The world

The Western media's portrayal of the "BRICS divide" has been refuted, the Indian Prime Minister has received attention, and the Brazilian President has stepped forward to refute rumors about the BRICS | Summit | Prime Minister
The Western media's portrayal of the "BRICS divide" has been refuted, the Indian Prime Minister has received attention, and the Brazilian President has stepped forward to refute rumors about the BRICS | Summit | Prime Minister

The BRICS Leaders Summit will be held in Johannesburg, South Africa from the 22nd to the 24th of this month. According to Bloomberg on the 3rd, South African BRICS coordinator Anil Sukrar stated on the 2nd that BRICS leaders will announce matters related to expansion at this summit. Currently, 22 countries have officially submitted applications to join the BRICS Cooperation Mechanism, and more than 20 countries have submitted informal applications. As the attractiveness of the BRICS mechanism increased, European and American media reported that Brazil's opposition to BRICS expansion was refuted by Brazilian President Lula, followed by rumors that the Indian Prime Minister may not attend the summit offline and pointed the finger at the competition between China and India. Multiple international experts

The Economist: Shooting+Drugs+Car Accidents... An Amazing Number of Americans Difficult to End Old Americans | America | Drugs
The Economist: Shooting+Drugs+Car Accidents... An Amazing Number of Americans Difficult to End Old Americans | America | Drugs

The Economist, July 31, article, original title: An astonishing number of Americans cannot die in 2019. Even before the outbreak of the COVID-19, in Perry County, Kentucky, the United States and its surrounding areas, people of all ages are likely to die. On average, by 2019, the life expectancy of Perry County residents was only 69 years, while the average life expectancy in the entire United States was 79 years. Over the past 20 years, the economic performance of the United States has been better than that of other developed countries. But in terms of measuring the basic standard of health, which is lifespan, the United States lags behind, and life expectancy among Americans is generally declining. After conducting a survey of 18 high-income countries, the University of Southern California found that the life expectancy of Americans has fallen to the bottom. In the past three years, these figures have worsened due to the COVID-19 epidemic. A study found that in 202

Expert: Confusing International Audiovisual and Defamating China's Image, the US Talks About China's Anti Spy Mobilization | Citizen | Reporter | International
Expert: Confusing International Audiovisual and Defamating China's Image, the US Talks About China's Anti Spy Mobilization | Citizen | Reporter | International

Since August 1st, the Ministry of National Security's WeChat public platform has been continuously posting articles on the Anti Espionage Law of the People's Republic of China, which officially came into effect on July 1st, attracting public attention. The Ministry of National Security has issued articles such as "Anti espionage requires mobilization from the whole society!", "Punishing espionage behavior in accordance with the law and respecting and protecting human rights equally important", and "What should citizens and organizations do if they discover espionage behavior?" to provide a detailed introduction to the revised Anti espionage Law and how to implement it. At the same time, it has educated the public on the ways and channels to support and assist anti espionage work. However, US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller on the 2nd smeared the propaganda campaign as "clearly encouraging citizens to monitor each other.". He claimed that the US is closely monitoring

Rainstorm in Wuchang has flooded villages and irrigated rice fields in many places. Be alert! Mudanjiang flood has formed rainfall | rainstorm | Mudanjiang
Rainstorm in Wuchang has flooded villages and irrigated rice fields in many places. Be alert! Mudanjiang flood has formed rainfall | rainstorm | Mudanjiang

Today, the heavy rainfall in Northeast China will continue. The local rainfall will be fierce. The rainfall in North China will increase again. Southwest China and South China will enter a protracted rain war in the next week. There will be another rainstorm in Heilongjiang. Red alert! At 7:50 on the 4th, Heilongjiang Meteorological Station issued a red rainstorm warning signal: the rainfall at Hailun Gonghe Station in the past three hours was 85.1 mm, and the rainfall will continue. It is estimated that the cumulative rainfall in some towns of Hailun in the past three hours can exceed 100 mm. Previously, the Heilongjiang Provincial Meteorological Station issued two consecutive red warnings for rainstorm on August 3. Be vigilant! The Mudanjiang River flood has been affected by rainfall, with multiple rivers exceeding the warning water level and meeting the flood identification standards. At 23:00 on the 3rd, the water level at Yalu River Nianzishan Station was 216.12 meters, exceeding the warning water level by 0.12 meters. The 1st flood of the Yaru River in 2023

190 people urgently evacuated, sudden! A passenger plane tire exploded, Boeing 757 | aircraft | tire
190 people urgently evacuated, sudden! A passenger plane tire exploded, Boeing 757 | aircraft | tire

According to the U.S. Congressional Hill, citing the Federal Aviation Administration, on the 2nd local time, a Delta Boeing 757 aircraft had a tire explosion and caught fire when landing at Atlanta International Airport. 190 passengers evacuated using an emergency slide, and at least one passenger was injured. According to reports, Delta Air Lines confirmed to Capitol Hill that the tire of the Boeing 757 aircraft exploded, causing "overheating of landing gear components.". The airline stated that 190 passengers were evacuated using an emergency slide, and at least one passenger was injured. Delta Air Lines apologized in the statement and expressed gratitude to the crew and airport personnel for assisting in the safe landing of the aircraft. The Federal Aviation Administration and Delta Air Lines have stated that they will conduct a thorough investigation into this matter.

Are you coming?, Research on anti-cancer drugs that can kill all solid cancer tumors | Drugs | Cancer tumors
Are you coming?, Research on anti-cancer drugs that can kill all solid cancer tumors | Drugs | Cancer tumors

On August 2nd, the top cancer research institution in the United States, Hope City, developed a drug that can kill all solid cancer tumors, which attracted a lot of attention. According to the latest paper published by the R&D team in Cell Chemobiology, this AOH1996 targeted chemotherapy drug has shown "enormous potential" in preclinical research. In early research, this new "anticancer" drug was found to be able to "eliminate" various solid cancer tumors. However, this drug has just started the first phase of clinical trials and there is still a long way to go before it can be successful. Linda Marcus, an oncology professor who has shown that preclinical studies are effective in killing cancer cells without damaging healthy cells, explains that most cancer targeted therapies focus on a single pathway, which leads to the development of "cunning cancer cells"

The Road to Strong Military | Entering the "Place where the Military Flag Rises" Experience the "Iron" Youth of Shanghai South Island | Local | Youth
The Road to Strong Military | Entering the "Place where the Military Flag Rises" Experience the "Iron" Youth of Shanghai South Island | Local | Youth

On the eve of the Army Day on August 1st, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency took you into the "place where the military flag was raised" - the "Iron Army Brigade" of the 82nd Group Army, and arrived at the "Pioneer Red First Battalion" with a thick red gene. The predecessor of the Pioneer Red First Battalion was the Ye Ting Independent Regiment. The "Ye Ting Independent Regiment" was praised as the "Iron Army" on the battlefield of the Northern Expedition. From the great victory in Pingxingguan to the bloody battle in Liulaozhuang, from the Liaoshen Campaign to the placement of the Red Flag on the South Island of Shanghai, the heroic predecessors fought southward and northward, creating brilliant achievements. Through the tumultuous years, our bloodline has been passed down. On the journey of building a strong military in the new era, the officers and soldiers of the "Pioneer Red First Battalion" adhere to the oath of "the iron army follows the Party with an iron heart, and the battle flag always floats with the Party flag", constantly refining the soul of the camp to "bravely shoulder heavy responsibilities and be the vanguard". Let's follow the reporter and experience the "iron like" youth of the officers and soldiers together.

The Road to Building a Strong Army | Unswerving Innovation, Innovation, and Re Innovation Challenges | Aerospace | Innovation
The Road to Building a Strong Army | Unswerving Innovation, Innovation, and Re Innovation Challenges | Aerospace | Innovation

Striving for innovation is striving for development, and striving for innovation is striving for the future. In recent years, numerous innovative teams have made appearances at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, and numerous technological achievements have emerged. Deepening the optimization of rocket launch process in the measurement and launch system greatly improves the rocket launch capability. Conquer the key technology of parallel refueling, shorten the pre launch process, and improve the launch site's ability to adapt to multi window launch; The measurement and control system focuses on intelligent research and development of automated tracking and measurement, achieving equipment automation tracking and capture; The innovation of meteorological systems breaks through the important technology of fine forecasting for shallow and high-altitude winds, providing accurate judgments for rocket ignition decisions... The vast number of scientific and technological personnel strengthen their mission responsibility, dare to innovate and break through, explore the "stars and oceans" of their respective positions, and write the "aerospace sentiment" of work and entrepreneurship. Innovation has dreams, striving to catch up in the spirit of Xichang Aerospace, with the pursuit of

Youth Home | Yao Ming Wishes Universiade Athletes to Make More Friends in Chengdu | China | College Students | Athletes
Youth Home | Yao Ming Wishes Universiade Athletes to Make More Friends in Chengdu | China | College Students | Athletes

The college sports meet is a grand event of youth and friendship. In 2001, China hosted the World University Games for the first time, and Yao Ming, the chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association, was a member of that year's Chinese university basketball team. Recently, he gave an interview to reporters, reminiscing about his time at the Universiade, discussing his understanding of the college student sports meet, and giving some suggestions to young athletes who are currently participating in the Chengdu Universiade. At the 2001 Beijing Universiade, the Chinese college basketball team faced off against the American college basketball team in the semifinals. The competition was held at Tsinghua University, and Yao Ming was deeply impressed by the enthusiasm of his peers. Yao Ming said that it was his first time playing basketball on a university campus, and the atmosphere of campus basketball was very passionate, which was significantly different from his previous experience on professional courts. When it comes to the value and significance of the Universiade, Yao Ming highly recognizes it

The Palestinians have considered allowing China to participate in the Biden | Operation | Palestinians
The Palestinians have considered allowing China to participate in the Biden | Operation | Palestinians

According to the Associated Press, Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Maliki criticized the Biden administration on August 3, stating that its performance in the Middle East is weak and negative. At the time of Maliki's statement, violence between Israel and Palestine surged to the highest level in nearly two decades. According to reports, Maliki's remarks reflect Palestinian dissatisfaction with US President Biden. Biden initially won applause from the Palestinians for rejecting the Trump administration's undisguised pro Israel stance. But so far, Biden has taken almost no action to achieve this vision. Maliki said to members of the Association of Foreign Journalists, an international media organization representing Israel and Palestine, "I am very frustrated. It seems like I want to change all the policies implemented by Trump, but on the Palestinian issue..."

The intelligence community has been infiltrated by the United States, and this country has' relinquished sovereignty 'products | intelligence | sovereignty
The intelligence community has been infiltrated by the United States, and this country has' relinquished sovereignty 'products | intelligence | sovereignty

On August 3rd, the Australian website "Pearl and Stimulus" published an article titled "Abandoning Sovereignty: Australia's Intelligence Community is Colonized by the United States", written by Mike Scrafton. The article is compiled as follows: It is hard to imagine that the Albanese government may further harm Australia's sovereignty, international integrity, and national interests. However, intelligence - a key government function closely related to independence and protecting national interests - is being infiltrated and colonized by the Americans. The 2023 Australian US Ministerial Regular Consultation Meeting announced the establishment of the Australian Joint Intelligence Center within the Australian Defense Intelligence Organization. The center appears to ensure cooperation between Australian defense intelligence organizations and the US Department of Defense Intelligence Agency to monitor issues of common strategic concern in the Indo Pacific region. From Australia's specific

The package of debt restructuring plans will be accelerated, and policy signals will be released intensively
The package of debt restructuring plans will be accelerated, and policy signals will be released intensively

On the 4th, China Securities Journal published an article titled "Policy Signal Intensive Release: A Package of Bond Reform Plans to be Accelerated". The article states that in recent times, policy signals for effectively preventing and resolving local debt risks have been intensively released. Experts say that since the beginning of this year, China's economy has continued to recover and overall recovery is improving, and the risk of local debt is generally controllable. At present, there are many effective measures to prevent and resolve local debt risks, including debt replacement, extension, and restructuring. The timing for the launch of a comprehensive debt plan is gradually maturing, and it is expected that relevant policy measures will be accelerated. The issuance of special refinancing bonds is expected to continue to advance. In early July, the website of the National People's Congress of China released the "Report of the State Council on the Central Final Accounts for 2022" to resolve the issue of strict control over stock growth. Effective prevention and resolution of local government debt risks is the next step proposed in the report

The lesson of provincial government leaders raising blood again: formalism and bureaucracy are equivalent to hasty production of human lives | Wang Lixia | leaders
The lesson of provincial government leaders raising blood again: formalism and bureaucracy are equivalent to hasty production of human lives | Wang Lixia | leaders

According to Inner Mongolia Daily, on August 3rd, a video and telephone conference on safety production in the entire region was held in Hohhot. Wang Lixia, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Chairman of the Autonomous Region Government, attended and delivered a speech. Wang Lixia once again mentioned the "lesson of blood" at the meeting, saying that in the crucial matter of safety production, being indifferent is the most terrifying, being numb is the most terrifying, and dealing with it is the most terrifying; To engage in formalism and bureaucracy is to disregard people's lives, to play politics as a joke, to play discipline and rules as a joke, and to play the safety of people's lives and property as a joke. Tuition fees must not be paid in vain, and the lessons learned must be learned. We must truly root the sense of responsibility of being constantly at ease in our hearts and put it into practice. We must thoroughly investigate and study the implementation of responsibilities, investigate and rectify, supervise and rectify, and conduct training exercises to address prominent issues. We must not ignore them

Suspected of involvement in drug smuggling, trafficking, and consumption. More than 20 US soldiers stationed in South Korea have been arrested by the US military | Incident | Soldiers
Suspected of involvement in drug smuggling, trafficking, and consumption. More than 20 US soldiers stationed in South Korea have been arrested by the US military | Incident | Soldiers

According to South Korean media reports on August 3rd local time, there have been multiple drug-related incidents among the US military stationed in South Korea recently, with over 20 US soldiers arrested on suspicion of involvement in drug smuggling, trafficking, and consumption. According to South Korean media citing police reports from Pyeongse City, Gyeonggi Province, in one of the incidents, a US soldier stationed at the Humphreys military camp in Pyeongse City used the military postal system to transport synthetic marijuana into South Korea, and then his South Korean girlfriend and a Filipino woman searched for buyers. According to South Korean media, packages transported by the US military through the military postal system generally need to be scanned by machines during customs clearance. However, due to a shortage of customs personnel, some packages were not inspected. In addition to this incident, 20 US soldiers stationed in South Korea were arrested on suspicion of drug use and trafficking. South Korean media reported that one of them was a taxi serving as a drug "supplier"

Xinzhou claims that there are still concerns and other issues in the local area, and the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee strongly criticizes the concealment of mining accidents in proxy counties throughout the province
Xinzhou claims that there are still concerns and other issues in the local area, and the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee strongly criticizes the concealment of mining accidents in proxy counties throughout the province

"The concealment incident of Daixian Jingcheng Mining has lasted for nearly 20 years, with a serious nature, negative impact, and profound lessons, damaging the image of Shanxi. It has also exposed issues such as the indifference of safety development concepts in relevant regions of our province, the suspension of safety supervision responsibilities, weak grassroots governance, and the inaction and corruption of public officials. According to the Shanxi Daily, on August 3, the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee held a meeting of the Standing Committee and a study meeting of the Theoretical Learning Center, in which they listened to the report on the safety production situation in the province in the first half of the year and the investigation and disposal of the concealment incident of the death of Daixian Jingcheng Mining miners.". Provincial Party Secretary Lan Fo'an presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.

Over 160000 households have experienced power outages, and Typhoon Kanu has hit Kagoshima Prefecture in southwestern Japan
Over 160000 households have experienced power outages, and Typhoon Kanu has hit Kagoshima Prefecture in southwestern Japan

Due to heavy rain and gusts brought by Typhoon Kanu, approximately 166000 households in Okinawa and Kagoshima prefectures in southwestern Japan have experienced power outages, and at least 2 people have died. According to Reuters on August 3rd, on August 2nd, two people died in Okinawa Prefecture due to a typhoon, a 90 year old man and an 89 year old woman. The former was crushed to death by a collapsed garage, while the latter died from a house fire caused by improper use of candles due to power outages. The Japan Fire Agency stated that a total of 41 people were injured by the typhoon in Okinawa and Kagoshima prefectures. According to the Guardian, according to the website of Okinawa Electric Power Company, as of 10:36 am local time on the 3rd, over 160000 households in Okinawa Prefecture have experienced power outages. Kyushu Electric Power Company stated that as of 9:00 am local time on the 3rd, there were approximately 6550 households in the Amami Islands of Kagoshima Prefecture in northern Okinawa

Marvel Review of the United States hyping up "China's Economic Coercion": "Labeling" as an excuse | China | Economy
Marvel Review of the United States hyping up "China's Economic Coercion": "Labeling" as an excuse | China | Economy

Comic author: Ma Hongliang. Recently, the United States has been attracting some countries to hype up the so-called "China's economic coercion" and using it as an excuse to "counter" China. This is once again the United States smearing China and labeling it indiscriminately. The reason why the United States frequently hypes up so-called "economic coercion" is twofold: firstly, it makes excuses for unjustified suppression of China; secondly, it confuses the public and uses "new concepts" to package hegemonic behavior as self-protection "counter coercion". In fact, the international community can clearly see who indiscriminately launches sanctions, who vigorously exercises long arm jurisdiction, and who is the culmination of coercive diplomacy. China promotes mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation, which is a more inclusive and balanced common development. Fabricating lies to contain China will only accelerate the credibility bankruptcy of the US side and allow more people to see the truth.

Why is the United States in a hurry?, China Infrastructure World's Second Belt | Infrastructure | United States
Why is the United States in a hurry?, China Infrastructure World's Second Belt | Infrastructure | United States

Recently, commentator Le Shui from China Net stated in a public event that US President Biden was "worried" that China's infrastructure construction ranks second in the world, while the US only ranks fourteenth, and the US may not be able to lead the world. This is not the first time Biden has expressed concerns about the gap in infrastructure capabilities between China and the United States. At the beginning of taking office in 2021, Biden was envious of China's high-speed rail speed and proposed that the United States should also vigorously develop high-speed rail. However, more than two years have passed, and Biden's "high-speed rail dream" remains like a mirage without any progress. At the same time, China's high-speed rail added 4250 kilometers within two years, with a total mileage of 42000 kilometers, continuing to maintain the world's first place. In fact, Biden's concern lies not only in the widening infrastructure gap between China and the United States, but also in the so-called "leading the world" of the United States

[Circumtemporal depth] The Russia-Ukraine conflict has enriched the five major U.S. industrial companies | the United States | the U.S. military
[Circumtemporal depth] The Russia-Ukraine conflict has enriched the five major U.S. industrial companies | the United States | the U.S. military

On July 31st, the Pentagon announced an extension of its previous contract with a subsidiary of the US military giant General Dynamics, allowing the company to continue providing maintenance services for the Abrams main battle tank. This contract, worth 33.8 million US dollars, is just the tip of the iceberg that General Dynamics has gained additional benefits due to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Although the conflict has brought serious personnel and economic losses to Russia and Ukraine, it has resulted in huge profits for American military giants and their affiliated military industrial complexes. It is well known that the US military industrial complex has made war profits, and even an employee of the country's asset management giant BlackRock said that war is "too beneficial" for business. Both Ukraine and Europe have bought a lot in Camden, Arkansas, USA

American economic coercion is causing global harm. Economy | United States | Economy
American economic coercion is causing global harm. Economy | United States | Economy

Some American politicians are best at labeling and slandering other countries, and recently they have been vigorously promoting the so-called "China economic coercion theory". The United States forcefully labels China as "economic coercion" and encourages allies to encircle and contain China, reflecting its intention to create a "new cold war" in the economy. The United States is engaging in economic coercion, causing global harm. Economic coercion has always been a standard feature in the US foreign policy toolbox. Relying on the hegemony of the US dollar, by cutting off the supply and trading channels of the US dollar to other countries, limiting the channels of US dollar financing and trading, and exerting pressure and sanctions on other countries; By using various trade control measures such as sanctions, import and export restrictions, and tariffs, the United States has established numerous trade control lists... Through practical actions, it has provided the world with numerous cases of economic coercion. The United States is engaging in economic coercion and undermining economic globalization

From "lock" to "link": China Laos railway sets up a new channel for development China Laos | railway | channel
From "lock" to "link": China Laos railway sets up a new channel for development China Laos | railway | channel

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the ground in Luang Prabang was slightly moist after the rain. At the LC International Logistics and Storage Center beside the China Laos Railway, the workers have begun their day's work. Within the park, hundreds of containers containing various types of goods such as ores and fertilizers are stacked in an orderly manner, waiting to be transported to different destinations through this new railway connecting China and Laos. As an important co construction project of the "the Belt and Road", the freight section of the China Laos Railway has been put into operation since December 2021. LC International Logistics Trade Warehouse Center is a land port built on the basis of the China Laos Railway. It is located at the south end of Luang Prabang Railway Station, the second largest city in Laos, and provides enterprises with services such as transportation of goods, container distribution, comprehensive warehousing, import and export customs. "After the opening of the China Laos Railway, our transportation costs immediately fell, and we have more and more business

Both passenger and freight traffic of the China Laos railway are booming!, 20 months of operation, full line | freight | railway
Both passenger and freight traffic of the China Laos railway are booming!, 20 months of operation, full line | freight | railway

The reporter learned from China Railway Kunming Bureau Group that as of August 3, the China Laos Railway had been open for 20 months, with continuous and stable operation safety and increased quality of passenger and freight transport, and the total number of passengers sent across the line exceeded 19 million, with more than 23 million tons of goods. It has become a major international golden channel connecting inside and outside, radiating around, two-way mutual aid, safety and efficiency, providing an effective demonstration for high-quality joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" and high-level expansion of opening up. Since the opening of the China Laos Railway on December 3, 2021, the railway departments of China and Laos have adhered to the goal of high standards, sustainability and benefiting the people's livelihood, made overall efforts to ensure safe production and transportation organization, effectively maintained and operated the China Laos Railway, carefully organized the operation of international passenger trains, continued to optimize the operation of cross-border freight trains, and worked hard to build a development path and fortune for the Chinese and Laotian people

The Chinese aviation market will continue to improve - Interview with Willy Walsh, Chairman of the International Air Transport Association Civil Aviation | China | Aviation
The Chinese aviation market will continue to improve - Interview with Willy Walsh, Chairman of the International Air Transport Association Civil Aviation | China | Aviation

Recently, Willy Walsh, Chairman of the International Air Transport Association, embarked on his first visit to China since taking office. For this trip to China, Walsh expressed that, as he had imagined, he had gained a lot. He not only had in-depth exchanges of views with the Civil Aviation Administration of China on issues such as the restoration of international air transportation, cooperation in civil aviation safety and operation, and sustainable development of civil aviation, but also had exchanges with multiple member airlines and strategic partners. During his visit to China, Walsh was interviewed by media such as Economic Daily and expressed his views on the recovery process of the global aviation industry and the performance of the Chinese aviation market. In the interview, Walsh first mentioned the performance of the Chinese aviation market. Walsh said that since this year, the recovery of domestic flights in China has been very strong, and has reached the level of 115% before the COVID-19 epidemic. International flights

Experiencing the China Laos Railway: Listening to the Good News of the Times of Peace and Development Neon | Region | Times
Experiencing the China Laos Railway: Listening to the Good News of the Times of Peace and Development Neon | Region | Times

Stepping onto the high-speed railway from Xishuangbanna to Luang Prabang, the window is filled with twinkling neon tunnels, intertwined with the intoxicating greenery of farmland. On the seamless railway track, the train flies by, leaving behind no longer the clanging sound of the train hitting the rail gap, but the good news of the Fuxing heading south and the Lancang heading north, and the two-way development of China Laos friendship in the new era. This year marks the tenth anniversary of China's "the Belt and Road" initiative and the first year of the opening of the international passenger transport service of the China Laos railway. As a landmark project of high-quality joint construction of the "the Belt and Road", the China Laos railway is prosperous in both passenger and cargo traffic, which greatly promotes China Laos trade and cultural and tourism exchanges. According to China Railway Kunming Bureau Group, from December 3, 2021 to June 3, 2023, the China Laos Railway has been put into operation for 18 months, with 16.4 million passengers and 21 million goods delivered in total

Experience of Joining the Promise of Youth | Stage | Youth
Experience of Joining the Promise of Youth | Stage | Youth

On the evening of July 28th, the 31st Summer Universiade was grandly opened in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. In recent days, whether it is the intense competition on the field or the hot exchanges outside the field, Chengdu has become a hot "out of the circle" in this summer, making the Universiade a screen like presence. Reno Ed, acting chairman of the International Federation of Sports Federations, gave high praise to the Chengdu Universiade. Reno Ed said that Chengdu has built a beautiful stage where athletes can shine and shine. During these 12 days, 6500 young athletes from 113 countries and regions around the world showcased their youthful spirit in 49 venues, and their stories will spread throughout the world and inspire many young people. These stories not only include sports achievements, but also friendship, understanding, and peace.

Deter the "fly greed" and "ant decay" in the field of rural revitalization! Henan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection reports 5 typical cases of rural areas | rectification | Henan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection
Deter the "fly greed" and "ant decay" in the field of rural revitalization! Henan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection reports 5 typical cases of rural areas | rectification | Henan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection

Recently, the disciplinary inspection and supervision system in the province has deeply implemented the decision and deployment of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection to carry out special rectification of misconduct and corruption in the field of rural revitalization, closely monitoring key projects, major funds, important links, and the implementation of policies to prevent large-scale poverty return in the field of rural revitalization, and carrying out special rectification. A number of prominent problems that infringe on the interests of the people have been seriously investigated and dealt with. In order to further play a warning and deterrent role, the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision publicly reported 5 typical cases. 1. The issue of Sun Guizhou, former party branch secretary of Caiyuanma Village in Xuedian Town, Xinzheng City, misappropriating collective funds. Since 2007, a certain agricultural and animal husbandry group has leased the land of Caiyuanma Village and paid the land rent annually according to the contract. Since 2018, the group has not been able to pay rent normally due to financial crisis. In December 2020, Sun Guizhou, then a member of the Caiyuan Ma Village Branch,

Official announcement: Dismissal, stay in the party for inspection, former director of the police station reported for issues such as illegitimate childbirth | Xiao Junyong | Report
Official announcement: Dismissal, stay in the party for inspection, former director of the police station reported for issues such as illegitimate childbirth | Xiao Junyong | Report

According to the "Wen Zheng Hunan" platform of Hunan Red Net on August 2nd, the News and Public Opinion Center of the Lengshuijiang Public Security Bureau in Loudi, Hunan Province, recently responded to a report from netizens about Xiao Junyong, the former director of the Zhadu Police Station in Lengshuijiang City, stating that Xiao Junyong had violated regulations by organizing birthday banquets for his mother, borrowing money from management service recipients, and having children outside of wedlock. He has been dismissed from his position by the government. This netizen reported on July 26th that Xiao Junyong, the former director of the Zhadu Police Station in Lengshuijiang City, had long abused his power and embezzled public funds, and his daily consumption level far exceeded normal income; On October 6, 2019, Xiao Junyong held a grand banquet on the grounds of his mother's 70th birthday, and profited from it. The fireworks, firecrackers, and alcohol at the banquet were all bribed to others; Xiao Junyong had an improper style of work. He had an affair with a married woman, refused to pay child support after the birth of the child, and forced the mother to sign five agreements and multiple letters of interest and visit commitments.

Our embassy has made representations to the Russian side regarding the obstruction of entry of 5 Chinese citizens into Russia | Russia | Russia
Our embassy has made representations to the Russian side regarding the obstruction of entry of 5 Chinese citizens into Russia | Russia | Russia

The Chinese Embassy in Russia has made representations to the Russian side regarding the obstruction of Chinese citizens entering Russia. On July 29th, five Chinese citizens who were planning to drive from Kazakhstan through the Karauzek Port in Astrakhan Oblast encountered obstacles when entering Russia, and their tourist visas were cancelled and refused entry. After receiving a call for help, the consular staff of the Chinese Embassy in Russia thoroughly understood the cause of the incident, calmed the emotions of the parties involved, repeatedly confirmed the involved ports, and promptly inquired with the Russian side about the situation. According to the parties' requests for help, the Russian side provided convenience for the parties to apply for visas and enter the country again. On August 2nd, the embassy further learned from the video uploaded by the parties that Russian border guards conducted a 4-hour repeated review of them. According to the deployment of the embassy leadership, relevant departments of the embassy have met with departments such as the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Federal Border Protection Agency, and the Federal Security Agency

This type of illegal behavior will be investigated and dealt with nationwide, with traffic accidents | traffic | illegal behavior starting from August
This type of illegal behavior will be investigated and dealt with nationwide, with traffic accidents | traffic | illegal behavior starting from August

Starting from August, the country will concentrate on investigating and punishing outstanding traffic violations in accordance with the unified deployment of the Ministry of Public Security. Starting from August, various regions across the country will carry out regional campaigns for summer traffic safety rectification, focusing on investigating and punishing outstanding traffic violations, rectifying serious source risks and hidden dangers, exposing drivers of serious traffic violations, and strictly preventing major traffic accidents to ensure the continuous stability of summer road traffic safety situation. Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Jilin, Liaoning, and Heilongjiang jointly organized the Northeast and North China Summer Traffic Safety Improvement Action Regional Campaign. From August 1st to 10th, we will focus on the peak summer travel season for the public and carry out a special action to safeguard safety during the peak tourism season; From September 1st to 10th, we will focus on the traffic safety of primary, secondary, and tertiary school students at the beginning of the school year, as well as the traffic safety during the busy farming season in rural areas, and carry out measures to protect agriculture

Reveal six major news!, Rare Joint Release of Delayed Fees by Four Major Ministries | Economy | Six Major Ministries
Reveal six major news!, Rare Joint Release of Delayed Fees by Four Major Ministries | Economy | Six Major Ministries

On the morning of August 4th, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the People's Bank of China, and the State Administration of Taxation jointly held a press conference to introduce "playing a good combination of macroeconomic policies and promoting high-quality economic development.". The joint release of the four major financial departments mentioned above is not common. This heavyweight press conference has revealed at least six good news at once! News 1: In the second half of the year, the economy will remain stable and improve. Yuan Da, Deputy Secretary General of the National Development and Reform Commission and Director of the Comprehensive Department, stated that since the beginning of this year, in accordance with the decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the Development and Reform Commission and relevant parties have increased their efforts to implement macro policies, promoted policy coordination and coordination, and orderly implemented the "three batches". The system has played a "combination of punches" and effectively responded to the increasing adverse effects of international environmental changes on China, as well as the interweaving and overlapping of domestic cyclical structural contradictions