The world

What was the warning?, A small number of post-90s cadres are "not guaranteed early holidays"
What was the warning?, A small number of post-90s cadres are "not guaranteed early holidays"

For a period of time, the news of some young cadres born in the 1990s falling from grace has attracted attention. Ni Yaya, a former comprehensive teller at the Lixi Postal Branch of China Post Group Co., Ltd. Chongqing Youyang County Branch, who was born in 1995, took advantage of his position eight times to steal a total of 348000 yuan from the Lixi Postal Branch's stored and remitted funds. In September 2020, 25-year-old Ni Yaya was dismissed from public office; In December 2020, Ni Yaya was sentenced to one year and ten months in prison, and fined 100000 yuan. The young people who originally had boundless prospects, self destructive and falling into the abyss of illegal and criminal activities, and the "premature failure" of young cadres is heartbreaking and regrettable. What are the characteristics of corruption among a few "post-90s" cadres? How to help young cadres "fasten the first button"? Let's take a look together. The phenomenon of corruption among a few "post-90s" cadres

Xinhua News Review | Effectively Grasping the Initiative of Flood Control and Disaster Relief
Xinhua News Review | Effectively Grasping the Initiative of Flood Control and Disaster Relief

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 24 (Xinhua News Agency, Xinhua News Agency, Xinhua News Agency, reporter Qi Leijie, earnestly grasped the initiative of flood control, flood fighting and disaster relief. At present, China is still in the main flood season, rainstorm, flood, typhoon and other disasters are still high in many parts of the country, and some river basins still have the risk of flood disaster. The soil water content in parts of North China, Northeast China and Southwest China is close to saturation, and the risk of mountain torrents and geological disasters is high, so there is still no relaxation.Grasping the initiative in flood prevention, fighting floods, and disaster relief, we must play a proactive role in early warning and prevention. Accurate forecasting and early warning are the first line of defense for effective disaster prevention and mitigation, and rainstorm and flood should be further strengthened

Focus Interview | "Shopping Mall" with Various Consumption Patterns Ignite Summer "Hot Economy"
Focus Interview | "Shopping Mall" with Various Consumption Patterns Ignite Summer "Hot Economy"

In the first half of this year, China's commercial retail market recovered as scheduled. As an important component of the commercial retail market, department store shopping centers have seen significant year-on-year growth in sales and passenger flow. The department store welcomes customers from all walks of life and introduces many new consumption scenarios. And consumers are becoming more and more receptive to shopping, dining and shopping, leisure and entertainment, and experience, bringing the once distant department stores back into public life. Why are department stores so popular among consumers? It's not that the mall is lucky, but that they all rack their brains and come up with clever ideas. Some businesses precisely grasp the heart of being parents, planning interesting children's activities where children participate for free and staff accompany them throughout the journey, allowing parents to go shopping to their heart's content. Some merchants try to save "shopping aesthetic fatigue" by running free markets

From these indicators, we can see the resilience and confidence of China's economy - Perspective 7 of China's High Quality Development Highlights, Power and Potential
From these indicators, we can see the resilience and confidence of China's economy - Perspective 7 of China's High Quality Development Highlights, Power and Potential

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 24th (Xinhua) - Strength, Power, Potential, and Resilience of the Chinese Economy from These Indicators - Perspective of China's High Quality Development Highlights - Xinhua News Agency reporters Jiang Lin, Wei Yukun, and Zhou Yuan. Since the beginning of this year, in a complex and severe external environment, the Chinese economy has embarked on an unusual recovery curve - the first quarter of the economy has rebounded and achieved a good start; Continued recovery trend in the second quarter; Since the third quarter, production demand has maintained steady growth and the quality of development has steadily improved. To observe the Chinese economy, we should not only focus on the present, but also on the long-term. We should see the long-term trend in short-term fluctuations, vitality and momentum in complex situations, and development space under pressure and challenges. The Chinese economy has strong resilience, great potential, and abundant vitality, and the long-term positive fundamentals will not change. Judging by strength indicators - a strong economic foundation

There is a lot of information, Putin first talked about the death of Prigo Ren
There is a lot of information, Putin first talked about the death of Prigo Ren

According to a report on the Russian presidential website on August 24th, Russian President Putin talked about the plane crash of Prigoren during a meeting with the acting leader of the Donetsk People's Republic, Dennis Pushlin. The President said, "Regarding this air disaster, first of all, I would like to express my sincere condolences to the families of all the victims. This is ultimately a tragedy. Of course, if they were on that plane, preliminary information has shown that employees of Wagner Company were also present. I would like to point out that these people have made significant contributions to our common cause of fighting against the new Nazi regime in Ukraine. We remember this, we know it, and we will not forget it." Prigoren and I have known each other for a long time since the early 1990s. He is a person with many misfortunes and has made some serious mistakes in his life, but he has achieved what he deserves

Be practical, meticulous, and do a good job in petition work! District leaders go to the district petition office to receive petitioners
Be practical, meticulous, and do a good job in petition work! District leaders go to the district petition office to receive petitioners

On the morning of August 24th, Hang Yingwei, Deputy Secretary General of the Municipal Government, Deputy Secretary of the District Committee, and District Mayor, went to the District Petition Office to receive petitioners. In the reception room for letters and visits, district leaders patiently receive visitors, listen to their voices, analyze the situation, make policy judgments, and answer questions related to the issues they have stated, and respond seriously to the demands of the letters and visits. Hang Yingwei stated that petition work is an important mass work of the Party committee and government, and also a "doorstep mass work". Solving every issue for the masses is a thorough and meticulous work for the masses, which has a great promoting effect on enhancing the relationship between the Party and the masses, as well as the relationship between the cadres and the masses. Hang Yingwei emphasized the need to listen more to the demands of the masses, face their difficulties directly, and do a solid, detailed, and effective job in handling petitions to solve reasonable demands for the masses. The Petition Office is a bridge between the Party Committee and the government to connect with the masses

Very warm and "new", this kind of service
Very warm and "new", this kind of service

Starting today, new employment groups such as couriers and delivery drivers can receive free love drinking water marked with a new employment group service map at service counters in multiple large shopping malls in Weifang. Weifang Xincun Street has launched the "Public Welfare One Bottle of Water" project with service platforms such as "Outdoor Worker Station", "Red Gas Station", and "Street Affairs Meeting" to help new employment groups conveniently find public recreational spaces. Recently, Xincun Street in Weifang has set up "Public Welfare One Bottle of Water" service points in places such as Fushan Road Street Council, Bailian Century Shopping Center, Jiuliu Square, and Binjiang Shimao 52+. Volunteers have taken the initiative to deliver caring drinking water to past couriers and takeout drivers, promoting various positions serving the new employment group. On the label of the bottle, it is printed with "Outdoor Worker Station", "Red Gas Station", "Street Affairs Meeting", etc. within the jurisdiction of Xincun Street, Weifang

Tooth bone conduction technology breaks through cost bottlenecks! "Made in Pudong" benefits more individuals with unilateral hearing loss and conductive hearing loss
Tooth bone conduction technology breaks through cost bottlenecks! "Made in Pudong" benefits more individuals with unilateral hearing loss and conductive hearing loss

Recently, a high-performance medical grade bone conduction hearing solution specifically designed for unilateral deafness and conductive deafness - Dental bone conduction hearing system listening ® The series of new products has been launched, with a market price of less than 20000 RMB, in addition to non-invasive, invisible, and efficient product performance, further reducing the cost of use for hearing-impaired individuals. Clinical studies have shown that the hearing effect of dental bone conduction is better than that of surgical implanted bone anchor hearing aids, with an average price of about 120000 RMB. This time, the price of the dental bone conduction new product is only one sixth of it. The launch of Pinling also means that the world's unique dental bone conduction system has seen a significant increase in value in clinical efficacy, product experience, and cost-effectiveness, becoming a choice for more individuals with unilateral and conductive hearing loss. It also provides clinical doctors and audiologists with solutions for patients with hearing loss caused by diseases

This town has new measures for managing fire safety, helping rural revitalization
This town has new measures for managing fire safety, helping rural revitalization

Entering Yaolu Village in Xuanqiao Town, Pudong New Area, passing through a clean and tidy courtyard, fire safety signs can be seen everywhere. The village committee's 24-hour duty mini fire station, volunteer electrical maintenance team, unified conduit protection of electrical circuits, 1:1 ratio outdoor charging interface, and increasingly strong fire safety atmosphere all make the villagers here feel safer and happier. It is reported that since the beginning of this year, residential fires in Xuanqiao Town have decreased by 17.69% year-on-year. The Huinan Fire Rescue Brigade in Pudong New Area adheres to "basic upgrading, dynamic supervision, and intelligent prevention and control", and promotes the construction of "smart fire" in Yaolu Village. We focus on families of elderly people aged 65 who live alone, and provide free installation of independent smoke detectors in their homes to ensure that in the event of a fire or smoke alarm, it can be triggered in a timely manner

915 units in total! The 11th batch (2023) of jointly owned property rights guaranteed housing in Pudong is starting to be selected
915 units in total! The 11th batch (2023) of jointly owned property rights guaranteed housing in Pudong is starting to be selected

On August 24th, the 11th batch of jointly owned property rights guaranteed housing in Pudong New Area began to be selected. At the housing selection site in Huinan Town, applicants who have passed the review enter in an orderly manner according to batches. After confirming the relevant information of the selected housing source, such as address, area, floor, unit price, etc., the applicant family connects with the developer and handles the relevant procedures. The reporter learned from the Pudong New Area Housing Development and Guarantee Center that the 11th batch of jointly owned property rights guaranteed housing in Pudong New Area has been applied for and accepted in various streets and towns since February 2023. 840 households have applied, and 717 households have actually been accepted. In the end, 586 households who applied for housing have met the application requirements after re examination. In addition, according to Article 34 of the Implementation Rules for the Application and Supply of Shared Property Rights Guarantee Housing in Shanghai, "the applicant confirms that they will not participate or fail to participate in the prescribed period."

Warm heart and benefiting the people! Modern urban construction has revitalized the environmental landscape of these communities
Warm heart and benefiting the people! Modern urban construction has revitalized the environmental landscape of these communities

On this side, residents found that the entrance road of the community was flat and spacious, safer and more orderly, and the guard room also added convenient service facilities; On that side, there are several garden micro landscapes in the community, which change throughout the year. There is also a team formed by residents who carefully protect the environment... With the advancement of modern urban construction, the community environment is constantly optimized, and the majority of residents actively participate in co construction, co governance, and sharing. Let's take a look at the exploration of Huinan Town and Beicai Town together. Aunt Gu, a resident of Tingchao Village in Wenyuan Community, Huinan Town, recently found that the entrance of the community has become more imposing, the road at the entrance is flat and spacious, and it is safer and more orderly. The guard room has added convenient service facilities, which is warm and beneficial to the people. This change stems from the comprehensive improvement project of the environment in old residential areas implemented in Huinan Town. Huinan is a city with 600

In the first seven months of this year, the import and export value of Shanghai Port to other BRICS countries exceeded 400 billion yuan
In the first seven months of this year, the import and export value of Shanghai Port to other BRICS countries exceeded 400 billion yuan

Recently, a batch of 1325 tons of South African imported citrus arrived at Yangshan Port. Yangshan Customs officers under Shanghai Customs immediately opened a "green channel" to arrange for inspection. After ensuring compliance with customs supervision requirements, this batch of citrus was released smoothly on the same day. The reporter learned from Shanghai Customs that in recent years, Shanghai has consolidated and developed economic and trade cooperation with other BRICS countries, and the vitality of foreign trade has continued to be released. From January to July this year, there were a total of 526 international vessels sailing directly to and from other BRICS countries at Shanghai Port, a year-on-year increase of 1.4 times, and 602 inbound and outbound aircraft, a year-on-year increase of 1.1 times. The convenient and accessible international routes have driven the rapid growth of imports and exports between Shanghai Port and other BRICS countries. According to statistics from Shanghai Customs, the import and export value of Shanghai ports to other BRICS countries in the first seven months of this year was 41%

This new book sharing event will be held at the "Big Bookcase", focusing on the Analects and our lives
This new book sharing event will be held at the "Big Bookcase", focusing on the Analects and our lives

"If Confucius' thought is like a high mountain. There are many cliffs and cliffs leading to the mountaintop, which are difficult to climb directly. So, we can build a better path... This book can provide young people with step-by-step steps to reach the ideological height that" The Analects "should have. Recently, a new book sharing meeting on" The Analects "and our life -" Bao Pengshan Talks about the Analects "was held at the Pudong Library, where renowned cultural scholar Bao Pengshan shared his classic reading insights.". The Analects of Bao Pengshan is divided into two volumes. Combining daily life and the stories of Confucius and his disciples, the Analects is divided into four modules, 15 key words, and 60 lessons. The content is explained in a thematic manner, reaching the core values and conveying warm knowledge in the story, which is a further interpretation and exposition of the Analects. 《

The Shanghai center actively carries out volunteer services to protect the large passenger flow, and the tourism peak and summer high temperature "double high" overlap
The Shanghai center actively carries out volunteer services to protect the large passenger flow, and the tourism peak and summer high temperature "double high" overlap

In the face of the superposition of tourism peak and summer high temperature, and the substantial growth of tourists, the Shanghai center actively organized volunteer service activities to protect the large passenger flow. Due to the rapid growth of tourist flow, the Shanghai center has launched a volunteer service activity of "everyone is an order keeper, tourist guide and consultant". After the initiative was launched, more than 300 people actively volunteered and signed up with the active participation of party members, youth league members, and workers. The proposal also received the full support of the Youth League Committee of the Urban Investment Group. Youth members from sister units gathered together and rushed to the rescue, supporting 78 front-line volunteer services in Shanghai center. With timely help, thoughtful greetings and brilliant smiles, the volunteers demonstrated the high-quality service image of Shanghai center and the good spirit of landmark buildings and window units

Build a "big service" platform for medical devices! Yishengkang Medical Equipment Landing on Outdoor High Bridge
Build a "big service" platform for medical devices! Yishengkang Medical Equipment Landing on Outdoor High Bridge

Recently, Waigaoqiao Bonded Zone New Development Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Waigaoqiao Group, officially signed a contract with Shanghai Yishengkang Medical Equipment Co., Ltd., marking the settlement of Yishengkang Medical Equipment in the New Development Park. Shanghai Yishengkang Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. is a professional CDMO platform enterprise engaged in high-end medical devices of Class II and III, covering active and passive devices. Its main products cover surgical endoscopes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, orthopedics, neural otorhinology, medical robots and many other fields. With excellent quality and advanced service concepts, the end customer group covers well-known leading medical device enterprises at home and abroad. The reporter learned that through the construction of the CDMO industry platform, Yishengkang Medical has created a "big service" platform for medical devices, providing one-stop solutions from product incubation to pre market launch, including research and development outsourcing, small-scale trials

Pudong market regulatory authorities are taking action to safeguard the development of the "night economy"
Pudong market regulatory authorities are taking action to safeguard the development of the "night economy"

In order to better create a "Shanghai style" and "fashion trend", and fully optimize the business environment, the Pudong Market Supervision Bureau continuously plays its regulatory, guarantee, service, publicity and other functions, fully safeguarding the development of Pudong's "night economy". Recently, in conjunction with the 2023 Shanghai Citizen Culture Festival, Chuansha New Town held a creative car trunk market called "Meeting Love Boxes for Love Opening" in Lianmin Village. Law enforcement officers from the Chuansha Market Supervision Office went to the scene to provide security services, focusing on inspecting the business qualifications, product sources, production processes, sales prices, etc. of specialty cultural and creative products, handicrafts, snacks and drinks stalls, in order to safeguard the most popular automotive "trunk market" and help rural revitalization once again. With the official opening of the first limited time pedestrian street in Pudong, Pudong Nighttime Riverside - Zhengda Bingou Market, citizens have another chance to cool off and rest

Experts say... suddenly, there was a surge in orders! "Nuclear radiation detector" is being snapped up
Experts say... suddenly, there was a surge in orders! "Nuclear radiation detector" is being snapped up

At noon on August 24th Beijing time, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan started discharging contaminated water into the sea. As soon as this news was released, netizens immediately shared Japanese made plates produced in June and asked if they would be affected by nuclear radiation. The reporter found that the term "nuclear radiation detector" has already made it onto the hot search list of a certain treasure. According to the entry, due to the recent nuclear contaminated water incident in Japan, it is essential to implement a detector that can detect radiation data from imported food, cosmetics, and other products. This product saw a growth rate of 232% this week. The nuclear radiation detector ranks third on the hot search of a certain treasure. Several vendors selling nuclear radiation detectors have stated that the purchase volume today is much higher than usual. Some merchants have stated that their sales have been very high in the past two days, which can be several times higher than usual. Some merchants have also stated that sales have skyrocketed today and orders have already exploded. one

Will Powell's speech trigger another sharp drop in the US stock market?, tonight
Will Powell's speech trigger another sharp drop in the US stock market?, tonight

The annual Jackson Hole Global Central Bank Annual Meeting has started on Thursday local time, and Powell is scheduled to give a public speech around 10am local time on Friday to attract global market attention. Investors hope to learn about the short-term and even long-term monetary policy intentions of the Federal Reserve through this. The market expects Powell to outline the Federal Reserve's recent stance on interest rate adjustments and inflation. This annual conference will be held from August 24th to 26th, with a duration of three days. Except for the speech by Federal Reserve Chairman Powell, all other discussions are considered closed door meetings. However, the relevant materials discussed during the meeting will be released in real-time on the Kansas Federal Reserve website, and the European Central Bank will also release the content of its President Lagarde's speech on Friday. Will Powell's speech trigger another sharp drop in the US stock market? The reason why Powell's speech this week sparked

Welcome new members after 12 years! Why are the BRICS expansion members from these six countries?
Welcome new members after 12 years! Why are the BRICS expansion members from these six countries?

After 12 years, the BRICS family welcomes new members. On August 24th local time, the 15th special press conference of BRICS leaders announced that Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Iran, and Ethiopia were officially invited to become members of the BRICS family, and their membership will take effect on January 1st, 2024. Among the six newly added countries, the addition of Iran and Saudi Arabia has received particular attention. One is under extreme pressure from the United States, while the other is gradually distancing itself from the United States. Especially since these two countries achieved a "century long reconciliation" in Beijing five months ago and now join hands with the BRICS, what kind of reaction will it provoke from the United States? And as the expanded BRICS cooperation mechanism further enhances its influence in international and regional affairs, what changes will it bring to the international landscape? Beijing Normal University BRICS

The Japanese side has placed themselves in the international defendant's seat, and the People's Daily chimes: Start discharging into the sea
The Japanese side has placed themselves in the international defendant's seat, and the People's Daily chimes: Start discharging into the sea

On August 24th, despite strong questioning and opposition from the international community, the Japanese government unilaterally and forcefully initiated the discharge of nuclear contaminated water from Fukushima. Japan openly transfers the risk of nuclear pollution to the world, prioritizing its own interests over the long-term well-being of people in the region and around the world. This not only fully exposes its selfishness and arrogance, but also puts itself in the international dock, which will inevitably be condemned by the international community for a long time. The Japanese side unilaterally initiated the discharge of contaminated water from Fukushima nuclear power into the sea, seriously endangering the global marine environment and the health rights of people around the world. The ocean is the blue home on which all humanity relies for survival. The unilateral imposition of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge by Japan is undoubtedly a gamble on the global marine environment and human health. Over the past two years

The chief supervising engineer of a resettlement housing project in Lanzhou has his professional certificate revoked: due to inadequate supervision, 3 deaths and 1 injury occurred
The chief supervising engineer of a resettlement housing project in Lanzhou has his professional certificate revoked: due to inadequate supervision, 3 deaths and 1 injury occurred

According to the penalty decision "Jian Du Pun Zi [2023] No. 72" released on the official website of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development on August 24th, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development has decided to punish the supervising engineer Gao Bo for inadequate supervision: revoke the registered supervising engineer's registration and practice certificate, and not register for 5 years. Gao Bo is the chief supervising engineer of the resettlement housing project in Xigu District, Lanzhou City. He has failed to supervise the hazardous engineering projects effectively, failed to fulfill his supervisory responsibilities seriously, and violated Article 14 of the Regulations on Safety Production Management of Construction Projects. He bears important leadership responsibilities for the occurrence of accidents. On May 3, 2022, at the construction site of the first phase of the resettlement housing project in Chenguanying Village and Dongwan Village, Chenping Street, Xigu District, Lanzhou City, the upper structure of the tower crane overturned, causing workers to fall from high altitude, resulting in 3 deaths and 1 person

Investigation Report on One Death and One Injury Caused by a Transport Vehicle Flash Explosion Near an Illegal Dry Gas Loading Point in Yan'an
Investigation Report on One Death and One Injury Caused by a Transport Vehicle Flash Explosion Near an Illegal Dry Gas Loading Point in Yan'an

On August 24th, the official website of Baota District, Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province, announced the "Investigation Report on the General Flash Explosion Accident of Shaanxi Zhitian Industrial Co., Ltd.'s" 4-10 "Natural Gas Transport Vehicles on Chuankou Road in Baota District. On April 10, 2023, a natural gas transportation vehicle general flash explosion accident occurred on the road in Qiangyao Group, Dangzhuang Village, Chuankou Town, Baota District, resulting in one death and one minor injury. Direct economic loss of 3.1 million yuan. On April 10th at 13:19, the vehicle pulled the container that had already been loaded with dry gas from the illegal dry gas loading point, preparing to depart and send it to Xiaohaotu Township, Yuyang District, Yulin City. When driving about 210 meters away from the illegal dry gas loading point, the driver stopped the car. About 5 minutes later, at 13:26:37 seconds, multiple flash explosions occurred one after another. After the flash explosion, the driver was pushed by the air waves

The future of BRICS countries is promising. Commentator from Xinhua News Agency: BRICS cooperation has great potential. Cooperation | Countries | BRICS
The future of BRICS countries is promising. Commentator from Xinhua News Agency: BRICS cooperation has great potential. Cooperation | Countries | BRICS

Currently, the world is entering a new period of turbulence and transformation, undergoing major adjustments, divisions, and reorganizations, with an increase in uncertain, unstable, and unpredictable factors. The BRICS cooperation is at a crucial stage of carrying forward the past and opening up the future. How can BRICS cooperation take it to the next level?

The historic expansion of the BRICS has made its "golden signboard" shine brighter - International insiders are optimistic about the future prospects and mechanisms of BRICS cooperation | BRICS | International
The historic expansion of the BRICS has made its "golden signboard" shine brighter - International insiders are optimistic about the future prospects and mechanisms of BRICS cooperation | BRICS | International

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 24th (Xinhua) - The historic expansion of the BRICS has made its "golden signboard" shine brighter - International insiders are optimistic about the future prospects of BRICS cooperation. Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Qi from the BRICS will welcome six like-minded new members. On the 24th, the 15th special press conference of BRICS leaders announced that Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Iran, and Ethiopia were officially invited to become members of the BRICS family, and their membership will take effect on January 1, 2024. In an interview with Xinhua News Agency, people from multiple countries stated that the current BRICS cooperation is in a crucial stage of building on the past and opening up the future. This historic expansion fully demonstrates the strong vitality and appeal of the BRICS "golden signboard", highlighting the accelerated evolution of the century long changes and the unity and cooperation between BRICS countries and developing countries

First observation | BRICS expansion: building a country with a peaceful development pattern | BRICS | expansion
First observation | BRICS expansion: building a country with a peaceful development pattern | BRICS | expansion

The meeting announced the invitation to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Iran, and Ethiopia to officially become members of the BRICS family.The meeting announced the invitation to Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Iran, and Ethiopia to officially become members of the BRICS family.This is a photo taken by Xinhua News Agency reporter Xie Huanchi. After South Africa officially became the fifth member of the BRICS Cooperation Mechanism more than a decade ago,

The speech emphasized the importance of the "Global South" and the need for developing countries to unite and strengthen partnerships

The Hangzhou Asian Games are poised to set three "firsts"
The Hangzhou Asian Games are poised to set three "firsts"

The Hangzhou Asian Games will be held from September 23rd to October 8th, and currently, all preparations are basically ready. The Hangzhou Asian Games will create three "firsts" in the history of the Asian Games, including the largest scale, the most projects, and the widest coverage In terms of scale, currently, all 45 Asian Olympic Committees have registered to participate in the Hangzhou Asian Games. In addition to more than 12000 athletes who have already registered, there are also a large number of team officials, technical officials, media reporters, and others who are about to arrive. Secondly, there are the most projects, as mentioned earlier, with a total of 40 major projects, 61 sub projects, and 481 sub projects. The third is the widest coverage, with one host city and five co host cities, a total of 56 competition venues, 31 independent training venues, one Asian Games village, and five Asian Games sub villages. It can be said that the complexity of event organization far exceeds

Is the ball speed too fast or too high? How much do you know about these ball games at the Asian Games?
Is the ball speed too fast or too high? How much do you know about these ball games at the Asian Games?

The competition events of this Asian Games consist of 40 major events, 61 sub events, and 481 sub events, of which 18 major events are ball games. What are the unpopular ball games at the Asian Games? On the field, what ball moves faster than high-speed rail? What kind of ball games can players choose their own balls? With the help of high-speed cameras, let's learn about the cool knowledge of ball games at the Asian Games together. What is the relationship between Tengqiu and "Teng"? One characteristic of the major events set up at the Asian Games is the integration of non Olympic events popular among Asian ethnic groups. For example, Tengqiu is a sport that has been popular in Southeast Asia for hundreds of years. As a niche sport, the Tengqiu competition is expected to produce 6 gold medals. So, why is there a vine character in the name of Tengqiu? What are its characteristics? When did you step onto the Asian Games stage again Tengqiu

News background: 6 new members of the BRICS family | BRICS | family
News background: 6 new members of the BRICS family | BRICS | family

BEIJING, August 24th (Xinhua) -- Six new members of the BRICS family. Xinhua News Agency announced at the 15th special press conference of BRICS leaders that Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Iran, and Ethiopia will officially become members of the BRICS family, and their membership will take effect from January 1, 2024. According to the 2022 economic statistics released by the World Bank, the combined GDP of BRICS countries will increase from 25.77% to 28.99% of global GDP after expansion. Saudi Arabia: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is located on the Arabian Peninsula, with an area of 2.25 million square kilometers and a population of approximately 36.17 million. Its capital is Riyadh. The official language is Arabic. Saudi Arabia's proven oil reserves rank high