41 Star Launch Successfully Completed! Team setting a new record for one arrow and multiple satellites in China | satellites | China
Long Two Ding One Arrow 41 Star Launch Successfully Completed! Team setting a new record for one arrow and multiple satellites in China | satellites | China

At 13:30 Beijing time on June 15, 2023, China successfully launched 41 satellites, including Jilin-1 High Resolution 06A, using the Long March-2D carrier rocket from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center. The satellites entered the designated orbit and the launch mission was a complete success. This batch of satellites is mainly used to provide commercial remote sensing services and related technology validation. The Long March-2D carrier rocket used for this mission is a room temperature liquid two-stage carrier rocket developed by the Eighth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation. "One Arrow, 41 Stars" has broken the record for the highest number of satellites launched in a single launch in China. To safely and smoothly launch so many satellites into orbit at once, the first issue to be solved is the layout of the satellites inside the fairing. It is necessary to "sit comfortably" as well as "sit comfortably". The development team fully sorted out the satellite structure

Li Haoshi (House) was fined for performing at the theater! Culture | Beijing City | Li Hao
Li Haoshi (House) was fined for performing at the theater! Culture | Beijing City | Li Hao

On June 15th, it was reported on the website of the Beijing Cultural Market Comprehensive Law Enforcement Corps that the Century Theater of China Japan Youth Exchange Center Co., Ltd. was fined 100000 yuan by the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism. The reason for the punishment was that the operating unit and hosting unit of the performance venue found that commercial performances were prohibited and did not take measures to stop them, and reported to the cultural regulatory department and public security department at the same time. It is reported that the theater was the performance venue of talk show actor Li Haoshi in the May 13 incident. Prior to the screenshot of the Beijing Cultural Market Comprehensive Law Enforcement Corps, on May 17th, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism imposed an administrative penalty on Xiaoguo Culture due to the inappropriate remarks made by talk show actor Li Haoshi during the program, which insulted the People's Army. The penalty included a warning, confiscation of illegal gains of 1325381.6 yuan, and a fine of 13353816 yuan. Afterwards, North

A world-class observatory is rising!, Observing this western town of several hundred people | Government | Telescope | Saishiteng Mountain | Site selection | Astronomy | Deng Li | Cold Lake
A world-class observatory is rising!, Observing this western town of several hundred people | Government | Telescope | Saishiteng Mountain | Site selection | Astronomy | Deng Li | Cold Lake

Standing at an altitude of 4200 meters in Zone C of Saishiteng Mountain, the sky is deep blue, with gray black mountains and valleys crisscrossing, and the remaining snow on the mountaintop shimmers with silver. Saishiteng Mountain is located in Lenghu Town, Mangya City, Haixi Prefecture, Qinghai Province. Here, the first world-class astronomical observation base in the Eastern Hemisphere is rising. At the Cold Lake Astronomical Observation Base, multiple telescope projects are under construction in full swing. In front of the management committee of the Cold Lake Science and Technology Innovation Industrial Park, a large crane is slowly lifting a red telescope bracket. The telescope named Luoxiahong SONG will use this bracket to adjust the pitch angle and explore the internal structure of stars, thereby deepening human understanding of the universe and the origin of life. Deng Lizai, chief scientist of the Cold Lake Base of the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is in charge of the telescope. At this moment, he was excitedly

In May, the national economy continued to recover, transform and upgrade, and continued to promote investment | year-on-year | National economy
In May, the national economy continued to recover, transform and upgrade, and continued to promote investment | year-on-year | National economy

According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on June 15th, in May 2023, China's production and demand steadily recovered, employment prices remained generally stable, transformation and upgrading continued to advance, and economic operation continued to recover. The service industry is growing rapidly, with continuous improvement in the contact aggregation service industry. In May, the national service industry production index increased by 11.7% year-on-year, a decrease of 1.8 percentage points from the previous month. Looking at industries, the production index of accommodation and catering, leasing and business services, wholesale and retail, information transmission, software and information technology services increased by 39.5%, 14.0%, 13.2%, and 12.9% year-on-year, respectively. From January to May, the national service industry production index increased by 9.1% year-on-year, which is 0.7 percentage points faster than from January to April. From January to April

[The broad tide of "Guangdong" rising bay area sees China] Chinese enterprises stride forward in the "the Belt and Road" in Central Asia | automobile | enterprises
[The broad tide of "Guangdong" rising bay area sees China] Chinese enterprises stride forward in the "the Belt and Road" in Central Asia | automobile | enterprises

On June 14th, the automotive architecture was exhibited in the BYD showroom in Shenzhen. Lu Ningyuan/Photographer This year marks the 10th anniversary of the the Belt and Road Initiative. Looking back over the past 10 years, enterprises have been an important driving force for the "the Belt and Road" construction, as well as the main practitioners and beneficiaries of the "the Belt and Road" construction. On June 14, the offline visit activity of "Look at China with the Tide in the Rising Bay Area of 'Guangdong'" came to Shenzhen and came to ZTE and BYD to understand the story of the two enterprises' "going out" under the "the Belt and Road" initiative. In the past 10 years, Chinese information and communication enterprises have actively "gone global" and achieved results in improving international network service capabilities and helping countries and regions along the "the Belt and Road" to achieve digital transformation. ZTE is a Chinese information and communication company actively participating in the Belt and Road Initiative

Charging Advanced Manufacturing Industry: Let the World Fall in Love with China's Intelligent Manufacturing Quality | China | Manufacturing Industry
Charging Advanced Manufacturing Industry: Let the World Fall in Love with China's Intelligent Manufacturing Quality | China | Manufacturing Industry

According to Global Times reporter Shu Yiheng, BYD's four major industries are developing in synergy, with a compound annual growth rate of about 56%. On the afternoon of June 14th, when the offline visiting team arrived at BYD Co., Ltd. in Shenzhen, the BYD instructor introduced that "Guangdong Shengwan District is a vast tide of China". At present, BYD's products cover consumer 3C batteries, power batteries, integrated light storage and other fields, and have a complete industrial chain, occupying the forefront of the industry. Blade battery is a battery product released by BYD in 2020, which has the characteristics of high safety, long lifespan, and high endurance. It does not contain nickel or cobalt metals and has been highly recognized by the market through the industry's most stringent single battery puncture test. In 2022, BYD's battery shipment volume was 89.8GW

The "Ten Million Project" Helps Rural Revitalization in Zhejiang | General Secretary | Rural Areas
The "Ten Million Project" Helps Rural Revitalization in Zhejiang | General Secretary | Rural Areas

The project of "demonstration of thousands of villages and renovation of thousands of villages" is a major decision made by General Secretary Xi Jinping when he was working in Zhejiang. In June 2003, under the advocacy and auspices of Comrade Xi Jinping, Zhejiang launched the "Ten Thousand Thousand Project", selecting about 10000 administrative villages from the province for comprehensive renovation, and building about 1000 of the central villages into comprehensive well-off demonstration villages. Over the past 20 years, the "ten million project" has taken the improvement of village environment and living environment as the entry point. It has been continuously deepened in practice and realized multi-faceted iterative upgrading. It has not only created thousands of beautiful villages in Zhejiang, but also benefited thousands of farmers. It has made great contributions and far-reaching significance in promoting rural revitalization and common prosperity. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has been highly

Guangdong Plays High Quality Development Concerto Construction | Guangdong | Concerto
Guangdong Plays High Quality Development Concerto Construction | Guangdong | Concerto

● Nanfang Daily reporter Meng Jianchang Dao Guanxi Ruyi Xu Ningning Xiao Wenge Shang Liyang In mid-June, in Huguang Town, Mazhang District, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, groups of egrets played in more than 3000 mu of mangroves, reflecting the green forests in the water, and outlined a beautiful picture of Guangdong's ecological civilization. The euphemistic singing, sonorous allegro, intimate greetings ...... More than 50 kilometers away, Lianjiang City, Liangding Town, "civilized practice caravan" into the Zhongtang rural tourist area, to provide the public with safety knowledge, medical and health advice, social security policy interpretation and other convenient volunteer services. The land of western Guangdong is blowing a new wind of civilization. In the past few days, the "High-quality Development Research Tour" Guangdong-themed interview activities have entered Foshan, Maoming, Zhanjiang, Chaozhou and other places to witness

From "Mutual Fit" to "Mutual Achievement" - The Inner Logic of "Second Combination" in China | Culture | Logic
From "Mutual Fit" to "Mutual Achievement" - The Inner Logic of "Second Combination" in China | Culture | Logic

1. Marxism and excellent traditional Chinese culture are in line with each other, which means they are in line with each other. The fit of different things is a pre-existing commonality. The Era of Sinicization of Marxism

Promoting the Development and Progress of Human Rights Civilization - Chinese and Foreign Guests Discussing Global Human Rights Governance and Consolidating Consensus Forum | Global | Human Rights
Promoting the Development and Progress of Human Rights Civilization - Chinese and Foreign Guests Discussing Global Human Rights Governance and Consolidating Consensus Forum | Global | Human Rights

The Global High end Forum on Human Rights Governance, co hosted by the State Council Information Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the National Agency for International Development and Cooperation, was held in Beijing on the 14th. The forum was themed "Equality, Cooperation, and Development: The 30th Anniversary of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action and Global Human Rights Governance." More than 300 Chinese and foreign guests from nearly 100 countries and international organizations, including United Nations agencies, attended the forum to discuss global human rights governance. This forum has five sub forums, including "International Cooperation and Global Human Rights Governance", "Global Development Initiatives and the realization of the right to development", "Global Security Initiatives and Human Rights Protection", "United Nations Human Rights Mechanisms and Global Human Rights Governance", and "Human Rights Protection in the Digital Era". The attending guests from both China and abroad exchanged ideas from different perspectives. This is a high-end discussion on global human rights governance filmed on June 14th

Qingshantou, Show Me China | New Era China Rural Chronicles (Episode 3): Run China | Travel | Qingshantou | Show Me China | New Era China Rural Chronicles (Episode 3): Run China
Qingshantou, Show Me China | New Era China Rural Chronicles (Episode 3): Run China | Travel | Qingshantou | Show Me China | New Era China Rural Chronicles (Episode 3): Run China

On the 100-day countdown to the Hangzhou Asian Games, the film crew of "Show Me China" came to Xiangshan County, Ningbo City. This is the Asian Games sailing and beach volleyball competition venue. Xiangshan County was once restricted by geographical conditions and its economic development was restricted. However, in the past ten years, the local area has developed "sports tourism" according to local conditions. The rural landscape has undergone tremendous changes. What is the story from a backward village to a rich village? Let's go into the fields and talk with our fellows and villagers about the ups and downs of parents' short-term understanding of the work of rural cadres. Visit Qingshantou Village, a national demonstration village of sports modernization. Producer: Sun Zhiping, Wu Huanqing, producer: Mi Ligong, planner: Li Zhiang, chief director/writer of Shi Peng and Li Qin: noble special contractor

Contributors to the Development of the World Human Rights Cause - China's Responsibility for Global Human Rights Governance Series II: Humanity | China | Human Rights
Contributors to the Development of the World Human Rights Cause - China's Responsibility for Global Human Rights Governance Series II: Humanity | China | Human Rights

Beijing, June 14th (Xinhua) - Contributors to the Development of World Human Rights - China's Responsibility for Global Human Rights Governance - Part 2 of a series of comments by Xinhua journalist Qiao Jihong. Safeguarding human rights and promoting equality are the common ideals of all humanity. A safe and peaceful environment, a driving force for development and progress, and a fair and just order are important prerequisites for the sustainable advancement of the global human rights cause. For a long time, while vigorously promoting the development of China's human rights cause, China has contributed its strength to the world's human rights cause with the sentiment of building its own talents and benefiting the world. It has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development, a maintainer of international order, and a promoter of human civilization. China insists on safeguarding human rights through security and contributing to the peaceful environment that safeguards global human rights. From proposing the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence to

"The Heart of the Bay Area" Goes Towards Reality - Guangzhou Nansha Coordinates with Hong Kong and Macao to Promote the Construction of the Greater Bay Area One Year Record System | Hong Kong and Macao | Bay Area
"The Heart of the Bay Area" Goes Towards Reality - Guangzhou Nansha Coordinates with Hong Kong and Macao to Promote the Construction of the Greater Bay Area One Year Record System | Hong Kong and Macao | Bay Area

Xinhua News Agency, Guangzhou, June 14th - "The Heart of the Bay Area" Goes Towards Reality - Guangzhou Nansha Collaborates with Hong Kong and Macao to Promote the Construction of the Greater Bay Area for a Year - Xinhua News Agency reporters Zhou Qiang, Qi Xianghui, Zhou Ying, and Jie Yikun's Nansha is Changing. A year ago, the State Council issued the "Overall Plan for Deepening Comprehensive Cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao in Nansha, Guangzhou and Facing the World", giving Nansha a new mission: to build a major strategic platform based on the Bay Area, coordinating with Hong Kong and Macao, and facing the world. Over the past year, policies have been transforming into projects, and the blueprint has already revealed its physical form. "The current Nansha is transforming from the geometric center of the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area to a regional transportation center and functional hub center." Lu Yixian, Secretary of the Nansha District Committee of Guangzhou, said, "Nansha is the heart of the bay area and is consolidating its foundation, promoting industrial innovation and implementation." This is the Nansha Port Area of Guangzhou Port

Safeguarding Human Rights with Security, Promoting Human Rights with Development, and Promoting Human Rights through Cooperation (Harmony) World | Governance | Human Rights
Safeguarding Human Rights with Security, Promoting Human Rights with Development, and Promoting Human Rights through Cooperation (Harmony) World | Governance | Human Rights

President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the High-end Forum on Global Human Rights Governance, emphasizing the protection of human rights through security, the promotion of human rights through development, and the promotion of human rights through cooperation, demonstrating China's mission of actively participating in global human rights governance and promoting the progress of the world's human rights cause. On June 14, President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory letter to the High-end Forum on Global Human Rights Governance. In his congratulatory letter, President Xi Jinping put forward China's proposal to improve global human rights governance, emphasizing the protection of human rights through security, the promotion of human rights through development, and the promotion of human rights through cooperation, demonstrating China's mission to actively participate in global human rights governance and promote the progress of the world's human rights cause. This year marks the thirtieth anniversary of the adoption of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action. The Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action has played an important role in the history of the development of human rights in the world, emphasizing the equality and

Guizhou Provincial Bureau of Government Affairs has stated that subsidies for the phenomenon of "private cars for public use" | official vehicles | government agencies
Guizhou Provincial Bureau of Government Affairs has stated that subsidies for the phenomenon of "private cars for public use" | official vehicles | government agencies

Since the car reform, the phenomenon of "private cars for public use" has become more prominent in various regions. The Guizhou Provincial Administration of Government Affairs recently stated that "private car sharing" does not meet the requirements of the public car reform. According to the website of the Guizhou Provincial Office Affairs Management Bureau on June 9th, the Guizhou Provincial Office Affairs Management Bureau responded to the suggestion of Xu Haofeng, a representative of the 14th Provincial People's Congress, regarding the policy of "private car public use" for personnel in public institutions. Since the reform of the vehicle, the problem of "private car public use" has become increasingly prominent. In this process, "private car public use" not only generates phenomena such as "private oil public supply", "private car public repair", and "private ticket bulletins", but also generates many disputes in the event of an accident, such as the identification of injuries to personnel and compensation for vehicle damage. In order to eliminate corruption on the wheels and actively promote the construction of a clean government and a resource-saving society, "private car sharing" is not feasible

The Chinese side refutes it!, Former Canadian employees publicly accuse the AIIB of infrastructure | Asia | AIIB
The Chinese side refutes it!, Former Canadian employees publicly accuse the AIIB of infrastructure | Asia | AIIB

According to the WeChat official account of the Chinese Embassy in Canada on the 15th, the spokesman of the Chinese Embassy in Canada answered questions about Canada's remarks about the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank: Q: Recently, a Canadian employee of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank resigned and publicly accused the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. Vice Premier Friland also issued a statement on this matter. May I ask if you have any comments on this? Answer: The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is an important member of the international multilateral development system, with a total of 106 members including China and Canada. The purpose of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is to promote sustainable economic development, create wealth, and improve infrastructure connectivity in Asia through investment in infrastructure and other productive areas. It closely cooperates with other multilateral and bilateral development institutions, promotes regional cooperation and partnerships, and addresses development challenges. China is