The world

Quick check, just announced! 70 city housing prices released month on month | city | housing prices
Quick check, just announced! 70 city housing prices released month on month | city | housing prices

This morning, the National Bureau of Statistics released sales price data for commercial housing in 70 large and medium-sized cities in June. From the perspective of newly-built commodity housing, in June, the sales prices of newly-built commodity housing in first tier cities increased from the previous month to remain stable. Beijing and Shanghai increased by 0.1% and 0.4% respectively, while Guangzhou and Shenzhen decreased by 0.1% and 0.3% respectively; The prices in second tier cities have also changed from an increase to a flat month on month. Xu Xiaole, Chief Analyst of Beike Research Institute: With the concentrated release of accumulated demand in the first quarter, the pace of market transactions slowed down after the second quarter, resulting in a temporary oversupply of housing. In this situation, the buyer's voice is enhanced, and the seller lowers the selling price in order to sell the house. Compared to the same period last year, the sales prices of newly-built commercial residential properties in first and second tier cities still show a positive trend

70+countries jointly sign, China is the speaking country | China | speaking
70+countries jointly sign, China is the speaking country | China | speaking

The 53rd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council was held in Geneva from June 19th to July 14th. In the international context of difficult post pandemic recovery and constant global challenges, the Human Rights Council, as the core platform for the United Nations to discuss human rights issues, leads the direction of global human rights governance and has received widespread attention from all parties. At this meeting, the Chinese delegation deeply participated in discussions on various topics, took the initiative to speak out on issues related to the common interests of developing countries, elaborated on their positions and proposals, proposed initiatives and ideas, defended fairness and justice, and achieved positive results in their work. They also won universal support and praise from the international community. During the meeting, the Chinese delegation actively introduced China's human rights concept, human rights practice and great achievements, told the human rights stories of China, the CPC and the Chinese people, and used

I gave it to him in the third year of junior high school!, Peking University's First Admission Letter Subject | Physics | Admission Letter
I gave it to him in the third year of junior high school!, Peking University's First Admission Letter Subject | Physics | Admission Letter

The first admission letter from Peking University this year was given to a junior high school student from Fuzhou, Fujian! On the morning of July 12, Ouyang Qi, academician of the CAS Member, director of the Boya Chair Professor Academic Committee of the School of Physics of Peking University, personally delivered Lin Peihan's first admission notice for 2023 undergraduate students from Fuzhou Yan'an Middle School. Ouyang Qi, academician of Peking University, urged Lin Peihan to pay attention to scientific research practice and explore his interest direction in a down-to-earth manner, determined to solve the world's cutting-edge subject hot issues without the need for the high school entrance examination. In July 2023, as the only junior three student in China in 2023, Lin Peihan was admitted by the Peking University physics outstanding talent training program. academician Ouyang Qi, Lin Peihan, Lin Peihan's mother and the recruitment team teacher took a group photo with Lin Pei Han was born in April 2009 as Fu

South Korea rainstorm triggered debris flow! 12 dead, 10 missing South Korea | rainstorm | mud rock flow
South Korea rainstorm triggered debris flow! 12 dead, 10 missing South Korea | rainstorm | mud rock flow

According to the CCTV news client, the continuous rainstorm in South Korea recently triggered mudslides and landslides. On the 15th local time, South Korea's Gyeongsangbuk Fire Headquarters and Gyeongsangbuk Police Department reported that as of 12:00 on the same day, 12 people had been killed, 10 missing and 2 injured in the area due to the rainstorm. The Gyeongsangbuk do Fire Headquarters has issued orders to respond to the second phase and deployed over 400 rescue personnel and nearly 150 equipment to carry out rescue work. Earlier in the day, the South Korean Central Disaster Security Countermeasures Headquarters reported that as of 11:00 a.m., the continuous rainstorm in South Korea had caused seven deaths, three missing and seven injured. The 10 missing persons caused by landslides in Liquan and Wenqing areas of Gyeongsangbuk do are not yet included in the statistics, so it is expected that the casualties will further expand. Korea

"Nice Grandpa" of Swipe Screen Network has won another award, Grandpa | Nice | Swipe Screen
"Nice Grandpa" of Swipe Screen Network has won another award, Grandpa | Nice | Swipe Screen

The "Nice Grandpa" with built-in sound effects has won another award. According to a recent report by The Guardian, in June this year, Michael Rosen, a renowned children's literature writer and poet in the UK, won the 2023 PEN Pinter Prize for his fearless writing. The report stated that Rosen will receive the award at the awards ceremony held at the British Library in October this year. Michael Rosen's profile picture "Grandpa Nice" was awarded the 2023 PEN Pinter Prize. It is understood that the prize was founded by the British PEN in 2009 and named after the late playwright and Nobel Prize winner Harold Pinter. It is presented annually to a writer who has achieved outstanding literary achievements, in recognition of his fearless and unwavering attention to the world. British PEN President Ruth Boswick stated that Rosen's writing style

Wang Yi Meets Intensively with More than Ten Foreign Ministers! Meeting with Antony Blinken for the second time in a month: the US needs to reflect on the Premier | China | Foreign Minister
Wang Yi Meets Intensively with More than Ten Foreign Ministers! Meeting with Antony Blinken for the second time in a month: the US needs to reflect on the Premier | China | Foreign Minister

Solomon Islands Prime Minister Menasi Sogavare made an official visit to China from July 9th to 15th.Both sides jointly announced that China and Solomon Islands have officially established a comprehensive strategic partnership of mutual respect and common development in the new era. This week, Wang Yi, Director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, went to Jakarta, Indonesia to attend a series of East Asian Cooperation Foreign Ministers' Meetings, where he met with or was invited to meet with foreign ministers from more than ten countries. When meeting with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken at request, Wang Yi pointed out that the two sides should start with specific things, resolutely stop the "grey rhinoceros", properly deal with the "black swan", completely remove the "obstacles", and accumulate conditions for the stability of China US relations and eliminate interference. Recently, some officials from the United States and Europe have proposed to "de risk" China, while Germany

The discovery of the "Chinese Eye of Heaven" is expected to open a new window for exploring the universe. China | Hertz | Eye of Heaven
The discovery of the "Chinese Eye of Heaven" is expected to open a new window for exploring the universe. China | Hertz | Eye of Heaven

The Chinese pulsar time array research team, which is composed of scientific researchers from the National Astronomical Observatory of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and other units, has recently used the "Chinese Celestial Eye" FAST to detect key evidence of the existence of the NaHz gravitational waves, marking that China's detection and research of the NaHz gravitational waves have reached the world's leading level synchronously, and is expected to open a new window for the use of the NaHz gravitational waves to explore the universe. What is a nanohertz gravitational wave? How difficult is the detection? How was this discovery made? Xinhua News Agency reporters interviewed authoritative experts to interpret this. Panoramic view of China's Heavenly Eye. Xinhua News Agency reporter Ou Dongqu captured gravitational waves, which are spatiotemporal ripples caused by the disturbance of surrounding spacetime by accelerating moving mass objects. Nanohertz gravitational waves are one of them, named after their frequency as low as nanohertz. The gravitational wave signal is extremely weak,

"Tiankun" excavates new sea and land, UAE Abu Dhabi Port | Dredger | Tiankun
"Tiankun" excavates new sea and land, UAE Abu Dhabi Port | Dredger | Tiankun

【 Innovation Story 】 Our reporter Zhang Galen visited Abu Dhabi Port in the United Arab Emirates in June, and the sunshine was dazzling. The "Tiankun" from China is participating in an international competition. This is an international dredging hot market, where ships from three established European dredging companies operate. They jointly undertake the Abu Dhabi Port dredging project with the Tiankun. As a newcomer to the market competition, "Tiankun" inevitably carries more scrutiny. The captain of the "Tiankun" ship, Wang Dong, candidly stated, "Everyone has put in a lot of effort to smash all doubts with high-quality operations and win respect and recognition for China's high-end dredging industry!" Breaking through the blockade is no less difficult than building a domestic aircraft carrier. "Tiankun" is China's first ultra large self-propelled cutter suction dredger with independent intellectual property rights from design to construction, which can dredge and dredge

Small household appliances turning into big business (small commodities and big industries ⑥) practitioners | products | commodities
Small household appliances turning into big business (small commodities and big industries ⑥) practitioners | products | commodities

A Glimpse of Cixi Small Home Appliance Intelligent Manufacturing Town. Cixi Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department provides pictures of the self owned brand "Xiaoshi" hair dryer. In the R&D workshop of Kaidili Electric Appliance Co., Ltd., a R&D personnel is conducting functional testing on a coffee machine. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Xiaojie photographed workers assembling water purifiers in the workshop of Ding'an Electric Appliance Co., Ltd. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Xiaojie scanned the data to watch a video. People in Cixi often say, "Manufacturing a small household appliance can find all the components and complete assembly in Cixi in less than an hour." There are over 2000 household appliance whole machine enterprises and nearly 10000 supporting enterprises in Cixi, Zhejiang, covering more than 20 series and thousands of varieties of products. In terms of production, Cixi produces and manufactures about 60% of the world's small household appliances, with a market size of billions, including electric irons and appliances

"Parent Child Tour" and "Cool Tour" are Popular Summer Consumption "Heat" Full Data | Tourism | Heat
"Parent Child Tour" and "Cool Tour" are Popular Summer Consumption "Heat" Full Data | Tourism | Heat

"Recently, in my social circle, it has been mostly classmates and parents sharing their travel destinations and 'strolling' their children." Ms. Yu, a Shanghai resident, said that her child has just entered junior high school this year and she needs to make sure to schedule her trip as soon as possible. This summer, people's enthusiasm for traveling is high, and many places are experiencing peak passenger flow. The new scene of cultural and entertainment consumption lights up summer consumption, further stimulating the release of consumption potential. Data from multiple tourism platforms shows that since the summer, domestic tourism consumption orders have significantly increased compared to the same period in 2019, with coastal cities, theme parks, museums, and other popular tourist destinations becoming popular this summer. The children are playing on the beach. Niu Liangyu, a photographer from People's Daily Online, shares the same photo as Ms. Yu, and Ms. Cheng is also preparing to take her child on a trip. "I am planning to take my child to Sanya to see the sea, and this is also my child's first time taking a plane. He is extremely excited and keeps asking me when I will be out," she said

Top 10 platform enterprises with the largest market value invest over 500 billion yuan in research and development of artificial intelligence | Products | Enterprises
Top 10 platform enterprises with the largest market value invest over 500 billion yuan in research and development of artificial intelligence | Products | Enterprises

At the 2023 World Artificial Intelligence Conference held in Shanghai, visitors are watching the fourth generation new model of Meituan drones. This model is suitable for urban low altitude logistics delivery scenarios and can adapt to the natural environment requirements of over 97% of domestic cities. Recently, the National Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant departments, conducted in-depth research to understand the development of platform enterprises and sorted out a number of typical investment cases. From the research results, it can be seen that platform enterprises are continuously increasing their investment efforts in areas such as technological innovation and empowering the real economy. In the first quarter of 2023, the top 10 platform enterprises in China's market value increased their investment efforts through independent investment or subsidiary investment. The proportion of investment in fields such as chips, autonomous driving, new energy, and agriculture continues to increase, with a month on month increase of 15%

China will implement the Rural Power Grid Consolidation and Upgrading Project Revitalization Bureau | State Grid
China will implement the Rural Power Grid Consolidation and Upgrading Project Revitalization Bureau | State Grid

Beijing, July 14th (Xinhua) -- The National Development and Reform Commission, the National Energy Administration, and the National Rural Revitalization Bureau jointly released the "Guiding Opinions on Implementing the Rural Power Grid Consolidation and Upgrading Project" on July 14th. Suggestions are proposed to deepen the implementation of the rural power grid consolidation and improvement project, comprehensively consolidate and improve the level of rural power security, and promote the construction of a new energy system in rural areas. Opinions are proposed to adhere to a problem oriented and goal oriented approach, focusing on solving the urgent and difficult problems in rural production and daily electricity consumption, filling the gaps in rural power grids, improving the power supply capacity and quality in rural areas, adapting to new tasks and requirements such as rural renewable energy development and new energy vehicles going to rural areas, enhancing the comprehensive carrying capacity of rural power grids, promoting the consolidation and improvement of rural power grids, and the clean and low-carbon transformation of rural energy consumption. Clear opinion, by 2035, basic

Entrepreneurship | Youth | Middle aged and Young People to Make Exchange between African and Chinese Youth More down-to-earth
Entrepreneurship | Youth | Middle aged and Young People to Make Exchange between African and Chinese Youth More down-to-earth

Recently, young officials, entrepreneurs, and representatives of students studying in China from African countries such as Cameroon, Nigeria, Tanzania, Liberia, Zimbabwe, and Ethiopia gathered in Changsha to participate in the China Africa Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum with the theme of "Stimulating Entrepreneurial Spirit and Promoting Innovative Development". They also visited local cultural and creative industry parks, e-commerce platforms, modern agriculture demonstration sites, community youth workstations, and science and technology innovation enterprises to gain a close understanding of China's development achievements in the fields of digital economy, rural revitalization, and intelligent manufacturing. "Learning from China's experience and riding the China Development Express" does not have a green screen or physical scenery, but uses "electronic display screen+virtual shooting". The subject is still on a summer beach in the last second, and in the blink of an eye, they come to the vast snowy mountains, with a very realistic screen effect. During the investigation of Malanshan Vision

The total collection of national public libraries exceeds 1.35 billion copies of culture | National | Total Collection
The total collection of national public libraries exceeds 1.35 billion copies of culture | National | Total Collection

Beijing, July 14th (Xinhua) - Recently, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism released a statistical report on the development of culture and tourism in 2022: in 2022, the national cultural and tourism industry expenditure was 120.289 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.2%; The per capita cultural and tourism expenses in China were 85.20 yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.2%. The proportion of cultural and tourism expenses to the total fiscal expenditure was 0.46%, which remained basically unchanged year-on-year. At the end of 2022, there were a total of 3303 public libraries in China, an increase of 88 compared to the end of the previous year; The total collection of public libraries in China is 1359.59 million copies, an increase of 7.8% compared to the end of the previous year. According to statistics, by the end of 2022, there were a total of 19739 art performance groups in China, an increase of 1369 compared to the end of the previous year; There are a total of 3199 art performance venues nationwide, compared to the previous year

NetEase's "Knowledge Highway Platform" is about to be discontinued, with over 2 years of added value online | NetEase | Platform
NetEase's "Knowledge Highway Platform" is about to be discontinued, with over 2 years of added value online | NetEase | Platform

More than two years after the high-profile official announcement by Yishan, a reporter of China Fund News, NetEase, an Internet powerhouse, once again failed to deliver short videos. According to a recent official announcement, the NetEase Knowledge Highway platform will end its operation at 00:00 on July 27th. The platform was officially launched in January 2021 and was once referred to by NetEase as the "first knowledge short video creation platform in the entire network that empowers creators with topic selection scripts.". It is about to be shut down and has been online for only over two years. Recently, NetEase Knowledge Highway platform has issued a notice of shutdown. Due to business adjustments, the operation of the NetEase Knowledge Highway platform will be discontinued at 00:00 on July 27, 2023, allowing this road trip to reach its destination. According to the announcement, NetEase Knowledge Highway stopped registering new users and uploading video content on July 13th. Starting from 00:00 on July 27th,

30 sets of smart blackboards, 1.1334 million yuan? School, manufacturer, and local education and science bureau respond to procurement | Blackboard | Smart
30 sets of smart blackboards, 1.1334 million yuan? School, manufacturer, and local education and science bureau respond to procurement | Blackboard | Smart

On July 12th, a netizen posted questioning the high procurement cost of the first junior high school's smart blackboard procurement project in Liulin County, Lvliang City, Shanxi Province. The total price of 30 sets of smart blackboards is 1.1334 million yuan, with a unit price of 37800 yuan, far higher than the market price. The staff of Liulin County No.1 Junior High School stated that the bidding process was carried out according to the formal procedures, and the winning bid price was nearly 2000 yuan cheaper than the online price at that time. The media reporter contacted the manufacturer of the smart blackboard, and according to the manufacturer's quotation, the current price of the same product mentioned above is around 15000 yuan. If there is a large quantity, there is still room for price reduction. The external price of this product was between 18000 and 23000 yuan last year. On July 14th, the Education and Technology Bureau of Liulin County, Lvliang City, Shanxi Province announced that on July 12th, it was rumored online that the Smart Blackboard Procurement Project for Liulin County No.1 Junior High School

Netizen: Amazing! There are indeed "two brushes", shipyard workers support a 6-meter-long pole to write the ship number | civilian | netizens
Netizen: Amazing! There are indeed "two brushes", shipyard workers support a 6-meter-long pole to write the ship number | civilian | netizens

Recently, the topic of # Shipyard Workers Using Long Poles to Write Ship Numbers # once made it to the top of the Weibo "Important News List". The video of Wenzhou Dongtou Shipyard Workers Using Long Poles to Write Ship Numbers amazed the whole network. During the annual fishing ban, shipyard workers use a brush tied to a 6-meter long pole to repair their fishing boats, as if holding a small pen in their hand. They write down the powerful and vigorous ship name with a unique logo. Many netizens have expressed that although he only has one brush, I think he has two brushes! There are also many folk masters with "two brushes" like workers who write ship numbers on long poles, and many of them have "unique skills". A young man spent half a month writing over 5000 words of the Diamond Sutra on a tea cup. Recently, Yu Huichun, a craftsman born in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi Province, who was born in 1985, wrote over 5000 words of the Diamond Sutra

A nuclear fuel storage tank in Russia has ruptured at a factory | electrochemical | storage tank
A nuclear fuel storage tank in Russia has ruptured at a factory | electrochemical | storage tank

According to the report of Deutsche Presse-Agentur on July 14, the Russian government said that an accident occurred at a nuclear fuel plant in Ural Mountain City, killing one person. The city of Ural Mountains is located approximately 1600 kilometers east of Moscow. The Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation announced on its Telegraph software channel that on the morning of the 14th, a storage tank containing approximately 1 cubic meter of depleted uranium broke at the Ural Electrochemical Joint Enterprise. The company said, "The accident has been quickly controlled within a specific range and will not pose any risk to the public." No radioactive material leakage occurred during the accident. According to reports, a worker was fatally injured while experiencing a decrease in stress. Other workers were sent home after undergoing medical examinations, and according to official press releases, their lives and health were not threatened. The manuscript states that the radioactivity of depleted uranium is only below 60% of natural uranium,

The host takes the lead in not following, and Antony Blinken instigates to fight against China ASEAN | website | host
The host takes the lead in not following, and Antony Blinken instigates to fight against China ASEAN | website | host

According to a report on the website of France Radio International on July 15, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken called on Southeast Asian countries to unite against China's so-called "coercive actions" at a series of ASEAN meetings held in Jakarta, Indonesia, on July 14. It is reported that Antony Blinken declared at the meeting that the United States and ASEAN "share the vision of an Indo Pacific region that is free, open, prosperous, secure, connected to the world and resilient", which means that all countries in the region "can freely choose their own path and partners", and problems can be solved openly, rather than through "coercive action". Observers pointed out that the so-called "coercive action" was not named by Antony Blinken, but it was definitely China. However, Antony Blinken's "appeal" has not been "responded" by the regional countries. The report states that ASEAN countries are not willing to choose between the United States and China

Checked, "Artists Delayed by Finance" Supervisory Commission | National | Artists
Checked, "Artists Delayed by Finance" Supervisory Commission | National | Artists

After retiring for many years, Tang Shuangning, former chairman of Everbright Group, was investigated. According to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission on July 15th, Tang Shuangning, former Party Secretary and Chairman of China Everbright Group Co., Ltd., is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission. Screenshots of the webpage show that Tang Shuangning, born in October 1954 in Beizhen, Liaoning, has been working in the financial system for a long time. He has held various positions including Director of the First Supervision Department of the People's Bank of China, Vice Chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, and Chairman of China Everbright Corporation. In 2007, Tang Shuangning was transferred from the China Banking Regulatory Commission to serve as the Chairman and Party Secretary of Everbright Group, marking the beginning of his 10-year career at Everbright until his retirement in 2017. Media

Reported to the police, the "Provincial Government Office" has posted indecent information in the WeChat group? Group building unit: Virus Invasion Company | WeChat | Information
Reported to the police, the "Provincial Government Office" has posted indecent information in the WeChat group? Group building unit: Virus Invasion Company | WeChat | Information

On the morning of July 15th, a screenshot of a WeChat chat was widely circulated online, attracting attention. The screenshot shows that there are a total of 304 people in a WeChat group called "Hunan Provincial Unit Asset System Technical Support Group". Among them, a person with the remark "Jiuqi Software Mr. Li" @ everyone at 5:39 pm said that the external network service of the integrated asset management module was temporarily restarted at 18:00 and is expected to resume access in 4 hours. At 10:7 pm, a person with the note "Provincial Government Office" sent three indecent messages in a row: "Has your husband left?" "Wait for me to come to your house later" "Wear stockings and wait for me.". Subsequently, a person with the remark "Zhao from the Provincial Audit Office" @ the Provincial Government Office said, "Did you send it to the wrong place?" ▲ A screenshot of a WeChat chat was posted online. At 11:40 am on the 15th, in the south

The real culprit is actually by the bedside... many families have it!, Terrifying! Female inexplicably shedding skin and shedding tears, hometown | lady | bedside
The real culprit is actually by the bedside... many families have it!, Terrifying! Female inexplicably shedding skin and shedding tears, hometown | lady | bedside

Not long ago, Ms. Zou, who was in her 40s in Hangzhou, went to the hospital for treatment due to inexplicable skin peeling on her head, face, and hands, as well as difficulty in stopping tears. However, when the examination report was presented to everyone, they were stunned and blamed the "real culprit" for hiding it too well... During the consultation, an ophthalmologist at Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital learned that Ms. Zou was a migrant worker in Hangzhou and usually rented a room with her fellow villager. Recently, she found that her face began to molt and her eyes were constantly shedding tears... Due to a small epithelial defect in the cornea of her eyes, doctors suspected that she had come into contact with the paint used for decoration, but Ms. Zou denied it. What is the reason for that? When asked if there have been any places exposed to ultraviolet radiation in the past few days, such as watching high brightness welding or staying in rooms that have used disinfectant lamps, Zou

Yunnan Province Report on Inadequate Protection of Lufeng Dinosaur National Geopark, Inadequate Supervision and Implementation of Supervision Team | Protection | National
Yunnan Province Report on Inadequate Protection of Lufeng Dinosaur National Geopark, Inadequate Supervision and Implementation of Supervision Team | Protection | National

The Office of the Leading Group for Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspection in Yunnan Province announced on the 15th that in June, the sixth ecological and environmental protection inspection group of the second batch of the second round of Yunnan Province found that Lufeng City did not effectively protect the Lufeng Dinosaur National Geopark in Chuxiong Prefecture, and the adjustment of the protected area did not follow the relevant approval procedures, resulting in lax management. Yunnan Lufeng Dinosaur National Geopark, covering an area of 101.44 square kilometers, was approved by the former Ministry of Land and Resources in January 2004. It is a large-scale national geological park, with the main geological relics being paleontological fossils, mainly dinosaur and Lama ape fossils. It showcases the geological processes, biological evolution, and human evolution history since the Mesozoic era, and has extremely high cultural and scientific value. Geoparks, as an important component of nature reserves, have significant ecological functions.

Spend money to remove the "love brain"? Seeking psychological adjustment and being wary of being harvested for "anxiety tax" shopping | love | psychology
Spend money to remove the "love brain"? Seeking psychological adjustment and being wary of being harvested for "anxiety tax" shopping | love | psychology

Recently, the movie "The Disappearing She" is being released, sparking discussions among netizens about the "love brain". At the same time, chat services on shopping websites have once again become popular. According to reports, in order to help customers "completely eliminate their love brain", customer service representatives not only provide comfort and persuasion, but also offer "wake-up call" services. Although this business doesn't have much threshold, the profits are really good. A shop owner said that the prices for different levels of chat guides vary, and the Koi chat guide charges 100 yuan for half an hour "Our daily income in the store can reach as low as three to four hundred yuan, with a monthly income of ten to twenty thousand yuan. In addition to" therapy "teaching people love, virtual products are constantly emerging on e-commerce platforms.". Einstein's Brain sold over 6000 orders per month during the exam season; "Offer good luck spray", "textual research on ashore charm" and other auspicious tools are very popular

In the first half of the year, the electricity consumption of the whole society increased by 5% year-on-year, demonstrating the vitality of economic recovery. Electricity consumption | year-on-year | economy
In the first half of the year, the electricity consumption of the whole society increased by 5% year-on-year, demonstrating the vitality of economic recovery. Electricity consumption | year-on-year | economy

CCTV News: According to data released by the National Energy Administration, the electricity consumption of the whole society increased by 5% year-on-year in the first half of the year, while the electricity consumption of the service industry, high-end manufacturing and other industries increased rapidly. Hao Yingjie, Secretary General of the China Electricity Council: In the first half of this year, the electricity consumption of China's service industry maintained a rapid growth, with a significant increase in residents going out for meals, shopping, tourism, and accommodation. The contact and aggregation service industry continued to improve, and the vitality of economic recovery continued to strengthen. At the same time, with the deepening of high-end, intelligent, and green manufacturing, innovation and development vitality are constantly being released, and the electricity consumption of related industries is also increasing. Taking the five southern provinces and regions as an example, in the first half of the year, the electricity consumption in the charging and swapping service industry, wind power original equipment manufacturing, photovoltaic equipment and component manufacturing increased by 69.6%, 47.1%, and 45.7% year-on-year, respectively

Chinese Story | Highway Hanging on Cliffs Henan Xiuwu | Earth | Highway
Chinese Story | Highway Hanging on Cliffs Henan Xiuwu | Earth | Highway

The towering Taihang Mountains, spanning eight hundred miles across four provinces and cities in China, form a natural barrier on the land of the Central Plains. Amidst the majestic terrain, a highway tunnel hovering on a steep cliff resembles a giant dragon, traversing through the towering mountains. Starting from the 1960s, a "Yugong Road Construction Team" composed of people from Xiuwu County, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, lasted for more than 20 years. On the cliffs that were difficult for monkeys to climb and birds to fly, they successfully completed a mountain climbing project called Diecai Cave, which was over 4800 meters long and consisted of 19 tunnels. Driving here, the group of caves are connected at the beginning and end, with undulating roads and alternating light and darkness. This set of highway tunnels connecting Henan and Shanxi provinces has changed not only the shape of the mountains, but also the living conditions of the people in the mountains. Trapped: In the midsummer of the mountains at my doorstep, the car kept climbing on the spiral road until it reached the 18th bend

People's Daily Review: Promoting the Spirit of Craftsmanship, Skills for Success, and Serving the Country | Skills | Craftsmanship
People's Daily Review: Promoting the Spirit of Craftsmanship, Skills for Success, and Serving the Country | Skills | Craftsmanship

In Xi'an, Shaanxi, the Sixth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology of China held an event to release the "unique skills and skills" of highly skilled talents, showcasing on-site the practical skills of fitters, including 5-second visual inspection of key matching, and precise eggshell peeling by lathe workers; In Dongguan, Guangdong, a large-scale and diverse skills competition has begun in the city, with skilled talents showcasing and engaging in exciting competitions; During the first Jiangsu Youth Skills Week in Yancheng, Jiangsu, skills exhibitions, expert lectures, enrollment promotion, and other activities were underway. July 15th of this year marks the ninth World Youth Skills Day. Around this day, various regions and departments carried out rich promotional activities to create a good atmosphere of labor glory, valuable skills, and great creation, promoting the employment, talent development, and service to the country of young people with skills. "The technical worker team is an important force supporting China's manufacturing and creation. Currently, the national high skilled talents."

The whole society is taking action. State owned and central enterprises are building bridges and paving the way for promoting employment. Congratulations on promoting employment, Wenyuan, Recruitment, and Society
The whole society is taking action. State owned and central enterprises are building bridges and paving the way for promoting employment. Congratulations on promoting employment, Wenyuan, Recruitment, and Society

"Congratulations on passing the interview and welcome to join China Construction First Engineering Bureau," said Wen Yuan, a reporter from Guangming Daily. Shi Zehua from Shandong University recently received an employment letter from China Construction First Engineering Bureau and was extremely happy. As a 2022 undergraduate graduate, he turned to the job market after failing the postgraduate entrance examination. He submitted many resumes and participated in multiple interviews, but never gained anything. At a moment of confusion, Shi Zehua received an interview invitation from China Construction First Engineering Bureau. The recruitment manager explained the company's business areas and career plans to him, and in the end, he passed the interview and successfully joined the company. "This is a very important life event for me. Not only have I found a satisfactory job, but I have also proven my abilities and regained my confidence," said Shi Zehua. This is a case of campus recruitment by China Construction First Engineering Bureau, which is also a state-owned enterprise

The Touching Song of Technology in the Fields - A Record of 20 Years of Practice of the Technology Commissioner System in Zhejiang Province, Listening to Taishun County | Technology | Commissioner
The Touching Song of Technology in the Fields - A Record of 20 Years of Practice of the Technology Commissioner System in Zhejiang Province, Listening to Taishun County | Technology | Commissioner

Over the past 20 years, 39000 technology envoys have left classrooms and laboratories to travel to mountainous areas; Over the past 20 years, more than 4700 technological projects have been implemented, promoting an increase in farmers' income of over 6.3 billion yuan and an increase in enterprise efficiency of over 4.5 billion yuan;Over the past 20 years, this system has taken root and sprouted in the land of Zhejiang. Groups of data and achievements have demonstrated the foresight and wisdom of implementing this system that year. It has also laid a solid foundation for further deepening the implementation of this system and making unique contributions to promoting rural revitalization and common prosperity. Technology envoys assist in strengthening and revitalizing agriculture

"Go to the place where our country needs it the most!" She rooted herself in the plateau to guard the Wanjiadenghuo Substation | Xining | local area
"Go to the place where our country needs it the most!" She rooted herself in the plateau to guard the Wanjiadenghuo Substation | Xining | local area

Going to the grassroots and the places where our country needs the most has become a firm choice for batches of college graduates. Wu Jianan is one of the young people who rooted themselves in the grassroots and devoted their youth to the country. Wu Jianan graduated from North China Electric Power University with a major in Electrical Engineering and Automation in 2013. Over the past decade, she has been rooted in the forefront of the plateau power grid, guarding the lights of every household. I am now a substation operation and maintenance technical engineer at the Xining Operation and Maintenance Division of State Grid Qinghai Ultra High Voltage Company, responsible for the operation and maintenance of 20 substations around Xining. At the Riyueshan 750 kV substation of State Grid Qinghai Ultra High Voltage Company, Wu Jianan and colleagues are conducting daily inspections. Riyueshan 750kV substation is not only one of the large-scale hub substations of the Northwest Power Grid, but also the starting point of the Xizang AC/DC interconnection project in Xizang, Qinghai