The world

Bravely climb the summit! The chief editor of provincial-level party newspapers across the country has gathered in Lhasa dialect for "deep integration" and digital empowerment
Bravely climb the summit! The chief editor of provincial-level party newspapers across the country has gathered in Lhasa dialect for "deep integration" and digital empowerment

How does digitization empower news? On September 4, the 27th National Annual Meeting of Chief Editors of Provincial Party Newspapers, sponsored by China Newspaper Association and organized by Xizang Daily, was held in Lhasa. Representatives from the China Press Association and provincial-level party newspapers attended the annual meeting, and some media colleagues from central and local party newspapers were invited to attend. The theme of this year's annual conference is "Digital Empowerment of News and Propaganda Work". Liao Jiaxing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Chief Editor of Xizang Daily, presided over the meeting. Wang Haizhou, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Head of the Publicity Department of the Xizang Autonomous Region, and Hu Xianqin, Deputy Secretary General of the China Press Association, addressed the meeting. The theme of this year's annual conference is "Digital Empowerment of News and Propaganda Work".

Xiong Guobin is under investigation
Xiong Guobin is under investigation

Xiong Guobin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Sichuan Road and Bridge Construction Group Co., Ltd., is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. Xiong Guobin's resume: Xiong Guobin, male, Han ethnicity, born in September 1964 in Renshou, Sichuan, with an in-service graduate degree. He started working in July 1981 and joined the CPC in January 2000. From July 1981 to December 1997, worked successively at the Highway Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation and the Sichuan Bridge Engineering Company; From December 1997 to September 2001, he served as the Deputy Chief Engineer and Deputy General Manager of Sichuan Highway and Bridge Construction Group Co., Ltd; From September 2001 to March 2011, he served as a member of Sichuan Panxi Expressway Development Co., Ltd

He was sworn in as the interim president
He was sworn in as the interim president

On September 4th local time, Brice Olivier Nguema was sworn in as the interim president of Gabon at the Constitutional Court of the Presidential Palace. Nguema previously stated that "free, transparent, credible, and peaceful" elections would be held, but did not specify when the elections would be held, and stated that a new constitution must first be passed through a nationwide referendum. He also stated that he will temporarily restore the Constitutional Court, gradually establish transitional institutions, and resume domestic flights. He also demanded that the cabinet ensure immediate and effective resumption of work, as well as the continuity of all public service operations. On the early morning of August 30th, the Gabonese Election Center announced that Gabonese President Bongo was re elected with 64.27% of the vote in the presidential election held on the 26th. Subsequently, more than ten military personnel issued a statement on Gabon's 24 television station under the name of the "Institutional Transition and Recovery Committee", claiming to have elected

There are illegal elements inducing young people to smoke, be careful! This type of "upper end e-cigarette" is a new type of drug
There are illegal elements inducing young people to smoke, be careful! This type of "upper end e-cigarette" is a new type of drug

Not long ago, the police in Yangxin County, Hubei Province, discovered a case of selling "upper head electronic cigarettes". The police seized 125 e-cigarette cartridges containing etomidate and 23 e-cigarette sticks at the scene. It is understood that the appearance of this "top electronic cigarette" is not easy to distinguish from ordinary electronic cigarettes, but criminals have added synthetic cannabinoids and other components to electronic cigarette oil, which is actually a new type of drug. Some criminals use various methods to induce young people to smoke "upper head e-cigarettes", which deserves high vigilance. Multiple regions such as Guangxi, Guangdong, Qinghai, and Shandong have launched actions to crack down on related crimes. At the beginning of this year, the Qinnan Branch of the Qinzhou Public Security Bureau in Guangxi received a report from the public that someone was selling "upper head electronic cigarettes" in the urban area. After receiving the report, the police arrested three smokers and seized two cigarette stems after smoking

Fun scene in the early morning of the 6th: The Moon and the Pleiades "Gathering in the Night Sky"
Fun scene in the early morning of the 6th: The Moon and the Pleiades "Gathering in the Night Sky"

Astronomical science experts explain that on the early morning of September 6th, a crescent moon will travel to the Taurus constellation, merging with the famous Pleiades star cluster in Taurus. If the weather is fine at that time, the interested public in our country is expected to witness the interesting scene of "Moon Girl" and "Seven sisters" getting together in the night sky at a close distance. Taurus is one of the twelve constellations of the ecliptic, with its main bright stars arranged in a V-shaped structure and high recognition. Lai Dihui, a member of the Chinese Astronomical Society and a director of the Tianjin Astronomical Society, introduced that a noteworthy celestial body in Taurus is the Pleiades cluster, numbered M45 in the Messier object, which is one of the closest and brightest open star clusters to us. In the past 150 million years, it has formed over 1000 stars. In ancient China, this star cluster belonged to the Pleiades of the twenty-eight constellations, so we

People from multiple countries: Building a platform for the China International Fair for Trade in Services to promote exchanges and inject vitality into global economic development
People from multiple countries: Building a platform for the China International Fair for Trade in Services to promote exchanges and inject vitality into global economic development

Beijing, September 4, CCTV News According to the News and Newspaper Abstracts of the Voice of China of China, many people said that the service trade fair is the embodiment of China's high-level opening up. Holding the service trade fair has built a communication platform for enterprises from all countries, and has injected vitality into the world economic development. Al Nail, a financial columnist for the United Arab Emirates newspaper Opinion, pointed out that the hosting of the Fair for Trade in Services demonstrates China's sincerity in opening up and cooperation. Nail: The hosting of the China International Fair for Trade in Services will contribute to the development of the global economic and trade field. It not only demonstrates China's sincerity in opening up and cooperation to the world, but also attracts exhibitors from various countries and participation in emerging fields. Swiss economist and former director of the Geneva Bern Regional Economic Development Agency, Philippe Monier: The Fair for Trade in Services is very important as it will truly encourage people living in different countries to

The Belt and Road · Zero Distance | Israeli Love of a Chinese University Petatikva | City | Israel
The Belt and Road · Zero Distance | Israeli Love of a Chinese University Petatikva | City | Israel

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing/Jerusalem, September 4th (Xinhua) - Israeli Love at a Chinese University - Xinhua News Agency reporters Wang Zhuolun, Zhang Manzi, and Yang Yuanyuan: "Although we come from different countries, we want to get to know each other, become friends, and become family. Only through continuous communication can human civilization continue. Each civilization is a star in the sky, and all stars shine, making the starry sky even more beautiful." On June 8th, Amit Portman, a student at the Israel branch of the University of International Business and Economics, participated in the "Chinese Bridge" World University Chinese Competition in Haifa, Israel. In June of this year, Israeli youth Amit Portman's speech at the "Chinese Bridge" World University Chinese Competition moved many people on site, as reported by Xinhua News Agency reporter Chen Junqing. Later, he was dressed in a red outfit

Why did Canada end up first?, The farce planned by the United States in the Taiwan Strait
Why did Canada end up first?, The farce planned by the United States in the Taiwan Strait

According to Japanese media reports, three Canadian warships have recently arrived at Yokosuka Base in Japan and will participate in exercises jointly held by countries such as the United States, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand in the near future.For the purpose behind Canada's high-profile announcement, mainland military observer Du Wenlong believes that in addition to showing loyalty to the United States, it is also for the sake of its own "name" and "benefit". The United States is rapidly advancing its Indo Pacific strategy, attracting more allies to "brush their presence" in the Asia Pacific region. If Canada stands up at this moment, it can not only enhance its position in the US strategy but also strengthen military cooperation between the United States and Canada. In addition, Canada took the opportunity to expand its presence in the Asia Pacific region“

You dare to believe it! Xinjiang's "seafood" has had a Dafengshou (Salad of assorted fresh vegetables)
You dare to believe it! Xinjiang's "seafood" has had a Dafengshou (Salad of assorted fresh vegetables)

Recently, # Xinjiang welcomes everyone to come and eat seafood # on the hot search for salmon, tilapia, South American white shrimp... Recently, Xinjiang seafood has been harvested and sold to the national market, as well as countries such as Russia and Singapore. These "shrimp soldiers and crab generals" produced in Xinjiang are waiting for you to taste their thick meat. Xinjiang's "sea fresh" has been on the market for several days. In recent days, Australian freshwater lobsters raised at the Australian freshwater lobster breeding base in Maigaiti County have been listed as "new favorites" in the aquatic market. These Australian freshwater lobsters, dressed in a brownish green "coat," are not only bright in color but also plump and plump in shape. Australian freshwater lobsters, also known as red crayfish, are generally larger and weigh 100 yuan. In recent years, 200 grams have been introduced to Maigaiti County in Shandong Province for trial breeding and have achieved successful artificial propagation of seedlings. After that, they have experience in aquaculture products

Early Reading | Intelligent "Fuxing Express" Appears on the Fuzhou Xiamen High Speed Railway
Early Reading | Intelligent "Fuxing Express" Appears on the Fuzhou Xiamen High Speed Railway

Good morning The morning reading of the news is here! On Tuesday, September 5, 2023, on the 21st day of the seventh lunar month in Shanghai, there will be scattered showers or thunderstorms, ranging from cloudy to cloudy, with temperatures ranging from 26 to 31 ℃. Today, the intelligent "Fuxing" train will make its debut on the Fuzhou Xiamen High Speed Railway. At 9:20 am on the 4th, the G55401 intelligent multiple unit train will depart from Fuzhou South Station, cross mountains and seas, and head towards Xiamen North Station. This is the official test run of the Fuxing intelligent multiple unit on the Fuzhou Xiamen High Speed Railway. It is understood that this is the first test run of the Fuxing intelligent multiple unit on China's first cross sea high-speed railway with a designed speed of 350 kilometers per hour. This train is a new generation of high-speed intelligent multiple unit developed independently by China and fully possessing independent intellectual property rights. Compared with ordinary Fuxing high-speed trains, this model has advantages in intelligence, comfort, safety, energy conservation and environmental protection

Wang Yi Holds Talks with Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Tajani
Wang Yi Holds Talks with Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Tajani

On September 4th, Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs, held talks with Italian Vice Premier and Foreign Minister Tajani in Beijing. Wang Yi said that in the face of geopolitical challenges and interference, China and Italy should adhere to the correct path of mutual respect, trust, open cooperation, and equal dialogue in their coexistence. China is willing to agree to implement the important consensus of the leaders of the two countries, strengthen high-level exchanges, consolidate the political foundation of bilateral relations, expand high-level practical cooperation, enrich cultural exchanges, and promote the sustained, healthy, and stable development of China Italy relations. Tajani stated that the Italian side attaches great importance to the development of long-term and stable relations between Italy and China. We will continue to adhere to the One China policy and look forward to close high-level exchanges with China and strengthening exchanges and cooperation in various fields. Despite the current unstable international situation, the relationship between Italy and China will not be affected by it.

Song Junjie was investigated
Song Junjie was investigated

Song Junjie, Minister of Safety, Environmental Protection and Emergency Management Department of Shudao Investment Group Co., Ltd., is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. Resume of Song Junjie: Song Junjie, male, Han ethnicity, born in November 1979 in Suining, Sichuan, with a current university degree. He started working in July 1997 and joined the CPC in May 1997. From July 1997 to September 2015, worked at the Bridge Branch of Sichuan Highway and Bridge Construction Group Co., Ltd; From September 2015 to August 2021, he served as the Director of the Occupational Health and Safety Department of the Construction Management Department, the Director of the Occupational Health and Safety Department of the Safety Production Office, the Deputy Director of the Safety Production Office, and the Deputy Director of the Safety, Environmental Protection, and Emergency Management Department of Sichuan Railway Industry Investment Group Co., Ltd

Official response: The logo on the top of the Municipal Party Secretary's shirt has been removed: the production personnel are considering aesthetics
Official response: The logo on the top of the Municipal Party Secretary's shirt has been removed: the production personnel are considering aesthetics

On September 3rd, in a research article by Yang, the Secretary of the Nangong Municipal Party Committee, published by Nangong Publishing in Hebei Province, the image of Yang's POLO shirt was suspected to have had his logo removed, sparking speculation among netizens that some questioned the price of this POLO shirt. On the 4th, relevant departments in Nangong City responded to Jimu News that due to concerns about the beauty of the pictures, the production personnel removed the logo on Yang's clothes. The polo shirt was purchased two or three years ago and cost five to six hundred yuan at that time. On the evening of September 3, the official WeChat official account of the Publicity Department of Nangong Municipal Party Committee "Nangong Release" released the article "Yang Moumou, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Investigates the Economic Development Zone". According to the article, on the 3rd, Yang and his team visited Anmeiqiao Cashmere Products Co., Ltd., Hebei Tianfang Duyang Textile Co., Ltd. and other units to conduct research on the operation of key enterprises and characteristic industries

What kind of military aid does the US and the West still need to provide to Ukraine?, Cluster ammunition, depleted uranium bombs, after F-16
What kind of military aid does the US and the West still need to provide to Ukraine?, Cluster ammunition, depleted uranium bombs, after F-16

According to Xinhua News Agency on August 30th, the US State Department announced on August 29th that it will provide Ukraine with a new batch of military assistance worth approximately $250 million, including mine clearance equipment. The new military aid also includes anti-aircraft missiles, shells, anti tank missiles, over 3 million rounds of small arms ammunition, and medical emergency equipment. According to the Associated Press, military aid will be taken from the existing inventory of the US military. Since the escalation of the crisis in Ukraine in February last year, the United States has provided over $43 billion in military aid to Ukraine. According to Global Times, Reuters reported that the United States plans to assist Ukraine with controversial depleted uranium bombs. This spring, the UK Ministry of Defense confirmed that thousands of Challenger 2 tank shells, including depleted uranium armor piercing shells, had been delivered to Ukraine. Depleted uranium is the waste generated from the production of enriched uranium, with radioactivity about 6% lower than that of natural uranium mines

Here we go! What changes will it bring?, Private Economic Development Bureau
Here we go! What changes will it bring?, Private Economic Development Bureau

Recently, the Central Compilation Office officially approved the establishment of the Private Economy Development Bureau within the National Development and Reform Commission. As a specialized working organization to promote the development and growth of the private economy, we will strengthen the overall coordination of policies in relevant fields, and promote the early implementation and effective results of various major measures. What are the responsibilities of the new organization? What impact will the new institution bring? Common concern: What changes will the private economic development bureau bring? Private Economic Development Bureau, here we are! What are the main responsibilities of the Private Economy Development Bureau established within the National Development and Reform Commission? What changes will it bring? Since July this year, the National Development and Reform Commission has established a communication and exchange mechanism with private enterprises, listening to their opinions through various means such as discussions and research. According to incomplete statistics, from July to the end of August, the National Development and Reform Commission has organized nearly 10 private entrepreneur symposiums

A bookseller claims to be rooted in a new site, and multiple disaster stricken book companies in Zhuozhou, Hebei are shifting their focus to Tai'an, Shandong
A bookseller claims to be rooted in a new site, and multiple disaster stricken book companies in Zhuozhou, Hebei are shifting their focus to Tai'an, Shandong

Affected by flood disasters, some book companies in Zhuozhou, Hebei Province have shifted to Tai'an, Shandong Province. Entering September, this migration officially begins. According to the official WeChat official account of Tai'an High tech Zone, the first batch of books of Beijing Tangzhu Culture Media Co., Ltd., the first Zhuozhou book company to settle in Mount Taishan Press and Publication Town, arrived in the town on September 1. "This marks the beginning of the migration of Zhuozhou book enterprises to Tai'an!" Cao Buyun, General Manager of Shandong Huayue Science and Technology Cultural Industry Co., Ltd., told reporters. The pictures in this article are from WeChat official account @ Tai'an High tech Zone "In July this year, due to the impact of flood transit, our enterprise Zhuozhou warehouse was flooded and suffered serious losses. At the critical moment, Tai'an Municipal Party Committee and Government, Tai'an High tech Zone, and Mount Taishan Press and Publication Town extended a helping hand to our enterprise, providing us with a series of assistance and support such as venues and policies

What signal is being transmitted?, Not mentioning a word for "management", 103 words
What signal is being transmitted?, Not mentioning a word for "management", 103 words

Yesterday, there was a news flash on the screen: the National Development and Reform Commission has established a new Bureau for the Development of Private Economy. Carefully reading the official press release, the main responsibilities of the Private Economy Development Bureau are 103 words, without mentioning a single word for "management". Click on the video ↓↓↓ Why do we need to establish this new institution? Simply put, it means creating a better environment for the development of the private economy and providing stronger support for its growth. This news also indicates that everyone is very concerned about the development of the private economy. I believe many people will remember that on July 19th this year, the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy" was publicly released, and many private entrepreneurs expressed "great excitement and encouragement." Over the past month, relevant departments have been implementing and promoting the implementation of a series of supporting measures. It can be said that the policy continues to exert force, and it has already begun

Is "World Copper King" restricted from consumption? The response is coming
Is "World Copper King" restricted from consumption? The response is coming

On September 4th, it was rumored online that Shenzhen Zhengwei Co., Ltd. and its legal representative Wang Wenyin were subject to consumption restrictions. On the same day, the company responded on its official website that the incident has been properly resolved and the relevant impact has been lifted. Therefore, it was previously publicized that Zhengwei Group has a total copper reserves of about 30 million tons, and Wang Wenyin was once known as the "World Copper King". It is worth noting that as the only A-share listed company under the Zhengwei Group, Zhengwei New Materials has had mediocre operating performance in recent years, and its previous asset acquisition plan for transforming semiconductors has also been delayed in landing. The restriction order has been revoked. According to Tianyancha information, the consumption restriction order was issued by the Intermediate People's Court of Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province, and the applicant for enforcement is China Construction Eighth Bureau First Construction Co., Ltd. The filing date is April 4, 2023, and the announcement date is August 31.

A fire truck in Fujian fell into a river, 5 people lost contact, three boarders! Typhoon "Haikui" makes landfall again along the coast of Raoping County, Guangdong Province
A fire truck in Fujian fell into a river, 5 people lost contact, three boarders! Typhoon "Haikui" makes landfall again along the coast of Raoping County, Guangdong Province

The center of Typhoon Haikui, the 11th typhoon of this year, made landfall again along the coast of Raoping County, Guangdong Province around 06:45 on September 5th. At the time of landfall, the maximum wind force near the center was 8 levels, and the lowest central pressure was 995 hPa. According to previous reports, the reporter learned from the Fujian Provincial Meteorological Bureau that Typhoon "Haikui", the 11th typhoon of this year, made landfall in Dongshan, Fujian at 5:20 am today. At the time of landfall, the maximum wind force near the center was eight levels. It is expected that the "sea anemone" will continue to move towards the west after landing, and its intensity will continue to weaken. "Sea anemone" brings heavy rainfall to Fuzhou, Fujian Province. A fire truck in Yongtai County fell into a river, causing 5 people to lose contact. Due to the impact of typhoon "Sea anemone", Fuzhou City, Fujian Province was hit by heavy rainfall. From 6:00 on September 4th to 6:00 on September 5th, the 24-hour rainfall in counties and cities such as Fuqing, Yongtai, and Minhou exceeded 300 millimeters, reaching a special level

Inexplicably wonderful "opened"? Chaos in opening personal pension accounts at the beginning
Inexplicably wonderful "opened"? Chaos in opening personal pension accounts at the beginning

"Today I was going to open an individual pension account, but I was told that it had been opened in other banks. And I just knew that the money in the account could not be withdrawn before retirement, and I could not open an account in another bank at the same time." The netizen Xiao Wu posted roast on the social platform, and many netizens in the comment area said that they had encountered similar situations. According to research conducted by China Securities News reporters, some banks currently have business personnel opening personal pension accounts for customers without their knowledge, or hiding some information to induce customers to open accounts, which has led to customer complaints. Industry insiders point out that banks should improve their internal risk control system, expand channels for consumer rights protection, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of financial consumers. Personal pension account opening and deposit chaos customer account "blocked"

We discussed these issues for three hours! Russia Turkey Presidential Meeting
We discussed these issues for three hours! Russia Turkey Presidential Meeting

On the 4th local time, Türkiye's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrived in Sochi, Russia, and held a three hour meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The two sides discussed hot topics such as bilateral relations and agreements on the export of agricultural products from Black Sea ports. After the meeting, Putin and Erdogan held a press conference. Putin: If the part involving Russia is fulfilled, consider restarting the agreement. Putin actively evaluates the current status of Russia Turkey relations, stating that the cooperation and development between the two countries in various fields such as economy and trade, finance, energy, agriculture, and earthquake relief are smooth. Regarding Russia's withdrawal from the Black Sea port agricultural export agreement, Putin stated that the Russian side was forced to make the above decision because the parts of the agreement involving Russia were not implemented, and Russian grain and fertilizer exports were hindered. Russia has been blocked in payment, insurance, logistics, and overseas assets. Putin stated that once and only if the agreement involves Russia

Chasing the culprit for 27 years! Ordos police crack the "March 17th, 1996" homicide case
Chasing the culprit for 27 years! Ordos police crack the "March 17th, 1996" homicide case

On the evening of September 3rd at 18:10, accompanied by the roar of the plane landing, the fugitive of the 27 year long murder case, Ge, was successfully escorted to justice by the police from thousands of miles away. On September 4th, police lights flickered, and auxiliary police officers from the Yijinhuoluo Banner Public Security Bureau in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, lined up to welcome the successful completion of the "March 17th, 1996" homicide backlog task force. Escort the suspect. On the evening of March 16, 1996, at around 20:00, Ge Moumou, a construction team member of the Shangwan Mining and Sea Bureau in Ejin Horo Banner, had a dispute with He Moumou over trivial matters and harbored a grudge. He then killed He Moumou and fled. On March 17, 1996, after receiving a report, the mining area branch of the Yijinhuoluo Banner Public Security Bureau quickly established a special task force to investigate and solve the case. However, due to the conditions at that time, the case remained unresolved for a long time. For 27 years, Ijinho

What subjects are there on the first day?, The joint training between China and Thailand is fully launched
What subjects are there on the first day?, The joint training between China and Thailand is fully launched

On the morning of September 4th, with a crisp "bang bang bang" sound, the two sides of the Marine Corps participating in the Sino Thai "Blue Assault -2023" naval joint training launched submachine guns and pistol live fire shooting at the Thai Marine Corps light weapon shooting range, marking the comprehensive launch of this joint training activity. △ Introduction of sniper weapons: According to the joint training plan reached earlier, both sides of the joint training conducted mixed formation, demonstration and mutual experience of each other's weapons, and then simultaneously conducted armor bomb tactics, anti chemical soil search and landing training in multiple fields such as land and water. △ Marine Corps members prepared for shooting. The reporter saw at the live fire shooting scene that the Chinese and Thai military members were uniformly organized, with each group having their own. 5 team members go on stage to shoot with light weapons, completing standing, kneeling, turning left and right within the specified time

Married a Cambodian daughter-in-law!, Chinese guy building an airport abroad
Married a Cambodian daughter-in-law!, Chinese guy building an airport abroad

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" initiative, Changjiang Daily sent more than 20 journalists to visit more than 20 projects in 18 countries to visit Wuhan's "road builders" how to benefit the "the Belt and Road". Changjiang Daily reporters went to 18 countries to witness more than 20 projects benefiting the "the Belt and Road". On June 15, Changjiang Daily reporters met a Sino Cambodian couple in the project department of Cambodia's New Phnom Penh International Airport. They got together with Cambodian girls and fell in love with Chinese guys because of a Chinese song. The Cambodian New Phnom Penh International Airport project was contracted by China State Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. and started in 2020. Chinese engineer Liu Xiaoxian and Cambodian girl Man Yuliang are both employees of this project. Liu Xiaoxian is engaged in civil engineering design, and Man Yuliang is the project installation material officer. Chinese Cambodian couple Liu Xiaoxian

Spanning existing high-speed rail lines! This super large bridge has been successfully erected
Spanning existing high-speed rail lines! This super large bridge has been successfully erected

On September 4th at 4:30, after four consecutive days and a total of 16 hours of intensive construction, the key project of the Jining Datong to Yuanping high-speed railway, the Chayouqianqi Extra Large Bridge, which spans the Beijing Baotou Passenger Dedicated Line, was successfully erected. The Chayouqianqi Extra Large Bridge made breakthrough progress in the construction of the original high-speed railway, and is located in Ulanqab City, Inner Mongolia. The Zhangjiakou to Hohhot section of the Beijing Baotou Passenger Dedicated Line below runs nearly 70 high-speed trains and multiple units per day, making it an important channel connecting Inner Mongolia to the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region. The total weight of the four box girders erected this time is 356 tons, which is characterized by tight construction time and high safety risks. To ensure the smooth completion of the beam erection of the existing Beijing Baotou Passenger Dedicated Line, the construction unit has advanced planning, scientific organization, and carefully studied the construction plan and safety technology of the business line

More than 20 deaths have been caused! Thousands of people evacuated... Greek wildfires continued to burn for over half a month
More than 20 deaths have been caused! Thousands of people evacuated... Greek wildfires continued to burn for over half a month

The wildfires in the Evros region of northeastern Greece have been burning continuously for over half a month. At present, at least 20 people have died and thousands have been evacuated. According to Reuters on the 3rd, this wildfire caused many livestock to be burned to death, and local farmers suffered heavy losses. The video from CCTV Finance's "Tianxia Finance" program shows that this wildfire started near the Greek port city of Alexandropolis on August 19th and quickly spread in the Evros region. Hundreds of fire trucks and 17 firefighting planes were deployed locally to extinguish the fire. As of the 3rd, the spread of the wildfire has not stopped. Laptis is 56 years old and a farmer in the Evros region. He said that a deadly fire recently burned the fence to ashes, and half of his livestock were burned to death, while the rest were burned. Faced with a pile of ruins, he felt powerless

The leaders of China Railway Administration Group Company have been investigated again!
The leaders of China Railway Administration Group Company have been investigated again!

On September 4th, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission announced that Yang Xucheng, a member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of China Railway Beijing Group Co., Ltd., is undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation. This is another leading cadre of the Railway Bureau Group Company investigated and dealt with by China Railway in recent years. In June 2022, Wang Bin, member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of China Railway Hohhot Bureau Group Co., Ltd., was dismissed. Wang Bin has been working in the railway system since he started working. He has served as the Director and Secretary of the Party Branch of the Dispatching Office of Hohhot Railway Bureau, the Chief Dispatching Officer of Hohhot Railway Bureau, and a member of the Party Committee, Director, and Deputy General Manager of China Railway Hohhot Bureau Group Co., Ltd. In July of the same year, Chen Boshi, former Deputy Director of the Transportation Bureau and Director of the Vehicle Department of China Railway Corporation, was investigated. His work trajectory has never left the railway system, and he has served as

Disabled veterans are denied access to discounted tickets for transportation? The blood and sweat of soldiers cannot be let down!
Disabled veterans are denied access to discounted tickets for transportation? The blood and sweat of soldiers cannot be let down!

Recently, the incident of disabled veterans being denied discounted tickets for transportation has sparked heated discussions. According to the Beijing Evening News, this incident occurred in Xing'an League, Inner Mongolia. At that time, a disabled retired soldier was asked to get a replacement ticket after getting on the train. The dispute between the two sides was unsuccessful, and the disabled retired soldier was actually driven off the train. In the video, a ticket seller asked, "Is it related to me if you have a certificate?" The passenger replied, "I also bought the ticket at the window normally.". However, the other party still denied the passenger's ticket: "You can get back your money and get off the bus. My brother, you have the right to buy the ticket, and I have the right not to pull it, right?" After hearing the passenger ask "why not pull it", the conductor looked very impatient: "The adult's whole ticket is half price, and play with me?" After this matter caused great controversy in the online public opinion, the "Xing'an Traffic" WeChat official account was released on September 4

Despite facing numerous difficulties and risks, Huawei will finally embark on a new journey when the light boat has crossed countless mountains
Despite facing numerous difficulties and risks, Huawei will finally embark on a new journey when the light boat has crossed countless mountains

In recent days, Huawei's low-key launch of Mate60 Pro has sparked high public opinion. Huawei's "launch of new products" has shown people that despite facing numerous unfounded repression and brutal sanctions by the United States, this Chinese high-tech enterprise has not only not collapsed, but also carried the weight step by step with the determination and will of "we have no way to go except for victory". The path of technological self-reliance and self-improvement may be difficult and perilous, but there will eventually be a time when the light boat has already crossed countless mountains. On Chinese social media platforms, many bloggers who have received Huawei's new phone have sent out evaluation videos, visually showcasing the performance characteristics of the new phone, with the word "touched" flashing on the screen. In the comment section, many netizens lined up to like: "The light boat has passed the mountains", "Reborn from the ashes", "Huawei Cheers"... On overseas social media, some American netizens expressed

The latest response from the vehicle management office is that the car owner's lottery number has been raised to "X99999"
The latest response from the vehicle management office is that the car owner's lottery number has been raised to "X99999"

Jimu News reporter Man Da, a car owner in Hebei Province, reached the consecutive number "X99999" during the lottery at the vehicle management office, and many netizens expressed that they were "extremely lucky". On September 4th, Jimu News reported that the incident occurred at the Vehicle Management Office in Anxin County, Hebei Province. The license plate number obtained by the car owner belongs to the "Ji X" sequence, which has only been available for 5 months. A local insider said that the probability of obtaining consecutive license plates is relatively high. Recently, some people have been shaking up license plates for "X11111" and "X88888". The local public security department has responded to netizens saying that there is no difference between the motor vehicle license plates of "Ji X" and other cities. Please have a rational view of the "Ji X" license plate. Someone reached the X99999 license plate network and uploaded a video showing someone selecting the license plate number in front of a computer in a vehicle management office,