The world

【 Li Xiang China 】 Effectively ensuring the orderly operation of grassroots consultation and deliberation | Spirit | Grassroots
【 Li Xiang China 】 Effectively ensuring the orderly operation of grassroots consultation and deliberation | Spirit | Grassroots

Grassroots consultation is the foundation and foundation for the extensive and multi-level development of consultative democracy, carrying many value functions such as cultivating the democratic spirit of the people, enhancing democratic literacy, practicing democracy, and realizing democratic rights. The process of consultation is an important support for ensuring the quality of democratic consultation, and promoting the institutionalization and proceduralization of grassroots consultations is an important guarantee for the orderly and dynamic operation of grassroots consultations. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, grassroots consultative democracy has achieved certain results in institutionalization and proceduralization. However, overall, the relevant institutional provisions are still relatively vague and broad, with weak operability. There are still some shortcomings in the specific operating mechanism, especially in the lack of standardization in procedures, and the arbitrariness and formalization of consultations are still serious, which restricts the development of grassroots consultative democracy. From the negotiation subject, negotiation content, negotiation process, and negotiation

People's Forum Online Review | Make the Party's Advocacy Always the Strongest Voice in Cyberspace | Network | Strongest Voice
People's Forum Online Review | Make the Party's Advocacy Always the Strongest Voice in Cyberspace | Network | Strongest Voice

Recently, the 2023 China Network Civilization Conference Network Content Construction Forum was held in Xiamen, Fujian Province. The theme of this forum is "Shining Ideology, Leading the Journey of Civilization in the Era", aiming to strengthen the guidance of cyberspace ideology, uphold integrity and innovation, and promote the online dissemination of the Party's innovative theories, solidly promoting the construction of network civilization. Cyberspace has become a new space for our Party to organize, publicize, guide and serve the masses. We must always make the Party's propositions the strongest voice in cyberspace, gather social consensus, promote the healthy development of the Internet, provide strong online public opinion support for the realization of the Chinese Dream, and let the Party's innovative theory "fly into the homes of ordinary people" through the Internet. Calibrate the "fixed star" of cyberspace. Every mountain is majestic, and there must be a main peak. Network construction must be measured by the "ruler" of emphasizing politics and practicing loyalty

People's Forum Online Review | The Value of Writing a Great Article on "Attracting and Utilizing Talents". Jiji | Talent | Forum
People's Forum Online Review | The Value of Writing a Great Article on "Attracting and Utilizing Talents". Jiji | Talent | Forum

Cultivating talents and cultivating talents is the foundation of the country. The national organizational meeting held at the end of June further clarified the strategic significance of high-quality talents in the long-term development of the country and the nation, and provided a clear overall goal and grip for doing a good job in talent work in the new era. In the new era, new journey, and new mission, we must continuously consolidate the organizational guarantee of the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We must grasp the strategic resource of talents, fully unleash their vitality, and enable them to compete in the new era. Throughout history, talented individuals have always been the foundation of a strong country and a major strategy for its development. Recruiting talents, seeking talents, and making full use of their abilities are inevitable measures to achieve success in one's career. The new era is a glorious era that calls for and cultivates talents.

A 35 year old man's stomach looks like he's in his 60s! Doctor: Discovering precancerous lesions, 3 cups of coffee per day to sustain a healthy diet | Physiology | Coffee
A 35 year old man's stomach looks like he's in his 60s! Doctor: Discovering precancerous lesions, 3 cups of coffee per day to sustain a healthy diet | Physiology | Coffee

Daily coffee is a daily routine for many working people. Especially in the scorching summer, having a glass of ice American style can refresh and relieve the heat. However, 35 year old IT worker Xiao Huang was told by doctors that his stomach "age" was already in his 60s after undergoing gastroscopy due to discomfort caused by three cups of caffeine per day. The "age" of a 35 year old IT man's stomach was actually in his 60s. Xiao Huang is a member of the coffee "longevity" army. A cup in the morning to refresh the mind, a cup in the afternoon to relieve fatigue, and another cup in the evening to wake up the mind... As a standard "IT man", Xiaohuang's daily life is to work and go home on a two line basis. Frequent staying up late, working overtime, and having three cups of coffee as a foundation every day is the norm. This pace of life lasted for three consecutive years. until

Chasing the light! The life in the Dayun Village is so rich and colorful. Athletes | delegations | life
Chasing the light! The life in the Dayun Village is so rich and colorful. Athletes | delegations | life

The Chengdu Universiade Universiade Universiade Village is the place where various delegations live and will be officially opened. This will become the home of the delegation in Chengdu. In addition to accommodating the Universiade Village, it will also play a leisure, communication, and commercial role to make the lives of athletes more colorful during the competition period. Since it is a "home", people naturally need to live in peace and comfort. Dai Dayong, Deputy Manager of Accommodation Services in the Universiade Village, introduced that the Universiade Village has a total of 6522 rooms, which can accommodate about 11000 people. The main double rooms for athletes to stay in are about 21 to 25 square meters, with bathrooms, balconies, and washing machines equipped. The representative apartment also has storage rooms and conference rooms. The resident service center in the building can provide guidance for delegation members to move in. Borrowing, lost and found items, collecting opinions, and handling complaints, etc

White House: Ukraine is using US provided cluster ammunition Ukraine | US | White House
White House: Ukraine is using US provided cluster ammunition Ukraine | US | White House

Washington, July 20th (Xinhua) - John Kirby, Coordinator of Strategic Communications at the National Security Council of the United States, said on July 20th that Ukraine is using cluster ammunition provided by the United States. During a briefing with the media that day, Kirby stated that the United States received preliminary feedback from Ukraine that Ukraine is "effectively" using cluster ammunition, which will have an impact on the Russian defense formation and operations. The US government announced on the 7th of this month that it will provide Ukraine with a new batch of military assistance, including large lethal cluster ammunition classified as prohibited by US law. US Department of Defense officials and Ukrainian military personnel said on the 13th that the cluster ammunition provided by the United States has arrived in Ukraine. The provision of cluster ammunition by the United States to Ukraine has caused widespread controversy and concern in the international community. Multiple human rights organizations have criticized the US government's decision and warned that the use of cluster ammunition will cause

Notice from CNKI: You have come to collect the remuneration! Is there you? CNKI | Transaction | Remuneration
Notice from CNKI: You have come to collect the remuneration! Is there you? CNKI | Transaction | Remuneration

According to the "CNKI Zhiwang" WeChat official account, in July, CNKI has officially opened an online channel to receive dissertation remuneration. The article said, "As long as you are a graduate student and can retrieve your dissertation on CNKI, you can confirm the information through the newly opened online channel, query the progress of applying for remuneration in real time, and complete the withdrawal of remuneration through Alipay Online. Compared with the previous way of confirming the information and applying for remuneration by fax or email, the newly opened online receiving channel is more independent, flexible, convenient and fast." In the specific process, qualified users need to use their own accounts to log on to CNKI and complete real name authentication, after which they can claim their academic papers and confirm their remuneration. Specific methods for receiving remuneration for academic dissertations ↓↓ Access address https://au

Make a lot of money! US Loma Company's Q2 Business Growth Continues to Generate War Wealth Loma Company | Company | US Loma Company
Make a lot of money! US Loma Company's Q2 Business Growth Continues to Generate War Wealth Loma Company | Company | US Loma Company

Lockheed Martin recently released its second quarter financial report, which showed significant growth in its business. According to the financial report, Lockheed Martin's net sales for the second quarter of 2023 were $16.7 billion, a year-on-year increase of 8%. The net income for the second quarter of 2023 was $1.7 billion; And the net income for the same period last year was 309 million US dollars, which also showed a significant increase. Jim Tyclett, Chairman, President, and CEO of Loma Corporation, stated in his financial report that due to the company's strong performance from the beginning of the year to the present, as well as "sustained market demand," Loma Corporation has raised its full year sales and earnings per share expectations for 2023. Reuters reported that under the Russia-Ukraine conflict, defense contractors successfully transformed the demand for air defense systems, missiles and other weapons into

Unexpectedly "infecting" other countries, 【 Truth | Micro review 】 The disease of gun proliferation in the United States ATF | Firearms | The United States
Unexpectedly "infecting" other countries, 【 Truth | Micro review 】 The disease of gun proliferation in the United States ATF | Firearms | The United States

The problem of gun violence in the United States is not only an incurable epidemic within the country, but also continues to spread, becoming an infectious disease that troubles neighboring countries. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently appointed the first US coordinator to deal with illegal arms trafficking litigation in the Caribbean. The establishment of this position indirectly demonstrates the widespread and profound harm caused by gun violence in the United States. According to data released by the US Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Administration, approximately 80% of the firearms involved in the entire Caribbean region come from the United States. According to official data from the Bahamas, over 90% of the firearms confiscated in the country can be traced back to the United States. Alejandro Celorio Alcantara, legal advisor to the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs, stated that 500000 weapons illegally enter Mexico from the United States each year, many of which are military weapons

The Party's Self Revolution is Forever on the Road | Revolution | Political Course
The Party's Self Revolution is Forever on the Road | Revolution | Political Course

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party is always on the road, and the Party's self revolution is always on the road. There must be no slackening, fatigue, or war weariness. We must persistently promote the comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, deepen the new great project of Party building in the new era, and lead the social revolution with the Party's self revolution." This important discourse fully demonstrates the firm determination of our Party to consistently adhere to self revolution, marking a new height in the Party's understanding of the laws of socialist construction and the Party's governance. On the new journey of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese path to modernization, we should also use the political courage and political consciousness of self revolution to persevere in comprehensively and strictly governing the Party and leading the great social revolution. Braving self revolution is the fine tradition of the Party CPC

Japanese media: 4 more incidents of organic fluoride containing foam fire extinguishing agent leakage in Yokota base of the US military stationed in Japan were found foam | fire extinguishing agent | organic fluoride
Japanese media: 4 more incidents of organic fluoride containing foam fire extinguishing agent leakage in Yokota base of the US military stationed in Japan were found foam | fire extinguishing agent | organic fluoride

According to the Japanese Broadcasting Association on the 21st, in addition to the three leaking incidents of foam extinguishing agent containing organic fluoride in Yokota base in Japan from 2010 to 2012 announced by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, the Japanese Broadcasting Association found four similar incidents in the data provided by the US Air Force. It is reported that the Japan Broadcasting Association requested the US Air Force to disclose the investigation report on foam fire extinguishing agent and other leakage incidents from 2000 to 2022. The US military has provided six investigation reports, four of which are foam extinguishing agent leakage incidents, three in 2020 and one in 2022. The largest one is that more than 100 liters of foam extinguishing agent was discharged during the inspection of fire engines in August 2020. The report shows whether the foam extinguishing agent leaks

American media: The China Laos Railway has changed the Chinese neighbor China | Laos | neighboring countries
American media: The China Laos Railway has changed the Chinese neighbor China | Laos | neighboring countries

According to the website of The Wall Street Journal on July 19th, a few years ago, the small town of Modin located on the border between China and Laos had only a few dusty rural roads weaving through tropical forests. Now, a railway that China has invested in building passes through the town, and a city is rising from the ground here. Dozens of unfinished office buildings and warehouses stand tall. Chinese developer Yunnan Haicheng Industrial Group Co., Ltd. is promoting this economic special zone with a development area of approximately 16 square kilometers. This special zone has become a gateway between China and Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia has cheap labor and exports have become easier due to the construction of this new railway. It is reported that this year marks the 10th anniversary of China's "the Belt and Road" initiative, which is booming in this part of Southeast Asia

Japan refuses to promise and is unwilling to "get beaten" on behalf of the United States | Taiwan Strait | United States
Japan refuses to promise and is unwilling to "get beaten" on behalf of the United States | Taiwan Strait | United States

According to the Wall Street Journal, it has been over a year since the United States and Japan formulated a joint action plan against the so-called "Taiwan Strait incident". The US hopes that Japan will consider the possibility of actually using its forces, such as conducting anti submarine operations in the waters around Taiwan, but has not yet received any commitment from Japan. Japan does not want to be beaten on behalf of the United States. There are differences between the two sides on the Taiwan Strait issue. Yang Xiyu, a researcher at the China Institute of International Studies, pointed out that the uncertainty between the United States and Japan on the Taiwan Strait issue stems from their different strategic interests and calculations.Now the United States is promoting so-called "great power competition" and manipulating "

Renowned Electric Power Scholar Bie Chaohong Serving as Executive Vice President of Xi'an Jiaotong University | Energy | Technology | Recovery | Grid | System | Electricity | Xi'an Jiaotong University
Renowned Electric Power Scholar Bie Chaohong Serving as Executive Vice President of Xi'an Jiaotong University | Energy | Technology | Recovery | Grid | System | Electricity | Xi'an Jiaotong University

On July 21st, a reporter from Pengpai News found that according to the updated information in the "School Leaders" section of the official website of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Bi Chaohong has been appointed as the Executive Vice President of Xi'an Jiaotong University since July this year. According to public information, Bi Chaohong, female, Han ethnicity, born in October 1970, holds a graduate degree, a doctoral degree, a professor, and a member of the Communist Party of China. Bie Chaohong has served as the Vice Dean, Party Secretary, Dean, and Director of the Discipline Office of the School of Electrical Engineering at Xi'an Jiaotong University. Appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of Xi'an Jiaotong University in May 2019. Appointed as Vice President of Xi'an Jiaotong University in December 2021. Appointed as the Executive Vice President of Xi'an Jiaotong University in July 2023. In terms of academia, Bie Chaohong has been engaged in fundamental theoretical research and key technology development in power system planning and reliability for a long time

US military statement: Confirms an increase in troops! Middle East | Strait of Hormuz | US military
US military statement: Confirms an increase in troops! Middle East | Strait of Hormuz | US military

On the 20th local time, US officials revealed that the Pentagon will deploy an amphibious readiness group consisting of three warships and a Marine Expeditionary Force to the Middle East to deter Iran in the Strait of Hormuz and nearby waters. An unnamed US official told the Associated Press that US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin approved this military deployment on the 20th. The additional combat readiness group includes the amphibious assault ship Bataan Island, the dock transport ship Ford Terrace, and the dock landing ship Carter Hall, which left Norfolk Naval Base in Virginia earlier this month. The 26th Expeditionary Force of the Marine Corps will be deployed to the Middle East along with the ship. According to the Associated Press, the size of an expedition team is usually around 2500 people. US Department of Defense and Central Command

Congratulations! Chen Yiwen and Chang Yani won the women's 3m springboard championship runner up event | World Championships | 3m springboard event
Congratulations! Chen Yiwen and Chang Yani won the women's 3m springboard championship runner up event | World Championships | 3m springboard event

On July 21st, the Chinese diving team continued their gold medal winning journey at the Fukuoka Swimming World Championships. In the women's 3m springboard final, defending champion and Chinese athlete Chen Yiwen won the championship, which was also the 11th gold medal won by the Chinese diving team at this year's World Championships. Her teammate Chang Yani followed closely and won the runner up. Congratulations to the Dream Team for winning the championship and runner up! Tomorrow, the diving event of this year's Swimming World Championships will have its final competition day. Zhu Zifeng/Lin Shan will strive to defend their title on the mixed doubles 3m board, while Yang Hao and Lian Junjie will compete in the men's 10m platform final. In the previous Budapest World Championships, the Chinese diving team won all 13 gold medals, leading the diving medal table with a total of 17 medals of 13 gold, 2 silver, and 2 bronze, creating the best record at the World Championships. Tomorrow, look forward to the "Dream Team" again

Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: Zhang Zhong appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection | Member | Jiangsu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection
Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: Zhang Zhong appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection | Member | Jiangsu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection

Approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China: Comrade Zhang Zhong is appointed as a member, standing committee member, and secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. According to publicly available information, Zhang Zhong was born in March 1968 in Laizhou, Shandong. He previously served as the Executive Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Organization Department, Director of the Cadre Team Construction Planning Office of the Organization Department, and Deputy Ministerial level Inspector of the Central Inspection Group. In November 2019, Zhang Zhong went to work in Jilin and served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. In January of the following year, he was elected as the Director of the Jilin Provincial Supervision Commission. He is a member of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Previously, Wang Changshong was a member of the Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Director of the Provincial Supervision Commission. He was elected as the Chairman of the Tianjin Municipal Political Consultative Conference in January of this year.

Multiple people are being held accountable and dealt with. A major poisoning and suffocation accident occurred in a company in Anhui, resulting in 5 deaths and 1 injury. Suggestions | Operation | Measures | Venus | Titanium White | Responsibility | Accident
Multiple people are being held accountable and dealt with. A major poisoning and suffocation accident occurred in a company in Anhui, resulting in 5 deaths and 1 injury. Suggestions | Operation | Measures | Venus | Titanium White | Responsibility | Accident

The People's Government of Anhui Province has approved the closure of the investigation report on the "3-10" major poisoning and suffocation accident of Anhui Ma'anshan Jinxing Titanium White Co., Ltd. Recently, the People's Government of Anhui Province has approved the "3-10" major poisoning and suffocation accident investigation report of Anhui Ma'anshan Jinxing Titanium White Co., Ltd. ", agreeing to the investigation team's analysis of the cause and nature of the accident, determination of accident responsibility, relevant handling suggestions, and proposed preventive measures and rectification suggestions. At around 13:20 on March 10, 2023, Anhui Jinxing Titanium White Co., Ltd. experienced a poisoning and suffocation accident, resulting in 5 deaths and 1 injury, with a direct economic loss of 10.18 million yuan. The investigation report determined that the accident was a major production safety responsibility accident. The direct cause of the accident was the violation of confined space operations by the operators of Venus Titanium White Company

Released by the China Securities Regulatory Commission! Clear trading rules have been established →, just now situation | subject | China Securities Regulatory Commission
Released by the China Securities Regulatory Commission! Clear trading rules have been established →, just now situation | subject | China Securities Regulatory Commission

On July 21st, the China Securities Regulatory Commission publicly solicited opinions on the "Several Provisions on Improving the Supervision of Specific Short term Trading". The original text is as follows: In order to implement the requirements of the Securities Law, regulate regulatory work, protect the interests of small and medium-sized investors, and stabilize market expectations, the China Securities Regulatory Commission has drafted several provisions on improving the supervision of specific short-term transactions. We are now soliciting opinions from the public. Specific short-term trading refers to the behavior of shareholders, directors, supervisors, and senior management of listed companies or companies listed on the New Third Board who hold more than 5% of their shares, buying and selling their own stocks or other equity securities within 6 months, or buying and selling them again. As a front-end control measure to prevent insider trading, Article 44 of the Securities Law stipulates that listed companies and major shareholders of companies listed on the New Third Board, as well as specific entities such as directors and supervisors, shall be subject to specific regulations

Is there any looseness in the exchange of interest rates for existing housing loans? Local banks have already approved commercial to public transfer! What signal is being released? Provident Fund | Loan | Local
Is there any looseness in the exchange of interest rates for existing housing loans? Local banks have already approved commercial to public transfer! What signal is being released? Provident Fund | Loan | Local

The business of converting commercial loans into public housing provident fund loans, which means converting or partially converting commercial loans into provident fund loans, is not new in many regions of the country. In the context of the increasing demand for replacing existing housing loans, but the policy has not yet been implemented, local banks have begun to use this routine operation to loosen a "gap" in lowering the interest rates of existing commercial loans. On July 21st, a reporter from First Financial News learned from a branch of Changzhou Jiangnan Rural Commercial Bank that customers can lower their original commercial loan interest rates by converting commercial loans into provident fund combination loans. The key is that the remaining commercial loan interest rate in the new contract can refer to the new interest rate level. The account manager told reporters, "I started trying a while ago.". According to the reporter's understanding, the vast majority of banks that implemented this policy in the past, even commercial banks

"Geneva patient" AIDS or cured virus | infected | patient
"Geneva patient" AIDS or cured virus | infected | patient

According to Agence France Presse on July 19, a man known as "Geneva patient" was in long-term remission of HIV infection after receiving bone marrow transplantation without known gene mutation of blockable virus, which may open up some avenues for research. Before him, five people who had received bone marrow transplants were believed to have been cured of HIV infection. The cured patients all have a common special situation. They suffer from blood cancer and benefit from stem cell transplantation, which deeply updates their immune system. But their donors all have a rare CCR5 delta 32 gene mutation, which is known to prevent HIV from entering cells. For this Geneva patient, the situation is different: in order to treat a particularly invasive condition

Is it an internal conflict within the company? Latest response: Famous business owners who conduct research in their own companies are rejected by security guards. Zhongju High tech | Company | Security
Is it an internal conflict within the company? Latest response: Famous business owners who conduct research in their own companies are rejected by security guards. Zhongju High tech | Company | Security

High end business wars are often presented in the simplest form, usually initiated by security guards. Recently, Yao Zhenhua, the leader of the well-known "Baoneng Group", went to his own company Zhongju High tech for research but was rejected by security guards. The related videos were widely circulated on social media platforms. According to Fortune Chinese website, in 2016, Yao Zhenhua's net worth exceeded 100 billion yuan. The actual controller cannot even enter the company gate? Is the security guard too straightforward, or is there another hidden situation? Yao Zhenhua was rejected by his own company? Both sides responded that recently, Zhongshan Runtian, a shareholder of the "Baoneng Group", released a statement on the official website of Baoneng Group, stating that Yao Zhenhua, the Chairman of Baoneng Group, was very concerned about the production safety and food safety issues of the listed company after learning about major loopholes in the daily management work of Zhongju High tech. He rushed to the headquarters of Zhongju High tech in Zhongshan,

To make these preparations, central disease control: Public health hazards are highly likely to come with flood disasters in disaster areas | diseases | flood disasters
To make these preparations, central disease control: Public health hazards are highly likely to come with flood disasters in disaster areas | diseases | flood disasters

Rainy season flood prevention requires proper preparation. Summer has arrived and the rainy season is here. Abundant rainfall is essential for both the environment and agriculture and animal husbandry, but if the rainfall is too heavy and causes flooding, it will greatly increase the probability of disasters. 1、 Public health hazards are highly likely to come with floods and waterlogging disasters. For example, floods can easily cause pollution of drinking water sources, increasing the risk of outbreaks of infectious diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid fever, hepatitis A, and other water-based and foodborne diseases in disaster areas. In addition, floods inundate septic tanks, sewers, etc., leading to the decay of animal carcasses, the breeding of various vector organisms such as mosquitoes and flies, and the corresponding increase in the risk of leptospirosis, schistosomiasis, Japanese encephalitis, and other insect borne and natural infectious diseases. 2、 Before the arrival of the rainy season, areas that may experience flooding disasters need to prepare in advance as follows: 1 Pay attention to the decline

Let the media calm down. The reporter of the "Lairong High Speed Rail" incident: China Construction Party claimed that it was a misunderstanding of the Lairong High Speed Rail incident
Let the media calm down. The reporter of the "Lairong High Speed Rail" incident: China Construction Party claimed that it was a misunderstanding of the Lairong High Speed Rail incident

On July 20th, some media reported that there were construction quality issues with the Shandong Lairong high-speed railway constructed by China Construction Eighth Bureau. On that day, the Shandong Provincial Department of Transportation announced that an investigation team had been established and would conduct a comprehensive investigation and verification with relevant parties, and handle the matter in accordance with the law and regulations. In response to the relevant situation, CCTV reporters conducted multiple visits. China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau First Company: All investigation results are subject to investigation. On the morning of July 21st, a reporter from CCTV arrived at the office of China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. First Construction Co., Ltd. located in Jinan, Shandong. A staff member surnamed Zeng from the Party and Mass Work Department of China Construction Eighth Bureau Company received the reporter. He stated that in response to media reports, China Construction Eighth Engineering Bureau has released relevant notices through official Weibo and WeChat on July 20th, fully cooperating with the investigation team's investigation and verification work. After the investigation is completed, regardless of the results

Netizen: Originally, driving was portrayed in "Fury", and Zhang Songwen scored 100 points in the second subject. Shooting | Subject | Zhang Songwen
Netizen: Originally, driving was portrayed in "Fury", and Zhang Songwen scored 100 points in the second subject. Shooting | Subject | Zhang Songwen

Today, the entry # Zhang Songwen's exam subject 2 was watched by onlookers # made it to the hot search. It is reported that on July 20th, a netizen posted on a blog that they encountered actor Zhang Songwen who was also taking the exam for subject two. A curious fan left a message asking Zhang Songwen, "Teacher, have you passed the second subject exam?" Zhang Songwen replied that he scored 100 points. Some netizens also asked him if he was nervous, and Zhang Songwen said that there were not even hundreds of people around the filming site who were nervous, and there was nothing to be nervous about. Some netizens even asked him if he had ever been scolded by a coach while practicing driving? Zhang Songwen replied that the coach is very good when studying and taking exams seriously. After learning that Zhang Songwen is only taking the second subject exam now, netizens said, "I used to drive without a license when filming" Fury "." I used to play driving in movies before. ". For filming scenes of driving, Zhang Songwen once said that he didn't drive because he didn't

National Medical Insurance Administration: Timely include eligible elderly care institutions with internal medical institutions in medical insurance institutions | Elderly people | Eligible
National Medical Insurance Administration: Timely include eligible elderly care institutions with internal medical institutions in medical insurance institutions | Elderly people | Eligible

On the 21st, it was learned from the National Medical Insurance Administration that qualified medical institutions within elderly care institutions should be included in the designated scope of medical insurance in a timely manner, promoting the development of medical and elderly care integration, and continuously enhancing the sense of gain, happiness, and security of the elderly. Based on the functional positioning of "basic insurance", the National Medical Insurance Administration guides local governments to include eligible medical service projects in the scope of medical insurance payment according to procedures, basically meeting the medical needs of insured individuals, including the elderly. It is also clear in policies that basic medical insurance funds for life service projects such as accompanying fees, caregiver fees, and cleaning fees will not be paid. Promoting the integration of medical care and elderly care is an important measure to optimize the supply of elderly health and elderly care services. With the acceleration of population aging and the continuous increase in the number of disabled elderly people, the National Medical Insurance Administration is steadily promoting the pilot of long-term care insurance system to adapt to the basic care insurance for disabled elderly people

The Secretary General of the United Nations warns that the world's largest rice exporting country has issued the strictest export restrictions in history! Soaring Grain Prices Wheat | Global | Export
The Secretary General of the United Nations warns that the world's largest rice exporting country has issued the strictest export restrictions in history! Soaring Grain Prices Wheat | Global | Export

"We have seen continuous increases in global wheat and corn prices, which will harm everyone, especially vulnerable groups in the third world." After Russia bombed the natural port of Odessa in southern Ukraine, UN Secretary General Guterres issued the aforementioned warning. In addition to wheat and corn, the fluctuations in the rice market are also heart wrenching. The largest exporting country, India, has issued the strictest rice export restrictions in history, prohibiting the export of rice varieties other than Indian long rice. Experts believe that this move may push global rice prices, which were already at their highest point in over a decade, to a higher level. On the Black Sea Transport Line, due to the announcement by both Russia and Ukraine that ships heading towards each other's ports will be defaulted to military vessels, the atmosphere was unprecedentedly tense: cargo ships transporting wheat were afraid to pass, and ships in the relevant waters were insured

Another city and Heshenghui have been scheduled for talks! Shanghai Cyberspace Administration and Market Supervision Bureau guide enterprises to launch a "pure version" parking payment code, with "Bright Sword Pujiang" pointing to the issue of "parking scanning code" | Consumers | Pujiang
Another city and Heshenghui have been scheduled for talks! Shanghai Cyberspace Administration and Market Supervision Bureau guide enterprises to launch a "pure version" parking payment code, with "Bright Sword Pujiang" pointing to the issue of "parking scanning code" | Consumers | Pujiang

Recently, through unannounced visits to 140 shopping malls and parking lots in 29 municipal business centers and 45 regional business centers, the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Consumer Protection found that some parking lots had problems such as forcing consumers to join members, forcing or inducing consumers to pay attention to official account during the process of scanning code to pay parking fees. The Shanghai Cyberspace Administration and the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau have included relevant problem clues in the "Bright Sword Pujiang" personal information rights protection special law enforcement action currently being carried out in the city, which involves "parking and scanning codes" consumption scenarios, and organized centralized rectification. On the morning of July 21st, law enforcement officers from the Shanghai Cyberspace Administration and the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau conducted an on-site inspection of the Wujiaochang commercial district in Yangpu District. The inspection found that the parking lot in Youyicheng City has the function of inducing users to register members, paying attention to the official account, and forcing consumers to agree with third-party enterprises

The former vice dean of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts has been investigated! Supervisory Commission | Website | Vice President
The former vice dean of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts has been investigated! Supervisory Commission | Website | Vice President

On July 21st, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission announced that Zhang Qingbo, a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Liaoning Provincial Public Cultural Service Center, is under review and investigation. Zhang Qingbo is an expert in the field of art. He has been serving as a member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Liaoning Provincial Public Cultural Service Center since July 2018. Prior to this, he had worked for a long time at the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, serving as the Deputy General Manager of the Art Engineering Corporation of the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, Director of the Art Development Center and General Manager of the Art Engineering Corporation of the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, and Deputy Dean of the Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts. According to official information from Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, the school currently has two campuses in Shenyang and Dalian, with a total of 7478 full-time undergraduate and graduate students and 919 faculty members. Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts is a renowned higher art institution with significant influence both domestically and internationally

Consul General of Russia in Harbin: The resumption of group visa free travel between Russia and China is imminent | Group | Harbin
Consul General of Russia in Harbin: The resumption of group visa free travel between Russia and China is imminent | Group | Harbin

On July 21st local time, Sergei Linnik, Consul General of Russia in Harbin, stated that China and Russia are completing the necessary final procedures for resuming visa free group tourism. According to a report by Russian news agency, at the end of June this year, the News Office of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development announced that the list of Chinese travel agencies engaged in visa free group tours will be submitted to the Russian side within two weeks, and it is expected to implement group visa free tours starting this summer. Consul General Linnik bluntly stated, "We are guided by the information provided by the Russian Ministry of Economic Development and hope to resume visa free travel exchanges between our country and China in the near future." He stated that the competent authorities of the two countries, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, are actively working on this issue and completing the necessary procedures. February this year