The world

US report: The US government often obtains a large amount of personal data from citizens that can pose a threat to personal security. US government | individuals | data available
US report: The US government often obtains a large amount of personal data from citizens that can pose a threat to personal security. US government | individuals | data available

Frequent reports show that US intelligence agencies obtain a large amount of personal data from citizens. According to a report released by the US Director of National Intelligence this week, the US government often obtains a "large amount" of personal data from Americans, which can be used to threaten the personal safety of citizens. This report is dated January 2022 and was written by a panel of experts convened by National Intelligence Director Haynes. It was declassified this month. The report outlines privacy concerns stemming from the US government's ability to extract sensitive online information. The report states that without appropriate control, commercial information that "can reveal the personal attributes, behavior, social relationships, sensitive speech, and confidential information of the public" may be misused to pry into personal life, damage reputation, and cause emotional distress

American Scholar: Must Start Close Cooperation with China
American Scholar: Must Start Close Cooperation with China

US CTExaminer website June 17 article, original title: We must stop demonizing China and work closely with Beijing. In the United States, all discussions seem to revolve around supporting Ukraine in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, with no mention of persuasion and promotion of talks. Similarly, the negative rhetoric about China escalates, as if China is not just a competitor, but an enemy. The Middle East, which once behaved like an American colony, is now distending itself from the West, working more frequently with China and Russia and weakening the region's dependence on the dollar. Many countries in the world oppose the US sanctions. Even the European Union, which generally matches the rules of the game with the United States, believes that many of our sanctions are ineffective. Noam Chomsky hit the nail on the head with his views on American foreign policy. For example, he analyzed the foreign policy of the United States.

Former Foreign Minister of Serbia: Premier Li Qiang's visit to Europe is of great significance in promoting the development of China Europe relations
Former Foreign Minister of Serbia: Premier Li Qiang's visit to Europe is of great significance in promoting the development of China Europe relations

Author: Ivan Mrkic, former Serbian Foreign Minister Translated: Zhao Peng was invited by German Chancellor Scholz and the French government. Chinese Premier Li Qiang made an official visit to Germany from June 18th to 23rd, holding the seventh round of China Germany government consultations, conducting an official visit to France, and attending the New Global Financing Contract Summit. Premier Li Qiang's trip to Europe is of great significance for promoting the development of China Europe relations. We still vividly remember that German Chancellor Scholz led a delegation to visit China in November last year. Schultz was also the first European leader to visit China after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. In early April this year, French President Macron made a state visit to China, demonstrating his advocacy for strengthening European strategic autonomy. On the 18th, on the same day that Premier Li Qiang embarked on his trip to Europe, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Beijing for two days

International observation: The incalculable harm of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water is caused by Japan's forced discharge plan into the sea, which violates the specific secrecy protection law of international law | Japan | Plan
International observation: The incalculable harm of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water is caused by Japan's forced discharge plan into the sea, which violates the specific secrecy protection law of international law | Japan | Plan

Since the announcement of Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge plan in 2021, facing opposition from multiple parties, Japan has persisted and began trial operation of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant's nuclear contaminated water and land discharge facilities on June 12 this year. The latest test results from a few days ago showed that the radioactive element cesium in the fish caught in the harbor of the Fukushima nuclear power plant exceeded the legal standard in Japan by 180 times. The harm of massive nuclear contaminated water is immeasurable, and Japan's strong push for a plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water into the sea seriously violates international law. Although the cause of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident was due to uncontrollable factors such as earthquakes and tsunamis, the escalation of the accident and large-scale nuclear leakage were mostly caused by human factors. When the accident occurred, TEPCO did not immediately introduce seawater cooling in an attempt to preserve the nuclear reactor, considering property first

The story of the Silk Road sets sail from here. Quanzhou and Dehua Porcelain: Erythrina Red Meets "Chinese White" Quanzhou | China | Dehua
The story of the Silk Road sets sail from here. Quanzhou and Dehua Porcelain: Erythrina Red Meets "Chinese White" Quanzhou | China | Dehua

On June 18th, China Daily reported that Quanzhou, the maritime trade center of China during the Song and Yuan dynasties, was also known as "prickly tree". It was named after this tree, which was introduced by maritime traders and widely planted in Quanzhou. When the red paulownia flowers bloom, the sea of flowers seems like an umbrella burning to the sky. The paulownia tree came with the sea trade, and the Dehua white porcelain produced in Dehua County, Quanzhou, went with the sea trade, becoming the renowned "Chinese white" overseas. One red and one white, telling the story of the rise of Quanzhou as a city due to sea trade. On June 17th, the third route of the "2023 China International Media Theme Interview Event" was scheduled to visit Dehua County in Quanzhou, Fujian to learn about the conservatism and innovation of Dehua porcelain. In Dehua International Ceramic Art City, the lines of Buddha statues in the exhibition cabinet are smooth, and the clothes seem to sway with the wind. Standing in front of the exhibition cabinet, it seems that there is

Legend of Weiyang, [China's Promise] Zhangzhou 1567-2023: Clark Porcelain from the Four Hundred Years of the Silk Road | Amsterdam | Zhangzhou
Legend of Weiyang, [China's Promise] Zhangzhou 1567-2023: Clark Porcelain from the Four Hundred Years of the Silk Road | Amsterdam | Zhangzhou

On June 19th, Zhangzhou, China Daily reported that in the 31st year of the Wanli reign, a famous Dutch port Amsterdam held an auction, and "Clark porcelain" from China was highly sought after. These over 100000 pieces of blue and white porcelain, with a combination of Chinese and Western patterns and patterns, have won the love of European royalty and were quickly snatched away, causing a sensation. Later, it was confirmed that this batch of so-called "Clark porcelain" blue and white porcelain came from Zhangzhou, Fujian. Because porcelain was intercepted from a Portuguese merchant ship, the Netherlands did not know the origin and name of the porcelain, so this style of blue and white porcelain was named after the Portuguese merchant ship "Clark". Nowadays, Zhangzhou is no longer a major port in Fujian, but more than 400 years ago during the Ming Dynasty, Zhangzhou was a world-class port and the only legitimate civilian foreign trade port designated by the Ming Dynasty. On June 18th, "20"

Listen to a piece of Chinese classical music as a "living fossil", go to a place with wind, history | Baisha | place
Listen to a piece of Chinese classical music as a "living fossil", go to a place with wind, history | Baisha | place

Baisha Xile, also known as "Bengshi Xili", is a classical music suite created by the ancestors of Naxi, which combines instrumental music, vocal music, and dance. Baisha Xile is a representative of the excellent culture of the Naxi ethnic group and is known as the "living fossil" of Chinese classical music. The band of "Baisha Xile" consists of at least 8 people, each playing 8 instruments including horizontal flute, straight flute, reed pipe, Sugudu, Quxiang pipa, guzheng, Erhuang, and Huqin, with strict division of labor. The suite "White Sands and Fine Music" consists of 8 movements, namely: "Du", "Sashi", "Sansiji", "Beautiful Life", "Beautiful White Clouds", "Zuo Wan", "Anti Wan", and "Mu Bu". Baisha Xile has a history of over 800 years, and for all Naxi people, whenever they hear Baisha Xile, they will feel a sense of identification in their hearts. She is not only a spiritual inspiration for the Naxi people, but also

Will US inflation rapidly cool down? Goldman Sachs: Overoptimistic Market Expectations | Strategist | US
Will US inflation rapidly cool down? Goldman Sachs: Overoptimistic Market Expectations | Strategist | US

On June 19th, according to comprehensive foreign media reports, a strategist at Goldman Sachs Group recently stated that inflation in the United States will not decline rapidly as the market is currently pricing. According to reports, strategists led by Pravin Kolaparti wrote in a report that investors may assume that a significant slowdown in economic growth will lead to faster easing of price pressures, and tend to believe that energy prices will fall to lower levels. However, Goldman Sachs strategists believe that the likelihood of these factors reducing inflation is limited, and that the market has also overlooked the possibility of "delayed inflation" in industries such as healthcare. At the same time, Goldman Sachs also suggests trading with investors who share their inflation views. The company's strategist suggests that investors purchase one-year swap contracts, betting that inflation will eventually exceed the current market pricing level.

The number of illegal child labor in the United States has surged by 69%! Children at a young age who endure exceptionally difficult work for adults | United States | Quantity
The number of illegal child labor in the United States has surged by 69%! Children at a young age who endure exceptionally difficult work for adults | United States | Quantity

China Daily, June 19 (Xinhua) - The New York Times first revealed a few months ago that some American companies have long employed children as young as 12 years old to work in hazardous environments. According to data from the US Department of Labor, the number of illegal child labor in the United States has surged by 69% since 2018; In the fiscal year 2022, a total of 835 companies in the United States illegally employed over 3800 child laborers, an increase of over 1000 people from the previous year. According to an article on the VOX website on June 16th, states across the United States are pushing to weaken child labor protection laws in the face of a continuous shortage of workers. Some bills have extended the working hours of children under 16 years old, while others have lowered the age limit for children to serve alcohol in bars and restaurants. A bill in Iowa will even allow children under 14 years old to work in meat refrigerated warehouses

Amidst the hustle and bustle of the past, China has made a promise | International trade starts from the ancient town of Yuegang, Yangfan Mountain Creek | Ocean Tide | Fireworks
Amidst the hustle and bustle of the past, China has made a promise | International trade starts from the ancient town of Yuegang, Yangfan Mountain Creek | Ocean Tide | Fireworks

On June 19th, China Daily reported that Yuegang is located in Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province. It was originally a small fishing village on the banks of the Jiulong River, named after its resemblance to the moon due to its connection to the sea tide and mountain streams. The picture is taken by Hu Zhiqin from an aerial photo of Yuegang. According to the introduction, in the mid to late Ming Dynasty, Yuegang, located in a remote corner of the sea, became the only legitimate civilian maritime trade starting port on the "Maritime Silk Road". During its prosperous period, it had 18 shipping routes, leading to 47 countries and regions in Southeast Asia, West Asia, Latin America, Europe, and more. At that time, Yuegang was known as a gathering place for ships and merchants. Countless goods set sail from here and were exported overseas. At the same time, there were also many exotic goods from afar gathered here. During the heyday of Yuegang, the maritime merchants of Zhangzhou, relying on their geographical advantages and the benefits of trading in the two oceans, opened up Taiwan, went to the South, traveled to the West, and went to the East, representing China

This country is following up!, More than a dozen countries are queuing up to apply to join the BRICS countries. BRICS | Russia | Countries
This country is following up!, More than a dozen countries are queuing up to apply to join the BRICS countries. BRICS | Russia | Countries

On June 15th, an article titled "How Egypt Will Strengthen the BRICS Mechanism - Experts Explaining the Importance of Egypt's Joining the BRICS Countries" was published on the website of the Russian newspaper "Viewpoint". The authors were Yevgeny Pozniakov and Alyona Zadorozhnaya. The full text excerpt is as follows: More and more countries hope to join the BRICS countries. As one of the most influential countries in the Arab world, Egypt has recently officially submitted an application. Russia supports this initiative. What is the motivation behind Cairo? What benefits will Egypt's accession to the BRICS countries bring to other member countries? Egypt has applied to join the BRICS countries. Russian Ambassador to Cairo, Georgi Borisenko, recently announced this matter to TASS. The diplomat said that Egypt made this decision because the organization is currently engaged in a pioneering project

Be vigilant! Japan's attempt to break through this restricted zone weapons | equipment | restricted zone
Be vigilant! Japan's attempt to break through this restricted zone weapons | equipment | restricted zone

According to a report by Tokyo News on June 18th, a new explanation has recently emerged that Japan can also export weapons of destruction according to current rules. According to reports, the Liberal Democratic Party and the Komeito Party are promoting consultations with the ruling party to explore relaxing necessary conditions regarding the "Three Principles of Defense Equipment Transfer" that regulate the export rules of defense equipment. The goal of the Liberal Democratic Party is to lift the ban on equipment exports, based on the lack of clear provisions in current rules prohibiting the export of weapons. The Liberal Democratic Party is gaining momentum, while the Komeito Party is maintaining a cautious stance. Former Defense Minister of the Liberal Democratic Party, Onodeji Wudian, was surprised to say, "Equipment that was originally thought to have lethal capabilities cannot be transferred." Several Defense Ministry officials said, "I really don't know if there is such an explanation." The report suggests that if the ban on weapon exports is lifted, it means that

Li Qiang Meets with President Steinmeier of Germany | Germany | Li Qiang
Li Qiang Meets with President Steinmeier of Germany | Germany | Li Qiang

On the morning of June 19th local time, Premier Li Qiang met with German President Steinmeier at the Presidential Palace in Berlin.China has always attached great importance to Sino German relations. My visit to Germany this time and co hosting the seventh round of government consultations with Prime Minister Scholz are aimed at implementing the consensus of the two heads of state, continuously increasing trust and resolving doubts, exploring new opportunities for bilateral cooperation, enriching the connotation of the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Germany, and helping the development of both countries and global economic recovery. Li Qiang pointed out that there is no fundamental conflict of interests between China and Germany, the foundation of cooperation is solid, and the driving force for development is strong. Our commitment to Sino German cooperation

Anhui Cadres Publicity: Fuyang Mayor Liu Yujie intends to serve as the Secretary of the Provincial City Party Committee. Former Secretary of the Provincial City Party Committee | Liu Yujie | Secretary | Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee | Standing Committee Member of the Municipal Party Committee | Mayor | Fuyang
Anhui Cadres Publicity: Fuyang Mayor Liu Yujie intends to serve as the Secretary of the Provincial City Party Committee. Former Secretary of the Provincial City Party Committee | Liu Yujie | Secretary | Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee | Standing Committee Member of the Municipal Party Committee | Mayor | Fuyang

On June 19th, the Organization Department of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee issued a pre appointment notice for cadres, stating that Liu Yujie, the current Deputy Secretary of the Fuyang Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, is proposed to be appointed as the Secretary of the Provincial Municipal Party Committee. Hu Mingwen, the current Standing Committee Member and Deputy Mayor of Fuyang Municipal Party Committee, is proposed to be appointed as the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Municipal Party Committee and is nominated as a candidate for the position of Mayor of the Provincial City. According to public information, Liu Yujie, male, Han ethnicity, was born in January 1969 in Dangshan, China. He holds a postgraduate degree in management and is a member of the Communist Party of China. He has served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Wuhu Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, as well as a member and Secretary General of the Anhui Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection. He was appointed as the Deputy Secretary of the Fuyang Municipal Party Committee in 2019 and was elected as the Mayor of Fuyang City in June 2021. Hu Mingwen, male, Han nationality, born in July 1970, native place: Mount Huangshan, birthplace: Hefei, graduate of the Provincial Party School, bachelor of arts, member of the Communist Party of China. He once served in Bozhou

Lanting observation | Antony Blinken ends his visit to China and the Director General of the Department of American Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs introduces Lincoln | Question | Visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China
Lanting observation | Antony Blinken ends his visit to China and the Director General of the Department of American Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs introduces Lincoln | Question | Visit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China

On the evening of June 19, Director General of the Department of American Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yang Tao introduced relevant information about Antony Blinken's visit to China. Yang Tao said that as agreed by China and the US, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited China from June 18 to 19.In addition, during the visit, Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, met with Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang held talks with Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Yang Tao stated that the meeting and talks were candid, in-depth, and constructive. China also emphasized the following points during the meeting and talks: The root cause of the low point in China US relations lies in the US holding a wrong understanding of China. Firstly, it clarified the current China US relationship

Early Reading | The Wide Earth Completely Accommodates the Development and Common Prosperity of China and the United States | The United States | Accommodates
Early Reading | The Wide Earth Completely Accommodates the Development and Common Prosperity of China and the United States | The United States | Accommodates

Good morning! Watch the news "early reading" is coming! On Tuesday, June 20, 2023, on the third day of the fifth lunar month, Shanghai was overcast to cloudy with short showers in some areas, 23~30 ℃. Today's attention is paid to Xi Jinping: The broad earth can fully accommodate the development and common prosperity of China and the United States. On the afternoon of June 19, ※, President Xi Jinping met with US Secretary of State Brinken in Beijing. Xi Jinping stressed that the world is developing and the times are changing. The world needs an overall stable Sino-US relationship, and whether China and the United States can get along correctly is a matter of the future and destiny of mankind. The broad earth is fully tolerant of the respective development and common prosperity of China and the United States. The Chinese people, like the American people, are self-respecting, self-confident and self-reliant people, and both have the right to pursue a better life. The common interests between the two countries should be valued and each should take their own interests.

This matter in Ukraine is "out of the question", they have repeatedly expressed their views on the summit | Vilnius | Ukraine
This matter in Ukraine is "out of the question", they have repeatedly expressed their views on the summit | Vilnius | Ukraine

According to Reuters on the 19th, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on the 19th that NATO leaders will not invite Ukraine to join NATO at the Vilnius summit in mid July. NATO leaders will hold a summit in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius next month. According to reports, after meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin, Stoltenberg told reporters, "We will not discuss issuing a formal invitation at the Vilnius summit or during the summit preparation process." However, he stated that NATO leaders will discuss how to bring Ukraine closer to NATO. Stoltenberg warned against accepting a plan to freeze the conflict in Ukraine in exchange for an end to the war. He said, "We all hope this war will end, but a just peace does not mean freezing this conflict."

Zelensky: The Patriot missile system is still working, Russia: Successfully stopped the Zaporizhzhia terrorist attack | Missile | Russia | Department | Social | Ukrainian military | Report | Russian military
Zelensky: The Patriot missile system is still working, Russia: Successfully stopped the Zaporizhzhia terrorist attack | Missile | Russia | Department | Social | Ukrainian military | Report | Russian military

Beijing, June 19 (Xinhua) -- The Russian Federal Security Agency said on June 19 that it has successfully prevented terrorist attacks by Ukrainian intelligence agencies in the Zaporizhzhia region. Ukrainian President Zelensky denied any claims that the Patriot missile system was destroyed on the evening of the 18th, stating that the missile system is still working—— The Russian Federal Security Agency has announced on its official website that it has successfully prevented Ukrainian intelligence agencies from carrying out terrorist attacks against individuals in the Zaporizhzhia region, and has identified the organizers of the terrorist attacks as Ukrainian intelligence personnel—— On the 19th, the Governor of Belgorod Oblast in Russia, Gladkov, said on social media that the Ukrainian military's attack on the city of Valuyki in the Oblast resulted in 7 injuries and several buildings being damaged. According to today's Russian news agency citing the Chief Executive of Valuyiki City, Debov, the city

Checked!, Supervision Commissioner Zhang Junli, Shaanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection | Supervision Commission | Supervision
Checked!, Supervision Commissioner Zhang Junli, Shaanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection | Supervision Commission | Supervision

According to the Shaanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, Zhang Junli, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Shaanxi Open University, and Supervisory Commissioner of the Provincial Supervision Commission stationed at Shaanxi Open University, is suspected of serious violations of discipline and law and is currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Shaanxi Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision. Resume of Zhang Junli: Zhang Junli, male, Han nationality, born in June 1974 in Lantian, Shaanxi Province, has an on-the-job postgraduate degree and a doctorate in economics. He started working in July 1996 and joined the CPC in January 2001. Formerly served as the Deputy Director and Director of the Comprehensive Department of the Shaanxi Provincial Examination Management Center, and the Director of the Comprehensive Department of the Provincial Education Examination Institute. In April 2021, he was appointed as the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of Shaanxi Open University, as well as the Supervisory Commissioner of the Provincial Supervision Commission stationed at Shaanxi Open University.

Official announcement: The door has been blocked by neighbors. The house has not been occupied by neighbors for two years | Netizens | Official
Official announcement: The door has been blocked by neighbors. The house has not been occupied by neighbors for two years | Netizens | Official

On June 18th, a netizen in Kazuo County, Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province posted a video claiming that their house had not been occupied for two years and had been sealed with a neighbor's wardrobe. On the 19th, the Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China's Kazuo County Committee issued a notice stating that the Kazuo County Committee and Government attach great importance to relevant information and have established a dedicated investigation team to comprehensively investigate and collect evidence, and safeguard legitimate rights and interests. According to a previous report by @ Jiupai News, on June 18th, a netizen from Chaoyang, Liaoning, posted a video claiming that their house had not been occupied for two years and was sealed with a neighbor's wardrobe, suspecting that it had been used by the neighbor. This incident has sparked heated discussions among netizens. She also shared her property certificate. On the evening of the 18th, Ms. Yu, the party involved, released a recording of communication between the police and her. The recording showed that the police had claimed that the room was suspected of being sold for two purposes, and suggested that Ms. Yu take legal action. Ms. Yu said that the police said it was due to the developer

More than ten people suddenly emerged vying for a million yuan in property, and a family of three passed away in search of an heir. Working Group | Inheritor | Property
More than ten people suddenly emerged vying for a million yuan in property, and a family of three passed away in search of an heir. Working Group | Inheritor | Property

On June 16th, a notice released by local media in Zhuji, Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, searching for an heir has caused many people to worry. The notice stated that the house under Dai Erhai's name in Wangjiayan Natural Village, Puyang New Village, Jiyang Street, has been included in the 2023 Zhuji City "Three Reforms" special action expropriation area. However, due to the deaths of Dai Erhai, his wife Zhao Xinghua, and son Dai Huagen, the expropriation working group was unable to find information on their heir through inquiries from village organizations and relevant units. Therefore, they can only publicly search for relevant rights holders. After the public announcement was issued, it attracted the attention of many netizens. Some were concerned about what happened to this family, while others were concerned about how this collection would be handled if there were really no heirs. "A family of three is gone? This point is even more heartbreaking than this house that no one has inherited." "I don't know why, but I feel like there is..."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released! "Qin Gang talks to her on the phone" Bell Burke | Cooperation | Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released! "Qin Gang talks to her on the phone" Bell Burke | Cooperation | Ministry of Foreign Affairs

On the evening of June 19, 2023, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Qin Gang had a phone conversation with German Foreign Minister Bell Burke. Qin Gang stated that China and Germany are important partners of cooperation, and the relationship between China and Germany is very close. Premier Li Qiang is currently on an official visit to Germany and will co chair the seventh round of China Germany government consultations with Premier Scholz tomorrow. We believe that with the joint efforts of both sides, a complete success will be achieved. China's development is an opportunity rather than a challenge, let alone a threat, for Germany. Cooperation rather than confrontation is necessary between China and Germany. China adheres to an independent and peaceful foreign policy and an open strategy of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. We are willing to uphold the principles of mutual respect, seeking common ground while reserving differences, exchanging and learning from each other, and working together with Germany to promote the healthy and stable development of bilateral relations. We will work together to support economic globalization, oppose decoupling and disconnection, practice true multilateralism, and safeguard regional peace

Guangdong reports that a female student was forced to kneel due to school violence: the situation is true in Guangning County | Video. June 19th | Students
Guangdong reports that a female student was forced to kneel due to school violence: the situation is true in Guangning County | Video. June 19th | Students

On June 19th, it was reported online that a student in Guangning County was beaten in a video. After verification, the situation of the student being beaten is true. It is reported that on the afternoon of the 18th, a student in Guangning County was beaten at school and was photographed and uploaded to a WeChat group by students on site. After the spread, some netizens reported to the police and provided videos of students being beaten. Immediately, the public security and education departments of Guangning County quickly intervened in the investigation and handling. At present, the public security organs have taken the involved personnel back to the local police station for investigation. After identifying the cause, they will be dealt with in accordance with the law. At the same time, Guangning County has established a special class to draw lessons from others and carry out a special rectification action. With a zero tolerance attitude, we will resolutely combat campus bullying and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of students. On June 19, 2023, the Education Bureau of Guangning County released a screenshot of the WeChat official account. Previously reported on June 19, in Guangning, Guangdong.

Great price reduction! Feizixiao Litchi is about to drop to 3 yuan per kilogram. Fruit | Litchi | Price
Great price reduction! Feizixiao Litchi is about to drop to 3 yuan per kilogram. Fruit | Litchi | Price

Litchi is an important fruit crop in southern China, with Guangdong and Fujian provinces being the most cultivated. At present, lychees are on the market on a large scale, and many lychees in Guangdong are also covered in branches. How is the production and price of lychees this year? In a lychee orchard in Dongguan, Guangdong, staff are busy picking fresh lychees, packing and packing them as quickly as possible, preparing to send them to various parts of the country. This year is the Chinese New Year for Litchi. Reporters visited multiple orchards and found that the yield has generally increased by 20-30%, with some orchards even increasing production by 60%. Chen Lugu, a fruit farmer from Shenzhen, Guangdong: This year, the production of lychees in Nanshan, Shenzhen has increased by about 60% compared to last year. In a lychee garden in Shenzhen, Guangdong, the wholesale price of Nuomici lychees, which used to sell for over 50 yuan per kilogram at retail, has dropped to 15 yuan per kilogram this year

Sichuan and Yunnan's hydropower continued to decline in May, with major hydropower provinces experiencing "water shortage" data | year-on-year | water shortage
Sichuan and Yunnan's hydropower continued to decline in May, with major hydropower provinces experiencing "water shortage" data | year-on-year | water shortage

The hydropower output situation in Yunnan and Sichuan has not improved yet, and the latest data shows that the year-on-year decline in power generation in these two major hydropower provinces is further expanding. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics database, in May this year, the hydropower generation in Sichuan Province decreased by 24.4% year-on-year, and the decline of 11.9% compared to April continued to expand; The hydroelectric power generation in Yunnan Province decreased by 43.1% year-on-year, and the decline of 41.9% compared to April continued to expand. Sichuan and Yunnan are major provinces in China with hydroelectric power generation, accounting for nearly 80% of their total installed capacity. Due to their abundant hydropower resources, the two provinces have become important bases for transmitting electricity from the west to the east. After entering summer, hydroelectric power should have entered the peak season. According to statistical data, in May last year, Sichuan and Yunnan experienced hydropower development

1: 0! The Chinese men's football team defeated the South Korean team at the Asian Games
1: 0! The Chinese men's football team defeated the South Korean team at the Asian Games

Amidst the cheers of nearly 25000 fans, the Chinese men's football Asian Games team won 1-0 in their second warm-up match against the South Korean team. The long-awaited victory also made the cheers of Zhejiang Jinhua Sports Center linger. As two teams that are about to participate in the men's football competition at the Hangzhou Asian Games in September this year, U24 national team and South Korean team attach great importance to the two warm-up matches. In the first leg of the match, the South Korean team scored three goals in a row within 9 minutes of the second half, and ultimately the U24 national team lost 1-3. After the game, coach Djorgevic pointed out that the team's mistakes in conceding goals several times were "too simple" and must be summarized. Therefore, during these days of training, the team focused on practicing defense to avoid similar mistakes. We cannot make the same mistake again. Today's U24 national team did it. In the first half, the South Korean team attacked

The wreckage of a tourist submarine named Titanic in the United States is missing | exploration | wreckage
The wreckage of a tourist submarine named Titanic in the United States is missing | exploration | wreckage

On June 19th local time, according to the US Coast Guard, they are conducting a search and rescue operation for a missing private submarine visiting the underwater wreckage of the Titanic. Confirmed by the US Coast Guard, the private submarine is carrying 5 people and is currently conducting an aerial search as it is designed to automatically surface in the event of technical issues. It is reported that this submarine was designed by the American underwater exploration company Oceangate for a tourism project, which can lead tourists to visit the wreckage of the Titanic underwater. An exploration submersible went missing in the eastern waters of Canada. According to Canadian media reports on the 19th, a small submersible that was exploring the wreckage of the Titanic went missing in the eastern waters of Canada on the evening of the 18th. According to reports, this submersible named "Titan"

2000 yuan is gone, I ordered a black pepper pork chops rice at the same time | food | merchant | black pepper
2000 yuan is gone, I ordered a black pepper pork chops rice at the same time | food | merchant | black pepper

Nowadays, food delivery apps have almost become our "must-have" for installation. The presence of young men can be seen everywhere on the streets and alleys. At the moment of meal, you can enjoy delicious food from all over the world without leaving your home. At the same time, more and more businesses are joining food delivery platforms. However, be careful! A new type of scam has been revealed again. A man ordered a 30 yuan meal and ended up spending 2000 yuan. However, a merchant failed to complete the transaction and even added tens of thousands of yuan. What's going on? Let's take a look ↓↓↓ ↓ He ordered a black pepper pork chops rice for 2000 yuan but no more. Mr. Chai ordered a takeout. About ten minutes later, he received a call from a self proclaimed merchant, saying that the black pepper pork chops he ordered were gone and needed to be replaced. It doesn't matter if the price is higher, symbolically making up for the difference of two yuan. Due to the letter provided by the other party

How was it divided?, Expert: Calculated as a middle-income group with a monthly income of 3000 yuan | Income | Population
How was it divided?, Expert: Calculated as a middle-income group with a monthly income of 3000 yuan | Income | Population

On June 19th, Red Star Capital Bureau reported that according to the latest calculation by experts, a monthly income of around 3000 yuan can basically meet the standards of middle-income groups. Subsequently, the topic sparked widespread discussion. Many netizens believe that this standard is too low and there is a significant difference in physical perception. On June 19th, the Red Star Capital Bureau found after reviewing the "2022 National Economic and Social Development Statistical Bulletin" that the National Bureau of Statistics divided the national resident income into five equal groups, while last year the per capita disposable monthly income of the middle income group was about 2550 yuan. Is "middle-income group" and "middle-income group" the same concept? How is China divided into middle-income groups? Last year, the per capita disposable monthly income of the middle income group was 2550 yuan. Recently, a senior professor at Zhejiang University, sharing and development

He once opened a "couple's shop" for collecting money and handling affairs. After retiring for 9 years, he was investigated by Chongqing Grain Group | Supervision Commission | Couple's Shop
He once opened a "couple's shop" for collecting money and handling affairs. After retiring for 9 years, he was investigated by Chongqing Grain Group | Supervision Commission | Couple's Shop

On June 19th, Chongqing announced the results of the party and government disciplinary action taken by a local state-owned enterprise leader who was investigated after retiring for 9 years. According to the Chongqing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, recently, with the approval of the Chongqing Municipal Party Committee, the Chongqing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted an investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Hu Junlie, former Party Secretary and Chairman of Chongqing Grain Group. After investigation, Hu Junlie betrayed his ideals and beliefs, deviated from his original mission, ignored the bottom line of discipline and law, and opposed organizational censorship; It is better to truthfully report personal matters and provide assistance to others in job promotion; Accepting red envelope gifts that may affect the fair performance of official duties and engaging in profit-making activities in violation of regulations; Illegal investment in non main business projects; Participate in gambling; Willing to be "hunted" and "encroached" on state-owned enterprises at the expense of public and private interests, opening "husband and wife shops" to collect money and handle affairs, and using the convenience of their positions to undertake projects and grain for others