The world

Internet pharmacies only cost more than 20 yuan? A reporter's investigation found that Shanghai medical insurance pharmacies sell 82 yuan worth of drugs for procurement | drugs | medical insurance
Internet pharmacies only cost more than 20 yuan? A reporter's investigation found that Shanghai medical insurance pharmacies sell 82 yuan worth of drugs for procurement | drugs | medical insurance

Ms. Song, a Shanghai citizen, reported to Xinmin Evening News that she bought Shuanghuanglian Oral Liquid at a designated retail pharmacy for medical insurance. The price of the pharmacy was 82 yuan, almost three times the price of the Internet pharmacy, which made her puzzled. The reporter of Xinmin Evening News made a survey, and the relevant departments gave a clear response: this medicine has been included in the traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations purchase catalog in quantity in Shanghai, and the new price of "half discount" will be implemented soon. In addition, the Health Insurance Bureau has been studying to include Internet pharmacies in the scope of medical insurance payment. Online and offline, Ms. Song told reporters that there was a significant price difference. Recently, she purchased two types of drugs with her medical insurance card at a designated retail pharmacy in Longbai Village, Minhang District: Shengmai Yin and Shuanghuanglian Oral Liquid, with a unit price of 71 yuan and 82 yuan, respectively. Later, she accidentally found that the price of these two drugs in Internet pharmacies

All the soldiers on board died, and Ken's military plane crashed
All the soldiers on board died, and Ken's military plane crashed

According to the Associated Press, Kenyan officials said on September 19th that a Kenyan military helicopter crashed near the country's border with Somalia, causing at least 8 deaths. The report states that it is currently unclear what caused the helicopter to crash in the Lamu area along the coast of Kenya. The Kenyan Defense Forces are operating in the region to help combat Somali al Shabaab militants associated with Al Qaeda. The Kenyan Ministry of Defense stated that the air force helicopter crashed during a night patrol. It also stated that an investigation committee has been dispatched to the scene. According to reports, an unnamed official from the Ministry of Defense and a police officer said that all soldiers on board the helicopter have died. The report indicates that the Kenyan military has participated in the African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia within Somalia, helping to combat

Let's take action together, the real estate market is breaking out! Four trillion dollar cities
Let's take action together, the real estate market is breaking out! Four trillion dollar cities

China Fund News reporter Li Zhi densely announced that the real estate market in multiple regions is showing signs of improvement! On September 19th, two major provincial capitals announced new policies for the real estate market, including Wuhan announcing the cancellation of housing purchase restrictions within the Second Ring Road and Xi'an lifting purchase restrictions in areas outside the Second Ring Road. In addition, the purchase restriction policy has been lifted throughout the city of Wuxi, and Qingdao will implement the policy of "recognizing houses but not loans". The GDP of these four cities in 2022 will all exceed one trillion yuan. Wuhan: Abolish the purchase restrictions on housing within the Second Ring Road. On September 19th, the Wuhan Housing Security and Housing Management Bureau issued a notice on further promoting the stable and healthy development of the real estate market in our city. The notice clearly states that the housing purchase restriction policy within the second ring road will be lifted, the criteria for determining the number of household housing loans will be optimized, and support will be provided for residents to purchase alternative housing. The notice mentions that starting from September 19, 2023, Wuhan City will be cancelled

Smart transportation facilitates travel during the Asian Games
Smart transportation facilitates travel during the Asian Games

With the opening of the Asian Games coming soon, the travel services of the Asian Games will be more high-quality and efficient with the help of cloud computing, big data and mobile Internet technology. During the Asian Games, it is expected that over 36000 participating athletes, team officials, technical officials, media reporters, and others will arrive in Hangzhou. Commuting, arrival and departure, social transportation, material transportation, and livelihood security are intertwined in time and space. At the same time, with the addition of the Mid Autumn Festival, National Day, and Qiantang River tidal observation, Hangzhou will experience a large-scale flow of people and vehicles, resulting in a sharp increase in traffic pressure. The same goes for co hosting cities. Taking Shaoxing, the co host city with the most projects, as an example, the city will hold five events during the Asian Games, including basketball and volleyball. At that time, urban road traffic and passenger flow pressure will face challenges. Utilizing the advantages of digital governance, setting up digital dedicated lanes for the Asian Games on 26 roads, relying on

Frequent weekend shooting incidents in Chicago, USA: 24 people shot, 16-year-old girl hit by stray bullets at home, gun | News Network | stray bullets
Frequent weekend shooting incidents in Chicago, USA: 24 people shot, 16-year-old girl hit by stray bullets at home, gun | News Network | stray bullets

According to ABC's Chicago Channel on September 18th, there have been multiple gun violence incidents in the city of Chicago over the past weekend, resulting in 24 people being shot and injured, including a 16-year-old girl who was hit by a stray bullet at home. Chicago police said that around 9pm local time on the 15th, the girl was sitting at home when gunshots suddenly came from outside the house. Then, a stray bullet flew through the window into her room, causing the girl's arm to be scratched. The girl was then sent to the hospital for treatment. Among all 24 shot victims, 4 were seriously injured. Chicago Mayor Johnson previously admitted that local authorities "still have a lot of work to do" in curbing gun violence. According to reports from American media such as Axios News on September 17th, the United States

Asian Games City: Transforming Event Traffic into Cultural and Tourism Reserve
Asian Games City: Transforming Event Traffic into Cultural and Tourism Reserve

On the first day, I visited West Lake and the Wulin Night Market in Hangzhou; On the the fourth day, we visited Tianyi Pavilion and Drum Tower in Ningbo... Recently, the "Asian Games Tourism Strategy" hand-painted by a Korean blogger has aroused heated discussion on social media. This blogger's four-day and three night itinerary not only includes watching sports events, but also detailed check-in plans for 18 scenic spots and local cuisine in Asian Games cities such as Hangzhou, Shaoxing, and Ningbo. Netizens have commented that it is comparable to a Chinese university student's "special forces tourism". Taking advantage of the opportunity of the Asian Games, Hangzhou is about to have a two-way trip with domestic and foreign tourists. In fact, in the first half of this year, Hangzhou's cultural and tourism industry showed a trend of "heat return". From January to June this year, the total number of tourists received in Hangzhou was 53.233 million, with a total tourism revenue of 91.5 billion yuan, an increase of 64% compared to the same period last year according to comparable standards

The US Treasury Secretary warns the US government not to shut down: it may lead to a slowdown in economic momentum
The US Treasury Secretary warns the US government not to shut down: it may lead to a slowdown in economic momentum

According to Reuters on September 18th, US Treasury Secretary Yellen warned on the same day that if Congress fails to pass legislation to maintain the operation of the federal government, it may lead to a slowdown in the US economic momentum. Yellen told American Consumer News and Business Channel that there is absolutely no reason for the federal government to shut down, and institutional closures could lead to a loss of economic growth momentum. Yellen reiterated the White House's commitment to collective bargaining in response to the strike by workers from the three major car companies that began on the 15th of this month. She said that the labor market is cooling down, "not as hot as before," and considering the goal of reducing inflation to 2%, this cooling process will be important. Yellen said that the Federal Reserve's interest rate hikes have begun to affect the real estate market. Meanwhile, gasoline prices have skyrocketed recently,

Why do Americans feel so bad?, [Perspective] US Media Questions: If Inflation Alleviates
Why do Americans feel so bad?, [Perspective] US Media Questions: If Inflation Alleviates

According to a recent article on the website of USA Today, economists in the United States have praised the strong job market, and in their view, at least so far, the "soft landing" of the economy has eased inflation. However, most Americans use words such as "terrifying" and "chaotic" to describe their current economic situation. According to a recent survey by the Sawyer School of Business at Suffolk University/USA Today, 70% of respondents believe that the economy is deteriorating. Palologos, director of the Center for Political Studies at Suffolk University, said, "My interpretation of these data is that there is no 'soft landing'." The article suggests that if economic data is very bright, why do Americans feel so bad? Here are six findings from the poll, including:

Check in to Qianjiang Century Park for the Asian Games | Experience the Asian Games Spirit and Friendship Flower Theme in Hangzhou | Asian Games | Century Park
Check in to Qianjiang Century Park for the Asian Games | Experience the Asian Games Spirit and Friendship Flower Theme in Hangzhou | Asian Games | Century Park

Recently, the Asian Flower Theme Park, which integrates Song Dynasty culture and Asian plant culture, opened in Qianjiang Century Park. The theme park fully integrates with the surrounding commercial supporting operations, showcasing the beauty of Hangzhou's ecology and the spirit of the Asian Games to participants, tourists, and Hangzhou citizens from various countries. Tourists take photos at the Friendship Flower Gallery in the Asian Flower Theme Park. The concept of building an Asian floral theme park originated from the suggestion of Hangzhou citizens to "decorate a garden with Asian elements.". On the basis of benchmarking against the requirements of "simplicity, safety, and excitement" for hosting the Asian Games, the design team has put forward the core concept of "micro transformation, emphasis on flowers, and strong experience". The construction of the theme park is based on the current situation of Qianjiang Century Park. On the basis of not changing the landscape structure and not moving trees and shrubs, the existing lawn, pavement, and overpass channels are used to arrange the flower landscape, and some works are sought after

American media: Mathematical models predict that the US economy may fall into recession within the year
American media: Mathematical models predict that the US economy may fall into recession within the year

On September 19th, Forbes News reported that according to mathematical models, if the unemployment rate rises to 4.0% or higher in September, the United States may face an economic recession in October. According to reports, according to a model developed by American engineer Ferba and CEO of the recession warning network, Van Warren, the likelihood of an economic recession occurring by the end of October is 73% if the unemployment rate rises to 4.0% or higher in September. Analysts say that the unemployment rate is a lagging indicator of the economy, but it provides signals for the beginning and end of a recession. According to the latest employment report from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate in August was 3.8%, higher than the 3.5% in July. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that this surge has brought the number of unemployed people in the United States to 6.4 million.

Crime rampant in Oakland, California, USA, public complains: frequent robberies lack a sense of security
Crime rampant in Oakland, California, USA, public complains: frequent robberies lack a sense of security

On September 19th, according to Fox News, crime is rampant in Oakland, California, and the public is suffering from a lack of security. Recently, the city missed a government grant to combat retail crime, causing anger and disappointment among businesses and the public. According to reports, the California government plans to allocate $267 million to cities to combat organized retail theft and other criminal activities. However, the Auckland government missed the deadline for submitting the subsidy application, resulting in a missed opportunity. In Auckland, these funds were planned to be used to increase police patrol manpower to track down suspect. Oakland Chinatown community leader Carl Chen stated that missing out on funding is very frustrating, as many businesses and citizens feel pain due to criminal activities such as car robberies and home robberies,

World Report: Gun violence in the United States adds another sad record: in 2023, there have been over 500 large-scale shootings, reaching this number for the third consecutive year before October
World Report: Gun violence in the United States adds another sad record: in 2023, there have been over 500 large-scale shootings, reaching this number for the third consecutive year before October

On September 19th, according to the US Gun Violence Archive, the shooting incident that occurred in Denver on September 16th local time, causing 5 injuries, marked the third consecutive year of over 500 large-scale shooting incidents in the United States before October, marking the country's third consecutive year of reaching this tragic record. The Daily Mail website reported on the 18th that several shooting incidents over the weekend have raised the total number of large-scale shooting incidents in the United States so far this year to 502. The data from the Gun Violence Archive also shows that five years ago, there were less than 500 large-scale shooting incidents in the United States in a year, and the increase in gun violence in the country is showing a chilling trend. Screenshot of Daily Mail website report cited by Congressional Hill on the 17th“

Another official was investigated, the Civil Affairs Department of this province
Another official was investigated, the Civil Affairs Department of this province

On September 19th, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission announced that Wang Guoli, a former member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Department of Civil Affairs of Heilongjiang Province, is undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation. According to the data, Wang Guoli was born in April 1958 and has served as the Director of the Civil Affairs Disaster Relief Communication Service Center in Heilongjiang Province, as well as the Party Branch Secretary and Factory Director of Harbin Longfu Printing Factory; Director of the Provincial Welfare Lottery Issuance Center; Director of the Provincial Welfare Lottery Issuance Center and Party Branch Secretary and Factory Director of Harbin Longfu Printing Factory, Director of the Provincial Elderly Center, and Director of the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs Guesthouse; Deputy Inspector of the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs; Member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs. Wang Guoli is not the first leader of the Civil Affairs Department of Heilongjiang Province to be investigated in recent years. Last June, Zhou Hong, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Department of Civil Affairs of Heilongjiang Province, was investigated. He has served as the Secretary of the Fujin Municipal Party Committee, the Secretary of the Fuyuan County Party Committee, and the Provincial Party Committee

Complete the final full element rehearsal for the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games with three chapters and two "firsts"
Complete the final full element rehearsal for the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games with three chapters and two "firsts"

>Today, the opening ceremony of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou has completed the final full element rehearsal. CCTV reporter Cao Yan: From August 29th to today, the opening ceremony of the Asian Games has undergone 5 formal rehearsals, adhering to the policy of "simplicity, safety, and excitement". Currently, the entire process of the Asian Games opening ceremony has been optimized. The area I am currently in is located on the 5th floor of the Grand Lotus Stadium, which is the work area of the chief director team for the opening ceremony of the Asian Games. Tonight, they will conduct another inspection of each link here. Sha Xiaolan, Chief Director of the Opening Ceremony of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou: Tonight is our last comprehensive rehearsal, which is very valuable. Tonight, we will test our all-round and precise adaptation. For example, can our naked eye 3D effect be achieved in this area

The chaotic harbor plot is doomed to fail!, The Hong Kong Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs warns the British side to increase laughter among those who speak recklessly
The chaotic harbor plot is doomed to fail!, The Hong Kong Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs warns the British side to increase laughter among those who speak recklessly

In response to the UK government's repeated publication of the so-called "Half Year Report on the Hong Kong Question", which distorts and smears the central government's policies towards Hong Kong and the governance of the Special Administrative Region, and distorts black and white to slander Hong Kong's democracy, freedom, human rights, and rule of law, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong expressed strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition, urging the UK to abide by the principles of international law and basic norms of international relations, and immediately stop interfering in Hong Kong's political farce. The spokesperson stated that since the return of 26 years ago, the practice of "One Country, Two Systems" in Hong Kong has achieved universally recognized success. Under the protection of Hong Kong's National Security Law and the new electoral system, Hong Kong has entered a stage of governance and revitalization, with social stability and unity, steady development pace, a better business environment, and better protection of residents' rights in a safer environment. The British side disregards the favorable situation of Hong Kong society, hoping to use a report to deceive and deceive

Bater, member of the Standing Committee of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee, serves as the Deputy Governor of Hainan Province
Bater, member of the Standing Committee of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee, serves as the Deputy Governor of Hainan Province

According to the website of Hainan People's Congress, on September 19th, the 6th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 7th People's Congress of Hainan Province decided to appoint Bater as the Vice Governor of Hainan Provincial People's Government. Previously, Bater was a member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of the Hainan Provincial Committee. According to the official resume of Bater Information Map, Bater, male, Mongolian, born in February 1967, holds a master's degree in economics and is a member of the Communist Party of China. Bater has been working at the Ministry of Land and Resources for a long time. In 2013, he went to Hainan and served as a member of the Standing Committee and Deputy Mayor of Haikou City. After his temporary employment ended in 2015, he stayed in Haikou and continued to serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor. In April 2017, Bater was appointed as the Secretary of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Hainan Provincial Department of Land and Resources, and in February 2018, he became the Director. Same year

Excessive pursuit of "evergreen throughout the four seasons"... How to prevent urban greening from being "ecological formalism"?, The face saving project continues to be banned repeatedly
Excessive pursuit of "evergreen throughout the four seasons"... How to prevent urban greening from being "ecological formalism"?, The face saving project continues to be banned repeatedly

Urban greening is related to the improvement of urban ecological environment, the quality of living environment, and the happiness of people's lives. In recent years, China's urban greening construction has been continuously promoted. However, according to a survey by Xinhua Vision reporters, some cities still have a tendency towards "face saving engineering" and "formalism" in the greening process, emphasizing construction over maintenance, and emphasizing landscape over ecology, which has attracted attention from relevant parties. The "face saving project" has been repeatedly banned, not only from "planting greenery in the cracks" and "demolishing and repairing greenery" to "opening up lawns" and "immersive experiences". In recent years, the construction of green ecology in cities across the country has accelerated. At present, nearly 30000 pocket parks have been built nationwide, and the green coverage rate of urban built-up areas has increased from 39.22% ten years ago to 42.69% now. The per capita park green area in cities has increased from 11.8 square meters ten years ago to 15% now

This elementary school principal's practice of using hidden rules in school selection has led to a degree increase from 100000 yuan to 200000 yuan
This elementary school principal's practice of using hidden rules in school selection has led to a degree increase from 100000 yuan to 200000 yuan

On September 19th, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission published an article titled "Refining True Gold with Fire", which tells the story of Zhang Jinjin, Deputy Director of the Seventh Examination and Investigation Office of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission in Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province. The article introduces several cases handled by Zhang Jinjin, one of which is that in 2018, Zhang Jinjin participated in the investigation of a serious violation of discipline and law by Liu, the former principal of a central primary school in Zhongshan City, and resolutely cracked down on the long-standing "hidden rules" of school selection, effectively promoting the balance of local educational resources. The Central Primary School is located in the main urban area of Zhongshan City and is a local star school. However, Liu used his degree, recommended students, and transfer programs as his "money tree". The price of a degree was 100000 yuan, but it later rose to 200000 yuan. A businessman once asked Liu to arrange seven or eight degrees and gave him a total of 2 million yuan. School selection“

Official announcement, heartbreaking! A middle school student fell from a building and died
Official announcement, heartbreaking! A middle school student fell from a building and died

According to the official account of Chengmai News on the 19th, at about 18:27 on September 14, 2023, a student fell from a building in Chengmai Middle School. After the incident, the school immediately dialed 120 emergency and 110 to report to the police, and notified the parents of the students. The County Public Security Bureau, County Education Bureau, County Health Commission and other departments rushed to the scene to investigate and coordinate the disposal. Around 18:50, emergency personnel arrived at the scene for rescue and were sent to the hospital for treatment. At around 06:00 on September 15th, Wang unfortunately passed away despite unsuccessful rescue efforts. According to the investigation and viewing of relevant surveillance videos by the public security organs, it has been confirmed that the student climbed the fifth floor guardrail on his own and fell to death. The relevant investigation work is further underway. We are deeply saddened by the unfortunate passing of Wang and express our deep condolences to his family. After the incident, the county party committee and government

The content is an interpretation of relativity, with Einstein's personally signed manuscript appearing in Shanghai
The content is an interpretation of relativity, with Einstein's personally signed manuscript appearing in Shanghai

Einstein's precious manuscript will be unveiled in Shanghai on September 23. A 14 page German manuscript signed by Einstein, which interprets relativity in an easy to understand way for the public, will be auctioned with a hammer. It will be unveiled on September 19 at Christie's Art Space on the Bund of Shanghai. This precious manuscript will be auctioned by Chinese and foreign collectors at the Christie's Shanghai 10th Anniversary Commemorative Auction on September 23, with an estimated value of approximately 7 million to 10 million yuan. Part of Einstein's manuscript. "This year is the 10th year that Christie's has entered mainland China to hold auctions. China has undoubtedly become one of Christie's most important markets. This year, we brought Einstein's precious manuscript to the Chinese market for bidding for the first time, highlighting our importance to the Chinese market." Jia, who arrived in Shanghai specifically, said

Just now, the whole scene was boiling. Hangzhou is full of people, we won! The Chinese men's football team won 5-1 against the Indian team at the Asian Games
Just now, the whole scene was boiling. Hangzhou is full of people, we won! The Chinese men's football team won 5-1 against the Indian team at the Asian Games

On September 19th, the Hangzhou Asian Games welcomed its first competition day, featuring ball games such as football, cricket, volleyball, and beach volleyball. Among the many events that have started, the most eye-catching one is naturally the Asian Games men's football group stage between the Chinese team and the Indian team, which took place at 7:30 pm at the Huanglong Sports Center Stadium. There were almost no empty seats on site to face the first opponent in the group stage, the Indian team. The starting lineup of the Chinese Football Association Asian Games consisted of 1- Han Jiaqi, 2- Liu Yang, 3- Jiang Shenglong, 5- Zhu Chenjie, 16- Wang Zhenao, 11- Xu Haoyang, 14- Wang Haijian, 15- Gao Tianyi, 7- Tao Qianglong, 8- Dai Weijun, and 10- Tan Long. How did the on-site fans respond? What is the status of China's "Earth Derby" against India? Trendy news reporters are divided into multiple groups to take you on a tour of the scene. Latest battle situation [2]

Early Reading | Shanghai's First Ascension to the Global Esports Capital
Early Reading | Shanghai's First Ascension to the Global Esports Capital

Good morning The morning reading of the news is here! On Friday, September 22, 2023, on the eighth day of the eighth lunar month, Shanghai may be cloudy with occasional showers or thunderstorms, with temperatures ranging from 21 to 24 ℃. Today, follow Shanghai for the first time to reach the top of the global esports capital. The esports team competes to win the flag. From a city perspective, who can win the "gold medal" of the global esports capital? Yesterday, the "2023 Global Esports Capital Evaluation Report" released by Shanghai Jiao Tong University showed that Shanghai, China, where several of the world's top 100 esports clubs are rooted, surpassed Los Angeles, USA, and topped the global esports capital for the first time. This evaluation comprehensively evaluated 20 cities with outstanding esports development worldwide, covering 5 primary indicators and 20 secondary indicators including esports industry ecology, infrastructure, events, clubs, and social influence

Does Li Jiaqi's Tiktok certification disappear? Clear the showcase? Latest response
Does Li Jiaqi's Tiktok certification disappear? Clear the showcase? Latest response

On the 19th, Hua Xizi and Li Jiaqi both made it to the hot search again. Does Li Jiaqi's Tiktok certification disappear? Clear the showcase? Meishou responded that on September 19, a netizen reported that the yellow V certification of Li Jiaqi's Tiktok had disappeared, and at the same time, the display window also showed 0. The US wrist clarified that the screenshot was taken 4 years ago, and the yellow V certification is an official annual certification that has not been renewed after its expiration. At that time, the product showcase was a short-term commercial cooperation trailer, and there was no claim that the product showcase was empty. Affected by the incident of "selling goods to hate netizens", Li Jiaqi's Weibo followers are losing a large number. As of now, Li Jiaqi's Weibo followers are 28.96 million, which is 1.475 million less than the 30.435 million before the incident. On the evening of the 11th, Li Jiaqi cried and apologized in the live broadcast room, saying that he should not lose himself and let everyone

The situation in the Naka region is escalating! A large number of people protested in front of the Armenian government building
The situation in the Naka region is escalating! A large number of people protested in front of the Armenian government building

On September 19th local time, a large number of people gathered in front of the government building in the Armenian capital Yerevan to protest. Currently, several major streets in Armenian urban areas have experienced traffic disruptions due to protests gathering. Subsequently, Armenian law enforcement officers from strong departments went to the Armenian government building to maintain order. Russian satellite news agency quoted the Armenian Ministry of Health as saying that several protesters in front of the Armenian government building were injured and sent to medical treatment. The Armenian Ministry of Health stated that the protest outside the government building resulted in 34 injuries, including 16 police officers and 18 civilians. Currently, there are still 16 injured individuals receiving treatment in hospitals. Earlier that day, the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense announced that it would launch a military operation in the Naka region and use precision guided weapons to strike Amini

Intervening in the village committee election for misconduct! 53 people convicted of involvement in criminal activities, occupying the same area for more than 20 years
Intervening in the village committee election for misconduct! 53 people convicted of involvement in criminal activities, occupying the same area for more than 20 years

The Intermediate People's Court of Haikou City, Hainan Province recently sentenced 53 defendants, including Zhang Mouhao, for crimes such as organizing, leading and participating in criminal organization. The defendant Zhang was sentenced to 25 years in prison, deprived of political rights for 5 years, and had all personal property confiscated in accordance with the law; The other defendants were sentenced to imprisonment ranging from 22 years to 1 year and corresponding property penalties. After trial, the court found that in the 1990s, the defendant Zhang Mouhao served as the general manager of a construction company in Dongfang City. With his arrangement and support, his children successively entered the government departments of Dongfang City. As relatives gradually took up leadership positions, the Zhang family gained a prominent presence in the area of Basuo Town. Since the 1990s, Zhang Mouhao has been using his family's influence as a link to open casinos and profit from illegal activities, using his family's influence as a link

The joint archaeological team of Egypt and France discovered the temple of the goddess Aphrodite 2500 years ago
The joint archaeological team of Egypt and France discovered the temple of the goddess Aphrodite 2500 years ago

The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Relics issued a statement on September 19, stating that a joint archaeological team composed of Egypt and France discovered the Aphrodite goddess temple, built in the 5th century BC, during excavations in the underwater ancient city of Tonis Heraclion in the eastern part of Alexandria Bay. Mustafa Waziri, Secretary General of Egypt's Supreme Council of Cultural Relics, said that the archaeological team discovered bronze and ceramic vessels from Greece, as well as wooden architectural relics from the 5th century BC, inside the temple. In addition, the archaeological team also found a large number of valuables in the excavation of the Western Amun Temple, including a group of gold jewelry, lion head shaped earrings, Wajite eyes, pendants, and alabaster vessels used to store perfume and cosmetics. The ancient city of Tonis Heraclion, submerged underwater, has a history dating back to 8 BC

China and Russia hold the 18th round of strategic security consultations
China and Russia hold the 18th round of strategic security consultations

On September 19, 2023 local time, Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, jointly chaired the 18th round of strategic security consultations between China and Russia with the Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Patrushchev, in Moscow. Both sides exchanged in-depth views on a wide range of topics related to deepening strategic cooperation between the two countries, strengthened coordination, and enhanced mutual trust. Wang Yi said that China Russia relations have withstood the test of international changes and have continued to develop in a healthy and stable manner. The connotation of strategic cooperation between the two countries is constantly enriched, and the quality of pragmatic cooperation is constantly improving. As permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and responsible major powers, China and Russia closely cooperate on the international stage, jointly defend true multilateralism, oppose all acts of hegemonic power, and promote the development of the global governance system towards a more fair and reasonable direction. Wang Yi stated that the China Russia Strategic Security Consultation Mechanism

Write the highest inspection report! Tan Xiuyi was wronged for 29 years and was acquitted, receiving 7.87 million yuan in national compensation. Beijing Dayu Law Firm | Defense Lawyer | Tan Xiuyi
Write the highest inspection report! Tan Xiuyi was wronged for 29 years and was acquitted, receiving 7.87 million yuan in national compensation. Beijing Dayu Law Firm | Defense Lawyer | Tan Xiuyi

On September 19th, Li Xun, the appeal agent, retrial defense lawyer, and director of Beijing Dayu Law Firm in the Tan Xiuyi case, told Red Star News that Tan Xiuyi has received more than 7.87 million yuan in national compensation. On December 20, 2022, the report "Accused of killing a family of three and sentenced to death with a reprieve, Henan Tan Xiuyi was wrongly sentenced to 29 years in prison and finally acquitted" attracted widespread attention. Previously, the Tan Xiuyi case was included in this year's highest prosecution work report. On the afternoon of March 7th this year, the first session of the 14th National People's Congress held its second plenary session at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Zhang Jun, the Prosecutor General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate, presented a report on the work of the Supreme People's Procuratorate to the conference. The report of the Supreme People's Procuratorate stated that we must resolutely correct and prevent wrongful cases. The prosecutor is both a criminal prosecutor and an innocent protector. From 2018 to 2022

The Hong Kong SAR government strongly opposes and strongly opposes the UK's so-called "Hong Kong Half Year Report"
The Hong Kong SAR government strongly opposes and strongly opposes the UK's so-called "Hong Kong Half Year Report"

The Hong Kong SAR government expressed strong dissatisfaction and firm opposition to the so-called "Hong Kong Half Year Report: January to June 2023" released by the UK on the 19th, which made false statements and smeared the situation of reshaping the District Council, safeguarding national security, and safeguarding human rights in the Hong Kong SAR. A spokesperson for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government stated that the government is strongly dissatisfied with and firmly opposes the repeated use of British old tricks. Through the so-called semi annual report, it has overturned right and wrong and talked nonsense about Hong Kong affairs. Its strategy of governing with politics over the rule of law has long been exposed. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is an inseparable part of the People's Republic of China, a local administrative region that enjoys high autonomy under the "One Country, Two Systems" policy and is directly under the central government. The SAR government once again strongly urges the UK to recognize the facts, comply with international law and basic norms of international relations, and immediately stop interfering with pure

Why did the Mongolian men's football team win a lot of applause?, Ranked 183rd in the world
Why did the Mongolian men's football team win a lot of applause?, Ranked 183rd in the world

The world ranking of the Mongolian men's football team is 183rd, which is regarded as a "weak team among weak teams" by many. However, its debut at the Asian Games earned respect. On September 19th, in the first match of Group B of the Asian Games men's football team, Vietnam defeated Mongolia 4-2. Although they lost the game, the tenacious fighting spirit displayed by the Mongolian team members won applause from the Chinese fans on site. After the departure of the Vietnamese team players, the Mongolian player Temurun Ugambat, who came on as a substitute and scored a goal, stayed on the field with a group of players and continued to run circles for nearly half an hour along the field, adjusting his form. It wasn't until the Saudi Arabian team members who were participating in the next game entered the warm-up stage that everyone reluctantly left. The Japanese head coach of the Mongolian team, Ichiro Otsuka, stated in an interview with Chao Shimbun that the venue is in good condition and the young players are working hard

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