The world

The departure place of the Red Boat is Jiaxing, Zhejiang, with an ancient charm and a strong national fitness atmosphere
The departure place of the Red Boat is Jiaxing, Zhejiang, with an ancient charm and a strong national fitness atmosphere

CCTV News: Jiaxing is a charming city with beautiful waters and a blend of ancient and modern. It is not only a national historical and cultural city with rich cultural heritage, but also a revolutionary culture with a long history. As the starting point of the Red Boat, Jiaxing is still practicing and inheriting the "Red Boat Spirit". Next, let's walk into Jiaxing together and learn about Jiaxing. Wang Jie, a reporter from the front desk: In 1921, a red boat sailed out of the South Lake, carrying the original intention and mission of the CPC, traversing a hundred years of wind and rain, and writing a magnificent epic of changing the world. Nowadays, in Nanhu Lake, Jiaxing, tourists from all over the country come in droves to admire the Red Boat, revisit the history of the Party, and experience the red culture. There is also a memorial hall and an inheritance by the South Lake waterfront. The South Lake Revolution Memorial Hall, with a total area of nearly 20000 square meters, comprehensively utilizes sound and light

Looking at the Development of China's Teacher Team from the Perspective of Numbers: Continuously Optimizing the Structure and Improving the Quality of Teachers
Looking at the Development of China's Teacher Team from the Perspective of Numbers: Continuously Optimizing the Structure and Improving the Quality of Teachers

CCTV News: Today is the 39th Teacher's Day. As of now, the number of full-time teachers at all levels and types in China has exceeded 18.8 million. The structure of the teaching staff is constantly optimizing, the quality is constantly improving, and the growth space and salary guarantee are increasing. In the new autumn semester, Luo Hao, a graduate of Yangzhou University, joined Jixian Nine Year School in Heshui County, Qingyang, Gansu Province, becoming a junior high school mathematics teacher. This rural school used to be his alma mater, but now, not only has the hardware facilities of the former campus undergone earth shattering changes, but the teacher structure of the school has also been more optimized, with over 78% of teachers holding bachelor's degrees or above. Teacher Luo Hao from Jixian Nine Year School in Heshui County, Qingyang City, Gansu Province: It gives me a refreshing feeling. This year is very special to me. It marks my first Teacher's Day and a new starting point in my life. I will work hard to create

Carrying the heavy responsibility of stabilizing food security, Hunan is making multiple efforts to ensure the selection, cultivation, and planting of good seeds and grains
Carrying the heavy responsibility of stabilizing food security, Hunan is making multiple efforts to ensure the selection, cultivation, and planting of good seeds and grains

CCTV News: As a major grain producing province, how can Hunan shoulder the heavy responsibility of ensuring food security production? What are the pressures and challenges that autumn grain will face this year, and what are the corresponding measures? The reporter followed the Hunan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs for a visit and research. CCTV reporter Li Yanjun: How is the overall situation of rice cultivation in Hunan this year? Gong Xin, Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Hunan Province: The early rice harvest has been abundant. This year, the completed sowing area of early rice in Hunan is 18.072 million mu, achieving a total production of 7.432 million tons, both ranking first in the country. Currently, 22.22 million acres of medium rice have been planted, and 19.07 million acres of late rice have been planted. CCTV reporter Li Yanjun: What are the pressures and challenges we face in shouldering the responsibility of ensuring food security this year? Gong Xin, Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Hunan Province:

Unleashing the Innovation Momentum of Private Enterprises (Financial View)
Unleashing the Innovation Momentum of Private Enterprises (Financial View)

Strengthening the position of enterprises as the main body of scientific and technological innovation, promoting the deep integration of the innovation chain, industry chain, capital chain, and talent chain, further enhancing the support of financial and tax policies for scientific and technological innovation, and promoting the optimization of scientific and technological finance supply. The Opinion of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy proposes to encourage private enterprises to continuously increase research and development investment, carry out key core technology research and development, and actively undertake major national scientific and technological projects in accordance with national strategic needs and industry development trends. Innovation is the primary driving force for development. In recent years, China has deeply implemented the innovation driven development strategy and solidly promoted high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement. In 2022, China's total investment in research and experimental development reached 3087 billion yuan, an increase of 10.4% compared to the previous year. Enterprise research and development investment maintained double-digit growth, with a large number of innovations

The Comprehensive Environmental Management in Bayannur, Inner Mongolia has Achieved Significant Results, Shining the Pearl Outside the Great Wall
The Comprehensive Environmental Management in Bayannur, Inner Mongolia has Achieved Significant Results, Shining the Pearl Outside the Great Wall

CCTV News: The 2023 promotional activity of China Environmental Protection Century Tour was recently launched in Bayannur City, Inner Mongolia. The reporter saw in the local area that with the comprehensive management of ecology, the water quality here has improved, the forest and grass coverage in sandy areas has increased, and agricultural production has become more efficient. The focus of this activity is to conduct research on the comprehensive prevention and control of desertification, the construction of key ecological projects such as the "Three North", grassland protection, and the implementation of the Yellow River Protection Law in Inner Mongolia. In Wuliang Suhai, the reporter saw the swaying green reeds and the abundance of birds, creating a beautiful natural scenery. But in May 2008, there was a large-scale outbreak of "yellow moss" in the Wuliangsuhai Lake area, and the water quality was rated as poor Class V. The serious degradation of the ecological function of Wuliangsu Lake has attracted the attention of the whole society. In recent years, to "polish" this "pearl outside the Great Wall", the local government has taken multiple measures

Cultural and tourism consumption is expected to continue its recovery momentum, and the domestic tourism market is accelerating its recovery
Cultural and tourism consumption is expected to continue its recovery momentum, and the domestic tourism market is accelerating its recovery

CCTV News: In the third quarter of this year, the "fast forward" button was pressed to boost consumption, and a series of consumer promotion policies were successively introduced and implemented. The summer vacation, coupled with the upcoming Mid Autumn Festival and National Day holidays, is expected to continue the recovery momentum of cultural and tourism consumption, playing a greater role in stabilizing consumption growth. According to comprehensive calculations from the China Tourism Research Institute, from June to August this year, the number of domestic tourists reached 1.839 billion, achieving a domestic tourism revenue of 1.21 trillion yuan. The indicators of flight volume, railway passenger transportation volume, hotel advance booking volume, and core attraction booking volume have all maintained rapid growth, even reaching historical highs. The domestic tourism market is accelerating its recovery, and national tourism consumption is showing a strong growth trend. Zou Yunhan, Deputy Director of the Macroeconomic Research Office of the Economic Forecasting Department of the National Information Center: The popularity of tourism starts from a

Devoting oneself to the field of education, showing one's original aspiration to build a strong country with my unwavering determination
Devoting oneself to the field of education, showing one's original aspiration to build a strong country with my unwavering determination

There is a group of people who hold hope deep in the mountains, sprinkle their youth on the front line of educational reform, and write papers on the land of our motherland... They have a common and glorious name - People's Teachers. Teachers are the foundation and source of education, responsible for ensuring the healthy growth of every child and providing satisfactory education for the people. On September 10th, the 39th Teacher's Day, the results of the 2023 "Most Beautiful Teacher" selection were announced. Shining names and touching deeds, they are representatives of excellent teachers, demonstrating the original mission of educating people for the Party and the country, and embodying the responsibility of "cultivating the education industry and building a strong country with me". Devoted to serving the country - with the ideal of national rejuvenation in mind. "The strength of a country is due to people, and the success of talents comes from learning." The more the times move forward, the more prominent the importance of knowledge and talent becomes, and the status and work of education become

Dominant with the same frame!, High speed rail leads! 5 main roads
Dominant with the same frame!, High speed rail leads! 5 main roads

The above picture contains 5 transportation arteries, including high-speed rail, conventional railway, and expressway. They have one thing in common - Sichuan Road. Do you want to know the specific location of this picture? Please continue reading and the answer will be revealed in the text: "An ancient Shu Road, half of the history of China" runs through the Sichuan Shaanxi region. The ancient Shu Road was once a transportation hub that entered and exited the two regions for thousands of years. Its history can be traced back to the pre Qin period, ancient times and modern times. From Chengdu to Chang'an, it passes through Guanghan, Deyang, Luojiang, Mianyang, and the mountains of Jian and Xiaojian, passing through Guangyuan to leave Sichuan. During the Three Kingdoms period, during the Northern Expedition of the Kingdom of Shu against Cao Wei, it was also necessary to pass through this route. Zhang Dinghuan drew the map "Alas, the danger is so high! The difficulty of the Sichuan Road is harder than reaching the blue sky!" The classic work "Difficulty of the Sichuan Road" by the poet Li Bai depicts the difficulty of the construction of the Baocheng Railway on the Sichuan Road

Closely Linking in a Win Win Cooperation - Follow up on "Group Going Abroad"
Closely Linking in a Win Win Cooperation - Follow up on "Group Going Abroad"

Faced with the pressure and challenges of slowing global economic growth and weak demand, government departments in many parts of China have actively "formed groups to go abroad" since the end of last year, organized enterprises to "go out", invited overseas customers in, and worked together with government and enterprises to actively expand the market. As orders are delivered and projects bloom, Chinese and foreign enterprises cross mountains and seas, closely intertwined in a win-win cooperation. Recently, Xinhua News Agency reporters collaborated with domestic and foreign journalists to track the progress of "going abroad" and explore more stories of overcoming difficulties and achieving win-win cooperation. Moving forward under pressure: "Going out to sea" to harvest orders and expand social media. August 20th at 6:38 am, Rotterdam Port, Netherlands. A ferry loaded with goods slowly docked, and containers loaded with 11 high-altitude work vehicles experienced about a month of "drifting across the sea",

"Tourism+Industry" Connecting Consumption Scenarios to Inject Vitality into Rural Revitalization
"Tourism+Industry" Connecting Consumption Scenarios to Inject Vitality into Rural Revitalization

CCTV News: "Urban Strolling" allows people to experience a unique urban scenery in a slow paced walk, while in rural areas, "tourism+industry" connects various new consumption scenes, injecting vitality into rural revitalization. Next, we will go to Xizang, Jiangxi and other places to have a look. The "98 year old" Puzhen in front of me is busy preparing new orders for the tourism festival. As a place with rich intangible cultural resources such as Tibetan incense and paper, Nimu County aims to showcase its unique culture and advantageous industries through activities such as the Tibetan Incense Culture Tourism Festival, targeting the "tourism+intangible cultural heritage" and cultural and creative product market. It has attracted a large number of tourists from other places. Nowadays, the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage has become the "golden key" to promoting local people's income and wealth. The local government regards "tourism+intangible cultural heritage" as an important part of the integrated development of culture and tourism, creating a

Four more disciplinary commission "insiders" have fallen at the same time!, After being heavily deployed by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
Four more disciplinary commission "insiders" have fallen at the same time!, After being heavily deployed by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection

At 9:00 am on September 11th, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection announced that four "insiders" of the commission were investigated simultaneously. They are: Xiang Yuewen, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Director of the Supervision Commission in Bengbu City, Anhui Province; Zhou Ming, former Deputy Director and First level Inspector of the Office of the Inspection Work Leading Group of the Shaanxi Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China; Yang Bin, former Standing Committee Member and Secretary of the Jiangning District Committee of the Communist Party of China; and Li Ren, Leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Sichuan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision stationed at Chengdu Institute of Technology. According to public information, Xiang Yuewen, member of the Standing Committee of the Bengbu Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, and Director of the Municipal Supervision Commission, is a Han Chinese male born in July 1973. He is an in-service graduate student with a master's degree in engineering and a member of the Communist Party of China. Xiang Yuewen once served as the county mayor and county party secretary of Huoshan County in Lu'an City. Starting from July 2021, he/she will serve as a member of the Standing Committee of the Bengbu Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. Yang Bin, male, Han ethnicity, born in March 1969

US General: The Ukrainian counterattack may only take 30 to 45 days... time | Ukraine | US military
US General: The Ukrainian counterattack may only take 30 to 45 days... time | Ukraine | US military

According to Deutsche Presse-Agentur and Newsweek's website on September 10, Mark Miley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States, warned that the time left for Ukraine to counter attack was running out. According to reports, Mili stated in an interview with the BBC that the Ukrainian military may have 30 to 45 days left before the weather complicates counterattack operations. In an interview broadcasted on the 10th, Milly said that cold weather will arrive in about a month. "It will rain and become very muddy. In that situation, maneuvering will become difficult, and then there will be a deep winter." Mili said, "There is still time, 30 to 45 days of fighting weather, so the Ukrainians are not finished yet." The report said that it is too early to judge whether Ukraine's counterattack has failed.

China leads the United States and Europe!, This competition
China leads the United States and Europe!, This competition

According to the website of the Spanish newspaper Pioneer on September 10th, if the economic powers of the United States and the Soviet Union launched a space race during the Cold War in the 1960s, today's race is different: a race around zero emission industries. In this competition, major powers from a multipolar world are participating - in addition to the United States and Europe, there are also China, India, and Japan. A report on wind power facilities filmed on August 31st in Changrong Town, Xinghua City, Jiangsu Province, stated that all parties have proposed ambitious plans to strive to play a leading role in energy transformation. We only need to think about the US Inflation Reduction Act, the EU's European Green Agreement, China's 14th Five Year Plan, Japan's Green Growth Strategy, and India's Energy Conservation Act to understand. Thanks to renewable energy and

ASEAN insists on regional cooperation and refuses to "choose sides and take sides"
ASEAN insists on regional cooperation and refuses to "choose sides and take sides"

From September 5th to 7th, the 43rd ASEAN Summit and a series of East Asian Cooperation Leaders' Meetings were held in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia.This analysis suggests that the biggest challenge currently facing the Asia Pacific region is that the United States is attempting to provoke geopolitical confrontation in the region, while ASEAN countries have emphasized the core position of ASEAN and explicitly refused to "choose sides" between China and the United States. Regional cooperation and economic development are the mainstream of the times. The United States is repeatedly pressuring ASEAN countries. According to sources, before the ASEAN summit, Indonesia

Developing a new type of rural collective economy (according to the governance)
Developing a new type of rural collective economy (according to the governance)

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to "consolidate and improve the basic rural management system, develop a new type of rural collective economy, develop new types of agricultural management entities and socialized services, and develop moderate scale agricultural operations." In recent years, Hanjiang District of Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province has adhered to the leadership of strengthening grassroots party building work in rural areas, with the goal of increasing village level collective income and promoting common prosperity for farmers, and continuously promoted the development and growth of rural collective economy. The organizational advantage of the Party is the key to consolidating the joint efforts of strengthening villages and enriching the people. Optimizing organizational settings is conducive to enhancing the leadership role of grassroots party organizations. We insist on making "strengthening party building to increase income" the "top priority project" of party committees at all levels, and have successively issued six rounds of support policies, one tackling plan per year, and one year after another. Starting from economically weak villages, we have successively selected and dispatched 96 first secretaries from 6 batches

People's Daily and Voice: China firmly supports Africa in enhancing its international status and discourse power
People's Daily and Voice: China firmly supports Africa in enhancing its international status and discourse power

The accession of the African Union to the G20 is a shining moment for the global South. China's leading support for the African Union's accession to the G20 is a vivid practice of promoting the construction of a high-level community with a shared future for China and Africa. It demonstrates the great responsibility of promoting global governance. G20 members reached an agreement at a recent summit to invite the African Union to become an official member. China is the first country to explicitly support the African Union's accession to the G20.China firmly supports Africa in enhancing its international status and voice, fully demonstrating the essence of friendly cooperation between China and Africa

Overview: Promoting the construction of a more just and reasonable global governance system - Evaluation by multiple countries of the African Union being invited as a formal member of the G20 Africa | Global | People
Overview: Promoting the construction of a more just and reasonable global governance system - Evaluation by multiple countries of the African Union being invited as a formal member of the G20 Africa | Global | People

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 10th - Summary: Promoting the construction of a more just and reasonable global governance system - Multiple countries evaluate the invitation of the African Union to become a formal member of the G20. Xinhua News Agency reported that members of the G20 reached an agreement at the summit held on September 9th to invite the African Union to become a formal member. Many people from multiple countries have expressed that this move has significant historical significance and will help African countries actively participate in global governance, play a positive role in cooperation to address global challenges, promote true multilateralism, and build a more just and reasonable global governance system. "It is timely for the African Union to become a formal member of the G20," said Sebastian Schultz, a researcher at the University of La Plata in Argentina, as African countries are playing an increasingly important role on the international stage

Firmly grasp the initiative of food security
Firmly grasp the initiative of food security

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs recently issued a notice on promoting the recovery of production after floods to achieve a full year of grain and agricultural harvest, requiring all regions to take unconventional measures, implement ten measures for the recovery of agricultural production after disasters, stabilize the production of grain and important agricultural products, and resolutely win the tough battle against disasters to achieve grain and agricultural harvest. Grain is crucial to national development and people's livelihoods, and food security is an important foundation of national security. From the perspective of medium and long-term development trends, China's food security will face severe challenges due to changes in factors such as population, arable land, and water resources. Further optimization and expansion of ways to ensure food security are needed in order to form a higher-level, higher quality, more efficient, and more sustainable national food security guarantee system. Increasing grain production is the fundamental way to ensure food security, but increasing grain production cannot be overutilized

Guarding the Most Beautiful Land and Sharing a Happy Home (People's Current Review)
Guarding the Most Beautiful Land and Sharing a Happy Home (People's Current Review)

The headwaters of the Yangtze River, the Yellow River and the Lancang River have been protected as a whole, 17 new species such as the rain god horned toad have been found in Mount Wuyi National Park, and the population of Tibetan antelope, snow leopard, giant panda, Siberian tiger and other species has been restored... The second National Park Forum held in Xining, Qinghai, released a number of major achievements in the protection and construction of national parks in China. By implementing the strictest protection measures, the ecosystem functions of the first batch of national parks have continued to recover and improve. National parks are the most important part of China's natural ecosystem, the most unique natural landscape, the most essence of natural heritage, and the most abundant part of biodiversity.From the first proposal to establish a national park system to the successive pilot projects of the national park system

Japanese rendering of the "China threat" as an attempt to strengthen the military and expand military power
Japanese rendering of the "China threat" as an attempt to strengthen the military and expand military power

According to reports, the Japanese Ministry of Defense has recently confirmed a significant increase in the 2024 budget application amount, reaching a new historical high. The 2023 version of the "Defense White Paper" released by the Ministry of Defense, titled "Defense," actually forcefully portrays the international tension, hypes up the "China threat" with the "unprecedented greatest strategic challenge," rudely interferes in China's internal affairs, and seeks excuses for its own military expansion to accelerate its right-wing military direction. This must attract the attention and vigilance of the international community. One of the main purposes of rendering the "China threat" is to attempt to take the blame for its military expansion behavior. Last December, the Japanese government proposed to increase defense spending to 43 trillion yen over the next five years, an increase of over 50% compared to the previous five years. Japanese citizens, however, do not buy it. A survey shows that about 60% of Japanese people

"A Thousand Academicians Doing Science Popularization" is a Leading Model Report | Academician | Current Review
"A Thousand Academicians Doing Science Popularization" is a Leading Model Report | Academician | Current Review

【 Guangming Review 】 Author: Guo Mingfei Recently, the 20th Anniversary Conference of "Science and China" and the "Thousand Academicians · Thousand Science Popularization" campaign were launched in Beijing. At the first report meeting held on the same day, eight academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Sciences, including Wu Xiangping, Ding Kuiling, Shao Feng, Yao Tandong, Mei Hong, Gao Deli, Jin Yong, and Sun Ninghui, gave science popularization reports in the fields of astronomy, geography, life, information and environment, digital and computing, which attracted widespread attention. Academicians are the highest academic titles in science and technology and engineering science and technology in China. Academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering are the winners of this highest honor and enjoy high reputation and prestige in society. At present, the total number of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences is around 1700. Excluding those who are older, inconvenient to go out for reporting, and those who cannot be separated for other reasons, there are a thousand academicians

Salute to long-term and lifelong education, 【 News Essay 】 Salute to the National "Teacher's Way" | Role Models | Teacher's Way
Salute to long-term and lifelong education, 【 News Essay 】 Salute to the National "Teacher's Way" | Role Models | Teacher's Way

[News essay] Author: On the eve of Luo Ronghai Teachers' Day, the list of national teaching and education models in 2023 was released. Twelve national teaching and education models were distributed all over the country, covering different fields of education. Ren Jizhou, the oldest professor of Lanzhou University, has expired. The youngest teacher, Deji Zhuoga, from the Middle School of Milin County, Linzhi City, Xizang Autonomous Region, has also taught for 17 years. They have made extraordinary efforts in their respective ordinary positions, demonstrating the spirit of "teachers", and are excellent representatives and outstanding models of the people's teachers. The advanced deeds of learning, teaching, and educating role models will give a strong feeling that for teachers, perseverance is a power, and time will shine. They have been rooted in vocational education for 23 years, rooted in education for 50 years, and taught for 41 years

Experience the Vitality of China's Digital Economy
Experience the Vitality of China's Digital Economy

Recently, at the invitation of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, envoys and diplomats from more than 10 Asian countries, including Thailand, East Timor, Nepal, and Singapore, visited Zhejiang Province and visited digital economy enterprises in Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Huzhou, Jiaxing, and other places to experience the beautiful life brought by technological innovation and explore the high-quality development of the digital economy in Zhejiang. Shaoxing, known as the "land of cultural relics and the land of fish and rice," is the first stop of the Chinese Ambassador's trip to Zhejiang. Entering the Shaoxing Ancient City Digital Museum, the first thing that catches your eye is a painting of a thousand year old ancient city style. The museum utilizes digital twin technology to build an ancient city information management platform, providing a new digital path for the protection and inheritance of historical and cultural cities. Through holographic scanning, the layout, style, form, and color of individual buildings, historical blocks, etc. are vividly presented. utilize

Cultural confidence comes from our cultural subjectivity (academic essay)
Cultural confidence comes from our cultural subjectivity (academic essay)

Since modern times, there have been many debates on how to view Chinese and Western cultures. Over 100 years ago, some people doubted or even denied their traditional culture when they saw Western countries being strong and expanding everywhere, believing that everything in the West was good and that they were inferior to others in every aspect. Some people also hope to learn the strengths of the West while maintaining their own traditions, proposing concepts such as "learning as the body, learning as the application" or "learning as the body, learning as the application". There are indeed differences between different cultures, and a rational understanding of these differences is necessary. It should be noted that cultural differences cannot be viewed solely from the perspective of development stages. These differences mainly manifest as some cultures developing first and others developing later; It should also be noted that there are typological differences between different cultures. The geographical environment and historical processes of different countries and ethnic groups in the world

Let the treasures of civilization be better passed down (on-site comments, cultural landmarks, inheritance and development ②), and take careful care of them
Let the treasures of civilization be better passed down (on-site comments, cultural landmarks, inheritance and development ②), and take careful care of them

We will actively promote the protection and utilization of cultural relics and the inheritance of cultural heritage, and explore the multiple values of cultural relics and heritage. With strong curiosity, the reporter has visited the Sanxingdui site and museum multiple times for interviews. Among them, there are three unforgettable experiences. In the spring of 2018, I arrived at Sanxingdui for an interview. The surrounding facilities of the site were built earlier, mainly archaeological excavation sites. Apart from some exhibition contents, there is no presentation of cultural heritage. However, the unique shape of cultural relics is enough to make people linger and forget to leave. In the spring of 2021, interview at Sanxingdui again. In the archaeological greenhouse built on the site, archaeological work is proceeding in an orderly manner. The Sanxingdui Museum Cultural Relics Protection and Restoration Hall integrates the functions of cultural relics protection, restoration, and display in an open manner, exuding a strong sense of modern technology. This year we have arrived at Sanxingdui again.

International Observation | The United States Promotes Israel and Saudi Arabia to Establish Diplomatic Relations with Multiple Obstacles and Influence | The Middle East | The United States
International Observation | The United States Promotes Israel and Saudi Arabia to Establish Diplomatic Relations with Multiple Obstacles and Influence | The Middle East | The United States

Jerusalem, September 10th (Xinhua) - The United States faces numerous obstacles in promoting diplomatic relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia. Recently, Xinhua reporter Lv Yingxu and Zhang Tianlang stated that the United States has increased its mediation efforts in the Middle East, attempting to normalize relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia as soon as possible. Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said that Israel is "closer than ever to reaching a peace agreement with Saudi Arabia.". Analysts point out that the United States has its geopolitical and domestic political considerations in promoting the normalization of Israel Saudi relations. Israel has previously normalized its relations with Middle Eastern Arab countries such as the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. If it breaks through its relations with Saudi Arabia, a major Middle Eastern power, it will further change the political landscape in the region. However, establishing diplomatic relations with Saudi Arabia still faces numerous obstacles, and it may be difficult to achieve it overnight in the short term. The US side plans that this will be January 20th in the US

Closely linking the "chain" in win-win cooperation - "group going abroad" follow-up pressure | enterprises | follow-up
Closely linking the "chain" in win-win cooperation - "group going abroad" follow-up pressure | enterprises | follow-up

Faced with the pressure and challenges of slowing global economic growth and weak demand, government departments in many parts of China have actively "formed groups to go abroad" since the end of last year, organized enterprises to "go out", invited overseas customers in, and worked together with government and enterprises to actively expand the market. As orders are delivered and projects bloom, Chinese and foreign enterprises cross mountains and seas, closely intertwined in a win-win cooperation. Recently, Xinhua News Agency reporters collaborated with domestic and foreign journalists to track the progress of "going abroad" and explore more stories of overcoming difficulties and achieving win-win cooperation. Moving forward under pressure: "Going out to sea" to harvest orders and expand social media. August 20th at 6:38 am, Rotterdam Port, Netherlands. A ferry loaded with goods slowly docked, and containers loaded with 11 high-altitude work vehicles experienced about a month of "drifting across the sea",

German men's football head coach Flick "dismissed" after losing 1-4 to Japan, head coach | German team | men's football team
German men's football head coach Flick "dismissed" after losing 1-4 to Japan, head coach | German team | men's football team

The German Football Association announced on the 10th that it will immediately dismiss the head coach of the German men's national team, Flick, as well as two assistant coaches, Zorg and Rohr. The German team leader Voller, U19 national team coach Wolff, and U20 national team assistant coach Wagner have temporarily taken over the team. On September 9th, the head coach of the German team, Flick, was directing from the sidelines. On that day, in an international football friendly match held in Wolfsburg, Germany, the German team lost 1-4 to the Japanese team. In a statement, the President of the German Football Association, Newendorf, stated: "After facing recent disappointing results, the German team needs new momentum. Looking ahead to the 2024 European Championship hosted by Germany at home, we need optimism and confidence. For me personally, it was the most difficult decision I made during my tenure. Flick and two assistant coaches' work

Xinhua News Agency Authoritative Express | Multiple New Technology Applications Appear at the 2023 Cybersecurity Expo
Xinhua News Agency Authoritative Express | Multiple New Technology Applications Appear at the 2023 Cybersecurity Expo

Guided by the Cyberspace Administration of the Central Committee and the People's Government of Fujian Province, and hosted by the Cyberspace Administration of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee and the People's Government of Fuzhou City, the Cyberspace Expo of the National Cyberspace Security Promotion Week will open on September 10, 2023 in Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. The Expo has set up exhibition areas for key information infrastructure protection, data security, personal information protection, network security products and services, and various artificial intelligence large model products and new applications of artificial intelligence technology in the field of network security have appeared on site. At the exhibition site, interactive areas such as the Cybersecurity Lecture Hall will also be opened, and interactive question answering activities will be held throughout the exhibition area to promote the improvement of cybersecurity awareness and skills throughout society. Produced domestically by Xinhua News Agency

Forming a Joint Force for Key Core Technology Research and Development (Innovation Discussion)
Forming a Joint Force for Key Core Technology Research and Development (Innovation Discussion)

To win the battle against key core technologies, we need to gather advantageous forces and form a joint force to tackle key issues. Recently, China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) announced its performance report for the past five years of implementing strategic restructuring, which includes achieving a global leading level in research and development design, construction capabilities, installed capacity, and operational performance; Major scientific and technological achievements such as the independent third-generation nuclear power "Hualong 1", the fourth generation nuclear high-temperature gas cooled reactor and fast reactor, multi-purpose modular small reactor, and the new generation "artificial sun" have emerged; We have also fully cooperated with 7 domestic universities, including Tsinghua University, to build collaborative innovation models, providing important support for achieving high-level technological self-reliance and comprehensive construction of a strong nuclear industry country. The development and growth of China's nuclear industry is the result of several generations of nuclear industry workers bravely climbing the technological peak and the strong coordination of the whole country. In the 1980s, more than 100 scientific research institutions

Decision to appoint Chen Jie as Vice Mayor, Report on the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress | Situation | ShanghaiStrictly abide by the Party Constitution, Party rules, and Party discipline. The Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Party Group of the Municipal Government, and the Party Group of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference held separate meetings to firmly support the Central Committee's decision on the Party Central Committee | Politics | Party GroupCan Shanghai connect with the greenways of these cities? Official: Proposed Preparation of Greenway Construction Standards for the Yangtze River Delta | Standards | Yangtze River DeltaChen Jining, Gong Zheng, and colleagues from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee exchanged their experiences and insights on thematic education research based on their respective experiences. Education | Municipal Party Committee | ThemeThe Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference awarded commemorative plaques to members and standing committee members of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference who are no longer re elected in ShanghaiPropose ideas and measures around releasing domestic demand, and the Chairman's Meeting of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference deliberates on key research reports and measures | ideas | research