The world

At least 45 deaths, trucks lose control and collide on highways, media reports | Time | Kenya
At least 45 deaths, trucks lose control and collide on highways, media reports | Time | Kenya

A serious car accident occurred in Kerico County in northwestern Kenya on June 30, killing at least 45 people and injuring many others. According to local media reports, at about 6:30 local time, a truck lost control on the highway near the town of Londiani in Kericho County. After hitting several vehicles, it rushed to pedestrians and vendors on the side of the road. Witnesses at the scene said that in order to avoid a bus, the truck driver turned the steering wheel too fast and too hard and lost control of the vehicle. The truck crashed into several buses, private cars and motorcycles. In a telephone interview with Xinhua News Agency, Tom Odrow, head of the police in the Rift Valley of Kenya, said that 45 bodies have been found at the scene of the car accident and the death toll may rise. Rescuers have been at the scene of the accident, and several people were trapped in the truck and at the bottom of the truck.

On the new road of rushing for the exam, Zhong Yin from People's Daily: Promoting the Great Spirit of Building the Party, Red | People | Striving hard
On the new road of rushing for the exam, Zhong Yin from People's Daily: Promoting the Great Spirit of Building the Party, Red | People | Striving hard

Walking into the site of the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China in Shanghai, revisiting the oath of joining the Party; looking at the Red Boat in the South Lake of Jiaxing, remembering the red footprints; visiting the Red Mansion of Peking University, feeling the "youthful blood" of a hundred years ago ...... On the occasion of the Party's 102 birthday, the majority of Communist Party members look back at the Party's struggle, relive the Party's original mission, and continue the Party's red bloodline, on the new road to the examination, we will strengthen our will to start again and sharpen our lofty sentiments at that time. One hundred years of achievements is incomparably brilliant, and the new journey is inspiring. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China drew a grand blueprint for comprehensively building a modern socialist country and comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization, and clarified the goals and tasks for the development of the party and the country in the new era and new journey. General Secretary Xi Jinping stressed: "No matter how the situation changes, no matter how severe the challenges, I

People's Daily editorial: Gathering the Magnificent and Powerful Era of Building a Strong Country and National Revitalization | China | Magnificent
People's Daily editorial: Gathering the Magnificent and Powerful Era of Building a Strong Country and National Revitalization | China | Magnificent

Gather the majestic power of building a strong country and national rejuvenation-warmly celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Today, we celebrate the 102 anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The Chinese Communists in the new era are striding forward on the new journey of building a powerful country and national rejuvenation with a high spirit. Mountains and rivers as evidence, years for the name. For more than a hundred years, our party has united and led the people through tenacious struggle, ushering in a great leap from standing up, getting rich to becoming strong, and ushering in a great leap from a backward era, keeping up with the times and then leading the times. it has created a miracle that shines through the history of the development of the Chinese nation, the history of world socialism, and the history of human society. Chinese characteristics

The Brazilian High Electoral Court has ruled that Bosonaro is guilty of abusing political power! Bosonaro | Brazil | Court
The Brazilian High Electoral Court has ruled that Bosonaro is guilty of abusing political power! Bosonaro | Brazil | Court

On June 30th local time, the Brazilian High Electoral Court convicted former President Bosonaro of abusing political power and media, and will prohibit him from running as a candidate for federal, state, and municipal elections in Brazil until 2030. According to Brazilian media reports, this ruling mainly targets Bosonaro's remarks and actions during last year's election. In July 2022, then President Bosonaro publicly questioned the credibility of Brazil's electoral system and claimed that there were fraudulent practices in the 2018 election during a speech he gave at the presidential residence to several foreign ambassadors. The official Brazilian media broadcasted the event on that day. The President of the Brazilian High Electoral Court and Justice of the Federal Supreme Court, De Moris, pointed out that Bosonaro has repeatedly released false information during meetings with foreign ambassadors and during the 2022 general election

A bucket is hard to find! Is a instant noodle bucket fried to 500 yuan? Netizen: Who is really grabbing? Sam | noodle bucket | instant noodle bucket
A bucket is hard to find! Is a instant noodle bucket fried to 500 yuan? Netizen: Who is really grabbing? Sam | noodle bucket | instant noodle bucket

Recently, a super large size instant noodle bucket swept across various social media platforms and became a true "trendy darling". With a bucket about half a meter high, Sam's flagship store in Shenzhen opened on June 29th. With this opening, Sam has launched a limited edition product - Hewei Big Bucket. Due to the fact that the product is currently only available in Shenzhen stores, it has attracted many young people to join the fun. This Hewei instant noodle bucket is a huge cup noodle bucket that is about 45 centimeters high. It contains 24 buckets of small instant noodles, priced at 168 yuan. Each person is limited to 2 buckets, and the average price of a bucket of small instant noodles is 7 yuan. On the day of opening, reporters found that many members lined up in long queues at the entrance, and the staff kept order under constant control, even occasionally notifying that the venue was full,

There is a shortage of life-saving drugs in the United States!, India's second largest pharmaceutical manufacturer explodes in Ananapali | India | Help
There is a shortage of life-saving drugs in the United States!, India's second largest pharmaceutical manufacturer explodes in Ananapali | India | Help

The latest report from the US Food and Drug Administration shows that inspectors found "deficiencies" in the cleaning and storage controls of production equipment at Alabindo Pharmaceuticals Limited's factory located in Ananapali, eastern India, during a visit last month. For example, drug sampling tools are not cleaned and maintained, and these tools are used to produce certain active pharmaceutical ingredients, which are the core raw materials for manufacturing drugs. The report states that the factory laboratory has also failed to establish scientifically reasonable and appropriate standards to ensure that drugs meet appropriate characteristics, quality, and purity standards. It is reported that during the inspection of the warehouse, auditors also found that the raw materials were stored in overheated and humid conditions. According to the company's information, the factory mainly produces raw materials for cardiovascular and antifungal treatments. India's second largest pharmaceutical manufacturer explodes in Arabino

The French government has decided to cancel all major events! Urgent reminder from the Chinese Embassy in France: Consulate General for riots in multiple cities | nationwide | riots
The French government has decided to cancel all major events! Urgent reminder from the Chinese Embassy in France: Consulate General for riots in multiple cities | nationwide | riots

On the afternoon of June 30th, the French Prime Minister's Office announced that the government has decided to cancel all major events nationwide in response to the ongoing spread of unrest. French President Macron stated on the same day that he will take all measures to maintain national order. The French Prime Minister's Office announced to the media on the same day that "large-scale events that may pose a risk to public order" will be cancelled based on local conditions. French media reported that a large-scale concert originally planned to be held at the Stade de de France in the northern suburbs of the capital Paris has been cancelled. Macron left the EU Summer Summit in Brussels, Belgium early on the 30th and returned to Paris to host a meeting on responding to the national crisis of unrest. At the meeting, Macron emphasized his firm opposition to violent behavior. The current state of the country is "unacceptable" and he will take all measures to maintain national order.

Abandon the body and run away! The police offer a reward for arrest, involving a homicide case! A car accident occurred while absconding, Cui Zhanmin Police | Suspect | Cui Zhanmin
Abandon the body and run away! The police offer a reward for arrest, involving a homicide case! A car accident occurred while absconding, Cui Zhanmin Police | Suspect | Cui Zhanmin

On June 30th, the Shahe police in Hebei Province issued a notice offering a reward to arrest the suspect Cui Zhanmin in a criminal case. According to interviews with Jimu News reporters, Cui Zhanmin is suspected of killing a woman named Fu in Shahe City on May 15th. After committing the crime, he fled in a car accident and threw the victim's body under the vehicle before abandoning it to escape. On that day, many passing villagers saw the car and some approached to take photos, but they were unaware that there was a body hidden under the car. At present, the suspect Cui Zhanmin is still under arrest. On June 30th, the Shahe Public Security Bureau in Xingtai City, Hebei Province, issued a police report on the arrest of a criminal suspect with a reward. According to the announcement, on the early morning of May 15, 2023, a criminal case occurred in Shahe City, with Cui Zhanmin suspected of committing the crime. According to the police, Cui

From Xining to Golmud, it takes 5 hours and 30 minutes to reach, and the Qinghai Tibet Railway has entered the era of high-speed trains under pressure | Golmud | high-speed trains | Xige | high-speed trains | group companies | Xining | railway
From Xining to Golmud, it takes 5 hours and 30 minutes to reach, and the Qinghai Tibet Railway has entered the era of high-speed trains under pressure | Golmud | high-speed trains | Xige | high-speed trains | group companies | Xining | railway

On June 30th, Pengpai News learned from China Railway Qinghai Tibet Group Co., Ltd. that the Fuxing high-speed train, with a speed of 160 kilometers per hour starting from July 1st, began operating on the Xining Golmud section of the Qinghai Tibet Railway, officially entering the era of high-speed trains. According to Qinghai Tibet Group Company, the Xige section of the Qinghai Tibet Railway starts from Xining Station in the east and passes through Huangyuan, Haiyan, Ulan, Delingha and Golmud Station in the west, with a total operating mileage of 829 kilometers. The Xige section improvement project, which started construction in July 2022, organized more than 3000 railway builders from Qinghai Tibet Group to overcome various difficulties such as multiple points, long lines, large management spans, synchronous construction at various points, complex processes, dense traffic on existing lines, high safety pressure on business line construction, and adverse weather conditions, which have had a significant impact on the existing Xige section of the Qinghai Tibet Line, including the line, roadbed, bridges, overhead contact system, etc

Most likely, for the teacher education category, Tang Shangjun's 15th college entrance examination score was 594 points: I think I will go to university | Admitted | Guangxi | Admitted | Entered | University | College Entrance Examination | Repeated Study | Tang Shangjun
Most likely, for the teacher education category, Tang Shangjun's 15th college entrance examination score was 594 points: I think I will go to university | Admitted | Guangxi | Admitted | Entered | University | College Entrance Examination | Repeated Study | Tang Shangjun

On the afternoon of June 30, Tang Shangjun, who has taken the college entrance examination for the 15th time, posted a video through his social account, saying that his score in the college entrance examination this year was 594 points, "after 17 years of Senior high school, he also decided to go to university this year"; Recently, I have been distressed by the matter of volunteering. I will probably go to the normal school. "My personal cognition is limited, so I fill in volunteering and choose a major, I still hope to get some advice and help from everyone". Tang Shangjun posted a video screenshot of his college entrance examination scores this year on his social account. The news noticed that at 11: 00 on June 24, Guangxi examinees could start checking scores. Soon, it was circulated on the Internet that Tang Shangjun had scored 662, 657 and 563 points this year. Some even said that Tang Shangjun had already passed the Qing North this year. On the same day, Tang Shangjun replied to the surging news that

The Secretary of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee demands that cadres throughout the province achieve "six breakthroughs and six improvements", and reform and opening up in special party classes | Concept | Secretary
The Secretary of the Anhui Provincial Party Committee demands that cadres throughout the province achieve "six breakthroughs and six improvements", and reform and opening up in special party classes | Concept | Secretary

One is to break away from the complacent concept of small gains and small riches and establish an enterprising consciousness of taking the lead and striving to advance; Secondly, it is necessary to break away from the traditional and routine concepts, and establish an innovative consciousness of breaking through the word and daring to innovate; The third is to break the closed concept of valuing the inside over the outside and self circulation, and establish an open consciousness of thriving towards the sea and borrowing ships to go out to sea; The fourth is to break the official centric concept of only wanting to be an official and not wanting to do anything, and establish a service consciousness of benefiting and seeking benefits for the people; The fifth is to break away from the fear of difficulties that are mediocre and willing to "lie flat", and establish a sense of struggle to overcome difficulties and face them head-on; The sixth is to break away from the short-term concept of being eager for success and seeking quick results, and establish a practical awareness of focusing on the end and achieving long-term results. With the reform and opening up, Anhui has gone through countless mountains and rivers, and will continue to cross mountains and rivers in the future.

The United States has acknowledged it! Airship | China | United States
The United States has acknowledged it! Airship | China | United States

According to reports from Agence France Presse and Reuters, the US Pentagon stated on June 29th local time that the so-called "Chinese reconnaissance balloon" shot down by US fighter jets over the Atlantic in February this year did not collect US intelligence when passing through or flying over the United States. Regarding the Chinese unmanned airship incident, China has repeatedly responded clearly, stating that the accidental entry of Chinese civilian unmanned airships into US airspace is entirely a force majeure event. According to AFP, Pentagon spokesperson Pat Rider stated that "our current assessment is that it did not collect intelligence when passing through or flying over the United States." He also claimed that the United States "took countermeasures" to reduce "the collection of intelligence by the atmosphere," and "this effort contributes to this.". The report stated that he did not provide further explanation.

Regarding the investigation of the US envoy on Iran | Issue | US Iran
Regarding the investigation of the US envoy on Iran | Issue | US Iran

On June 29th, two officials from the US State Department said that Robert Marley, the US special envoy on Iran, was suspected of mishandling confidential information and has been "on leave without pay", and his security privileges have been frozen. These two officials, who requested anonymity, told the Associated Press that the US Department of State's Department of Foreign Security is leading an investigation into Mali's alleged improper handling of classified documents. On the afternoon of June 29th, the State Council's regular briefing mentioned the Mali issue, and the two later learned that Mali had changed from "paid leave" to "unpaid leave.". Earlier that day, State Council spokesperson Matthew Miller announced that Mali was on vacation and his special envoy would be represented by his deputy, Abram Pelly. Mali himself issued a statement stating that he is aware that "security permissions are being evaluated" and has not been informed of further information, but he expects the investigation to be successfully completed soon. At the same time

All American, European, and Japanese giants come to China to attend the conference
All American, European, and Japanese giants come to China to attend the conference

According to the report of Nihon Keizai Shimbun on June 30, Shanghai International Semiconductor Exhibition, the largest semiconductor industry international exhibition in China, opened on June 29. Against the backdrop of the United States strengthening its blockade on China, semiconductor manufacturing equipment giants from the United States, Europe, and Japan, such as Applied Materials, participated in the conference as sponsors, striving to expand their business in the world's largest market. Visitors will watch production equipment at the International Semiconductor Exhibition on June 29th. According to the official website of the exhibition, in addition to AMAT, American companies such as Kelei and Fanlin Group participated as sponsors. Among Japanese and European companies, Tokyo Electronics, SCREEN Holdings, Siemens from Germany, and others all attended. According to the report, data from the Semiconductor Industry Association of the United States shows that in 2022, the Chinese market accounted for about 30% of global semiconductor sales,

All suspected of illegal activities!, Don't touch part-time | molecular | work in these types of jobs
All suspected of illegal activities!, Don't touch part-time | molecular | work in these types of jobs

Summer vacation is about to begin, and many students will choose a part-time job that can earn money to reduce the financial pressure on their families, make shopping more reassuring, and have a full sense of achievement. However, when looking for part-time jobs, it is important to keep your eyes open, increase self-protection awareness, avoid falling into scam traps, and not become an accomplice to criminals. Don't touch these part-time jobs below! Helping fraudsters withdraw money. In order to quickly transfer stolen funds, many criminals hire personnel to help them withdraw and transfer funds offline. Some part-time jobs help them buy precious metals and promise high salaries. In fact, these jobs serve as "tools" for telecommunications network fraud crimes to launder money. Buying and selling phone cards and bank accounts for rental, lending, and selling one's own phone cards and bank accounts, or acting as an offline "card"

Multiple industries will face heavyweight benefits, set! The State Council issues a document to import | products | industries
Multiple industries will face heavyweight benefits, set! The State Council issues a document to import | products | industries

China recently issued the "Several Measures for Pilot Connection with International High Standards and Promoting Institutional Opening in Conditional Free Trade Pilot Zones and Free Trade Ports", deciding to initiate pilot projects in five eligible free trade pilot zones and Hainan Free Trade Port, including Shanghai, Guangdong, Tianjin, Fujian, and Beijing. As an important move to expand institutional openness, this move will bring significant benefits to multiple industries. Several Measures for Faster Customs Clearance for Foreign Trade Enterprises have further clarified the time standards for air freight express and general cargo clearance in pilot areas. According to regulations, on the premise of meeting the requirements of Chinese customs supervision and completing necessary quarantine procedures, air freight express goods are normally released within 6 hours after arrival; For ordinary goods that have arrived and submitted all the necessary information for customs clearance, try to do so within 48 hours as much as possible

State Council Approval: Agree to Establish Xiong'an Comprehensive Bonded Zone Hebei Xiong'an New Area Management Committee | Reporter | Comprehensive Bonded Zone
State Council Approval: Agree to Establish Xiong'an Comprehensive Bonded Zone Hebei Xiong'an New Area Management Committee | Reporter | Comprehensive Bonded Zone

On June 30th, the reporter learned from the Xiong'an New Area Management Committee in Hebei that recently, the Xiong'an Comprehensive Bonded Zone was officially approved by the State Council for its establishment. It is reported that the Xiong'an Comprehensive Bonded Zone is located on the east side of Zhugezhuang Town in Xiongxian County, within the Xiong'an area of the China Free Trade Zone, with a total land area of approximately 0.63 square kilometers. The first phase covers an area of approximately 0.42 square kilometers and is divided into seven functional zones: customs supporting functional zone, inspection and supervision zone, quarantine processing zone, bonded logistics zone, cross-border e-commerce functional zone, bonded testing and maintenance zone, and comprehensive industrial zone. At present, the comprehensive office building, inspection and supervision warehouse, quarantine and processing room and other sealing and acceptance projects have been basically completed, and some bonded warehouses have been pre built to meet the operational needs of enterprises in the early stage. Xiong'an Comprehensive Bonded Zone. Responsibilities of the Xiong'an Pilot Free Trade Zone Management Committee

Early Reading | Total Number of CPC Members Continuing to Develop | Party Members | Party Members
Early Reading | Total Number of CPC Members Continuing to Develop | Party Members | Party Members

Good morning! Watch the news "early reading" is coming! On Saturday, July 1, 2023, the 14th of the 5th lunar month, Shanghai was cloudy to overcast, with showers or thunderstorms in some areas from afternoon to evening, 24~33 ℃ Today's attention to the continued development and growth of the Communist Party of China. The latest Party statistics from the Organization Department of the ※ Central Committee show that by the end of 2022, the total number of Communist Party members was 98.041 million, a net increase of 1.329 million over the previous year. There were 5.065 million grass-roots party organizations, a net increase of 129000 over the previous year. After a hundred years of trials and hardships and ten years of revolutionary forging in the new era, the Communist Party of China has become stronger and more energetic, the party's organizational system has become increasingly rigorous, and the party's ruling foundation has been continuously consolidated. The total number of Party members increased steadily. The total number of Party members increased by 1.4 percent over the previous year.

China has voted against the final resolution, and the United States will restore its membership in UNESCO next month
China has voted against the final resolution, and the United States will restore its membership in UNESCO next month

On the 30th local time, a special session of the UNESCO General Assembly passed a resolution allowing the United States to restore its membership in UNESCO on July 31, 2023. And they can vote and have the right to be elected to the Executive Board at the 42nd Congress at the end of this year. China voted against the final resolution. Yang Jin, the Ambassador of China to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, stated that the failure of the United States to pay its membership fees on time is not an uncontrollable reason, but rather a violation of its domestic laws and regulations. The purpose of member states joining UNESCO is to strengthen cooperation and contribute to peace. The purpose of joining UNESCO is not to resist, nor to resist or confront the influence of a country. The Chinese side believes that countries, regardless of size or strength, have equal rights in UNESCO. At the same time, it is necessary to perform

Sudden! Large scale protests erupt in multiple parts of Iraq, capital | Sweden | protest march
Sudden! Large scale protests erupt in multiple parts of Iraq, capital | Sweden | protest march

On the noon of June 30th local time, large-scale demonstrations and demonstrations broke out in the Basra Province in southern Iraq and the Azamiya District in northern Baghdad. Local people took to the streets to protest against the burning of religious scriptures in the Swedish capital Stockholm on the 28th. On the 29th local time, the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Swedish Ambassador to Iraq and strongly condemned the burning of religious scriptures by extremists in front of the Stockholm Mosque, as reported by CCTV News. Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Ahmad Sahaf requested in a statement on the same day that the Swedish authorities transfer the person to the Iraqi side and that he be tried in accordance with Iraqi law. According to reports, a man tore up and burned a religious scripture during a demonstration outside a mosque in the Swedish capital Stockholm on the 28th.

Suicide to murder? Famous Japanese actor arrested by the police on suspicion of murder
Suicide to murder? Famous Japanese actor arrested by the police on suspicion of murder

On June 27th, 47 year old famous Japanese Kabuki actor Yuzuke Ichikawa was arrested by the police on suspicion of assisting his mother in suicide. On the 18th of last month, Ichikawa Yuzuke was found lying down with his parents at home by his agent. His 75 year old mother died on the spot, and his 76 year old father fell into a coma and was taken to the hospital before being declared dead. Ichikawa Yuzuke was rescued and saved from danger. Due to the discovery of a suicide note written in his own name by the police at the home of Yuzuke Ichikawa, which read "Please forgive me for taking one step first, I am very sorry", it was initially speculated that he was attempting suicide. According to relevant sources, Yuzuke Ichikawa is suspected of providing his mother's sleeping pills, which he obtained through a hospital prescription. It was also revealed that he covered his parents with plastic bags, but the drug packaging and plastic bags were not found afterwards

Another explosive! A store sells 10000 units a day! Can you buy it? YoY | Sales | Store
Another explosive! A store sells 10000 units a day! Can you buy it? YoY | Sales | Store

Since mid June, many parts of the country have generally experienced high temperatures, with some areas breaking historical records for extreme high temperatures during the same period. The sales of heatstroke prevention and cooling products such as cold patches and ice mats are booming. High temperatures are hitting many parts of the country, and heatstroke prevention and cooling products are selling well. In the scorching summer, many people choose to use cooling patches to prevent heatstroke and cool down. According to reporters, it is a physical cooling principle that can be applied to the surface of the skin, allowing the skin temperature to drop by 2 ℃ to 3 ℃ in a short period of time. Merchants constantly innovate in order to attract consumers. For example, a merchant has launched a small box of ice cold stickers suitable for young people and students, and has sold over 400000 boxes this year. "Young and promising," "Lucky and successful," and "Passing every exam"... These unconventional cold stickers that integrate cultural and creative concepts are the best-selling items in e-commerce this year. Introduction by the person in charge, they

There has been no news for many days. Where has the Commander in Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Solovkin, gone? Once advised Prigo to cease the rebellion military operation | command | airspace
There has been no news for many days. Where has the Commander in Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Solovkin, gone? Once advised Prigo to cease the rebellion military operation | command | airspace

According to today's Russian news agency, the Executive Secretary of the Moscow Public Supervision Commission, Melnikov, denied on the 29th that the Commander in Chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces and Deputy Commander in Chief of the Joint Forces of the Special Military Operations Area, Surovikin, has been detained. Surovkin publicly released a video urging the founder of the Wagner organization in Russia, Prigo, to stop his rebellion. After the Wagner incident, Sullivan has not appeared and multiple media outlets suspect that he has been arrested. This is the blocked Wagner headquarters building captured on June 24th in St. Petersburg, Russia. On the 24th, Xinhua News Agency revealed that the whereabouts of Sulawikin are a mystery. Sulawikin released a video speech on social media, urging Prigoren to stop the rebellion. Afterwards, he did not appear again. According to media reports such as the Moscow Times and the Financial Times of the UK, there has been no news from Sullivan

Chairman of the Angolan Chinese Chamber of Commerce: Looking forward to deepening trade cooperation between Angola and China in Africa | Expo | Trade
Chairman of the Angolan Chinese Chamber of Commerce: Looking forward to deepening trade cooperation between Angola and China in Africa | Expo | Trade

Luanda, June 30 (Xinhua) - Luis Kupenala, President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Angola, recently stated that the China Africa Economic and Trade Expo is an important showcase for Africa to the world and an important opportunity for African countries to strengthen friendly relations with China. The 3rd China Africa Economic and Trade Expo opened in Changsha on the 29th. Kupenala said that the Angolan government attaches great importance to this expo and hopes to take this opportunity to deepen bilateral trade cooperation. The Angolan delegation is led by the Minister of Industry and Trade, and more than ten Angolan companies are exhibiting in China. According to Chinese customs statistics, Angola has become China's second largest trading partner in Africa. In 2022, the bilateral trade volume between the two countries reached 27.34 billion US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 16.3%. Kupenala believes that there is still enormous room for expansion in economic and trade cooperation between Angola and China. Chinese side proposes

Forum on Entrepreneurial Spirit for Organic Revitalization of Growth in the World Economic Crisis | China | Economy
Forum on Entrepreneurial Spirit for Organic Revitalization of Growth in the World Economic Crisis | China | Economy

【 Related Reading 】 - Writing on the occasion of the opening of the Davos Forum in the summer of 2023, we will work together to cope with the world's century long changes and explore the path to economic recovery and restart. Economic Review: Contribute China's Wisdom to the World Economy with an Open and Cooperative Attitude. "Davos Frontline Observations" Series of Reports: In the face of global economic crisis, organic sectors explore and seek dialogue and development in change and immutability. Multiple business representatives are full of confidence in the Chinese market. The potential of the digital economy is accelerating the release of the "stabilizer" and "accelerator", highlighting the role of the "looking at the Chinese economy from the Davos Forum" Series of Reports: Climbing over obstacles and seeking development. The Chinese economy remains confident, focusing on restarting growth. China becomes a key engine for global economic growth, promoting mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. China shares new opportunities with the world through Figure Understanding

Talking about New Opportunities in China's Economy | Head of ZF Germany: Continuously Promoting R&D and Production Layout in China | ZF Group | China | New Opportunities
Talking about New Opportunities in China's Economy | Head of ZF Germany: Continuously Promoting R&D and Production Layout in China | ZF Group | China | New Opportunities

Friedrichshafen, Germany, June 30 (Xinhua) - Ko Haozhe, Chairman and CEO of ZF Group, a well-known German automotive parts manufacturer, recently stated that ZF will continue to actively promote its research and production layout in China. Ko Haozhe made the above statement at the "Global Technology Day" event held at ZF headquarters on the 29th. The event on that day showcased ZF's innovative achievements in areas such as electrification, intelligent networking, and software. The electric concept car EVbeat showcased at the event brings together multiple innovative elements from ZF: compact design, lightweight electric drive system, efficient thermal management system, and cloud connected transmission system software. It is reported that the first mass-produced model using ZF's latest transmission system software has been launched in the Chinese market and delivered to the first batch of Chinese car owners in February

Summer Davos Delivers the Voice of Multinational Companies: Continuing to Root in China and Unswerving Companies | Forum | Davos
Summer Davos Delivers the Voice of Multinational Companies: Continuing to Root in China and Unswerving Companies | Forum | Davos

On June 30th, China Daily reported that the 14th Summer Davos Forum successfully concluded its agenda and came to a close in the beautiful coastal city of Tianjin. The 14th Summer Davos Forum was held in Tianjin from June 27th to 29th, with the theme of "Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Driving Force of the World Economy". Zhao Zishuo, a journalist from Xinhua News Agency, took a photo of Chinese Premier Li Qiang attending the opening ceremony of the forum and delivering a speech. He stated that in the longer term, China will continue to provide strong momentum for global economic recovery and growth, and also provide mutually beneficial cooperation opportunities for investors from all countries. Global business leaders and industry experts attending this forum stated that although the uncertainty of decoupling and chain breaking is still increasing, strengthening the business of multinational corporations in China will further drive strong growth for enterprises. Global management

International Relations Law upholds peace and openness, showcasing a global perspective. Legal | Relations | Global
International Relations Law upholds peace and openness, showcasing a global perspective. Legal | Relations | Global

On June 28th, the Foreign Relations Law of the People's Republic of China was passed by the third meeting of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress and officially implemented from July 1st. This is the first fundamental, programmatic, and comprehensive foreign relations law of the People's Republic of China. It is an important achievement in improving the foreign-related legal system and enhancing the level of rule of law in foreign work. It is also an important milestone in the legislation of foreign relations in the People's Republic of China. Some people in the West believe that China's diplomacy is "aggressive". On the contrary, this Foreign Relations Law presents a different picture, emphasizing China's adherence to an independent and peaceful foreign policy, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, the path of peaceful development, the basic national policy of opening up to the outside world, and the strategy of mutual benefit and win-win opening up. This law presents a broad global perspective and promises to "promote coordination among major powers and..."

What are these "firsts"? Visiting the International Convention and Exhibition Center of the 3rd China Africa Economic and Trade Expo | Achievements | Expo
What are these "firsts"? Visiting the International Convention and Exhibition Center of the 3rd China Africa Economic and Trade Expo | Achievements | Expo

The third China Africa Economic and Trade Expo opened in Changsha, Hunan yesterday, with the theme of "seeking common development and sharing the future". What are the highlights of the expo? Let's take a look together ↓ CCTV reporter Fu Lei: Today is the second day of the opening of the 3rd China Africa Economic and Trade Expo. I have discovered multiple "firsts" of this Expo, including the setting up of 9 high-end events hosted by national ministries and institutions for the first time; Holding forums and seminars for the first time focusing on traditional Chinese medicine cooperation, quality infrastructure, women's exchanges, vocational education, and other fields; For the first time, a trade negotiation conference was held around characteristic light industrial products and textile clothing. At the same time, China Africa high-quality "the Belt and Road" achievement exhibition and China Africa women's innovation and entrepreneurship achievement exhibition were set up in the main exhibition hall of Changsha International Convention and Exhibition Center for the first time, which is also a major feature of this exhibition. Located at Changsha International Conference

The scope of protection has greatly expanded! The newly adjusted "Three Haves Wildlife List" has released a list of terrestrial wildlife with important ecological, scientific, and social value | Original | Scope
The scope of protection has greatly expanded! The newly adjusted "Three Haves Wildlife List" has released a list of terrestrial wildlife with important ecological, scientific, and social value | Original | Scope

On June 30th, the reporter learned from the State Forestry and Grassland Administration that the newly adjusted "List of Terrestrial Wildlife of Important Ecological, Scientific, and Social Value" has been announced and will be implemented from the date of its announcement. The newly adjusted "Three Haves List" includes a total of 1924 species of wild animals, including 91 species of mammals, 1028 species of birds, 450 species of reptiles, 253 species of amphibians, 96 species of insects, 2 species of arachnids, and 4 species of oligochaetes. Compared with the original list first released in 2000, while retaining the original species, more than 700 new wild animals were added, achieving a significant expansion of the scope of wildlife protection. In addition, 12 species of mammals, 130 species of birds, 28 species of reptiles, and 11 species of amphibians that were included in the National Key Protected Wildlife List were retrieved from the original list