The world

Media review: "5-year rent for school cafes is 9.43 million yuan": Who will pay for the sky high rent?
Media review: "5-year rent for school cafes is 9.43 million yuan": Who will pay for the sky high rent?

Recently, the 5-year rental price of a small shop at a high school in a certain county of Guangdong was sold for 9.43 million yuan, sparking heated discussions among netizens. Many people believe that a small shop located in a school with an area of only 150 square meters costs over 1.8 million yuan in rent per year, which is far beyond the normal range and simply unbelievable. According to the local official response, the snack bar of the high school is classified as an operating asset and belongs to the county's state-owned asset management. Starting from August this year, the county's state-owned asset committee has been bidding for the contractor. During this process, a total of 34 people participated in the bidding process. After 2274 rounds of bidding, the final transaction price was a total rent of 9.43 million yuan for 5 years. The local government's intention is very clear: the bidding process is legitimate, the current rent is also the result of the bidding, and all rental income will be turned over to the county finance. But this still cannot solve people's doubts. After careful calculation, even if this

What impact will it bring to the market?, Stock Exchange Lowers Financing Margin Ratio | Investors | Margin
What impact will it bring to the market?, Stock Exchange Lowers Financing Margin Ratio | Investors | Margin

On August 27th, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Shanghai, Shenzhen, and North China Stock Exchanges issued a notice revising the implementation rules for margin trading, reducing the minimum margin ratio for investors to purchase securities through financing from 100% to 80%. Industry insiders say that this measure will help promote the functionality of margin trading and short selling business, better meet the reasonable trading needs of investors, and further activate the capital market. The financing margin ratio in the data chart of the China Securities Regulatory Commission refers to the ratio of the margin paid by investors for financing purchases to the financing transaction amount. For example, when the financing margin ratio is 100%, investors can use a margin of 1 million yuan to raise up to 1 million yuan from the securities company to buy securities. When the margin ratio for financing is reduced to 80%, customers can use a maximum of 1 million yuan of margin to raise funds from securities companies

Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision reported 7 typical cases of violations of discipline and law in the field of rural revitalization
Heilongjiang Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision reported 7 typical cases of violations of discipline and law in the field of rural revitalization

Harbin, August 29th (Xinhua) - The Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Heilongjiang Province reported 7 typical cases of violations of discipline and law in the field of rural revitalization on August 29th. Wang Guoning, former deputy county mayor of Lindian County, Daqing City, used his power for personal gain and demanded money from others. In 2014 and 2017, Wang Guoning, the then Secretary of the Party Committee of Dongxing Township in Lindian County, took advantage of his position and colluded with others to illegally contract a total of 9250 acres of land in Dongxing Township's nursing home, Yihe Village, and Hongyang Village for planting and operation; In March 2020 and April 2021, Wang Guoning took advantage of his position to embezzle a total of 2.3 million yuan from public funds by signing false construction contracts and falsely reporting straw comprehensive utilization subsidies; In May 2019 and July 2020, Wang Guoning took advantage of his position to pay project fees and contracting fees in the name of,

The monorail train jointly constructed by China and Thailand helps to create Bangkok's urban scenic line | Thailand | Train
The monorail train jointly constructed by China and Thailand helps to create Bangkok's urban scenic line | Thailand | Train

Bangkok, August 29 (Xinhua) - In the second half of this year, the Thai capital Bangkok added another rail transit scenic line: the "Yellow Line" train project has been put into operation, and the iconic yellow train front and the novel design that seems to "clamp" the track have attracted a lot of attention. The first monorail train line in Thailand, produced and provided by CRRC Puzhen Alstom Transportation System Co., Ltd. located in Anwei Wuhu Economic and Technological Development Zone, China, and operated by the Thai side, was officially put into commercial operation in July this year. The total length of the line is 30.4 kilometers, connecting the north and east of Bangkok, and intersecting with multiple urban rail transit lines. "When I first boarded a monorail train, I felt something unique - it ran smoothly and quietly," said Surasha, a Bangkok resident waiting for the "yellow line" train on the platform. "Riding on a monorail train,"

American media: Warning of economic slowdown in the United States has emerged | manufacturing | economy
American media: Warning of economic slowdown in the United States has emerged | manufacturing | economy

On August 29th, according to the Business Insider website, the Dallas Federal Reserve's August manufacturing survey of Texas showed that the Federal Reserve's aggressive rate hikes have had a negative impact on the US economy, and warning signals of economic slowdown have emerged. The interviewed business owners criticized that rising interest rates are suffocating the entire industry. The survey found that the production index, which measures factory activity in the state, fell another 6 points to -11.2 in August, the lowest level since May 2020. The new order index has also shown weakness, and it has been in a negative state for over a year. The report shows that in August, people's perception of the broader business situation continued to deteriorate, with the overall business activity index remaining negative. The uncertainty of the outlook continues to intensify, and the corresponding index will decrease in August

The immigration crisis in the United States has triggered a sudden public health emergency, and American media is urging the government to take action against the disease as soon as possible. Author | Immigration | Government
The immigration crisis in the United States has triggered a sudden public health emergency, and American media is urging the government to take action against the disease as soon as possible. Author | Immigration | Government

On August 29th, China Daily reported that the influx of immigrants from the US border not only causes an immigration crisis, but also impacts public health. The author believes that asylum seekers can bring about infectious diseases. It is reported that New York City Mayor Eric Adams has issued a warning that shelters are in short supply, and asylum seekers can only wander the streets in the summer heat. The author has had contact with immigrants and has learned that their lives are not equipped with toiletries and toilets, and there is no proper hydration guarantee, constantly facing the risk of dehydration and dysentery. The latest research shows that over 4% of immigrants from Central and South America to Europe suffer from Chagas disease. This disease can be contagious and may lead to serious complications such as heart failure. In addition, pulmonary tuberculosis

China ASEAN Joins Hands for 20 Years in Destiny and Creating Future Cooperation | ASEAN | China
China ASEAN Joins Hands for 20 Years in Destiny and Creating Future Cooperation | ASEAN | China

On the banks of the Yongjiang River, under the hibiscus flowers. The green city of Nanning in golden autumn is lush with vegetation and all things are beautiful. The 20th China ASEAN Expo, carrying the dream of win-win cooperation between China and ASEAN countries, will be held in Nanning from September 16th to 19th. Leaders of China and ASEAN countries will stand at a new starting point to discuss cooperation plans and push bilateral cooperation to a higher level. Building platforms, facilitating channels, and enhancing exchanges... Over the past 20 years, the East China Expo has established a coordination and cooperation mechanism between China and ASEAN in multiple fields. The 11 countries have joined hands and headed towards the future, accelerating the construction of a closer China ASEAN community with a shared future. The cooperation between the two sides has brought more certainty to the uncertain world and injected more positive energy into world and regional peace, stability, development, and prosperity. The "10+1>11" East China Expo has achieved fruitful results in the past 20 years

Xinhua All Media+| Digital Empowerment Technology Support to Make the Asian Games More "Intelligent" | Intelligent | Digital Empowerment Technology
Xinhua All Media+| Digital Empowerment Technology Support to Make the Asian Games More "Intelligent" | Intelligent | Digital Empowerment Technology

Hangzhou, August 29th (Xinhua) - The footsteps of the Hangzhou Asian Games are approaching, and "intelligence" as one of the organizing concepts runs through the entire preparation process. With the support of technologies such as 5G, Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence, the technological picture of the "Intelligent Asian Games" appears in every corner. The Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium and Swimming Pool will undertake multiple important competition tasks. The operation and management of the venues during the competition period require intelligence to improve overall operational capabilities, and a smart venue digital supervision platform has emerged. Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Swimming Pool and Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Han walked into the Smart Operations and Maintenance Command Center, where a huge screen appeared before people's eyes. Based on digital twin technology, the physical world and digital world of the venue can be controlled in a 1:1 perspective, and birds can be clearly seen from the large screen

(Xinhua perspective) Climate warming brings a series of changes to the ecological environment in the source area of the Yangtze River
(Xinhua perspective) Climate warming brings a series of changes to the ecological environment in the source area of the Yangtze River

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 29 (Xinhua) - Climate change brings a series of changes to the ecological environment of the Yangtze River source area. Recently, Xinhua News Agency's "Xinhua Perspective" reporter participated in the 2023 Yangtze River Source Comprehensive Scientific Research Activity led by the Yangtze River Science Institute of the Yangtze River Water Resources Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources, and found that in the context of global climate change, the ecological environment of the Yangtze River source area in the hinterland of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau is undergoing a series of changes. Three sources of the Yangtze River: The overall water quality is excellent, and a large amount of water resources are transported downstream. The reporter saw that among the three sources of the Yangtze River, the Tuotuo River in Zhengyuan is turbulent and the water color is yellow; Nanyuan Dangqu has abundant water and clear river water; The Chumar River in Beiyuan is slightly red, like the veins of the earth, flowing in the wide riverbed. Deputy of Institute of Water Environment, Yangtze River Academy of Sciences

Multiple regions have been optimized and adjusted, and starting from September, Chongqing will no longer require a marriage certificate to apply for maternity allowances
Multiple regions have been optimized and adjusted, and starting from September, Chongqing will no longer require a marriage certificate to apply for maternity allowances

According to the website of the Chongqing Medical Security Bureau on August 28th, Lv Xinwen, a reporter from Pengpai News, the Chongqing Medical Security Bureau recently issued a notice on optimizing the handling of maternity insurance services, stating that starting from September 1st, insured individuals will no longer be charged with maternity service certificates, reproductive service certificates, and marriage certificates when applying for maternity insurance related benefits. The Chongqing Medical Insurance Bureau stated that in accordance with the spirit of the "Guiding Opinions of the National Health Commission and 17 other departments on Further Improving and Implementing Positive Maternity Support Measures" and other relevant documents, with the consent of the municipal government, medical insurance agencies at all levels will no longer collect maternity service certificates, reproductive service certificates, and marriage certificates from insured individuals who meet the conditions for enjoying benefits when applying for maternity insurance related benefits. Between July 25, 2022 and September 1, 2023, in compliance with the relevant provisions of this notice

"China is the core of Russia's plan"
"China is the core of Russia's plan"

On August 26th, the website of the Saudi Arabian Daily News published an article titled "Russia Looking East at the Asia Pacific". The author is Andrew Hammond, Research Assistant at the Center for International Affairs, Diplomacy, and Major Strategic Studies at the London School of Economics. The full text excerpt is as follows: Although most of Russia's domestic attention is still focused on Ukraine and other European regions, Russian President Putin still holds great political and economic expectations for the Asia Pacific region. The latest sign of this expectation will appear next month, with Vladivostok hosting the Eastern Economic Forum from September 10th to 13th. The Oriental Economic Forum may be the core international platform for Russia to strengthen its relations with the Asia Pacific region every year. Last year, it attracted participants from nearly 70 countries, with China, India, and Myanmar sending the largest delegations. From Uk

"Suddenly so much cheaper!" Many people in Hangzhou were surprised! Netizens confused: The earlier you buy, the more you lose?
"Suddenly so much cheaper!" Many people in Hangzhou were surprised! Netizens confused: The earlier you buy, the more you lose?

"Last Friday noon, I searched for a round-trip ticket between Hangzhou and Chengdu on a third-party platform, and the price was only 1000 yuan. Today, when I searched for round-trip tickets at the same time on the same platform, the reference price actually increased by 300 yuan. Yesterday, a enthusiastic Hangzhou parent reported that he was planning to take his child to Chengdu for vacation at the wrong time in September. He searched for round-trip tickets between Hangzhou and Chengdu at different times on the same platform, and the difference between the two reference prices was nearly 500 yuan."; Searching for the same flight ticket on different platforms at the same time results in a price difference of around 300 yuan. When is the right time to buy a plane ticket? This problem has caused this parent a difficulty. The difference in ticket prices between different platforms is significant, and the real-time prices on the same platform are also changing. Journalists are verifying the authenticity of reader feedback. The reporter selected several domestic Internet ticket purchase platforms, including

Completely popular, still in short supply! The price of coconut water skyrocketed by 4000%, a former "leftover material"
Completely popular, still in short supply! The price of coconut water skyrocketed by 4000%, a former "leftover material"

Summer is the season of hot selling beverages. In this past summer, due to the popularity of consumers, "coconut water" has become a hot selling item in the beverage industry, with supply exceeding demand. Coconut water beverage hot selling production enterprises are still in short supply despite expanding production. Recently, as a tea beverage distributor, Ding Xiaohang has been searching for coconut water beverages. A production enterprise in Xinyu, Jiangxi is only willing to provide 500 boxes of coconut water drinks at a time, which inevitably disappoints Ding Xiaohang. Ding Xiaohang, Procurement Manager of a certain ingredient trading company in Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province: Our tea drinks have launched coconut water products, which have suddenly become popular, so the market is currently in short supply. So I came to the scene to grab the goods. Sellers have pressure, so do manufacturers. Ruan Zhaoping's enterprise used to mainly produce grain based beverages such as rice milk, but last year only produced one coconut water beverage

Comprehensive review, Henan Lushan reports on the situation of the sculpture of Cowherd and Weaver Girl: dismissal of Director of Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau
Comprehensive review, Henan Lushan reports on the situation of the sculpture of Cowherd and Weaver Girl: dismissal of Director of Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau

Recently, the love themed sculpture of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl in Lushan County has received attention from the media and netizens. A joint investigation team has been established in Lushan County. Based on the preliminary investigation, it has been decided to dismiss the Party Secretary and Director of the County Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, Party Moumou, who bears direct responsibility in accordance with regulations and discipline. Li Moumou, a staff member of the County Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, will be given a disciplinary record for his inappropriate speech. A comprehensive review of project design, engineering cost, bidding process, and other issues of social concern will be conducted. Lushan County deeply apologizes for the negative social impact caused by the problems encountered in work, and sincerely apologizes for the harm caused to media friends by some staff members using inappropriate language during communication. Sincere thanks to the media and netizens for their concern and support to Lushan County. Lushan County United

Zhejiang Province stipulates that the first marriage prize for couples before the age of 25 is 1000 yuan! Local response
Zhejiang Province stipulates that the first marriage prize for couples before the age of 25 is 1000 yuan! Local response

On August 29th, the news of Changshan County, Quzhou City, Zhejiang Province, offering a reward of 1000 yuan to first-time couples aged 25 and below to the bride attracted attention. Since August 24, the local government has announced a series of optimized fertility policies, including this policy, through the official WeChat official account "Changshan Publishing". On August 29th, Red Star News learned from the staff of the Marriage Registration Center of Changshan County Civil Affairs Bureau that the policy has now begun to be implemented, and some eligible couples have applied for the reward. "This policy does not require the age of the male partner, but it also requires the male partner to marry for the first time." According to data previously released by the Changshan County Bureau of Statistics, the natural population growth rate in Changshan County was -1.2 ‰ in 2022. The first marriage of the woman before the age of 25 and the first marriage of the man will reward the couple 1000 yuan

The "Past and Present Lives" of Beidaihe Vacation
The "Past and Present Lives" of Beidaihe Vacation

The history of summer vacation activities for experts in Beidaihe began in July 1987. On July 24, 1987, 14 middle-aged science and technology experts from the national scientific community who were on vacation with their loved ones in Beidaihe met Deng Xiaoping. Among them were Hu Renyu, who participated in the development of China's first atomic and hydrogen bombs, Li Guilian, a vegetable expert at the Guizhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences, and Wang Demin, who was later elected as one of the first academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the then Chief Engineer of Daqing Petroleum Administration. The first group of experts went on vacation to Beidaihe the following year. The Central Organization Department reported to the Party Central Committee that many experts had an excessive workload and had been operating at an overload for a long time. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China attaches great importance to this situation, and the Organization Department of the Central Committee has decided to establish a system for organizing experts to take medical leave with their spouses. In the 10 years after 1988, the Organization Department of the Central Committee organized 8 periods of expert leave, but the experts were on leave

Serving as a new official in a municipal government department at the prefecture level in Fujian, 35 years old with a Ph.D. from Tsinghua University
Serving as a new official in a municipal government department at the prefecture level in Fujian, 35 years old with a Ph.D. from Tsinghua University

On August 28th, the Standing Committee of the 17th People's Congress of Zhangzhou City held its 16th meeting and voted to pass the relevant personnel appointment and removal matters. Among them, Liu Hui, a cadre born in 1985, was appointed as the Director of the Zhangzhou Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism. It has been decided to appoint Chen Qi as the Director of the Science and Technology Bureau of Zhangzhou City, Liu Hui as the Director of the Culture and Tourism Bureau of Zhangzhou City, and appoint Chen Jiazhen as a judge of the Intermediate People's Court of Zhangzhou City. It has been decided to remove Lin Lu from the position of Director of the Science and Technology Bureau of Zhangzhou City, He Jincai from the position of Director of the Culture and Tourism Bureau of Zhangzhou City, and Cai Yuexin from the position of Judge of the Intermediate People's Court of Zhangzhou City. Chen Zhongjian has been appointed as a member of the Procuratorate Committee and prosecutor of the People's Procuratorate of Zhangzhou City. Prior to his appointment, Liu Hui has been appointed as the Deputy Secretary of the Dongshan County Committee and a third level researcher. According to Liu Hui's public information, Liu Hui, male, Han ethnicity, born in March 1988, Fu

Will European ski resorts have no snow to slide on? A large amount of artificial snow production may lead to a vicious cycle in the European skiing industry
Will European ski resorts have no snow to slide on? A large amount of artificial snow production may lead to a vicious cycle in the European skiing industry

On August 28th local time in Europe, French researchers published a study in the academic journal Nature Climate Change. After comparing and analyzing more than 2200 ski resorts in 28 European countries and regions, it was found that at the current rate of greenhouse gas emissions, more than half of the ski resorts in Europe may have "no snow to slide". This study was jointly conducted by several researchers from the French National Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The research assumes that the global average temperature has increased by 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to pre industrial levels, making one-third of the 2234 ski resorts on the European continent highly susceptible to insufficient snow cover. If the global average temperature is 2 degrees Celsius higher than pre industrial levels, which is the goal set by the Paris Agreement, then 53% of ski resorts in Europe will face severe snow accumulation

Ukraine criticizes with pain, Russia praises vigorously, and the Pope expresses his stance
Ukraine criticizes with pain, Russia praises vigorously, and the Pope expresses his stance

According to Agence France Presse and Reuters on August 29th, the Russian government expressed "extreme satisfaction" with the Pope's recent statement urging young people in Russia to remember history, while the Ukrainian side strongly criticized it. Pope Francis sent a video to a youth event held at a Catholic church in St. Petersburg on the 25th. He said in the video, "You are the children of the great Russia, the children of those great men, Peter the Great, and Catherine II." "Never forget this great legacy. You are descendants of the great Russian mother." Kremlin spokesperson Peskov praised the Pope's speech on the 29th. He said, "The Pope understands Russian history, that's great." Peskov said that the Russian government and schools are promoting the inheritance of history among the younger generation, and the Pope's speech is in line with

Going north is becoming popular for elderly care! Over 80000 Hong Kong elderly aged 65+in Guangdong
Going north is becoming popular for elderly care! Over 80000 Hong Kong elderly aged 65+in Guangdong

Introduction: The industry believes that in order to promote cross-border elderly care services, the key is to establish medical mutual recognition and smooth payment channels, so that elderly Hong Kong residents in mainland China do not have to travel between different places when seeking medical treatment. According to early 2020 data, it is estimated that there are 18000 to 38000 patients from the Hong Kong Medical Authority residing in Guangdong Province. The elderly care cooperation in the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Greater Bay Area, which has been delayed due to the epidemic, has once again become popular after the comprehensive clearance of Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Since the beginning of this year, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government has launched multiple policy measures to benefit the elderly in Hong Kong, and some elderly care institutions in the Greater Bay Area have experienced a small peak in Hong Kong people's booking and check-in. Among the over 700 residents who have made reservations for the newly completed Taikang Home Pengyuan in Shenzhen recently, there are over 50 Hong Kong residents. Taikang Home · Yueyuan, which opened in Guangzhou in 2017, has also entered

Captured 58 people in a month! Xi'an police crack down severely on concert scalpers
Captured 58 people in a month! Xi'an police crack down severely on concert scalpers

On August 29th, the reporter learned from the Xi'an Public Security Bureau in Shaanxi Province that in response to illegal activities such as reselling concert tickets since the beginning of this year, the Xi'an police, together with multiple departments, have cracked down severely. During August alone, 8 cases of illegal ticket scalping, 86 tickets with various types of documents, and 58 individuals involved in ticket and certificate related illegal activities were arrested, including 2 criminal detention, 31 administrative penalties, and 25 criticism and education. Starting from April this year, Xi'an City has held multiple concerts in a row, and some scalpers have taken the opportunity to make a name for themselves by buying tickets and then selling them at high prices, damaging consumer rights, disrupting the normal order of the concert market, and even illegally profiting under the banner of "charging" to bring fans into the venue. In response to this, the Xi'an police have established a working team consisting of the Public Security Management Bureau, the Criminal Investigation Bureau, and multiple sub bureaus to collaborate and cooperate

Professional and master's programs are gradually becoming the main force in enrollment, and many universities are reducing their enrollment and suspending their enrollment for professional and master's programs
Professional and master's programs are gradually becoming the main force in enrollment, and many universities are reducing their enrollment and suspending their enrollment for professional and master's programs

Multiple universities have reduced their enrollment and suspended the recruitment of master's students, and master's programs have gradually become the main force in enrollment. In order to expand and strengthen the professional master's program, it is necessary to optimize the training system. In addition to extending the training time, it is also necessary to optimize the teaching staff, training mode, process management, and process evaluation of professional master's programs, so that they can truly connect with the industry and cultivate high-quality talents needed by society. Chu Chaohui, a researcher at the China Academy of Educational Sciences, recently sparked heated discussions about the suspension of academic master's programs in multiple schools. Recently, several universities, including the School of Economics and Management at Southwest University, University of Science and Technology of China, Northwestern Polytechnical University, and Northeast Forestry University, have announced that they will no longer admit academic master's degree students in certain majors. These majors cover multiple disciplines such as engineering, management, and agriculture. In recent years, the enrollment for academic master's degrees, also known as academic master's degrees, has been reduced or suspended

Some people are taking advantage of your "ignorance" and saying, "The air conditioning needs to be fluorinated."
Some people are taking advantage of your "ignorance" and saying, "The air conditioning needs to be fluorinated."

This summer, with the continuous high temperatures, air conditioning has become a "life-saving tool". After several months of high-frequency use, many people have found that air conditioning is starting to go on strike. Once it is found that the air conditioner is not cooling, many people will directly contact the repairman. However, in reality, the repairman's statement "I need to add fluorine" may make your tears fall down... Adding fluorine once costs 1280 yuan. "Adding fluorine costs more than 1000 yuan, and I feel like a big loser," said consumer Yang. This summer, because the air conditioner was not cooling, Yang Yang made an appointment to add fluorine to the air conditioner on a certain platform. At that time, the repairman measured it and told her that there was almost no fluorine left. As it is a rented house, I originally only wanted to add enough, but the master said it's not cool to not fill it up. When we asked how much it would cost to fill it up, he said 10

Chengdu Housing and Construction Bureau issues three consecutive articles!
Chengdu Housing and Construction Bureau issues three consecutive articles!

On the evening of August 28th, the Chengdu Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau in Sichuan Province issued three consecutive documents to optimize real estate policies. One of the documents optimized the criteria for identifying households without housing, which states that if at least one registered homebuyer in a homebuyer family meets the housing purchase restriction policy in Chengdu and the homebuyer family does not own property rights in Chengdu, they are recognized as households without housing. On August 29th, a reporter from Securities Times and Securities China consulted with Chengdu Real Estate Trading Center as a homebuyer. The staff stated that the previous rule was that only those who did not have a property transaction record within 2 years were considered to have no property. Now, as long as they do not have a property under their name, they are considered to have a basic need. This means that Chengdu has relaxed the criteria for identifying households without houses. As for the loan policy, the above staff suggest asking the bank. Subsequently, a reporter from Securities Times and Securities China consulted with the housing loan department of a branch of Dianzi Bank in Chengdu

Can you choose?, Seven years of undergraduate education in vocational schools
Can you choose?, Seven years of undergraduate education in vocational schools

Previously, the news of "Jiangsu Yancheng high school students applying for teacher training colleges with a score of 742 in the middle school entrance examination" attracted social attention, and also brought the vocational education integrated training model into the public eye. How to view such a path of success and growth? Will it become a choice for more people in the future? How can we better develop vocational education? Tian Jiaxin, a new student in the new semester, was trained through the integration of middle and undergraduate education, with a full score of 600 and a score of 569 in the middle school entrance examination. She was admitted to the Early Childcare major of Hangzhou People's Vocational School with a score 56 points higher than the first batch of admission lines in the Hangzhou middle school entrance examination. Why did she choose such a growth path? What are the characteristics of the integrated training mode of vocational education in practice? Click on the video to learn together! What is the appeal of a 7-year vocational education program consisting of secondary vocational education and undergraduate education? Vocational Education and Adult Education of Zhejiang Provincial Department of Education

Which college at the University of Science and Technology of China has the most new students? Youth class!
Which college at the University of Science and Technology of China has the most new students? Youth class!

Recently, multiple universities have released big data on undergraduate freshmen for 2023. In addition to basic data on gender ratios and student origins, they have also released statistical data on new student zodiac signs, the same name and surname. At the University of Science and Technology of China, Yang Xuyuan from Anhui and Shandong, Zhang Xuming from Anhui and Tianjin, and X Sen from Anhui and Henan all started their university life with the same name. Which college has the most male students at Hefei University of Technology? The School of Mechanical Engineering continues to maintain its position as the highest proportion of male students with a 9:1 absolute advantage. Hefei University of Technology Easter Egg 1: 9:1, consistently ranking the highest proportion of male students. There are a total of 8311 undergraduate freshmen in the 2023 cohort of Hefei University of Technology, with a total of 6355 males and 1956 females. The overall ratio is close to 3:1, which is consistent with previous years in terms of gender ratio. Which college has the most boys? Mechanical Engineering

Tuesday's sudden announcement: planned delisting! What's wrong with this A-share company?, Too sudden! Just suspended trading on Monday
Tuesday's sudden announcement: planned delisting! What's wrong with this A-share company?, Too sudden! Just suspended trading on Monday

Late at night, a rare announcement appeared in A-shares! On the evening of August 29th, Jingwei Textile Machinery announced that the company plans to voluntarily withdraw the listing and trading of A-shares on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange through a resolution of the shareholders' meeting, and instead apply for transfer in the national small and medium-sized enterprise share transfer system. Jingwei Textile Machinery is a globally renowned supplier of complete cotton textile equipment, with a market value of nearly 20 billion yuan. Why voluntarily delisting at this time? Jingwei Textile Machinery plans to voluntarily terminate its stock listing at around 10:30 pm on August 29th. Jingwei Textile Machinery announced on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange that due to market changes, the company's operations are facing significant uncertainty, which may have a significant impact on the company. In order to protect the interests of small and medium-sized shareholders, in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and normative documents such as the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Listing Rules, the company's shareholders

And he said, "Don't eat for free, don't eat." The deputy county mayor ate all the restaurants in his jurisdiction, big and small
And he said, "Don't eat for free, don't eat." The deputy county mayor ate all the restaurants in his jurisdiction, big and small

Wang Zhiping, male, born in April 1972, started working in August 1994 and joined the CPC in August 1998. Formerly served as the Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of Mengla County Committee in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province; Secretary of the Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee of the Guanle Border Trade Zone in Mengla County; Member of the Standing Committee of Mengla County Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department; Member of the Standing Committee of Mengla County Committee and Deputy County Mayor of the County Government; Member of the Standing Committee of Mengla County Committee and Executive Deputy County Magistrate of the County Government; Member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Transportation Bureau of Xishuangbanna Prefecture. In December 2021, Wang Zhiping voluntarily surrendered and accepted disciplinary review and supervisory investigation by the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Xishuangbanna Prefecture. In June 2022, Wang Zhiping was expelled from the Party and public office. In December 2022, Wang Zhiping was sentenced to seven years imprisonment and a fine of RMB 5 for multiple crimes including bribery and money laundering

The capital is the most severe; Bangladesh has 556 deaths this year, and both countries are experiencing severe dengue fever! Vietnam has confirmed over 60000 cases this year
The capital is the most severe; Bangladesh has 556 deaths this year, and both countries are experiencing severe dengue fever! Vietnam has confirmed over 60000 cases this year

Vietnam has confirmed over 60000 cases of dengue fever this year, with severe outbreaks in the capital city of Hanoi. According to a report from the Vietnamese Ministry of Health on the 29th, as of the 23rd, Vietnam has a total of 61799 confirmed cases of dengue fever and 14 deaths nationwide this year. Compared with the same period last year, the dengue fever epidemic in Vietnam has eased nationwide, especially in the southern region. However, the dengue fever epidemic in the northern region is continuing to spread, with Hanoi, the capital, being the most severe. According to data released by the Hanoi Center for Disease Control and Prevention, as of now, there have been a total of 4508 confirmed cases of dengue fever in Hanoi this year, which is more than 3.7 times higher than the same period last year. In recent times, the northern region of Vietnam has been experiencing sustained high temperatures and abundant rainfall, which is conducive to mosquito breeding and exacerbates the spread of dengue fever. To curb the spread of dengue fever and reduce deaths, the Vietnamese Ministry of Health

Worker's Daily editorial: Employees cannot face the helplessness and helplessness of "arbitrary job transfers". Legal | Employers | Employees
Worker's Daily editorial: Employees cannot face the helplessness and helplessness of "arbitrary job transfers". Legal | Employers | Employees

Some employers do not have a correct understanding of the legal meaning of employment autonomy, one-sided emphasis on management priority, and are accustomed to emphasizing that employees must obey unilaterally, lacking the awareness of equal consultation; Some employees overly emphasize the provisions of labor contracts, believing that once they are agreed upon, they cannot be changed arbitrarily, and their understanding of the rationality of job transfers is insufficient, resulting in the inability to reach a consensus through negotiation. Once both parties are influenced by emotions and unable to sit down and have a good conversation, it is easy to get into a stalemate or even file a lawsuit. Disputes over arbitrary job transfers by employers often occur. According to a report by the Workers' Daily on August 24th, a logistics company in Beijing faced operational difficulties and had employees choose to either terminate their contracts or transfer their positions. However, some employees did not agree, and the company directly suspended the payment of their wages. With the help of union legal aid lawyers, employees have received the necessary compensation