The world

Harming national sovereignty and violating the One China principle! Customs seized a batch of "problematic globe" principles | China | a batch
Harming national sovereignty and violating the One China principle! Customs seized a batch of "problematic globe" principles | China | a batch

Recently, Tianjin Xingang Customs seized a batch of 92 "problematic globes" that damaged national sovereignty and violated the One China principle through import freight channels. On site customs officers found during inspection of a globe declared for import that the globe mistakenly labeled Taiwan with the name of the country, violating the One China principle. At present, the batch of globe instruments has been temporarily detained in accordance with the law and is awaiting further processing. Customs Reminder: Maps are the main representation of national territory, with serious political, rigorous scientific, and strict legal significance. The correct national territory is a symbol of national sovereignty and territorial integrity. Printed materials and publications that do not comply with the content representation standards of China's public maps are strictly prohibited from being printed or imported or exported. Enterprises engaged in the production and import and export of relevant maps or map products should strictly comply with laws and regulations,

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and detained US "spy" Paul Whelan talk to Secretary of State | Paul | Paul Whelan
US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and detained US "spy" Paul Whelan talk to Secretary of State | Paul | Paul Whelan

According to CNN, on the 16th local time, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken talked by phone with former US Marine Paul Whelan who was serving a sentence in Russia for espionage. At the same time, Paul's family hopes that the US government can take practical actions to ensure his release as soon as possible. According to people familiar with the matter, Antony Blinken hoped that Whelan would "continue to maintain confidence" and promised that the US government was making every effort to bring her home as soon as possible. It was reported that this was the second time in four years that Antony Blinken had a direct call with Whelan who was serving his sentence in the Mordoya Reformation Camp. At the time of this call, Paul's family expressed their hope that the concrete action of the US government to help Paul be released can proceed faster. "I deeply feel this sense of urgency and frustration," said Paul's sister Elizabeth Whelan. This slow speed - I

But it also depends on China and Russia, foreign media: This country has recently "turned to the United States" article | Mongolia | United States
But it also depends on China and Russia, foreign media: This country has recently "turned to the United States" article | Mongolia | United States

On August 12th, an article titled "Mongolia's Rare Earth Diplomacy and Its Geopolitical Impact" was published on the website of American Diplomats. The author is Zhang Yue, Associate Professor at the Australia China Relations Institute at the University of Technology Sydney, Australia. The full text excerpt is as follows: Mongolia, located between China and Russia and rich in mineral resources, especially copper and rare earth elements, has recently turned to the "third neighboring country", the United States. During his recent visit to Washington, Mongolian Prime Minister Robzanamuslai Oyun'erden intends to strengthen cooperation with the United States in key mineral resources, especially rare earth mining. In addition, Mongolia and the United States have also reached an Open Skies Agreement aimed at strengthening direct trade. If this agreement is implemented, China's rare earth advantage can be achieved, and rare earths can be transported by air from Mongolia to the United States, which will have a significant impact on the strategic competition between China and the United States

The Foreign Minister explains the reason, India has decided not to invite Zelensky to participate in the G20 Global Summit
The Foreign Minister explains the reason, India has decided not to invite Zelensky to participate in the G20 Global Summit

According to a report by Russian news agency on August 16th, Indian Foreign Minister Su Jiesheng stated that Ukrainian President Zelensky was not invited to attend the G20 summit because the summit will focus on global economic growth. According to reports, Su Jiesheng pointed out that "the summit will discuss energy, fertilizer, and food supply issues.". He emphasized that the upcoming G20 summit is not a United Nations Security Council meeting, and the G20 does not address global security issues. According to reports, a spokesperson for the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated in January this year that Ukraine was not among the invited countries for the G20 summit held in New Delhi in September. India currently holds the rotating presidency of the G20, and the 18th G20 Leaders Summit will be held in New Delhi in September.

What are the employment prospects for Myanmar language majors? Listen to the teachers and students of Guangxi University of Foreign Languages talk about Myanmar | Guangxi University of Foreign Languages
What are the employment prospects for Myanmar language majors? Listen to the teachers and students of Guangxi University of Foreign Languages talk about Myanmar | Guangxi University of Foreign Languages

Recently, a netizen posted that they were admitted to the Myanmar language undergraduate program at Guangxi University of Foreign Languages. Many people joked in the comment section, "Promise me not to call me after graduation," questioning whether they will engage in telecommunications fraud. Topic # When You Are Admitted to a Burmese Language major # Also Ranked High on Weibo's Hot Search List, Triggering a heated discussion among netizens. On August 14th, Guangxi University of Foreign Languages issued a statement on its official Weibo account, stating that the post was a replacement of the student's name and admission major P-map in the admission notice of Guangxi University of Foreign Languages. The content mentioned was fabricated and has been reported to the public security organs. What is the training direction for Myanmar language majors at Guangxi University of Foreign Languages? What are the employment prospects and directions for Myanmar language majors? On August 16th, the reporter interviewed representatives of teachers and students from Guangxi University of Foreign Languages. The Burmese language major is a distinctive specialty of Guangxi Foreign Studies University

Responding to the "flood" and deploying in advance to accelerate the resumption of production and life - Liaoning Province is fully committed to fighting the "proactive battle" to prevent heavy rainfall. See Linggou Township, Xiuyan Manchu Autonomous County, Anshan City | Liaoning | Life
Responding to the "flood" and deploying in advance to accelerate the resumption of production and life - Liaoning Province is fully committed to fighting the "proactive battle" to prevent heavy rainfall. See Linggou Township, Xiuyan Manchu Autonomous County, Anshan City | Liaoning | Life

Shenyang, August 16th, Xinhua News Agency (Xinhua) - News of the "flood" and early deployment to accelerate the resumption of production and life - Liaoning is making every effort to fight the "proactive battle" against heavy rainfall. After a 3-day interval, 59 year old Yang Guihua returned to Shancheng Village from the temporary resettlement site. Seeing that the courtyard was clean and tidy, and the flood had not flooded the house, Yang Guihua felt relieved. "The highest flood is at the root of the courtyard wall, which is considered safe." Yang Guihua pointed to a water mark on the wall of the courtyard and told reporters, "Three times a day, the distribution is on time, and the safety of the resettlement site is guaranteed, so the children can rest assured." Affected by the residual circulation of typhoon "Kanu", on August 12 and 13, heavy rain to rainstorm occurred in the central and eastern parts of Liaoning Province, and Liaoning Province deployed in advance to launch a "proactive war" against heavy rainfall. As of the 14th

Ten year change of Hulun Lake: from "one lake governance" to "watershed governance" Hulun Lake | ecology | watershed
Ten year change of Hulun Lake: from "one lake governance" to "watershed governance" Hulun Lake | ecology | watershed

On the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, there is a fascinating lake. It is Hulun Lake, the largest freshwater lake in northern China, which means "a lake like the sea" in Mongolian, and plays an irreplaceable role in protecting biodiversity, regulating regional climate, maintaining grassland ecological balance and ensuring ecological security in northern China. Hulun Lake once suffered from ecological crisis, and the outside world once claimed that it would be the next Lop Nur. In recent years, the Party Committee and Government of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Hulunbuir City have taken a number of effective measures in grassland ecological protection, industrial structure adjustment, management and protection capacity building, environmental improvement, scientific research monitoring, wetland ecosystem restoration, and water resource protection. Today, the wild geese along the Hulun Lake return to the blue waves, and their governance and protection work has achieved remarkable results. Ecological crisis ushers in a turning point Hulun Lake in summer, Shuitianyi

New Era, New Journey, and New Great Achievements - Practicing Practically and Practically: Guangdong Highlights "Leading the Manufacturing Industry" to Build a New Advantageous Economy for Development | Industry | Great Achievements
New Era, New Journey, and New Great Achievements - Practicing Practically and Practically: Guangdong Highlights "Leading the Manufacturing Industry" to Build a New Advantageous Economy for Development | Industry | Great Achievements

CCTV News: Guangdong is the largest province in China's total economic output. Since the beginning of this year, Guangdong has been focusing on the "real economy", highlighting the "manufacturing industry as the leader", promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, enhancing the development level of emerging industries, and promoting high-quality economic development. Taking major industrial projects as the starting point to promote industrial acceleration has become one of the ways for Guangdong to seek new breakthroughs at present. In the Guangzhou Development Zone, each project not only has a "service specialist", but also has its own "appeal file box" to track services and accelerate the construction of major projects. From integrated circuits to new materials, major projects have started one after another, presenting a distinct characteristic of Guangdong's "manufacturing priority". As of now, nearly 500 key manufacturing projects in Guangdong have accelerated their construction, with a total investment of over 1.3 trillion yuan. The first seven months have already completed annual projects

Adhering to Escort in Summer Travel, Safe Travel for Passengers, West Bus | Chongqing | Adhering to Escort
Adhering to Escort in Summer Travel, Safe Travel for Passengers, West Bus | Chongqing | Adhering to Escort

On August 15th, police officers Peng Cong and Huang Zhouyuan from the Chongqing Railway Public Security Department conducted a patrol inspection of fire protection facilities and equipment at the Chongqing West Bus Depot. To ensure the smooth progress of railway summer transportation work, personnel from Chongqing Passenger Transport Section, Chongqing Railway Public Security Department, Chongqing Rolling Stock Depot, Chongqing Locomotive Depot, Chongqing Station and other departments adhere to their positions, conducting full train inspections, equipment maintenance, replacement of supplies, vehicle cleaning and other work on incoming vehicles, ensuring that passengers can enjoy a safe and comfortable riding environment when the train departs on the day of departure. On August 15th, staff from Chongqing Rolling Stock Depot inspected and debugged the electrical equipment of the train's dining car at Chongqing West Bus Depot. On August 15th, staff in the warehouse cleaned the exterior of the train parked in the Chongqing West Bus Depot. August 15th

Accelerate post disaster reconstruction and restore production and living order as soon as possible. Heilongjiang | Region | Life
Accelerate post disaster reconstruction and restore production and living order as soon as possible. Heilongjiang | Region | Life

CCTV News: In recent days, various regions and relevant departments have made every effort to accelerate post disaster reconstruction and restore production and living order in the affected areas as soon as possible. In Zhuozhou, Hebei, dredging and garbage disposal are nearing completion. Large loading and unloading trucks are used locally to transport garbage to nearby county and city waste incineration power plants for centralized treatment. As of today, over 410 kilometers of water damaged roads have been restored to traffic in Laishui County, and the remaining roads are being fully repaired. The resumption of work and production by disaster stricken enterprises is also being accelerated. Currently, there are 290 disaster stricken enterprises in Zhuozhou, and 89 have resumed work. The scenic areas of Qingxi Mausoleum and Taihang Water Town in Yixian County have resumed operation and begun to receive tourists. The reconstruction work in the disaster stricken areas of Beijing is progressing in an orderly manner. In Su Village, Doudian Town, Fangshan District, flooded in the rainstorm, the accumulated water has been drained. After dredging and disinfection and sterilization, the shops along the street began to resume business. In the field

Xinhua News Agency+Heilongjiang: These people are fighting on the front line of flood control and disaster relief, with heavy rainfall | Communist Party members | Heilongjiang
Xinhua News Agency+Heilongjiang: These people are fighting on the front line of flood control and disaster relief, with heavy rainfall | Communist Party members | Heilongjiang

Harbin, August 16 (Xinhua) - Recently, Heilongjiang has been affected by typhoons "Dussuri" and "Kanu", resulting in multiple heavy rainfall. Harbin, Mudanjiang and other areas have been hit by floods. Since mid July, due to the influence of strong convective weather, Shangzhi City in Harbin has been experiencing continuous heavy rainfall. From August 2nd to 4th, the precipitation reached over 50 millimeters per day. Xingye Village in Yabuli Town, Shangzhi City is located south of the mountainous area. Rainwater is concentrated from the mountain for a short period of time, causing roads to be washed away and crops to be submerged. The two reservoirs in the jurisdiction are prone to dam collapse, posing a threat to the safety of the people and the surrounding railways. "Once the moat is washed away, the flood will directly pour into the reservoir, and the consequences will be unimaginable." When the flood situation was severe, Gang Yujie, the party branch secretary of Xingye Village, immediately organized villagers to rush to the scene to reinforce the moat on the south side of the reservoir. In times of crisis, in order to

After the Maui fire in Hawaii, American media: Anger is spreading in the ashes of La Haina, government | United States | Maui, Hawaii
After the Maui fire in Hawaii, American media: Anger is spreading in the ashes of La Haina, government | United States | Maui, Hawaii

According to US media reports, after the massive disaster, residents of Maui Island are making every effort to organize self rescue efforts. But at the same time, people's doubts and anger cannot be dispelled: why did the government not step forward in a timely manner and provide effective help? On the 15th, CNN reported that "aid is spreading and anger is spreading amidst the ashes of La Haina.". According to reports, after the most severe disaster in modern Hawaiian history, the working class living on Maui Island are taking action themselves, becoming emergency responders and commanders in response to difficulties. Hundreds of local lifeguards, carpenters, and bartenders, using trucks and borrowed boats, established about a dozen temporary rescue centers on the charred land of La Haina and stocked up supplies, but these tasks were mostly carried out without any uniformed personnel

International Observation | The Pain of the Second Anniversary of US Withdrawal Still Remains in Afghanistan | Afghanistan | United States
International Observation | The Pain of the Second Anniversary of US Withdrawal Still Remains in Afghanistan | Afghanistan | United States

Kabul, August 16 (Xinhua) -- The pain of the second anniversary of the US military withdrawal still lingers in Afghanistan. In August 2021, the United States ended a 20-year long war in Afghanistan, and its hasty withdrawal led to chaos in the local situation, adding insult to injury to this war-torn country. Now, it has been two years since the United States fell into the "Kabul moment". The US military has indiscriminately killed innocent people in Afghanistan for 20 years, causing huge disasters and lasting pain to the local people. The mess left by the US still poses numerous challenges to the peaceful reconstruction of Afghanistan. On August 16, 2021, at Kabul International Airport, a US C-17 transport plane forcibly took off disregarding the safety of Afghan civilians. Some people were crushed alive by the retracted landing gear in the wheel well, while others were crushed from high altitude

Don't let noise interfere with the main theme of China Europe cooperation
Don't let noise interfere with the main theme of China Europe cooperation

Recently, some EU politicians have claimed that "the trade relationship between China and Europe is very unbalanced, China has a huge trade surplus, and China's market openness is not commensurate with the EU." They have also solemnly urged China to reduce "trade barriers.". This statement clearly distorts and deviates from the objective fact of mutual benefit and win-win in China Europe's economic and trade. China never deliberately pursues a trade surplus. The trade surplus between China and Europe is an objective result of the combined effects of industrial structure, industrial division of labor, trade methods, and external factors. For a long time, China and the EU have been important trading partners with strong industrial complementarity. The EU has always been China's largest source of technology introduction, and the EU market also needs goods and services from China. After years of development, China and Europe have formed a strong economic symbiotic relationship, which not only conforms to the laws of market development, but also

Doing Practical Things to Solve People's Worries and Truly Benefit People's Livelihood Education with the Achievements of Theme Education | Theme | Achievements
Doing Practical Things to Solve People's Worries and Truly Benefit People's Livelihood Education with the Achievements of Theme Education | Theme | Achievements

Since the launch of the theme education, Southern Power Grid Yunnan Power Grid Co., Ltd. has focused on problems, conducted investigations on more than 12000 substations in the province, and carried out low-voltage problem management according to local conditions, focusing on solving the urgent and difficult electricity consumption problems that the people are looking forward to. The Shenzhen Municipal Administration for Market Regulation adheres to the principle of integrating learning, thinking, and application, implementing the process of identifying and solving problems, empowering government services with digital intelligence, continuously optimizing the business environment, and reducing costs

Focus Interview | Anxin Stable Production with Full Efforts to "Restore" Agriculture | Government | Stable Production with Full Efforts
Focus Interview | Anxin Stable Production with Full Efforts to "Restore" Agriculture | Government | Stable Production with Full Efforts

Yushu City, Jilin Province, is the most populous county-level city in Jilin Province and also a major agricultural county. It is known as the country's top grain producing county. Due to the strongest rainfall process since the flood season and the impact of floods in the upper reaches of the Lalin River, some towns in Yushu have been severely affected, with a large amount of farmland flooded and villagers having to relocate. As the floods gradually recede, homes need to be rebuilt and food production needs to be restored. The various difficulties faced can be imagined. What is the situation with the elm tree? Recently, reporters from Focus Interview visited Yushu for a visit. Qingshan Township Middle School is a resettlement site for disaster victims in Yushu City, Jilin Province. There are a total of 107 disaster victims resettled here, all from the nearby Risheng Village in Qingshan Township. At noon, the reporter saw that the staff had already distributed lunch, with each person receiving a large box of meat and vegetables. In Yushu City, Jilin Province, political institutions like Qingshan Township Middle School

Stable Autumn and Winter "Vegetable Basket", People's Daily Review: Focus on Agricultural Disaster Prevention and Reduction in Rural Areas | Vegetables | Vegetable Basket
Stable Autumn and Winter "Vegetable Basket", People's Daily Review: Focus on Agricultural Disaster Prevention and Reduction in Rural Areas | Vegetables | Vegetable Basket

Recently, due to the impact of typhoons, extreme heavy rainfall has occurred in North China, Huanghuai, Northeast and other areas, causing damage to vegetable facilities and flooding of vegetable fields. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs recently issued an emergency notice, requiring all levels of agricultural and rural departments to strengthen guidance and effectively carry out disaster prevention and reduction as well as autumn and winter vegetable production. The "vegetable basket" is closely related to the daily life of the people, and is related to the stability of prices. It cannot tolerate any carelessness. Given the adverse impact of extreme weather on the current local vegetable supply and the significant pressure it will bring to ensuring the supply and stable prices of autumn and winter vegetables nationwide, various regions need to effectively improve their political stance, strengthen the mayoral responsibility system for "vegetable baskets", and make vegetable stable production and supply an important task in agricultural and rural work. Efforts should be made to coordinate production development, production and sales connection, circulation and transportation, market regulation, quality and safety, stabilize the people's "vegetable baskets", and protect them well

Green background color for high-quality development of thick plants | transportation | background color
Green background color for high-quality development of thick plants | transportation | background color

Promoting the formation of green development and lifestyle is a profound revolution in the development concept.Chasing the wind and chasing the sun, wind power installed capacity has remained the world's top for 13 consecutive years, and photovoltaic installed capacity has remained the world's top for 8 consecutive years; Green "smart" manufacturing, increasing the number of industrial units above designated size

Answer the development exam paper for the second half of this year, People's Financial Review: Firmly Confidence in Prices | Economy | Financial Review
Answer the development exam paper for the second half of this year, People's Financial Review: Firmly Confidence in Prices | Economy | Financial Review

The recently released economic data for July shows that the national economy continues to recover, production and demand remain basically stable, employment prices are generally stable, and the quality of development is steadily improving. Among them, the total electricity consumption in July was 888.8 billion kilowatt hours, a year-on-year increase of 6.5%, and the electricity consumption in the secondary industry was 538.3 billion kilowatt hours, a year-on-year increase of 5.7%. This indirectly shows the stable growth of industrial production and the accelerated recovery of the real economy. At the same time, it should be noted that the Purchasing Managers' Index for the manufacturing industry is 49.3%, an increase of 0.3 percentage points from the previous month, indicating a continuous improvement in the economic situation. It is not difficult to see from the two verifications that regulatory policies have effectively promoted the gradual recovery of social productivity and the solid promotion of high-quality development. To do a good job in the economic work of the second half of the year, our foundation is solid and our measures are pragmatic. We must have firm confidence and strive for progress while maintaining stability. Epidemic prevention and control measures

Q: How was the wildfire in Hawaii caused? Maoi Island Lahai | Automobile | Reporter
Q: How was the wildfire in Hawaii caused? Maoi Island Lahai | Automobile | Reporter

"The fire was so rapid, as if in an instant, houses, cars, and everything were ignited," a survivor described to the media the terrifying scene of the wildfire on Maui Island in Hawaii, USA. On the 15th local time in Hawaii, it was confirmed that the Maui wildfire had caused over a hundred deaths, making it the deadliest wildfire in the United States in over a century. Whether it is the survivors of the disaster, or many American media and netizens who have been questioning in recent days: why is the wildfire so big? Why is the loss so severe? How was the "deadliest" wildfire in the United States in a century made? Maui Island is the second largest island in the Hawaiian Islands, with a population of over 100000. The town of Lahaina, which has about 13000 residents, is left with only ruins and over 2200 buildings have been burned down. According to the latest data released by Maoyi County, destroying this

Brazil's Participation in BRICS Cooperation Gains Many Benefits from China and Brazil | Trade | Brazil
Brazil's Participation in BRICS Cooperation Gains Many Benefits from China and Brazil | Trade | Brazil

The picture shows a BYD pure electric bus taken on July 12th at the starting station of the "Green Line" of the San Jose dos Campos Rapid Transit System in S ã o Paulo, Brazil. The photo taken by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Tiancong shows visitors watching BYD pure electric vehicles in El Salvador, the capital of Bahia state in Brazil, on July 4th. According to Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Tiancong, "Friendship is like wine, the longer it lasts, the better it tastes." In April of this year, Brazilian President Lula quoted a Brazilian proverb during his visit to China and highly praised the relationship between Brazil and China and the cooperation between the BRICS countries. Since the establishment of the BRICS Cooperation Mechanism 17 years ago, the foundation of cooperation has been increasingly solid, and the fields have gradually expanded, injecting inexhaustible impetus into Brazil's economic development. In April, Lula's first stop in China was at the Shanghai headquarters of the New Development Bank of the BRICS countries, where he attended the newly appointed President of the Bank and former President of Brazil

"This is the most beautiful campus in the local area" (co creating a new era of prosperity and development) Uganda | Entebbe City | Campus
"This is the most beautiful campus in the local area" (co creating a new era of prosperity and development) Uganda | Entebbe City | Campus

Driving south from Kampala, the capital of Uganda, along the highway leading to Entebbe International Airport for over 40 minutes, you will arrive at the Entebbe Changsha Demonstration School located on the shore of Lake Victoria. The school wall is wavy, and the lintel of the arched gate bears the name of the school in both Chinese and English. Entering the campus, the teaching building with a red roof and bright yellow walls is rich in Chinese architectural characteristics. Driver Steve told us that it was during break time, and some students were sitting around chatting under the big tree, some were chasing and playing on the playground, and some were playing passing games on the lawn. "Hello!" Several students greeted the reporter warmly in Chinese as soon as they saw him. "As soon as they see your face, they know it's a Chinese friend coming." Principal Robina Nakamia smiled and said, "The school is funded by the Chinese side, and Chinese friends often come to visit. Teachers and students learn..."

China provides important impetus for innovative development of global tourism industry (International Forum) China | Tourism | Development
China provides important impetus for innovative development of global tourism industry (International Forum) China | Tourism | Development

Currently, rural tourism has become a new trend in the development of global tourism industry. China regards the development of rural tourism as an effective way to eliminate poverty. I have visited China multiple times and witnessed the continuous improvement of rural infrastructure in China. China is the world's second largest economy and one of the largest tourism markets. The number of tourism consumers is constantly increasing, and the demand for tourism in the market is becoming increasingly diversified, which provides a good foundation for the development of rural tourism in China. China has achieved the significant achievement of eliminating absolute poverty and is focusing on promoting rural revitalization. Developing rural tourism will help achieve this goal. In rural China, we see that the inclusiveness, balance, and sustainability of China's economic and social development are constantly increasing, and different groups are receiving more balanced development resources. Starting from 2021, the United Nations World Tourism Organization will hold

South China Expo promotes cooperation between China and South and Southeast Asian countries
South China Expo promotes cooperation between China and South and Southeast Asian countries

The 7th China South Asia Expo, which lasted for 5 days, opened in Kunming, Yunnan on the 16th. This is the first time since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic that the South China International Fair has been fully resumed offline. The South China Expo has been permanently settled in Kunming since its first session in 2013. After years of development, the South China Expo has become an important platform for economic and trade cooperation between China and South Asian and Southeast Asian countries, as well as an important window for local economic and trade cooperation with neighboring countries. With the help of the South China Expo platform, China will further strengthen its exchanges and cooperation with countries in South Asia and Southeast Asia. "Expanding economic and trade exchanges to promote smooth trade." "Our jewelry and jade want to open up the Chinese market, and we need exhibition and sales venues. Can we meet this demand here?" "Our black tea wants to be sold in China. Are there any companies willing to help us act as agents?" A few days ago, the Sri Lankan business delegation advanced their visit

China, which is constantly expanding and opening up, is full of opportunities. (Harmony) Economy | China | Opportunities
China, which is constantly expanding and opening up, is full of opportunities. (Harmony) Economy | China | Opportunities

China is taking more active and proactive actions to promote high-level opening-up and develop a higher-level open economy, which is beneficial to China and also beneficial to the world. The State Council of China recently issued the "Opinions on Further Optimizing the Foreign Investment Environment and Increasing the Attraction of Foreign Investment", promoting greater efforts and more effective attraction and utilization of foreign investment. The international public opinion has responded positively to this, believing that the 24 policy measures introduced "balance macro and micro aspects", "provide convenience for foreign businesses in China in terms of details", and "help boost the economy". These fully demonstrate that despite the rise of global protectionism and individual countries pushing for decoupling and disconnection, all parties still yearn to promote opening up and cooperation, and look forward to sharing China's opportunities. China, which continues to expand its high-level opening-up to the outside world, has a strong attraction. We still believe that

The surging green new momentum! How to Write High Quality Development Answers by Watching the Clear Water of the Yangtze River | Development | Clear Water
The surging green new momentum! How to Write High Quality Development Answers by Watching the Clear Water of the Yangtze River | Development | Clear Water

The Yangtze River Economic Belt covers 11 provinces and cities along the Yangtze River, spanning three major plates in China, with outstanding ecological status and enormous development potential.Faced with the era proposition of "ecological priority and green development", provinces and cities along the Yangtze River have transformed their development ideas, carefully nurtured the clear water of the river, and worked hard to write a high-quality development answer sheet. Walking on both sides of the Yangtze River, with lush greenery and soaring birds, the picture of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature can be seen everywhere. Nowadays, the main stream of the Yangtze River has maintained Class II water quality for three consecutive years, and beautiful ecological corridors have been connected by riverside parks. However, ten years ago, some places along the Yangtze River were still lined with chimneys and sewage flowed horizontally.

Belarus criticizes!, Lithuania temporarily closes two border crossing points | Lithuania | Belarus
Belarus criticizes!, Lithuania temporarily closes two border crossing points | Lithuania | Belarus

According to Agence France Presse, Lithuania stated on August 16th that due to "geopolitical circumstances," it will temporarily close two of its six border crossing points with Belarus from August 18th, citing security risks posed by the Wagner Group. The report states that the Lithuanian government did not provide detailed information or threats regarding these two border crossing points. Belarus criticized Lithuania's "far fetched" decision to close two border crossing points on the 16th. The Belarusian border forces stated on social media that "Lithuania's decision was purposefully and deliberately setting up obstacles along the border to serve its political ambitions." On August 12th, people lined up at a border crossing point between Belarus and Lithuania. It indicates that this decision will lead to traffic queues and extend transit waiting times, and it is referred to as

【 Guangming Forum 】 Continuing the Good Harvest Situation and Defending the Bottom Line of Food Security Grain | Farmland | Forum
【 Guangming Forum 】 Continuing the Good Harvest Situation and Defending the Bottom Line of Food Security Grain | Farmland | Forum

【 Guangming Forum 】 Author: Chen Minghui According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, the summer grain production this year is 292.3 billion catties, a decrease of 2.55 billion catties from the previous year, stable and slightly declining, still at a relatively high level. The production ranks second in history, achieving a bumper harvest and laying a good foundation for the annual grain harvest. Food is the paramount necessity of the people, and food is the security of the country. Food security is the greatest of a country and an important foundation for national security.Stabilizing grain production, continuing the good harvest situation, consolidating the foundation of safety, and not slackening at all.

Eliminate worries about consumer spending among residents | Increase | Consumer spending among residents
Eliminate worries about consumer spending among residents | Increase | Consumer spending among residents

The General Office of the State Council recently forwarded the "Measures for Restoring and Expanding Consumption" issued by the National Development and Reform Commission, proposing 20 specific policy measures around six aspects: stabilizing bulk consumption, expanding service consumption, promoting rural consumption, expanding new consumption, improving consumption facilities, and optimizing the consumption environment. The aim is to deeply implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand, fully leverage the fundamental role of consumption in economic development, and enhance the driving force of high-quality development. Since the beginning of this year, China's economic structure has been continuously optimized, and the driving force of domestic demand has continued to strengthen. The contribution rate of demand to economic growth in the first half of the year reached 110.8%, an increase of 59.4 percentage points year-on-year, with the final consumption contribution rate reaching 77.2%, an increase of 46.4 percentage points. Improving residents' consumption ability is to enable them to have money to spend, while increasing their willingness to consume is to enable them to“