The world

Reminder from the Ministry of Education: Beware of Fraudulent Information during the Enrollment and Admission Period of Universities | Relevant Departments | Ministry of Education
Reminder from the Ministry of Education: Beware of Fraudulent Information during the Enrollment and Admission Period of Universities | Relevant Departments | Ministry of Education

The enrollment and admission work for ordinary universities in 2023 is about to begin. The Ministry of Education, in conjunction with relevant departments, and in light of some false fraud cases that have occurred in some places in recent years, solemnly reminds candidates and parents to inquire and consult relevant information through official channels, not to have a mentality of luck, not to believe false information, and to be cautious of being deceived. It is reported that in recent years, some social institutions and individuals have released information related to exams and admissions through online platforms, which has problems such as inaccurate policy interpretation and untrue information provision. Some even spread false information through fake or counterfeit official websites and public accounts of universities and admissions and examination institutions, confusing candidates and parents, committing fraud, and seriously disrupting the order of exams and admissions. To this end, the Ministry of Education, in conjunction with relevant departments, will deepen the implementation of the 2023 college entrance examination escort action and carry out the "Lighting up Authoritative Examination Recruitment" campaign

Development of the Foreign Relations Law of the People's Republic of China | Relations | People's Republic of China
Development of the Foreign Relations Law of the People's Republic of China | Relations | People's Republic of China

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 28. the People's Republic of China Foreign Relations Law Catalogue Chapter 1 General Provisions Chapter 2 Functions and Powers of Foreign Relations Chapter 3 Objectives and Tasks for the Development of Foreign Relations Chapter 4 Institutions for Foreign Relations Chapter 5 Guarantees for the Development of Foreign Relations Chapter 6 Supplementary Provisions Chapter 1 General Provisions Article 1 In order to develop foreign relations, safeguard national sovereignty, security, development interests, safeguard and develop the interests of the people, build a modern socialist power and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, this Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution to promote world peace and development and to promote the building of a community of human destiny. Article 2 This Law is applicable to the the People's Republic of China in the development of diplomatic relations, exchanges and cooperation in the economic, cultural and other fields with all countries, and in the development of relations with the United Nations and other international organizations.

First, clearly state in legal form the system of extraterritorial application of Chinese law! What does the Foreign Relations Law mean? Relations | External | External Relations Law
First, clearly state in legal form the system of extraterritorial application of Chinese law! What does the Foreign Relations Law mean? Relations | External | External Relations Law

On the 28th, the Foreign Relations Law of the People's Republic of China was passed by the Third Session of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress and will come into effect on July 1, 2023. On the 28th, interviewed legal scholars told Global Times reporters that this is the first fundamental, programmatic, and comprehensive foreign relations law of the People's Republic of China. It is an important achievement in improving the foreign-related legal system and enhancing the level of rule of law in foreign work, and can be regarded as a milestone in China's foreign relations legislation. The milestone work of the Foreign Relations Law is divided into six chapters in terms of structure: General Provisions, Powers in Foreign Relations, Goals and Tasks for Developing Foreign Relations, Systems for Developing Foreign Relations, Guarantees for Developing Foreign Relations, and Supplementary Provisions, totaling 45 articles. Comprehensively elaborated on the guiding ideology, principles, tasks and objectives of China's development of foreign relations, and provided insights into China's development of foreign relations

International Sharp Review | Summer Davos They Together Tell a "China Growth Story" Reason | China | Davos They
International Sharp Review | Summer Davos They Together Tell a "China Growth Story" Reason | China | Davos They

"I plan to open hundreds of factories in China in the next decade or so." Henrik Stam Christensen from Denmark is the founder of a food technology company. At the 14th Summer Davos Forum, he told the commentator of International Sharp Review that China's huge market and strong logistics system attracted him to come and build a localized production center. And almost every representative of a company who interacts with International Review expressed the idea of exploring the Chinese market. Danish entrepreneur Henrik Stam Christensen was interviewed by International Review. The Summer Davos Forum being held in Tianjin has attracted over 1500 political, business, and academic figures from nearly 100 countries and regions to participate. During the communication, many attendees used the term "fragile" to describe the current state of the world economy. The forum focuses on "Enterprises"

Summer Davos Forum | "China Sample" of South South Cooperation Climate Change | China | Davos
Summer Davos Forum | "China Sample" of South South Cooperation Climate Change | China | Davos

Tianjin, June 28 (Xinhua) - China has been an active advocate and practitioner of South South cooperation for over 70 years. According to multiple sources attending the 14th Summer Davos Forum in Tianjin, China, China is playing an increasingly important role in global South South cooperation with its accumulated experience, technology, and talent advantages in agricultural technology promotion, global poverty reduction, public health, and other fields, providing a "Chinese sample" for reference. On June 27, 2023, participants prepared to enter the venue of the 14th Summer Davos Forum. The 14th Summer Davos Forum was held in Tianjin from June 27th to 29th, with the theme of "Entrepreneurial Spirit: The Driving Force of the World Economy". Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Sun Fanyue: China's agricultural technology drives abundant harvests. To achieve the goal of global hunger eradication, Africa is an important area

Exclusive interview: The Global Security Initiative fills the gap in the global security architecture -- An interview with Weng Shijie, Chairman of the Asia Pacific "the Belt and Road" Co Steering Committee One Belt | Global | Asia Pacific
Exclusive interview: The Global Security Initiative fills the gap in the global security architecture -- An interview with Weng Shijie, Chairman of the Asia Pacific "the Belt and Road" Co Steering Committee One Belt | Global | Asia Pacific

Xinhua News Agency, Kuala Lumpur, June 28, exclusive interview: The global security initiative has filled the gap in the global security architecture - An interview with Weng Shijie, the chairman of the Asia Pacific "the Belt and Road" co strategy meeting, Mao Pengfei, the reporter of Xinhua News Agency, Weng Shijie, the chairman of the Asia Pacific "the Belt and Road" co strategy meeting, recently accepted an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency reporters, saying that China's global security initiative has filled the gap in the global security architecture. This is undoubtedly a force of justice in contemporary global security governance, where unilateral sanctions, long arm jurisdiction, and adversarial military treaties are frequent. Weng Shijie said that the humanitarian disasters that occurred in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan are enough to alert the world: when millions of civilians in war-torn areas fall into poverty, military invasions disguised as "promoting democracy" are rarely condemned; A self proclaimed defender of democracy and human rights who subverts the regimes of other countries, but is falsely called“

Xinhua News Review | Where Does China's Good People Come from? Country | China | News Review | China
Xinhua News Review | Where Does China's Good People Come from? Country | China | News Review | China

Cairo, June 28 (Xinhua) -- Where does China's popularity come from? According to a recent survey of 3600 young people from 18 Arab countries, China ranks among the top friendly countries in the minds of young people in West Asia and North Africa with an 80% approval rate. This annual survey has been held for 15 times, and China's approval rate is steadily increasing. It is not surprising that China has such good social connections in the Arab region thousands of miles away. This is an inevitable result of China working together with the international community to seek peace, development, and promote exchanges. Good social connections come from China, where doing things fairly and justly values harmony. China follows the trend of world development and firmly follows the path of peaceful development. In international exchanges, China has always adhered to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, treating all countries equally, regardless of their size, wealth, or strength. stay

Unaccepted, details of the Guangzhou BMW collision case: Defendant argues that he was "unconscious" of mental illness before the collision | Wen Qing | Collision
Unaccepted, details of the Guangzhou BMW collision case: Defendant argues that he was "unconscious" of mental illness before the collision | Wen Qing | Collision

On the morning of June 28th, the Guangdong Provincial High Court made a final judgment on the Guangzhou Tianhe "1.11" BMW collision case, rejecting the defendant Wen Qingyun's appeal and upholding the original death penalty verdict. A person who has watched the second trial of this case revealed to Pengpai News that during the trial, Wen Qingyun changed some of his wording when questioned, stating that he was "unconscious" and "had no sensation" before the collision. Wen Qingyun also claimed that he felt the rear trunk of the vehicle was "not clean" and wanted to drive away the "unclean" things. Meanwhile, Wen Qingyun's defense claimed that a few days before the incident, he had already been "abnormal", feeling that the car was not clean and that "there was a mysterious force following him.". Upon hearing this statement, many bystanders and the families of the injured were very angry and thought it was "nonsense". One of the injured couldn't bear it and threw his shoes directly

Biden has a strangulation mark on his cheek? The White House confirms that he is using a ventilator, President Biden, and the White House
Biden has a strangulation mark on his cheek? The White House confirms that he is using a ventilator, President Biden, and the White House

On the 28th local time, during an interview with reporters on the South Lawn of the White House, US President Biden could see the marks left by the straps on his cheeks. Subsequently, the White House stated that Biden is currently using a ventilator to treat sleep apnea. According to reports, White House spokesperson Bates stated in a statement that Biden has been suffering from sleep apnea since 2008 and stated that using a ventilator is "very common" for people with a history of related illnesses. It is reported that medical records released in 2008 showed that Biden had repeatedly experienced sleep apnea. According to a health record released in 2019, Dr. Biden considered recommending him to use a ventilator, but the doctor also stated that "his symptoms have significantly improved after sinus and nasal tract surgery.". On Biden's body in 2021

To provide valuable experience for Vietnam, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Myung sung visited Xiong'an New Area and deeply admired the construction of Xiong'an New Area
To provide valuable experience for Vietnam, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Myung sung visited Xiong'an New Area and deeply admired the construction of Xiong'an New Area

On June 28th, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Myung jung led a delegation to Xiong'an New Area for inspection. Ni Yuefeng, Secretary of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, accompanied the inspection and had discussions and exchanges with Fan Mingzheng. Fan Mingzheng and his delegation visited and inspected the comprehensive service center, intercity station and international trade center projects, and urban construction sites in the Rongdong area of Xiong'an Launching Zone, in order to gain a detailed understanding of the construction and development of Xiong'an New Area.The success of the construction of Xiong'an New Area not only benefits the people of Hebei and China, but also provides valuable experience for Vietnam. The Vietnamese side will implement the consensus of the highest leaders of the Vietnamese and Chinese parties and actively build a destiny

Will privacy not be leaked? Is there a camera installed in the mother and baby room of a women's and children's hospital? Hospital: Unable to capture mother and baby | Northwest Women and Children's Hospital | Room decoration
Will privacy not be leaked? Is there a camera installed in the mother and baby room of a women's and children's hospital? Hospital: Unable to capture mother and baby | Northwest Women and Children's Hospital | Room decoration

On June 25th, a netizen in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province posted a video claiming that after feeding her child in a mother and baby room at Northwest Women and Children's Hospital, she found a camera above the room. This matter has sparked heated discussions. In the video footage posted by the netizen, it can be seen that there is an open skylight above the mother and baby room, and a camera is installed. The netizen said in the video, "It's so embarrassing." On June 28th, a reporter from Xiaoxiang Morning Post contacted a staff member of the publicity department of the Party Committee Comprehensive Office of Northwest Women and Children's Hospital. He said that the hospital conducted an investigation as soon as it saw the relevant situation. The camera in the video is the hospital's security camera, which captures the location of the pharmacy and cannot capture the mother and baby room, so there is no privacy leakage. This camera was originally there, but it was only placed in the mother and baby room at the back

Xinhua All Media+Summer Davos Forum: Guests Exchange and Communication to Promote Cooperation Attendees | Nature | Forum
Xinhua All Media+Summer Davos Forum: Guests Exchange and Communication to Promote Cooperation Attendees | Nature | Forum

On June 27th, Lu Minfang, the President of Mengniu Group, gave a speech at the dialogue segment on "The Struggle for the Restoration of Nature" set up at the forum. The 14th Summer Davos Forum was held in Tianjin from June 27th to 29th, photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xin. About 1500 representatives from over 90 countries and regions from all walks of life gathered together to promote cooperation and seek sustainable development for the global economy through exchange and communication. On June 27th, participants engaged in a dialogue on the topic of "Forward Scanning: Disruptive Innovation" in the New Leader Village set up by the forum. On June 28th, participants engaged in a dialogue on the topic of "supercomputers on wheels" in the New Leader Village set up by the forum, as photographed by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Xin. Photo by Zhao Zishuo, reporter from Xinhua News Agency on June 28th, attendees listened to Jia in the New Leader Village set up by the forum

Continuously deepening the understanding of the regularity of cultural construction
Continuously deepening the understanding of the regularity of cultural construction

Culture is the soul of a country or a nation. To achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, it requires the great development of both material civilization and spiritual civilization.We must be guided by the spirit of important speeches, continuously deepen our understanding of the regularity of cultural construction, strengthen research and interpretation, continue to promote cultural prosperity, build a strong cultural country, and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation from a new starting point, better shoulder new cultural missions, and adhere to the path of socialist cultural development with Chinese characteristics,

Adapting to the New Paradigm of Artificial Intelligence Driven Scientific Research | Artificial Intelligence | Driving
Adapting to the New Paradigm of Artificial Intelligence Driven Scientific Research | Artificial Intelligence | Driving

Currently, with the deepening development of the new technological revolution and industrial transformation, artificial intelligence technology is constantly breaking through and widely penetrating into the scientific research field, injecting new elements and kinetic energy into scientific research work, and playing a significant catalytic role in improving scientific research efficiency and paradigm change. Modern scientific research activities are becoming more efficient and precise, and "artificial intelligence driven scientific research" has become a new frontier of global artificial intelligence, which will inevitably open up a new situation for future scientific and technological development. In recent years, China's artificial intelligence technology has developed rapidly, and research data and computing resources have become increasingly abundant. In line with the new trends of the new era, utilizing new technologies and advantages, it is timely and promising to promote the empowerment of artificial intelligence in scientific research. Application scenarios are the breeding ground and training base for new paradigms, and the interaction and mutual promotion between artificial intelligence technology and scientific research need to be repeatedly implemented in many application scenarios

Jin Guanping: Doing a Good Job in Audit Rectification Second Half of the Article Report | Financial Revenue and Expenditure | Article
Jin Guanping: Doing a Good Job in Audit Rectification Second Half of the Article Report | Financial Revenue and Expenditure | Article

The audit report on the execution of the central budget and other fiscal revenues and expenditures for the year 2022 has recently been released. The audit department will focus its sharp economic operation probe on key areas and key links related to national economy and people's livelihood, objectively reflect problems, and effectively alert risks. The first meeting of the 20th Central Audit Committee recently held emphasized that the second half of the article on audit rectification is equally important as the first half of the article on audit disclosure, and must be promoted together. The first half of the article already has strong points, and the second half of the article requires a joint response. Strengthen the awareness of rectification. We are currently in a critical period of economic stabilization and recovery, and the issues and risks reflected in audits are the key factors affecting high-quality economic development. Seizing these key focuses and exerting efforts can better enhance the quality and efficiency of economic development. Relevant localities, departments, and units should make practical efforts

【 Guangming Current Review 】 Let rural craftsmen shine better and generate heat. High level promotion of rural craftsmen cultivation project implementation plan | Rural | Craftsmen
【 Guangming Current Review 】 Let rural craftsmen shine better and generate heat. High level promotion of rural craftsmen cultivation project implementation plan | Rural | Craftsmen

【 Guangming Review 】 Author: Zhang Yan Recently, the Zhejiang Rural Revitalization Bureau and eight other departments jointly issued the "Implementation Plan for High level Promotion of Rural Craftsman Cultivation Project", which specifies that by 2025, the province will recognize 100 provincial-level rural craftsman studios, 1000 provincial-level rural craftsman masters, and 10000 city and county-level rural artisans. It is reported that rural craftsmen are mainly skilled talents engaged in modern planting, modern animal husbandry, agricultural product processing, traditional craftsmanship, and rural handicrafts within the county. They can root themselves in rural areas, inherit and develop traditional skills, transform and apply them, promote rural industrial development and farmer employment, and promote rural revitalization and development. Previously, after 8 departments including the National Rural Revitalization Bureau and the Ministry of Education jointly issued the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Cultivation of Rural Craftsmen, various regions have been divided

Consolidate the Strength of New Journey and Strive Forward, 【 Guangming Forum 】 Make Good Use of the Red Resource Platform | Red | Forum
Consolidate the Strength of New Journey and Strive Forward, 【 Guangming Forum 】 Make Good Use of the Red Resource Platform | Red | Forum

【 Guangming Forum 】 Author: Zu Hao, on the "Hongtu" platform in Shanghai, red cultural resource information can be "shared on one site" and red cultural carriers can be "served on one site"; On the cloud platform of the patriotic education base digital exhibition hall in Jiangxi, with the support of digitization, visualization, augmented reality technology, etc., it provides viewers with a fully immersive viewing experience... In recent years, various platforms for displaying, utilizing, and serving red cultural resources, big and small, have appeared in multiple places. These platforms have gathered material and spiritual resources such as red old sites, objects, and literature that were originally distributed in different places, forming a new port for the dissemination of red culture. Accelerating the development and construction of social linkage, domain linkage, and cross-border linkage on red cultural platforms will help improve the utilization and influence of these platforms. Make good use of active red resources and draw from them

Unity for a New Journey (Today's Discussion) Innovation | Thought | Journey
Unity for a New Journey (Today's Discussion) Innovation | Thought | Journey

Remembering that "food security is the greatest priority of the country", the main summer grain producing areas are equipped with agricultural machinery to rush and harvest crops, laying a solid foundation for annual grain production; Implementing the concept of "green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as gold and silver", Yu Village in Tianhuangping Town, Anji County, Zhejiang Province is "selling scenery" and earning carbon sinks. The path of ecological priority and green development is becoming wider and wider; Implementing the policy of "accelerating the realization of high-level technological self-reliance and self-improvement", the Zhongguancun Fangshan Park Beijing High end Manufacturing Base is committed to innovative development, with frequent achievements in unmanned vehicles, firefighting unmanned helicopters, ship rust removal robots, and other fields. Various regions and departments have found entry points, practical integration points, and development points from the Party's innovative theory, and are enthusiastic about advancing a new journey and making contributions to the new era.Consciously utilizing this strength

Exclusive interview with CCTV reporter | Brazilian geopolitical scholar: NATO is a war machine scholar that maintains American hegemony | Pepe Escobar | Politics
Exclusive interview with CCTV reporter | Brazilian geopolitical scholar: NATO is a war machine scholar that maintains American hegemony | Pepe Escobar | Politics

In response to NATO's continuing efforts to inflame the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Brazilian geopolitical scholar Pepe Escobar said in an interview with the head office reporter that NATO has never been an organization promoting peace and security, but a war machine to maintain American hegemony. Escobar said that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is not only a contradiction between Russia and Ukraine, but also a war in which the United States uses NATO as a war machine to oppose Russia and weaken Europe. The purpose of the United States to ignite the Russia-Ukraine conflict is to maintain its hegemony. Brazilian geopolitical scholar Pepe Escobar: First of all, it needs to be clear that the Russia-Ukraine conflict is a war in which the United States uses NATO to oppose Russia. Secondly, this war is detrimental to Europe. The initiators of the war began planning at least 8 years ago, with the aim of deindustrializing Europe and cutting off Germany and other countries from Russia

[News Essay] Understanding the Power and Ambition Behind the Hot "Village Competition" | Countryside | Ambition
[News Essay] Understanding the Power and Ambition Behind the Hot "Village Competition" | Countryside | Ambition

【 News Essay 】 Author: Wang Dangang. During the recent Dragon Boat Festival holiday, if you want to select the most popular destination list, "Village" must be on the list. The dragon boat race, "Village Super", "Village BA", and the joy of "unfashionable" attracted many tourists to join the carnival. According to relevant platform data, the hotel order volume during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday in Rongjiang County, Guizhou Province, where the popular "Village Super" competition was held recently, increased by more than 11 times year-on-year. On the green field, "men like the wind" gallop freely, contributing wonderful "divine skills" moments; During halftime, the Dong ethnic song and the "ethnic costume runway show" bring people a lasting shock and experience of beauty; Off the field, wherever the camera can see, there are villagers who are focused on watching the game and full of interest. They enthusiastically promote the delicious specialties of their hometown and eagerly attract their attention

"Adhering to practicality in everything" is the key (People's Forum) Greening | Urban Greening | Forum
"Adhering to practicality in everything" is the key (People's Forum) Greening | Urban Greening | Forum

In recent years, with the deepening of large-scale land greening actions, the urban green space area in China has significantly increased, and major cities have continuously become "green" and "beautiful". While urban greening continues to increase and improve overall quality, there are also some formalistic problems in certain areas, such as blindly following the trend, pursuing beauty and seeking foreign interests, and seeking quick success and instant benefits, which urgently need to be corrected. As an important infrastructure of cities, urban greening is of great significance in protecting urban ecology, improving living environment, and promoting sustainable development. It is an indispensable and important component of urban construction. Planting trees and greenery is to beautify the environment, restore ecology, and enhance people's well-being. The erroneous tendency of blindly pursuing ornamental effects and growth speed while ignoring natural laws, excessively pursuing "beautification and coloring", blindly following the trend and introducing "internet famous" tree species, etc., not only leads to

Building and Beautifying Countryside with Good Governance (On site Comment) Mass | Governance | Beautifying Countryside
Building and Beautifying Countryside with Good Governance (On site Comment) Mass | Governance | Beautifying Countryside

Effective governance is an important guarantee for rural revitalization, directly related to social harmony and order, healthy development of industries, and happy and healthy life. The higher the level of modernization of rural governance, the better it can ensure the development of regional economy and society, and better stimulate the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of villagers to participate in governance. It forms a virtuous cycle of governance, innovates rural social governance, improves grassroots governance platforms, and enhances people's autonomy. Walking into Houchen Village in Wuyi County, Zhejiang Province, the roads are spacious, the trees are shaded, and the small buildings of rural households are lined one after another. In front of the village affairs public column in the village party and mass service center courtyard, several villagers stopped, some carefully reviewed the published engineering charts and various announcements, while others took out their phones and scanned the QR code on them to "check accounts". "Has the village representative assembly discussed the payment of 18000 yuan for the factory deposit last month?"

Congressional Budget Office: Expected US public debt to reach 181% of GDP by 2053 Congressional | Report | GDP
Congressional Budget Office: Expected US public debt to reach 181% of GDP by 2053 Congressional | Report | GDP

On June 28th local time, the Congressional Budget Office released a long-term forecast report, emphasizing the seriousness of the financial challenges facing Congress and President Biden. The report predicts that by 2029, public debt in the United States will rise to 107% of GDP, and is expected to reach 181% by 2053. According to the report, by the end of this year, US public debt will reach 98% of GDP. According to the report, this high and rising debt will slow down economic growth, push up interest payments to foreign holders of US debt, and pose a major risk to US fiscal and economic prospects; It may also lead to legislators being more restricted in policy choices.

Economists: The US dollar has always been America's weapon finance | Dollarization | Wave Economists
Economists: The US dollar has always been America's weapon finance | Dollarization | Wave Economists

Currently, the global trend of de dollarization is underway. According to the latest survey report released by the official forum of international monetary and financial institutions on the 26th, the proportion of central banks planning to increase their holdings of euros in the next two years will increase compared to the past two years. At the same time, in the long run, the demand for the renminbi from multiple central banks will also significantly increase. The official forum of international monetary and financial institutions surveyed 75 central bank reserve management institutions worldwide, with a total managed asset size of nearly $5 trillion. Economist: The US dollar has always been a weapon of the United States. Many economists have stated that the United States has always used the US dollar as a weapon, abusing its hegemony and exacerbating global economic risks. Nowadays, "de dollarization" has become a financial trend. French economist Philippe Vichidel believes that the United States will address the issue of inflation

"Chinese automobiles have enormous development potential in the Middle East" Saudi Arabia | Automobile | Development Potential
"Chinese automobiles have enormous development potential in the Middle East" Saudi Arabia | Automobile | Development Potential

"What are the colors of this car?" "What is the size of the vehicle?" "How is the after-sales service?"... Recently, Tank 500 series cars produced by Great Wall Motors of China have been launched in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and other places, attracting many consumers to come to the exhibition hall to inquire and place orders. "I now own a Haval H9 and have been driving it for two years. Whether it's commuting to work or outdoor trips, the driving performance and comfort are very good. This time, I am planning to buy a new Tank 500, a Chinese brand car that is trustworthy," said Fayaz Said from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. According to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, China's automobile exports increased by 54.4% year-on-year in 2022, reaching 3.111 million vehicles, making it the second largest automobile exporter in the world. Currently, more and more Chinese cars are entering the Middle East market

Only 1% of the price of authentic products, genuine bottles of fake materials: 100g "reprint" sea blue mystery face cream sold for 47 yuan empty bottle | brand | use | reprint | merchants | products | consumers | authentic products
Only 1% of the price of authentic products, genuine bottles of fake materials: 100g "reprint" sea blue mystery face cream sold for 47 yuan empty bottle | brand | use | reprint | merchants | products | consumers | authentic products

The combination of replica materials and genuine empty bottles makes it difficult to distinguish the authenticity of imitations of well-known skincare products on the market. On June 28th, a Beijing Business Daily reporter found that the technology of counterfeit cosmetics has been further "upgraded", and illegal merchants usually use the method of "real bottles and fake filling" to fill highly reduced "raw materials" in empty bottles of genuine products, which increases the difficulty of identification. Does the similarity reach 99.99%? The gray business of replicating cosmetics raw materials with a profit margin of over 95% is increasingly on the rise. On June 28th, a Beijing Business Daily reporter browsed the 1688 wholesale platform and found that many merchants sold "replica versions" of branded cosmetics at prices far below the price of genuine products

Police: Suspect jumps into the river and dies. A man in Yuncheng, Shanxi is suspected to have fled after killing his wife and children due to family disputes. Suspect | Police | Dispute
Police: Suspect jumps into the river and dies. A man in Yuncheng, Shanxi is suspected to have fled after killing his wife and children due to family disputes. Suspect | Police | Dispute

On June 28th, a major criminal case occurred in Yuanqu County, Yuncheng, Shanxi. A man killed his wife and three-month-old son with a knife, and stabbed his mother-in-law before fleeing. On June 29th, a reporter from the Xiaoxiang Morning Post learned from the local police that the suspect has jumped into the river and committed suicide. On June 28th, a joint investigation notice issued by the Yuanqu County Public Security Bureau in Yuncheng was circulated online. It is reported that on June 28, 2023, a major criminal case occurred in the north of the 4th floor of Jinjie Commercial Building, Jingxiaozhai, Xincheng Town, Yuanqu County. After investigation, Ren Moumou in Gucheng Town, Yuanqu County is suspected of committing a major crime. Suspect situation: Ren, male, 28 years old, approximately 165cm tall, of average height. After the crime, the suspect fled the scene in a Zhejiang black Haval minibus. A merchant from Jinjie Trading revealed

Foreign media are exploring the hardest dish in the world? "Fried Stone" Becomes China's Latest Internet Celebrity Snack Network | Stone | China
Foreign media are exploring the hardest dish in the world? "Fried Stone" Becomes China's Latest Internet Celebrity Snack Network | Stone | China

Recently, a video of "stir frying pebbles" at a night market in Changsha has been widely circulated on the internet. The ordinary and unremarkable stone transformed from a "stone" into a "food", "with a splash of chili oil, it is lively and emotional"; When garlic seeds are released, the stone fragrance is both fragrant and fragrant. A few pounds of stone wrapped in various spices rolled and collided in the pot, crackling with each other. It takes no more than 50 seconds from ordering to receiving the stir fried stone. Someone asked the vendor, "How do we eat this?"? "Take a bite and throw it away." "It's okay if you don't throw it away. One dish has been passed down for three generations, and it's still there." In fact, this is not just a curiosity recipe, but a traditional snack in Enshi, Hubei called "take a bite". The way to eat is to take a bite and then throw it away. The charm of "stir frying stones" in the eyes of foreign media was unexpected, and this special southern Chinese night market snack became so popular

64 year old Madonna entered the ICU due to severe bacterial infection! Female singer who once lost consciousness and needed intubation | New York | Madonna
64 year old Madonna entered the ICU due to severe bacterial infection! Female singer who once lost consciousness and needed intubation | New York | Madonna

On June 28th local time, Guy Othery, the long-term agent of 64 year old legendary female singer Madonna, announced that Madonna suddenly lost consciousness and was taken to a hospital in New York. After rescue, she is currently conscious and recovering. It is reported that Madonna was admitted to the hospital on the 24th local time. At that time, she had lost consciousness and the doctor had to intubate her to maintain her vital signs. Othery revealed that Madonna was hospitalized due to a "serious bacterial infection". Although the tube has been removed and left the ICU, Othery emphasized that Madonna is still receiving medical care and "expected to fully recover." In addition, the agent also stated that due to health issues, the tour celebrating Madonna's 40th anniversary in the entertainment industry will be postponed. The first stop of this tour was originally scheduled to be on July 15th

Ren, Minister of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee!, She Suihua, born in the 1970s | News | Minister
Ren, Minister of the Organization Department of the Municipal Party Committee!, She Suihua, born in the 1970s | News | Minister

According to the WeChat official account of "Suihua Daily" in Heilongjiang Province, on the morning of June 28, Zhang Baowei, the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, went to Beilin District to investigate grass-roots party building and governance. Chen Yuhui, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, participated in the survey. The above news shows that Chen Yuhui is appointed as a member of the Standing Committee of the Suihua Municipal Committee and Minister of the Organization Department. Chen Yuhui is a female cadre born in the 1970s. On June 2, 2023, the Organization Department of the Heilongjiang Provincial Party Committee issued a pre appointment notice for cadres. Among them, Chen Yuhui, female, Han ethnicity, born in March 1972, a university student, a member of the Communist Party of China, currently serves as the Secretary of the Yilan County Party Committee and a second level inspector, and is proposed to serve as a standing committee member of the prefecture level city party committee. Xu Lilian, the former Minister of the Organization Department of the Suihua Municipal Committee, has been appointed as the Deputy Secretary General of the Heilongjiang Provincial Committee. According to the public resume, Xu Lilian, male, born in April 1968, Han ethnicity, from Mudanjiang, Heilongjiang Province