The world

Cultural resonance and market win-win (People's Current Review)
Cultural resonance and market win-win (People's Current Review)

We look forward to more Chinese films having higher artistic standards and industrial quality, better reflecting the emotions and care of the people in this land, the atmosphere and voice of the people in this era. This summer's season is the harvest season for domestic films. According to data from the National Film Administration, as of 7:00 pm on August 18th, this year's summer box office reached 17.8 billion yuan, exceeding the total box office of the 2019 summer season and breaking the record for the highest summer box office in Chinese film history; There are four films that have grossed over 2 billion yuan at the box office, setting a new high in the summer season of Chinese film history. As of August 27th, the total number of viewers during the summer break exceeded 494 million. A series of data shows a strong recovery in the film consumption market, greatly boosting industry confidence. More noteworthy is that as of August 27th, with multiple imported films participating in market competition,

Promote the joint construction of green "the Belt and Road"
Promote the joint construction of green "the Belt and Road"

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the initiative of jointly building the "the Belt and Road". Ten years of development practice shows that the "the Belt and Road" is not only a road of economic prosperity, but also a road of green development. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed that "adhere to green and low-carbon, and promote the construction of a clean and beautiful world", which pointed out the direction for promoting the green "the Belt and Road" construction under the new situation. Promoting the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road" green development is of great significance to the implementation of the concept of green development, the promotion of ecological civilization, the active response to climate change, and the maintenance of global ecological security. Green development is an important direction of high-quality development of the "the Belt and Road". Standing at the strategic height of human civilization development, we should gather consensus, deepen cooperation in key areas such as green infrastructure construction, green energy, green transportation, and promote the joint construction of the "the Belt and Road"

Combining Efficient Markets with Promising Governments to Promote High Quality Development | Resources | Government
Combining Efficient Markets with Promising Governments to Promote High Quality Development | Resources | Government

Author: How Chen Zirui deals with the relationship between the market and the government is an important issue in the process of Chinese path to modernization. The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "fully leverage the decisive role of the market in resource allocation and better leverage the role of the government.". This is the basic positioning of the relationship between the market and the government. High quality development is the primary task of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country. How to understand the role of the market and government in the process of high-quality development, and achieve a positive interaction between effective markets and promising governments, is a theoretical and practical question that needs to be answered in the process of high-quality development. The role of efficient markets in the process of high-quality development. Efficient markets refer to markets that can optimize resource allocation and achieve Pareto optimality through price transmission mechanisms. The socialist market economy system is an important part of China's socialist basic economic system

Creating a favorable environment for attracting foreign investment
Creating a favorable environment for attracting foreign investment

Recently, the State Council issued the "Opinions on Further Optimizing the Foreign Investment Environment and Increasing the Attraction of Foreign Investment", proposing specific measures from ensuring the national treatment of foreign-funded enterprises, strengthening the protection of foreign investment, improving the level of investment and operation convenience, increasing financial and tax support, and improving the promotion methods of foreign investment. The strength and practicality of these measures will effectively promote China's integration with high standard international economic and trade rules, deepen the reform of the foreign investment management system, and promote the construction of a world-class market-oriented, legal, and international foreign investment environment. Each region should strengthen policy support, formulate specific rules based on actual conditions, and strictly implement responsibilities. Improving the quality of foreign investment utilization is an inevitable requirement for the high-quality development of China's economy. Our country's economy has entered a stage of high-quality development from a high-speed development stage, with the service industry as the dominant industrial structure, and the industry

Guangming Forum: Inheriting the Ecological Gene Civilization in the Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture | Ecology | Culture
Guangming Forum: Inheriting the Ecological Gene Civilization in the Excellent Traditional Chinese Culture | Ecology | Culture

As a major theoretical innovation achievement of our party, it embodies the essence of China's excellent traditional ecological culture and highlights our party's high cultural consciousness and mission consciousness. In terms of how to view nature, we have achieved a leap in thinking from "harmony between man and nature" to "harmonious coexistence between humans and nature". "The unity of man and nature" is a dominant thinking and core concept formed by the Chinese nation in long-term practice regarding the relationship between humans and nature. In the Book of Changes, it is said: "Those who are 'adults' should combine their virtues with heaven and earth, their brightness with the sun and moon, and their brightness with the four seasons."

Based on the new stage of development, promoting the construction of a strong quality country
Based on the new stage of development, promoting the construction of a strong quality country

The new development stage is a stage of comprehensively building a socialist modernized country and advancing towards the second centenary goal. Entering a new stage of development is a great leap in the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Our country's economy has shifted from a stage of high-speed growth to a stage of high-quality development, and the people's yearning for a better life has generally shifted from "existence" to "good or bad", presenting diverse, multi-level, and multifaceted characteristics. Based on the new stage of development, it is necessary to shift the focus of promoting development to improving quality and efficiency.Quality is not only the fundamental support for national modernization, but also

Vigorously innovating around "border" and "cross-border" areas (connecting commentators to promote high-quality development of free trade pilot zones ⑤)
Vigorously innovating around "border" and "cross-border" areas (connecting commentators to promote high-quality development of free trade pilot zones ⑤)

In the first half of this year, Yunnan's agricultural product export value remained the highest in the western region. What role has the Yunnan Pilot Free Trade Zone played in making the southwestern border an open window with priority given to efficiency? Zhu Jing: This ranking reflects that Yunnan and its surrounding areas not only achieve the effect of "connection", but also strive to do a good job of "communication"

Make theoretical learning a norm (Jin Tai Chao Sheng)
Make theoretical learning a norm (Jin Tai Chao Sheng)

It is a distinctive feature and glorious tradition of the CPC to focus on building the Party in ideology and strengthening the Party in theory. The reason why our party has been able to continuously develop and achieve brilliant achievements through difficulties and hardships is that we insist on arming the whole party with the latest achievements of Marxism's sinicization and modernization.

[News Essay] What does the New High in Railway Summer Transport Data Mean for Passenger Trains | Railway | Data
[News Essay] What does the New High in Railway Summer Transport Data Mean for Passenger Trains | Railway | Data

On August 22nd, according to data released by China National Railway Group Co., Ltd., the summer railway passenger flow in China has continued to maintain a high level. From July 1st to August 21st, a total of 701 million passengers have been sent, of which 15.686 million were sent on August 19th, setting a new record for the daily passenger volume of summer transportation. The daily average number of passenger trains operated by railways in China reached 10444, an increase of 15.8% compared to the same period in 2019. China has a large population and vast territory. Due to the lack of sufficient competitiveness in highway passenger transportation due to factors such as duration, comfort, and price, people usually choose railways and civil aviation for medium and long-distance travel. The phenomenon of large-scale high transportation pressure during summer and spring vacations, as well as multiple small and long holidays, is an observation of China's transportation capacity and economic and social development

Accelerate the improvement of digital rural construction level
Accelerate the improvement of digital rural construction level

Recently, the Ministry of Commerce and nine other departments issued the "Three Year Action Plan for County level Commerce", which requires the establishment of a rural commercial system with county towns as the center, townships as the focus, and villages as the foundation. By 2025, we will build around 500 leading county-level commercial counties nationwide, and construct and renovate a number of county-level logistics and distribution centers, township commercial centers, and new rural convenience stores. Promote digital applications in rural areas, extend the entire process from sales front-end to procurement, inventory, distribution, etc., and accelerate the digital transformation of rural construction. This action plan indicates that digital technology is changing the rural landscape of China. Building a digital rural development system and creating a new model for digital rural development is a key way to achieve the rural revitalization strategy, an effective carrier for promoting farmers to increase production and income, and will provide strong impetus for agricultural and rural development

Firmly grasp the foundation and premise of theoretical innovation (special topic contemplation)
Firmly grasp the foundation and premise of theoretical innovation (special topic contemplation)

The vitality of theory lies in innovation.Adhere to the soul of Marxism. Marxism is the fundamental guiding ideology for us to establish the Party and the country, and to have the guidance of Marxist scientific theory is the fundamental basis for our Party to firmly believe in and grasp historical initiative. Marxist theory

Promoting a clean and honest culture (with diverse thoughts)
Promoting a clean and honest culture (with diverse thoughts)

Corruption is the biggest cancer that endangers the vitality and combat effectiveness of the Party, and it is also a problem that the people deeply hate and worry about. As leading cadres, we must uphold great virtues, uphold public ethics, and be strict with personal ethics. We must be respectful, guarded, and always maintain our political integrity. The primary way to promote a clean and honest culture is to establish a correct view of power.

Chinese Economic Review: There is great potential for talented people to return to their hometowns
Chinese Economic Review: There is great potential for talented people to return to their hometowns

Who will build the countryside? Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and nine other departments issued the Implementation Plan for the "My Hometown, My Construction" activity, proposing to organize farmers to build in the countryside, advocate for college students to build in the countryside, mobilize capable people to return to the countryside for construction, attract migrant workers to return to the countryside for construction, and guide entrepreneurs to enter the countryside for construction. The document clearly encourages and guides retired cadres, retired teachers, retired doctors, retired technical personnel, and retired soldiers to return to their hometowns and settle down, attracting social attention. As young and middle-aged labor force goes out to work, "who will farm and how to farm" has become a challenge in the agricultural field. Similarly, as high-quality talents leave villages and enter cities, "who will build villages and how to build them" has become a challenge in the rural field. Rural development requires funding, technology, management, and services, all of which rely on talent. However, due to the siphon effect of cities and

Based on the integration of these spiritual elements, the rich and colorful cultural exchanges between the two countries effectively promote people to people communication and pass on the torch of friendship between the two countries. "Benevolent to the people, loving things, and achieving universal harmony" is an important component of Chinese Confucianism and has been pursued by the Chinese nation for over 5000 years

Various measures are being taken in various regions to restore orderly production and living order in disaster stricken areas
Various measures are being taken in various regions to restore orderly production and living order in disaster stricken areas

CCTV News: Various regions are taking multiple measures to fully restore normal production and living order in the disaster stricken areas. Approaching the start of school, the restoration and reconstruction of campuses in the disaster stricken areas of Hebei province is accelerating. In Zhuozhou, more than 120 schools affected by the disaster have completed the painting and updating of teaching facilities after dredging. In the past few days, technicians are carrying out the final maintenance of infrastructure such as electricity and water supply in preparation for the start of school. All affected villages in Mentougou District, Beijing have recently resumed mobile communication signals, all villages with interrupted roads have been connected, and all towns and streets have fully resumed municipal power supply. The restoration of water supply is being accelerated. At present, 146 villages have achieved normal water supply, and the production and living of the people are being orderly restored.

Standardizing the use of maps is not wrong at all (Beautiful China)
Standardizing the use of maps is not wrong at all (Beautiful China)

The core reading map is the most commonly used and important form of national territory, which is related to national sovereignty, security, and development interests. Standard maps are compiled based on the drawing standards of China and countries around the world. In recent years, relevant departments have increased the supply of standard maps, carried out national map awareness publicity and education activities, and provided authoritative, accurate and convenient public welfare map services to the public, reducing the emergence of "problem maps" from the source. August 29th this year is the 20th National Surveying and Mapping Law Promotion Day. On the 28th, the main event of the 2023 Surveying and Mapping Law Promotion Day and National Map Awareness Promotion Week, with the theme of "No Mistake in Standardizing the Use of Maps", was held in Deqing County, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province. The event released the 2023 version of the standard map. It is reported that the 2023 version of the standard map service

Chinese Dream Moving Forward, Guangming Net Review: Positive Energy "Online" Works | Positive Energy | Guangming Net
Chinese Dream Moving Forward, Guangming Net Review: Positive Energy "Online" Works | Positive Energy | Guangming Net

Author: Li Qun: Recently, the final selection results of the 2022 China Positive Energy Network Boutique Collection and Exhibition have been released, and 550 positive energy works have stood out and entered the public disclosure stage. Text after text, pictures, audio and video, special columns, and themed activities showcase China's sense of responsibility, reflect China's confidence, and inspire everyone to pursue their dreams, work together with the motherland, and develop in sync with the times. In a magnificent era, there must be a thick soil to nurture the growth of dreams; A thriving hot land will surely unleash the majestic power of chasing the mountains and the moon. In 2022, the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics were successfully held, and ice and snow athletes raced on the field, achieving remarkable results; China's space station has been fully completed, achieving "nineteen consecutive abundant harvests" in food production and "heavenly"

China will ensure national food security from eight aspects
China will ensure national food security from eight aspects

On August 28th, the report of the State Council on ensuring national food security was submitted for review at the 5th meeting of the 14th National People's Congress Standing Committee. The report proposes to strengthen the food security guarantee system and capacity building, vigorously implement grain storage in the land, actively promote grain storage in technology, increase agricultural protection support, effectively improve food regulation capabilities, accelerate the construction of modern food industry and circulation system, continuously improve diversified food supply capacity, and deepen food conservation and loss reduction actions to ensure national food security. The report shows that in recent years, China's grain production has steadily developed, with sufficient market supply and overall stable operation. The ability to prevent and resolve major risks and challenges has been continuously enhanced, and the level of food security has significantly improved. China's grain production has remained stable at over 1.3 trillion catties for 8 consecutive years

How can 1.079 billion netizens share a beautiful digital life—— Perspective of the 52nd Statistical Report on the Development of Internet in China 28 | Wang Sibei | Xinhua News Agency | Title: | Statistical Report on the Development of Internet in China
How can 1.079 billion netizens share a beautiful digital life—— Perspective of the 52nd Statistical Report on the Development of Internet in China 28 | Wang Sibei | Xinhua News Agency | Title: | Statistical Report on the Development of Internet in China

Beijing, August 28th (Xinhua) - How can 1.079 billion netizens share a beautiful digital life—— See through the 52nd Statistical Report on the Development of China's Internet, Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Sibei, on the 28th, China Internet Network Information Center released the 52nd Statistical Report on the Development of China's Internet in Beijing. The report shows that by June 2023, the number of Internet users in China has reached 1.079 billion, and the Internet penetration rate has reached 76.4%; The construction of digital infrastructure is further accelerating, and the foundation of the Internet of Things is constantly being strengthened; All kinds of Internet applications have continued to develop, and the number of users of many kinds of applications has increased... What new trends are reflected behind the data, and how can 1.079 billion Internet users share a better digital life? The report states that as of June this year,

Guangming Current Review: Strive to Do a Good Job in Agricultural Disaster Prevention and Reduction. Agricultural Technology | Agriculture | Current Review
Guangming Current Review: Strive to Do a Good Job in Agricultural Disaster Prevention and Reduction. Agricultural Technology | Agriculture | Current Review

In recent days, flood stricken areas in North China and Northeast China have accelerated their efforts in post disaster agricultural production recovery, taking multiple measures to carry out agricultural disaster relief, striving to minimize the losses caused by agricultural disasters and providing strong support for the return of autumn grain particles to storage. With significant achievements in flood control and disaster relief efforts, the affected areas have entered a critical stage of post disaster reconstruction. Efforts to restore agricultural production, stabilize food and important agricultural product production have become urgent tasks at present. Recently, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee held a meeting to study and deploy flood control, disaster relief, and post disaster recovery measures

Strive to Harvest Good Autumn Grain | Production | Autumn Grain
Strive to Harvest Good Autumn Grain | Production | Autumn Grain

This year, the national early rice production increased by 215000 tons or 0.8% compared to the previous year. At present, both summer grain and early rice have been harvested abundantly, and autumn grain accounts for more than 70% of the annual grain production, making its ability to harvest abundantly crucial. We must work with a sense of responsibility to ensure that autumn grain production is maintained at over 1.3 trillion catties throughout the year. The first two seasons of abundant grain harvest were not easy. Since the beginning of this year, the Huang Huai Hai region has experienced an unprecedented "bad rain" in many years. After the onset of summer in the north, many areas have experienced record breaking high temperatures, and disasters such as floods and hail are widespread. Agricultural and meteorological disasters have shown characteristics of multiple scattered points and multiple concurrent disasters. Faced with numerous difficulties and with the efforts of all parties, this year's summer grain production has reached the second highest level in history, with a slight increase in early rice production. Capturing a bountiful autumn harvest is of great significance. At the end of September, the national autumn harvest will be

She was dismissed from her position after a meeting with the Israeli Foreign Minister in Italy
She was dismissed from her position after a meeting with the Israeli Foreign Minister in Italy

According to Agence France Presse on August 28th, the Libyan Prime Minister dismissed Foreign Minister Najera Mangush from her position on the 28th because she recently met with Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen in Italy, which is prohibited by Libyan law. The report pointed out that Libyan Prime Minister Abdul Hamid de Baiba first suspended Mangush's authority on the 27th. On the 28th, according to a message posted by the Palestinian Embassy in Tripoli on Facebook, Debaiba announced at the Palestinian Embassy that Mangush had been "dismissed". According to reports, Debaiba went to the Palestinian Embassy in Tripoli to express "Libya's support for the Palestinian cause" and stated that Mangush's position "does not represent the Libyan government and people.". The fate of Mangush is still unclear, according to reports. Anadolu Communication, Türkiye

India is "aiming" at the sun again!, After the moon
India is "aiming" at the sun again!, After the moon

According to Reuters on August 28th, the Indian space agency announced that India's first probe to study the sun will be launched on September 2nd. This news was posted on social media X. A few days ago, India became the first country to land a spacecraft on the unexplored South Pole of the Moon. The "Sun Earth L1 Point Sun" spacecraft is India's first space-based solar probe aimed at studying the solar wind, which may cause interference to the Earth. The Indian space agency stated that the probe will be launched using a polar satellite carrier rocket from the main space launch site in Srihrigoda, and the PSLV will fly approximately 1.5 million kilometers. In a post on social media X, the Indian Space Research Organization stated, "The total travel time for the 'Sun Earth L1 Point Sun' spacecraft from launch to L-1 is approximately 4 months."

Sudden outbreak of British airspace! A large number of flights have been cancelled
Sudden outbreak of British airspace! A large number of flights have been cancelled

On the morning of the 28th local time, a technical malfunction occurred in the UK's air traffic management system, and the UK temporarily implemented air traffic flow restrictions. At present, the technical issue has been resolved, but flights planned by other European countries to return, travel to, or pass through British airspace have been severely affected. Chen Lincong, a video reporter from CCTV Finance's "First Time" program: At London Heathrow International Airport, the largest airport in the UK, the display screen shows that a large number of flights have been cancelled and a large number of passengers have been stranded. According to the latest news, more than 500 flights have been cancelled. August is the peak summer travel season in the UK. Due to air traffic control system malfunctions, flights from major airports in the UK rely entirely on manual operations, resulting in low efficiency and causing a large number of flights to be delayed or cancelled. Airports in the UK

Plans have been formulated and multiple banks have responded to the reduction of interest rates on existing housing loans: multiple factors need to be considered
Plans have been formulated and multiple banks have responded to the reduction of interest rates on existing housing loans: multiple factors need to be considered

How are banks preparing for the highly anticipated interest rates on existing mortgage loans? What impact will the implementation have on banks? As the semi annual reports are gradually disclosed, various banks have responded at the mid-term performance meeting. Several bank executives have stated that corresponding contingency plans have been developed. At the same time, practical operations need to consider various factors such as regional and city differences, as well as the intensity of interest rate adjustments. The reduction of interest rates on existing housing loans may put pressure on the net interest margin. China Merchants Bank: Lowering interest rates is imperative, and corresponding contingency plans have been formulated. Peng Jiawen, Assistant to the President of China Merchants Bank, recently stated at the bank's mid-term performance exchange meeting, "From the central bank's statement, 'encouragement and support' has directly turned into 'guidance'. I believe that lowering interest rates on existing housing loans is also imperative and a highly probable event. Currently, we have formulated corresponding contingency plans."

Putin will not go to India to attend the G20 summit in September
Putin will not go to India to attend the G20 summit in September

Russian President Putin announced on August 28th during a phone call with Indian Prime Minister Modi that the Russian side will be represented by the Foreign Minister at the G20 summit in New Delhi. The two leaders also discussed bilateral relations between Russia and India over the phone. Putin and Modi discussed the expansion plans of the BRICS countries, as well as the G20 summit to be held in the Indian capital New Delhi in September. Last week, Indian Prime Minister Modi and Russian President Putin both attended the BRICS summit held in South Africa, but Putin attended the meeting online via video link. On March 17, 2023, the Second Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant to Putin, claiming that Putin bears personal criminal responsibility for war crimes committed in Ukraine. Russia firmly denies the International Criminal Court's allegations

Can I request a refund? Lawyer's interpretation: Unable to hear the singing clearly during the concert, buying "pillar tickets"
Can I request a refund? Lawyer's interpretation: Unable to hear the singing clearly during the concert, buying "pillar tickets"

On August 26th, in Haikou, Hainan, it was revealed on the internet that during the Tianhou Night concert tour, multiple audience members shouted "ticket refunds" because they could not hear the sound of the concert. Some viewers expressed that the voices of the previous singers were completely inaudible and lasted for about an hour until Liang Jingru appeared and her voice became slightly louder. But it doesn't feel like the sound system has been adjusted properly, but rather that Liang Jingru's voice is louder. I have already filed a complaint on 12315, but the experience is extremely poor and I feel like I have been deceived. Since the beginning of this year, the domestic performance market has been very hot, but accompanying problems have emerged one after another. Many performances are hard to get tickets for, and consumers have had a lot of effort to grab them. However, upon arriving at the scene, they found that they were "pillar tickets" and "wall tickets", with their views blocked and even the stage and singer not visible. Recently, regarding the rights protection of concert ticketing

The police found drug paraphernalia in his office, and a department level cadre in Garze was sentenced to 5 and a half years in prison for drug use and trafficking
The police found drug paraphernalia in his office, and a department level cadre in Garze was sentenced to 5 and a half years in prison for drug use and trafficking

As a public official, Hou Hui originally had a promising future, but he embarked on the path of drug trafficking and ultimately ended up in prison, which is heartbreaking. Hou Hui was sentenced to 5 and a half years in prison by the court for repeatedly trafficking drugs to multiple people. On August 28, Red Star News reporters learned from the police in Ganzi, Sichuan that last year, the prefecture launched a special drug related "cluster zeroing" campaign, which eliminated many small package drug trafficking gangs in the area under its jurisdiction, arrested 27 suspect, and investigated 128 drug addicts, including the "section level cadres". The Garze police stated that this special operation effectively purified the social environment, deterred illegal activities, and effectively curbed drug related crimes. Action: Detect 14 drug-related criminal cases, with hundreds of drug traffickers arrested. The "Cluster Zero" special operation began in early 2022

Proposed to take on a new position, she is a 25-year-old deputy director and a 29 year old senior director
Proposed to take on a new position, she is a 25-year-old deputy director and a 29 year old senior director

On August 28th, the Organization Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee issued a batch of pre appointment announcements for provincial management leaders. Shangguanhui noticed that Sun Liangliang, the Deputy Secretary and District Mayor of Jiangyan District, Taizhou City, born in 1984, is proposed to serve as the County Party Secretary. According to the resume on the official website of Jiangyan District Government, Sun Liangliang, female, Han ethnicity, was born in 1984. After graduating with a bachelor's degree from Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2006, she worked as a selected candidate for the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee Organization Department at the grassroots level in Yancheng City. Formerly served as a clerk in the Economic Development Office of Xinxing Town, Tinghu District, Yancheng City, Secretary General of the Town Federation of Industry and Commerce, and Deputy Secretary General of the Association for Science and Technology. One year later, he was appointed as the Deputy Secretary of the Communist Youth League's Tinghu District Committee in Yancheng City, and later promoted to Secretary of the Communist Youth League's Tinghu District Committee in Yancheng City. In 2009, Sun Liangliang, who was 25 years old at the time, went to work in Taizhou through competition and became the Deputy Secretary of the Taizhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Serious representations have been made, and the US has unreasonably investigated and harassed a Chinese ship
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Serious representations have been made, and the US has unreasonably investigated and harassed a Chinese ship

On August 29th, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin presided over a regular press conference. A reporter asked, according to reports, in July this year, the Hong Kong based "Zhenhua 28" ship under Shanghai Zhenhua Marine Engineering Services Co., Ltd. was forcibly boarded and inspected by US Customs and Border Protection personnel at Jacksonville Port in Florida, USA. What is the comment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on this? Has China expressed concerns to the United States? According to Wang Wenbin's information, the "Zhenhua 28" ship was subjected to unreasonable questioning and harassment by US law enforcement officers at Jacksonville Port in Florida, USA. Some of the crew's personal electronic devices were confiscated and seized, and the departure plan from the US was forced to be postponed. The subsequent operation of the ship and the work and life of the crew were affected. The Chinese side has made solemn representations to the US side. Wang Wenbin pointed out that in recent years, the United States has used various excuses to target Chinese citizens