The world

This summer, many popular tourist destinations have launched special tours to make it easy and fresh for tourists. | Places | Tourists
This summer, many popular tourist destinations have launched special tours to make it easy and fresh for tourists. | Places | Tourists

CCTV News: Summer tourism has been particularly popular this year, with crowds in major scenic spots. Some places have developed unique tours tailored to local conditions, making it easy and fresh for tourists to enjoy. In the scorching summer, going out to play and water on the picturesque riverside roads in characteristic rural areas has become a popular choice for many Cantonese people during their summer vacation. In the section from Kuiche Village to Shijiao Village in Lianzhou Town, Lianzhou City, the green road winds along the Dongpi River, connecting multiple beautiful villages along the Dongpi River and creating a multi-level waterfront landscape based on unique regional landforms. Both adults and children enjoy splashing water and playing here, experiencing the ecological and natural scenery as well as the rural scenery. In Fuyuan, Heilongjiang in 2023, the first rapids fishing competition in Fuyuan, Heilongjiang attracted many tourists to compete by swinging their poles. With the referee's command, a hundred poles shot out in unison, and the calm water surface of Heilongjiang rose up

China plays an important role in promoting the development of "global southern" countries - Visiting Leslie Masdorp BRICS | Countries | Global
China plays an important role in promoting the development of "global southern" countries - Visiting Leslie Masdorp BRICS | Countries | Global

Shanghai, August 21 (Xinhua) - China plays an important role in promoting the development of "global southern" countries - Interview with Leslie Masdorp, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the New Development Bank. Zhou Rui, Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of the New Development Bank, said in an interview with Xinhua at its headquarters in Shanghai that China plays a crucial role in the BRICS cooperation mechanism and plays an important role in promoting the development of "global southern" countries. Masdorp said that China is not only the largest economy among the BRICS countries, but also plays a more important and confident global leadership role in the climate change agenda. The Chinese economy is developing towards higher quality and more balanced direction. The long-term factors that support economic growth are determined, and China remains the same

China builds the world's largest national park system to safeguard the harmonious coexistence of all things | Park | National
China builds the world's largest national park system to safeguard the harmonious coexistence of all things | Park | National

Xinhua News Agency, Xining, August 21: China's construction of the world's largest national park system protects the harmonious coexistence of all things Xinhua News Agency reporters Li Linhai and Zhou Shengsheng, as the "jewels on the crown" of beautiful China, the national park is the most important part of the natural ecosystem, the most unique natural landscape, the most essence of natural heritage, and the richest part of biodiversity. From the Qinghai Tibet Plateau to the coast of the South China Sea, the harmonious picture of all things coexisting slowly unfolds, and the rare birds and animals in the national park continue to return, showcasing the beauty of nature and ecology. The second National Park Forum, co hosted by the State Forestry and Grassland Administration and the People's Government of Qinghai Province, was recently held in Xining, Qinghai. The forum aims to jointly discuss the construction of the world's largest national park system and gather efforts to help protect flagship species. At present, China has established the Three Rivers Source, Giant Panda, and Northeast China

In July, transportation production maintained an overall recovery and development trend. Summer travel led to a significant increase in passenger volume. CTSI | China | Transportation
In July, transportation production maintained an overall recovery and development trend. Summer travel led to a significant increase in passenger volume. CTSI | China | Transportation

The Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport released the China Transportation Production Index today. The data shows that transportation production overall maintained a recovery and development trend in July. In July, China's transportation production index was 187.6 points, a year-on-year increase of 18.5%. From a structural perspective, the CTSI freight index is 208.1 points, a year-on-year increase of 6.7%; The CTSI passenger index was 150.6 points, a year-on-year increase of 71.5%. Driven by the strong demand for summer tourism, the passenger volume of railways and civil aviation has increased significantly. The China Transport Production Index is a weighted composite of railway, highway, waterway, and civil aviation passenger and freight volumes as the basic indicators, comprehensively reflecting the overall operation of the transportation industry. The index is composed of a composite index and two sub indices: passenger and freight.

Ignite the "Accelerator" for High Quality Development of the Cultural Industry (People's Review) Development | Cultural Industry | Review
Ignite the "Accelerator" for High Quality Development of the Cultural Industry (People's Review) Development | Cultural Industry | Review

The cultural industry not only injects strong impetus into the high-quality development of the economy and society through the prosperity of the industry, but also consolidates the spiritual power of cultural confidence through the prosperity of culture. This year's summer film season has continued to be hot, achieving both box office and good reputation. As of 7:00 pm on August 18th, this year's summer box office has reached 17.8 billion yuan, exceeding the total box office of summer films in 2019 and reaching a new historical high. At the same time, the film genres are diverse, covering topics such as comedy, youth, suspense, science fiction, animation, etc., making the audience sincerely feel that "this summer's film market has new views every week.". The popularity of movie watching and the wide variety of works are a microcosm of the prosperous development of China's cultural industry. Recently, the National Bureau of Statistics released a report on the development of China's cultural and related industries in 2022, which showed that the scale of China's cultural industry continues to grow

The "David Camp Spirit" has caused concern among Japanese and South Korean media, fearing the escalation of East Asian conflicts and unnecessary disputes between the United States, Japan, and South Korea | Biden | David Camp
The "David Camp Spirit" has caused concern among Japanese and South Korean media, fearing the escalation of East Asian conflicts and unnecessary disputes between the United States, Japan, and South Korea | Biden | David Camp

Global Times special correspondent Yue Linwei and Zhao Zhen in Japan and South Korea, Global Times special correspondent Liu Bowang, and Global Times reporter Pan Xiaotong, "Biden hailed the 'new era of partnership' between the United States, Japan, and South Korea at Camp David." According to a report by the US Political News Network, on the 18th local time, US President Biden, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, and South Korean President Yoon Seok yeol jointly issued a 'historic statement' at Camp David in the United States. According to a document released on the official website of the White House, leaders of the United States, Japan, and South Korea have reached a consensus on strengthening the trilateral consultation mechanism, enhancing national security cooperation, deepening regional cooperation, and deepening economic and technological cooperation. They have also issued a joint statement called the "Camp David Spirit" and the "Camp David Principles" regarding policy positions on regional issues. On the morning of the 18th local time, US President Biden

Poll: Nearly 90% of Japanese people worry that the discharge of nuclear wastewater into the sea will damage Japan's "image". Japan | People | Image
Poll: Nearly 90% of Japanese people worry that the discharge of nuclear wastewater into the sea will damage Japan's "image". Japan | People | Image

On August 21st, according to a report by Kyodo News Agency, the latest poll released on August 20th showed that a total of 88.1% of Japanese people are concerned that Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea will damage its image. Meanwhile, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida's disapproval rate has risen to 50%, the highest level since December last year. On the evening of July 5th local time, nearly a hundred Japanese people held a rally in front of the headquarters of Tokyo Electric Power Company, the operator of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, holding slogans such as "Do not discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea" and "Do not pollute everyone's ocean", shouting slogans such as "Protect the sea" and "Protect the future" to protest against the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge plan. According to a report by Kyodo News Agency, the Japanese government is currently in the final stage of deciding when to start discharging nuclear contaminated water, according to Jiang Wenyue, a spokesperson for China News Agency

Global tourism industry welcomes (international discourse), and China's outbound tourism expands to include ethnic clothing | China | Global
Global tourism industry welcomes (international discourse), and China's outbound tourism expands to include ethnic clothing | China | Global

At Budapest Airport in Hungary, a woman dressed in Hungarian ethnic clothing welcomes Chinese tourists. Recently, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China issued a notice on piloting the resumption of travel agencies operating group tours for Chinese citizens to relevant countries and regions. Starting today, national travel agencies and online tourism enterprises will resume operating group tours and "flight+hotel" services for Chinese citizens to relevant countries and regions. The newly added list includes 78 countries and regions, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan and Türkiye. At this point, the number of pilot outbound team tours to 138 countries and regions in China has increased. Foreign media analysis suggests that China has basically fully opened up to major global travel destination countries. This will not only add fuel to the Chinese outbound tourism market, but also inject energy into the global tourism market's recovery

Hangzhou Asian Games Make Organizing Games More Intelligent | Services | Hangzhou Asian Games
Hangzhou Asian Games Make Organizing Games More Intelligent | Services | Hangzhou Asian Games

Hangzhou Gongshu District Canal Sports Park Gymnasium. The staff of State Grid Ningbo Power Supply Company inspected the power supply situation of the Beach Volleyball Center for pictures provided by the Publicity Department of Gongshu District Committee of Hangzhou City. From venue operation and maintenance to service guarantee, and then to continuous improvement of the viewing experience, the concept of "Intelligent Asian Games" is deeply rooted in all aspects of the preparation for the Hangzhou Asian Games. Zhejiang uses various technological means to enhance the intelligence level of the Hangzhou Asian Games and strives to present exciting events. From venue operation and maintenance to service guarantee, and then to continuous improvement of the viewing experience... The concept of "Intelligent Asian Games" has penetrated into all aspects of the preparation for the Hangzhou Asian Games. Zhejiang uses various technological means to enhance the intelligence level of the Hangzhou Asian Games and strives to present exciting events. More refined venue management entering the Binjiang District of Hangzhou

Hawaiian residents criticize the government for slow response to the fire: local communities have lost trust in the government | Maui Island, Hawaii | Fire | Government
Hawaiian residents criticize the government for slow response to the fire: local communities have lost trust in the government | Maui Island, Hawaii | Fire | Government

Maui Island, Hawaii, USA, August 21- A major fire broke out on Maui Island, Hawaii, USA, resulting in 114 deaths so far. According to a report by NBC News Channel 8 on the 18th, a local disaster victim criticized the state and government's slow response in an interview and stated that the local community has lost trust in them. Gregory Molkensingh moved to Hawaii 5 years ago. For the past year and a half, he has been living in the severely affected town of Lahaina. Morkensingh described the fire as a "massacre" that combined destruction and chaos. "I was submerged in black smoke, surrounded by flames and ashes," Morkensingh, who became a volunteer after the disaster, criticized the local response to the fire for being slow. He stated that in the first five days after the disaster, Xavier

American media: US households are about to run out of excess savings, experts predict that the US economy may enter a mild recession savings | pandemic | economy
American media: US households are about to run out of excess savings, experts predict that the US economy may enter a mild recession savings | pandemic | economy

According to Bloomberg on August 19th, the excess savings accumulated by Americans during the pandemic are decreasing and are about to be depleted. How they respond will determine whether the United States can avoid an economic recession. The report states that in the past two years, Americans have used over $2 trillion in additional savings accumulated during the pandemic to maintain normal spending amidst high inflation. This also enables the US economy to maintain growth even under the continuous interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve. But as this savings decrease, Americans will become more dependent on wages to maintain a normal life. Wendy Edenberg and Sophocles Gulas from the Hamilton Project of the Brookings Institution say that the reduction in excess savings puts many families at a crossroads, and they need to consider how to adjust their spending and whether to increase debt, which is crucial for

The US's attack and suppression of China seriously violates international law and is a mistake | China | International Law
The US's attack and suppression of China seriously violates international law and is a mistake | China | International Law

For a period of time, the United States has been pursuing a wrong policy towards China due to its erroneous perception of China, continuously escalating attacks, smearing, containing and suppressing China, exaggerating the "China threat", increasing sanctions against China, recklessly interfering in China's internal affairs, and advocating for erroneous rhetoric such as "economic coercion" and "risk reduction". A series of actions by the United States seriously violate international law. The US is wantonly attacking the Chinese system, infringing on China's right to freely choose its own system, and seriously violating the principle of national sovereignty and equality. The United States advocates Western style democracy and human rights as universal values, and the free market as a panacea, striving to smear China's political party system, democratic system, and economic system. These words and actions are a replica of the theory of Western civilization superiority, essentially aimed at maintaining the international order dominated by Western countries and attempting to negate the socialist system with Chinese characteristics. The United Nations Charter clearly stipulates that,

Mr. Shen Peng, Honorary Chairman of the China Calligraphers Association, passed away | Creation | China Calligraphers Association
Mr. Shen Peng, Honorary Chairman of the China Calligraphers Association, passed away | Creation | China Calligraphers Association

Mr. Shen Peng, Honorary Chairman of the Chinese Calligraphers Association, passed away on August 21, 2023 at 14:55 in Beijing at the age of 92 due to ineffective medical treatment. Shen Peng, born in September 1931, is from Jiangyin, Jiangsu. He is a renowned calligrapher, poet, art critic, editor and publisher, and one of the first experts with outstanding contributions to the State Council. He has served as the Deputy Editor in Chief and Director of the Editorial and Review Committee of the People's Fine Arts Publishing House, the 4th Chairman and Honorary Chairman of the 5th to 8th Chinese Calligraphers Association, a member of the 8th to 12th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a member of the Central Museum of Culture and History, the 6th Vice Chairman of the Chinese Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Honorary Member of the Chinese Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Honorary President of the Chinese Poetry and Ci Society, President of the Calligraphy and Seal Engraving Institute of the Chinese National Academy of Painting, and Advisor to the China National. Received the Lifetime Achievement Award and the Sculpture Art Achievement Award of the Chinese Calligraphy Lanting Award

Li Qiang Signed a State Council Order and Announced the Decision of the State Council on Amending and Abolishing Some Administrative Regulations, Canceling | Fines | Li Qiang
Li Qiang Signed a State Council Order and Announced the Decision of the State Council on Amending and Abolishing Some Administrative Regulations, Canceling | Fines | Li Qiang

Premier Li Qiang recently signed a State Council order, announcing the Decision of the State Council on Amending and Abolishing Some Administrative Regulations, which will come into effect from the date of promulgation. In order to implement the newly revised Administrative Penalty Law of the People's Republic of China, further cancel and adjust unreasonable fines, promote strict, standardized, fair and civilized law enforcement, promote the transformation of government functions, optimize the legal business environment, and implement the revised Population and Family Planning Law and other laws, maintain the unity of national legal system, in accordance with the deployment of the State Council, the Ministry of Justice, together with relevant departments, has cleaned up the administrative regulations involved. After cleaning up, the State Council has decided to modify some provisions of 14 administrative regulations and abolish one administrative regulation. Revise seven administrative regulations, including the Road Transport Regulations and the International Maritime Transport Regulations, and cancel the regulation on road transport operations

He fell off the horse!, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection publicly announces the Secretary of the Party Group in 8 years | Autonomous Region | Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
He fell off the horse!, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection publicly announces the Secretary of the Party Group in 8 years | Autonomous Region | Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

Just now, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region announced that Chen Hongqi, former Party Secretary of the Department of Transportation of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Commission. According to the open resume, Chen Hongqi, male, Han nationality, was born in Xiangtan, Hunan Province in August 1962, joined the CPC in November 1989, and started working in July 1982. Chen Hongqi has served as the Party Secretary and Director of the Safety Production Supervision and Administration Bureau of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, as well as the Director and Party Secretary of the Quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Starting from February 2018, he served as the Director and Party Secretary of the Department of Transportation of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Starting from November 2018, he served as the Director and Party Secretary of the Department of Transportation of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Shangguan Hui noticed that Chen Hong

Two hospital deans have fallen from grace!, This afternoon, the Supervisory Commission | Dean | This afternoon
Two hospital deans have fallen from grace!, This afternoon, the Supervisory Commission | Dean | This afternoon

Anti corruption in the healthcare sector continues. Shangguanhui has noticed that as of now, two hospital deans have been investigated this afternoon. The Hebei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has just announced that Niu Baoming, the director of the Anguo Maternal and Child Health Hospital in Baoding, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law. He is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Anguo Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. At 4 pm, the Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision announced that Wang Haiying, former director of Zhangye People's Hospital affiliated with Hexi University, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law. He has been designated by the Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision to be under the jurisdiction of the discipline inspection and supervision team dispatched by the Gansu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision to the Provincial Department of Education for disciplinary review and investigation by the Wuwei Municipal Supervision Commission. According to the open resume, Wang Haiying, male, Han nationality, was born in July 1963 in Shanghai, started work in August 1985, and joined the CPC in May 1997,

Anmuxi Responds to "Anchor's Improper Speech in the Live Room" | Anmuxi | Live Room
Anmuxi Responds to "Anchor's Improper Speech in the Live Room" | Anmuxi | Live Room

An Muxi responded with "inappropriate remarks made by the anchor in the live broadcast room": Recently, the topic of "An Muxi's inappropriate remarks made by the anchor in the live broadcast room" has continued to ferment on the internet through unofficial channel accounts of the live broadcast party. We attach great importance to this and immediately arrange a comprehensive investigation of official channel accounts such as Anmuxi's official live broadcast room, dealers, and distributors. After investigation, it was found that the account subject of the live broadcast room is the "Milk and Yogurt Supply General Warehouse", and is not an official live broadcast room of the Anmuxi brand, nor is it an official channel account of Anmuxi brand distributors and distributors. Meanwhile, the host of this live broadcast room is not an employee of our company, and all comments made by him cannot represent the brand stance of Anmuxi. Anmuxi carefully listens to the opinions and suggestions of every netizen, and also accepts the supervision of consumers on Anmuxi! Finally, thank you all for your attention to the Anmuxi brand

Police response: Millions of internet celebrities claim that their car was smashed in the garden after a dispute over car tampering | Xiaomei | Rear car
Police response: Millions of internet celebrities claim that their car was smashed in the garden after a dispute over car tampering | Xiaomei | Rear car

Recently, the internet celebrity blogger "Tiaodou Garden Xiaomei" with millions of fans posted that her car was smashed by a man in a dispute over moving a car in a rental community in Nan'an District, Chongqing. On August 20th, Jimu News learned from the local police that the man who smashed a car has been criminally detained. The video released by "Tipping Garden Xiaomei" stated that after parking in the public area of the rental community in Nan'an District, someone called for a car to be moved. During the negotiation process, a dispute arose. Afterwards, a man used a brick to smash the rear glass of the car window, and the reflector was also broken. The driving recorder inside the rear windshield recorded the scene of the windshield being smashed. The police rushed to the scene for disposal. On August 20th, "Tipping Bucket Garden Xiaomei" released a video on the scene, stating that the police have been investigating and collecting evidence since the incident, and due to vehicle damage

Latest! Fukushima nuclear contaminated water leaked out Tokyo Electric Power Company | accumulated water | Fukushima
Latest! Fukushima nuclear contaminated water leaked out Tokyo Electric Power Company | accumulated water | Fukushima

According to a report by Kyodo News Agency on August 21, radioactive materials with activity higher than normal were detected in June from the accumulated water surrounding the nuclear contaminated water storage tank at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant of Tokyo Electric Power Company in Japan. The investigation results show that there are cracks on the hoses used to transport nuclear contaminated water, and the nuclear contaminated water has leaked out. According to the report, it is possible that the hose was scratched by a blade while removing the packaging material, and the cracks gradually widened. According to reports, the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company are striving to initiate the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea around this summer. TEPCO stated that "this transmission is an unconventional operation accompanied by inspections. The actual discharge into the sea will be carried out through pipelines, not hoses.". The report states that the hoses are made of polyvinyl chloride material, and all hoses are placed inside the embankment, so the leaked water did not flow outside the embankment. Japanese media previously reported that

The National Security Department has named the CIA twice! The details revealed are worthy of vigilance by the country | spy | details
The National Security Department has named the CIA twice! The details revealed are worthy of vigilance by the country | spy | details

On the 21st, the official WeChat account of the Ministry of National Security announced the cracking of a CIA led espionage case. This is the second time in just over a decade that the official WeChat account of the Department of National Security has named the CIA. According to the Ministry of National Security, the suspect Hao, born in January 1984, is a cadre of a national ministry. During Hao's study abroad in Japan, he met Ted, an official of the US Embassy in Japan, due to visa application matters. Ted gradually established a close relationship with Hao through entertaining guests, giving gifts, and other means. He asked Hao to help write the paper and promised to pay the "manuscript fee". Hao agreed to Ted's request. Before the end of his term at the US Embassy in Japan, Ted introduced his colleague Li Jun to Hao, and the two sides continued to maintain a cooperative relationship. Before the end of Hao's study abroad period, Li Junliang revealed his identity as a member of the Central Intelligence Agency's Tokyo station and treated Hao

Will "Pomegranate Sister" collapse in Ukraine's persona?, Finally, it's F-16's turn to appear in the Netherlands | fighter jets | Ukraine
Will "Pomegranate Sister" collapse in Ukraine's persona?, Finally, it's F-16's turn to appear in the Netherlands | fighter jets | Ukraine

The F-16 "Fighting Falcon", which is called "Sister Pomegranate" by the Internet in China, together with Su-27 as "the beauty of the fighter world", has produced up to 4700 "the most successful fighter aircraft in the world" in more than 40 years. This time, it may really join the Ukrainian combat group. According to CNN and the Russian newspaper Businessman on the 20th, Dutch Prime Minister L ü tter stated after meeting with Ukrainian President Zelensky that once the delivery conditions are met, the Netherlands will provide F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. Zelensky subsequently posted on social media stating that the Netherlands was "the first country to agree to provide F-16 to Ukraine after pilot training is completed," expressing gratitude to the Netherlands. Subsequently, Danish Prime Minister Fraser Riksen stated after meeting with Zelensky that he would provide Ukraine with 19 F-16s this year and next, the first batch of 6

Ten years ago, a tomb was discovered during real estate construction, and the exhibition facilities of Yangzhou Suiyang Emperor Mausoleum Site Park were completed
Ten years ago, a tomb was discovered during real estate construction, and the exhibition facilities of Yangzhou Suiyang Emperor Mausoleum Site Park were completed

On August 21st, Pengpai News learned from the cultural relics department of Yangzhou City that the Sui Yang Emperor Mausoleum Site Park, with the Sui Yang Emperor Mausoleum in Caozhuang, Yangzhou as the core, has completed the exhibition of Sui Yang Emperor Mausoleum protection facilities and the construction of infrastructure inside and outside the tourist center. The opening time will be announced soon. Statue of Emperor Yang of Sui. The Sui Yang Emperor Mausoleum Site Park in Yangzhou covers an area of 168 acres, with a central protection facility for the A-shaped tomb site and a central axis square. In addition, there is a cultural activity area for poetry and prose display, as well as an exhibition hall for unearthed cultural relics. The design of the protection facilities for the Sui Yang Emperor Mausoleum draws inspiration from the "dou" shape of the Sui Tang Emperor Mausoleum. On the south side, there is a Mirror Mirror Mirror Pool, which is 49 meters long from north to south and 14 meters wide from east to west, symbolizing Yang Guangshou's 49 year old reign for 14 years. After opening up, tourists can see the layout and current situation of the tombs of Emperor Yang of Sui and Empress Xiao, and can also learn about them through the sand table instructions

All four of them are born in the 1970s. The secretaries and presidents of two universities in Nanjing have adjusted their presidents, vice secretaries, and secretaries
All four of them are born in the 1970s. The secretaries and presidents of two universities in Nanjing have adjusted their presidents, vice secretaries, and secretaries

On August 16th and 17th, Nanjing University of Engineering and Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine welcomed new Party Secretary and President: Qiao Xuebin was appointed as Party Secretary of Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Cheng Haibo was appointed as Deputy Party Secretary and President; Sun Aiwu was appointed as the Secretary of the Party Committee of Nanjing University of Engineering, and Zhang Yangfei was appointed as the Deputy Secretary and Dean of the Party Committee. Sun Aiwu, the newly appointed Party Secretary of Nanjing University of Engineering, was born in 1972 with a doctoral degree in engineering. Prior to this, he served as the Party Secretary of Nanjing Industrial Vocational and Technical College, as well as the President and Deputy Party Secretary of Huaiyin Institute of Technology. In early 2022, he became the Party Secretary of Huaiyin Institute of Technology. Zhang Yangfei was born in 1970 and has been working at Nanjing University of Engineering for a long time. Since 2014, he has served as a member of the Standing Committee of the College's Party Committee and Vice Dean. Nanjing University of Engineering is composed of two former national demonstration higher engineering colleges - Nanjing Mechanical Engineering College and

Suspected wreckage of Taiwan's Xiongfeng-2E cruise missile appears? Taiwanese military responds to Xiongfeng | missile | -2E
Suspected wreckage of Taiwan's Xiongfeng-2E cruise missile appears? Taiwanese military responds to Xiongfeng | missile | -2E

On the 20th, the Taiwan military responded that this was a target aircraft used to verify the use of air-to-air missiles. Due to poor weather conditions, it fell into the sea and the military has sent personnel to salvage and recover it. According to reports, there were rumors outside that the bright orange floating debris was believed to be the remains of an undisclosed "Xiongsheng" missile with a range of 1200 kilometers. Taiwanese people have discovered bright orange aircraft in the Jinzun area of Taitung.

Rewriting the script of the global "moon race" under the Russia-Ukraine conflict?, Russia's first failed lunar mission in 47 years | Explorer | Global
Rewriting the script of the global "moon race" under the Russia-Ukraine conflict?, Russia's first failed lunar mission in 47 years | Explorer | Global

After nearly 10 days of flight, Russia's lunar probe has been lost. On the 20th local time, the Russian Aerospace Group issued a statement stating that "on August 19th, communication with the 'Lunar-25' probe was interrupted after a signal was sent to transfer it to a pre landing orbit. According to preliminary analysis results, due to a deviation between the pulse command parameters and the calculated values, the 'Lunar-25' probe deviated from the design orbit and collided with the lunar surface, and it no longer exists." The Russian National Aerospace Group also stated that the issue of determining the cause of the spacecraft's loss will be handled by a specially formed interdepartmental committee. The Lunar-25 probe was launched from the eastern region of Russia on August 11th by the Soyuz 2.1b carrier rocket, and was originally scheduled to land at the South Pole of the Moon on August 21st. Due to the "Moon"-

Zhu Guosen serves as the General Manager of Shougang Group and Party Committee | Group | Shougang Group
Zhu Guosen serves as the General Manager of Shougang Group and Party Committee | Group | Shougang Group

Recently, the Party Committee of Shougang Group adjusted the leadership team of Shougang Group. The Party Committee of Shougang Group held a meeting for cadres of Shougang Group. Group leaders Qiu Yinfu, Wang Jianwei, Liu Jianhui, the head of the Organization Department of the Group Party Committee, members of the leadership team of Shougang Group, middle-level cadres, and employee representatives attended the meeting. At the meeting, the person in charge of the Organization Department of the Group Party Committee announced the decision of the Group Party Committee on the adjustment of the members of the leadership team of Shougang Co., Ltd. After deliberation by the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of the Group, it has been decided that Comrade Zhu Guosen shall serve as the Deputy Secretary, Director, and General Manager of the Party Committee of Beijing Shougang Co., Ltd., and shall fulfill the appointment procedures in accordance with relevant regulations. In his speech, Qiu Yinfu fully affirmed the achievements of Shougang Group and expressed sincere gratitude to all cadres and employees for their hard work. Regarding the adjustment of the leadership team members and the next steps of work, Qiu Yinfu proposed four suggestions:

Russian warning! "We will use all weapons" Russia | Belarus | Warning
Russian warning! "We will use all weapons" Russia | Belarus | Warning

According to TASS on the 20th local time, Russian Ambassador to Belarus Boris Grezlov stated that if Belarus is attacked, the Russian Federation will take all means to respond. According to reports, Grazlov stated that "Russian President Putin has explicitly stated that within the framework of the Russian White Alliance, if Belarus is attacked, we will consider it an attack on Russia. According to Russian military doctrine, in this situation, we will use all possible weapons to counterattack.". Russia Today stated that Grazlov's above statement "clearly implies the option of using nuclear weapons.". RT stated that after the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis, Belarus and Russia strengthened military cooperation. At the request of Belarus, Russia announced the deployment of nuclear weapons in Belarus. this

Australia decides to purchase Tomahawk | USA | Australia
Australia decides to purchase Tomahawk | USA | Australia

According to a statement released by the Australian Department of Defense on August 21, the Australian government has decided to invest AUD 1.3 billion to purchase over 200 Tomahawk cruise missiles from the United States to enhance the Navy's long-range strike capabilities. According to Reuters on the 21st, Australia will purchase over 200 Tomahawk cruise missiles from the United States. The Australian side stated that Australia will become the third country, after the United States and the United Kingdom, to possess Tomahawk cruise missiles. According to reports, this batch of Tomahawk missiles will be deployed on the active Hobart class destroyers of the Royal Australian Navy, as well as on future Virginia class nuclear submarines delivered by the United States to Australia. Australian Defense Minister Mars stated that in addition to the Tomahawk cruise missile, Australia will also spend AUD 431 million to purchase over 60 advanced anti aircraft missiles from the United States

Take action! Special rectification of complex issues in the charging and operation of TV nesting dolls | TV | nesting dolls
Take action! Special rectification of complex issues in the charging and operation of TV nesting dolls | TV | nesting dolls

On the 21st, the State Administration of Radio and Television, in conjunction with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State Administration for Market Regulation and other relevant units, held a mobilization and deployment meeting in Beijing to address the complex work of charging and operating TV "nesting dolls". Require pilot work and special rectification to be carried out by the end of this year, focusing on solving the problems of "multiple fee packages, multiple fee subjects, and opaque fees", and the phenomenon of TV "dolls" charging has been significantly improved; Vigorously improve the user experience of watching TV when turning on, and basically achieve the ability to watch live TV channels immediately after turning on cable TV and IPTV. According to the requirements of the conference, it is necessary to coordinate the three major systems of cable TV, IPTV and Internet TV, grasp the ideological attribute, public service attribute and technical industry attribute of the large TV screen, overcome difficulties, coordinate and link, and make great efforts to solve the problem of "watching TV is difficult and boring"

Lu Min, former Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Qingdao Airlines, has been expelled from the Party and has committed crimes by engaging in illegal business operations. Discipline | Acceptance | Enterprise | Qingdao | Review | Punishment | Lu Min
Lu Min, former Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Qingdao Airlines, has been expelled from the Party and has committed crimes by engaging in illegal business operations. Discipline | Acceptance | Enterprise | Qingdao | Review | Punishment | Lu Min

As designated by the Qingdao Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, the Laixi Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has conducted a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Lu Min, former Party Secretary and Chairman of Qingdao Airlines Co., Ltd. After investigation, as a leading cadre of state-owned enterprise party members, Lu Min lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, was disloyal and dishonest to the party, and opposed organizational scrutiny; Ignoring the spirit of the central eight point regulations, accepting gifts that may affect the fair execution of official duties, and illegally borrowing vehicles from management and service targets; Lack of awareness of integrity and illegal business operations; Using power for personal gain, taking advantage of one's position to seek benefits for others in business operations, loans and financing, and illegally accepting property. Lu Min seriously violated the political and integrity discipline of the Party, constituted serious violations of his duties, and was suspected of accepting bribes. He did not restrain himself after the 18th National Congress of the Party, and his nature was strict