The world

Two countries exchange tea for oil to avoid the US dollar tea | oil | two countries
Two countries exchange tea for oil to avoid the US dollar tea | oil | two countries

According to Reuters, a Sri Lankan official said on the 23rd that Sri Lanka will begin barter trade with Iran using tea next month to offset the $250 million owed for oil. This country, which has been hit by the economic crisis, is trying to increase sales to the Iranian market and protect its foreign exchange reserves. Last year, Sri Lanka experienced an unprecedented shortage of dollars and dragged its economy into the most severe crisis in decades. According to the report, the Chairman of the Sri Lankan Tea Bureau, Niraj Mel, said, "This is very timely for us because we can enter an important market. Iran and Sri Lanka can trade without relying on the US dollar." Mel said, "The agreement requires us to deliver tea worth $5 million to each other every month for 48 months, but we plan to start from a monthly basis."

Yinchuan launches a one month special action to investigate and rectify public safety hazards, resulting in explosions, safety hazards, and hidden dangers
Yinchuan launches a one month special action to investigate and rectify public safety hazards, resulting in explosions, safety hazards, and hidden dangers

The reporter learned from relevant departments in Yinchuan City, Ningxia that after a gas explosion accident occurred at a barbecue restaurant in Xingqing District, Yinchuan City immediately launched a one month special action to investigate and rectify public safety hazards throughout the city. The special action for investigation and rectification mainly focuses on safety risks and hidden dangers related to water, electricity, oil and gas, gun explosion hazardous materials, postal logistics, large-scale events, road traffic, etc. The special action strictly adheres to the overall requirements of "full coverage, zero tolerance, strict law enforcement, and emphasis on practical results", comprehensively and thoroughly investigates and rectifies various safety hazards related to public safety, and resolutely eliminates seven safety hazards in the public domain of public security supervision, including firearms and ammunition, civilian explosives, fireworks and firecrackers, highly toxic, explosive hazardous chemicals, large-scale mass activities, key public security units, and public transportation safety hazards. Fully open

Sentenced to 5 years in prison, can one go to a prestigious school through connections? The post-2000 generation defrauded relatives of over 450000 yuan from prestigious schools
Sentenced to 5 years in prison, can one go to a prestigious school through connections? The post-2000 generation defrauded relatives of over 450000 yuan from prestigious schools

Lele, born in 2002, lied to his family about passing the internal recruitment exam and being admitted to a well-known university. After learning about it, Ms. Lin, her relative, also wanted to use connections to get her son Xiaohao to attend a prestigious school, but was scammed 452000 yuan by Lele. Recently, the reporter learned from the Beijing Third Intermediate People's Court that Lele was sentenced to five years in prison for committing fraud. According to Lele's own account, in 2019, Lele, who was supposed to take the college entrance examination, did not take the exam. However, he lied to his mother and said that he had hired a teacher from a training institution to help him get admitted to a well-known university through internal recruitment. Upon seeing Lele's admission letter made using P-graphic software, the family believed it to be true and even held a graduation banquet for Lele. Seeing that Lele, who had poor grades, was admitted to a prestigious university, at the end of 2020, Ms. Lin, her relative, came to visit and asked if there was a way for Xiaohao to also be admitted to the same university.

Russian President Putin delivers a televised speech | Camp | Speech | Wagner | Ministry of Defense | Russian President Putin | Message | Prigo
Russian President Putin delivers a televised speech | Camp | Speech | Wagner | Ministry of Defense | Russian President Putin | Message | Prigo

On June 24th local time, Russian President Putin delivered a televised speech. Putin said that Russia is engaged in a difficult struggle for its future, and in order to oppose Russia, the entire Western war and information machine are fully operational. Putin said he will take resolute measures to restore order in Rostov. Putin also said that during the special military operation, any grievances should be set aside, and now the fate of the Russian nation is facing a decision. Putin stated that the Russian armed forces have received necessary orders to eliminate those who organized armed riots. He called on people not to participate in the rebellion. Putin said that as a Russian citizen, he will do his utmost to defend the country and will take strong action to do so. Putin: Russia's division will never be allowed to repeat itself, and rebels will be punished! According to comprehensive foreign media reports, when

More than once per day on average! The occurrence rate of liquefied gas accidents is 34 times higher than that of natural gas. Gas accident rate
More than once per day on average! The occurrence rate of liquefied gas accidents is 34 times higher than that of natural gas. Gas accident rate

Guide: Last year, there were 450 reported liquefied petroleum gas accidents nationwide, with 45 deaths and 294 injuries. Author | First Finance and Economics Cai Zhen has caused 31 deaths in Fuyang Barbecue Restaurant, Minzu South Street, Xingqing District, Yinchuan City, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region. The public security organs have controlled 9 people including the manager, shareholders and staff in the explosion accident and frozen their assets. According to the "Yinchuan release" of the notification, the explosion was triggered by the leakage of liquefied gas tank. The underlying cause of the accident is still under investigation. For a time, the safety of liquefied petroleum gas tanks aroused people's discussion. According to the Statistical Yearbook of Urban and Rural Construction, there are about 0.318 billion gas users nationwide in 2022, of which about 0.056 billion are liquefied petroleum gas. Last year, all

Breaking records in a row! For the first time in the history of Beijing, a high temperature of 40 ℃ was achieved through three consecutive attacks
Breaking records in a row! For the first time in the history of Beijing, a high temperature of 40 ℃ was achieved through three consecutive attacks

This round of hot weather has broken records again! According to China Weather Network, after the first consecutive two-day temperature exceeding 40 ℃ in the history of Beijing Observatory on the 23rd, at 13:51 today, the temperature at the Southern Suburb Observatory, representing the "Beijing temperature", once again exceeded 40 ℃, achieving the first "three consecutive hits" of 40 ℃ in history. At present, the high temperature red warning is still in effect. In the coming week, high temperatures in Beijing will continue, and the public needs to do a good job in heatstroke prevention and cooling to be cautious of heatstroke. At 13:51 today, the temperature at the Nanjiao Observatory, which is a representative meteorological observation station in Beijing, surged to 40 ℃, marking the first time in the station's observation history that the temperature exceeded 40 ℃ for three consecutive days. Currently, Beijing is still experiencing its third heatwave this year. It is expected that in the next two days, after a brief weakening of the high temperature intensity in Beijing, it will enter a period of high temperature again in the next week

The results of the college entrance examination have been announced one after another. Various methods have been launched in various regions to serve candidates in filling out their preferences on campus | universities | candidates
The results of the college entrance examination have been announced one after another. Various methods have been launched in various regions to serve candidates in filling out their preferences on campus | universities | candidates

CCTV News: Currently, the work of marking the college entrance examination papers in various regions has gradually ended. Starting from June 23rd, the results of the college entrance examination in various regions will be announced one after another. According to statistics, the query time for college entrance examination scores in various regions is concentrated from June 23rd to 26th. Among them, Sichuan, Inner Mongolia, Jiangxi, Shanghai and other places are expected to announce their college entrance examination results on June 23; Anhui, Shaanxi, Guangxi, Shanxi and other places are expected to announce their college entrance examination results on June 24; Beijing, Gansu, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Chongqing, Shandong, Qinghai and other places are expected to announce their college entrance examination results on June 25; Zhejiang, Xizang and other places are expected to announce their college entrance examination results on June 26. All provincial enrollment and examination institutions will release official channels for querying college entrance examination scores. Candidates and parents are advised to pay attention to relevant authoritative information. After the announcement of the scores for the college entrance examination, multiple ways of serving candidates in filling out their preferences will be provided

Crab dumplings, printed eggs, wormwood jelly... Do you know what creative dishes are available at the Dragon Boat Festival? Tongue | Su Shi | Cuisine
Crab dumplings, printed eggs, wormwood jelly... Do you know what creative dishes are available at the Dragon Boat Festival? Tongue | Su Shi | Cuisine

On the Dragon Boat Festival, there are experiences on the journey, artistic elements in poetry and painting, and the charm on the tongue. Listen to the wind in summer, Zongxiang tea, do you also know what creative food Dragon Boat Festival has? The taste of Dragon Boat Festival is always Zongzi. Sweet, salty, meat, egg yolk, red dates, bean paste... poke the video, and ponder the Dragon Boat Festival together ↓↓↓↓ The ancients actually liked to put various dried fruits into Zongzi for a long time, and the gourmet Su Shi also invented bayberry zongzi. In the "New Ode to Yutai", it is said, "Peaches are loved in wine, and waxberries are found in zongzi." Later, Su Shi borrowed this allusion and wrote in a Dragon Boat Festival post in the third year of Yuanyou, saying, "Not only did you see Lu oranges in the plate, but you also found waxberries in zongzi.". And today, some people have really made "Yangmei Zongzi" - fried juice Yangmei ice cheese Zongzi. It is said that the soft and sticky blood glutinous rice is wrapped in rich and non sweet cream cheese

Multiple regions are experiencing peak return passenger flow, and the national railway is expected to send 15.15 million passengers. Reporter | Cao Dan | Passengers
Multiple regions are experiencing peak return passenger flow, and the national railway is expected to send 15.15 million passengers. Reporter | Cao Dan | Passengers

Today is the last day of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, and many places are experiencing peak return passenger flow. In recent days, many places have experienced sustained high temperatures, and transportation departments have actively taken measures to ensure safe travel for passengers. On the last day of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, many places experienced a peak return passenger flow. To cope with the peak return passenger flow, China Railway Beijing Bureau, Wuhan Bureau, Nanchang Bureau, Nanning Bureau, and Shenyang Bureau continued to operate additional trains to ensure transportation capacity. As temperatures continue to rise in some areas and train air conditioning continues to operate, the probability of malfunctions increases. Some train air conditioning maintenance and cleaning work under the management of the Jinan and Zhengzhou Railway bureaus has also become busy, ensuring the good operation of passenger train air conditioning and providing protection for passengers to travel in a cool and refreshing manner. Li Ming, on duty director of the inspection workshop at Zhengzhou Rolling Stock Depot of China Railway Zhengzhou Bureau: Currently, the daily operation volume has reached 12 trains with over 200 vehicles

"Heartbeat Summer" Romantic Confession takes you to see the midsummer painting of the Dragon Boat Festival → Orange Tree | Qu Yuan | Painting Scroll
"Heartbeat Summer" Romantic Confession takes you to see the midsummer painting of the Dragon Boat Festival → Orange Tree | Qu Yuan | Painting Scroll

The Wudalianchi Volcano Group in Heihe City, Heilongjiang Province, is known as a natural "volcano museum" and has the most well preserved volcanic craters and micro landform relics in China. The Wudalianchi Volcano Cluster in Heihe, Heilongjiang Province: The "Natural Volcano Museum" features fourteen volcanoes scattered all over the place, towering mountain peaks with fiery vents, exquisite jet cones and disks, and a lava tunnel frozen beneath the volcano, creating a breathtaking geological spectacle. The diverse volcanoes record the evolution of the Earth and witness the brilliant galaxy spanning time. Pingyao Ancient City in Shanxi: With every brick, tile, roof, step, scenery, and pottery, Pingyao Ancient City in Shanxi has a history of over 2800 years. As soon as you enter the ancient city, it feels like walking through the long river of history. The ancient city preserves the basic style of the county town from the Ming and Qing dynasties, with a simple and classical courtyard street

Research shows that about 90% of global excess carbon emissions originate from developed countries such as the United States
Research shows that about 90% of global excess carbon emissions originate from developed countries such as the United States

The scientific community generally believes that greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide are closely related to global climate change. A recent international study shows that about 90% of global excess carbon emissions originate from developed countries such as the United States. Researchers point out that these developed countries should pay a total of $170 trillion in compensation to low-carbon emitting countries to ensure that the related goals of addressing climate change can be achieved. This study was published in the journal Nature Sustainable Development in the UK and was conducted by the University of Leeds and others. Researchers used the carbon budget estimated by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which is the upper limit of carbon dioxide emissions allowed to achieve the temperature control targets set by the Paris Agreement. Based on the population size of each country, they calculated the "fair share" of carbon budget allocated to 168 countries and compared this data with

The All Japan Fisheries Federation has submitted a petition to the government to reiterate its opposition to nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea in response | Japan | Government
The All Japan Fisheries Federation has submitted a petition to the government to reiterate its opposition to nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea in response | Japan | Government

Recently, despite strong opposition both domestically and internationally, Japan has forcibly begun testing nuclear contaminated water discharge equipment into the sea. On the 22nd, the National Federation of Fishery Associations of Japan submitted a petition to the Japanese government opposing its strong push to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea. On the afternoon of the 22nd, Yasuhisa Sakamoto, President of the National Fisheries Association of Japan, held a meeting with Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Yasumi Nishimura. Yasuhisa Sakamoto submitted a petition to Yasumi Nishimura, reiterating the stance of the All Fisheries Federation against the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant into the ocean, and calling for comprehensive measures to be taken against the damage to the image of Japan's fishing industry. Yasushin Sakamoto, President of the Japan National Fisheries Association Federation, said that the discharge of nuclear contaminated water remains a matter of life and death. If nuclear contaminated water is discharged into the sea, I hope you can take full responsibility in the future. We still oppose going without the consent of the public

Employees of American asset management giant: Russia-Ukraine conflict is a great benefit to the company's business | America | employees
Employees of American asset management giant: Russia-Ukraine conflict is a great benefit to the company's business | America | employees

Since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the United States has profited from the chaos through conflict and sanctions. According to the report on the website of today's Russian TV station on June 22, a video exposed by the US media recently showed that an employee of the US asset management giant BlackRock said that the company hoped that the Russia-Ukraine conflict would continue as long as possible, because it would be good for business. Employee of BlackRock Company: The international food market is closely related to the Ukrainian economy, and this has led to not only fluctuations in bread prices, but also fluctuations in all prices. This situation is simply wonderful, as price fluctuations create profit opportunities. Conflict is very beneficial for our business, and when things get messy, it often gets exciting. It is reported that BlackRock has significant influence in the political and economic circles of the United States, and several former employees of the company are currently working in the US government

Dragon Boat Festival Overseas | Funny Dragon Boat Race | Friendship Dragon Boat Festival | Funny
Dragon Boat Festival Overseas | Funny Dragon Boat Race | Friendship Dragon Boat Festival | Funny

Recently, the annual fun dragon boat race was held in Duisburg, Germany. This year, more than a hundred teams participated, attracting thousands of participants. The Chinese and German people fought the waves with the PaddlePaddle, exchanged views and shared friendship. CCTV reporter Ruan Jiawen: I am currently in the inner port of Duisburg, and you can see many people gathered on both sides of the Ruhr River behind me to watch the game. Let's work together to cheer and cheer for the players who are chopping waves. Interestingly, Germany first held a dragon boat race in Duisburg in 1987. Since its introduction to Germany in the late 1980s, dragon boat racing has gained increasing popularity due to its form of unity and cooperation, the spirit of hard work and sports, and the entertainment value of the masses. Since 2000, the city of Duisburg in Germany has held a grand fun dragon festival every June

Vietnam: Capturing 84 Suspects Case | Police Station | Suspects
Vietnam: Capturing 84 Suspects Case | Police Station | Suspects

According to a report released by the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security on June 24th, 84 suspects have been arrested in two police stations in Dole Province, of which 75 are under investigation for suspected involvement in terrorist attacks. It is reported that one suspect is a member of a terrorist organization headquartered in the United States, which instructed him to infiltrate Vietnam and carry out attacks. After the attack, the police seized a large number of weapons during the raid, including 23 guns, 2 grenades, 1200 bullets, and 1.2 kilograms of explosives. The Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security expressed its hope that the international community will support the Vietnamese side in investigating and "combating terrorism" during the investigation period. On the morning of June 11th, two police stations in Duole Province, Vietnam were attacked by multiple armed personnel with guns, resulting in 9 deaths and 2 injuries. Among the 9 victims, including 4

The Russian Ministry of Defense calls on soldiers to do so, and the "Wagner" headquarters building is under lockdown. Appeal | headquarters | armed | mercenaries | troops | Ministry of Defense | Prigo | Wagner
The Russian Ministry of Defense calls on soldiers to do so, and the "Wagner" headquarters building is under lockdown. Appeal | headquarters | armed | mercenaries | troops | Ministry of Defense | Prigo | Wagner

According to foreign media reports, on the 24th local time, Russian law enforcement officers have blocked the headquarters building of the Russian Wagner mercenary group located in St. Petersburg. The Russian Ministry of Defense has called on the soldiers of the Wagner Group to return to their posts and stated that "everyone's safety will be guaranteed.". According to reports, the Russian Ministry of Defense has called on the Wagner Group soldiers, saying: "You have been deceived into joining the adventurous crimes of Prigoren and participating in armed rebellion activities. Many of your comrades in several units have realized your mistakes and are requesting help to safely return to their hometowns. We have provided this assistance to all these soldiers and commanders. Please be cautious and contact the Russian Ministry of Defense or law enforcement personnel as soon as possible." The Russian Ministry of Defense also stated, "We guarantee the safety of everyone.". On the 23rd local time

Beware of "emotional heat stroke" in hot and stuffy weather | Emotion | High temperature
Beware of "emotional heat stroke" in hot and stuffy weather | Emotion | High temperature

With the continuous hot and humid weather in various parts of the country, many people have shown hidden symptoms of emotional heatstroke such as irritability, depression, and irritability. In response to this, Xu Zhaoyuan, the chief physician of Harbin First Specialized Hospital, reminded in an interview with People's Daily Online reporters that one should pay attention to self psychological regulation and beware of emotional heatstroke in consecutive hot and humid weather. Why does emotional heat stroke occur? Xu Zhaoyuan introduced that emotional heatstroke is medically known as "Summer Emotional Disorder Syndrome". When the temperature exceeds 35 degrees Celsius and the sunshine exceeds 12 hours, continuous hot and humid weather will have a significant negative impact on the emotional regulation center of the hypothalamus in the human body. At the same time, the human body sweats more in summer, and electrolyte metabolism in the body is prone to abnormalities; In addition, insufficient sleep and decreased appetite can lead to normal metabolic disorders, thereby affecting brain neural activity

Collection of over 370000 items! What does the National Museum of Nature look like? Let's take a look together → World | Natural History Museum | Collection
Collection of over 370000 items! What does the National Museum of Nature look like? Let's take a look together → World | Natural History Museum | Collection

Recently, the National Museum of Nature was unveiled in Beijing to display a harmonious and symbiotic relationship between man and nature: the restored upper Yongchuan dragon skeleton. Figure 2: Chinese Jurassic animal fossils. Picture ① and Picture ② are provided by the National Museum of Nature. Picture ③: At the National Museum of Nature's Collection Exhibition, a small audience is shooting exhibits with a small camera. Photo taken by Wei Yao ④: Exterior view of the National Museum of Nature. Photo by Lu Jinfu ⑤: Exhibition of edible plants in the "Plant World" of the National Museum of Nature. The National Museum of Nature for Tutu ⑥: The audience is watching the exhibits at the National Museum of Nature's collection exhibition. Photo taken by Peng Chen ⑦: Scenes of animal life displayed in the National Museum of Nature. The predecessor of the National Museum of Nature can be traced back to the Central Museum of Nature, which was established in 1951.

Outlook | Integration of Industry and Education to Cultivate Higher Quality Talents Career | Enterprise | Quality
Outlook | Integration of Industry and Education to Cultivate Higher Quality Talents Career | Enterprise | Quality

◇ Through the three-year empowerment and improvement action, gradually form a development pattern of coordinated integration and benign interaction between education and industry ◇ Prioritize the development of a group of emerging majors needed by industries such as advanced manufacturing, new energy, new materials, biotechnology, and artificial intelligence, accelerate the construction of a group of talents scarce majors such as nursing, health care, childcare, and home economics, transform and upgrade a group of traditional majors in fields such as metallurgy, medicine, building materials, and light textile, remove and eliminate majors with oversupply, low employment rate, and disappearance of vocational positions, encourage schools to open more scarce and market-oriented majors, etc. ◇ Support and regulate social forces to establish vocational education, promote the reform of shareholding and mixed ownership in vocational schools, and support vocational schools to unite with enterprises and research institutions. Collaborative innovation is carried out by institutions, allowing enterprises to participate in education and enjoy the benefits of capital, technology, management and other elements in accordance with the law

Xinhua full media+| 6 million Zongzi are sold annually! The changes and changes in the ancient "Zongzi Village" are known as | Xiebao Village | Zongzi
Xinhua full media+| 6 million Zongzi are sold annually! The changes and changes in the ancient "Zongzi Village" are known as | Xiebao Village | Zongzi

As the origin of sugar filled Zongzi in northern China, Nanxiebao Village, Feixiang District, Handan City, Hebei Province, is known as "Zongzi Village". The tradition of every household making Zongzi goes back more than 600 years. In recent years, through the establishment of a factory and the registration of the Zongzi trademark, the village has transformed the past family workshop production model into a unified factory production, driving more villagers to increase their income. In Nanxiebao Village, despite the acceleration of the commercialization of Zongzi industry, the villagers still get together on the Dragon Boat Festival to chat about home customs, compare the craftsmanship of making Zongzi, and feel the strong nostalgia. Today, Nanxiebao Village sells more than 6 million Zongzi every year. The small Zongzi has become the "rich zongzi" that drives the income of local farmers. Reporter: Li Yaocai, Xue Jiandong, produced by the Audio and Video Department of Xinhua News Agency

Global Connection | Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Fragrant Rio Chinese and Pakistani People Spend the Festival Glutinous Rice | Zongzi | Global
Global Connection | Dragon Boat Festival Zongzi Fragrant Rio Chinese and Pakistani People Spend the Festival Glutinous Rice | Zongzi | Global

Near the Dragon Boat Festival, residents of the San Marta community in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, lined up early in the morning to get Zongzi and food baskets. The teachers of Rio China International School patiently introduced that "Zongzi has sweet and salty tastes, and is a special food of the Dragon Boat Festival. It is wrapped with leaves and filled with glutinous rice". On the eve of the festival, the Brazilian China Zhejiang Chamber of Commerce brought more than 200 basic food baskets and more than 200 Zongzi to the residents of Santa Marta community, and shared the festive atmosphere of the traditional Chinese festival with them. Zheng Xiamao, President of the Chamber of Commerce, said: "I hope that the people of China and Pakistan can stick together like the glutinous rice in Zongzi, and the friendship will last forever." The Xinhua International Department produced the Xinhua International Communication Integration Platform

Micro video | Land Poetry Wisdom | Farmland | Micro video
Micro video | Land Poetry Wisdom | Farmland | Micro video

Land is the source of all things, the foundation of a country, and the foundation of the granary of a great nation. June 25th is the 33rd National Land Day. Let's experience the magnificent scenery of our motherland together, and appreciate the land poems written by the Chinese people with diligence and wisdom. Make the black soil darker. Jilin Province is exploring conservation tillage techniques with straw returning as the core, which can not only achieve stable and increased grain production, but also protect black soil. The new farming model has entered people's hearts, and the path for new farmers is becoming wider and wider. Reduce the whiteness of saline alkali land. In the farmland of Huanghua City, Bohai New Area, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, agricultural technicians have innovated the utilization approach of saline alkali land by "using salt to control salt and adapting salt to salt" in accordance with the direction of "managing saline alkali land to adapt crops" to "breeding saline alkali tolerant plants to adapt to saline alkali land". The once dormant land is gradually being transformed

Xinhua News Agency+| Several Northern Regions Actively Prevent and Respond to High Temperature Weather Warning during the Dragon Boat Festival Holiday | High Temperature | Weather
Xinhua News Agency+| Several Northern Regions Actively Prevent and Respond to High Temperature Weather Warning during the Dragon Boat Festival Holiday | High Temperature | Weather

During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, many northern regions experienced high temperatures. Following the upgraded release of the first high-temperature orange warning of the year at 18:00 on June 22, the Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a high-temperature orange warning on June 23. It is expected that the highest temperature in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, northern and eastern Henan will be between 37 ℃ and 39 ℃ on June 23, with some areas reaching around 40 ℃. On June 23rd, the thermometer showed that the outdoor temperature in Beijing exceeded 40 ℃. Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Muzi photographed that the Dragon Boat Festival coincides with the peak of tourism travel. While doing a good job in heatstroke prevention in popular tourist destinations, many places actively respond to the impact of high temperatures on people's livelihood, such as water supply and power supply, to ensure the smooth and orderly production and life of the people during the holiday. The continuous high temperature weather has triggered frequent warnings from various regions. Hebei Province upgraded significantly at 18:00 on the 22nd

Communication: Thank you to Chinese doctors for giving children the opportunity to intervene in normal life | Laos | Life
Communication: Thank you to Chinese doctors for giving children the opportunity to intervene in normal life | Laos | Life

On June 17th, in Luang Prabang, northern Laos, a Chinese medical team conducted free screening for congenital heart disease among local children. Xinhua News Agency, Vientiane, June 23 (Xinhua) - Thank you to Chinese doctors for giving children the opportunity to live a normal life. The Chinese medical team is carrying out a rescue operation for children with congenital heart disease in Laos. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Jianhua "Thanks to the Chinese medical team for giving her the opportunity to live like a normal child. We believe that the help of Chinese medical experts will change the fate of our daughter." Xivelai Wanafong is the mother of a 6-year-old child with congenital heart disease. Recently, Wan Nafeng's daughter received intervention treatment from the Chinese medical team and was successfully discharged from the "China Laos Congenital Heart Disease Joint Screening and Treatment" medical cooperation project. On June 17th, in Luang Prabang, northern Laos, a Chinese medical team conducted a survey on local children

The Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and the Mayor invited 8 top executives from top enterprises to chat about the top industry, automobile | enterprise | mayor after the provincial conference
The Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and the Mayor invited 8 top executives from top enterprises to chat about the top industry, automobile | enterprise | mayor after the provincial conference

After the provincial conference, although it was a holiday, the Wuhu Municipal Party Committee and Government have taken action. On June 21st, before the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, Anhui held a one-day conference to promote the construction of the new energy vehicle industry cluster in the province. On the last day of the holiday, June 24th, Wuhu, Anhui Province held the 90th Breakfast Talk with a focus on the integration of the first industry of new energy vehicles. Through practical actions, we will implement the decisions and deployments of the provincial party committee and government, and strive to contribute Wuhu's strength to building a world-class new energy vehicle industry cluster with international influence in the province. The lineup of entrepreneurs attending this breakfast event is very strong and has a profound influence in the industry: not only Chery, BYD, Jianghuai Automobile Factory, but also supply chain enterprises such as Huawei, Tianma, and Bertelli, as well as automotive aftermarket enterprises such as Kaisi and Tuhu. Worth mentioning

Breaking the local record, it's so hot that it burns your feet! The surface temperature at multiple stations in Hebei and Shandong provinces exceeds 70 ℃. Inner Mongolia | Surface | Temperature
Breaking the local record, it's so hot that it burns your feet! The surface temperature at multiple stations in Hebei and Shandong provinces exceeds 70 ℃. Inner Mongolia | Surface | Temperature

According to China Weather Network, this afternoon, the "heat" levels in Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Shandong and other areas were astonishing, with some areas experiencing surface temperatures exceeding 70 ℃. Among them, the surface temperature in Bazhou, Hebei reached as high as 72.4 ℃. At the same time, the temperature in Balin Right Banner, Inner Mongolia, Wucheng, Shandong, and Linyi exceeded 70 ℃, all breaking the highest record in local observation history. According to live monitoring, as of 14:00 today, surface temperatures in many parts of North China have exceeded 60 ℃, with the highest reaching 72.4 ℃ in Bazhou, Hebei, 71.4 ℃ in Balin Right Banner, Inner Mongolia, and 70.3 ℃ and 70.2 ℃ in Wucheng and Linyi, Shandong, respectively, breaking local observation records. In addition, Langfang, Hebei also reached 70.6 ℃, which is rare in history. As of 3:00 pm today, the surface temperature at the Beijing Observatory has also reached 66.1 ℃, exceeding 60 ℃ for three consecutive days

On the same day, it was investigated that the former mayor and former co working deputy mayor Lin Sheng | Supervisory Commission | Mayor
On the same day, it was investigated that the former mayor and former co working deputy mayor Lin Sheng | Supervisory Commission | Mayor

On June 23rd, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission was authorized to release news of two officials being investigated. According to the Xizang Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection, Guo Guo, the former secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Xizang Autonomous Region Market Supervision Administration, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and is currently under disciplinary review and supervision by the Xizang Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection. According to the Xizang Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection, Lin Sheng, a cadre at the deputy department level of the Standing Committee of the Lhasa Municipal People's Congress of the Xizang Autonomous Region, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and is currently under disciplinary review and supervision by the Xizang Autonomous Region Commission for Discipline Inspection. It is worth noting that Guoguo was the mayor of Lhasa, the capital of Xizang, and stepped down in December last year. Lin Sheng once served as the Deputy Mayor of Lhasa City. The two of them used to have a superior subordinate relationship, but now they have fallen on the same day. Guo Guo, who previously served as the mayor of Lhasa, no longer held the position at the end of last year. Public information shows that

Selling 2173 yuan per second! The confidence of Hainan's duty-free "golden signboard" | International | confidence
Selling 2173 yuan per second! The confidence of Hainan's duty-free "golden signboard" | International | confidence

During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, in the Haikou International Duty Free City, accompanied by melodious music, the sunshine poured onto the dreamy stage of the "Sky Secret Forest", and tourists who were shopping stopped to admire. "An indoor concert has added novelty and atmosphere to shopping and consumption," said Chen Lei, a resident of Haikou, immersed in the sunshine and music. This is the world's largest single duty-free shop located in Haikou City, which is a microcosm of Hainan's offshore duty-free efforts to continuously improve quality and efficiency, and achieve high-quality development. In the first quarter of 2023, Haikou Customs supervised a total of 16.9 billion yuan in duty-free shopping on outlying islands, with 2.24 million shopping passengers and 19.68 million sales of duty-free goods. Hainan Island Duty Free, as the "golden signboard" of Hainan tourism consumption, is driving consumption return and growth at a speed of "selling 2173 yuan per second", with high-quality expansion, immersive experience, and humanized clothing

Appeal against racism, "Anti Chinese Law" reflection event held in Canada for Chinese | Chinese Immigration Act | Anti Chinese
Appeal against racism, "Anti Chinese Law" reflection event held in Canada for Chinese | Chinese Immigration Act | Anti Chinese

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the implementation of the Canadian Chinese Immigration Act, also known as the Anti Chinese Law. A reflection event on the "Anti China Law" was held on the 23rd in the Canadian Senate Hall, calling for practical action against racism. Canadian Governor Mary Simon was invited to attend the event and, together with over 200 Chinese representatives from all over Canada, reviewed Canada's shameful history. Simon said in his speech, "100 years ago, a law based on discrimination and intolerance came into effect. We gather today to acknowledge the harm it has caused to families, communities, and our country." One of the initiators of the event, Senator Hu Yuanbao, expressed sadness over what happened 100 years ago. He said that the Chinese community has suffered a lot due to the "anti Chinese laws". In the late 19th century, the Great

Putin's speech: "Rebel organizers betrayed Russia", Wagner founder Prigoren is criminally prosecuted | Wagner | Putin
Putin's speech: "Rebel organizers betrayed Russia", Wagner founder Prigoren is criminally prosecuted | Wagner | Putin

The Russian National Counter Terrorism Committee announced on the 24th that a counter-terrorism action system will be implemented in Moscow and other places. Earlier that day, the Russian Federal Security Agency stated that its founder, Prigor, had been criminally prosecuted for allegedly inciting armed rebellion by the Russian private military entity Wagner. The Russian National Counter Terrorism Committee has issued a statement stating that in order to prevent possible terrorist acts in Moscow City, Moscow Oblast, and Voronezh Oblast, a counter-terrorism action system will be introduced in these areas. According to relevant laws and regulations, during the implementation of the anti-terrorism action system, several special measures and restrictions are allowed, including strengthening the maintenance of public order, suspending dangerous industries, and restricting communication, vehicles, and pedestrians. On the 24th, the Russian Federal Security Agency issued a statement confirming that a criminal case has been filed against the founder of the Wagner organization, Prigorn, and calling for fighting in Wagner