The world

The Chengdu Universiade Torch Relay celebrates its final relay day today. University | Chengdu | Event
The Chengdu Universiade Torch Relay celebrates its final relay day today. University | Chengdu | Event

The 31st Chengdu Summer Universiade will be held from July 28th to August 8th. After the torch relay started on June 10th, it has completed the university relay in five cities: Beijing, Harbin, Shenzhen, Chongqing, and Yibin. Four relay events were held in Chengdu on July 2nd, 8th, 14th, and 20th, respectively. Today, the torch relay marks its final day of relay activities, which will take place at the Jiuli Campus of Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu University of Technology, and Chengdu University. Finally, the closing ceremony will be held at the Dong'an Lake Sports Park, where the main venue of the event is located. CCTV reporter Huang Li: The Jiuli Campus of Southwest Jiaotong University is the first stop of today's torch relay. At the scene, the first torchbearer, Tang Rongjie, an outstanding student representative of Southwest Jiaotong University, received the lit torch and began the final relay

AIGC: Rare "Treasures" cheer for the Chengdu Universiade | Youth and Vitality | Universiade
AIGC: Rare "Treasures" cheer for the Chengdu Universiade | Youth and Vitality | Universiade

The Chengdu Universiade is about to open, and Sichuan's rare "treasures" are moving and practicing to cheer for athletes. With the help of the spotlight of the Universiade, young people from all over the world have the opportunity to experience the rich and three-dimensional Sichuan. Sichuan is a place full of youthful vitality and harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. Wishing all the athletes of the delegation to enjoy the competition in Sichuan and make an appointment to go to youth together. Creator: Zhu Yinan, Li Jie, General Vision: Xia Yong, AIGC: Hu Xinyi, Wang Xinyi, Calligraphy: Li Muma, Dubbing: Yin Heng, Li Linxin, Huo Siying, Meng Dingbo, Wang Yun, Duan Minfu, Feng Wanqing, Jiang Kehan, Xin Yong, Materials provided by: Chengdu Daxin Produced by Xinhua News Agency, AIGC Application Innovation Studio, Audio and Video Department, Executive Committee of the Games

How strong is Typhoon "Dussuri"?, The scope of influence is approaching North China!
How strong is Typhoon "Dussuri"?, The scope of influence is approaching North China!

The 5th typhoon of this year, Dussuri, is gradually approaching China. According to the meteorological department's forecast, the typhoon has a large impact range and strong intensity, and its impact area can reach as far north as North China. How strong is "Du Suri"? How will it affect our country? On the 26th, experts from the China Meteorological Administration interpreted this. On the 28th, Typhoon Du Suri made landfall along the southeast coast. According to meteorological monitoring, the center of Typhoon Du Suri, the 5th typhoon of this year, was located at 2:00 pm on the southern sea surface of the Bashi Strait, about 290 kilometers south of E Luan Bi in Taiwan Province, China. The maximum wind force near the center was 16. "Du Suri" will move towards the northwest direction at a speed of 10-15 kilometers per hour, with little change in intensity. It will move into the northeast of the South China Sea from the night of the 26th to the morning of the 27th, and then gradually move towards the coastal areas of Fuqing, Fujian to Huilai, Guangdong

The United States is increasingly reliant on Chinese drugs and urgently imports unapproved anti-cancer drugs from China | pharmaceuticals | the United States
The United States is increasingly reliant on Chinese drugs and urgently imports unapproved anti-cancer drugs from China | pharmaceuticals | the United States

According to the Nihon Keizai Shimbun on July 24, under the background of the confrontation between the United States and China, the dependence of the United States on Chinese medicine has increased. The report states that the demand for Chinese made pharmaceuticals in the United States has surged. Emergency imports of unapproved anti-cancer drugs continue to emerge, mostly drugs that directly affect the lives of patients. The value of pharmaceutical products imported from China by the United States in 2022 has increased several times from the previous year. The Director of the US Food and Drug Administration, Robert Kaliff, tweeted in June that the import of foreign made anticancer drug "cisplatin" is temporarily allowed. The United States will urgently import this unapproved drug from China's Qilu Pharmaceutical Company. The FDA announced this month that it will allow Qilu Pharmaceutical Company to add cisplatin exports to the United States. An FDA spokesperson explained, "Approved pharmaceutical companies are able to produce products that meet all requirements."

Wang Yi Talks with Foreign Minister Ferdinand of Türkiye on Strategy | Cooperation | Foreign Minister
Wang Yi Talks with Foreign Minister Ferdinand of Türkiye on Strategy | Cooperation | Foreign Minister

On July 26, 2023 local time, Wang Yi, Director of the Central Foreign Office, held talks with Foreign Minister Feidan of Türkiye in Ankara. Wang Yi stated that both China and Turkey are representatives of emerging market countries and major developing countries, possessing broad common interests and enormous potential for cooperation. China supports Türkiye to follow a development path that is in line with its own national conditions, to safeguard its national independence, sovereignty and legitimate rights and interests, to play a more important role in the regional and international arena, and to oppose any interference in Turkey's internal affairs. China is willing to work with the new government of Turkey to enhance strategic mutual trust, strengthen strategic coordination, deepen cooperation in various fields, firmly support each other in safeguarding core interests and national security and stability, promote more fruitful results in the strategic cooperation between China and Turkey, and open up new prospects and inject new impetus into the development of bilateral relations. Wang Yi said that both sides

Harvard University admission rules under investigation, suspected of racial discrimination against white people | relationship | investigation
Harvard University admission rules under investigation, suspected of racial discrimination against white people | relationship | investigation

The Civil Rights Office of the US Department of Education is investigating whether Harvard University has racial discrimination in its admissions process, favoring applicants who have connections with donors and alumni. On July 25th, three civil rights groups, including the Boston Civil Rights Lawyers Committee on Harvard University Campus, held a press conference on the federal government's investigation. According to a report launched by these groups on the 3rd of this month, nearly 70% of admission applicants who have a "heritage relationship" or a relationship with donors to Harvard University's undergraduate program are white, and their chances of being admitted are six or seven times higher than those of regular applicants. This means that children of white alumni or donors are more likely to be admitted to Harvard. These data are calculated based on admission data from Harvard University. The US Supreme Court ruled in June that Harvard University and the University of North Carolina were accused of intentionally discriminating against Asian students due to racial considerations

The United States is anxious ......, China wins sincerity in South Pacific island last year | country | strategy | region | PNG | US | visit | China | South Pacific | island country
The United States is anxious ......, China wins sincerity in South Pacific island last year | country | strategy | region | PNG | US | visit | China | South Pacific | island country

In recent days, South Pacific countries have welcomed two senior officials, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Defense Minister Austin, to visit one after another, which is unusual. Antony Blinken's visit is another visit to the South Pacific island countries since May, while Austin's visit is the first visit to Papua New Guinea by the incumbent US defense minister, which shows that the US attaches importance to this region.The Washington Post reported that the Biden administration's efforts to confront China in this region will reach new heights. The US State Department has repeatedly stated concerns about the hasty and opaque agreements reached between South Pacific island countries and China, revealing concerns about making friends with China. Why did the South Pacific suddenly become a

Former NATO Senior Officer: NATO Countries Using Ukraine Crisis to Handle Outdated Weapon Countries | NATO | Ukraine
Former NATO Senior Officer: NATO Countries Using Ukraine Crisis to Handle Outdated Weapon Countries | NATO | Ukraine

Former senior NATO officer Pierre Onro recently stated in an interview with Russian satellite news agency that since the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis, NATO countries have been supplying weapons to Ukraine, most of which are outdated weapons and retired equipment that have been sealed for decades, in order to replace their own military with a new generation of equipment. In addition, the weapons, equipment, and ammunition provided to Ukraine by different NATO countries are often incompatible. Pierre Onro believes that NATO countries are like using the Ukraine crisis to deal with outdated weapons. Since the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis, NATO countries have continued to stir up tensions and have provided military support such as weapons and equipment to Ukraine on multiple occasions. Russia has previously sent a note to NATO countries regarding the issue of supplying weapons to Ukraine.

Russia: has repeatedly warned, with the US claiming that Russian fighter jets are attacking US drones over Syria. US | Syria | Warning
Russia: has repeatedly warned, with the US claiming that Russian fighter jets are attacking US drones over Syria. US | Syria | Warning

On the 25th local time, the US military issued a statement stating that a Russian fighter jet hit a US drone with a flare over Syria on the 23rd, causing damage to the drone's propeller. On the 26th local time, Russian media reported that the Russian mediation center for all parties involved in the conflict in Syria has issued multiple warnings, stating that the US military has engaged in provocative behavior over Syria. Since 2014, the United States has been stationed in northeastern Syria and other areas under the pretext of assisting in combating extremist organizations without the permission of the Syrian government; At the same time, using the pretext of cracking down on armed groups associated with Iran, airstrikes were carried out on targets within Syria. The Syrian government accuses the US military of violating Syrian sovereignty, illegally occupying Syrian territory, frequently stealing Syrian oil, and seizing food.

Revocation of Performance License, Yunnan Announces "Brave Man Restaurant" for Unscrupulous Performance: Fines of 100000 yuan Market | Culture | Fines
Revocation of Performance License, Yunnan Announces "Brave Man Restaurant" for Unscrupulous Performance: Fines of 100000 yuan Market | Culture | Fines

On July 26th, the official WeChat account of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism announced that the Comprehensive Law Enforcement Supervision Bureau of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism reported that after investigation, the content of the commercial performance activities held in the Jinghong Taigu Taigu Thai Restaurant was harmful to social morality and the excellent cultural traditions of the ethnic group. Its behavior has violated Article 25 (1) of the Regulations on the Management of Commercial Performances, and the illegal facts are clear and the evidence is indeed sufficient. The Cultural and Tourism Bureau of Xishuangbanna Prefecture plans to impose an administrative penalty on the restaurant, including ordering it to stop performing, confiscating illegal gains of 10664 yuan, and imposing a fine of 106640 yuan ten times the illegal gains, as well as revoking its Business Performance License. According to, from July 17th to 21st, under the supervision of the Cultural Market Comprehensive Law Enforcement Supervision Bureau of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism comprehensively implemented the law

BRICS has become a "key platform" to solve global security issues. BRICS countries and the world
BRICS has become a "key platform" to solve global security issues. BRICS countries and the world

According to Latin American News Agency on July 25, South Africa's President's Office Minister Kunbuzo Entsavini said on July 25 that South Africa regards the BRICS countries as important strategic partners, and through partnership with the BRICS countries, a just, peaceful and more equitable world order can be achieved. At the BRICS High Representative Conference on Security Affairs held in Johannesburg, Entshaveni emphasized that as an African country, South Africa firmly believes in the need to promote peace and sustainable development. She said that South Africa remains firmly committed to multilateral diplomacy in principle and visible actions, especially through close cooperation within the BRICS cooperation mechanism. Entshaveni also emphasized that many countries still face various challenges to national security and sovereignty. Meanwhile, she warned that it is currently important and influential

Everywhere they feel unsafe, according to a survey by Worldview, most young people in the United States lack a sense of security due to gun issues: except for insecurity at home | young people | the United States
Everywhere they feel unsafe, according to a survey by Worldview, most young people in the United States lack a sense of security due to gun issues: except for insecurity at home | young people | the United States

On July 26th, China Daily reported that the number of deaths caused by gun violence in the United States has exceeded 24000 so far this year, with over 1000 deaths under the age of 18. A survey shows that most young Americans feel unsafe due to gun issues. According to a report on the PBS News Hour website, screenshots advocating for gun control organizations to "bring gun safety to every town", the Southern Poverty Law Center in the United States, and the Polarization and Extremism Research and Innovation Laboratory at American universities jointly released a survey involving over 4100 Americans aged 14 to 30. The results showed that 80% of people stated that gun violence is a major problem in the United States, and the majority supported the implementation of more measures

The United States is engaged in intellectual property monopoly, the truth | in the name of intellectual property protection Brazil | drugs | the United States
The United States is engaged in intellectual property monopoly, the truth | in the name of intellectual property protection Brazil | drugs | the United States

In recent times, the United States has once again smeared and slandered China through intellectual property issues. However, in fact, the United States, which is prone to pointing fingers at other countries, not only has a long history in intellectual property protection, but also weaponizes intellectual property, often using methods such as long arm jurisdiction and high tariffs to suppress other countries. Brazil is one of the victims. In the name of intellectual property protection, the United States is engaged in intellectual property monopoly. According to the Washington Post in 1988, in October, then US President Reagan ordered a 100% tariff on $39 million worth of goods from Brazil in retaliation for "unfair trade practices" against American companies. According to a report released by Oxfam International in 2001, on June 11, 1987, the American Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association submitted a report to the Office of the United States Trade Representative

The American standard can rotate 360 °! A new book by American journalists reveals how the United States conceals the human losses caused by its military machinery. Cluster bombs | war | United States
The American standard can rotate 360 °! A new book by American journalists reveals how the United States conceals the human losses caused by its military machinery. Cluster bombs | war | United States

China Daily, July 26 (Xinhua) - According to foreign media reports, American progressive media critic Norman Solomon revealed in his new book "Invisible War: How the United States Hides the Human Losses Caused by Its Military Machine" how the United States has built a spiritual wall between the American people and the victims of its foreign policy, and how the reality of war violence in the United States is being masked. Solomon wrote in the introduction of his new book, "The convenient mode of silence and deceptive information transmission, like the bombs and missiles of the Pentagon, is necessary for permanent war. This mode is so familiar that it appears normal, even natural. To initiate a more democratic process, the fog must be dispelled, as it obscures militarism, which is far and near in the eyes."

Shortening the Distance and Boosting the Economy - Chinese Enterprises Undertake the Construction of the Pereshaz Bridge in Croatia for the First Anniversary of Its Opening, Highlighting the Livelihood Benefits of China | Bridge | Shaz
Shortening the Distance and Boosting the Economy - Chinese Enterprises Undertake the Construction of the Pereshaz Bridge in Croatia for the First Anniversary of Its Opening, Highlighting the Livelihood Benefits of China | Bridge | Shaz

Komarna, Croatia, July 26 (Xinhua) - Shortening the Distance and Boosting the Economy - The First Anniversary of the Construction of the Perez á c Bridge in Croatia by Chinese Enterprises Highlights the Livelihood Benefits of Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xuejun. The Perez á c Bridge in Croatia, led by a Chinese enterprise consortium led by China Road and Bridge Corporation, celebrated its first anniversary of opening on July 26. Over the past year, the bridge has greatly shortened travel time to southern Croatia, promoting the development of local tourism, transportation, logistics and other industries, and bringing tangible benefits to the local people. "Thank you to the Chinese builders for building us the beautiful and spectacular Perez Bridge, which provided me and my colleagues with the opportunity to work on the bridge project," said diver Niksha Kaleb in a recent interview with Xinhua News Agency. This is a photo taken of Pere in Komarna, Croatia

Overseas online review: The United States is under the guise of "political violence, the United States". Violence | Politics | Titles
Overseas online review: The United States is under the guise of "political violence, the United States". Violence | Politics | Titles

The issue of political violence in the United States is escalating. The Guardian cited the latest poll on July 25th, stating that an increasing number of Americans support the use of violence to resolve political differences. The escalating threat of violence is another testament to the dysfunctional functioning of American democracy and the increasing polarization and fragmentation of American society. More and more voters are becoming more supportive of political violence, which is undermining the foundation of American democracy. This June poll shows that an increasing number of supporters from both parties have expressed that it is reasonable to resort to violent means in order to achieve the political issues they support. A survey shows that 16% of Democrats support the use of violent means to restore federal abortion rights, which is about twice the rate from six months ago; Meanwhile, 18 million people support using violent means to bring former President Trump back to the White House, compared to the same poll in April

American media article: The United States' enthusiasm for sanctions will lead to its own collapse. Sanctions | Country | United States
American media article: The United States' enthusiasm for sanctions will lead to its own collapse. Sanctions | Country | United States

On July 26th, the website of Foreign Policy magazine published an article by columnist Christopher Sabatini titled "The United States' Enthusiasm towards Sanctions Will Lead to Its Collapse", reminding the US government that indiscriminate sanctions on the international stage will destroy itself. The article introduces that in the past two decades, sanctions have become the preferred foreign policy tool for Western countries, led by the United States. According to a report from the US Treasury Department, by 2021, the US has imposed sanctions on over 9000 individuals, companies, and sectors in target economies, with countries subject to some form of US sanctions accounting for more than one-fifth of global GDP. US sanctions often have the opposite effect, or are fundamentally ineffective, and instead encourage restricted countries to approach each other, eroding the desire of Western countries to maintain stability

Leading to frequent shooting incidents in other countries and record breaking gun exports, [Perspective] US media: US government aiding in bullying the US | Firearms | Exports
Leading to frequent shooting incidents in other countries and record breaking gun exports, [Perspective] US media: US government aiding in bullying the US | Firearms | Exports

On July 26th, China Daily reported that in recent years, the number of semi-automatic pistols and rifles exported by American gun manufacturers overseas has been increasing. With the help of the US government, international sales of rapid fire weapons have reached record levels. After the expiration of the offensive weapons ban in 2004, the US business and political circles joined forces to expand the overseas sales market of weapons. Since gun manufacturers won a decade long struggle to simplify export approvals in 2020, this situation has reached a new height. Semiautomatic firearms made in the United States continue to flow into some countries, from Canada, which has relatively strict regulations, to Guatemala, where firearms often enter the hands of criminals. Although the large-scale shootings in the United States have shocked the world, the gun crime rates in many importing countries have also

This "shrimp" is a bit magical. East West Question · Sino foreign Dialogue | Foreigners Falling in Love with Chinese Ink Painting Brush | China | Ink Painting
This "shrimp" is a bit magical. East West Question · Sino foreign Dialogue | Foreigners Falling in Love with Chinese Ink Painting Brush | China | Ink Painting

When it comes to Mr. Qi Baishi's shrimp, many people are familiar with it. As a representative of Chinese ink painting, the painting "Ink Shrimp" uses only a few strokes to make the lively and lively image of the shrimp appear on paper, making it unforgettable. Today, with the deepening of cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, Chinese traditional painting has also gone abroad, gaining recognition and love from a group of foreigners, and constantly expanding its connotation through cultural collisions. How is the dissemination of traditional Chinese painting overseas? What opportunities and bottlenecks have you encountered? How can the spirit of traditional Chinese painting survive and develop in the new era? Regarding the above issues, China News Agency invited Wu Hongliang, Dean of Beijing Academy of Painting, and Cui Changyuan, Director of the Institute of Chinese Culture and Art at Qingyun University in South Korea and President of the Korean Chinese Language and Literature Research Association, to observe and engage in dialogue through the paintings of Chinese painting master Qi Baishi.

China Laos railway passenger customs clearance speed increased by one-third Laos | passenger train | passenger
China Laos railway passenger customs clearance speed increased by one-third Laos | passenger train | passenger

Passengers taking the China Laos Railway International Passenger Train line up at Mohan Frontier Inspection Hall. Photographed by Wei Hailin on People's Daily News Since July 25, the China Laos Railway has implemented a new train diagram. The customs clearance time of passengers at a single port has been reduced from 3 hours to about 2 hours now, which is 1 hour faster than before, and the customs clearance speed has increased by nearly 1/3. It is reported that since the international passenger train of the China Laos Railway opened on April 13, 2023, passengers have carried out two inspections in Mohan, China and Boten, Laos, and it takes 1.5 hours for outbound and inbound customs clearance. In order to effectively carry out the work of accelerating port clearance and comprehensively improve the level of port clearance facilitation, the Mohan Entry Exit Border Inspection Station in Yunnan Province actively contacts with port departments such as railways and customs, and formulates a work plan in advance to respond to the acceleration of port clearance

African American victims of racism and hate crimes in the United States: the judicial system has let us down! White people | America | racism
African American victims of racism and hate crimes in the United States: the judicial system has let us down! White people | America | racism

On July 25th, China Daily reported that around 2:30 pm local time on July 4th, a white American man named Sean Thompson killed 42 year old African American man Jon Ron with a knife in Kansas City. Witnesses have stated that the suspect Sean Tomkin has repeatedly made racist remarks. The authorities also stated that Tang Jin used a tone full of hatred and racist motives towards Ron. The police said that when the suspect Sean Thompson was found, his clothes were covered in blood and he was holding a folding knife with the American flag on the handle. According to reports, tests have found blood stains on the blade as well. However, according to local media reports, the white suspect was not charged with murder, but rather a minor offense of disturbing public order, with the highest possible charge being

Why did the United States attack China's earthquake monitoring center? Monitoring Center | Earthquake | United States
Why did the United States attack China's earthquake monitoring center? Monitoring Center | Earthquake | United States

This morning, Tan Zhu noticed an unusual news: the Jianghan Branch of Wuhan Public Security Bureau in Hubei Province issued a police report stating that some network devices of the Earthquake Monitoring Center of Wuhan Emergency Management Bureau have been implanted with Trojan viruses. It is preliminarily determined that this incident is a network attack initiated by foreign hacker organizations and criminals with government backgrounds. I believe many people, like Tan Zhu, have some doubts when they see this news. Isn't a lot of earthquake data publicly available? Why do foreign hacker organizations and criminals attack an earthquake monitoring center? Where do they come from? Tan Zhu contacted the Wuhan Emergency Management Bureau, who stated that the National Computer Virus Emergency Response Center and 360 Company have conducted traceability analysis on the Trojan virus. We learned from these two institutions that this overseas hacker organization is from the United States. also

Xinhua Perspective | Visiting Chengdu Universiade Competition Venues Sports Games | Swimming | Universiade
Xinhua Perspective | Visiting Chengdu Universiade Competition Venues Sports Games | Swimming | Universiade

The 31st Summer Universiade will be held in Chengdu, Sichuan from July 28th to August 8th. On the banks of Dong'an Lake in Longquanyi District, the main stadium of Dong'an Lake Sports Park, shaped like a silver UFO, is the main venue for the opening ceremony of the Universiade and has become another landmark of Chengdu. The total construction area of the entire Dong'an Lake Sports Park is about 320000 square meters, consisting of four individual buildings: the main sports stadium, multifunctional sports hall, swimming and diving hall, and small ball court. It will undertake the opening ceremony of the Chengdu University Games and events such as gymnastics and swimming. The multifunctional gymnasium of Dong'an Lake Sports Park is mainly used for gymnastics competitions and warm-up during the Universiade, and can accommodate 18000 spectators. It is reported that there is an "ice basket conversion" system here, which can convert from an ice hockey court to a basketball court within 4 to 6 hours, and can host multiple sports events

China will be completed in three days, East West Question · Sino foreign Dialogue | What Europe Needs in Three Months | City | China | Need
China will be completed in three days, East West Question · Sino foreign Dialogue | What Europe Needs in Three Months | City | China | Need

In recent years, from Chongqing, known as the "8D magical" city, to Changsha, where there are many popular online cuisines, and to Zibo, where barbecue fans are popular, more and more cities in China have quickly become popular with their own characteristics, and even "gained popularity overseas", becoming a new channel for foreigners to understand China. Where does the vitality and infectiousness of Chinese cities come from? What are the opportunities and challenges for the construction of youth culture in Chinese cities? How can urban culture be "exported"? Recently, a Dutch young sinologist and editorial consultant for Beijing Weekly, Pan Jisha, and Liu Jianghong, Vice Dean and Doctoral Director of the School of Cultural Industry Management at Communication University of China, visited China News Agency's "East West Question: Sino Foreign Dialogue" to engage in a dialogue on related topics. Pan Jisha stated that the development and changes of urban youth culture in China are actually the growth story of the entire country: with rapid economic development, the middle-income group has increased

The foreign media checked in and praised the Chengdu Universiade sports stadium for its perfect environment and construction! Sports Games | Food | Chengdu
The foreign media checked in and praised the Chengdu Universiade sports stadium for its perfect environment and construction! Sports Games | Food | Chengdu

On July 26th, China Daily reported that the 31st World University Summer Games will be held in Chengdu on July 28th. Foreign media members talked about their feelings after checking in to the Universiade sports venues and experiencing life in Chengdu. British video blogger Tobias Orlando Robert Symonds lives in Chengdu, Sichuan. He said he lives in the city center and it's his first time visiting the Universiade Sports Stadium. Seeing many new houses here that are well built makes him feel that Chengdu is a big city, and the Universiade is also a big project, which makes him look forward to it very much. Tobias also stated that the Universiade is a major platform for showcasing Chengdu and deserves global attention. American host Elyse Ribbons said she is looking forward to seeing the Universiade as soon as possible

Joyful Chengdu, Joyful Tianfu Source | Materials | Chengdu
Joyful Chengdu, Joyful Tianfu Source | Materials | Chengdu

The ancient Shu civilization, the Milky Way, the brilliant sun, the divine birds spread their wings, the clouds, the golden officials, and the red walls. The hibiscus flowers bloom in the tea house and thatched cottage, and children bloom with smiling faces in search of three or two friends. In the midst of the pot, they taste the smoke and fire of the market and find a cup of fragrant tea. In their leisure time, they savor the vicissitudes of history, optimism, tolerance, and nurture the eternal cultural heritage of Tianfu. They help Chengdu's innovative development. Entering this city, they sincerely marvel at the "Ba Shi De Ban". Meeting with the Universiade to achieve their dreams and contribute to the future. Executive Director: Ma Xiaoyan, Director: Shen Haoyang, Director: Chen Haoyang, Editing: Chen Ying, Copywriting: Ma Xiaoyan, Camera: Chen Juwei, Huang Juwei. Reporter from Yaochuan: Yang Changguluwa, Yang Cesar, Marinorus, and Sichuan Branch of Xinhua News Agency jointly produce some materials for Xinhua News Agency's international communication integration platform

Early Reading | Giant Panda's Dream Comes True: Thunderstorm Returns to China | France | Giant Panda
Early Reading | Giant Panda's Dream Comes True: Thunderstorm Returns to China | France | Giant Panda

Good morning The morning reading of the news is here! On Thursday, July 27, 2023, the tenth day of the sixth lunar month in Shanghai, it was cloudy to partly cloudy with occasional showers or thunderstorms, with temperatures ranging from 27 to 31 ℃. Today, I will pay attention to the day when the giant panda "Dream" returned to China. "I will always remember the night it was born, and Rudolf called me every 5 minutes... that was a big day." Unable to hide her reluctance, French President's wife Brigitte Macron made a special trip to Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport to bid farewell to the giant panda "Dream" that departed for China on the same day. ". "Yuanmeng" is the first giant panda born in France, and Brigitte is its "godmother". On the occasion of bidding farewell, she recalled to Xinhua News Agency reporters the scene of "realizing her dream" being born in 2017 at the Bovalle Wildlife Park in San Ain í on, expressing a sense of farewell, and at the same time“

Qi has been detained and banned!, Malicious spreading of rumors has caused great anger among netizens. Rumors | Online | Anger
Qi has been detained and banned!, Malicious spreading of rumors has caused great anger among netizens. Rumors | Online | Anger

The Chengdu Internet Police lawfully investigated and dealt with the case of "Wuhan elementary school students being crushed to death and their mother receiving 2.6 million yuan" online rumors. In order to deepen the special action to crack down on online rumors and create a harmonious and clear online public opinion environment, the Chengdu Internet Security Department recently launched a heavy attack, closely monitoring various online rumors that are highly concerned by the public and affect social peace, and lawfully disposing of a case of fabricating and spreading online rumors, continuously and effectively purifying the online environment. 1. Unfortunately, on May 23, 2023, a primary school student in Wuhan, Hubei Province was knocked down and ran over again on campus, causing widespread attention. On June 2nd, the mother of the deceased was suspected to have committed suicide by jumping off a building after being hit by an internet riot, and the incident once again became a focus of attention among netizens. 2. After the rumor sparked public anger, some netizens reported that a netizen with an IP address in Sichuan had repeatedly posted on the deceased's mother's network

Russian Communist Party: Suggest changing the outbreak time of World War II to "July 7, 1937" militarism | Japan | Time
Russian Communist Party: Suggest changing the outbreak time of World War II to "July 7, 1937" militarism | Japan | Time

According to a report by Russian news agency, Dmitry Novikov, a member of the Russian State Duma, stated on July 26 that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation suggested changing the date of the outbreak of World War II to July 7, 1937, which is the date when the Japanese militarist authorities launched a full-scale war of aggression against China. Novikov told reporters, "There is one important issue regarding the work of writing a new version of history textbooks... which we believe is to discuss with the historical community about the time frame of World War II." Novikov said that the Russian Communist Party suggested changing the start date of World War II from September 1, 1939, when Germany began attacking Poland, to the day when the Japanese militarist authorities launched a full-scale invasion of China, which was July 7, 1937. According to reports, June 24th

Four cadres are appointed as members of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee | University | Anhui Provincial Party Committee
Four cadres are appointed as members of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee | University | Anhui Provincial Party Committee

According to the Anhui Daily, the fifth plenary meeting of the 11th CPC Anhui Provincial Committee was held in Hefei on July 26. The plenary session approved the decision to approve the resignation of Liu Li and five other comrades from their positions as members of the Provincial Party Committee, and the resignation of Chen Shiyi as alternate members of the Provincial Party Committee. It was decided to appoint Pat Qingling, Feng Kejin, Liu Tongzhu, and Yan Chen as members of the Provincial Party Committee. According to public information, Ding Qingling, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Anhui Port and Shipping Group, male, Han ethnicity, born in February 1966 in Anqing, Anhui, started working in November 1983 and joined the Party in December 1991 with a university degree. Feng Kejin, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Department of Economy and Information Technology of Anhui Province, male, Han ethnicity, born in October 1967 in Jinzhai, Anhui Province, started working in July 1985, 198