The world

All sectors in the United States: China US cooperation is crucial and benefits global China US cooperation | China | United States
All sectors in the United States: China US cooperation is crucial and benefits global China US cooperation | China | United States

US Secretary of State Brinken visited China from June 18 to 19. President Biden said on 19 local time that "we are on the right path" with regard to Antony Blinken's visit. For a period of time, there have been calls from the US political, business, and academic circles to deepen Sino US cooperation. Cooperation between China and the United States is a popular choice. As a member of the Special Committee on China in the United States House of Representatives, a special committee specifically targeting China, Representative Andy King from New Jersey also recognizes the importance of cooperation between China and the United States. He recently stated at events organized by the Brookings Institution and the Center for Strategic and International Studies that without a certain degree of contact between the two most powerful countries in the world, we cannot have a functioning world. Also at this event, Dartmouth

Observing the World: The Struggle for the New Leader of NATO | Difficulty in Choosing a Secretary General Exposes Internal Disputes within NATO | Member States | Secretary General
Observing the World: The Struggle for the New Leader of NATO | Difficulty in Choosing a Secretary General Exposes Internal Disputes within NATO | Member States | Secretary General

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization had originally planned to announce the new Secretary General at the member state summit to be held in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania next month, but has been unable to reach an agreement on the candidate. Media analysis suggests that NATO member states are concerned that internal differences may be exposed, which is not conducive to military support for Ukraine. The current Secretary General, Jens Stoltenberg, may have to work for another year. Sources say that European countries such as France hope that the new secretary-general will come from the European Union, preferably a woman. According to The Guardian on the 18th, leaders of EU member states such as French President Emmanuel Macron are unwilling to accept a candidate from a non EU country as NATO Secretary General again. Due to the UK's departure from the EU, this position actually does not accept the UK Secretary of Defense Ben Wallace as a candidate. If Wallace wants to become the North

Harmony and reasoning | China urges peace talks with the West to prolong the bloody conflict in Ukraine | Delegation | Promotion of talks with the West
Harmony and reasoning | China urges peace talks with the West to prolong the bloody conflict in Ukraine | Delegation | Promotion of talks with the West

After China publicly announced its intention to promote peace talks between Russia and Ukraine, and sent envoys in May to seek the opinions of both sides, more members of the international community joined in promoting the peace process. In April, Brazilian President Lula announced his support for China's peace proposal and proposed the establishment of a group to mediate the Ukrainian crisis. On June 3rd, Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo also proposed a peace plan at the Shangri La Dialogue. The latest initiative comes from Africa. A delegation of seven African leaders and representatives from three other countries visited Ukraine and Russia on June 16 and 17 respectively, holding talks with Ukrainian President Zelensky and Russian President Putin. Although neither Russia nor Ukraine fully agree with their proposed peace proposal, their mediation efforts are still worthwhile

[World Theory] American Media: Every large-scale shooting has taken the American people further away from a peaceful life. Guns | The problem | America
[World Theory] American Media: Every large-scale shooting has taken the American people further away from a peaceful life. Guns | The problem | America

Over the past weekend, the United States once again experienced a "bloody holiday". Multiple shooting incidents have occurred in San Francisco, Washington D.C., Milwaukee, Chicago, as well as Idaho, Missouri, and North Carolina, from urban to rural areas, resulting in at least 10 deaths and dozens of injuries. According to an article published by CNN on June 19th, the summer season in the United States officially arrived this week. However, many people had to be cautious and pay attention to the situation behind them when going out for picnics with family and friends, going to open-air markets, participating in street patrols, and attending weddings. Screenshots of CNN commentary articles on gun violence, a public health crisis in American society, have left many people feeling vulnerable and injured. Time and time again at graduation ceremonies, music festivals, sports competitions, and birthday parties

The French version of "When Will the Bright Moon Come" Becomes Popular: A Romantic New Impressionist Love Li in Traditional Chinese Culture | Program | Culture
The French version of "When Will the Bright Moon Come" Becomes Popular: A Romantic New Impressionist Love Li in Traditional Chinese Culture | Program | Culture

#When did a French girl sing "Bright Moon" in French and become a trending topic. In the video, a beautiful girl from France, Aili, performed a romantic French version of "When will the bright moon appear" on the stage of Jiangsu TV's "China Smart China Tour", stunning four audiences. Netizens commented one after another, "It's so beautiful!" "Even a beautiful song is beautiful!" "The collision of distinct Chinese traditional culture and French romantic charm is really interesting." "The singing of French singer Arie evokes a cross-cultural resonance." Some netizens also joked humorously, "Well, the Chinese style of singing can slow down French, right?" Su Dongpo's "Water Tune Song Head: When Will the Bright Moon Come" has been circulating for thousands of years and has not declined. The French version translated and covered by Arie himself is bright and gentle, with a unique charm. The blending and collision of traditional Chinese culture and French romantic charm in lyrics and music brings a sense of appreciation

Ecological Civilization Construction from the Perspective of Global Environmental Governance: Guizhou Practice in China's Plan Guizhou | Ecology | Construction
Ecological Civilization Construction from the Perspective of Global Environmental Governance: Guizhou Practice in China's Plan Guizhou | Ecology | Construction

June 18, 2023 is the seventh Guizhou Ecological Day. In the scorching summer of June, Guizhou is verdant and verdant, stretching thousands of miles. In a province with a forest coverage rate of 62.81%, green can be said to be a "beauty responsibility".

"The Forest Capital of Our Country" Plays a Green New Song of Ecology | Forest Region | Our Country
"The Forest Capital of Our Country" Plays a Green New Song of Ecology | Forest Region | Our Country

Walking in Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province, known as the "Forest Capital of the Motherland", the people of the forest area will proudly tell you that if the wood contributed by Yichun over the past 60 years is loaded onto trains and connected one by one, it can be arranged from Yichun all the way to Sanya, Hainan; If connected one by one, it can travel back and forth several times from Earth to the moon. This is a forestry city that grows, thrives, and transforms due to forests, known as the "hometown of red pine" and "natural oxygen bar".Heilongjiang is a key forest area in China.He went deep into the forest area of Shangganling Forestry Bureau to inspect the protection of natural forests on site

【 Li Xiang China 】 Strive to build a modern and harmonious coexistence between humans and nature | Humans and Nature | China
【 Li Xiang China 】 Strive to build a modern and harmonious coexistence between humans and nature | Humans and Nature | China

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China comprehensively and profoundly elaborated the characteristics of Chinese path to modernization, pointed out that "Chinese path to modernization is the modernization of the harmonious coexistence of man and nature", and emphasized that "planning development from the height of the harmonious coexistence of man and nature", which not only enriched and developed the Marxist understanding of the dialectical relationship between man and nature, but also deepened and expanded the socialist modernization theory. How to promote the modernization of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature is the era's proposition to be answered in the new era and new journey. Adhering to the concept of systems is the foundation for building a modern method of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. The concept of systems is an important category of Marxist epistemology and methodology, and is a fundamental ideology and working method. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, various regions and departments have adhered to a systematic concept, starting from the overall ecological system, and vigorously promoted the development of mountains and rivers

【 Li Xiang China 】 Learn and make good use of the experience of the "Ten Million Project" to promote rural revitalization to a new level of construction | Work | China
【 Li Xiang China 】 Learn and make good use of the experience of the "Ten Million Project" to promote rural revitalization to a new level of construction | Work | China

In the 20 years since the implementation of the "Ten Million Project" in Zhejiang Province, we have driven various construction tasks with the spirit of perseverance, perseverance, and gradual and long-term achievements. From "demonstration and rectification of thousands of villages" to "exquisite and beautiful thousands of villages", and then to "future and common prosperity of thousands of villages", we have created thousands of beautiful villages and benefited thousands of farmers. China has a large proportion of agricultural population, and promoting rural revitalization and urban-rural integration development is of great significance for achieving common prosperity for all people. The "Ten Million Project" reflects the conscious, proactive, and determined application of the Party's innovative theory to promote rural revitalization, and reflects the new achievements of rural revitalization work guided by Marxist standpoint, viewpoint, and method. We need to summarize and promote the experience of the "Ten Million Project", learn and apply it well, and do a good job in the great article of rural revitalization in the new era.

【 Li Xiang China · Youth Study Class 】 Micro video | To thoroughly understand the three words "local specialties" in local specialties | Industry | Micro video | To
【 Li Xiang China · Youth Study Class 】 Micro video | To thoroughly understand the three words "local specialties" in local specialties | Industry | Micro video | To

To promote industrial revitalization in various regions, it is necessary to thoroughly understand the three words "local specialties"——"Tu" refers to the development of local resources based on a certain area of soil and water. Be good at analyzing new market environments and technological conditions, utilizing new marketing methods, opening up horizons to make good use of local resources, and focusing on developing new functions in the agricultural industry and new values in rural ecology

Accelerate the construction of urban civilization, and guide the construction of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. Civilization | The Chinese nation
Accelerate the construction of urban civilization, and guide the construction of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation. Civilization | The Chinese nation

Author: Tao Xidong's human development history is a history of the evolution of multiple civilizations that have developed together. The continuous civilization of the Chinese nation for over five thousand years has laid the foundation for maintaining the unity of the Chinese people, and has become the spiritual support for the continuous rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through countless difficulties and dangers.He emphasized that "continuing to promote cultural prosperity, build a strong cultural nation, and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation from a new starting point is our new cultural mission in the new era. We must strengthen cultural confidence, shoulder our mission, and work together to create a new culture that belongs to our era, and build a modern culture of the Chinese nation."

Party building evaluation: To reduce the burden at the grassroots level, it is necessary to take real actions and implement hard measures | Formalism | Grassroots
Party building evaluation: To reduce the burden at the grassroots level, it is necessary to take real actions and implement hard measures | Formalism | Grassroots

On June 15th, a special working mechanism meeting on rectifying formalism at the central level and reducing grassroots burdens was held in Beijing.The endless meetings, endless forms, and endless inspections make the grassroots unable to bear the burden... Formalism and bureaucracy are the great enemies of our party and the people.

Continuing to write a chapter on modern civilization, understanding the characteristics of Chinese civilization, culture, and characteristics
Continuing to write a chapter on modern civilization, understanding the characteristics of Chinese civilization, culture, and characteristics

This important discourse profoundly illustrates the inherent characteristics and external forms of Chinese civilization, reveals the endogenous logic of its development, and is a scientific judgment with a high degree of theoretical basis and heavy cultural carrier. It has important guiding significance for us to comprehensively grasp and understand the history and reality of Chinese civilization, and open up a new path of modern Chinese civilization at a new starting point.

People's Forum Marvel Review | "Ten Million Projects" Creating a New Future for Rural Areas | Projects | Forum
People's Forum Marvel Review | "Ten Million Projects" Creating a New Future for Rural Areas | Projects | Forum

In recent years, Zhejiang Province has vigorously carried out future rural construction work in deepening the "Ten Million Project" and promoting the process of common prosperity. The future rural construction is guided by humanization, ecologicalization, and digitization, integrating "beautiful countryside+digital countryside+common prosperity countryside+humanistic countryside+good governance countryside", so that the leading industries in the countryside are prosperous and developed, the main style is beautiful and livable, and the theme culture is prosperous and prosperous. A better life is not only the aspiration of the people, but also the value pursuit of the CPC for people's happiness. Zhejiang continues to deepen the "Ten Million Project", vigorously developing new formats such as rural cultural and tourism, leisure and health care, e-commerce, etc., and opening up the transformation channel from a beautiful environment to a beautiful economy. Roadside stalls have become online e-commerce, live streaming sales, and from single planting to cultural and tourism integration... With advantages in the industry, people will not feel the same way

It's better to take it seriously, the teacher has discovered many problems! Should AI ghostwriting papers be regulated? Experts: Instead of avoiding it, college students write papers using ChatGPT AI | Writing | Teachers
It's better to take it seriously, the teacher has discovered many problems! Should AI ghostwriting papers be regulated? Experts: Instead of avoiding it, college students write papers using ChatGPT AI | Writing | Teachers

Recently is the peak period for college students to submit course papers, thesis defense and review. "Xinhua Viewpoint" reporter survey found that some college students are quietly using AI writing software such as ChatGPT to write papers on their behalf, or using AI to assist in writing papers, such as listing outlines, polishing language, reducing repetition rate, etc. Will AI writing software encourage academic fraud? Should it be in charge? AI software writes papers on behalf of Cheng Guangyu, a junior in a university in Beijing, will hand in 4 course papers this semester, each of which is required to be about 3000 words. Cheng Guangyu did not spend time reading documents, sorting out, excerpting and writing. He stayed up all night before handing in his homework and finished his paper with ChatGPT. "At first, I was worried about whether I could finish it. As a result, I gave Cha

"This country prioritizes making money!" Japanese people gathered to oppose the release of nuclear contaminated water into the sea. Targeting | government | country
"This country prioritizes making money!" Japanese people gathered to oppose the release of nuclear contaminated water into the sea. Targeting | government | country

"The mountains and rivers can never go back to the past, and radiation will not easily disappear. But compared to life and love, this country prioritizes making money!" At noon on the 20th, nearly a hundred people, including Daikawahara Toshiko from Tamura City, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, came to the front of the Fukushima Prefecture Hall to express strong opposition to the government's decision to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea. She loudly recited a line from her self created puppet drama, exposing the Japanese government's eagerness to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea, to the staff of the Fukushima Prefectural Office who were taking a nap with a loudspeaker. On the 12th, Tokyo Electric Power Company began trial operation of the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge equipment. On the 26th, the trial operation will come to an end, and the Japanese government led discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea seems to have entered the countdown. People from Fukushima and various parts of Japan who strongly oppose the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea gathered in Fukushima on the 20th

Investigation and Research on How to Win with Truth in Li Xiang China Youth Study Class Director | Integrity | Youth
Investigation and Research on How to Win with Truth in Li Xiang China Youth Study Class Director | Integrity | Youth

Author: Professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Public Administration, Yanshan University, Du Zhizhou, Director of the Center for Integrity and Governance Research, and Director of the China Association for Clean Governance and Legal Research. Without investigation, there is no right to speak, and without investigation, there is no decision-making power. Investigation and research are the heirloom of our party and the fundamental skill for doing various work well.The Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China emphasized the need to "vigorously promote the trend of investigation and research, vigorously promote the style of seeking truth and pragmatism, and truly make achievements that can withstand the test of history and the people.". How can investigation and research be objective, scientific, and effective? The answer is the word "true". With a sincere and positive heart. Mentality determines behavior, and behavior determines outcome. Leaders and cadres should adjust their mentality and fully understand the impact of investigation and research

Chinese wisdom on the land of China | Growing football field on the cliff of Xizang | Football field | wisdom
Chinese wisdom on the land of China | Growing football field on the cliff of Xizang | Football field | wisdom

In the new era, the main contradiction in Chinese society has transformed into a contradiction between the growing needs of the people for a better life and the unbalanced and insufficient development. In order to make the people live a better life, the CPC has constantly pushed forward the cause of benefiting the people. This is largely in line with the traditional Chinese philosophy of "governing with morality", which emphasizes that rulers should benefit the people, treat them well, and govern with morality. For Tibetan aid cadres, the CPC people's feelings for the people and mission responsibility are "the greatest person in the country". According to the requirements of the party and the country, they try their best to fulfill this responsibility and mission, work hard with heart and emotion, and constantly meet the people's aspirations for a better life. In Motuo, a small city on the southeast border of Xizang, there is a football field on a cliff. This is a non

Interpreting Words from the Perspective of "Governing with Virtue" and Appreciating the Wisdom of the Chinese Nation in the Era of Governance | China | The Chinese Nation
Interpreting Words from the Perspective of "Governing with Virtue" and Appreciating the Wisdom of the Chinese Nation in the Era of Governance | China | The Chinese Nation

Entering "A Journey to China's Wisdom", following the ancient Chinese saying, let's embark on a journey of exploring traditional culture and national spirit together.

Qingping: Dragon Boat Festival stirs up a new wave of traditional culture Dragon Boat | Tradition | Dragon Boat Festival
Qingping: Dragon Boat Festival stirs up a new wave of traditional culture Dragon Boat | Tradition | Dragon Boat Festival

The Dragon Boat Festival is approaching, and various parts of the country have played various tricks in the traditional water sports event of "dragon boat racing". Guangdong Dongguan Dragon Boat Team opened a "copy and paste" key training video, which made netizens call it "extremely comfortable". 125 teams of Guangzhou International Dragon Boat Invitational Tournament kicked off and competed fiercely in the "fashion show" of dragon boats on the the Pearl River. Hunan Yiyang can take 420 rowers in the giant double radial dragon boat, which is an eye opener. Dragon boat racing, wrapping Zongzi, hanging wormwood and other classic Dragon Boat events set off a new wave of traditional culture. The Dragon Boat Festival, together with the Spring Festival, Tomb sweeping Day and Mid-Autumn Festival, is known as the four traditional festivals in China. In September 2009, UNESCO officially approved the inclusion of the Dragon Boat Festival in the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, making it the first festival in China to be included in the World Intangible Cultural Heritage list. Dragon Boat Festival

Commentator on Qiushi Network: Strategic Deployment for Establishing a Comprehensive and Strict Party Governance System General Secretary | Strict Party Governance | Strategy
Commentator on Qiushi Network: Strategic Deployment for Establishing a Comprehensive and Strict Party Governance System General Secretary | Strict Party Governance | Strategy

The sound and comprehensive strict governance of the Party system is a major measure proposed by the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to strengthen Party building in the new era.

Qingping: Strengthening Cultural Confidence and Telling the "Chinese Story" Well: Ethnic | Chinese Nation | Culture
Qingping: Strengthening Cultural Confidence and Telling the "Chinese Story" Well: Ethnic | Chinese Nation | Culture

Strengthen cultural confidence, promote socialist core values, tell the story of China well, and enhance cultural soft power. The long-standing Chinese culture and profound Chinese civilization are the "root" and "soul" of the Chinese nation. Chinese civilization is an important component of human civilization, and Chinese culture is the common spiritual wealth of humanity. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "to adhere to and develop Marxism, it must be combined with excellent traditional Chinese culture." The wisdom crystallization contained in excellent traditional Chinese culture is highly compatible with the values of scientific socialism, and China has its own unique characteristics

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China firmly opposes the conviction of two Chinese citizens in the United States. Maoning | International | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: China firmly opposes the conviction of two Chinese citizens in the United States. Maoning | International | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On June 21st, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning presided over a regular press conference. A reporter asked that two Chinese citizens were convicted in the United States on the 20th. What is the spokesperson's response to this? Mao Ning's information graph shows that cracking down on transnational crime and conducting international pursuit of fugitives and stolen goods is a just cause that has been widely recognized by the international community. China's law enforcement agencies carry out law enforcement cooperation with foreign countries in strict accordance with international law, fully respect the legal and judicial sovereignty of foreign countries, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of suspect according to law. The relevant actions are beyond reproach. Mao Ning pointed out that the United States disregards basic facts and has ulterior motives to slander and smear China's pursuit and recovery work, even resorting to judicial means. China firmly opposes this. Mao Ning emphasized that we urge the United States to immediately correct its mistakes and effectively implement the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime

Collect! Official Release of Public Health Protection Guidelines for High Temperature Heat Waves High Temperature | Health | Public
Collect! Official Release of Public Health Protection Guidelines for High Temperature Heat Waves High Temperature | Health | Public

In order to protect public health and address the health issues caused by high temperature waves in summer in China, measures and suggestions for population health risk intervention are proposed to guide the public in scientific protection, prevent and reduce the health hazards of high temperature waves to the population. Therefore, the "Guidelines for Public Health Protection Against High Temperature Heat Waves" are formulated. This guide is applicable to public health protection during the occurrence of high temperature heat waves in summer. The public should learn the basic knowledge related to high temperature heat waves and health, understand the basic concepts of health protection against high temperature heat waves, and take health protection measures against high temperature heat waves. 1、 Basic knowledge 1 High temperature heat waves are defined as weather processes with high temperature, high humidity, and long duration that cause discomfort to the human body, may threaten public health and safety, increase energy consumption, and affect social production activities. two

Surviving by eating wild flowers and drinking dew, the man got lost in the green belt of Xiaoshan in Hangzhou for three days, Mr. Zhao | Citizen | Dew
Surviving by eating wild flowers and drinking dew, the man got lost in the green belt of Xiaoshan in Hangzhou for three days, Mr. Zhao | Citizen | Dew

According to the "Ping An Ding" WeChat official account on June 21st, Mr. Zhao, a resident of Xiaoshan, Hangzhou, recently came to the Ningwei Police Station with a banner. He thanked the police for their quick response and heartwarming rescue, helping to retrieve his brother who had been missing for many days. The police explained that this matter is not really big, but the place where they found the person is really surprising. Starting from June 5th, Mr. Zhao, a citizen, rushed to the Ningwei Police Station in Xiaoshan to seek help, claiming that his brother had been missing for several days. Missing Uncle Zhao, 52 years old, is working at a construction site. He left the site early on June 3rd and did not return. His family searched for him for a long time but found nothing, so they had to seek help from the police. After understanding the situation, the police station immediately retrieved surveillance footage and found that the uncle disappeared after entering the green belt near the elevated road. Rescue police force

Biden's son pleads guilty to three charges, Joe Biden | President | Biden
Biden's son pleads guilty to three charges, Joe Biden | President | Biden

The US Department of Justice stated in court documents on the 20th that President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden, will plead guilty to two misdemeanors of tax evasion and reach a plea agreement with prosecutors on gun related charges. This has sparked dissatisfaction from former US President Trump. US media analysis suggests that the plea agreement will affect the 2024 US presidential election. Hunter pleaded guilty to three charges or was released from prison. According to court documents, the Department of Justice stated that Hunter Biden had over $1.5 million in taxable income in 2017 and 2018, but he did not pay taxes. Hunter Biden was also accused of illegally possessing firearms from October 12 to the same month 23, 2018. At present, Hunter Biden has admitted to gun related charges through a pre-trial transfer agreement, which may save Hunter Biden from imprisonment,

Does the "iron rice bowl" that cannot be broken by drug use exist? Punishment | Public Officials | Iron Rice Bowl
Does the "iron rice bowl" that cannot be broken by drug use exist? Punishment | Public Officials | Iron Rice Bowl

After being reported by netizens, Du, a public official in Baotou, was dealt with twice by the public security organs for taking drugs and is still in office. Baotou Kundulun District Agriculture, Forestry and Water Affairs Bureau responded that Du was indeed a staff member for the unit and the report was true. Have a history of drug abuse can also hold a public office? What do the units and lawyers say? Unit response why still in office: "no repeat on normal use" According to the Red Star News, the first time Du was detained by the public security organs for 15 days, the second time by the public security organs forced drug rehabilitation for two years. The staff of the Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Forestry and Water Bureau of Kundulun District revealed that the result of the Commission for Discipline Inspection's handling of Du's drug abuse was to expel the party, the salary was reduced to the lowest, and the position and public office were retained. The staff member said, "now it is used as an ordinary cadre. He is now the lowest wage in our unit".

Antony Blinken Ends Visit to China | Antony Blinken | US
Antony Blinken Ends Visit to China | Antony Blinken | US

from 18 to 19 June, china and the united states completed an important contact. As agreed by China and the United States, US Secretary of State Blinken visited China. This was his first visit to China during his term of office. It was also the first visit to China by a US cabinet official after the Biden administration came to power, which attracted worldwide attention. Yang Tao, director of the Department of American Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said when introducing Blinken's visit to China on the evening of the 19th that the meeting and talks were frank, in-depth and constructive. He pointed out that the two sides reached a consensus, agreed to maintain high-level exchanges in accordance with the Bali consensus of the two heads of state, and agreed to continue to promote consultations on the guiding principles of Sino-US relations. "We have taken a positive step in the past two days," Blinken said at a press conference summarizing his visit to China ". US President Biden also said, "We are on the right path." Judging from the consensus and statements reached by the two sides, China and the United States are both

Rubber forest reveals an unnamed male corpse that has turned into white bones! Surprisingly, it was him... Chengmai County Public Security Bureau | Fushan Town, Chengmai County | Rubber
Rubber forest reveals an unnamed male corpse that has turned into white bones! Surprisingly, it was him... Chengmai County Public Security Bureau | Fushan Town, Chengmai County | Rubber

Recently, the police in Chengmai, Hainan Province, through extensive visits, investigations, and massive data comparisons, played a collaborative role among multiple police departments. Through in-depth analysis and judgment, they successfully identified the true identity of an unnamed corpse in Fushan Town, Chengmai County, and helped Liaoning police crack down on a 19 year old case discovered in a rubber forest. On April 5th of this year, the Chengmai County Public Security Bureau, based on public reports, discovered a white boned unnamed corpse on the back seat of an old three wheeled electric vehicle in a rubber forest in Fushan Town, Chengmai County. After on-site investigation and analysis, it was determined that the unnamed corpse was a male corpse about 50 years old and about 1.71 meters tall. There were no signs of fighting at the scene and no items proving the identity of the deceased were found. The Party Committee of Chengmai County Public Security Bureau attaches great importance to it, and the main leaders personally command it, with multiple types of police officers

Vacancies in multiple provinces!, Full time Deputy Secretaries of Provincial Party Committees: 20 Deputy Secretaries of 18 Provinces | Secretary | Party Committee
Vacancies in multiple provinces!, Full time Deputy Secretaries of Provincial Party Committees: 20 Deputy Secretaries of 18 Provinces | Secretary | Party Committee

On June 15, according to Hainan Daily, the CPC Central Committee recently approved Comrade Shen Danyang as deputy secretary of the Hainan Provincial CPC Committee. This is the new deputy secretary of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee after 8 months of vacancy. Public reports show that Xu Qinfang, the former full-time deputy secretary of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee, took up his new post in Jinjing in October last year and became the deputy minister of the Central Organization Department, and later concurrently served as the director of the National Civil Service Bureau. Shen Danyang From the perspective of the current situation in various provinces, except for the "one principal and multiple deputy" in the two autonomous regions of Xinjiang and Tibet, the party committees of other provinces have implemented the "one principal and two deputy" secretary configuration pattern, that is, one provincial party committee secretary and two Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee. Among the two deputy secretaries of the provincial party committee, one serves as the chief executive of the provincial government at the same time, and the other is a full-time deputy secretary, who is the highest in a province.