The world

Lifetime ban!, Sentenced indefinite, insurance company manager defrauded 40 people for a total of 24.08 million yuan
Lifetime ban!, Sentenced indefinite, insurance company manager defrauded 40 people for a total of 24.08 million yuan

Recently, the administrative penalty information on the website of the State Administration for Financial Regulation showed that the heads of China Life Insurance Jiaxian Branch and the original branch, Yu Enheng, both received penalty tickets. Among them, Yu Enheng was banned for life for committing fraud during his insurance career. According to the Judgment Document Network, during his tenure, Yu Enheng took advantage of his position and used methods such as engraving official seals and issuing false insurance certificates, using high interest rates as bait, to defraud more than 40 victims, totaling more than 24.08 million yuan. He also used most of the funds for personal stock trading, repayment of personal debts and interest, constituting the crime of fraud. He was ultimately sentenced to life imprisonment and deprived of political rights for life by the court. On September 15th, the administrative penalty information disclosure form of the Pingdingshan Supervision Branch of the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration showed that China Life Insurance Co., Ltd

Mali's Transitional President announces the establishment of the Sahel State Alliance with Burkina Faso and Niger
Mali's Transitional President announces the establishment of the Sahel State Alliance with Burkina Faso and Niger

On September 16th local time, Mali's transitional President Goita posted on his personal social media account, stating that he had signed relevant charters with the heads of state of Burkina Faso and Niger on the same day and agreed to establish the Sahel State Alliance. According to reports, the commitments made by the three countries after establishing an alliance include: not threatening each other or using force to infringe on the territorial integrity or political independence of one party; The armed forces shall not block one party's ports, roads, coasts, or strategic infrastructure; It is not allowed to attack or invade the other party from one party's territory. The Sahel region is an area south of the Sahara Desert in Africa, with a width of 320 to 480 kilometers. In 2014, the Sahel Group of Five was established, with member countries including Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger.

The summit of the Group of 77 and China adopted the Havana Declaration
The summit of the Group of 77 and China adopted the Havana Declaration

On September 16th local time, after a two-day general debate, the representatives attending the Havana Summit of the Group of 77 and China unanimously adopted the Havana Declaration. The Havana Declaration consists of 46 articles, and representatives of member countries reaffirm their commitment to strengthening unity and cooperation and playing a greater role in the current international situation. The declaration expresses deep concern over the challenges currently faced by developing countries and calls on all countries to coordinate and cooperate actively to address them in order to achieve the sustainable development goals of developing countries. The declaration emphasizes the urgent need for comprehensive reform of the international financial landscape, adopting a more inclusive and coordinated global financial governance approach, opposing unilateral sanctions against developing countries, opposing unfair practices such as technology monopolies that hinder their technological development, and calling on the international community to promote technological development

All land, sea, and air borders are closed! The escalating tension between these two countries
All land, sea, and air borders are closed! The escalating tension between these two countries

According to Agence France Presse on September 15th, the Dominican Republic closed its land, sea, and air borders with Haiti in retaliation for Haiti's construction of a canal to draw water from the Massac River. The Massac River is one of the natural borders between these two countries that share the island of Haiti. According to reports, Haiti's move to build a canal has led to a diplomatic crisis, and the relationship between the two countries is already tense due to illegal immigration issues in Haiti. The Dominican government also dispatched a large number of armed soldiers to be deployed on the border and by the river. A helicopter is flying over the area. On September 15th, Dominican soldiers were on duty in the border area near Haiti. The border port between Dominican Dah á on and Haitian Vanamint has been closed. In fact, Dahaon closed the border ten days ago, and from 6:00 am on the 15th, the scope of closure began

American media: The United States is taking another step towards government shutdown
American media: The United States is taking another step towards government shutdown

According to a report on the website of The New York Times on September 15th, McCarthy withdrew the Pentagon's spending bill, taking another step towards a government shutdown. According to reports, the efforts made by US House Speaker McCarthy to avoid a government shutdown were declared unsuccessful on September 14th. He succumbed to the resistance of the most conservative members of parliament and abandoned attempts to submit the Pentagon spending bill this week. The report suggests that surrendering to the far right highlights the difficulties facing McCarthy: he is trying to find a way to push forward a series of spending bills and avoid a government shutdown in two weeks, while also trying to maintain his position against the backdrop of right-wing threats to dismiss him. This also indicates that he lacks influence in front of the far right. According to reports from attendees, McCarthy firmly stated during the closed door meeting of the House Republicans on the morning of the 14th

Li Qiang gives important instructions on doing a good job in skilled talent work
Li Qiang gives important instructions on doing a good job in skilled talent work

Li Qiang made important instructions on doing a good job in the work of skilled talents, emphasizing efforts to cultivate a large-scale, structurally reasonable, and high-quality skilled labor team. The Second Vocational Skills Competition of the People's Republic of China opened on September 16 in Tianjin. Li Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, recently issued important instructions on doing a good job in the work of skilled talents. The instructions point out that skilled talents are valuable resources for implementing the strategy of building a strong talent country, prioritizing employment, and driving innovation development. Holding a national vocational skills competition to build a platform for skilled talents to showcase and exchange skills is conducive to promoting the formation of a new era of skill employment, skill development, and skill service to the country.

Be vigilant! Domestic appearance of female monkeypox infected individuals
Be vigilant! Domestic appearance of female monkeypox infected individuals

On September 15th, the National Health Commission announced that from September 20th, 2023, monkeypox will be included in the management of Class B infectious diseases, and prevention and control measures will be taken for Class B infectious diseases. On September 8, China National Center for Disease Control and Prevention also released the monitoring of the monkeypox epidemic in August 2023, stating that from August 1 to 31, 2023, there were 501 new confirmed cases of monkeypox reported in mainland China. Among them, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Beijing, and Sichuan are the most common, with no severe cases or deaths. According to epidemiological investigation and analysis, at present, the characteristics of the monkeypox epidemic in China are as follows: firstly, 98.9% of cases are male, and 92.5% of cases are clearly male behavioral groups; Secondly, there were 5 females in the case who had a history of heterosexual contact within 21 days before the onset of the disease, and the possibility of infection through heterosexual contact was high. Among the heterosexual partners, 3 cases were infected with monkeypox

Is the opportunity to "pick up the leak" here?, Corrupt official 100000 yuan jade bracelet, starting from 1 yuan
Is the opportunity to "pick up the leak" here?, Corrupt official 100000 yuan jade bracelet, starting from 1 yuan

The jade bracelet with an evaluation price of 100000 yuan has a starting price of only 1 yuan; The assessed price is 80000 yuan for small jade pendants, and the starting price is also 1 yuan On September 14th, the People's Court of Guzhen County, Bengbu City, Anhui Province will conduct an online judicial auction of 11 seized jadeite and jade products, with a starting price of 1 yuan each. The ultra-low starting price has attracted many people's attention and registration. The auction item, with a starting price of only 1 yuan and a security deposit of several thousand yuan, was auctioned off by the People's Court of Guzhen County. The jade bracelet, which was assessed to be worth 100000 yuan, was confiscated as stolen property in a bribery case seized by the court. The auction announcement stated that "the owner of the item is Wang Zekuan.". In addition to this 100000 yuan jade bracelet, several other items were also named "Lot Owner Wang Zekuan". Anhui Provincial Procuratorate January 2015

Property compensation of 240000 yuan, first instance trial! The boy who caused the accident compensated 580000 yuan, and threw wooden blocks on the 32nd floor to kill the old man
Property compensation of 240000 yuan, first instance trial! The boy who caused the accident compensated 580000 yuan, and threw wooden blocks on the 32nd floor to kill the old man

The first instance verdict of the widely publicized case of Qu County where a wooden block fell from the sky and killed an elderly person has finally been released: both the boy causing the accident and the property management have been sentenced to bear responsibility for compensation! On September 16th, the family of the deceased Xiao told Red Star News that they had received the civil judgment from the Qu County People's Court. The Red Star News reporter saw from the judgment that the court ruled that the party responsible should bear the main fault responsibility, with 70% of the responsibility and compensation of over 580000 yuan; The property management bears secondary responsibility, with a 30% compensation of over 240000 yuan. At present, the two defendants are dissatisfied and have filed an appeal. On February 28th of this year, in a community in Qu County, Dazhou City, Sichuan Province, an elderly man named Xiao picked up his grandson from school and returned home. As soon as the grandfather and grandson arrived at the bottom of Building 3 in the community, Xiao was hit by a falling wooden block and died despite rescue efforts. After investigation by the police,

"The speed of returns cannot keep up with the speed of my grandmother being scammed into buying."
"The speed of returns cannot keep up with the speed of my grandmother being scammed into buying."

Recently, internet celebrity anchor "Xiucai" has been banned, with millions of followers, mainly middle-aged and elderly women. Prior to this, he was reported by netizens as suspected of fraud. After the account suspension, another female anchor who has a similar number of fans as the "scholar" but is more popular among middle-aged and elderly men, "Yixiao Qingcheng", has also been controversial. The two recently set a record for a live broadcast in the "Century PK" - receiving over 20 million online viewers in just 3 hours. Some netizens claim that "Yixiao Qingcheng" has a 60 level fan base, which means it has spent at least 20 million yuan on it. At present, the account of "One Smiling City" has been discontinued. On the left of the picture is "Laughing City", and on the right is "Scholar". The two had a live broadcast before. Seeking love from thousands of miles, offering generous rewards... These incredible star chasing actions are happening in middle-aged and elderly people

Three people's positions will be adjusted on the same day!, Central approval
Three people's positions will be adjusted on the same day!, Central approval

On September 14th, Wuhan University held a meeting of the Party Committee Standing Committee, announcing the relevant decisions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on the adjustment of the school's leadership team. Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Comrade Shen Zhuanghai was appointed as the Executive Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Wuhan University, and Comrade Zhu Deyou and Gong Wei were appointed as the Vice Presidents of Wuhan University. Previously, Shen Zhuanghai served as the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Wuhan University. According to public information, Shen Zhuanghai was born in November 1971 in Henan Province. He has a master's degree and a doctor's degree. He joined the CPC in May 1992 and joined the work in July 1997. He is a professor and doctoral supervisor of the Academy of Marxism. From 1990 to 2000, Shen Zhuanghai studied at Wuhan University and obtained a Bachelor's degree in Law, a Master's degree in Law, and a Doctor's degree in Law. From 2001 to 2003, he obtained a Ph.D. in Law from Wuhan University

Where is the difficulty of job seeking? Survey on Slow Employment and Delayed Employment of College Graduates, Unemployed after Leaving Beijing | Universities | Graduates
Where is the difficulty of job seeking? Survey on Slow Employment and Delayed Employment of College Graduates, Unemployed after Leaving Beijing | Universities | Graduates

Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood, and the employment of college graduates is of utmost importance in stabilizing employment. In the process of making every effort to promote employment, the slow and delayed employment of college graduates who have left school but have not yet found employment has attracted widespread attention. What is the situation of the unemployed group who have left school this year? How to monitor the mentality of young people and make precise efforts to implement policies, so that employment services are not offline when leaving school? The reporter is conducting in-depth investigations in the Beijing area to find answers. This year, there were approximately 285000 college graduates from the 2023 cohort in Beijing, an increase of 17000 compared to the same period last year, and the number of graduates reached a historic high. At the same time, the foundation for sustained recovery and development of the domestic economy is still unstable, and some business entities are facing more difficulties. The reporter visited multiple job fairs in Beijing and learned that some workers, especially young people such as college graduates, are still facing significant job search and employment pressure.

The transaction volume of second-hand houses has also increased significantly!, Shenzhen Reproduction of Internet Celebrity New Drive
The transaction volume of second-hand houses has also increased significantly!, Shenzhen Reproduction of Internet Celebrity New Drive

The new policy of "recognizing a house but not a loan" has been implemented in Shenzhen for half a month, and the entry of "internet celebrity stocks" into the market has become an important test of market sentiment recovery. Recently, the two major "internet celebrity projects" in Shenzhen's real estate market, Baishizhou Jingting and Jindi Huanwan City, have announced their fundraising data. The data shows that the number of customers who were ultimately shortlisted and completed the intention registration deposit freeze was 756 and 456 batches, respectively. According to the previously announced sales plan, the two projects will launch 1257 and 401 residential units respectively. Lvjing Baishizhou Jingting and Jindi Huanwan City are old renovated properties with a scale of one million square meters in Nanshan and Futian, respectively. The sales pace is also similar, and the market is highly concerned about the sales situation of these two properties. It is worth noting that both new developments originate from the renovation of urban villages and the surrounding areas

The naval gang has been caught!, Selling Misfortune to Create a "Daliangshan Character" and Selling Fake Goods
The naval gang has been caught!, Selling Misfortune to Create a "Daliangshan Character" and Selling Fake Goods

How many people have experienced this kind of live streaming sales, where the passionate and tense music only lasts for ten seconds and the "top-notch" product quality, coupled with the tempting comments of "old fans" swiping the screen? Be careful not to fall into the trap of the "online water army"! On September 14th, 2023, the National Cybersecurity Awareness Week Rule of Law Day, Sichuan Public Security held a press conference with the theme of "Maintaining a Clear Cyberspace and Cracking Down on Cyberchaos". The conference reported on the work of the public security organs in the province to crack down on cyber warfare, cybercrime, cyber hackers, and cybercrime, and released relevant typical cases. Among them, the Liangshan Public Security Bureau cracked down on cases where they worked together to create internet celebrity anchors who sold tragedies, staged poverty scenes to attract traffic, hired "online water armies" to increase followers and attract traffic, and used traffic to sell counterfeit agricultural and sideline products. The basic case was reported in June this year

For the first time, Gazprom has delivered liquefied natural gas to China via the northern waterway, reducing the delivery time by more than a week
For the first time, Gazprom has delivered liquefied natural gas to China via the northern waterway, reducing the delivery time by more than a week

According to Agence France Presse on September 15th, Russian energy giant Gazprom said on the 15th that the shrinking ice sheet makes navigation routes more feasible, and it has delivered liquefied natural gas for the first time to China via the northern waterway. According to reports, Russian authorities hope that this route will help increase oil and gas supplies to Asia. On June 18th, the first ship of the Caofeidian Xintian LNG project successfully arrived at the port in Tangshan, Hebei. Gazprom said in a statement, "Our company has delivered its own produced liquefied natural gas for the first time through the northern waterway." Compared to passing through the Suez Canal in Egypt, this waterway has shortened transportation time by more than a week. Gazprom said that the transport ship "Grand Novgorod" carrying liquefied natural gas was launched in August

China will continue to improve the public service system for intellectual property rights
China will continue to improve the public service system for intellectual property rights

Beijing, September 16 (Reuters) Recently, the China National Intellectual Property Administration issued the Implementation Plan for the Inclusive Project of Public Services for Intellectual Property, which means that China will continue to improve the public service system for intellectual property, and achieve inclusive justice of policies, inclusive accessibility of services, and inclusive openness of data. In terms of supporting scientific and technological breakthroughs in key core technology areas, the plan proposes to explore and carry out full process, embedded intellectual property public services for national strategic scientific and technological forces such as national laboratories, national research institutions, high-level research universities, and technology-based backbone enterprises, strengthen the deep mining and analysis of intellectual property information, help scientific research teams optimize their research and development paths, improve their research and development starting points, optimize patent layouts, improve technology transformation efficiency, and avoid intellectual property risks. In terms of serving small and medium-sized enterprises, proposals are proposed to promote more intellectual property rights

The dividends of the national student loan policy are further released, and students who have already applied can also enjoy the new policy
The dividends of the national student loan policy are further released, and students who have already applied can also enjoy the new policy

CCTV News: In order to further improve the student aid policy system, better meet the needs of student loans, and reduce the economic burden of students, the Ministry of Education and four other departments recently issued a notice to increase the national student loan quota starting from the autumn semester of 2023. At the same time, adjust the interest rate of national student loans. The national student loan is an important measure to improve the financial support policy system for ordinary universities in China through fiscal and financial means. It is a credit student loan provided to full-time undergraduate and graduate students from economically disadvantaged families to help them solve their learning and living expenses during their school years. According to the latest notice issued by the Ministry of Education and other four departments, starting from the autumn semester of 2023, the annual loan application limit for each full-time undergraduate and vocational student will be increased from no more than 12000 yuan to no more than 16000 yuan; Full day

The Chinese market is a must choose option! Multinational corporations are investing more in China and deepening their presence in the Chinese market
The Chinese market is a must choose option! Multinational corporations are investing more in China and deepening their presence in the Chinese market

CCTV News: On September 15th, the Ministry of Commerce released data showing that from January to August 2023, there were 33154 newly established foreign-invested enterprises in China, a year-on-year increase of 33%; The actual amount of foreign investment used was 847.17 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 5.1%. Experts point out that the significant growth of newly established foreign-invested enterprises nationwide indicates the confidence of foreign investors in long-term investment in China. There are two reasons for the year-on-year decline in actual use of foreign investment, according to officials from the Ministry of Commerce. In the first eight months, there were two main reasons for the year-on-year decline in actual use of foreign investment nationwide. One is the slow recovery of the world economy and weak global cross-border investment. According to the 2023 World Investment Report of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, global foreign direct investment decreased by 12% in 2022 and still faces challenges in 2023

Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holiday ignite enthusiasm for travel
Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holiday ignite enthusiasm for travel

The recent summer season has seen the tourism market as hot as the weather. With the upcoming Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holiday, related tourism product bookings continue to rise. According to data from multiple online travel platforms, the booking volume of long-term travel during the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holiday is growing rapidly, with some niche destinations performing well, and the booking volume of outbound products is rapidly increasing. The comprehensive recovery of the tourism market is evident in the bustling airports and train stations, as well as the bustling scenic spots. The China Tourism Research Institute estimates that this summer, the number of domestic tourists in China reached 1.839 billion, achieving a domestic tourism revenue of 1.21 trillion yuan, and the number of tourists received by most destinations reached a historical high. Parent child families are the main force in the summer tourism market. According to data from Ctrip Travel Network, in summer air ticket orders,

The entire robot industry chain accelerates innovative development
The entire robot industry chain accelerates innovative development

In the first half of this year, China's industrial robot production reached 222000 sets, a year-on-year increase of 5.4%. The installed capacity of industrial robots accounted for over 50% of the world's total, firmly ranking first in the world; Service robots and special robots continue to develop rapidly, with a production volume of 3.53 million sets of service robots, a year-on-year increase of 9.6%. Currently, the development level of China's robotics industry is steadily improving and accelerating its entry into daily life, effectively driving the transformation of economic and social intelligence. With the deepening development of a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, the robotics industry has entered a period of development opportunities with intensive and active technological innovation and deep application expansion. In the field of industrial robots, various indicators such as product speed, reliability, and load capacity are constantly improving. Some products have an average fault free running time of 80000 hours and a maximum load

Actively finance to promote sustained economic recovery
Actively finance to promote sustained economic recovery

According to data from the Ministry of Finance, the national general public budget revenue for the first eight months was 15179.6 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10%; The national general public budget expenditure was 17138.2 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.8%. The growth of fiscal revenue, driven by sustained economic recovery and overall improvement, is mainly due to the implementation of a large-scale value-added tax retention and refund policy in April last year, with more concentrated tax refunds, which lowered the base. Affected by this, tax revenue, especially domestic value-added tax, has significantly increased, correspondingly driving up the growth rate of fiscal revenue. At the same time, we will increase efficiency and implement proactive fiscal policies, take effective measures to reasonably accelerate the progress of fiscal expenditures, and promote sustained economic recovery. In terms of income, in the first 8 months, the national tax revenue was 12788.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 12.9%; National non tax income 23911

New Era China Research Tour - Yellow River Chapter | Clear Wind, Willow Green Scenery - Shandong Writes a New Chapter on Ecological Protection of the Lower Yellow River | Ecology | Yellow River
New Era China Research Tour - Yellow River Chapter | Clear Wind, Willow Green Scenery - Shandong Writes a New Chapter on Ecological Protection of the Lower Yellow River | Ecology | Yellow River

Jinan, September 16th (Xinhua) - Clear wind, green willows, and beautiful scenery - Shandong writes a new article on ecological protection in the lower reaches of the Yellow River. Xinhua reporter Zhang Wuyue and water birds rest and dance in the Gaoqing section of the lower reaches of the Yellow River in Shandong. In early autumn, under the decoration of various trees along the Huaiyin Yellow River embankment in Jinan, Shandong, the greenery is fully displayed. Riding a shared bike and shuttling along the embankment road, enjoying the beauty of the Yellow River, has become a fashionable sport for many citizens. "In recent years, the Yellow River has been the same year by year. The days when dust and dust could fly with strong winds are gone forever." Mr. Wang, a citizen who grew up by the Yellow River, looked at the river flowing eastward in front of him and sighed sincerely. The forest is thin and continuous, and the river grows endlessly. The intertwined ecological corridor of wave break forests, pedestrian forests, and suitable forests forms the lower reaches of the Yellow River

People's Hot Review: Ignite the Light of Culture and Make an Appointment to Go to Beijing Together
People's Hot Review: Ignite the Light of Culture and Make an Appointment to Go to Beijing Together

Civilization establishes the world, culture promotes the country. The 2023 Beijing Cultural Forum, with the annual theme of "Inheriting Excellent Culture and Promoting Exchange and Cooperation," was successfully held from September 14th to 15th. Experience the latest achievements of Beijing's cultural construction in the unique cultural landmarks of Beijing; Listen to the insightful opinions and insights of experts and scholars on the exciting and diverse main and sub forums; On the magnificent Shougang Ski Jumping Platform, we embark on a wonderful cultural journey that integrates ancient and modern times, and exchanges ideas between China and foreign countries. Focusing on international cultural exchange and mutual learning of world civilizations, domestic and foreign guests gather in the millennium old capital to share stories of inheritance, innovation, and co creation of civilization. Beijing is a historic and cultural city with a history of over 3000 years of city building and over 800 years of capital building. It is a powerful demonstration of the continuity, innovation, unity, inclusiveness, and peace of Chinese civilization

Strengthening the Foundation of Innovation through Thick Planting of Scientific Soil - Written on the occasion of the 20th National Science Popularization Day
Strengthening the Foundation of Innovation through Thick Planting of Scientific Soil - Written on the occasion of the 20th National Science Popularization Day

High precision and cutting-edge technological achievements are showcased, and the colorful Science Popularization Carnival is underway... On September 17th, China will welcome the 20th National Science Popularization Day event. Make scientific and cultural soft power stronger! Since the launch of the National Science Popularization Day in 2004, the concept of respecting creativity and advocating science has deeply rooted in people's hearts. The latest data shows that the modern science and technology museum system has served over 1 billion offline public, and the proportion of citizens with scientific literacy has reached 12.93%.

Expert interpretation, strong observation | "one old and one young" welcoming the dividend of tax reduction again
Expert interpretation, strong observation | "one old and one young" welcoming the dividend of tax reduction again

Recently, the State Council issued a notice on raising the special additional deduction standards for personal income tax, deciding to increase the special additional deduction standards for personal income tax on the care of infants and young children under the age of 3, children's education, and supporting the elderly. Families related to "one older and one younger" will welcome the tax reduction dividend again. What modifications have been made to the deduction criteria for "one elderly and one young" in the Notice? How to understand the specific requirements of the new standard? Since the beginning of this year, taxpayers who have already reported enjoying deductions for "one elderly and one young", how can they enjoy deductions according to the increased standards? The "Strong Observation" column of People's Daily Online interviewed relevant experts. What adjustments have been made to the new standards? The Notice points out that starting from January 1, 2023, the special additional deduction standard for the care of infants and young children under the age of 3 will be increased from 1000 yuan per month to 2000 yuan per infant. Children's education

The digital economy promotes the high-quality development of China's cultural industry
The digital economy promotes the high-quality development of China's cultural industry

Beijing, September 16th (Xinhua) - At the northernmost end of the Beijing central axis, the city's landmarks, the Drum Tower and Bell Tower, stand vertically and quietly in front and behind. Entering the Drum Tower, the digital interactive experience exhibition "Stories of Time" is currently on display. Through light and shadow shows, interactive experiences, and other means, it interprets the ancient people's cosmology and time and space views, allowing visitors to experience the fashion sparks generated by the collision of ancient architecture and digital creativity firsthand. In today's China, more and more cultural heritage is presented in digital forms that are more accessible to the public, radiating new vitality and energy. Emerging digital cultural formats such as video live streaming, e-sports, and digital cultural heritage continue to emerge, promoting innovation in cultural consumption patterns. At the 2023 Beijing Cultural Forum held on the 15th, experts and scholars from the government, universities, enterprises, and related institutions focused on the Chinese culture under the digital economy

Call on the European Union to use its navy, Italy will take "special measures" to cope with the surging wave of immigration
Call on the European Union to use its navy, Italy will take "special measures" to cope with the surging wave of immigration

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said on the 15th local time that Italy will take "special measures" to deal with the surging wave of immigrants, and called on the European Union to provide support, including using the navy to prevent illegal immigrants from departing from North Africa. On the same day, Meloni posted a video on social media saying that the Italian cabinet is scheduled to meet on the 18th and will determine multiple "special measures" to deal with the immigration wave, including requiring the military to build larger detention facilities and extending the detention time for illegal immigrants. Meloni also called on the European Union to take immediate measures to prevent immigrants from traveling from North Africa to Italy and, if necessary, to use naval power. On September 15th local time, immigrants arrived at the port of Lampedusa by boat. Italy is a major "bridgehead" for immigrants and refugees crossing the Mediterranean into European countries. The Meloni government

1 yuan flash sale, 788 yuan package but kicked out by the merchant? Store response
1 yuan flash sale, 788 yuan package but kicked out by the merchant? Store response

Recently, a customer in Foshan, Guangdong reported that a 6-person package worth 788 yuan was sold for 1 yuan on a certain platform, but was told that they couldn't use it and were kicked out of the store. The topic of being kicked out of the store has made many netizens pay attention to the store: the package is losing money and the coupon code cannot be verified. Mr. Chen, the person involved, said that the consumption voucher was bought by his wife. When the family was preparing to make a purchase, they were rejected by the store. This made them very angry. "The salesperson said the package was at a loss and couldn't be verified, so let's go." The order only stated "valid until September 24th" and did not restrict any other content. Mr. Chen said that some consumers successfully used the coupon code on the same day. Some people said that although they couldn't use the 1 yuan coupon, they could offer a 268 yuan double package, or

Families with multiple children can enjoy a 30% increase. Changchun Housing Provident Fund New Policy: Maximum loan amount of 900000 yuan | Housing Provident Fund | New Policy
Families with multiple children can enjoy a 30% increase. Changchun Housing Provident Fund New Policy: Maximum loan amount of 900000 yuan | Housing Provident Fund | New Policy

According to the Housing Provident Fund Management Center of Changchun City, Jilin Province, on September 15th, Changchun City issued a notice on adjusting the housing provident fund personal housing loan policy in Changchun City. This notice will come into effect from the date of its publication. The notice shows that the location of the house purchase is in the main urban area and development zone of Changchun City, and the maximum amount of a single loan with joint borrowers is 900000 yuan; The maximum amount of a single loan without co borrowers is 600000 yuan. The location of the house purchase is in Shuangyang District and Gongzhuling City of Changchun City, and the maximum amount of a single loan with joint borrowers is 650000 yuan; The maximum amount of a single loan without co borrowers is 500000 yuan. The location of the house purchase is in Jiutai District, Dehui City, Yushu City, and Nong'an County, and the maximum amount of a single loan with joint borrowers is 450000 yuan; The maximum amount of a single loan without co borrowers is 300000 yuan.

The new "Chicken Baby Artifact" is selling well! Is the built-in recorded course compliant?
The new "Chicken Baby Artifact" is selling well! Is the built-in recorded course compliant?

Since the implementation of the "double reduction" policy, some parents have found learning machines as a new way of "chicken child". A learning machine can contain thousands of full subject courses, covering all subjects from primary school to high school, and students can choose to study on their own. Does the learning machine manufacturer providing course content violate regulations under such "training"? In terms of sales, currently popular learning machine brands on the market include iFlytek, Xueersi, Xiwo, etc., with prices ranging from 1000 to 5000 yuan. According to Zhongxin Jingwei, many learning machines contain videos of general subject learning, which students and parents can choose to watch on their own. On a promotional page of iFlytek's learning machine, there are also many student cases, such as a first grade elementary school student who said "the school has not yet offered English classes, but English listening has reached the level of fifth and sixth grade students.". Zhongxin Jingwei focuses on consumption

Decision to appoint Chen Jie as Vice Mayor, Report on the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress | Situation | ShanghaiStrictly abide by the Party Constitution, Party rules, and Party discipline. The Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Party Group of the Municipal Government, and the Party Group of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference held separate meetings to firmly support the Central Committee's decision on the Party Central Committee | Politics | Party GroupCan Shanghai connect with the greenways of these cities? Official: Proposed Preparation of Greenway Construction Standards for the Yangtze River Delta | Standards | Yangtze River DeltaChen Jining, Gong Zheng, and colleagues from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee exchanged their experiences and insights on thematic education research based on their respective experiences. Education | Municipal Party Committee | ThemeThe Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference awarded commemorative plaques to members and standing committee members of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference who are no longer re elected in ShanghaiPropose ideas and measures around releasing domestic demand, and the Chairman's Meeting of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference deliberates on key research reports and measures | ideas | research