The world

"Where were you before?" The EU's attempt to win over Latin America was met with backlash from China, Russia, and the EU
"Where were you before?" The EU's attempt to win over Latin America was met with backlash from China, Russia, and the EU

On June 8, Rossiyskaya Gazeta published an article entitled "Resource Friendship: EU Aims at Latin America" by Vassily Fedoltsev. The full text excerpt is as follows: On June 7th, Brussels proposed a new concept draft for the relationship between the European Union and Latin American and Caribbean countries. The EU intends to vigorously develop economic and political relations with the region, which is not only related to the current conflict between the West and Russia, but also closely related to the ongoing confrontation between the EU and China. The European Dynamics website, which learned about the content of the document the day before its official release, pointed out that "the EU is seeking new allies to reduce its economic dependence on China and counter Russia's countermeasures." Latin America has abundant lithium mines and other important metal deposits for renewable energy, as well as abundant oil and gas resources, which the EU hopes to obtain. Europe

Do experts from top tier hospitals promote drugs during online consultations? Five impersonated doctors angrily sued the court online | patients | drugs
Do experts from top tier hospitals promote drugs during online consultations? Five impersonated doctors angrily sued the court online | patients | drugs

With the development of Internet medicine, more and more patients with common and frequently occurring diseases begin to self check the cause of disease on the Internet and seek remedies through "online consultation". At the same time, many hospital experts have also launched services such as online free consultation, convenient outpatient services, and remote consultations. Some unscrupulous individuals have smelled "business opportunities" from it, impersonating experts to provide health consultation services online, and using consumer psychology to carefully design language, boasting about their medical skills and efficacy, taking the opportunity to sell health products or fake drugs to patients. How to avoid "online consultation" becoming a "consultation trap"? 01 The website misled the patient's court by pretending to be a doctor: the defendant's website infringed. Recently, the Beijing Internet Court added a number of online tort liability disputes involving the health consulting service platform

France opposes NATO's establishment of offices in Japan | Japan | NATO
France opposes NATO's establishment of offices in Japan | Japan | NATO

Japanese media reported last month that NATO plans to establish an office in Japan in the next year and use it as a liaison office. The Financial Times reported that there is considerable controversy within NATO regarding this plan. French President Macron expressed opposition and concern. On June 5th, the Financial Times published an article titled "France opposes NATO's plan to establish an office in Tokyo". French President Macron stated at a forum last week that NATO should not expand its sphere of influence beyond the North Atlantic, and added, "If we push NATO to expand its geographical scope, we will make a big mistake." The report also said that France's opposition has further complicated discussions within NATO over the past few months about establishing the first liaison office in the Indo Pacific region. Establish a new NATO liaison office

Japanese people hold protests against the government's discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea | fish | government
Japanese people hold protests against the government's discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea | fish | government

Recently, Tokyo Electric Power Company injected seawater into the contaminated water discharge tunnel of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, and found excessive levels of radioactive elements in fish in the harbor of the plant. On the evening of the 7th, Japanese people held a protest against the Japanese government's discharge of pollutants into the sea. CCTV reporter Lin Bohan: On the evening of the 7th local time, Japanese people spontaneously held a protest rally in front of the headquarters of Tokyo Electric Power Company, protesting against the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company's discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea. They believe that discharging nuclear contaminated water into the ocean is extremely irresponsible behavior. Protester: Now we say nuclear contaminated water, but they don't say it's nuclear contaminated water. What do they call it? They refer to nuclear contaminated water as "treated water", which can be treated with multi nuclide removal equipment without any problems, which is simply absurd. I think it's all radiation

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Merck Group in Germany: Investment Strategy in China Will Not Change Executive Officer | Merck Group | Merck Group in Germany
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Merck Group in Germany: Investment Strategy in China Will Not Change Executive Officer | Merck Group | Merck Group in Germany

Beren Gariho, Chairman and CEO of Merck Group in Germany, recently stated that decoupling will result in huge economic costs, and Merck Group's investment strategy in China will not change. During a press club event in Frankfurt, Germany on the evening of the 6th, Gariho stated that despite geopolitical tensions, Merck Group's investment strategy in China will not change. She said that "decoupling" will bring huge economic costs, and when I hear politicians say "decoupling", I think it is not feasible... endangering a world that has already brought us prosperity, more innovation, and more cooperation. Merck Group was founded in 1668, with a focus on innovative pharmaceuticals, life sciences, and cutting-edge functional materials technology. According to its company website, China is Merck Group's second largest market globally and also the largest

Special Assistant to the President of Honduras: Looking forward to visiting China to enhance bilateral relations. President | China | Honduras
Special Assistant to the President of Honduras: Looking forward to visiting China to enhance bilateral relations. President | China | Honduras

Honduras President Castro is scheduled to make a state visit to China in the near future. As a accompanying member of the President's visit to China, Hector Zelaya, the Special Assistant to the President of Honduras, expressed in an exclusive interview with CCTV reporters that he hopes this visit will enhance mutual understanding and strengthen bilateral relations between the two countries. Hector Zelaya, Special Assistant to the President of Honduras: The establishment of diplomatic relations brings many benefits to the two peoples, as we will exchange our knowledge, history, and culture with each other. We will continue to enhance this friendship and make it long-lasting. We are delighted to be able to visit China soon, and we will be traveling with the President to visit multiple cities so that we can understand each other and strengthen bilateral relations, making the friendship between Honduras and China long-lasting. Seraya stated that the establishment of diplomatic relations between Honduras and China is of historical significance and far-reaching significance

Communication: "China opens the door to opportunities for me" - A Chinese Love Journalist for a Honduras Youth | China | Honduras
Communication: "China opens the door to opportunities for me" - A Chinese Love Journalist for a Honduras Youth | China | Honduras

Xinhua News Agency, Tegucigalpa, June 7th Newsletter: "China opens the door of opportunity for me"-a Honduran youth's Chinese love Xinhua News Agency reporter Xi Yue Zhu Yubo On June 5, the Chinese Embassy in Honduras officially opened. Ms. Paula Palacio, who has worked and lived in China for nearly five years, is particularly excited. She has been looking forward to returning to China and has put the formalities for going to China on the agenda. Palacio, 33, is a dentist in Honduras. At the end of 2017, she came to work in a stomatological hospital in Beijing by chance and started her career on the other side of the ocean. On August 19, 2019, Palacio spoke at the "Chinese Physician's Day" event at the hospital. The picture is provided by the interviewee "At that time, most people thought that China was too far away from Honduras.

Is the test question "brain burning"? The authoritative interpretation of the proposition expert from the Ministry of Education has arrived. After the comprehensive science exam, innovation has been achieved. | Student | Proposition
Is the test question "brain burning"? The authoritative interpretation of the proposition expert from the Ministry of Education has arrived. After the comprehensive science exam, innovation has been achieved. | Student | Proposition

The 2023 National College Entrance Examination Science Comprehensive Test consists of three sets: National A Paper, National B Paper, and New Curriculum Standard Paper. The reporter learned from the proposition experts of the Ministry of Education that the test questions comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, implement the fundamental task of cultivating morality and talents, adhere to the education of the Party and the country, strengthen the value guidance for students, connect with high school curriculum standards, strengthen the connection between teaching and examination, pay attention to deepening the foundation, enriching problem situations, enhancing exploration, highlighting thinking and examination, stimulate students' interest in science and exploring the unknown, guide students to consolidate their knowledge foundation, develop core disciplinary literacy, and serve the selection of top-notch innovative talents, the reform of new era education evaluation, and the construction of an education strong country. Physics: Cultivate core competencies and strengthen the assessment of experimental abilities. 1. Adhere to moral education and guide students to develop comprehensively in the 2023 college entrance examination physics

Do you know?, And related to the college entrance examination, female astronaut Liu Yang also has an identity of Liu Yang | Military Academy | Identity
Do you know?, And related to the college entrance examination, female astronaut Liu Yang also has an identity of Liu Yang | Military Academy | Identity

Liu Yang, the first female astronaut in China to enter space, is a role model for many young people. In addition to being a "hero astronaut," Liu Yang also has another identity, which is the "spokesperson for the image of a Chinese military academy." Liu Yang said, "The honor and achievements now come from choosing a military academy during his youth." Let's watch Liu Yang's life transformation together. Click to watch the video ↓ 1. From a photo of a military academy, I understand that the interview is about the theme of the military academy. Liu Yang specially brought his graduation certificate from the military academy back then. The photo of Liu Yang on the certificate appears slightly green, but his gaze is resolute. Liu Yang sighed, "After four years of testing and shaping, I have become more like a soldier. In my temperament and image, I have become more capable and responsible. In my eyes, there is also a hint of perseverance and courage." 2 From a letter

Expected to exceed 200 million yuan?! The largest ruby in auction history looks like this gem | ruby | auction
Expected to exceed 200 million yuan?! The largest ruby in auction history looks like this gem | ruby | auction

The Sotheby's auction house in New York, USA will hold an auction on June 8th local time. The highlight of this auction is a gemstone grade ruby that can be considered the "largest in auction history", and it is expected that its bid may set a record. This ruby is called "Fula Star" and was mined by Fula Gemstone Company, headquartered in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in a ruby mining area in Mozambique in July 2022. The raw stone reached 101 carats. After being finely polished by a cutter, it has become a precious gem weighing 55.22 carats. The New York Sotheby's auction house stated that this ruby is the largest gemstone grade ruby in the history of world auctions, and it is expected to fetch over $30 million, setting a record for the highest auction price for rubies.

Stable scale and optimized structure: China's foreign trade has maintained a positive growth structure for four consecutive months
Stable scale and optimized structure: China's foreign trade has maintained a positive growth structure for four consecutive months

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 8. The "Economic Information Daily" published an article on June 8 "Stable Scale and Excellent Structure my country's foreign trade has maintained positive growth for 4 consecutive months." According to the article, data released by the General Administration of Customs on June 7 showed that in the first five months of this year, my country's total import and export value was 16.77 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 4.7 percent. Among them, exports were 9.62 trillion yuan, up 8.1 percent; imports were 7.15 trillion yuan, up 0.5 percent; and the trade surplus was 2.47 trillion yuan, up 38 percent. Lu Daliang, director of the Statistical Analysis Department of the General Administration of Customs, said that a series of policies and measures to stabilize the scale and optimize the structure of foreign trade have helped foreign trade operators to actively respond to the challenges brought about by weakening external demand, effectively capture market opportunities, and promote China's foreign trade to maintain positive growth for four consecutive months. On the basis of steady growth in scale, China's foreign trade also

Xinhua All Media+| Xiang Hai Tu Qiang! The Quality of Ocean Economy Sailing on a Long Journey | Ocean | Economy
Xinhua All Media+| Xiang Hai Tu Qiang! The Quality of Ocean Economy Sailing on a Long Journey | Ocean | Economy

The vast and boundless ocean is the "treasure trove" of human development. The ocean not only provides us with abundant resources, but also a "blue economic belt" worthy of deep cultivation. It is worth looking forward to high-quality development and utilization of the ocean, exploring new paths for strengthening and developing towards the sea. According to data from the Ministry of Natural Resources, China's marine economy showed a strong recovery trend in the first quarter of this year. By applying scientific methods, modern ocean ranches have achieved sustainable development in marine fishery production. China's shipbuilding industry is undergoing transformation and upgrading, taking the path of high-quality development and moving towards high-tech and high value-added shipbuilding. The ocean is also an important channel connecting the world, and new routes bring new markets. Director: Cai Zhijian Reporter: Yuan Lin, Wu Siyu Camera: Hao Jie Produced by the Audio and Video Department of Xinhua News Agency

Give it a try on the second day of the college entrance examination! Please check these 10 blessings and warmth → Father | Exam | Warmth
Give it a try on the second day of the college entrance examination! Please check these 10 blessings and warmth → Father | Exam | Warmth

Today, on the second day of the college entrance examination, may you let go of yesterday and grasp the present moment, and answer carefully. 10 blessings and warmth are sent to you for your review! 01 The most unique banner reads "Your name sounds so nice, it will definitely appear on the admission notice." 02 The most touching message is that a father's banner has hit many netizens, saying, "There are many exams in life, and I hope my child can enjoy them." The father said, "I tried to let my child know that the college entrance examination is everything to him now, but after this period of time, the college entrance examination is only a milestone in his life. I hope he will face the college entrance examination and enjoy it." 03 The warmest leave note reads, "Hello classmates, our store is closed due to accompanying the child's college entrance examination." The "leave note" posted at the entrance of the shop is full of students. Blessing: "Keep going! Wait for you to come back and buy rice."

Cultural Expo: An Important Engine Activity to Promote the Development of China's Cultural Industry | Culture | Cultural Expo
Cultural Expo: An Important Engine Activity to Promote the Development of China's Cultural Industry | Culture | Cultural Expo

The 19th China International Cultural Industry Expo will be held from June 7th to 11th, Shenzhen, Xinhua News Agency reported. Since its official establishment in Shenzhen in 2004, the scale, number of visitors, and degree of internationalization of the Cultural Expo have continuously increased, becoming an important engine for promoting the development of China's cultural industry, an important platform for Chinese culture to go global, and an important window for expanding cultural openness to the outside world. On December 29, 2022, visitors experienced holographic image generation devices with naked eye 3D effects at the 18th China International Cultural Expo. Xinhua News Agency reporter Mao Siqian photographed that this year's Cultural Expo will be mainly held offline, with a combination of online and offline, further enriching the exhibition content. Among them, there are 6 exhibition halls set up offline, namely Digital Culture Hall, Cultural Industry Comprehensive Hall A, and Cultural Industry Comprehensive Hall B

The State Administration for Market Regulation has exposed ten typical cases of illegal advertisements for "miracle doctors and medicines". Drugs | Advertisements | miracle doctors
The State Administration for Market Regulation has exposed ten typical cases of illegal advertisements for "miracle doctors and medicines". Drugs | Advertisements | miracle doctors

Since 2023, market regulatory authorities have focused on key areas of people's livelihood such as healthcare, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and health foods, continuously increasing their crackdown on false and illegal advertisements of "divine doctors and medicines". They have also cleaned up and rectified illegal and irregular behaviors in commercial advertisements, such as impersonating experts or famous doctors for promotion, publishing unverified drug advertisements, fabricating or exaggerating the efficacy of health foods, and claiming disease treatment functions of ordinary foods, effectively protecting the legitimate rights and interests of consumers. Ten typical cases that have been completed are now selected for exposure. Typical Case 1: Shenzhen Market Supervision Bureau in Guangdong Province investigates and deals with advertising violations by Shenzhen QiAimei Electronics Co., Ltd. Slide up to read the investigation by Shenzhen Market Supervision Bureau in Guangdong Province. During the production of the storyboard machine, Shenzhen QiAimei Electronics Co., Ltd., according to some customer requirements

White papers, guidance orders, platform guidelines... e Review of Beijing Internet Court's wonderful moments of online judicial protection for minors | minors | Beijing Internet Court
White papers, guidance orders, platform guidelines... e Review of Beijing Internet Court's wonderful moments of online judicial protection for minors | minors | Beijing Internet Court

First mutual future, e growth. Protect the children's growth path with the light of the rule of law, so that every child can swim in a healthy and safe network environment, so that every family can enjoy a harmonious and beautiful digital life, and let the whole society give minors a breeze Slowly, sunny future. On the occasion of the 73rd "June 1" International Children's Day, the Beijing Internet Court will focus on digital China and the protection and development of minors, and give full play to the role of Internet judicial functions, through press conferences, white papers, typical cases, short videos of law popularization, Beijing Law Tour Lecture Hall and other forms to carry out publicity activities on the theme of minor protection, let us get up and review these wonderful moments. 1 press conference held a press conference on the judicial protection of minors network

Focusing on High Quality Development | Guangdong: Inspiring New Energy Industries in the Blue Economy by Moving Towards the Sea | Ocean | Economy
Focusing on High Quality Development | Guangdong: Inspiring New Energy Industries in the Blue Economy by Moving Towards the Sea | Ocean | Economy

On June 8th, Guangzhou, Xinhua News Agency reported that in Zhanjiang, the mangrove area of Jinniu Island is full of lush greenery, with herons and birds flying together, creating a harmonious ecological scene; In Zhuhai, Xianglu Bay Beach is bustling with tourists, making it one of the top ten examples of ecological restoration in Guangdong's first national land space; At the sea bass conservation farm in Raoping, Chaozhou, hundreds of mother sea bass fish roam among them, and a provincial-level excellent sea bass breeding farm will be built here... These are a microcosm of the booming development of Guangdong's marine economy. Xingxing for the sea and striving for strength towards the sea, Guangdong Province's total marine production value in 2022 is 1.8 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.4%. The blue economy has become the engine and driving force for high-quality development in Guangdong. Qu Jiashu, member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Guangdong Provincial Department of Natural Resources, and Director of the Provincial Oceanic Administration, stated that Guangdong will focus on the primary task of high-quality development and build new development

Ji Xiangfeng has been appointed as a member of the Party Group of Xiamen Municipal Government and the Chinese Charity Association | Member | Party Group
Ji Xiangfeng has been appointed as a member of the Party Group of Xiamen Municipal Government and the Chinese Charity Association | Member | Party Group

According to Xiamen TV News, on the morning of June 6, the closing ceremony of the sixth "the Belt and Road People to People" student hand in hand activity jointly organized by the China Charity Federation and the Ministry of Education and Sports of Laos was held in Xiamen. 100 children from Laos and students from Xiamen Wuyuan Experimental School interact and exchange ideas to enhance mutual understanding. The report mentioned that Liu Wei, Vice President of the China Charity Federation, Lei Chunmei, President of the Fujian Charity Federation, and Ji Xiangfeng, a member of the Municipal Government Party Group, attended the event. The above information shows that Ji Xiangfeng has been appointed as a member of the Xiamen Municipal Government Party Group. Ji Xiangfeng was born in October 1971 in Pucheng, Fujian. He is a member of the Communist Party of China and graduated from Renmin University of China. He has held positions such as Deputy County Magistrate of Shunchang County and Deputy Mayor of Shaowu City. In 2012, Ji Xiangfeng, then Deputy Mayor of Shaowu City, publicly selected young people in Fujian Province

Next year's Olympic boxing may be retained, and the International Boxing Association will be expelled from the Olympic Family Charter | Boxing | The International Boxing Association
Next year's Olympic boxing may be retained, and the International Boxing Association will be expelled from the Olympic Family Charter | Boxing | The International Boxing Association

On June 7th, the International Olympic Committee Executive Board recommended to the International Olympic Committee Plenary Session that the accreditation of the International Boxing Association be revoked in accordance with Article 3.7 of the Olympic Charter, which also means that the International Boxing Association will be expelled from the Olympic family. On the 7th, the Executive Board of the International Olympic Committee discussed and approved a comprehensive report on the current situation of the International Boxing Association, which was released on June 2nd. The report pointed out that the rectification of the International Boxing Organization did not meet the conditions and standards set by the International Olympic Committee on December 9, 2022. Based on this, the International Olympic Committee Executive Board has decided to recommend to the plenary session the withdrawal of the organization's qualification recognition. The International Olympic Committee Executive Board also suggests that in order to protect boxers and the interests of boxing, boxing should still appear at the 2024 Paris Olympics

Sudden renal failure! Doctor's reminder: This medicine can be used for up to 3 days in the kidneys | Sir | Doctor
Sudden renal failure! Doctor's reminder: This medicine can be used for up to 3 days in the kidneys | Sir | Doctor

When experiencing fever and abdominal pain, many people choose to take their own medication for treatment. Recently, a man in Wuhan used antipyretic suppositories for 6 days to reduce fever, which caused acute kidney failure. On the morning of the 7th, Mr. Tian, who was hospitalized for treatment, was about to recover and be discharged. He regretted this experience. On May 22nd, Mr. Tian, 68, accompanied his wife to the community health service center for a physical examination. Thinking of his recent abdominal pain, fever, and symptoms of decreased appetite and fatigue, Mr. Tian also had a physical examination. After receiving the test results, he was surprised: creatinine was as high as 600 μ MoI/L is high, 6 times the upper limit of the normal value, and renal failure has occurred. The family quickly sent Mr. Tian to the nephrology department of Wuhan Fourth Hospital for further examination. The attending doctor inquired in detail and learned that Mr. Tian has no history of kidney disease, but

Due to the heated discussion about "only willing to bear $4000 in rescue costs", the rescued woman from Mount Everest went to Changsha to thank two rescuers, Mount Everest | Fan Jiangtao | for their rescue efforts
Due to the heated discussion about "only willing to bear $4000 in rescue costs", the rescued woman from Mount Everest went to Changsha to thank two rescuers, Mount Everest | Fan Jiangtao | for their rescue efforts

The reporter learned from multiple sources that on the afternoon of June 7th, Ms. Liu, who was rescued from Mount Everest, came to Changsha to meet with rescuers Fan Jiangtao and Xie Ruxiang. Previously, on June 5th, the incident of "Ms. Liu, a rescued woman from Mount Everest, unwilling to pay $10000 in rescue fees" became a hot topic, and it is still fermenting, with various voices on the internet overwhelming. On the afternoon of the 7th, the reporter called Fan Jiangtao, who stated that this was the first time he had met with Ms. Liu since returning from Mount Everest, but the content of the meeting and communication between the two sides has not yet been disclosed. Xie Ruxiang confirmed with the reporter through WeChat that Ms. Liu came to express her gratitude and review the entire process with everyone. Previously, it was reported that climbers of Mount Everest gave up climbing the summit and spent $10000 to save a dying woman. The rescued woman was only willing to bear $4000. Recently, two members of the Hunan Provincial Mountaineering Team were unable to reach the summit of Mount Everest

The Prism Gate scandal has been exposed for ten years. French experts: US government surveillance actions intensify in Europe | US | scandal
The Prism Gate scandal has been exposed for ten years. French experts: US government surveillance actions intensify in Europe | US | scandal

This year marks the tenth anniversary of the exposure of the Prism Gate scandal in the United States. On June 5, 2013, The Guardian of the UK first revealed that the United States was carrying out a secret project codenamed Prism. The US intelligence agencies use the data provided by 9 Internet companies such as Microsoft, Google, Apple, Facebook, Yahoo and some large communication service providers to track people's private relations and social activities wantonly, and conduct large-scale surveillance at home and abroad. This news has sparked widespread protests both domestically and internationally in the United States. In June 2013, former CIA employee Snowden exposed the truth behind the Prism program to media outlets such as The Guardian and The Washington Post. The official name of the Prism program is "US-984XN", which was developed by the United States

Deployment of Guangdong Province as the "First Fertility Province": Supporting Areas with Conditions to Distribute Parenting Subsidies Education | Department | Region
Deployment of Guangdong Province as the "First Fertility Province": Supporting Areas with Conditions to Distribute Parenting Subsidies Education | Department | Region

Guangdong, the first major province in childbirth, has launched a campaign to support childbirth. On June 7th, 17 departments including the Guangdong Provincial Health Commission and the Provincial Development and Reform Commission released their "Implementation Opinions on Further Improving and Implementing Positive Fertility Support Measures" online, providing support for reducing the burden of childbirth, nurturing, and education on the public. In 2022, Guangdong's permanent population will continue to rank first in the country, with a birth rate 1.53 percentage points higher than the national average during the same period. It has become the only province with a birth population exceeding 1 million for three consecutive years and the first province to have children for five consecutive years. The above implementation opinions propose to strengthen support policies such as taxation and economic subsidies. Implement the special additional deduction policy for personal income tax on care expenses for infants and young children under 3 years old. Establish an incentive mechanism for employers to protect the reproductive rights and interests of employees in accordance with the law. Supported by

Lack of safety protection, National Fire and Rescue Bureau talks about Changfeng Hospital fire accident: illegal hot work welding | fire | safety
Lack of safety protection, National Fire and Rescue Bureau talks about Changfeng Hospital fire accident: illegal hot work welding | fire | safety

Since the second half of last year, major fire accidents have occurred in Anyang, Henan, Jinhua, Zhejiang, Cangzhou, Hebei, and Fengtai, Beijing. At a press conference held by the State Council Information Office on June 8th, Xu Ping, a political commissar of the National Fire and Rescue Bureau, mentioned that these fires have some common issues, such as illegal hot work welding and unapproved hot work procedures. Xu Ping introduced that these fires have caused serious casualties, especially the fire at Beijing Changfeng Hospital, which seriously impacted the safety bottom line of the people. By summarizing, several fires have exposed some common issues. "These fires were all caused by illegal hot work or welding operations, and the hot work procedures were not approved. There was no action taken to protect the work site." Xu Ping introduced that the construction team was unqualified, the construction personnel did not receive training, and there was no on-site protection

Taiwan media: 37 PLA fighters broke into Taiwan's southwest and southeast "airspace" early in the morning | Taiwan | PLA
Taiwan media: 37 PLA fighters broke into Taiwan's southwest and southeast "airspace" early in the morning | Taiwan | PLA

Taiwanese media reported that 37 PLA fighter jets formed multiple formations in the early morning and entered the southwestern and southeastern airspace of Taiwan.The Taiwan defense department has repeatedly stated that "using joint intelligence monitoring and investigation methods, we will fully grasp the dynamics of the People's Liberation Army, and deploy mission aircraft, ships, and shore mounted missile systems to closely monitor and respond.".

On the first day, I walked to the wrong exam venue and missed the bus on the second day: A candidate from Foshan received police assistance twice. | College Entrance Examination | Candidate
On the first day, I walked to the wrong exam venue and missed the bus on the second day: A candidate from Foshan received police assistance twice. | College Entrance Examination | Candidate

June 8th, the second day of the college entrance examination. Pengpai News learned from the Nanhai Branch of Foshan Public Security Bureau in Guangdong Province that at 8:02 am that day, a candidate hurriedly ran into the Shishan Police Station of the Nanhai Public Security Bureau for help, saying that he woke up late in the morning and couldn't catch the bus. He didn't bring his phone and couldn't get a ride to the Shishan Senior High School exam site, hoping to get help from the police. Due to the fact that the Shishan Police Station is nearly half an hour's drive from Shishan Senior High School, and it is still a bit congested during the morning rush hour, the police quickly asked the candidate to board the police car and light up the warning lights all the way to the exam center. "I rode a motorcycle yesterday, but I didn't expect to get in a police car today," the candidate said awkwardly on the way. Originally, this candidate was a social candidate who had gone to the wrong exam venue on the first day of the college entrance examination on June 7th and sought help from the South China Sea police. Yesterday, I

The test results are shocking! Chinese Embassy in Japan Speaks Out Japan | Fukushima | Speaks Out
The test results are shocking! Chinese Embassy in Japan Speaks Out Japan | Fukushima | Speaks Out

The Japanese government's plan to discharge Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea has been questioned and opposed by the international community. On June 7th, a spokesperson for the Chinese Embassy in Japan issued a statement on the issue of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water being discharged into the sea, pointing out that the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea involves marine environmental safety and human health. Japan must be cautious and not allow the Fukushima nuclear disaster to continue, and not let future generations of humanity take risks. The spokesperson stated that the latest test results showed that the radioactive element cesium in the fish caught in the harbor of the Fukushima nuclear power plant exceeded the standard, reaching 180 times the legal standard in Japan, which is shocking. Meanwhile, according to reports, Japan has recently started injecting seawater into the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant's contaminated water discharge tunnel, which is used to dilute the soon to be discharged contaminated water. The Japanese stubbornness in their actions is infuriating. △

Unexpectedly, the Mainland Affairs Council of Taiwan has revealed that the Ma Ying jeou Foundation intends to invite mainland students to visit Taiwan's exchange universities | Mainland | Students
Unexpectedly, the Mainland Affairs Council of Taiwan has revealed that the Ma Ying jeou Foundation intends to invite mainland students to visit Taiwan's exchange universities | Mainland | Students

On the 8th, Xiao Xucen, Executive Director of the Ma Ying jeou Foundation, announced that Ma Ying jeou has invited a total of 50 students from five mainland universities, including Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Wuhan University, and Hunan University. Accompanied by a professor, he plans to visit Taiwan in mid July this year to exchange ideas with five universities on the island, as well as visit famous scenic spots and historical sites. However, Xiao Xucen revealed that he has recently expressed to the Taiwan Mainland Affairs Council through academic sources that he has this invitation and is preparing to apply to the Taiwan authorities, and the Mainland Affairs Council seems to have reservations. Xiao Xucen called on the Mainland Affairs Council to carefully consider and restore normal exchanges in cross-strait relations as soon as possible. If necessary, Ma Ying jeou is willing to personally visit the head of the Mainland Affairs Council, Qiu Tai san, to explain the importance, urgency, and irreplaceability of this case. Xiao Xucen said that at this moment of tense cross-strait relations, if students from mainland universities can visit

Wanda Group responds with "1.9 billion shares frozen" Dalian Wanda | Official website | Wanda Group
Wanda Group responds with "1.9 billion shares frozen" Dalian Wanda | Official website | Wanda Group

On June 8th, Red Star Capital Bureau reported that the official website of Dalian Wanda Group Co., Ltd. issued a statement regarding the report that "the 1.9 billion shares of Dalian Wanda Commercial Management have been frozen". The statement stated that Wanda Real Estate Group and a certain enterprise have cooperated on a large-scale project in Changchun, and there is still a financial dispute of about 1 billion yuan between the two parties to this day. When Wanda Commercial Management introduced investors in 2018, its 4.527 billion yuan equity was already valued at 243 billion yuan, which is publicly available information. The freezing of 1.9 billion shares of Wanda Commercial Management this time significantly exceeds the amount of financial disputes between the two parties. Wanda is appealing through legal channels and is confident in safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of Wanda Group. Screenshots taken from the official website of Wanda Group. Prior to June 5th, Wanda Group added two new equity freeze information, and the target companies whose equity was executed were all shares of Dalian Wanda Commercial Management Group

Putin and Saudi Crown Prince have a phone conversation regarding oil, Mohammed | Crown Prince | Putin
Putin and Saudi Crown Prince have a phone conversation regarding oil, Mohammed | Crown Prince | Putin

According to Reuters, the Kremlin announced that Russian President Putin had a phone conversation with Saudi Arabian Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammad bin Salman on June 7th. Putin and Crown Prince Mohammed highly praised the cooperation between the two countries in the "OPEC+" mechanism. According to reports, a statement released by the Kremlin stated that Putin and Crown Prince Mohammed had a detailed discussion on "ensuring the stability of the world energy market.". The statement also said, "Both sides highly praised the cooperation in the 'OPEC+' mechanism, which enables timely and effective measures to be taken to ensure a balance between oil supply and demand." The report also mentioned the importance of the recent agreement reached by the 'OPEC+' mechanism. On the 4th, OPEC issued a statement stating that the OPEC and non OPEC oil producing countries held on the same day