The world

Russia says it is investigating whether Western intelligence agencies are involved in the Wagner incident
Russia says it is investigating whether Western intelligence agencies are involved in the Wagner incident

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov stated in an interview with "Russia Today" television on the 26th that Russia is investigating whether Western intelligence agencies are involved in the Wagner incident. Lavrov stated that he is aware of how Western media reports on what has happened in Russia. He pointed out that the US media had previously reported that the US intelligence agency had been aware of the impending rebellion a few days ago, but had decided not to tell anyone, "clearly hoping that the rebellion would succeed.". Lavrov also said that the US Ambassador to Russia, Lynn Tracy, has informed the Russian side that this incident is Russia's internal affair and the US has nothing to do with the rebellion. Lavrov stated that the Russian side is investigating whether Western intelligence agencies are involved in this incident. US President Biden said in a speech at the White House on the 26th that the United States and its allies have not participated in recent events

Appoint 5 deputy directors of the Public Security Department from two provinces! Appointment and dismissal | Website | Director
Appoint 5 deputy directors of the Public Security Department from two provinces! Appointment and dismissal | Website | Director

Jiangsu and Heilongjiang provinces have recently appointed multiple deputy directors of the Public Security Department. This morning, the official website of the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government announced that Jiangsu has recently appointed and dismissed 15 department level cadres. Three of them were appointed as the Deputy Director of the Provincial Public Security Department. Appoint Chen An as the Deputy Director of the Provincial Public Security Department. Chen An, male, Han nationality, born in Sheyang, Jiangsu Province in February 1974, has a university degree. He joined the CPC in May 1996 and started working in August 1996. He is currently a member of the Party Committee and director of the Political Department of the Public Security Department of Jiangsu Province. Appoint Chen Honggan as the Deputy Director of the Provincial Public Security Department. Chen Honggan, male, Han ethnicity, born in December 1973, holds a university degree and is a member of the Communist Party of China. Current Deputy Director and Party Committee Member of Jiangsu Provincial Public Security Department, Deputy Mayor and Party Group Member of Lianyungang Municipal Government, Director and Party Secretary of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Appoint Takamatsu as the province

On the Path of Great Power Diplomacy from the Perspective of "Integrity and Harmony"
On the Path of Great Power Diplomacy from the Perspective of "Integrity and Harmony"

Entering "A Journey to China's Wisdom", following the ancient Chinese saying, let's embark on a journey of exploring traditional culture and national spirit together.

Promoting integrity and maintaining political integrity (Golden Taiwan Tide) Effectiveness | Education | Politics
Promoting integrity and maintaining political integrity (Golden Taiwan Tide) Effectiveness | Education | Politics

Carrying out centralized learning and education throughout the party is an important way for our party to promote self revolution, and it is also an important experience. Solving prominent problems in party conduct is the essence of the topic. Party members and cadres should closely adhere to the goals and requirements of thematic education, consciously use the Party's innovative theory to transform the subjective world, strengthen Party spirit cultivation, cultivate new customs and righteousness, always maintain the political integrity of Communist Party members, and make "iron smiths" become "iron smiths". From the innovative theory of the Party

Making Green the Background of Beautiful Countryside (Live Comment) Secretary | Development | Background
Making Green the Background of Beautiful Countryside (Live Comment) Secretary | Development | Background

The project of "demonstration of thousands of villages and renovation of thousands of villages" was a major decision personally planned, deployed, and promoted by Comrade Xi Jinping, then secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial CPC Committee. Over the years, Zhejiang has insisted on drawing a blueprint to the end, creating thousands of beautiful villages and benefiting thousands of farmers. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the "Ten Thousand Thousand Project". This edition has launched a series of reviews, focusing on relevant experiences and practices, to provide reference and gather strength for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization and building a beautiful China. -If the editor attaches importance to ecology, he can get the gift of nature. To promote green development, in the final analysis, it is necessary to mobilize the enthusiasm of the villagers. Lin Zhiyuan, a returning youth, is busy doing business in the teahouse beside the road on the two mountain greenway in Jingcun Village, Tianhuangping Town, Anji County, Zhejiang Province. By the river in front of the door, the guests are catching crabs with their children. When we were kids, we were all there.

Gathering stronger forces to comprehensively promote rural revitalization (targeted) Agriculture | General Secretary | Rural
Gathering stronger forces to comprehensively promote rural revitalization (targeted) Agriculture | General Secretary | Rural

The nation must be revitalized, and the countryside must be revitalized. To comprehensively build a socialist modernized country and achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, the most arduous and arduous task still lies in the countryside, and the most extensive and profound foundation still lies in the countryside.The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has made strategic arrangements for comprehensively promoting rural revitalization.Establish a sound system and mechanism for integrated urban-rural development.

The Philosophical Wisdom Reflected in the "Million Project" in Rural Areas | Project | Wisdom
The Philosophical Wisdom Reflected in the "Million Project" in Rural Areas | Project | Wisdom

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the "Ten Million Project". Over the past 20 years, rural areas in Zhejiang Province have achieved significant improvements in their living environment and undergone historic changes in their rural landscape. Looking back at the implementation process over the past 20 years, the "Ten Million Project" has not only built a number of beautiful rural areas, but also become another "Zhejiang experience" that has been promoted nationwide. Digging deep into the profound philosophical wisdom contained in the "Ten Million Project" is of great significance for promoting the "Zhejiang Model" of rural revitalization and doing a good job in practical work in reform and development. Seeking truth from facts, starting from reality, linking theory with practice, seeking truth from facts, and testing in practice

Consolidate All Forces to Care for Children's Growth (Livelihood View) Protection | Minors | Livelihood View
Consolidate All Forces to Care for Children's Growth (Livelihood View) Protection | Minors | Livelihood View

To protect the healthy growth of minors, we need to work together. In June, the newly revised Beijing Regulations on the Protection of Minors will be implemented. In the regulations, there are contents such as "schools should regularly conduct special investigations on the prevention and control of bullying", "network product and service providers should establish and improve mechanisms for protecting minors and network compliance systems", and "establish a hotline for protecting minors based on the 12345 citizen service hotline". It is understood that in 2022, many cities have issued relevant documents to strengthen the management of mental health among primary and secondary school students, and have begun to explore mechanisms for screening, warning, and intervention tracking of student psychological problems, which have been welcomed by parents. Caring for minors requires efforts from various aspects such as families, schools, society, the internet, the government, and the judiciary to improve the protection system and level. Caring for others

How do residents view the installation of elevators in existing residential buildings? What bottlenecks are facing? Shanghai is advancing in this way ->Process | Elevator | Shanghai
How do residents view the installation of elevators in existing residential buildings? What bottlenecks are facing? Shanghai is advancing in this way ->Process | Elevator | Shanghai

The Third Session of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress will be held in Beijing from today to the 28th. The draft of the Accessible Environment Construction Law is being submitted for the third review at the meeting today. The draft has added provisions to further clarify the scope of installing elevators in existing residential buildings. Further clarify the scope of installing elevators in existing residential areas. CCTV reporter Wu Wei: The previous second review draft stipulated that the state supports the installation of elevators or other accessible facilities in existing residential areas to provide convenience for people with disabilities and the elderly. Today's three deliberation drafts further clarify the scope of installing elevators as: existing multi story residential buildings in old urban communities. Clarifying this scope means that limited resources should be focused more on areas with concentrated accessibility needs. The goal of installing elevators in old houses should be more precise and clear, and the measures should be more practical

Guizhou section of the Guinan high-speed railway has entered the operational testing phase. Guizhou | Train | Test
Guizhou section of the Guinan high-speed railway has entered the operational testing phase. Guizhou | Train | Test

On June 26th, with the departure of the 55311 test train from Guiyang North Station, it marked the end of the joint debugging and testing of the Guizhou section of the Guinan high-speed railway and officially entered the operational testing phase. The Guinan High Speed Railway is an important component of China's "Eight Verticals and Eight Horizontals" railway network, connecting Baotou and Hainan. It is also the first high-speed railway in the Guizhou Guangxi region with a designed speed of 350 kilometers per hour. On June 26th, the 55311 test train was waiting to depart at Guiyang North Station. On June 26th, the onboard inspector was inspecting the test train. On June 26th, the driver of the test train was preparing for departure. On June 26th, the train conductor on the test train was tidying up the headrests of the carriage. On June 26th, the 55311 test train departed from Guiyang North Station. On June 26th, the 55311 test train departed from Guiyang North Station

Continuous high-temperature and sunny irrigation areas should store water in advance to ensure the safety of agricultural water use. Second | High temperature | High temperature sunny and hot irrigation area
Continuous high-temperature and sunny irrigation areas should store water in advance to ensure the safety of agricultural water use. Second | High temperature | High temperature sunny and hot irrigation area

CCTV News: Recently, Liaoning Province has experienced continuous high temperature and sunny weather, with many areas issuing orange high-temperature warnings. The demand for agricultural water has significantly increased compared to previous years. The water conservancy department of Liaoning Province has deployed a water diversion plan in advance, storing water in the channels of large, medium, and small irrigation areas in advance to meet the water needs of paddy fields at any time and ensure food security. At the Gaohua main control gate in the Hunpu Irrigation District of Shenyang City, the water source is continuously flowing into the Hunpu Irrigation District through the gate. Hunpu Irrigation District is located in the southwest of Shenyang City in the middle and lower reaches of the Hun River. It is one of the large-scale irrigation areas in Liaoning Province, including 16 townships and 209 administrative villages, with an effective irrigation area of 548100 acres. Since June 10th this year, there has been no effective rainfall in the local area, and the pressure on farmland water supply in the irrigation area has increased. In addition, recent days of high temperature and sunny weather have led to water shortages in some paddy fields. The local water conservancy department has implemented measures in June

Railway Dragon Boat Festival holiday transportation sent 70.379 million passengers during the holiday | transportation | passengers
Railway Dragon Boat Festival holiday transportation sent 70.379 million passengers during the holiday | transportation | passengers

On June 25th, the 5-day railway Dragon Boat Festival holiday transportation ended successfully, with a total of 70.379 million passengers sent by the national railway, an increase of 7.141 million or 11.3% compared to the same period in 2019. Among them, 16.087 million passengers were sent on June 22nd, setting a new historical high in the daily passenger volume of the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, and the transportation was safe, stable, and orderly. The person in charge of the Transportation Department of China Railway Group introduced that during this year's Dragon Boat Festival holiday, there was a strong demand for family visits, student trips, tourism trips, and the transportation of key materials such as electricity and coal was a heavy task. The railway department coordinated the organization of passenger and freight transportation, carefully formulated train operation plans, made every effort to increase transportation capacity, improve service quality, and effectively ensured the safe and orderly travel of passengers and the transportation of key materials. One is to increase transportation capacity investment to meet the travel needs of passengers

Summer Davos Forum is about to be held. Tianjin is ready for its unique features | Tianjin | Forum
Summer Davos Forum is about to be held. Tianjin is ready for its unique features | Tianjin | Forum

Tianjin, June 26th (Xinhua) - The 14th Summer Davos Forum will be held in Tianjin from June 27th to 29th. More than 1500 political and business elites and scholars from nearly 100 countries and regions around the world will gather here. This forum has been restarted in China after four years and returned to Tianjin after five years. To welcome this economic event, Tianjin has made preparations from multiple aspects. Entering the main venue of the forum, Tianjin Meijiang Convention and Exhibition Center, the New Leader Village and various forum venues have been built and are waiting for the arrival of the attending guests. The theme of this summer Davos Forum is "Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Driving Force of the World Economy". Chen Liming, President of the Greater China Region of the World Economic Forum, stated that the purpose of setting this theme is to stimulate entrepreneurial spirit and the vitality of enterprises as innovative entities, and to explore the path of economic recovery.

Attention! Another big bank announcement: Clean up these types of bank cards! Related | Credit Card | Bank Card
Attention! Another big bank announcement: Clean up these types of bank cards! Related | Credit Card | Bank Card

Recently, the Agricultural Bank of China announced that it will gradually carry out investigation and cleaning work on personal long-term inactive passbook accounts starting from July. Specifically, if the current passbook meets the following three conditions simultaneously, it will be included in the scope of investigation and cleaning. One is that as of the end of December 2022, there have been no transactions for more than five years; The second is that the deposit balance is zero; Thirdly, there are no other related businesses. In recent years, the number of bank accounts in China has continued to grow, but there are also "sleep accounts" among them. According to data from the People's Bank of China, as of the end of 2022, a total of 14.167 billion bank accounts were opened nationwide, including 14.074 billion personal bank accounts. The so-called "sleep account" usually refers to those who have not engaged in active customer transactions for more than three consecutive years, have zero account balance, and have not signed a credit card or personal loan repayment agreement

Supporting "abandoned buildings" and raising over 40 million yuan to run coal mines... Why are these corrupt officials named in the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection's official newspaper? Article | Power | Official Newspaper
Supporting "abandoned buildings" and raising over 40 million yuan to run coal mines... Why are these corrupt officials named in the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection's official newspaper? Article | Power | Official Newspaper

The surname of public power is public, not private. However, a few leading cadres regard power as capital, treat the use of power as buying and selling, and use their power for personal gain. Today, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection published an article titled "How to Use Power Without Respect", and a group of corrupt officials who lack a clear understanding of power were named. Supporting the "abandoned buildings" and raising more than 40 million yuan to build coal mines... They were named. Today's article in the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection mentioned the case of Yang Xiude, former Party Secretary and Director of the Housing and Construction Bureau of Wenshan Zhuang and Miao Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province. Yang Xiude disregarded discipline and law, abused his power for personal gain, and sought benefits for others in real estate project planning and other aspects. He has repeatedly accepted huge amounts of property from others. In March 2022, Yang Xiude was subjected to disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Wenshan Prefecture on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law; In October of the same year, he was expelled from the party

7 people lost contact, sudden mountain flood and debris flow disaster in Wenchuan, Sichuan. Mountain flood and debris flow | Wenchuan, Sichuan
7 people lost contact, sudden mountain flood and debris flow disaster in Wenchuan, Sichuan. Mountain flood and debris flow | Wenchuan, Sichuan

On the early morning of June 27, 2023, due to the impact of short-term heavy rainfall in uninhabited areas, two sudden mountain flood and debris flow disasters occurred in Banzigou and Xinqiaogou in Mianzhi Town and Weizhou Town in Wenchuan County. At present, more than 900 threatened individuals have been properly relocated and resettled. After investigation, 7 people have lost contact and are currently making every effort to search and rescue. After the disaster occurred, our county immediately activated the emergency plan for mountain floods and mudslides, and set up a frontline command center in Xiangqian Village, Mianyang Town. Emergency, transportation, water, and natural resources were immediately carried out for rescue, road repair, public resettlement and relocation, disaster assessment, and other work. 409 people from public security, firefighting, forest police, and power were organized to carry out search and rescue work for missing persons, and subsequent information will be promptly reported. At present, highways within Wenchuan

To make it easier for victims to protect their rights, Xinhua News Agency commented: curb cyberbullying | cyberbullying | protect their rights
To make it easier for victims to protect their rights, Xinhua News Agency commented: curb cyberbullying | cyberbullying | protect their rights

Xinhua News Agency reporter Lu Chang said, "The overwhelming amount of vulgar language makes me feel like I'm drowning, but I know I need to step forward. If I choose to silently endure without even defending my rights, it will have a very negative impact on my body, psychology, and even personality." This is a confession made by a 24-year-old female graduate student in an interview before her death. At that time, she was suffering from cyberbullying due to dyeing pink hair, and soon the girl died of depression due to the pressure of the internet. When most people believe that online violence is aimed at public figures to "find fault" and "grab traffic", it has already regarded ordinary people as "prey"... The contrast that online violence brings to the real world is tragic and unfair: victims suffer long-term psychological trauma, and even pay the price of life, while online perpetrators use the small plan of "not blaming the public",

Japan proposes negotiations! Emphasizing continued support for Ukraine, after Russia announced a change in the name of the commemorative day, Japan | commemorative day | Russia
Japan proposes negotiations! Emphasizing continued support for Ukraine, after Russia announced a change in the name of the commemorative day, Japan | commemorative day | Russia

On June 27th, according to Kyodo News Agency, on the 26th local time, in response to Russia's recent renaming of September 3rd as the "Victory Day of the Anti Japanese Militarism War and the End of World War II", Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiroyoshi Matsuno stated that he has made representations to the Russian side through diplomatic channels. According to reports, Hiroyoshi Matsuno stated that he has requested the Russian side to respond properly and avoid unnecessary emotional confrontation between citizens. "This will not only incite anti Japanese sentiment among Russian citizens, but may also incite anti Russian sentiment among Japanese citizens. It is very regrettable," said Hiroyoshi Matsuno. He also stated that Japan will continue to impose strict sanctions on Russia and provide support to Ukraine. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida stated on the same day that he will continue to pay close attention to the Russia Wagner incident and cooperate with the G7

The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress plans to establish a new institutional representative
The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress plans to establish a new institutional representative

The draft decision on establishing the Working Committee of Deputies of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress was submitted for review at the Third Session of the 14th National People's Congress Standing Committee on the 26th. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made important arrangements for deepening the reform of party and state institutions, and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China reviewed and approved the Plan for the Reform of Party and State Institutions. Deepening the institutional reform of the National People's Congress is an important task of the Party and state institutional reform, with a focus on establishing the Representative Work Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. To implement the decisions and deployments of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and in accordance with the provisions of the Organizational Law of the National People's Congress, the Chairman's Meeting of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has submitted a proposal to review the draft decision on the establishment of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress Representative Working Committee. The Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is the working body of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. Its main responsibilities are:

What signal is being released? Prosecutors: The criminal investigation for Prigo remains unresolved, and Shoigu's first appearance after the Wagner incident | Russia | Incident
What signal is being released? Prosecutors: The criminal investigation for Prigo remains unresolved, and Shoigu's first appearance after the Wagner incident | Russia | Incident

A video released by the Russian Ministry of Defense on the 26th showed that Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu inspected a front-line command post of the Western Army. This is the first appearance of Shoigu after the Wagner Group incident organized by mercenaries. On the same day, Russian federal prosecutors disclosed that the criminal investigation against Yevgeny Prigoren, founder and commander of the Wagner Group, on suspicion of inciting armed rebellion has not yet been closed. Wagner Group headquarters said everything was normal. [The Defense Chief shows up to signal?] The Russian Ministry of Defense released a 47-second video via social media "Telegraph", with no live sound, showing Shoigu and his colleagues flying to a front-line command post of the Western Russian Army Group in the Ukrainian combat area. The video shows that Shoigu listened to the commander of the Western Group Army to report on the current battlefield situation, studied the map, and took a straight ride.

Bounce is coming! The onshore and offshore RMB exchange rates once recovered to 7.21 and 7.22 USD exchange rates | RMB | offshore
Bounce is coming! The onshore and offshore RMB exchange rates once recovered to 7.21 and 7.22 USD exchange rates | RMB | offshore

After a sharp drop on the first trading day after the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, the renminbi rebounded against the US dollar. On June 27th, the spot exchange rate of the Chinese yuan against the US dollar rose sharply after opening. Wind data showed that it briefly rose to 7.2062 during the trading session, followed by a narrowing of the rise in the spot exchange rate of the Chinese yuan against the US dollar. On the previous trading day, the spot exchange rate of the Chinese yuan against the US dollar closed at 7.2219 at 16:30 and closed at 7.2425 in the evening. The exchange rate of the Chinese yuan against the US dollar has also rebounded in the offshore market. On June 27th, the offshore RMB/USD exchange rate, which reflects the expectations of international investors, rose sharply during the day, rebounding by over 300 points to 7.2142, and then the increase slightly declined. Galaxy Securities pointed out in its research report that compared to the depreciation of the Chinese yuan against the US dollar last year, there is no fundamental global geopolitical risk this time

Appointment by the State Council: Two Vice Governors of a Province Serving as New Vice Governors | State | Serving as New Vice Governors
Appointment by the State Council: Two Vice Governors of a Province Serving as New Vice Governors | State | Serving as New Vice Governors

Yesterday, the official website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security announced that the State Council will appoint and dismiss national staff members. Among them, Wang Zhizhong was appointed as the Deputy Minister of Public Security; Appoint Lv Yuyin as the Deputy Director of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Macao Special Administrative Region. Shangguanhe noticed that Wang Zhizhong and Lv Yuyin were both vice governors of Guangdong Province. According to the official website of the Guangdong Provincial Government, currently, the leaders of the provincial government include Governor Wang Weizhong, eight deputy governors, Chen Liangxian, a member of the provincial government party group, and Chen Min, the secretary-general of the provincial government. The eight vice governors are: Executive Vice Governor Zhang Hu, Wang Xi, Zhang Shaokang, Zhang Xin, Sun Zhiyang, Wang Zhizhong, Feng Ling, and Lv Yuyin. Wang Zhizhong, male, Han nationality, was born in Cangxian County, Hebei Province in October 1965, and joined the CPC in June 1989

Internal disease and external treatment are not feasible (Zhong Sheng), drug control in the United States | problem | United States
Internal disease and external treatment are not feasible (Zhong Sheng), drug control in the United States | problem | United States

On the issue of drug control, the United States must face its own problems and cannot shy away from seeking medical treatment. Attacking and smearing China cannot cure the chronic problem of drug abuse in the United States. It will only delay the problem of drug control in the United States and turn it into a greater social crisis. This is an increasingly common tactic used by the United States in recent years. The US Department of Justice recently announced that it is suing multiple Chinese companies and several Chinese citizens on suspicion of producing and selling fentanyl chemical precursors, which is another example of its habitual shift of blame. The use of phishing by US law enforcement personnel in third countries to lure Chinese citizens and brazenly prosecute Chinese entities and individuals is a typical form of arbitrary detention and unilateral sanctions, which is completely illegal and seriously damages the basic human rights of Chinese citizens and the interests of Chinese enterprises. The root cause of drug abuse in the United States lies within itself, with the US attempting to exert pressure and coercion

"China injects sustained momentum into global economic development" Energy | Global | China
"China injects sustained momentum into global economic development" Energy | Global | China

"From June 27th to 29th, the 14th New Leaders' Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum will be held in Tianjin. More than 1500 political and business elites and scholars from nearly 100 countries and regions around the world have confirmed their attendance. This is the forum's restart in China after 4 years and the return to Tianjin after 5 years." Chen Liming, the person in charge of the World Economic Forum, recently stated in an interview with our reporter that this annual meeting will provide a face-to-face communication platform for leaders from all walks of life, helping attendees to timely understand the economic prospects of China and the entire Asia. Chen Liming introduced that the theme of this year's annual conference has been determined as "Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Driving Force of the World Economy", with the aim of reigniting the entrepreneurial spirit and the vitality of enterprises as innovative entities, exploring the path of economic recovery, and promoting the steady progress of the world economy towards greater equality, sustainability, and resilience

US asset management giant employee disclosure: Capital groups bribe politicians for "money politics" to dominate US management | politics | capital
US asset management giant employee disclosure: Capital groups bribe politicians for "money politics" to dominate US management | politics | capital

The Okeef Media Group in the United States recently released a video of an undercover investigation. In the video, an employee of American asset management giant BlackRock said that "money politics" dominate the United States, and politics are actually controlled by capital groups like BlackRock. The Russia-Ukraine conflict is of great benefit to their business. They do not want the conflict to end. BlackRock employee Serge Waley: The question is not who is the president, but who controls the president's wallet. Hedge funds, BlackRock, banks, these people control everything, and all these financial institutions bribe politicians. When you have a large amount of funds, you can start buying politicians. It is obvious that our system is like this. If you have $10000, you can bribe the senator. It doesn't matter who wins the election, we are the winners. US Asset Management

China Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation has yielded fruitful results, promoting mutual benefit and mutual benefit in Africa
China Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation has yielded fruitful results, promoting mutual benefit and mutual benefit in Africa

Kenyan black tea, Ethiopian sesame, Madagascar geranium, Namibian baobab fruit powder... At the Changsha International Convention and Exhibition Center in Hunan, batches of goods from African countries have arrived and will be displayed at the 3rd China Africa Economic and Trade Expo, which will open on June 29th. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" initiative, as well as the 10th anniversary of the introduction of the concept of true, friendly and sincere policy towards Africa and the correct concept of righteousness and benefit. In the past decade, China and Africa have closely cooperated, and a large number of key cooperation projects have been orderly promoted. The trade volume between China and Africa and China's investment in Africa have steadily increased, and China Africa's economic and trade cooperation has entered a new stage of high-quality development. Data shows that in the past 10 years, China has maintained its position as the largest trading partner in Africa. In 2022, the trade volume between China and Africa reached 282 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 1%

South African President condemns the West: Africa is not treated equally in Ramaphosa | Country | Africa
South African President condemns the West: Africa is not treated equally in Ramaphosa | Country | Africa

Recently, at the New Global Financing Compact Summit held in Paris, France, South African President Ramaphosa publicly said that African countries still cannot let go of the West's attitude towards African countries during the COVID-19 epidemic, and he called for equal treatment of African countries, rather than treating African countries as "beggars". At the closing ceremony of the summit, Ramafosa said that during the COVID-19 epidemic, western countries were stockpiling a large number of COVID-19 vaccines, while African countries had no access to help when they needed vaccines most. South African President Ramaphosa: When we need to get vaccinated, we feel like beggars. We have been asking, which is more important, life or the profits of big pharmaceutical companies? This has deepened the disappointment and resentment in our hearts. In 2021, when the COVID-19 is raging around the world, South Africa will suffer from a shortage of vaccines, unable to achieve medical treatment

Continuing the Urban Context (High Quality Development Research Tour), Protecting and Inheriting History | Culture | High Quality
Continuing the Urban Context (High Quality Development Research Tour), Protecting and Inheriting History | Culture | High Quality

8 national historical and cultural cities, 104 historical and cultural blocks, 4170 historical buildings, 292 traditional Chinese villages... Guangdong is a rich area of historical and cultural resources.Intangible cultural heritages such as Chaoshan Yingge and Dance have been widely spread through the Internet, and historical and cultural blocks such as memorial archway Street in Chaozhou have attracted tourists for sightseeing... Keep in mind that Guangdong will deeply implement the "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" project of Lingnan culture, creatively transform and develop, and promote the protection, inheritance and innovative development of historical and cultural resources. Shops, foreign companies, tea houses, cinemas... Walking into the port area of Shantou Small Park, "a century old commercial port"

How to choose this year?, News 1+1 | College Entrance Examination Application AI | College Entrance Examination | Volunteer
How to choose this year?, News 1+1 | College Entrance Examination Application AI | College Entrance Examination | Volunteer

As of the 26th, the admission control score lines for the college entrance examination in 31 provinces, regions, and cities across the country have been announced this year. How to apply for the most suitable school and major is currently the most concerning issue for students and parents. News 1+1 invites Chen Zhiwen, a member of the expert group of the National Education Examination Guidance Committee, to jointly pay attention to: How to choose the college entrance examination application preferences this year? How to view the public service of filling out college entrance examination preferences? In order to do a good job in filling out voluntary applications, from the Ministry of Education to local governments, some are reminded through text, while others are held through offline consultation meetings, allowing students and universities to face each other directly. How to view these different forms of public services? Chen Zhiwen, member of the expert group of the National Education Examination Guidance Committee: ① The service awareness of governments at all levels is strengthening. This year, the Ministry of Education released for the first time the Ten Questions and Ten Answers on voluntary application, which is almost based on voluntary application

Peace Messenger, Friendship Witness Hospital | Ark | Witness
Peace Messenger, Friendship Witness Hospital | Ark | Witness

On November 5, 2022, during the implementation of the "Harmony Mission -2022" mission, the "Peace Ark" hospital ship conducted targeted exercises. The picture shows a drill for transporting wounded personnel. In 2017, the Chinese Navy's long-range visiting fleet made a friendly visit to Bangladesh. The picture shows Sheng Ruifang embracing Ali Fa Qin at the Jidagang Port. On November 11, 2022, while carrying out the "Harmony Mission -2022" mission, Chinese military doctors conducted ophthalmic examinations on local patients at the medical service area of Tanjung Bulu Port in Jakarta, Indonesia. In July 2018, the "Peace Ark" hospital ship was on its way to carry out the "Harmony Mission -2018" mission. Shi Kuiji took a photo of a brocade book and came from the clouds, while the letters conveyed deep emotions. On the eve of International Children's Day on June 1st, Meng