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The large-scale wheat harvesting in the "Three Summers" campaign is fully launched nationwide | Ministry of Rural Affairs | Machine Harvesting
The large-scale wheat harvesting in the "Three Summers" campaign is fully launched nationwide | Ministry of Rural Affairs | Machine Harvesting

CCTV News: Wheat accounts for over 90% of summer grain production. The latest data shows that the daily wheat harvesting area in China has exceeded 10 million mu for three consecutive days, and the large-scale wheat harvesting in the "Three Summer" period is fully underway. According to the wheat harvesting schedule of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, currently, more than 75 million acres of winter wheat have been harvested nationwide, and the progress of wheat harvesting has exceeded 20%. Among them, the wheat harvest in Southwest China and Hubei is coming to an end; Henan's progress has exceeded 30%, Anhui's progress has exceeded 20%, and Jiangsu's progress has exceeded 10%. According to the "Big Data of Agricultural Machinery Beidou" jointly released by the Agricultural Mechanization Station of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and China Agricultural University, as of May 30th, only 33000 combine harvesters with Beidou installed were operating nationwide. With the clear weather in the main winter wheat producing areas, the quantity surged to 57000 units on May 31st. Since June, in the Huanghuai Haimai region

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement has come into full force for 15 signatory countries - RCEP enters a new stage of comprehensive implementation in China | RCEP | signatory countries
The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement has come into full force for 15 signatory countries - RCEP enters a new stage of comprehensive implementation in China | RCEP | signatory countries

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement officially came into effect for the Philippines on June 2, marking the full entry into force of RCEP for the 10 ASEAN countries and 15 signatory countries including Australia, China, Japan, South Korea, and New Zealand. Just after midnight on the 2nd, at the RCEP Shandong Enterprise Service Center in Shibei District, Qingdao, customs officers issued RCEP certificates of origin for a batch of container liquid bags exported by Qingdao Langfu Technology Co., Ltd. to the Philippines. This is the first RCEP certificate of origin issued by Shandong Province for the Philippines after RCEP came into effect. "This batch of goods weighs about 5.6 tons and has a value of about 70000 yuan. With this certificate of origin, the tariff rate for customs clearance in the Philippines can be reduced from 3% to zero," said Ma Wenbo, the chairman of the company. Qingdao Customs Tariff Department

Discovering the Most Beautiful, You Evaluate Me | Yanchuan, Shaanxi: Innovating Traditional Village Protection Models to Give Homesickness a "Hometown" Seekable Style | Protection | Villages
Discovering the Most Beautiful, You Evaluate Me | Yanchuan, Shaanxi: Innovating Traditional Village Protection Models to Give Homesickness a "Hometown" Seekable Style | Protection | Villages

CCTV News: As urbanization continues to accelerate, how can we protect traditional villages and the spiritual home that people always remember? Yanchuan County in Shaanxi Province adheres to pilot projects, focuses on the inheritance and revitalization of the landscape, innovates protection and utilization models, and retains the local sentiment in the protection and development of traditional villages, making homesickness a place to be found. Yanchuan County has a profound historical and cultural heritage, with many traditional villages with unique characteristics in northern Shaanxi. In 2019, 8 villages including Liangjiahe and Zhenjiawan were included in the fifth batch of China's traditional village list. In 2020, 12 villages including Gaojiagetai and Liujiagou were included in the third batch of Shaanxi Province's traditional village list. On March 29, 2022, Yanchuan County was included in the list of demonstration counties for the centralized and contiguous protection and utilization of traditional villages in China in 2022. On June 1st, the reporter commented on me with "Discovering the Most Beautiful"