The world

Neglected by the entire society, 1/5 of female victims of police violence in the United States are African American activists who criticize them as "invisible victims" of violence | police | law enforcement
Neglected by the entire society, 1/5 of female victims of police violence in the United States are African American activists who criticize them as "invisible victims" of violence | police | law enforcement

On July 24th, China Daily reported that more than three years ago, the death of African American man George Floyd by white police officers kneeling and pressing his neck caused a sensation in the United States. However, the long-standing systemic racism and violent law enforcement issues have not been addressed, and the changes have been minimal. Among them, African American women have become invisible victims of police violence and have not received attention. A screenshot of a review article on the Los Angeles Times website was published on the 21st by Kimberley Williams Cranshaw, a law professor at Columbia University and the University of California, Los Angeles, and executive director of the African American Policy Forum. The article points out that in the United States, black women and girls are more likely to be killed by the police than any other group of women.

And reason | The US's technology war against China is equivalent to wielding a knife to self destruct and reason | The US
And reason | The US's technology war against China is equivalent to wielding a knife to self destruct and reason | The US

US Treasury Secretary Yellen publicly denies that the United States wants to "decouple" from China, and US National Security Advisor Sullivan recently declared in a speech at the Aspen Security Forum that Washington is eager to establish a "stable" relationship with China. The words are very eloquent, but in action, Washington is doing everything in its power to hinder China's technological progress, ignoring Beijing's call for bilateral relations to return to a healthy track. Rhetorically speaking, "de risk" is not as confrontational as "decoupling", but it does not prevent Washington from continuing its technological war. However, practice has proven that this tactic is not only impractical, but also counterproductive and counterproductive. The US insists on establishing normal and stable relations with China on the basis of international rules and fair competition, but since the Trump administration, the US has taken China into consideration

From "Pirates" to "Defenders" - At the Beginning, the United States pretended to protect intellectual property rights and maintain hegemonic internal logic protection | Development | The United States
From "Pirates" to "Defenders" - At the Beginning, the United States pretended to protect intellectual property rights and maintain hegemonic internal logic protection | Development | The United States

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 24th - From "Pirates" to "Defenders" - At the beginning, the United States pretended to protect intellectual property rights to maintain its inherent logic of hegemony. Xinhua News Agency reporter Su Liang encouraged the discovery of inventions, protection of innovation and creation, and promotion of technological applications - this is the duty of protecting intellectual property rights; The ultimate goal of protecting intellectual property is to maximize economic and social benefits, improve human quality of life, and promote global common development. However, as a country with a first mover advantage in technology, the United States has long been instrumental and politicized in protecting intellectual property rights, often using measures such as long arm jurisdiction and high tariffs to suppress other countries, in order to seek its own selfish interests, consolidate its own hegemony, and hinder the development and progress of other countries, especially emerging countries. From the early days of taking shortcuts to the present day of playing domineering, the United States has evolved from“

The National Health Commission and six other departments have issued 20 specific tasks on how to deepen medical reform and medical insurance in the second half of the year
The National Health Commission and six other departments have issued 20 specific tasks on how to deepen medical reform and medical insurance in the second half of the year

Notice on Issuing the Key Work Tasks for Deepening the Reform of the Medical and Health System in the Second Half of 2023 [2023] No. 23: The People's Governments of various provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, relevant departments and directly affiliated institutions of the State Council: The Key Work Tasks for Deepening the Reform of the Medical and Health System in the Second Half of 2023 have been approved by the State Council and are now issued to you. Please organize and implement them seriously based on the actual situation. The National Health Commission, National Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, National Medical Insurance Administration, and National Medical Products Administration will deepen the reform of the medical and health system on July 21, 2023. The key tasks for the second half of 2023 will be to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

[World Theory] American Media: Racial segregation in American schools is still continuing to strengthen segregation | race | schools
[World Theory] American Media: Racial segregation in American schools is still continuing to strengthen segregation | race | schools

According to a recent report by The Capitol Hill, racial segregation in public schools in the United States is still prevalent across the country. According to reports, people always think that campus racial segregation no longer exists, and where children go to school is just a proof of where they live. However, the issue of racial segregation on campus has never been truly resolved, separating people of different economic classes and races from both legal and life perspectives. For example, the law in New York State grants local control over zoning decisions to various communities, which often retain large tracts of land, restrict the development of expensive housing, prevent the emergence of more affordable housing, and exclude low-income New Yorkers. The practice of blatant discrimination against housing, such as racial orientation, which has been banned nationwide, continues to aid

China's sincerity should not be questioned and judged | forced countermeasures become "economic coercion"? Welcome Foreign and Foreign Enterprises to China | USA | Foreign Enterprises
China's sincerity should not be questioned and judged | forced countermeasures become "economic coercion"? Welcome Foreign and Foreign Enterprises to China | USA | Foreign Enterprises

Recently, some US lawmakers have labeled China as "economic coercion", accusing China of using it to challenge the US's global dominance. This accusation was reiterated at a hearing in the United States House of Representatives. At the hearing, the witness claimed that the business environment in China is increasingly restricting American companies in China; And the attending legislators have added over 1300 Chinese entities and individuals to the sanctions list in the past few years, and they have made significant contributions. In addition, the hearing was held shortly after the end of US Treasury Secretary Yellen's trip to China regarding the economic relationship between China and the United States. Nevertheless, US investment and trade in China have increased without decrease. Affected American companies have been tirelessly lobbying the US government to weigh the pros and cons and express their commitment to expanding their business and increasing investment in China

【 What's happening in China 】 The British business community: mutually beneficial and win-win relations between China and the UK, optimistic about the prospects of cooperation between the two countries | China | The business community
【 What's happening in China 】 The British business community: mutually beneficial and win-win relations between China and the UK, optimistic about the prospects of cooperation between the two countries | China | The business community

China Daily, July 24th - The British Chinese Chamber of Commerce and the British China Trade Association recently held the "China North England Cooperation Forum" in Leeds, UK. British business people attending the meeting are optimistic about the prospects of business and economic cooperation between China and the UK, and support strengthening bilateral economic and investment relations. On July 17th, the UK China Chamber of Commerce and the UK China Trade Association held the "China North England Cooperation Forum" in Leeds, UK. At present, the global economy is facing many headwinds, and the UK economy is facing many challenges, with high inflation and near zero economic growth. In this situation, the UK is also actively seeking opportunities for foreign investment and trade. Chinese Ambassador to the UK, Zheng Zeguang, stated at the forum that China adheres to the path of Chinese style modernization, further expands high-level opening-up to the outside world, and is committed to achieving green and low-carbon development. China

Communication: Chinese Enterprises Help Congolese (Democratic Republic of Congo) Youth Use Vocational Skills to Light up a Better Future in Lualaba Province | Industry | Youth
Communication: Chinese Enterprises Help Congolese (Democratic Republic of Congo) Youth Use Vocational Skills to Light up a Better Future in Lualaba Province | Industry | Youth

Kinshasa, July 24th (Xinhua) - Chinese enterprises help Congolese youth light up a bright future with vocational skills. Xinhua reporter Shi Yu is in Kabada Village, Lualaba Province, southeastern Congo. There is an industrial and technical school with complete facilities and first-class educational conditions. Since the official teaching in August last year, local young people no longer need to travel mountains and rivers like before, and can receive high-quality vocational skills education near their homes. In Alaba Province, Congo, students from the Kabata Community Industrial Technology School visited and exchanged ideas at Huagang Mining. Kabada Community Industrial Technology School is located in Kabada Village, Lualaba Province, southeastern Congo. It was built by Huagang Mining Co., Ltd. and is a fully functional industrial technology school with first-class educational conditions. The school currently has 206 students and two majors, namely Electric Power and Automotive Repair

They like Chinese cars and talk about new opportunities for the Chinese economy together | Communication: International | China | Earth in Africa
They like Chinese cars and talk about new opportunities for the Chinese economy together | Communication: International | China | Earth in Africa

Changchun/Cairo, July 24th (Xinhua) - On the land of Africa, they praised the 20th Changchun International Automobile Expo, which was successfully held in Changchun, Jilin Province, the birthplace of China's automobile industry. The Chinese automobile industry has attracted domestic and international car companies to participate in the exhibition relying on its huge market. On the other end of the world, Chinese brand cars are racing across Africa, helping local people increase their income and improve their lives. In recent years, China's automotive industry has made significant progress and has made strides towards the international market. "Chinese independent brands continue to strengthen their automotive technology research and development, and continue to grow and develop." Wu Wei, a salesperson at the Great Wall Motors booth at the Auto Expo, told Xinhua News Agency that there is strong demand for Chinese cars in the international market, and many Chinese brands are doing better and better overseas

Marvelous Review of NATO's Attempt to "Advance Eastward into the Asia Pacific": "Inaccessible" Summit | NATO | Eastward Advance
Marvelous Review of NATO's Attempt to "Advance Eastward into the Asia Pacific": "Inaccessible" Summit | NATO | Eastward Advance

Comic author: Gou Ben. Recently, the NATO summit was held in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. One of the topics discussed at this summit is to expand NATO's influence in the Asia Pacific region. According to a previous report by the Japanese media Nikkei Asia, NATO had originally planned to include the content of "opening a liaison office in Tokyo, Japan" in the joint communiqu é of the Vilnius Summit. However, due to some member countries clearly expressing their lack of support for this plan, NATO's plan to open the first liaison office in Asia in Tokyo, Japan has been postponed until after the fall of this year. In recent years, NATO has frequently shown a trend of expanding into the Asia Pacific region. As a product of the Cold War era, NATO's attempt to "move eastward into the Asia Pacific undoubtedly poses significant risks to the Asia Pacific region and even the world.". Urge NATO to immediately abandon its outdated Cold War mentality and zero sum game theory, abandon its superstitious belief in military force, and pursue absolute security

Pakistani expert: China plays an important role in regional stability and development. Pakistan | China | Region
Pakistani expert: China plays an important role in regional stability and development. Pakistan | China | Region

Nassim Khan Achakza, adviser to the President of the Parliament of Baluchistan Province, Pakistan, wrote on the China Daily website on July 19 that China is an important force to promote peace, harmony and cooperation in various regions. Through initiatives such as the "the Belt and Road" initiative, China has made positive contributions to the stability and prosperity of Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and other countries. China's article on promoting regional stability and development points out that China is committed to achieving connectivity through the "the Belt and Road", thereby promoting trade facilitation, infrastructure construction and regional growth. By investing in major infrastructure projects such as ports, highways, and railways, China has paved the way for promoting connectivity, increasing trade and strong economic growth. The "the Belt and Road" initiative is expected to reshape the regional pattern and promote cooperation and prosperity of countries along the Belt and Road. China as a region

But he became a joke himself, and the "hacker empire" made up China's lies. The employees | the United States | lies
But he became a joke himself, and the "hacker empire" made up China's lies. The employees | the United States | lies

The well-known "hacker empire" in the United States is lying again. Recently, some people in the United States spread false information about Chinese hackers invading the US government network system, which China has refuted. The lies of the United States can only once again remind people of various old stories about its surveillance of the world, and now there is one more topic to talk about - the newly released US cybersecurity joke. 01 Nonsense: Thieves shout to catch thieves and slander China. Some people in the United States have recently spread rumors that Chinese hackers have invaded the network systems of US government departments and the email accounts of some US officials, causing some Western media to hype up. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin pointed out at a regular press conference that this is spreading false information and diverting attention. Chinese government departments are suffering from massive cyber attacks almost every day, most of which originate from

Marvel Review of "Risk Reduction" in the United States Part 2: Who is the Mirror of "Risk" | On the Mouth. Germany | United States
Marvel Review of "Risk Reduction" in the United States Part 2: Who is the Mirror of "Risk" | On the Mouth. Germany | United States

Comic author: Ma Hongliang. Recently, some politicians in the United States and the West have frequently talked about the new term of "de risk-taking". In fact, the so-called "de risk-taking" is just a "decoupling and chain breaking" in a new guise. Although some US officials have stated that seeking "de risk" is not "decoupling", they are still practicing "decoupling" under the name of "de risk", building "small courtyards and high walls" and "technological blockade" against China. The German magazine Der Spiegel stated that "risk reduction" is a beautiful slogan because it means further clarifying what "risks" from China are and how to respond. The so-called "de risk" human intervention and fragmentation of the global industrial and supply chains have disrupted the normal operation of the global market, disrupted market rules and international economic and trade order, and caused an impact on the global economic governance system

Integrating Green and Low Carbon to Show Smart Life - Approaching the Universiade Village to Experience the Charm of Technology - Green | Universiade Village | Smart
Integrating Green and Low Carbon to Show Smart Life - Approaching the Universiade Village to Experience the Charm of Technology - Green | Universiade Village | Smart

On July 22nd, Li Zhaoyu, an intern journalist at Chenke Science and Technology Daily, officially opened the athlete village of the 31st Summer Universiade located on the campus of Chengdu University. As an important venue for athletes to reside and live during the Chengdu Universiade, more than 100 delegations with nearly 8000 people will be stationed during the competition. How to embody the concept of "green, smart, vibrant, and shared" in the Universiade Village, which has a total construction area of approximately 660000 square meters, 10 apartments, 2 athlete restaurants, as well as service guarantee facilities such as delegation service centers, medical centers, and fitness centers? What are the intimate, tangible, and visible technological experiences in the field of green, low-carbon, and smart living? The reporter visited Dayun Village on July 23rd. Green and low-carbon integration into architectural design as the most important aspect of the Chengdu Universiade

Who will protect user facial privacy?, Mini Program Miaoya Camera Becomes Popular, Generating AI Photos for 9.9 RMB | Usage | Paper Reporter | Information | Generation | Photos | Camera | User
Who will protect user facial privacy?, Mini Program Miaoya Camera Becomes Popular, Generating AI Photos for 9.9 RMB | Usage | Paper Reporter | Information | Generation | Photos | Camera | User

Generative AI technology is changing more industries. As domestic large model products penetrate the vertical industry on the B-end, the mini program Miaoya Camera, which is closer to C-end users, quickly became popular once it was launched. Recently, an AI camera called "Miao Ya" that generates professional texture blockbusters online has mastered the traffic password to ignite social circles. For only 9.9 yuan, users can upload 21 photos and generate a set of AI photos that are comparable to Naive Blue and the hippocampus. Users can also upload the pictures to social platforms such as WeChat Moments and Weibo. Less than half a month after its launch, the Second Duck Camera team announced that multiple counterfeit "Miao Duck Cameras" products, accounts, software, and mini programs imitating the official channels of "Miao Duck Cameras" have appeared on the internet recently, posing serious information security risks to consumers. Meanwhile, users have found that as the number of users increases,

Another one! The former Party Secretary of this finance and economics university has been arrested and announced | Zhang Yuejun | Party Secretary
Another one! The former Party Secretary of this finance and economics university has been arrested and announced | Zhang Yuejun | Party Secretary

On July 24th, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission announced that Wang Rong, former Party Secretary of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics, is undergoing disciplinary review and supervisory investigation. According to the data, after graduating from Yunnan University, Wang Rong was sent to the Department of Economics at Cornell University in the United States for further studies, and to the University of Latobi in Australia for academic visiting lectures. In 1997, he was admitted to Yunnan University to pursue a doctoral degree, and during this period, he went to Thailand Law and Political University to conduct comparative research and visiting lectures on the investment environment between China and Thailand. In 2001, Wang Rong obtained his doctoral degree. Afterwards, he worked for a long time at his alma mater Yunnan University, serving as Vice Dean of the School of Economics, Director of the Department of Management, Director of the School Reform Office, Director of the Graduate Department, Assistant to the President, and Vice President of Yunnan University. After leaving Yunnan University, he also served as the President and Party Committee of Yunnan University of Finance and Economics

Is Super Air Conditioning here? Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Sanya have all taken action as cities | heating | Guangzhou
Is Super Air Conditioning here? Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Sanya have all taken action as cities | heating | Guangzhou

Recently, with continuous high temperatures in many areas and an increasing air conditioning load, many cities across the country have begun to explore "regional centralized cooling" to cope with the high temperatures. What is centralized cooling? How is the effect? Guangzhou, Guangdong: Exploring Concentrated Cooling to Cope with High Temperature Weather △ After the video of CCTV Finance's "On Time Finance" program entered the summer, Guangzhou's high temperature warning continued, and the Guangzhou Library, which is experiencing the peak summer passenger flow, receives tens of thousands of readers every day. In order to maintain coolness, more than 100 air outlets here operate continuously from 9am to 9pm, and this large amount of continuous cooling is not achieved by a single air conditioner, but by chilled water pipes. Huang Zhenxiong, Director of the Asset and Property Management Department of Guangzhou Library: The two cold water pipes supplied from the cold station have a constant inlet temperature of around 2 ℃ and an outlet temperature of approximately 7 ℃

The Central Political Bureau sets the tone for economic work in the second half of the year: transmitting three major signals! Work | Conference | Economy
The Central Political Bureau sets the tone for economic work in the second half of the year: transmitting three major signals! Work | Conference | Economy

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on July 24th to analyze and study the current economic situation and deploy economic work for the second half of the year. The context of how the Chinese economy will proceed in the second half is basically clear. The long-term positive fundamentals remain unchanged. In the first half of this year, China's gross domestic product grew by 5.5% year-on-year, significantly faster than the economic growth rate of 3% for the whole of last year and 4.5% for the first quarter. Based on the analysis of the situation in the first half of the year, while setting the tone for "sustained recovery of the national economy and overall improvement," the meeting also did not shy away from new difficulties and challenges such as "insufficient domestic demand, operational difficulties for some enterprises, high risks and hidden dangers in key areas, and complex and severe external environment." It also reminded us that "economic recovery is a process of wave like development and tortuous progress.". Swiss Reinsurance Group Chief Economist An Renli Xiang Zhongxin

New Achievements in Promoting High Quality Development through New Meteorology and New Action: A Study of the New Trends in Economic Work in the Second Half of 2023 from the Meeting of the Central Political Bureau
New Achievements in Promoting High Quality Development through New Meteorology and New Action: A Study of the New Trends in Economic Work in the Second Half of 2023 from the Meeting of the Central Political Bureau

BEIJING, July 24th (Xinhua) -- New achievements have been made in promoting high-quality development through the new atmosphere. From the meeting of the Central Political Bureau, we can see the new trends in economic work in the second half of 2023. 2023 is the beginning year of fully implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and doing a good job in economic work is crucial. How to view the economic performance in the first half of the year? What are the key points of economic work in the second half of the year? The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting on the 24th to analyze and study the current economic situation, deploy economic work for the second half of the year, and convey a new trend of firmly promoting high-quality economic development. The overall economic recovery is improving, adhering to the overall tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability. This meeting pointed out that since the beginning of this year, "the national economy has continued to recover and overall recovery is improving," but "the current economic operation is facing new difficulties and challenges, mainly in the domestic market."

Morning Reading | Roof Collapse, 11 Dead! Improper stacking of insulation materials and soaking in water to cause accidents in the sports hall | middle school | roof
Morning Reading | Roof Collapse, 11 Dead! Improper stacking of insulation materials and soaking in water to cause accidents in the sports hall | middle school | roof

Good morning The morning reading of the news is here! On Tuesday, July 25, 2023, on the eighth day of the sixth lunar month, it was cloudy to overcast in Shanghai. In the afternoon, there were short-term showers or thunderstorms in some areas, with temperatures ranging from 28 to 34 ℃. Today's attention is focused on the collapse of the sports hall of the 34th Middle School in Qiqihar, resulting in a total of 11 deaths. The reporter learned from the rescue command center of the roof collapse accident of the sports hall of the 34th Middle School in Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province that at around 10:00 am on the 24th, the last trapped person had been searched and rescued, and there were no signs of life. This accident resulted in a total of 11 deaths. On the evening of the 24th, the Information Office of the People's Government of Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province, held a press conference to report on the relevant situation of the roof collapse accident of the gymnasium of the 34th Middle School in Qiqihar City. Prior to the press conference, attendees presented their views on the rooftop of the gymnasium at No. 34 Middle School in Qiqihar City

Russian experts propose to invite Brazil, India, China, and South Africa to jointly build a complete module at the Russian railway station. Russia | Railway Station | Brazil
Russian experts propose to invite Brazil, India, China, and South Africa to jointly build a complete module at the Russian railway station. Russia | Railway Station | Brazil

According to Reuters and the Russian Sputnik News Agency, the head of the Russian space agency suggested on July 24 that Moscow's partners in the BRICS countries could build an independent special module for the planned Russian orbital station, and the BRICS countries would be able to conduct their own scientific research in this module. At the BRICS Space Cooperation Conference held in Hermanus, South Africa, Yuri Borisov, President of the Russian Aerospace Group, said, "I would like to suggest that BRICS partners consider the possibility of participating in the project and work together to build a complete module as part of the Russian orbital station. This module will enable BRICS countries to utilize the potential of low Earth orbit to achieve their national space plans." As envisioned, the first module of the Russian orbital station will be launched in 2027, and the construction of the orbital station will begin in 203

Baoneng scale is invalid! On site shareholder representative: Come and witness history... regulatory action! Direct Attack on the "Treasure Fire Controversy": Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting Recalls Four Directors | Shareholders
Baoneng scale is invalid! On site shareholder representative: Come and witness history... regulatory action! Direct Attack on the "Treasure Fire Controversy": Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting Recalls Four Directors | Shareholders

In July, the scorching heat in Zhongshan kicked off the board seat battle between the Baoneng and Torch factions. On the afternoon of July 24th, Zhongju High tech decided to hold the extraordinary shareholder meeting for the election of the board of directors as scheduled. A reporter from Securities Times · E Company saw at the shareholder meeting that shareholders need to have their faces collected and recognized when registering for entry. The venue is heavily guarded, with numerous security guards, and photography and video recording are often prohibited. On the evening of the same day, Zhongju High tech announced that the company held its first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2023. Four directors recommended or associated with Baoneng, He Hua, Huang Wei, Cao Jianjun, and Zhou Yanmei, were dismissed from their positions as directors of the board of directors. Three of the four directors recommended by the Torch department were approved, namely Liang Daheng, Lin Ying, and Liu Gorui. However, another candidate for directors, Liu Gehui, unexpectedly failed to run. And outside the venue, there is also undercurrent

What measures will be taken?, The central government has clearly formulated a comprehensive plan to mitigate the risks of local bonds. Risks | Debt | Local Bonds
What measures will be taken?, The central government has clearly formulated a comprehensive plan to mitigate the risks of local bonds. Risks | Debt | Local Bonds

There will be new policies to mitigate the risks of local government debt. On July 24th, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a meeting. Among them, in response to the many new challenges and risks in current key areas, the Politburo meeting proposed to effectively prevent and resolve local debt risks, and develop and implement a comprehensive debt reduction plan. Feng Qiaobin, Deputy Secretary General of the China Finance Society, told First Financial that the issue of local government debt has become a major issue affecting and constraining the circulation of the national economy. The Politburo meeting has determined from a policy tone to develop a comprehensive debt reduction plan, and the next step will be to discuss specific implementation methods around this issue. Yue Kai Securities Chief Economist Luo Zhiheng told First Financial that this Politburo meeting attaches great importance to local debt risks, and the overall approach continues the Central Economic Work Conference and the Politburo meeting on April 28th

TSMC Founder's "Divine Prophecy" Completely Hits Talent | Zhang Zhongmou | Founder
TSMC Founder's "Divine Prophecy" Completely Hits Talent | Zhang Zhongmou | Founder

According to Taiwan's China Times News on July 23, TSMC founder Zhang Zhongmou's "divine prophecy" has been fully realized, and TSMC's US factory production will be delayed. TSMC recently stated that its Arizona plant in the United States is currently facing some challenges due to a shortage of skilled installation personnel, and the production time of the 4-nanometer process will be postponed from the end of 2024 to 2025. Previously, Zhang Zhongmou was not optimistic about setting up factories in the United States, believing that manufacturing costs were too high and there was a lack of relevant talent. He bluntly stated that it was "expensive, wasteful, and a waste of time". A netizen working at Texas Instruments also believes that talent training is a variable, and teamwork is a "fatal injury" to American employees, questioning whether TSMC's US factory can reach the level of a Taiwanese factory by 2025. According to reports, TSMC held an online corporate briefing on the 20th and once again lowered its operating targets for this year

There is too much difference between what Uzbek reported and what Antony Blinken said Army | Ukraine | Ukrainian side
There is too much difference between what Uzbek reported and what Antony Blinken said Army | Ukraine | Ukrainian side

According to the report of Deutsche Presse-Agentur on July 24, Hanna Maliyar, Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine, said that since the counter offensive launched a few weeks ago, the Ukrainian army has recovered about 227 square kilometers of territory from the Russian army. According to reports, Maria said that the Ukrainian army has recaptured 192 square kilometers of territory on the southern front, of which 12 square kilometers were recaptured last week. In the vicinity of Bahmut, which is under Russian control, the Ukrainian army has recaptured a total of 35 square kilometers of territory. According to reports, the Ukrainian army recaptured 4 square kilometers of territory in the Donetsk region in the east last week. Deutsche Presse-Agentur said that it could not independently verify the above information. According to reports, Ukrainian military observers say that the Russian military currently controls over 100000 square kilometers of Ukrainian territory, including Crimea, which Russia annexed in 2014

The escalation of the Russo Ukrainian conflict and mutual attack on strategic strategic town missiles | President | Strategy
The escalation of the Russo Ukrainian conflict and mutual attack on strategic strategic town missiles | President | Strategy

After the attack on the Crimean Bridge, the conflict between Russia and Ukraine escalated. On the early morning of the 24th, the Russian capital Moscow was once again attacked by drones, while the Ukrainian town of Odessa, adjacent to the Black Sea, has been bombarded almost daily for the past week. According to a report from the Russian Ministry of Defense on the 24th, the Russian side successfully prevented an attack on Moscow by Ukrainian armed forces using drones. Two drones crashed under the interference of electronic warfare systems, and the attack did not cause any casualties. Moscow Mayor Sobyanin revealed that the attack occurred around 4am, and two non residential buildings in Moscow were attacked, but did not cause serious damage. According to media reports such as TASS, an explosion occurred near the Russian Ministry of Defense building. Ukraine: The Russian military launched a surprise attack on Odessa's southern Ukrainian headquarters with five types of missiles overnight,

The 13th Chinese Arctic Scientific Expedition Team Crossing the Arctic Circle
The 13th Chinese Arctic Scientific Expedition Team Crossing the Arctic Circle

According to the broadcast from the navigation bridge of the "Xuelong 2" polar scientific research icebreaker, at 16:34 Beijing time on July 24th, China's 13th Arctic scientific expedition team crossed the Arctic Circle and entered the Arctic waters for navigation. On July 22, 2023, the 13th Chinese Arctic Scientific Expedition conducted an oceanic scientific exploration exercise. On July 12th, the 13th Chinese Arctic Scientific Expedition departed from Shanghai on board the "Xuelong 2" to carry out scientific research missions in the Arctic Ocean. In the past 12 days, the Snow Dragon 2 has sailed northward through the East China Sea, Sea of Japan, Sea of Okhotsk, and Bering Sea, crossing the Bering Strait and successfully reaching the Arctic Circle. The leader of the expedition team, Wang Jinhui, stated that crossing the Arctic Circle is an important milestone in all previous Arctic scientific research. To record this moment, the inspection team

Du Tingting, you are really amazing!, Breaking World Records and Winning World Championships | Competition | Real Bull
Du Tingting, you are really amazing!, Breaking World Records and Winning World Championships | Competition | Real Bull

On July 24th, it was learned from Zhengzhou University of Science and Technology that Du Tingting, a 2022 college student from the School of Physical Education, broke her world record of 1028 single shake jumps in the preliminary round of the 2023 World Jumping Rope Championships in Colorado, USA on July 23rd local time. She broke her preliminary record with 1042 jumps, once again breaking the world record and winning the championship. In the final on July 23rd local time in the United States, Du Tingting demonstrated astonishing stability and strong endurance, performing perfect movements without hesitation in every jump. This tournament attracted top jump rope players from around the world, and the competition was extremely fierce. In the tense 3 minutes, she fought tenaciously and her outstanding performance helped her score climb all the way. When the big screen showed Du Tingting scoring 104

Suspected to be related to contaminated tap water, 40% of residents in Japan have abnormal blood tests | blood | blood tests
Suspected to be related to contaminated tap water, 40% of residents in Japan have abnormal blood tests | blood | blood tests

Japanese media reported on the 24th that a new survey showed that 40% of residents in Aichi Prefecture, Japan, had excessive levels of organic fluorine compounds in their blood, threatening their health. In 2021, groundwater from a local water supply station was detected to contain perfluorinated and perfluoroalkyl substances. Experts analyze that the reason for the abnormal blood tests of these residents may be due to drinking contaminated tap water. The incident was located in Toyama cho, Aichi Prefecture, adjacent to the Japan Air Self Defense Force (JASDF) Xiaomu Base and Nagoya Airport. In 2021, the groundwater of Fengshan tap water supply station was found to be contaminated with perfluorinated and perfluoroalkyl substances, with a content three times that of Japan's provisional national standards, and the water supply was subsequently stopped. After this incident was exposed, the citizen group "Fengshan Town Residents' Life and Health Protection Association" organized residents to participate in blood tests in June this year. The results show that participating in the inspection

New expectations for understanding the new regulations of the National Museum, "wearing slippers and refusing entry" cultural relics | Prohibited | New regulations
New expectations for understanding the new regulations of the National Museum, "wearing slippers and refusing entry" cultural relics | Prohibited | New regulations

Individuals with disheveled appearance are not allowed to enter the museum. Non visiting activities such as lectures, performances, interviews, commercial filming, self media live broadcasts, and recordings are prohibited without approval. Recently, the China International Import Expo has issued a notice, some of which have sparked heated discussions. Previously, Guobo also requested restrictions on unauthorized teaching activities. The new regulations of the Forbidden City, which came into effect on June 30th this year, also explicitly prohibit commercial filming. Renowned museums and exhibition halls are raising "guardrails" one after another, which is worth pondering. Stricter terms and finer regulations also raise questions about whether they are too strict and whether there is freedom to visit. The weather is hot, wearing slippers is not enough to go to the National Expo? I really like the grandeur of the Forbidden City. Why can't I hire a professional photographer to take a big picture of ancient costumes for me? This kind of question is understandable for individual visitors. However, for people like the Forbidden City and the National Museum, there is a high flow of people