The world

Pre appointment public announcement of 6 department level cadres in Anhui, including Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor
Pre appointment public announcement of 6 department level cadres in Anhui, including Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor

In order to further expand democracy in the selection and appointment of cadres, widely listen to the opinions of the masses, and select cadres well and accurately, in accordance with the provisions of the "Regulations on the Selection and Appointment of Party and Government Leading Cadres", the following proposed candidates are hereby announced: Xie Bing, female, Han nationality, born in June 1969, with a postgraduate degree in management, a master's degree in management, a member of the Communist Party of China, currently the deputy secretary of the work committee of the provincial directly affiliated organs, and proposed to be appointed as the department level leadership position of the provincial directly affiliated units; Chang Hongmei, female, Han ethnicity, born in April 1970, holds a graduate degree from the Provincial Party School. She is a member of the Communist Party of China and currently serves as a member of the Standing Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee of Tongling City. She is proposed to be appointed as the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Municipal Party Committee; Huang Wei, male, Han ethnicity, born in February 1973, holds a graduate degree from the Provincial Party School, a Bachelor of Literature, and is a member of the Communist Party of China. He is currently the Deputy Mayor of Huaibei City and is proposed to be appointed as a Standing Committee Member of the Provincial Party Committee of the City

Do children experience more vomiting and diarrhea after autumn? The National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention: Be wary of this disease
Do children experience more vomiting and diarrhea after autumn? The National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention: Be wary of this disease

Entering autumn, some parents have reported that their children are experiencing more symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea, which may be due to acute gastroenteritis caused by rotavirus in children. The National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention recently issued health tips, reminding children and their caregivers to develop good hygiene habits, especially pay attention to hand hygiene, do not touch the mouth, eyes, nose, and food with dirty hands, do not let young children eat their hands, clean their hands in a timely manner, and prevent rotavirus infection in children in autumn. According to health tips, acute gastroenteritis caused by rotavirus is commonly known as "rotavirus diarrhea" or "autumn diarrhea". In the autumn and winter seasons, its offensive becomes even more fierce. From the clinical symptoms, the patient may initially experience vomiting, followed by varying degrees of diarrhea, often accompanied by fever. In severe cases, there may be clinical features such as a large amount of stool, water, frequency of urination, and a small amount of urine. Fudan University Affiliated Children

Japanese media: Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will undergo a cabinet reshuffle on September 13th
Japanese media: Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida will undergo a cabinet reshuffle on September 13th

Japanese media reported on the 8th that Prime Minister Fumio Kishida plans to reshuffle the cabinet and adjust senior personnel of the ruling Liberal Democratic Party as early as next week. Analysts point out that against the backdrop of continuous decline in cabinet support, this reshuffle may be Kishida's "last opportunity" to boost popularity before next year's Liberal Democratic Party presidential election. Japanese media outlets such as Yomiuri Shimbun reported on the 8th, citing political sources, that Kishida is expected to return to Japan from his trip on the 11th and convene a personnel related meeting with senior members of the Liberal Democratic Party on the same day; He will announce the senior personnel adjustment plan of the Liberal Democratic Party as early as the morning of the 13th, and reorganize the cabinet in the afternoon. According to sources, Kishida is preparing to "boldly change the lineup of his cabinet.". Japanese media predicts that Chief Cabinet Secretary Hiroyoshi Matsuno and Liberal Democratic Party political leader Mitsuichi Hagimoto may be in the new cabinet

Using one's authority to profit for one's wife and children! Officials from Hunan Provincial Department have been notified again
Using one's authority to profit for one's wife and children! Officials from Hunan Provincial Department have been notified again

On September 8th, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission announced that Hunan has reported six typical cases of leading cadres using their power or influence to profit their relatives and friends. The first person to be named and reported is Liu Shuoke, former Deputy Secretary and Vice Chairman of the Xiangtan Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. He has the problem of using his position to provide assistance for his wife and son in business activities. After investigation, from 2005 to 2022, Liu Shuoke took advantage of his position as Director and Secretary of the Party Working Committee of the Xiangtan High tech Zone Management Committee, Deputy Secretary and Vice Chairman of the Xiangtan Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and illegally greeted relevant public officials, providing assistance to his wife Lin for a technology company in Hunan to carry out "campus communication" business in Xiangtan City, and Lin gained huge benefits from it. From 2019 to February 2023, Liu Shuoke utilized his position in Xiangtan

Latest! China and Indonesia sign
Latest! China and Indonesia sign

China and Indonesia signed a Memorandum of Understanding on E-commerce Cooperation between the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Economic Co ordination of the Republic of Indonesia. On September 8th, during the visit of Premier Li Qiang to Indonesia, Chinese Minister of Commerce Wang Wentao and Indian Minister of Economic Co ordination of Indonesia Erlanga jointly signed the Memorandum of Understanding on E-commerce Cooperation between the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China and the Ministry of Economic Co ordination of the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta. China and Indonesia are important economic and trade partners to each other, and the two countries have broad prospects for cooperation under the framework of jointly building the "the Belt and Road". According to the memorandum, both parties will establish an e-commerce cooperation mechanism, strengthen policy communication and experience sharing, support enterprises from both countries to carry out e-commerce full industry chain cooperation, conduct personnel training and joint research,

To counter them... the CIA releases a video
To counter them... the CIA releases a video

According to Reuters on September 8th, the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States, which is working hard to recruit more Russians as spies, has released a video of plotting against Russian officials, calling on them to "contact" the CIA. According to the report, CIA Director William Burns said in July that some Russians' dissatisfaction with the Russia-Ukraine conflict had created a rare opportunity to recruit spies, and the CIA would not miss this opportunity. CIA Director William Burns reported that the CIA has released a Russian language video on social media titled "Why I Contact the CIA - For Myself", in which a person who appears to be a Russian official walks in the snow that looks like a Russian city. The Russian narrator said, "I insist on telling everyone that distorting facts in a report is unethical, but..."

After 13 years of resignation, the photos are accurate! A former cadre of the China Banking Regulatory Commission was expelled from the Party
After 13 years of resignation, the photos are accurate! A former cadre of the China Banking Regulatory Commission was expelled from the Party

On September 8th, the State Administration for Financial Regulation announced that Zhang Yansen, a former disciplinary inspector and inspector at the level of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Bureau of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, has been expelled from the Party. According to a report by the Discipline Inspection Commission on the violation of regulations in personnel arrangements of financial institutions, after investigation, Zhang Yansen lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, and during his tenure at the former China Banking Regulatory Commission, he illegally intervened in personnel arrangements of financial institutions and received money from others. After resigning, continuing to use the conveniences formed by the original powers or positions of state employees, and through the actions of other staff members in their positions, seeking illegitimate benefits for others and illegally accepting huge amounts of property. According to public information, Zhang Yansen was born in June 1966 in Yangquan, Shanxi and started working in July 1987. After the establishment of the former China Banking Regulatory Commission, he served as the Party School Office of the former China Banking Regulatory Commission

4 people are still missing, and the death toll from the Xiahe mudslide disaster in Gansu has risen to 3 people
4 people are still missing, and the death toll from the Xiahe mudslide disaster in Gansu has risen to 3 people

The reporter learned from the "9.07" mountain flood natural disaster rescue command center in Xiahe County, Gannan Prefecture, Gansu Province that as of 18:00 on September 8th, the mountain flood debris flow disaster in Xiahe County has caused 3 deaths, 4 people to be lost, and 3 people to be injured. In addition, 603 households and 3072 people from 55 natural villages in 9 administrative villages of Damai, Madang, Wanggetang, and Zhayou townships have been affected. Villagers' houses, riverbanks, roads, and infrastructure such as drinking water projects have been damaged to varying degrees. Three injured individuals were hospitalized at Xiahe County People's Hospital for treatment, with stable vital signs. In terms of mass relocation and resettlement, according to the principle of transferring as much as possible, a total of 27 households and 118 people were relocated and resettled through on-site resettlement, visiting relatives and friends, and resettlement in hotels within the county. At the same time, emergency supplies such as food, medicine, cotton quilts, coats, stoves, and folding beds were also allocated to ensure the safety of the residents

Wu Yunming, member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of Ningde City, Fujian Province, was investigated
Wu Yunming, member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of Ningde City, Fujian Province, was investigated

According to the Fujian Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Wu Yunming, member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of Ningde City, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Fujian Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. Resume of Wu Yunming: Wu Yunming, male, Han nationality, born in November 1965 in Shouning, Fujian Province, with a working university degree, joined the CPC in January 1989 and started working in August 1985. From September 2004 to April 2008, served as the Director of the Inspection Office of Ningde Municipal Government; From April 2008 to September 2010, served as the Deputy Director of the Office of the Ningde Municipal Party Committee; From September 2010 to June 2011, served as the Deputy Secretary General of the Ningde Municipal Party Committee; From June 2011 to February 2012, served as the Deputy Secretary General of the Ningde Municipal Party Committee; From February 2012 to September 2013, served as the magistrate of Ningde City

Involved in special valuation and illegal reduction of holdings... heavyweight! China Securities Regulatory Commission speaks out
Involved in special valuation and illegal reduction of holdings... heavyweight! China Securities Regulatory Commission speaks out

On September 8th, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) announced that it had recently held a symposium with experts, scholars, and domestic and foreign investors. The meeting deeply studied and implemented the spirit of the Central Political Bureau meeting on July 24th, implemented the work deployment of the State Council executive meeting and the State Council plenary meeting, analyzed the current situation of the capital market, held three symposiums to listen to opinions and suggestions on revitalizing the capital market and boosting investor confidence, and exchanged and discussed hot issues of market concern. Yi Huiman, Secretary and Chairman of the Party Committee of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, Li Chao, Member and Vice Chairman of the Party Committee, and major officials from relevant departments of the China Securities Regulatory Commission respectively presided over the meeting. Key points: Steadily advancing the reform of the entire market, process, and chain, promoting the comprehensive implementation of the stock issuance and registration system reform, deepening and strengthening the anti fraud and anti-counterfeiting efforts in the capital market, and strictly punishing fraudulent issuance and false issuance in accordance with the law

The Malian government army has been attacked again, suddenly! After 64 people died
The Malian government army has been attacked again, suddenly! After 64 people died

According to the Associated Press, a military camp in northern Mali was attacked on September 8th. Just one day ago, 49 civilians and 15 government soldiers in the country were killed in two attacks launched by armed militants associated with Al Qaeda. According to reports, the Malian military stated in a statement regarding an attack on a military camp in the Gao region that the military is "conducting response and evaluation work.". According to reports, the interim government of Mali issued a statement earlier stating that the attack on the 7th targeted a passenger ship near the city of Tunbutu and a military camp in Bamba, in the Gao region. The statement stated that the attack was carried out by an armed organization associated with Al Qaeda. The statement also stated that about 50 attackers were killed in the government's counterattack. The interim government of Mali has announced that the country will provide assistance in

Two more cadres were investigated, involving a 48 person loss of contact incident
Two more cadres were investigated, involving a 48 person loss of contact incident

On August 21st, a flash flood broke out in Jinyang County, Liangshan, Sichuan, resulting in 4 deaths and 48 missing persons. The investigation found that some people falsely reported the number of missing persons. After the incident, six officials including Tang Yong, Chairman of Shudao Group, Xiong Guobin, Chairman of Sichuan Road and Bridge Construction Group, and Luo Haihong, Deputy County Magistrate of Jinyang County, were investigated. On the evening of September 8th, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Liangshan Prefecture announced that Wang Chuan, the mayor of Lujian Town in Jinyang County, and Xiang Liukun, the deputy mayor, are also under investigation for suspected serious violations of discipline and law. On September 4th, Wang Chuan, the mayor of Lujian Town in Jinyang County, Sichuan Province, held a provincial governor's office meeting to review and review the problems in flood prevention, disaster reduction, disaster relief, and safety production. He stated that he will comprehensively reflect and examine, deeply learn from lessons, and thoroughly investigate and rectify hidden dangers. On that day, Xiong Guobin, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Sichuan Road and Bridge Construction Group Co., Ltd,

Banu's Super Island Self selected Hot Pot is under investigation and exposed to adulteration of lamb meat
Banu's Super Island Self selected Hot Pot is under investigation and exposed to adulteration of lamb meat

Recently, Banu's Super Island Self selected Hot Pot was exposed to contain duck ingredients in high calcium lamb rolls. After testing, two selected raw material samples of lamb meat, including the involved product high calcium lamb roll, were found to be of sheep origin, cow origin, and duck origin. At present, the Market Supervision Administration of Chaoyang District, Beijing has lawfully filed an investigation into the Guangqu Road Branch of Beijing Chengmeng Catering Management Co., Ltd. On September 7th, Banu Maodu Hot Pot announced that it had noticed public opinion about the "ingredient issue" of its sub brand Super Island store on the internet, and requested the Super Island team to proactively submit for inspection. The latest report shows that the lamb roll does indeed contain duck meat. In response to consumer feedback that the high calcium lamb rolls sold by Beijing Orange Dream Catering Management Co., Ltd. Guangqu Road Branch are suspected of containing duck meat, law enforcement officers from the Chaoyang District Market Supervision Administration in Beijing have issued a notice stating that

Is a traditional Chinese medicine atomizer a medicine or an electronic cigarette? Tobacco department response
Is a traditional Chinese medicine atomizer a medicine or an electronic cigarette? Tobacco department response

With the crackdown on illegal e-cigarettes such as "milk tea cups" and "cola cans" by relevant departments, herbal atomizers and traditional Chinese medicine atomizers have emerged on the market, which look almost identical to e-cigarettes and are known as zero nicotine. Are they medicine or e-cigarettes? The reporter noticed that on social media platforms, some netizens are promoting herbal atomizers, traditional Chinese medicine atomizers, and traditional Chinese medicine trendy toys. According to netizens, these products not only have zero tar, zero nicotine, and zero harm, but can also assist in the treatment of throat pain, chronic pharyngitis, etc., making them "health products". Taste introduction of a certain brand of traditional Chinese medicine atomizer. These herbal atomizers come in a variety of flavors, as shown in webpage screenshots. For example, some atomizer brands claim to have launched more than ten flavors, including West Lake Longjing, jasmine, watermelon, and other diverse flavors

Perhaps this is precisely the meaning of the internet. With the help of unfamiliar netizens, girls sell sweet potatoes to their parents for medical treatment
Perhaps this is precisely the meaning of the internet. With the help of unfamiliar netizens, girls sell sweet potatoes to their parents for medical treatment

Recently, the story of a girl selling sweet potatoes to earn money for her parents to see a doctor has resonated with a large number of netizens. In order to treat her parents and take on the heavy burden of family life, a 19-year-old girl refused to accept charity and chose to rely on herself. She decided to set up a stall selling sweet potatoes on the streets of Luoyang, Henan, hoping to raise some medical expenses. However, within just 3 hours, all 3000 pounds of sweet potatoes were sold out. Some people pay extra, some directly give away sweet potatoes, and some netizens open live broadcasts to help sell goods. Strange passersby extend a helping hand and shed love time and time again. Netizens help sell with love, and media helps promote, there is always a warmth that makes us burst into tears. Let love transmit love and fill the world with love, perhaps this is the meaning of the internet. The internet is not just a tool, but also a bridge connecting people, allowing us to understand and pay attention to

Vaccination is timely, Zeng Guang: The flu situation this year is not optimistic
Vaccination is timely, Zeng Guang: The flu situation this year is not optimistic

Zeng Guang, a researcher at the China Center for Disease Control and Prevention and an expert in public health and epidemiology, stated in Beijing on the 7th that the influenza situation this year is not optimistic. It is necessary to have a correct understanding of the dangers of influenza and overcome the misconceptions of influenza vaccination. Now is a great time to get vaccinated against influenza. The press conference on the attitudes and behaviors towards adult vaccination was held in Beijing on the same day. Zeng Guang said at the meeting that everyone felt relieved after the COVID-19 pandemic, and this relaxation would also affect influenza vaccination. The Adult Vaccination Attitudes and Behaviors Report shows that 21.5% of respondents believe that getting the flu vaccine during a flu outbreak is sufficient, and 15% believe that getting the flu vaccine only once in a lifetime is enough. Zeng Guang believes that these are two major misconceptions about influenza vaccination. He said that vaccines are primarily focused on prevention,

Returning to the position for promotion and salary increase!, He moved the entire internet a year ago
Returning to the position for promotion and salary increase!, He moved the entire internet a year ago

Recently, Gan Yu, who was trapped deep in the mountains for 17 days during the Luding earthquake, told reporters that after experiencing disasters and tests, he cherishes his current life very much. In the past year, I have been promoted and given a raise, and I have also found a girlfriend. "I feel like life is very good now." After the 6.8 magnitude earthquake in Luding on September 5, 2022, Gan Yu and his colleague Luo Yongjian, who worked at the Luding Bay East Hydropower Station, guarded the power station to avoid the disaster of the river overflowing the dam and damaging downstream villages. On the second day of the earthquake, the two people left the hydropower station to escape. After walking 20 to 30 kilometers, Gan Yu stayed in place due to physical exhaustion, waiting for rescue. On September 8th, Luo Yong ignited a firewood and was discovered by rescue personnel before escaping, but Gan Yu remained in a state of disconnection. Everyone did not stop their rescue efforts. On September 21st, Gan Yu, who had been missing from the earthquake for 17 days, was searched by villager Ni Taigao

He fled for 24 years! Cadres of a county branch of a bank in Sichuan shed tears and repented to avoid reporting
He fled for 24 years! Cadres of a county branch of a bank in Sichuan shed tears and repented to avoid reporting

On September 8th, Lianjie Sichuan released the "Confession Record | Wang Liang: I have been absconding for 24 years, worried for 24 years, it is really a mistake for life!" The details are as follows: Basic information: Wang Liang, male, born in August 1972, previously served as the head and savings accountant of the Nanjiang Coal Mine Branch of the former Nanjiang County Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. In July 1998, Wang Liang fled on suspicion of corruption and was investigated by the People's Procuratorate of Nanjiang County in Bazhong City. The public security organs also launched an online pursuit of Wang Liang. In December 1998, Wang Liang was dismissed from public office by the Party group of the former Bazhong Regional Branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. In June 1999, he was expelled from the Communist Party of China by the Discipline Inspection Committee of the former Bazhong Regional Branch of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. In October 2022, Wang Liang was arrested by the Suzhou Public Security Bureau in Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province

Surprisingly, it was delayed due to face saving issues! The mortality rate of this disease is nearly 100%, and a 7-year-old boy died
Surprisingly, it was delayed due to face saving issues! The mortality rate of this disease is nearly 100%, and a 7-year-old boy died

Nowadays, there are more and more people who keep dogs. Once they are scratched or bitten by dogs, they must not be careless. If they do not receive timely treatment, it may lead to irreparable tragedy! According to the "Urban Report" program of Henan TV, a 7-year-old boy in Shangqiu, Henan Province, passed away after being scratched by his neighbor's dog and not receiving rabies vaccine in time, which is heartbreaking. Afterwards, the mother's face was filled with tears and she admitted that she was responsible for saving face and harming her child. Originally, on the day of the incident, after her son was scratched, Ms. Wang, the mother, took her son to the hospital to get vaccinated against rabies. At the hospital, she met a neighbor who told her that the dog was fine. She felt like she had to get an injection like a fake person, so she didn't get it. She thought she would get it after returning to Zhejiang. However, when she brought her son back to Zhejiang, he developed symptoms of fever and fear of water. Ms. Wang said that child one

International observation: fabricating a massive lie, exposing hegemonic anxiety in the United States and the West
International observation: fabricating a massive lie, exposing hegemonic anxiety in the United States and the West

In recent years, the United States and the West have constantly fabricated such whoppers as "China's debt trap", "China's hackers", and "China's threat of investing in global ports", aiming at cooperation projects among countries such as the "the Belt and Road" initiative, and trying to suppress China by spreading rumors and split the cooperation and development between China and other countries. However, the fact shows that the so-called "China threat theory" does not exist at all. It is entirely a deliberate attempt by the United States and the West to shift blame towards China, highlighting its increasingly serious hegemonic anxiety. Developing countries do not believe the lie of "China's debt trap" fabricated by the United States and the West. Sri Lanka's Foreign Minister Sabri has repeatedly refuted the "China debt trap theory", pointing out that China respects Sri Lanka's request and has never forced Sri Lanka to lend money; Without China's help, Sri Lanka cannot achieve development. Pakistani Foreign Minister Bilawal also stated during his visit to Japan that there are

China is a partner to get rid of the "poverty trap" - the US "debt trap" lies at the bottom of the figure (III) Economy | Developing countries | US
China is a partner to get rid of the "poverty trap" - the US "debt trap" lies at the bottom of the figure (III) Economy | Developing countries | US

The essence of the debt problem in developing countries is a development issue. Solving the debt problem of developing countries not only requires addressing the symptoms through debt management and other means, but also addressing the root cause, that is, enhancing their ability for independent and sustainable development. China provides loans to developing countries in the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" cooperation, mainly for infrastructure and industrial construction in developing countries, which is conducive to improving the basic conditions for economic development of these countries and enhancing their economic "hematopoietic capacity". Relevant statistics show that since the "the Belt and Road Initiative" was proposed 10 years ago, it has stimulated investment, formed more than 3000 cooperation projects, created 420000 jobs for countries along the line, and lifted nearly 40 million people out of poverty. These projects have brought tangible benefits to developing countries: the China Laos railway has transformed Laos from a land locked country to a land linked country; Sri Lanka

Chasing Light | Legend of the "Fireworks" of the Hangzhou Asian Games
Chasing Light | Legend of the "Fireworks" of the Hangzhou Asian Games

On the morning of September 8th, the torch relay of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou was launched at the Yongjin Park Square in West Lake. Torchbearers Luo Xuejuan and Zhang Yong were present during the relay. Xinhua News Agency reporter Sun Fei took a photo of Athens Olympic women's breaststroke champion Luo Xuejuan as the first torchbearer, holding high the "firewood" to start the relay. Torchbearers Chen Liqun and Yang Qian participated in the torch relay. Xinhua News Agency reporter Huang Zongzhi captured the scene of the closing ceremony of the autumn moon in Pinghu, one of the "Ten Scenic Spots of West Lake", as Tokyo Olympic gold medalist Yang Qian completed the 106th relay. Xinhua News Agency reporter Han Chuanhao photographed that the torch will be transmitted in Huzhou, Jiaxing, Shaoxing, Ningbo Zhoushan, Taizhou, Wenzhou, Lishui, Jinhua, and Quzhou, and will return to Hangzhou on September 20th to complete the final relay. People will wait by the roadside

Hangzhou Asian Games | Torch Relay in Zhejiang: Hangzhou
Hangzhou Asian Games | Torch Relay in Zhejiang: Hangzhou

On September 8, the launching ceremony of the torch relay of the Hangzhou Asian Games was held at Yongjin Park Square of the West Lake in Hangzhou. The torch relay went along Nanshan Road - Hubin Road - West Ring Road - Beishan Street - Xiling Bridge - Gushan Road in Pinghu Autumn Moon. The closing ceremony of the torch relay was held. Following the torch relay route, China's only lake type world cultural heritage, the picture scroll of West Lake Cultural Landscape in Hangzhou slowly unfolded. Lei Feng Tower, Lingyin Temple, Xiling Seal Engravers' Society, which was inscribed in the "Ten Sceneries of the West Lake" of the Southern Song Dynasty, were hidden in the lakeside vegetation and mountains. Today, tourists are still like a pot of fabric, a pot of West Lake dragon well, and a silk umbrella of the West Lake. Nature and culture travel through time and space. Connecting Hangzhou with the theme of "Splendid and Prosperous Paradise Line", from the site of Liangzhu Ancient City, which confirms the Chinese civilization of more than 5000 years, to the West Lake, which is "always suitable for light and heavy makeup" ↑ Liangzhu

Early Reading | Urban Village Renovation Action Must Be Quick, Action Must Be Successful
Early Reading | Urban Village Renovation Action Must Be Quick, Action Must Be Successful

Good morning The morning reading of the news is here! On Friday, October 13, 2023, on the 29th day of the eighth lunar month, Shanghai is sometimes cloudy with light rain. From night till tomorrow, it will be cloudy to cloudy, with temperatures ranging from 16 to 20 ℃. Today, if we pay attention to the transformation of urban villages, we will move quickly and succeed. On the 12th, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development learned that super large cities are actively and steadily promoting the transformation of urban villages, which will be implemented in three categories. One type is the implementation of demolition and construction that meets the conditions, the other type is the implementation of regular rectification and improvement, and the third type is the combination of demolition and integration between the two. Urban villages generally face prominent problems such as high public health and safety risks, multiple hidden dangers in housing and fire safety, outdated supporting facilities, and dirty and disorderly environments, which urgently require renovation. In July of this year, the General Office of the State Council issued the "Notice on Working in Mega Cities"

Early reading | Heavy rainfall causing waterlogging in many areas of the Pearl River Delta
Early reading | Heavy rainfall causing waterlogging in many areas of the Pearl River Delta

Good morning The morning reading of the news is here! On Saturday, September 9, 2023, the 25th day of the seventh lunar month in Shanghai, it will be cloudy. In the afternoon, there will be short-term showers or thunderstorms in some areas, with temperatures ranging from 24 to 31 ℃. Today, we are concerned about heavy rainfall causing waterlogging in many parts of the Pearl River Delta. The reporter learned from the Office of the Guangdong Provincial Flood Control, Drought and Wind Prevention Headquarters that due to the heavy rainfall from the 7th to the 8th, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Dongguan, Zhaoqing, Foshan and other cities have experienced dangerous situations such as waterlogging, landslides, and road interruptions. 47 trains from Shenzhen Station, Shenzhen East Station, and Guangzhou Shenzhen Intercity Railway have been suspended, with 79 sections, 6 toll stations, and 1 bridge under traffic control. Classes have been suspended throughout Shenzhen, Zhuhai, and Jiangmen, as well as in some areas of Foshan, Dongguan, and Guangzhou. As of 17:00 on the 8th, a total of 80048 people have been transferred in advance in the province.

Early Reading | Central Bank Lowers Reserve Requirements for the Second Time within the Year
Early Reading | Central Bank Lowers Reserve Requirements for the Second Time within the Year

Good morning The morning reading of the news is here! Friday, September 15, 2023 On the first day of the eighth lunar month, there will be overcast to cloudy showers or thunderstorms in Shanghai, and the accumulated rainfall in some areas can reach heavy rain to rainstorm, 23~28 ℃ § Today, we pay attention to the central bank's decision to reduce the reserve requirement by 0.25 percentage points to release medium and long-term liquidity of more than 500 billion yuan ※ The People's Bank of China announced on the 14th that it decided to reduce the deposit reserve ratio of financial institutions by 0.25 percentage points on September 15, 2023. After this reduction, the weighted average reserve requirement ratio of financial institutions is about 7.4%. According to relevant personnel from the People's Bank of China, China's economic operation is continuously recovering, endogenous momentum is continuously increasing, and social expectations are continuously improving. The current reduction in the reserve requirement ratio of financial institutions is aimed at consolidating the foundation for a positive economic recovery

The real estate market is accelerating its recovery, early reading | viewing one or two hundred sets of houses a day
The real estate market is accelerating its recovery, early reading | viewing one or two hundred sets of houses a day

Good morning The morning reading of the news is here! On Thursday, September 21, 2023, on the seventh day of the eighth lunar month, it rained in Shanghai, with temperatures ranging from 23 to 27 ℃. Today, we are paying attention to one or two hundred groups of houses per day, accelerating the recovery of the real estate market. On September 19, Wuhan lifted the housing purchase restriction policy within the second ring road to meet the rigid and improved housing needs of residents. Recently, second tier cities such as Nanjing, Suzhou, Jinan, Qingdao, Shenyang, and Dalian have also announced the lifting of purchase restrictions. The reporter recently visited sales offices and real estate intermediary markets in multiple second tier cities and found that policies are constantly being optimized and adjusted, releasing more demand for home purchases. In some areas, the number of real estate visits and transactions has increased. Experts believe that as time goes by and policies gradually take effect, the real estate market is expected to become more active. Since September, there have been cases including Shenyang and Nanjing

Reporter's "Diving" Investigation: Where did the secretly captured pictures and videos go?, The price of "Original Toilet Auction Internal Group" is 279 yuan
Reporter's "Diving" Investigation: Where did the secretly captured pictures and videos go?, The price of "Original Toilet Auction Internal Group" is 279 yuan

Where have all the secretly taken pictures and videos gone? For free browsing and channeling or online packaging and selling. ● Many pictures and videos obtained by secretly taking pictures have been uploaded to the Internet and social groups for browsing and channeling. Some have also been packaged and sold in the group of secretly taking pictures and social software. The privacy of the person being secretly photographed has become a tool for other people to make money. ● Unauthorized sending pictures and videos to chat groups is suspected of infringing the portrait rights, privacy rights and personal information rights of the person being secretly photographed. The victim has the right to claim civil tort liability from the perpetrator; The publication and dissemination of secretly captured images and videos are suspected of administrative violations. Stealing has formed a complete black industry chain, including filming, sales, dissemination, advertising, and group sharing, and comprehensive governance is imperative. This report

What issues will be the focus of attention?, When the China Securities Regulatory Commission reviews the financial reports of listed companies
What issues will be the focus of attention?, When the China Securities Regulatory Commission reviews the financial reports of listed companies

The annual comprehensive financial report review of A-share listed companies by the China Securities Regulatory Commission is undoubtedly a joint test for audit institutions and listed companies. On September 8th, the China Securities Regulatory Commission released the Accounting Supervision Report on the 2022 Annual Financial Reports of Listed Companies. This report is based on a sampling review organized by the China Securities Regulatory Commission, covering a wide range and providing a very detailed analysis of the main issues exposed in the financial reports of listed companies. Among the 5158 listed companies that disclosed their annual reports on schedule, 235 were issued audit reports with non-standard audit opinions. Including 37 opinions that cannot be expressed, 94 reservations, and 104 unqualified opinions with explanatory paragraphs. The first financial reporter found that in the sampling review of last year's financial reports, the China Securities Regulatory Commission focused on seven major categories of issues. Including income

However, there are still challenges in shipping routes, vessel transfers, and destinations, and major cruise companies are gradually resuming their business
However, there are still challenges in shipping routes, vessel transfers, and destinations, and major cruise companies are gradually resuming their business

Due to the epidemic, cruise tourism has almost stagnated for 3 years, especially for international cruise companies, which have struggled to carry out international cruise route business for a while. After the gradual recovery of the market in the first half of this year and the opening up of outbound team tours, cruise tourism, especially some international tourism companies, are eagerly returning to the market and planning to reopen their international cruise tourism routes. Recently, many cruise companies have resumed their business, such as determining the home port of international cruise routes. However, for some companies, restoring international routes, deploying cruise ships in the short term, and changing some tourist destinations are all challenges they need to face. The market recovery and collective restart of cruise enterprises have been ongoing for several months. We have resumed our routes since the beginning of this year, and our main focus is on