The world

"Private" is not a shield, China Youth Daily: More than 30 school uniforms charge over 4000 yuan for tuition | Family | School uniforms
"Private" is not a shield, China Youth Daily: More than 30 school uniforms charge over 4000 yuan for tuition | Family | School uniforms

Do you still remember how much it cost to buy school uniforms when you were in high school? Recently, the price of school uniforms at Guangzheng Experimental School in Dongguan, Guangdong Province has surprised many netizens and parents of students. According to the informant, the school charged more than 4000 yuan for the uniforms of the freshmen, which caused many doubts and roast. In the face of media interviews, the teachers of the school involved stated that there are over 30 school uniforms in total, with a wide variety and high configuration. The fees have been approved by the Education Bureau and the Price Bureau, and "cherish a little to wear for three years.". From the response of the picture, it appears that the school involved may not think there are any issues with the school uniform fee standards. The statement that "fees are approved by the Education Bureau and the Price Bureau" further gives the school a sense of confidence. However, although this charging method is not illegal, it inevitably raises doubts among parents who pay - whether there are school uniforms or not

Some can be purchased for only 3 yuan, be wary of pornographic comics being easily found online resources | comics | pornography
Some can be purchased for only 3 yuan, be wary of pornographic comics being easily found online resources | comics | pornography

On e-commerce platforms, journalists search for "comics" as a keyword, and a large number of merchants selling comic resources appear. The reporter consulted several merchants and found that many of the comic resources sold contain themes related to pornography and violence. Some of them only need to pay 3 yuan to purchase, and merchants do not inquire about the buyer's age. Minors can make purchases at will. Some criminal gangs will take advantage of the social characteristics of minors and promote them on websites such as comics, games, and novels that minors often browse. By offering rewards, encourage users to share relevant links and continuously expand their user base. Many comics also leave dedicated social group numbers and QR codes to remind readers that "adding groups has benefits" to attract readers to join. Parents and teachers should keep track of their children's movements in a timely manner and detect any negative tendencies

Xinhua Daily Telegraph: "Transplanting Hanging Ear Corn" is the pinnacle of formalism | Farmland | Formalism
Xinhua Daily Telegraph: "Transplanting Hanging Ear Corn" is the pinnacle of formalism | Farmland | Formalism

Recently, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission reported on the "transplanting of corn with hanging ears" in the reclamation of farmland in Shuangliu District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China, to address the issue of "non agriculturalization" of farmland in a coping manner. This notice once again clarifies that farmland reclamation cannot be superficial, superficial, or formalistic. In recent years, through hard measures such as joint responsibility between the Party and the government for farmland protection, comparison of satellite remote sensing images, and public notification and supervision, the continuous decline in farmland across the country has been effectively curbed, and a net increase in total farmland has been achieved for two consecutive years. However, the practices of "transplanting corn with hanging ears" and "forcibly demolishing fruit trees" are not in line with the true protection of farmland, and can be called the "pinnacle of formalism", which harms the interests of farmers and the seriousness of policies. This unhealthy trend must be stopped. Resolutely curb "non agriculturalization" and effectively

Russian Ministry of Defense: retaliatory strikes have been launched! Facilities | Cluster | Russian Ministry of Defense
Russian Ministry of Defense: retaliatory strikes have been launched! Facilities | Cluster | Russian Ministry of Defense

According to the Russian Sputnik News Agency on July 18, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Russian armed forces used sea based high-precision weapons to carry out a retaliatory cluster attack on facilities planning to launch terrorist attacks against Russia using unmanned boats. According to the news, "Early this morning, the armed forces of the Russian Federation used sea-based high-precision weapons to carry out retaliatory cluster attacks on facilities planning to launch terrorist attacks against the Russian Federation using unmanned boats, as well as on unmanned boat manufacturing sites in a shipyard near Odessa city." In addition, the Russian Ministry of Defense also pointed out that a fuel storage facility with a total capacity of approximately 70000 tons providing fuel for Ukrainian military equipment was destroyed near Nikolayev and Odessa. The Russian Ministry of Defense added, "All targets were hit. The destroyed facilities suffered from fires and explosions," according to reports that Russia is fighting against terrorism

Official announcement: "Female high school entrance exam scores plummet suspected of being stolen" Education | Differences | Grades
Official announcement: "Female high school entrance exam scores plummet suspected of being stolen" Education | Differences | Grades

On July 2nd, after the announcement of the high school entrance examination results in Dezhou City, parents of a student surnamed Sun reported that their child's high school entrance examination results were significantly different from usual, and submitted a review application to the Dezhou City Education and Sports Bureau. On July 18th, the Education and Sports Bureau of Texas provided an explanation on this matter. The full text of the explanation is as follows: On July 2nd, after the announcement of the results of the middle school entrance examination in Dezhou City, the parents of a student surnamed Sun reported that their child's middle school entrance examination results were significantly different from usual, and submitted a review application to our bureau. Our bureau immediately established a work special class composed of experts from the urban education agency, examination organization, teaching and research unit, and relevant personnel to verify the examination process and answers of the candidate. The specialized class retrieved video footage of the exam process and scanned answers for each subject in the middle school entrance examination, but no changes were found in the answers; Misevaluation of candidate information, answer sheets, and missed bonus points

Things are changing, scientists of Chinese descent
Things are changing, scientists of Chinese descent

Things are changing, and more and more Chinese scientists are being forced to leave the United States. Why? Because of fear! The Journal of the National Academy of Sciences recently published a research report titled "Trapped in the Clash: Fear of Chinese American Scientists.". The report points out that from 2010 to 2021, the number of Chinese American scientists leaving the United States continued to rise, with many choosing to return to China during the period of 2018 to 2021, where scientists left at a particularly fast pace. In addition, in a survey of 1304 Chinese American scientists, although 89% of the respondents hoped to contribute to the leading position of technology in the United States; However, at the same time, 72% of respondents admitted that they feel unsafe as researchers in the United States, and 61% of respondents said they have considered job opportunities outside the United States.

Is it "rushing tourists into scenic spots" or is there another reason? Three Questions on Qinghai Lake: "Fence Blocking Scenery" Tourists | Qinghai Lake | Fence
Is it "rushing tourists into scenic spots" or is there another reason? Three Questions on Qinghai Lake: "Fence Blocking Scenery" Tourists | Qinghai Lake | Fence

"Driving over a thousand kilometers, the entire Qinghai Lake can only be seen from a distance." "In the past, I used to run horses and circle the land, but now I collect money by enclosing the scenery." "Qinghai Lake is all surrounded by fences, jokingly known as the Iron Wire Mesh Lake." Recently, the popular tourist destination in China, Qinghai Lake, has attracted public attention due to the iron wire fence surrounding the lake. Many tourists have questioned Qinghai Lake for charging fees and for "closing up" the scenery and "strictly prohibiting the appreciation of the beautiful rivers and mountains of the motherland.". Why did Qinghai Lake build a fence? Is building a fence to attract tourists to paid attractions or is it for other purposes or historical reasons? How can tourists enjoy the lake view up close behind the fence? How can Qinghai Lake scenic area improve tourism quality? Focusing on social concerns, Xinhua Daily Telegraph reporters recently conducted on-site visits to Qinghai Lake, visiting tourists, local residents, management departments, industry experts, etc., to understand the origins of the dispute and explore solutions

Flowing water of 400 billion! The first case of virtual currency has been solved, involving 50000 people. | Currency | Virtual
Flowing water of 400 billion! The first case of virtual currency has been solved, involving 50000 people. | Currency | Virtual

According to Ping An Hubei, the Public Security Bureau of Shayang County, Jingmen City, Hubei Province, announced on the 18th that Jingmen police have successfully solved a virtual currency case, involving a total amount of 400 billion yuan and more than 50000 people. At present, the main culprit Qiu and others have been lawfully transferred by the People's Procuratorate of Shayang County to the People's Court of Shayang County, and the case has entered the court trial stage. It is reported that on July 28, 2021, Xiong from Shayang County, Hubei Province reported a shocking case of cross-border online gambling to the Jishan Police Station, thus uncovering the tip of the iceberg. Xiong claimed to have downloaded a software called "20X Card Game" and quickly won a sum of money. After playing for a period of time, the bet increased and the probability of winning decreased, ultimately losing over 100000 yuan. The police officers of Shayang County Public Security Bureau realized that this was by no means a seemingly

Starting today! The Air Force uses multiple Y-20 planes to pick them up and report to the trainees | Air Force | Y-20
Starting today! The Air Force uses multiple Y-20 planes to pick them up and report to the trainees | Air Force | Y-20

Kunpeng, send me to school again! Today and tomorrow, the Air Force will use multiple Y-20 aircraft to transport newly admitted flight students from five boarding points in Shijiazhuang, Jinan, Nanjing, Changsha, and Chengdu to the Air Force Aviation University for registration. It is understood that the quality of air force recruitment and admission in 2023 has reached a historic high. After strict screening, all 31 provinces have flown out, with a steady increase in the number of recruited students and a sufficient number of high-quality students. Nearly 1/3 of the admitted flying students ranked in the top 10% of the provinces in the college entrance examination, with an average score exceeding the first tier college entrance examination threshold of 60 points. In 2022, the Air Force will use the Y-20 centralized transportation system to transport newly recruited flight students. With the upgrading of equipment and optimization of testing methods, the scientific and accurate selection and testing of flight candidates will continue to improve, and the proportion of students who meet the physical standards of fighter jets will be higher

Many people have cried after watching the scene of "Chang'an 30000 Miles", Chang'an | Movie | Chang'an 30000 Miles
Many people have cried after watching the scene of "Chang'an 30000 Miles", Chang'an | Movie | Chang'an 30000 Miles

Recently, the Chinese style anime movie "Three Thousand Miles in Chang'an" became a hot topic on social media. Many people couldn't help but burst into tears when they saw Li Bai shouting at the end of the movie, "The light boat has crossed thousands of mountains." Click to watch the video ↓↓↓ When the exiled ship arrived at the ancient city of the White Emperor, Li Bai received an amnesty from the court. Upon hearing the news of the amnesty, Li Bai couldn't help but be ecstatic and turned the bow of the ship. As a poem echoed on both sides of the Yangtze River, "Farewell to the White Emperor, amidst the colorful clouds, the thousand mile Jiangling remains in one day. The sound of apes on both sides couldn't stop, and the light boat has already crossed thousands of mountains." Many people couldn't help but express their feelings in their posts. "Moved to tears," "Suddenly understood, suddenly cured." Some people say they suddenly understood that the long and gloomy life is the true mountain of mountains. Some people say it turned out to be a poem they memorized when they were young

Let foreigners sigh at the changes in China, saying "Have you eaten yet?" Internet | Video | China
Let foreigners sigh at the changes in China, saying "Have you eaten yet?" Internet | Video | China

"When I first arrived in Beijing, I often heard Chinese people say hello with 'Have you eaten. On July 18th, at the 2023 China Network Civilization Conference Network Civilization International Exchange and Mutual Learning Forum, multiple foreign experts and representatives discussed how Chinese and foreign civilizations can exchange, learn from each other, and coexist through the "Internet" as a bridge. They used several experiences to tell the story of China's development. The forum was guided by the Central Cyberspace Administration, China Radio and Television Corporation, and China News Agency, as well as the China Academy of Cyberspace Studies and the Chinese Global Program Center

This forum focuses on a big topic!, Use the Internet to communicate world culture | civilization | forum
This forum focuses on a big topic!, Use the Internet to communicate world culture | civilization | forum

On July 18th, the 2023 China Network Civilization Conference, International Exchange and Mutual Learning Forum on Network Civilization, sponsored by the China Academy of Cyberspace Studies, the Chinese Language Global Program Center, and China News Network, was held in Xiamen under the guidance of the Central Cyberspace Administration, the China Radio and Television Administration, and the China News Agency. This forum explores topics such as strengthening exchanges, mutual learning, and coexistence of online civilization, and Chinese and foreign experts discuss ways to promote international exchange of online civilization. Here are excerpts of some guest opinions: Hu Jinjun, Deputy Director of China Central Television: Promoting the construction of network civilization and building an international exchange bridge. Hu Jinjun, Deputy Director of China Central Television, stated that strengthening international exchange and mutual learning of network civilization requires strengthening cultural confidence and telling the story of Chinese civilization well through online space; To persist

The Chinese Embassy sent a letter strongly refuting the erroneous remarks made by Lai Ching de in Taiwan by the US media | Democratic Progressive Party | Lai Ching de
The Chinese Embassy sent a letter strongly refuting the erroneous remarks made by Lai Ching de in Taiwan by the US media | Democratic Progressive Party | Lai Ching de

On July 5th, The Wall Street Journal published an article signed by Lai Ching te on Taiwan. Lai advocated the so-called "Four Pillars" in the article and whitewashed the shameful behavior of the Democratic Progressive Party authorities in selling Taiwan to the United States. The spokesperson of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, Liu Pengyu, strongly refuted this letter from the editorial board of the newspaper. The main content of the letter was published in the newspaper on July 18th, and the full text is as follows: Recently, Democratic Progressive Party candidate Lai Ching te in the 2024 Taiwan regional leadership election published an article in The Wall Street Journal, advocating his so-called "four pillars" misconceptions. Lai Ching te chose to post an article in American media, once again presenting a petition to the United States, hugging her thighs. The curse hidden in its "four pillars" can be summarized in one word - selling Taiwan——The Democratic Progressive Party

Former Secretary of the Party Committee of Southern Medical University, Chen Minsheng, dismissed from the Party and held public office | Question | Secretary
Former Secretary of the Party Committee of Southern Medical University, Chen Minsheng, dismissed from the Party and held public office | Question | Secretary

According to the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, with the approval of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, the Guangdong Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision has recently launched a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Chen Minsheng, former Secretary of the Party Committee of Southern Medical University. After investigation, Chen Minsheng lost his ideals and beliefs, had a weak political consciousness, did not implement the requirements for inspection and rectification, and opposed organizational review; Ignoring the spirit of the central eight point regulations, illegally accepting gifts and occupying public housing; Violating organizational principles, concealing and not reporting personal matters, failing to truthfully explain issues during organizational inquiries, using power to illegally seek benefits for others in the selection and appointment of cadres, and illegally handling delayed retirement procedures for oneself; Both officials and businesses engage in long-term illegal profit-making activities; Relying on medical treatment, engaging in power and money transactions, and utilizing the convenience of one's position to purchase and work on drugs and medical equipment for others

Guangzhou reports on the detection of foreign objects in the meals of Huashi Science and Education canteen: highly likely to be a foreign object in the sclera structure of duck eyeballs | supervision | detection
Guangzhou reports on the detection of foreign objects in the meals of Huashi Science and Education canteen: highly likely to be a foreign object in the sclera structure of duck eyeballs | supervision | detection

On July 18th, relevant media reported that foreign objects were found in the meals of Huashi Science and Education Canteen. Our bureau attaches great importance to this and will send samples of foreign objects sealed by the public security department to the Guangzhou Food Inspection Institute and the Guangzhou Quality Supervision and Testing Research Institute for testing, and invite relevant industry experts to participate. The testing institution comprehensively uses methods such as morphological detection, nucleic acid detection, protein detection, and infrared detection to carry out testing, and the results are as follows: firstly, morphological testing comparison. Invite experts to the laboratory of a third-party testing institution to dissect and cook the eyeball structure of a duck head on site. After taking the sclera of its outer wall and restoring it to the sample for water absorption, the shape comparison is highly similar, with a diameter of about 1.5 centimeters for both, and the appearance, color, structure, and texture of the touch are very similar. Secondly, it is paired delivery

South Korean media: North Korea launches 2 short-range ballistic missiles towards the eastern waters of the Korean Peninsula | Ballistic Missile | North Korea
South Korean media: North Korea launches 2 short-range ballistic missiles towards the eastern waters of the Korean Peninsula | Ballistic Missile | North Korea

According to Yonhap News Agency, the South Korean Joint Staff Headquarters stated on July 19th that the South Korean military detected North Korea firing two short-range ballistic missiles towards the eastern waters of the Korean Peninsula in the Shun'an area from around 3:30 am to 3:46 am that day, with each missile flying about 550 kilometers. The report states that the intelligence agencies of South Korea and the United States are conducting a comprehensive analysis of the specific parameters of the missile. The Japan Coast Guard also stated on the same day that North Korea launched suspected ballistic missile objects around 3:35 am and 3:48 am respectively, speculating that they all fell outside Japan's exclusive economic zone. According to reports, this launch is only one week away from North Korea's launch of the Mars Cannon-18 intercontinental ballistic missile on the 12th. According to observations, North Korea's recent launch of short-range ballistic missiles is intended to protest the first meeting of the nuclear advisory group between South Korea and the United States the day before, as well as the strategic nuclear submarine of the United States

Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development: Encourage various regions to combine the renovation of old residential areas to support residents in carrying out renovation and partial upgrading of old houses | Policy | Residential Areas
Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development: Encourage various regions to combine the renovation of old residential areas to support residents in carrying out renovation and partial upgrading of old houses | Policy | Residential Areas

At the routine policy briefing of the State Council held by the State Council Information Office on the 18th, relevant officials from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development stated that in the future, they will combine the promotion of home consumption policies with the renovation of old residential areas, the aging friendly renovation of residential areas, and the construction of convenient living circles to jointly form a joint force to promote consumption. The country will encourage various regions to combine the renovation of old residential areas and support residents in carrying out renovation and partial upgrading of old houses. The support scope for residents to withdraw provident fund for self occupied housing renovation policies such as home elevators is expanded from the residents themselves to the installation of elevators in self occupied housing for themselves, their spouses, and their parents. The country will also improve the level of home-based aging, meet the differentiated needs of the elderly, clarify the requirements for the construction of commercial service facilities such as laundry shops, maintenance points, and domestic service outlets, and stipulate that supporting facilities in the five minute living circle residential area should include

Looking through the data to see the development of high-quality joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" has achieved remarkable results The Belt | China | Data
Looking through the data to see the development of high-quality joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" has achieved remarkable results The Belt | China | Data

CCTV News: Reporters learned from the July press conference held by the National Development and Reform Commission today that in the first half of the year, China's imports and exports to countries along the "the Belt and Road" grew 9.8% year on year, 7.7 percentage points higher than the overall growth rate. By the end of June, China had signed more than 200 cooperation documents with 152 countries and 32 international organizations to jointly build the "the Belt and Road". In the first half of the year, China Europe freight trains operated 8641 trains and transported 936000 TEUs of goods, an increase of 16% and 30% year-on-year, respectively. In the first half of the year, China's import and export to countries along the "the Belt and Road" increased by 9.8% year on year, 7.7 percentage points higher than the overall growth rate; In the first five months, China's non-financial direct investment in countries along the "the Belt and Road" increased by 19.6%. Research on Policies of the National Development and Reform Commission

What are the highlights of this number?, 5.5% economy | highlights
What are the highlights of this number?, 5.5% economy | highlights

Shanghai, July 18 (Xinhua) - The National Bureau of Statistics released data on July 17, stating that the gross domestic product (GDP) for the first half of this year was 59303.4 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.5% at constant prices. Among them, GDP in the second quarter increased by 6.3% year-on-year. Overall, with the comprehensive restoration of normal operation of China's economy and society, macroeconomic policies have shown significant effectiveness in the first half of the year. The main indicators have improved overall, the national economy has rebounded, new driving forces have grown and grown, and high-quality development has steadily advanced. This has laid a solid foundation for achieving the expected goals of economic and social development for the whole year. "Form" shows a state of recovery, "momentum" has positive support, and "recovery is positive" has become a high-frequency buzzword for interpreting economic data in the first half of the year. What are the highlights of a 5.5% increase? Where is the recovery taking place and which trends are improving? Today, the reporter will explain to you

Policy Boosts Car Enterprises - China's New Energy Vehicle Industry Press the "Acceleration Key" Automobile | New Energy | Boosts Positive Car Enterprises
Policy Boosts Car Enterprises - China's New Energy Vehicle Industry Press the "Acceleration Key" Automobile | New Energy | Boosts Positive Car Enterprises

Changchun, July 18th (Xinhua) - At the 20th Changchun International Automobile Expo, the newly established "New Energy Theme Hall" was very popular, and major automobile brands brought the latest new energy models, attracting many visitors to inquire and order. On July 17th, visitors purchased new energy vehicles at the 20th Changchun International Automobile Expo. Xinhua News Agency reporter Shao Meiqi took a photo at the exhibition area of GAC Aion, where many visitors inquired about the vehicle's range, battery safety, and intelligent systems. "This time we brought five models, both SUVs and sedans, to meet the different needs of consumers. We ordered more than 50 cars in a day," said Zhao Haiquan, a salesperson at Changchun Aian Chaoshun Experience Center. "Our magazine battery technology has received special attention." "Many friends around us drive new energy vehicles. Now..."

Further strengthen the whole chain supervision of traditional Chinese medicine The quality of traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations has been significantly improved Supervision | traditional Chinese medicine | chain
Further strengthen the whole chain supervision of traditional Chinese medicine The quality of traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations has been significantly improved Supervision | traditional Chinese medicine | chain

CCTV News: The "2022 National Traditional Chinese Medicine Regulatory Blue Book", compiled and distributed under the guidance of the National Medical Products Administration, was released today. According to the blue book, in 2022, 5805 batches of 47 varieties of traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations will be sampled and inspected by the state, and the qualification rate will be 99.3%. According to the 2022 National Blue Book on the Supervision of Traditional Chinese Medicine, as of May 2023, there are about 2400 traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations manufacturers in China, about 9000 varieties of traditional Chinese medicine, and about 57000 valid approval numbers, basically meeting the public's clinical drug demand. Zhao Junning, Deputy Director of the State Food and Drug Administration: The results of national drug sampling inspection in recent five years show that the quality of traditional Chinese patent medicines and simple preparations has improved significantly since 2019, and the qualification rate has remained above 99%. We will carry out national drug sampling and quality monitoring of traditional Chinese medicine according to the annual plan,

Efforts should be made to promote private investment and create a market-oriented, legal, and internationalized first-class business environment. Investment | Private enterprises | Doing business
Efforts should be made to promote private investment and create a market-oriented, legal, and internationalized first-class business environment. Investment | Private enterprises | Doing business

CCTV News: The relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission stated at a press conference in July today that positive measures will be taken to promote the sustained recovery and improvement of the economy in the second half of the year, achieving effective improvement in quality and reasonable growth in quantity. Li Hui, Deputy Director of the National Economic Comprehensive Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, introduced that in response to the new changes in economic operation since the second quarter, the policy "combination punch" will be implemented according to the idea of implementing a batch, reserving a batch, and issuing a batch. Promote the steady recovery and expansion of consumption, focus on expanding effective investment space, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system supported by the real economy, and help business entities recover their vitality and stand firm. We will overcome some difficulties in breaking through the shortcomings of various institutional mechanisms and adjusting the deep-seated pattern of interests, and continuously improve the comprehensive efficiency of reform. Better implement the "two without moving"

Half of the surveyed companies expect their revenue to recover to 2019 levels, and the catering industry is accelerating its recovery. Catering | Brands | Enterprises
Half of the surveyed companies expect their revenue to recover to 2019 levels, and the catering industry is accelerating its recovery. Catering | Brands | Enterprises

Beijing, July 18th - Recently, the National Bureau of Statistics released national economic data for the first half of this year. Among the nearly 22.8 trillion yuan total retail sales of consumer goods, catering revenue grew the fastest, reaching 21.4%. At the same time, multiple listed catering companies have released information on expected performance increases in the first half of the year. Reports indicate that the continuously warming "weekend economy" and holiday travel are accelerating the recovery of the catering market. More than half of the sample brands are expected to recover their revenue to the level of 2019 this year. The latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics shows that from January to June, the total retail sales of consumer goods in China reached 22758.8 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 8.2%; The catering revenue was 2432.9 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 21.4%; The catering revenue of units above the designated size was 623 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 23.5%.

2023 China Economic Half Year Report: High Content of Economic Growth in the First Half of the Year, Recovery of Economic Performance, and Positive Consumption | Growth | Economy
2023 China Economic Half Year Report: High Content of Economic Growth in the First Half of the Year, Recovery of Economic Performance, and Positive Consumption | Growth | Economy

On July 17th, the 2023 China Economic Half Year Report was released. In the first half of this year, the gross domestic product (GDP) increased by 5.5% compared to the same period last year, the total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 8.2% year-on-year, and the added value of the service industry increased by 6.4% year-on-year... Looking back at the semi annual report, multiple sets of high value growth data reflect the confidence of China's stable economic growth. Although the adverse effects of international environmental changes on the Chinese economy have deepened, the recovery and improvement of China's economic operation have laid a solid foundation for achieving the expected goals of economic and social development for the whole year. Fu Linghui, spokesperson for the National Bureau of Statistics and Director of the Department of Comprehensive Statistics of the National Economy, stated that although the external environment is becoming more complex and severe, and domestic economic development is also facing pressure, the long-term fundamentals of China's economy have not changed, with strong resilience and great potential

China's first domestically built large cruise ship begins its first trial voyage in 9 days. China Shipbuilding Corporation | China | Cruise Ship
China's first domestically built large cruise ship begins its first trial voyage in 9 days. China Shipbuilding Corporation | China | Cruise Ship

CCTV News: The reporter learned from China Shipbuilding Group that China's first domestically produced large cruise ship, "Aida Modu", left the dock yesterday morning and began its first sea trial. At around 7am on the 17th, the "Aida Modu" slowly departed from the No. 4 dock of China Shipbuilding Corporation's Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding, and officially set sail for sea trials. According to the plan, the Aida Modu will conduct two sea trials in July and August respectively. The first trial voyage lasted for 9 days, with a focus on verifying key systems and technical indicators related to standardized certification, such as navigation systems, propulsion systems, and fuel transportation. At the same time, internal testing of vibration and noise for each subsystem and the entire ship will be carried out in advance to prepare for the second sea trial. "Aida Modu" is the first large-scale cruise ship independently built in China, with a total tonnage of 135500 tons and 2826 cabins, capable of accommodating 6

How can surplus food be utilized to prevent food waste? Food surplus
How can surplus food be utilized to prevent food waste? Food surplus

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 18th (Xinhua) - Stop food waste. How can surplus food be used to generate "waste heat"? Xinhua News Agency reporters Jining, Cheng Siqi, and Ma Xiaojie have not sold out the remaining egg tarts and cakes, fried chicken that is still in its consumption period and emitting residual heat, and cooked food that is nearing its expiration date... In consumer places such as restaurants and supermarkets, a considerable amount of surplus food is produced every day. What better way to deal with these surplus foods besides being discarded? Journalists have conducted research in multiple locations and found that government departments, association organizations, and catering businesses are using their brains and combining online and offline to launch many innovative measures, allowing surplus food products to unleash their "waste heat" and leading a new trend of diligence, thrift, and thrift. At the same time, the promotion of the new model of surplus food also faces various difficulties that need to be solved, and relevant departments and associations need to work together to prescribe the right medicine and follow up on management

Seizing opportunities and accelerating the transformation of traditional industries are also the "hard backbone" of high-quality economic development. Global | Lighters | Opportunities
Seizing opportunities and accelerating the transformation of traditional industries are also the "hard backbone" of high-quality economic development. Global | Lighters | Opportunities

CCTV News: The real economy is the foundation of a country's economy, the fundamental source of wealth creation, and an important pillar of national strength. In the first half of this year, the central government proposed to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system supported by the real economy. And manufacturing is an important foundation in the Chinese economy. Starting today, "Morning News" will launch a series of reports on "China on the Production Line", taking you into factories and busy production lines to experience the pulse and leap of the Chinese economy. Why is the "wandering industry" no longer wandering? Today, let's first go to Shaodong, a small town in the central part of Hunan to take a look. Over the past twenty years, the people of Shaodong have rooted the seemingly traditional and even once "low-cost" "wandering industry" of lighter manufacturing. Now, every 10 regular hits sold globally

Archaeologists discuss the newly discovered Liangzhu site in the "Empirical China" section of Shangbo | Liangzhu | Scholars
Archaeologists discuss the newly discovered Liangzhu site in the "Empirical China" section of Shangbo | Liangzhu | Scholars

The second exhibition of the "Why China" Cultural Relics and Archaeology Exhibition Series at the Shanghai Museum, "Empirical China: Songze Liangzhu Civilization Archaeology Special Exhibition," is currently on display at the Shanghai Museum. The exhibition features 358 cultural relics, presenting the greatest achievement of the first peak of civilization development represented by Songze culture, Liangzhu culture, etc., dating from 5800 to 4300 years ago. This exhibition brings together numerous cultural relics unearthed from the Liangzhu site in Zhejiang, including the "Three Great Artifacts" of Liangzhu - "Cong King", "Yue King", and Jade Right Staff - unearthed from Tomb 12 of the Fanshan site in Zhejiang. The jade bi and cong unearthed from Tomb 20 of the Fanshan site, as well as the early dragon head jade bracelet and jade cicada unearthed from Tomb 106 of the Beicun site in Yuhang, Zhejiang in recent years. Fang Xiangming from the Zhejiang Provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology recently accepted an interview with The Paper and introduced the findings of Zhejiang archaeology

Why China Enters Shanghai for Six Thousand Years, "China in a Prosperous Era | Archaeology | Shanghai
Why China Enters Shanghai for Six Thousand Years, "China in a Prosperous Era | Archaeology | Shanghai

On July 19th, during the Shanghai themed promotion day of "Why China is the Prosperous Era of China", we will take you to the Shanghai Museum's "Empirical China: Songze Liangzhu Civilization Archaeology Special Exhibition" and the Shanghai History Museum's "Jianghai Picking Treasures - The Second Scientific Archaeology of the Yangtze River Estuary" exhibitions to explore Songze culture and Liangzhu culture, and appreciate the charm of prehistoric culture and art; Explore the ancient ship No. 2 at the mouth of the Yangtze River and experience the hard power of technology empowering archaeology. Using materialism to discuss history, using history to enhance credibility, in Shanghai, understanding "what China is", experiencing "what Shanghai style" is, and being able to "dialogue with the world". Shanghai, Let's meet! Magic City Shanghai, welcome to discover more and experience more!

Successfully holding hands!, Yellow River and Yangtze River Moon | Project | Yangtze River
Successfully holding hands!, Yellow River and Yangtze River Moon | Project | Yangtze River

The picture shows the Huangjinxia Water Conservancy Hub, the main water source project of the Han to Wei River Diversion Project. People's Daily reporter Lei Sheng captured the clear and vast waves, turbulent and noisy. On July 16th, at the Huangchigou Water Distribution Hub in Shaanxi Province, after a nearly 12 hour long journey, the water from the Guhan River crossed the nearly 100 kilometer Qinling Water Transmission Tunnel and rushed into the embrace of the Guanzhong Plain. It entered the Xi'an water supply pipeline through the Heihe Water Supply Connection Tunnel, realizing the official water supply from the Han River to the Wei River project to Xi'an. The Yangtze River and Yellow River, the largest tributaries of the two mother rivers - the Han River and the Wei River, met hand in hand for the first time crossing the Qinling Mountains. The Water Diversion Project from Han to Wei is one of the 172 major water conservancy projects for water-saving and water supply in China. It is also a major infrastructure project to solve the bottleneck constraints of water resources in Shaanxi Province and achieve balanced allocation of water resources. More than ten years of construction, with 15000 people participating, chiseling through Qin