The world

Jin Guanping: The Value of Sharing Economy lies in Improving Quality and Efficiency, Continuously Expanding | Consumption | Economy
Jin Guanping: The Value of Sharing Economy lies in Improving Quality and Efficiency, Continuously Expanding | Consumption | Economy

Price increases, service discounts, and decreased experience... For a period of time, while the sharing economy has been expanding in scale, the pain points of user consumption have become increasingly apparent, causing many controversies. As a new form of economy, the sharing economy cannot remain stagnant. It should strengthen the concept of refined operation, attach importance to consumer experience, promote model innovation, and balance the relationship between user growth and development quality. The sharing economy emphasizes sharing and sharing, intensive development, and efficient utilization, which can solve problems such as resource mismatch and supply-demand imbalance. By eliminating information barriers and reconstructing trust relationships, it promotes the efficient flow of factor resources. Data shows that the trading volume of China's sharing economy market was about 3832 billion yuan last year, a year-on-year increase of about 3.9%, and its driving effect on economic and social development cannot be underestimated. Currently, the market structure of the sharing economy is accelerating

Alarm failure and slow rescue efforts. The US government's inadequate response to the Maui Island fire in Hawaii has sparked anger. | Maui Island | Hawaii Maui Island
Alarm failure and slow rescue efforts. The US government's inadequate response to the Maui Island fire in Hawaii has sparked anger. | Maui Island | Hawaii Maui Island

According to data released by the state of Hawaii on August 16th, the death toll from the Maui Island fire in the state has risen to 111, with over 1000 people still missing. The departure and loss of loved ones in the Maui Island fire have caused great grief to the families. Due to the government's ineffective disaster relief efforts, local residents had to spontaneously put out fires, and they were also disappointed and angry about the government's dereliction of duty. Brenda's mother-in-law lives in the town of La Haina in the heavily affected area of the Maui fire. Now, the house has been destroyed by a big fire, while the mother-in-law is still missing. Brenda's husband just provided his DNA sample for comparison with the victims. They have to accept the reality that the elderly are already more or less unlucky. Maui resident Brenda: On the day we saw the house gone, we accepted this fact

Is it possible!, The White House wants long-term cooperation between the United States, Japan, and South Korea | Campbell | The White House
Is it possible!, The White House wants long-term cooperation between the United States, Japan, and South Korea | Campbell | The White House

Biden is worshipped inside David's camp, but there is no way to talk. At the invitation of US President Biden, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and South Korean President Yoon Seok yeol are scheduled to hold a trilateral summit with Biden at Camp David near Washington on the 18th. In recent days, the governments of the three countries have been high-profile in promoting the historic summit of "entering a new era" and "setting the tone for the century". However, even some US officials and experts acknowledge that the summit is only one day long and will discuss a series of issues covering security, economy, and technology. The actual effect may not be as expected. The Camp David summit on the 18th will be the first separate trilateral meeting between leaders of the United States, Japan, and South Korea. According to reports, South Korea, the United States, and Japan have held 12 trilateral summits in the form of international conferences since 1994, but this is the first time a separate summit has been held. This is also the David Camp, which has been a US presidential resort since 2015

Russian military: The United States is using viruses to create new pandemics or using biotechnology for offensive purposes
Russian military: The United States is using viruses to create new pandemics or using biotechnology for offensive purposes

On August 18th, according to a report by Russian satellite news agency, Lieutenant General Kirilov, Commander in Chief of the Russian Ministry of Defense's Radiological, Chemical, and Biological Defense Forces, revealed in a media interview that the United States is using virus mutations to prepare for a new pandemic and may use defensive biotechnology for offensive purposes. Kirilov said that the United States established a new agency called the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy in July this year to "prepare for a new pandemic and establish control over the biological environment on a global scale.". He said that the institution is searching for virus mutations and using them to develop new vaccines, diagnoses, and treatment methods. Kirilov revealed that the US Army Infectious Disease Research Institute will conduct biological warfare at the Pentagon

World Report: Suicide rate in the United States sets a new high in 2022, with African American children's suicide rate soaring by 60% over 20 years. Statistics | Race | United States
World Report: Suicide rate in the United States sets a new high in 2022, with African American children's suicide rate soaring by 60% over 20 years. Statistics | Race | United States

On August 16th, according to the AFRO news website in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported on the 10th that 49449 people in the United States died from suicide in 2022. According to preliminary data from the CDC, this number has increased by 2.6% compared to 2021, setting a record high. It is worth noting that the number of suicides among adults aged 65 and above has increased the most significantly, with a surge of 8.1% compared to the previous year. Following closely behind is the population aged 45 to 64, with an increase of 6.6%. The increase in the number of suicides among the age group of 25 to 44 is relatively small, at 0.7%. In terms of gender and race, the suicide rates for both men and women in the United States have increased by 2.3% and 2.8%, respectively. In terms of race and ethnicity, 20

Editorial: Does South Korea understand what the muddy waters it wades into mean? The United States and South Korea | Alliance | South Korea
Editorial: Does South Korea understand what the muddy waters it wades into mean? The United States and South Korea | Alliance | South Korea

The various information released in advance indicates that the trilateral summit of leaders of the United States, Japan, and South Korea to be held at Camp David in the United States on August 18th will sound the horn towards a "new cold war", which is ominous for Northeast Asia and even the entire world. The Korean Peninsula issue is a legacy of the Cold War, and the legacy of the old Cold War has not yet been resolved. South Korea on the peninsula is also a founding member involved in promoting the "new Cold War". This is not a coincidence in history, as there has always been a black hand extending from across the Pacific manipulating it in secret. We can now roughly piece together the basic shape of this summit: it is committed to building a new security group under the banner of maintaining "common security" in form, highlighting ideological and value opposition in means, and having distinct exclusivity, competitiveness, and camp opposition in action

US real estate developers make a fortune in disaster: competing to acquire houses damaged by wildfires in Hawaii, causing dissatisfaction among indigenous people. Wildfires | USA | Daihatsu
US real estate developers make a fortune in disaster: competing to acquire houses damaged by wildfires in Hawaii, causing dissatisfaction among indigenous people. Wildfires | USA | Daihatsu

On August 17th, according to a report by USA Today on August 15th, the wildfire on Maui Island in Hawaii, USA, has not yet been fully controlled. However, real estate investors from the mainland of the United States want to take advantage of this disaster and purchase survivor properties for land development, causing strong dissatisfaction among the local indigenous people. Since the wildfire on Maui Island in Hawaii, American real estate developers have been using social media to approach residents whose homes have been damaged. Many residents of Maui are worried that their land will fall into the hands of property developers from other places, and they are warning each other on social media that such information may be fraudulent. The Federal Trade Commission of the United States has also warned that scammers usually target victims after disasters occur, and people affected by wildfires on Maui may become victims of scammers. Hawaii Governor Josh Green at a press conference on the 14th

Foreign media: After the US military withdrew from Afghanistan, the Afghan people who promised to work for them were torn apart and faced multiple risks. Country | Afghanistan | US military
Foreign media: After the US military withdrew from Afghanistan, the Afghan people who promised to work for them were torn apart and faced multiple risks. Country | Afghanistan | US military

On August 17th, Qatari Al Jazeera TV reported that since the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan in August 2021, the risks faced by Afghan people who have worked for the US military in their own country have multiplied, and their survival and safety are full of uncertainty and fear. According to reports, the US government had promised that "Afghan nationals fighting alongside the US military" would have a home in the US, but subsequent government work reports showed that the government was unable to fulfill that promise. As the White House stated in its April assessment, the former government had no plans on how to withdraw troops, Americans, and Afghan allies. The report states that although the withdrawal of Western countries from this war-torn country has been welcomed by certain sectors of Afghan society, for thousands of people, the chaotic withdrawal of the United States has led to

Adapt to the trend of the times, benefit the people of the region, and provide assistance to the region | China | Region
Adapt to the trend of the times, benefit the people of the region, and provide assistance to the region | China | Region

Alani, a demonstration household in Tonga, is picking a bountiful harvest of edible mushrooms in a mushroom greenhouse assisted by China. On August 10th, a doctor performed surgery on a patient in Vanuatu aboard the Chinese Navy's "Ark of Peace" hospital ship. Liu Wei photographed the main stadium of the Solomon Islands 2023 Pacific Games, which was built with China's assistance.Several Pacific island country politicians recently stated in an interview with this newspaper that the cooperation between Pacific island countries and China conforms to the trend of the times, benefits the people of the region, and shows vigorous vitality. Tonga Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice Samuel Vaipulu - "Whenever encountering

"Removing risks" and "decoupling" from China is not in line with Germany's interests - Interview with Larush, founder and chairman of the Schiller Institute, a German think tank | Reporter | Schiller Institute, a German think tank
"Removing risks" and "decoupling" from China is not in line with Germany's interests - Interview with Larush, founder and chairman of the Schiller Institute, a German think tank | Reporter | Schiller Institute, a German think tank

Berlin, August 17th (Xinhua) - "Removing risks" and "decoupling" from China are not in line with Germany's interests - Interview with Li Chao, founder and chairman of the Schiller Institute, a German think tank. Helga Zep Larush, founder and chairman of the Schiller Institute, said in an interview with Xinhua that neither "removing risks" nor "decoupling" from China is in Germany's own interests and will ultimately only cause harm to the German economy. This is a photo taken on July 10th of the X8008 China Europe train returning from Duisburg, Germany to Xi'an International Port Station. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Bowen said that the term "de risk" is just a rhetorical game, and its core point is still "decoupling". In fact, Germany does not face any risks from China. China is the most reliable

Gathering Strong Forces to Build a Community of Shared Future between China and Tajikistan (Ambassador's Essay) Bilateral Relations | Cooperation | Ambassador
Gathering Strong Forces to Build a Community of Shared Future between China and Tajikistan (Ambassador's Essay) Bilateral Relations | Cooperation | Ambassador

This year marks the 30th anniversary of China and Tajikistan signing the Joint Declaration on the Basic Principles of China Tajikistan Mutual Relations. As friendly neighbors connected by mountains and rivers, the relationship between the two countries has withstood the test of international changes, achieving a leap from good neighborly friendship to strategic partnership and then to comprehensive strategic partnership, setting a model for developing friendly relations between developing countries and neighboring countries. The profound friendship between the heads of state is a huge advantage in promoting the development of China Tajikistan relations.

To help jointly build the "the Belt and Road" with high quality, and open up the land and sea | channel | big channel in the west
To help jointly build the "the Belt and Road" with high quality, and open up the land and sea | channel | big channel in the west

The theme interview activity of "West Land Sea New Channel First Line Tour" with the theme of "Beautiful Scenery of the Steel Silk Road" was recently held. From the Yangtze River to the Beibu Gulf, from Chongqing to Guangxi, through climbing bridges, purchasing yards, and exploring trains, reporters traveled along more than 1400 kilometers of railway lines, witnessing the prosperity and vitality of the Western Land Sea New Corridor. With the sound of a long whistle, the X9590 West Land Sea New Channel Rail Sea Intermodal Train slowly started, carrying a total of 71 TEUs and 2275 tons of goods such as Australian kraft paper and Singapore shortening, departing from Qinzhou Port East Station in Guangxi and heading towards Xiaonanya Station in Jiangjin District, Chongqing. "Previously, this station was only a supporting facility in the Qinzhou Bonded Port Area, with three tracks and two people on duty, with almost no freight volume. Only one or two freight trains departed from Qinzhou Port per week."

Talking about New Opportunities in China's Economy | Exclusive Interview: The China Myanmar Economic Corridor Has Promising Prospects -- Interview with the Consul General of Myanmar in Kunming, Doda'ang Economy | Kunming | Corridor
Talking about New Opportunities in China's Economy | Exclusive Interview: The China Myanmar Economic Corridor Has Promising Prospects -- Interview with the Consul General of Myanmar in Kunming, Doda'ang Economy | Kunming | Corridor

Kunming, August 17th (Xinhua) - The China Myanmar Economic Corridor has great potential. Interview with Myanmar Consul General in Kunming, Dada Ang. Xinhua reporter Zhuang Beining. Myanmar Consul General in Kunming, Dada Ang, said in an interview with Xinhua at the 7th China South Asia Expo in Kunming on August 16th that the construction of the China Myanmar Economic Corridor has great potential, and we believe that cooperation and bilateral trade between the two countries will be further developed. This is the Kunming Dianchi International Convention and Exhibition Center, the venue of the 7th China South Asia Expo, filmed on August 7th. "This is Myanmar's second time participating as a guest of honor in the South China Expo," said Da Duo Ang, a journalist from Xinhua News Agency. "Through this year's South China Expo, I believe that the close relationship, cooperation, and trade between China and Myanmar will further develop in the future." At this year's South China Expo, Myanmar will dispatch a federal minister and some provinces and states' economies

International Observation | The Dangerous Plot of the David Camp Meeting between the United States, Japan, and South Korea | The United States | Camp David | Danger
International Observation | The Dangerous Plot of the David Camp Meeting between the United States, Japan, and South Korea | The United States | Camp David | Danger

Beijing, August 17th (Xinhua) - The dangerous plot of the David Camp meeting between the United States, Japan, and South Korea. The leaders of the United States, Japan, and South Korea will hold talks at the presidential resort in Maryland on August 18th. It is reported that this meeting aims to strengthen cooperation between the United States and its two allies, Japan and South Korea, involving multiple fields such as military, technology, and economy. The leaders of the three countries will also promote the institutionalization of trilateral meetings. Analysts point out that the US is actively promoting this meeting with the aim of further piecing together a "small circle" with Japan and South Korea, inciting confrontation between camps, and using the strategic security of other countries as a stepping stone to maintain American style hegemony, which may seriously threaten peace, stability, and prosperity in the Asia Pacific region. On April 24th, US President Biden attended an event at the White House in Washington, D.C. Xinhua News Agency Joins Up the US, Japan, and South Korea Military Alliance This meeting will be led by the US, Japan, and South Korea

The United States is the biggest risk to global economic recovery | China | Economy
The United States is the biggest risk to global economic recovery | China | Economy

Recently, some American and Western politicians and media have been using various methods to smear China, falsely claiming that a slowdown in China's economic growth may pose risks to global economic development. This kind of argument is not new. Whenever there are fluctuations in China's economic indicators, the voice of criticism will spread widely, but in the end, it will be criticized by reality. The effective and stable development model of China cannot change the bright prospects of the Chinese economy, and China remains an important engine of global economic growth. It is not difficult to see from the perspective that certain politicians and media in the United States and the West always wear colored glasses and vigorously criticize China's economic data, cutting off one-sided and short-term data to slander the Chinese economy and disrupt development confidence. However, the development of the Chinese economy has not only not collapsed, but has also been continuously improving, causing the bearers to face disappointment time and time again

The unbreakable "dam" - dedicated to the brave pioneers who have devoted themselves to flood control and disaster relief. August 2nd | Bus. " From August 1st | Dam
The unbreakable "dam" - dedicated to the brave pioneers who have devoted themselves to flood control and disaster relief. August 2nd | Bus. " From August 1st | Dam

When floods sweep across the earth, there are always solid arms to support the boat of life. When mudslides bury fertile fields, there is always hope for diligent hands to cultivate new ones.They bravely move forward, facing life and death! Their willpower is like steel, indestructible! Remembering their mission and responsibility, they unwaveringly said, "I am a police officer and also a party member!" In the restless carriage, Tang Huaqing, associate professor of the Rescue Command College of the People's Police University of China, calmed everyone's minds with a few words. On July 30th, there were three trips: K396, Z180, and K1178

International Sharp Review | Can the Maui Island Fire Alert American Politicians? Maui Island | Accident | United States
International Sharp Review | Can the Maui Island Fire Alert American Politicians? Maui Island | Accident | United States

Hundreds of people have died, thousands of people are missing, and thousands of houses have been destroyed... As of the 17th local time, the fire on Maui Island in Hawaii has not been fully controlled. "Everything around us has been destroyed, looking like a war zone." "Our hometown has gone from heaven to hell." "We haven't received any fire alarms or shelter guides." "If it weren't for poor rescue efforts, many people could have survived."... In front of media cameras and on social media platforms, Americans have issued angry accusations. This is the deadliest wildfire accident in over a hundred years in the United States. How exactly is it brewed? Due to natural conditions, including strong winds, arid climate, and flammable vegetation. But as more and more details are revealed, people have found that, like many accidents that have occurred in the United States in the past, the Maui wildfire accident is

"Cool Consumption" Ignites Summer "Hot Economy" Activities | Consumption | Economy
"Cool Consumption" Ignites Summer "Hot Economy" Activities | Consumption | Economy

This summer, many parts of China have been experiencing sustained high temperatures, and the vitality of the "hot economy" has emerged, while "cool consumption" continues to rise. The demand for a cool summer has increased, driving food products such as cold drinks and ice cream into the peak sales season. According to recent media reports, data from e-commerce platforms shows that since the beginning of summer, ice cream sales in various regions have increased by more than three times month on month, with ice cream products with fancy flavors and creative forms receiving the most attention. The sales of cool food are thriving, and household cooling appliances such as air conditioners and home cooling appliances are also popular in the consumer market. According to the "2023 Summer Air Conditioning Consumption Trends Observation" released by the China Economic Think Tank, in the first week of July, many parts of the country suddenly experienced hot weather, and's omnichannel air conditioning sales surged by 45% year-on-year. Among them, the sales of central air conditioning increased by 84% year-on-year. JD Consumption

Viewing China along the Grand Canal | Yangzhou China Grand Canal Museum: The Encyclopedia of the Grand Canal in China | The Grand Canal | Encyclopedia
Viewing China along the Grand Canal | Yangzhou China Grand Canal Museum: The Encyclopedia of the Grand Canal in China | The Grand Canal | Encyclopedia

The Yangzhou China Grand Canal Museum is a landmark project in the construction of the Grand Canal National Cultural Park. It is a thematic museum that showcases the world cultural heritage value of the Grand Canal in all aspects, including the entire river basin, all time periods, and all directions. In the museum, visitors can learn about the changes of the Grand Canal and its significance for ancient Chinese politics, economy, and culture, experience the intelligence and talent of ancient Chinese water engineering, and the beautiful life brought by the Grand Canal. They can gain knowledge about shipbuilding technology, local customs, and the natural ecology along the route, and appreciate the wisdom and philosophical ideas of the relationship between humans and nature in Eastern civilization. Producer: Wang Xiaoxin, Chief Producer: Yuan Xiaohai, Visual Reviewer: Yan Mengqi, Yao Menghan, Camera: Cai Chenggan, Zhang Lingqi, Post production: Tao Yiran, Jiang Wenhao, Li Kang

Salute to the "Labor silhouette" boat under high temperature | Chongqing | High temperature
Salute to the "Labor silhouette" boat under high temperature | Chongqing | High temperature

After the beginning of autumn, the temperature in many places still remains high. Workers from all over the country are still silently holding their posts. Staff are driving small boats to clean up the water on the Xida River in Jiangbei District, Ningbo City. On August 15th, at the construction site of the Chongqing section of the Chongqing Hunan high-speed railway, construction workers were carrying out construction operations. On August 15th, police officers Peng Cong and Huang Zhouyuan from the Chongqing Railway Public Security Department conducted a patrol inspection of fire protection facilities and equipment at the Chongqing West Bus Depot. On August 15th, shunting workers in the operation workshop of Chongqing West Station placed wheel stoppers on incoming trains at the Chongqing West Bus Depot. On August 15th, at the construction site of the Chongqing section of the Chongqing Hunan high-speed railway, construction workers were carrying out construction operations. On August 15th, staff from Chongqing Rolling Stock Depot conducted maintenance on incoming vehicles at Chongqing West Bus Depot. On August 16th, at

AIGC Tells the Truth | US Aid to Ukraine Cluster Bombs Blow Out US Hogwarts and Break Lower Limit Ukraine | US | Cluster Bombs
AIGC Tells the Truth | US Aid to Ukraine Cluster Bombs Blow Out US Hogwarts and Break Lower Limit Ukraine | US | Cluster Bombs

Recently, Ukraine has begun firing US provided cluster ammunition into the Russian military. Cluster bombs, also known as "steel rain," are highly controversial. Because once detonated, they can expand their attack range by releasing a large number of small bombs or bullets. Moreover, they often accidentally hit or fail to detonate landing, posing a fatal threat to civilians. When the United States decided to transfer cluster ammunition to Ukraine, which had been banned by more than 120 countries, the world was shocked. What is even more surprising is the changes in the attitude of the United States before and after. In 2022, the United States also stated that the illegal use of cluster bombs could constitute a "war crime", but just one year later, the United States itself sent the cluster bombs to Ukraine. An article in Foreign Policy magazine in the United States states that "such behavior should not surprise us: when a country is in trouble,"

In the first half of the year, China's ports operated well, helping the economy steadily advance. Ports | Throughput | China
In the first half of the year, China's ports operated well, helping the economy steadily advance. Ports | Throughput | China

CCTV News: Since the beginning of this year, the throughput of multiple ports in China has shown significant growth momentum, and port operations have maintained a good trend, providing strong momentum for China's foreign trade, domestic demand, and economic and social development. Recently, a cargo ship carrying over 1000 containers of electromechanical, ceramic, chemical and other products departed from the Qianwan Port of Qingdao Port and sailed towards countries such as South Korea and Singapore. Since this year, Qingdao Port has opened 15 new foreign trade routes directly to several "the Belt and Road" and RCEP countries. According to data from the Ministry of Transport, in the first half of this year, China's ports completed a cargo throughput of 8.19 billion tons, a year-on-year increase of 8%. Among them, the domestic trade throughput increased by 7.6% year-on-year, the foreign trade throughput increased by 8.9% year-on-year, and the container throughput reached 150 million TEUs, a year-on-year increase of 4.8%. The height of the port

Gathering a strong force for flood control, disaster relief, and post disaster recovery and reconstruction (with the Party flag flying high at the grassroots level) Emergency | Party member | Party flag
Gathering a strong force for flood control, disaster relief, and post disaster recovery and reconstruction (with the Party flag flying high at the grassroots level) Emergency | Party member | Party flag

On August 15th, in Taitou Town, Jinghai District, Tianjin City, an emergency rescue team composed of emergency rescue experts, grassroots party members, cadres, and others braved the scorching sun to patrol and identify dam risks. On August 3rd, Zhao Zishuo, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency, organized a party member assault team from China Anneng Group to carry out road clearance work in Mentougou District, Beijing. The picture shows two team members clearing obstacles on National Highway 234. On August 12th, Li Qingchang, the leader of the Communist Party member service team of State Grid Heilongjiang Electric Power, Mei Honggang, helped farmers carry out post disaster reconstruction services in Anjia Town, Wuchang City. Photo by Wang Ping, Secretary of the Party Branch of Mujiakou Village, Zhangfang Town, Fangshan District, Beijing, Mu Xihuai - "The roads, power grids, and water are all connected, let's work harder." Our reporter Pan Junqiang, "Today, please invite foreign aid to help us clear the silt!" August

Focus Interview: Beautiful China Green Answer Sheet Countries | Ecology | Beautiful China Green
Focus Interview: Beautiful China Green Answer Sheet Countries | Ecology | Beautiful China Green

CCTV News: The construction of ecological civilization is a fundamental plan related to the sustainable development of the Chinese nation. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, through tenacious efforts, the sky in our country has become bluer, the ground greener, the water clearer, and the rivers and mountains over thousands of miles more colorful. The achievements of ecological civilization construction in the new era have attracted worldwide attention, becoming a significant symbol of historic achievements and changes in the cause of the Party and the country in the new era. What changes have occurred in various regions as we plan for development and build a beautiful China from the perspective of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature? In Pudacuo National Park, matsutake is a precious specialty bestowed upon the locals by nature. In the past, local people collected matsutake, regardless of the size of the umbrella, but in recent years, under the guidance of local governments, they have become increasingly disciplined. Sun Nuo Qilin, a villager from Luorong Village, Shangri La City, Diqing Prefecture, Yunnan Province, said: "Little."

[Practice of Chinese path to modernization in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei] Strive for "new" development in Tianjin and Chinese path to modernization - visit Tianjin's practical innovation | Tianjin | Tianjin
[Practice of Chinese path to modernization in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei] Strive for "new" development in Tianjin and Chinese path to modernization - visit Tianjin's practical innovation | Tianjin | Tianjin

Xinhua News Agency Client, Tianjin, August 17 (Xinhua News Agency) On August 15, under the guidance of the Network Communication Bureau of the Central Cyberspace Office and jointly sponsored by the Cyberspace Office of Tianjin, Beijing and Hebei and China Economic Network, the network themed survey and interview activity of "Going into the region to see development, and the practice of Chinese path to modernization in Beijing Tianjin Hebei" was officially launched in Tianjin Binhai New Area. A themed research team consisting of journalists and editors from central key news websites, local news websites, and online influencers will conduct a 9-day research interview in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region. The "Beautiful Bincheng · Reception Hall" located in the Yujiapu Xiangluowan area of Binhai New Area is the first stop of the theme research activity. As the core area of the Binhai New Area, the "Yuxiang" area is focusing on building a "Bincheng" urban reception hall, a modern financial operation demonstration zone, and a new economic headquarters base in accordance with the planning positioning, striving to promote high-quality development

The secret to the immersive upgrading of Jiangsu's economy lies here! Innovation | Technology | Economy
The secret to the immersive upgrading of Jiangsu's economy lies here! Innovation | Technology | Economy

Jiangsu focuses on technological self-reliance and self-improvement, while intensifying core technology research and deepening basic research soil. Between fast and slow, it runs a new pace of technological innovation, providing a source of energy for high-quality development. In the first half of this year, Jiangsu's economic growth ranked first in the country, with a total amount exceeding 6 trillion yuan for the first time. The added value of industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 8.3% year-on-year, significantly faster than the national average. At the China Merchants Industrial Haimen Base in Nantong, the office walls of the 180000 ton LNG ship project team are covered with a packed schedule. Due to the independent design of the ship type and the localization of the core thin film cabin insulation material, the expected completion time has been advanced by half a year. Wu Haijian, Director of the Science and Technology Innovation Center of China Merchants Industrial Haimen Base: Let's focus on this project together, and wherever it gets stuck, we will attack it

Be cautious and consistent in all aspects of flood prevention and disaster relief work (today's discussion)
Be cautious and consistent in all aspects of flood prevention and disaster relief work (today's discussion)

The flood situation is an order, and life is more important than Mount Tai. Strengthen monitoring, early warning, and patrol duty, promptly transfer trapped personnel, and urgently repair damaged infrastructure such as transportation, communication, and electricity

Yunnan Provincial Safety Commission has been listed for supervision. A construction accident occurred in Kunming, resulting in 4 deaths. Yunnan Province has been listed for supervision, investigation, handling, and safety commission. Accident investigation report
Yunnan Provincial Safety Commission has been listed for supervision. A construction accident occurred in Kunming, resulting in 4 deaths. Yunnan Province has been listed for supervision, investigation, handling, and safety commission. Accident investigation report

On August 13th, a construction accident occurred in Dongchuan District, Kunming City, resulting in 4 deaths. According to the information released on the official website of the Yunnan Provincial Emergency Management Department on August 17th, in accordance with the "Measures for the Investigation and Supervision of Major Accidents", the Yunnan Provincial Work Safety Commission has decided to conduct a list supervision of the investigation and handling of the accident. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows: 1. Please form an accident investigation team in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, and rules such as the "Regulations on Reporting and Investigation of Production Safety Accidents", organize and carry out accident investigations as soon as possible, quickly identify the cause of the accident, and strictly study and propose handling opinions in accordance with the requirements of the accident investigation regulations. 2、 Before the accident is closed, please submit the accident investigation report to the Office of the Provincial Safety Committee for review and approval. After approval, the case should be closed according to regulations and made public in accordance with the law. After the case is closed, the accident investigation report and accident handling

Philippine President appoints Chinese envoy, "delicate moment" Presidential Palace | Philippines | President
Philippine President appoints Chinese envoy, "delicate moment" Presidential Palace | Philippines | President

According to foreign media reports, on the 16th local time, the Philippine Presidential Office announced that President Marcos has appointed former Foreign Minister Rochin as the President's special envoy to China. When asked why Marcos chose Lochin, Filipino Political Office Director Chelo Velicaria Galafel stated that the move was aimed at improving China Philippines relations. According to the Philippine News Agency, Luo Qin is a lawyer, politician, and former journalist. In October 2018, he was appointed as the Minister of Foreign Affairs by then Philippine President Duterte. In September 2022, Lochin was appointed by Marcos as the Philippine Ambassador to the United Kingdom. After announcing that Luo Qin would be appointed as the special envoy to China, Philippine Presidential Office Information Minister Galafel stated that "he will concurrently undertake two tasks.". Several senators in the Philippine Senate expressed appreciation and recognition for the appointment of Lochin

I can't bear to watch it in Australia anymore. This agreement | Alliance | Australia
I can't bear to watch it in Australia anymore. This agreement | Alliance | Australia

On August 16th, the Hong Kong Asia Times website published an article titled "The Anglo American Alliance in Australia is increasingly under attack" by Matthew Sussex, Associate Professor at the Griffith Institute for Asian Studies in Australia. The article is compiled as follows: The Australian Labour Party began holding this year's national conference on August 17th. There is generally skepticism within the Labour Party regarding the Anglo American alliance agreement. This suspicion transcends the differences between the various factions of the Labour Party. Skeptics include opponents of nuclear weapons and energy, anti American lobbying groups, and those who do not trust the military industrial complex. The current concern is that, at a time of severe instability and constant changes in the regional situation, Australia has voluntarily placed strategic policy flexibility behind alliance loyalty. Some people also oppose the heartbreaking $368 billion security agreement bid