The world

Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Impact of Russia's Air Raids on Ukraine on the Chinese Consulate General in Odessa
Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the Impact of Russia's Air Raids on Ukraine on the Chinese Consulate General in Odessa

Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: The personnel of the Consulate General have already evacuated, and there have been no casualties. Q: There are reports that the Russian military's drone and missile attack on Odessa, Ukraine on the 20th affected the Chinese Consulate General in Odessa, causing damage to the exterior walls and some windows of the consulate. Can the Chinese side confirm? Has China made representations to the Russian side regarding this matter? Answer: An explosion occurred near the Chinese Consulate General in Odessa, and the shock wave knocked down some of the walls and window glass of the Consulate General. The personnel of the Consulate General have already evacuated, and there have been no casualties. The Chinese side closely monitors relevant trends, continues to maintain communication with relevant parties, and takes all necessary measures to safeguard the safety of Chinese institutions and personnel in Ukraine.

Early Reading | The total installed capacity of renewable energy generation in China has exceeded 1.3 billion kilowatts | Energy | China
Early Reading | The total installed capacity of renewable energy generation in China has exceeded 1.3 billion kilowatts | Energy | China

Good morning The morning reading of the news is here! Friday, July 21, 2023 On the fourth day of the sixth lunar month, it is cloudy to overcast in Shanghai, sometimes there are showers or thunderstorms, and the rainfall in some areas can reach rainstorm, 26~32 ℃ § Today's attention will be focused on that the total installed capacity of renewable energy power generation in China has exceeded 1.3 billion kilowatts ※ Data released by the National Energy Administration recently shows that by the end of June this year, the total installed capacity of renewable energy power generation in China has exceeded 1.3 billion kilowatts, reaching 1.322 billion kilowatts, accounting for 48.8% of the total installed capacity in China. Among them, the installed capacity of hydropower is 418 million kilowatts, wind power is 390 million kilowatts, solar power is 471 million kilowatts, and biomass power is 43 million kilowatts. The relevant person in charge of the National Energy Administration stated that renewable energy

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment has released: "China and the United States Agree to Continue | Action | Climate | The Ministry of Ecology and Environment | Promote | Climate Change | Cooperation | Both sides
The Ministry of Ecology and Environment has released: "China and the United States Agree to Continue | Action | Climate | The Ministry of Ecology and Environment | Promote | Climate Change | Cooperation | Both sides

According to the agreement between China and the United States, the US President's special envoy on climate issues, John Kerry, will visit China from July 16th to 19th. Chinese climate change envoy Xie Zhenhua held talks with Kerry, with Vice Minister of Ecology and Environment Zhao Yingmin attending. Both sides exchanged in-depth views on implementing the consensus of the Bali meeting between the two heads of state in November last year and cooperating to address the global challenge of climate change. Both sides agree that climate change is a common challenge facing humanity, and it is of great significance for the two countries to work together to address this challenge. Both sides engaged in frank, in-depth, and constructive dialogue on promoting global climate governance and strengthening dialogue and cooperation, focusing on the implementation of the Sino US Joint Declaration on Climate Crisis Response and the Glasgow Joint Declaration on Strengthening Climate Action in the 2020s. During the meeting, both sides introduced their respective responses to climate change

Raise a serious warning! The Russian side has notified the US, UK, and French countries | Ukraine | Warning
Raise a serious warning! The Russian side has notified the US, UK, and French countries | Ukraine | Warning

The conflict between Russia-Ukraine conflict continued, and the United States and the West continued to rage. Previously, the United States and NATO expressed their consideration of providing F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. On July 20th, TASS reported that Gavrilov, the head of the Russian delegation to the negotiations on military security and arms control in Vienna, stated that Russia has notified countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and France that it cannot ignore the fact that F-16 fighter jets can carry nuclear weapons. The Russian side reiterated that it will consider the F-16 fighter jets provided to Ukraine as a nuclear threat from the West. Since the outbreak of the conflict between Russia-Ukraine conflict, the United States and other western countries have been sending weapons and equipment to Ukraine. Earlier this year, some EU countries expressed their consideration of providing F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, and the United States also approved European countries to train Ukrainian pilots to use F-16 fighter jets. The Russian side has issued a serious warning regarding this. Russia

If we break off diplomatic ties again, if we violate Sweden | the Iraqi government | diplomacy
If we break off diplomatic ties again, if we violate Sweden | the Iraqi government | diplomacy

According to Deutsche Presse-Agentur, the Iraqi government said that it had informed Sweden that it might sever diplomatic relations with Stockholm due to another planned burning of the Koran. According to reports, the Office of the Iraqi Prime Minister tweeted, "The Iraqi government has notified the Swedish government through diplomatic channels that any further burning of the Quran on Swedish territory could lead to a break in diplomatic relations between the two countries." Reuters previously reported that in the early hours of July 20th local time, hundreds of Iraqi protesters stormed the Swedish embassy in the center of Baghdad, climbed its walls, and set fire to protest against local Swedish activists' plans to burn the Quran. Swedish news agency reported on the 19th that the Swedish police have approved an application to hold a public gathering outside the Iraqi Embassy in Stockholm

More than 20 cars were overturned, suddenly! Explosion area in the center of Johannesburg, South Africa | accident | car
More than 20 cars were overturned, suddenly! Explosion area in the center of Johannesburg, South Africa | accident | car

On the 19th local time, an explosion occurred in the center of Johannesburg, South Africa, causing a large area of road collapse and more than 20 cars being overturned. According to Agence France Presse, as of now, the accident has caused one death and 48 injuries, and the specific cause is still under investigation. On the evening of the 19th, during peak hours local time, a loud noise was heard on a street in the center of Johannesburg, followed by a large area of road collapse. More than 20 cars were hit by explosions and road collapses, causing them to roll over or overturn. Some cars even slid into cracks caused by the explosion. The Johannesburg City Government stated that the explosion affected a total of 5 neighborhoods. Due to concerns about a second explosion and the risk of building collapse, residents have been evacuated from the affected areas. Incident occurred

70% of the cases were discovered in the late stage... Both mother and daughter were diagnosed! High mortality rate in gynecology | tumors | mortality rate
70% of the cases were discovered in the late stage... Both mother and daughter were diagnosed! High mortality rate in gynecology | tumors | mortality rate

Recently, the hot topic of "both mother and daughter diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer" has sparked widespread discussion, bringing another round of concerns about the inheritance of cancer. Both mother and daughter have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and these tumors are easily inherited! According to the Ningbo Evening News, the "hero" of this case is a mother and daughter in Zhejiang. The daughter in her 30s has been diagnosed with advanced ovarian cancer and breast cancer, and then liver metastasis. Two years later, her mother also suffered from the same disease. According to a report from Life Times, Zhou Qi, the head of the Gynecological Oncology Center at Chongqing University Affiliated Cancer Hospital, said in an interview that ovarian cancer is the malignant tumor with the highest mortality rate in the female reproductive tract. 70% of diagnosed cases are advanced, 70% recur within 3 years of treatment, and the 5-year survival rate is around 40%. Early detection and diagnosis are the key to improving the cure rate. Approximately 20% to 25% of the ovaries are high

Official announcement! The President of PICC is his director | company | official announcement
Official announcement! The President of PICC is his director | company | official announcement

On the evening of July 20th, PICC announced the appointment of Zhao Peng as the company's president and elected him as the vice chairman. At the beginning of this month, the official website of China People's Insurance Corporation (PICC) announced that, appointed by the leadership of the Central Organization Department, officials from the relevant cadre bureaus of the Central Organization Department attended the company's leadership meeting and announced the central decision to appoint Comrade Zhao Peng as the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of PICC Group. On July 20th, PICC Group announced that its board of directors had approved the proposal to appoint Zhao Peng as the company's president. The term of office shall be calculated from the date on which the qualification for the position is approved by the State Administration for Financial Supervision and Administration. In addition, the company's board of directors has passed a resolution appointing Zhao Peng as the executive director, vice chairman, and member of the strategy and investment committee of the fourth board of directors, with a term of office from the approval of the company's shareholders meeting

Yunnan Travel Agency Association releases an open letter inviting friends from all walks of life, especially media, to join the Yunnan tourism group
Yunnan Travel Agency Association releases an open letter inviting friends from all walks of life, especially media, to join the Yunnan tourism group

Dear tourists, this is an open letter to follow and love Yunnan's tourism friends. The flowers are fragrant all year round, and the breeze is refreshing all year round. Yunnan, with its beautiful mountains and rivers, is naturally infinite, and the fireworks elevate the simplicity of human relationships. We invite you to experience "a kind of life called Yunnan", and together we open up a two-way love and journey. For a long time, many friends from all over the country and even the world have chosen Yunnan as their most desired tourist destination, enjoying beautiful scenery, sharing delicious food, immersing themselves in life, nurturing love, and forming friendships... First of all, we sincerely thank all sectors of society for their love for Yunnan tourism. The popularity of "half of the country is in Yunnan" has poured more humanistic cohesion and hometown pride into Yunnan. It is your oral tradition, traveling thousands of miles, and indulging yourself, making Yunnan an irresistible obsession in everyone's hearts,

How is the development progress of lunar landing equipment?, China's initial plan for manned lunar landing announced | China | Equipment
How is the development progress of lunar landing equipment?, China's initial plan for manned lunar landing announced | China | Equipment

Recently, the China Manned Space Engineering Office issued a notice on soliciting scientific payload plans for manned lunar exploration projects, stating that the lunar landing phase of China's manned lunar exploration project has been launched, with plans to conduct unmanned lunar flights in the early stages and achieve the first Chinese landing on the moon before 2030. On July 20, 1969, after a long flight, humans landed on the moon for the first time. More than 50 years later, the initial plan for China's manned moon landing was announced. China's lunar exploration is more anticipated. How will the plan be implemented specifically? How is the development progress of equipment such as lunar rockets, next-generation manned spacecraft, and lunar landers? The plan is to achieve the first Chinese landing on the moon before 2030, which is an ideal base and outpost for human expansion and development of extraterrestrial space. Lunar exploration has always been a manned mission in the world today

The local investigation is underway, and the "suspicious theft case" will be withdrawn in two years: the businessman claimed to be in charge of the deputy director's 150000 yuan case | withdrawal | theft case
The local investigation is underway, and the "suspicious theft case" will be withdrawn in two years: the businessman claimed to be in charge of the deputy director's 150000 yuan case | withdrawal | theft case

On July 17th, the Wuxi police made a decision to withdraw the case. On July 18th, Mr. Wu, who was doing business in Wuxi, received a decision to withdraw the case from the Liangxi Branch of the Wuxi Public Security Bureau in Jiangsu Province. The decision stated that "our bureau has handled the theft of cable lines at the Wuxi Liangxi Dongling Xishang construction site. As there are no criminal facts, according to Article 163 of the Criminal Procedure Law, we have decided to revoke this case." Faced with this result, Mr. Wu felt helpless. According to his introduction, in June 2021, he suspected that some building materials at his project site in Wuxi were stolen, valued at over 800000 yuan. On June 21 of the same year, Mr. Wu reported to the Chong'an Temple Police Station of the Liangxi Branch of Wuxi City. Under the suggestion of Zhou, the deputy director of the police station, Mr. Wu gave him 50000 yuan in three installments before filing the case on July 23, 2021. March 2022

North Korea harshly warns the US and South Korea of the "Nuclear Consultation Group" meeting and the US strategic nuclear submarine entry strategy into South Korea | US | Consultation
North Korea harshly warns the US and South Korea of the "Nuclear Consultation Group" meeting and the US strategic nuclear submarine entry strategy into South Korea | US | Consultation

According to a report by the Korean Central News Agency on the 20th, North Korea's Defense Minister, Chun Man, issued a statement condemning the "Nuclear Consultation Group" meeting held by the United States and South Korea on the 18th, and emphasizing that the United States has deployed strategic nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula for the first time in more than 40 years when a strategic nuclear submarine is anchored in Busan Port, posing the "most blatant and direct" nuclear threat to North Korea. The statement emphasizes that among the world's nuclear armed countries, only the United States has publicly established the use of nuclear weapons targeting specific countries as a policy. Due to military recklessness by the United States and its followers, the military security situation on the Korean Peninsula has undergone fundamental changes. Qiang Chunnan warned the US: "The enhanced visibility of strategic asset deployment, including strategic nuclear submarines, may comply with the conditions for the use of nuclear weapons outlined in North Korea's nuclear force policy." The statement stated that North Korea's armed forces will responsibly safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity

Why does the US need Kissin style diplomatic wisdom? Diaoyutai State Guesthouse | Kissinger | Wisdom
Why does the US need Kissin style diplomatic wisdom? Diaoyutai State Guesthouse | Kissinger | Wisdom

On July 20th, a special guest was welcomed to Building 5 of the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing.Kissinger stated that US China relations are crucial for the peace and prosperity of both countries and the world, and he is willing to continue to make efforts to enhance mutual understanding between the peoples of the US and China. 52 years ago, also in July, at this location, Kissinger met with the older generation of Chinese leaders as the National Security Assistant and Special Envoy of then US President Nixon, initiating the normalization process of Sino US relations. This is considered an important moment in Kissinger's diplomatic career. Currently, he has arrived in China

Why don't they participate in the Hangzhou Asian Games?, It is clearly the Asian Olympic Council | Hangzhou Asian Games. Asia | Asia
Why don't they participate in the Hangzhou Asian Games?, It is clearly the Asian Olympic Council | Hangzhou Asian Games. Asia | Asia

"Six Asian countries have announced that they will not participate in the Hangzhou Asian Games." - These days, such sensational statements can often be seen online. In fact, this is completely a partial understanding of Asian geography and sports knowledge. Let's first clarify a concept: the Asian Games is a quadrennial sports event of the Asian family, but the participants of the Asian Games do not refer to geographically defined Asian countries, but must first be members of the Asian Olympic Council. So, which Asian countries are not members of the Olympic Council of Asia? Why aren't they? This article is for everyone to clarify their doubts. The Olympic Council of Asia is the organizational structure of the Asian Games and the plenipotentiary representative representing Asia and the International Olympic Committee. So far, the Olympic Council of Asia has a total of 45 members, belonging to the East Asian, South Asian, Southeast Asian, Central Asian regions, and

Uncovering the 4000 yuan daily salary "moat" recruiting interns: Quantitative private equity practitioners are not all so "bold"! Daily salary | strategy | practitioners
Uncovering the 4000 yuan daily salary "moat" recruiting interns: Quantitative private equity practitioners are not all so "bold"! Daily salary | strategy | practitioners

The daily salary is as high as 4000 yuan, which is equivalent to an adult salary of over a million yuan, but the recruitment targets are interns. Recently, a certain quantitative private equity company's "bold" recruitment has attracted high market attention. First Financial learned that the quantitative company recruiting interns is a foreign-funded institution established in 2019 and is currently actively building a Chinese team from scratch. In the context of salary cuts in the financial industry and high employment pressure in various industries, the topic of "high salaries" has once again ignited public nerves. But a high salary of 4000 yuan per day is not a common phenomenon in the domestic quantitative private equity industry. The reporter learned that the daily salary of interns in quantitative private equity strategy research positions in China is mostly below 1000 yuan, which is still at a relatively high level compared to other industries. Why is quantitative private equity recruiting interns at such high salaries? The original behind it

3% service charge free for single transaction below 200 yuan, WeChat, Alipay foreign card binding service upgrade problem | business | foreign card
3% service charge free for single transaction below 200 yuan, WeChat, Alipay foreign card binding service upgrade problem | business | foreign card

Significant progress has been made in facilitating the payment of overseas users to the mainland of China, and the third-party payment platforms Alipay and WeChat payment have successively completed business upgrading in the binding of foreign cards. On July 20th, according to the official WeChat Pay news, the WeChat Pay external card service has been fully upgraded. Currently, overseas users can use mobile payment in the vast majority of domestic merchants, including catering, transportation, alcohol and tourism, supermarkets and other fields, after binding their international bank cards with WeChat Pay. At the same time, wildcard users can also use various payment methods such as scanning and being scanned, mini program payment, password free deduction, and in app payment. The foreign card binding and usage guide released by WeChat Pay shows that foreign individuals can bind foreign cards through WeChat Pay in just three steps: first, download or update the WeChat/WeChat application; second, find the WeChat Pay portal,

What signal is being released?, Kim and Jung's speech discussing the possibility of a nuclear war between North Korea and the United States Mars | North Korea | possibility
What signal is being released?, Kim and Jung's speech discussing the possibility of a nuclear war between North Korea and the United States Mars | North Korea | possibility

The US strategic nuclear submarine docked in South Korea after 40 years, and the US South Korea negotiations extended nuclear deterrence... The confrontation on the Korean Peninsula carries increasing risks of nuclear war. According to Yonhap News Agency, the South Korean Joint Staff Headquarters reported on the 19th that the South Korean military detected North Korea firing two short-range ballistic missiles into the eastern waters of the Korean Peninsula in the Shun'an area from around 3:30 am to 3:46 am that day. The missiles flew about 550 kilometers each before falling into the Sea of Japan. This is North Korea's second missile launch this month. On July 12th, North Korea tested the Mars Cannon-18 solid intercontinental missile for the second time and announced that it will soon be equipped with this missile. On the second day after North Korea tested the Mars Artiller-18 missile, the United States sent B-52H strategic bombers to the Korean Peninsula to participate in exercises. Compared to missile launches, the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea

Teenage Star Chasing Chaos: High school students spend tens of thousands of yuan on idol charting and star chasing behavior. Feng Yuan | Idol
Teenage Star Chasing Chaos: High school students spend tens of thousands of yuan on idol charting and star chasing behavior. Feng Yuan | Idol

"Why do you have to make a list for your idol?" "He needs me to guard it! The list is very important to your idol. If you rank high, you will have more business lists, and your career development will also be better. I am a loyal fan and will never 'go for free'." This is a recent conversation that happened in the surgical department of a hospital in Heilongjiang Province. One is Wei Ting, a 16-year-old girl who is currently in high school, and the other is her father. Previously, Wei Ting had an argument and shoving with her father over secretly taking thousands of yuan from her family to make a list for her idol, resulting in varying degrees of injury to both of them. The investigation by reporters found that it is not uncommon for minors like Wei Ting to pursue celebrities irrationally. Whether online or offline, as well as on and off campus, they do not like to learn and love to pursue stars. They spend tens of thousands of yuan on ranking and voting, and even

Shijiazhuang announces 19 unfinished projects that have been under construction for more than seven years: Welcome citizens to supervise the situation | Work | Citizens
Shijiazhuang announces 19 unfinished projects that have been under construction for more than seven years: Welcome citizens to supervise the situation | Work | Citizens

On July 20th, the Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau of Shijiazhuang City made public the situation of 19 local projects that started construction before May 1st, 2016 and have not been completed as of May 1st, 2023. Pengpai News has noticed that 19 projects in Chang'an District, Yuhua District, Qiaoxi District, and High tech Zone of Shijiazhuang City are on the list, involving elderly apartments, overall relocation projects for middle schools, and the construction of primary schools in the relocation area. The resumption of work and construction is mostly on September 30th of this year, with the latest being December 31st of this year. The Shijiazhuang Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau stated that in order to solidly promote urban renewal, enhance urban image, accelerate the construction of a modern and internationalized beautiful provincial capital city, and solve the urgent and difficult problems faced by the people, the Municipal Party Committee and Government have decided to dispose of unfinished projects that have been in operation for more than seven years in the city. During the disposal process, adhere to

"One guide is hard to find" in Beijing, with a daily salary of thousands of yuan. Beijing | The Forbidden City | Daily salary
"One guide is hard to find" in Beijing, with a daily salary of thousands of yuan. Beijing | The Forbidden City | Daily salary

Currently, summer vacations are even hotter than hot weather. With the start of summer vacation, the tourism market in many regions has entered a hot mode, with airport and train stations experiencing a surge in foot traffic, popular scenic spots and museums being overcrowded with tourists, making it difficult to obtain a single ticket. Even tour guides in Beijing have become very popular, sometimes earning a daily salary of thousands of yuan, making it difficult to find a guide. Faced with surging crowds and record breaking temperatures, tour guides and tourists are also experiencing difficult tests. With a surge of summer tourists and 17 years of experience as a tour guide, this year's summer tour may become the hottest year in history due to record breaking temperatures. Li Yuanyuan, who has been a tour guide in Beijing for 17 years, has a direct feeling of the booming tourism market. It's not an exaggeration to say that from the Spring Festival of 2023 until now, except for Mondays, I have been leading groups in the Forbidden City almost every day, and sometimes it's just too tiring!

Is activating autonomous driving mode after drinking alcohol considered drunk driving? Understanding the Six Legal Misunderstandings of Drunk Driving in One Article | Motor Vehicles | Drunk Driving
Is activating autonomous driving mode after drinking alcohol considered drunk driving? Understanding the Six Legal Misunderstandings of Drunk Driving in One Article | Motor Vehicles | Drunk Driving

In March 2023, the People's Procuratorate of Xiangzhou District, Xiangyang City, Hubei Province, received a clue from the public security organs that Li was arrested by traffic police on suspicion of driving a motor vehicle while drunk. After testing, it was found that Li had a high alcohol content of 262.6mq/10mL in his blood. However, when questioned by the prosecutor, Li insisted that he was not drunk driving. The reason was that Li believed that after drinking alcohol, he activated the vehicle's autonomous driving function, so it was not considered drunk driving. Faced with Li's defense, the prosecutor in charge stated that autonomous driving is just a type of car driving assistance system, and the driver still needs to participate throughout the driving process. Finally, the court sentenced Li to five months of detention and fined him 10000 yuan for the crime of dangerous driving. So, after drinking alcohol, activate the autonomous driving mode

Do I need to submit the original graduation certificate when I start working? The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security responded: Please say "no" decisively! Bureau | Head | Department of Human Resources and Social Security
Do I need to submit the original graduation certificate when I start working? The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security responded: Please say "no" decisively! Bureau | Head | Department of Human Resources and Social Security

July coincides with the peak of employment and entry for fresh graduates. Recently, some graduates have reported encountering issues such as document withholding when joining the workforce, which has attracted widespread attention after being posted online. On the 20th, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security responded that "withholding documents" is a typical job search trap. If you encounter this situation, please decisively refuse. Not long ago, Ms. Zhang from Shenzhen, Guangdong successfully interviewed an e-commerce company. When inquiring about the details of onboarding procedures, she was told to submit the original graduation certificate. Ms. Zhang inquired about the specific purpose of the submission, and the company staff stated that they need to verify its information, and the graduation certificate must be kept with the boss until Ms. Zhang resigns before being returned. Due to doubts about this request, Ms. Zhang ultimately declined the position in the company. The person in charge of the relevant departments and bureaus of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security stated that any unit

People's Daily Bell Sound: No report can "whitewash" the erroneous decision to discharge into the sea report | Japan | Bell Sound
People's Daily Bell Sound: No report can "whitewash" the erroneous decision to discharge into the sea report | Japan | Bell Sound

After the International Atomic Energy Agency released the comprehensive assessment report on the disposal of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water in Japan, the Japan Atomic Energy Regulatory Commission quickly handed over the acceptance certificate of the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge facility to Tokyo Electric Power Company. The Japanese government recently reiterated that the plan to discharge Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the ocean starting this summer has not changed. Various signs indicate that Japan is attempting to use institutional reports as a "passport" to initiate the discharge of its nuclear contaminated water into the sea, "whitewashing" its erroneous decision. The Japanese approach is completely self deception. The Japanese side should be very clear about the process of issuing institutional reports. The Japanese side unilaterally announced the plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea in April 2021 before inviting institutions to conduct relevant evaluations and reviews, and limited the scope of authorization to the evaluation of the discharge plan. The Director General of the institution also stated in the preface of the report

Economic Daily: Commercial Photography of Scenic Spots Should Not be Banned | Shooting | Economic Daily
Economic Daily: Commercial Photography of Scenic Spots Should Not be Banned | Shooting | Economic Daily

Recently, after the suspension of commercial filming in places such as the Palace Museum and the Labor People's Cultural Palace in Beijing, scenic spots such as the Summer Palace have also stated that they will increase their management of commercial filming. These scenic spots are prohibited from commercial filming for two main reasons: firstly, for the purpose of protecting ancient buildings and cultural relics, to prevent accidental damage to precious cultural heritage by filming equipment; Secondly, for the needs of safety management, commercial photography sometimes occupies the visiting passages and public spaces for a long time, which not only hinders other tourists from taking photos, but may also cause congestion and pose safety hazards. How did commercial photography become a popular business? The "filming" effect of the scenic area is already good, and with the help of professional clothing, makeup, props, and scenery, the atmosphere will immediately be filled. In recent years, the commercial auction market has continued to grow in size, attracting many entrants and forming a mature market

This dwarf planet enters the viewing window period, with Pluto colliding with Uranus on the 22nd | Position | Planet
This dwarf planet enters the viewing window period, with Pluto colliding with Uranus on the 22nd | Position | Planet

Astronomical popular science experts introduce that on July 22nd, Pluto ascended to the sun, and this dwarf planet entered the viewing window period, gradually unveiling its mysterious veil. People are not unfamiliar with Pluto, as it once entered the ranks of planets and was later downgraded to a dwarf planet. Pluto's solar eclipse refers to an astronomical phenomenon in which Pluto moves approximately in a straight line with the Earth and Sun during its orbit around the sun, and the Earth happens to be located between the Sun and Pluto. At this time, Pluto is closest to Earth, has the largest apparent diameter, the highest brightness, and can be observed all night, providing a good opportunity for people to further understand it. Lai Dihui, a member of the Chinese Astronomical Society and a director of the Tianjin Astronomical Society, introduced that due to Pluto's distance from the sun, its brightness is not very high and is quite dim, making it difficult to observe it with ordinary small astronomical telescopes

It is a care for market vitality. Guangming Daily: Unleash the management of "patting cucumbers" | Food | Market
It is a care for market vitality. Guangming Daily: Unleash the management of "patting cucumbers" | Food | Market

In order to further standardize the management of food business licenses and records, strengthen the supervision and management of food business safety, and implement the main responsibilities of food operators, the State Administration for Market Regulation recently issued the "Measures for the Management of Food Business Licenses and Records", which will be implemented from December 1, 2023. Among them, focusing on the difficulties and bottlenecks reported by enterprises, simplified regulations have been made for the production and sale of simple foods such as cucumbers and tea making. For a period of time, cases of restaurants across the country being fined for violating regulations in "picking cucumbers" have been trending, sparking discussions in society about whether relevant market management rules are reasonable. Against this backdrop of reality, the "Measures" simplify the licensing provisions for the production and sale of simple foods such as cucumbers and tea, which can be said to be in line with the business characteristics and social expectations of the food industry with a pragmatic attitude, and effectively

How to cultivate "hardcore" cadres | problem | hardcore cadres
How to cultivate "hardcore" cadres | problem | hardcore cadres

"Hard core" was originally a popular term on the internet, referring to a rap music style with strong power and intense rhythm. Later, people often used "hard core" to describe "very powerful", "very strong", and "very rigid". In the new era, the development of the Party and the state is facing new strategic opportunities and risks and challenges. As the backbone of the development of the Party and the state, leading cadres at all levels undoubtedly need to be "hardcore". The more arduous the task and the more complex the situation, the more it calls for more "hardcore" cadres who want to do things, can do things, and accomplish things. What kind of cadres can live up to the heavy trust of the Party and the people in the great cause of the Party, and become capable "hardcore" cadres? Daring to take responsibility and daring to take on responsibilities are the distinctive characteristics of "hardcore" cadres. Faced with the high winds, rough waves, and even rough seas on the road ahead, a pair of "hard shoulders" capable of carrying heavy loads appears particularly impressive

Learning Times: Don't Let the "Higher Education Banquet" Become a "Corruption Banquet". The Discipline Inspection Commission in this area has reported four typical case studies | Gift Money | Times
Learning Times: Don't Let the "Higher Education Banquet" Become a "Corruption Banquet". The Discipline Inspection Commission in this area has reported four typical case studies | Gift Money | Times

The annual college entrance examination and middle school entrance examination "enrollment season" is a peak time for social attention and discussion of educational topics, as well as a time when various "enrollment banquets" rise and fall in popularity, and it is a time when hidden and mutated "four winds" problems are prone to occur. Recently, disciplinary inspection and supervision agencies in various regions have been closely monitoring the time nodes after the college entrance examination and middle school entrance examination, issuing disciplinary reminders, strictly prohibiting party members and cadres from accepting gifts, cash gifts, consumption cards, WeChat red envelopes and other electronic cash gifts and vouchers through "enrollment banquets", and highlighting the red line of discipline and law. The Discipline Inspection Commission of Changde City, Hunan Province, has reported on four typical cases of party members and cadres organizing "study banquets" in violation of regulations. Among them, four individuals have been disciplined by the party and all gifts received in violation of regulations have been refunded. The statistical table on mental issues related to violations of the Central Eight point Regulation previously released on the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission shows that a total of investigations and punishments were carried out nationwide in May

Chasing 1.932 billion yuan in stolen goods, we insist on pursuing every fugitive and pursuing them to the end! In the first half of the year, a total of 582 fugitives were recovered nationwide, and their income was obtained
Chasing 1.932 billion yuan in stolen goods, we insist on pursuing every fugitive and pursuing them to the end! In the first half of the year, a total of 582 fugitives were recovered nationwide, and their income was obtained

Recently, the reporter learned from the Central Office for the Pursuit of fugitives that from January to June this year, a total of 582 fugitives were recovered nationwide, including 25 "Red Cross individuals" and 1 "100 Red Cross individuals", with a total amount of approximately 1.932 billion yuan recovered. Since the launch of the "Skynet 2023" campaign, the Central Office for Chasing and Escaping has focused on promoting the integrated construction of a mechanism for tracking, preventing, and recovering stolen goods. In terms of pursuit and escape, the focus is on the "100 Red Cross personnel" who have not been brought to justice and the newly added fugitives in recent years. Precise strategies are formulated to strengthen case studies and continuously expand the achievements. On June 10th, Guo Jiefang, a member of the "100 Red Communication Personnel," returned to China to surrender, becoming the 62nd "100 Red Communication Personnel" to be brought to justice since the launch of the "Skynet Action" and the first "100 Red Communication Personnel" to be brought to justice since the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is worth noting that the pursuit and recovery work of Guo Jiefang