The world

Saudi Arabia's new ambassador to Iran arrives in Tehran, the capital of Iran
Saudi Arabia's new ambassador to Iran arrives in Tehran, the capital of Iran

According to Iran's Fars News Agency, on September 5th local time, the new Saudi Ambassador to Iran, Abdullah Anzi, arrived in the Iranian capital Tehran. In his first statement upon arrival, Abdullah Annan stated that one of Saudi Arabia's "2030 Vision" policies is to develop relations with Iran, strengthen bilateral relations and cooperation with Iran based on the principles of good neighborliness, mutual understanding, constructive dialogue, and mutual respect and trust. Saudi Arabia severed diplomatic ties with Iran in 2016. Under the mediation of China, representatives of Saudi Arabia and Iran held a dialogue in Beijing in March this year. The three sides signed and issued a joint statement, announcing that Saudi Arabia and Iran agreed to resume diplomatic relations and reached the Beijing Agreement. On April 6th, the two sides signed a joint statement, announcing the resumption of diplomatic relations from now on. In early June,

Cadres become deadbeats and still work? Official: True
Cadres become deadbeats and still work? Official: True

On September 5th, a netizen revealed that a leader of the Market Supervision Administration of Mengyin County, Linyi City, was executed by the court for more than 1.4 million yuan without success, and was later listed as a "deadbeat" on the list of dishonest individuals. However, he himself was not greatly affected and went to work normally. On the afternoon of the 5th, the reporter learned from the Market Supervision Administration of Mengyin County that Hou Mouyi, who was listed as a dishonest person, was indeed a director of the bureau. "The court has given us an assistance letter and requires our cooperation to suspend his salary for debt repayment." The staff said that Hou Mouyi is still working normally. One of the loan disputes involving Hou Mouyi is the reason for his debt and becoming a "deadbeat". The Mengyin County Market Supervision Administration told reporters that currently only Hou Mouyi is known to be

Shanxi Provincial Party Committee: Resolutely support the decision of the Party Central Committee, Shang Liguang is under investigation
Shanxi Provincial Party Committee: Resolutely support the decision of the Party Central Committee, Shang Liguang is under investigation

According to the Shanxi News Network, on September 5, the Standing Committee of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee held a meeting to inform Shang Liguang that he was suspected of serious violations of discipline and was currently subject to disciplinary review and supervision investigation by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervision Commission. Provincial Party Secretary Lan Fo'an presided over the meeting.The Provincial Party Committee firmly supports the decisions of the Party Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission. All party members and cadres in the province should effectively unify their thoughts and actions with the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China

Is it not an isolated phenomenon for schools to force the purchase of bedding for a set priced at 980 yuan? Netizen: My niece's school also requires it
Is it not an isolated phenomenon for schools to force the purchase of bedding for a set priced at 980 yuan? Netizen: My niece's school also requires it

On August 30th, a netizen posted a video stating that Zhongxian No.1 Middle School in Chongqing City requires parents to purchase bedding and other bedding for students on campus, with a price of up to 268 yuan per set. This matter has sparked heated discussions online and has been trending on Weibo. The video shows that outside a building, many parents are queuing up to buy bedding, while school staff occasionally hand bedding to the parents. In the video caption, netizens accused the school of "buying and selling forcefully" and stated that the price was high and the quality was poor. Regarding this, school staff stated that the school undertakes many reception tasks and needs to receive inspections from leaders at all levels. If students bring bedding that matches the school's requirements, they do not need to purchase it. Many netizens have also expressed their views on the school's approach - some have suggested that "different bedding affects learning."

Multiple schools have suspended classes, South Korean teachers hold large-scale gatherings again: over 100000 people participate in protecting | teachers | schools
Multiple schools have suspended classes, South Korean teachers hold large-scale gatherings again: over 100000 people participate in protecting | teachers | schools

According to Reuters, on September 4th local time, about 50000 teachers gathered on the streets of Seoul, South Korea, demanding that the government better protect their rights. South Korean teachers wearing black clothing gathered on the road in front of the Seoul National Assembly Hall, demanding the protection of their rights and the investigation of the truth behind the death of a 24-year-old elementary school teacher. Many teachers took a day off to attend the rally, and many primary schools were unable to teach normally. About 30 schools across the country have temporarily decided to suspend classes. The organizers stated in a statement, "We will protect teachers and make changes so that no more teachers choose to commit suicide." The organizers estimate that apart from the protests in Seoul, about 60000 to 70000 teachers held rallies elsewhere. According to data from the South Korean government, as of June this year, there were approximately 1

Women's Volleyball Asian Championships: China defeats Vietnam to advance to the finals
Women's Volleyball Asian Championships: China defeats Vietnam to advance to the finals

The Chinese women's volleyball team easily defeated Vietnam 3-0 in the semi-finals of the 2023 Asian Women's Volleyball Championships held in Nakhon Rath, Thailand on the 5th, and will compete for the championship with the host Thailand team. Compared to the previous game against the Japanese team, which had to go through 5 tough games before winning, the Chinese women's volleyball team showed a clear advantage in strength against the Vietnamese team, easily winning the first two games with a score of 25-13 and 25-12. In the third game, the Vietnamese team fought back, but the Chinese team quickly reversed their once backward situation and eventually advanced to the finals with a score of 25:22 in the next game. Chinese team head coach Zhao Yong said after the game that the team was well prepared before the game and also performed well during the game. For the final, the team will maintain confidence. In another semi-final, Thailand defeated Japan 3-2 and will compete with China for the championship in the final on the 6th.

Should students pay for the loss of textbooks in a university in Shandong and share the cost equally? School: The fee has been refunded
Should students pay for the loss of textbooks in a university in Shandong and share the cost equally? School: The fee has been refunded

Recently, a student from Linyi University reported that some English textbooks from a college were lost during transportation due to weather and various reasons. A screenshot of a WeChat chat online shows that class fees need to be collected to make up for the expenses. "The four classes will be shared equally, totaling 15.6 yuan per person.". Image student: Unaware of the situation and forced to pay. On September 5th at noon, the reporter contacted the student who exposed the incident. According to him, the school involved was the Business School of Linyi University, and the announcement in the chat record was released at 4:30 pm on September 4th. "We don't know anything specific, and we were inexplicably told that we need to pay." The student told the reporter that the textbook fee for this semester has not been paid yet, but the order form has already been issued. "The cost for each book is clearly written, and it should be paid later, but now it suddenly says,"

The National Medical Insurance Administration has clarified that medical consumables are included in medical insurance payments
The National Medical Insurance Administration has clarified that medical consumables are included in medical insurance payments

Medical consumables involve over 95% of the diagnosis and treatment business activities within medical institutions, accounting for 15% to 20% of the total revenue of large comprehensive medical institutions, and have been increasing year by year. In particular, the annual market growth rate of high-value medical consumables has reached 26%. How can the charging, pricing, and payment management of medical consumables be more systematic and standardized? Today, the National Medical Insurance Administration issued a notice on the management of payment for medical consumables in basic medical insurance. The National Medical Insurance Administration requires all regions to solidly promote the application of medical consumables codes under the National Medical Insurance Administration, timely update the medical consumables classification and code database formulated by the National Medical Insurance Administration, improve the accuracy and standardization of medical consumables code application, achieve the procurement, use, settlement, and supervision of medical consumables with codes, and ensure the nationwide standardization of medical consumables classification and codes

Gu Yangli, a female cadre born in the 1980s, was investigated
Gu Yangli, a female cadre born in the 1980s, was investigated

According to the Xicheng District Supervision Commission of Beijing on September 5th, Gu Yangli, Deputy Director of the Xicheng District Bureau of Culture and Tourism, is suspected of serious illegal activities and is currently under supervision and investigation. Gu Yangli, according to publicly available images, female, born in June 1983, Han ethnicity, native to Chongqing. She started working in September 2004 and joined the China Democratic Construction Association in December 2010. She graduated from Communication University of China with a master's degree. Gu Yangli started working in 2004 and served as the Director of the Supervision Office of the Academic Affairs Office and the Head of the Teaching Planning and Research Department at Beijing Dance Academy; Deputy Director of Yuetan Street Office in Xicheng District; Deputy Director of the Cultural Committee of Xicheng District; Deputy Director of the Culture and Tourism Bureau of Xicheng District. In 2020, the Central website of the Civil Construction Bureau of China published an article titled "Gu Yangli's Campaign on the Frontline of Prevention and Control in the Cultural and Tourism Industry".

Seafood is on sale! One kilogram is 20 yuan cheaper! Have you tasted "fresh" yet?
Seafood is on sale! One kilogram is 20 yuan cheaper! Have you tasted "fresh" yet?

Entering September, with the end of the summer fishing ban in the Yellow and Bohai Seas, a large number of seasonal seafood such as swimming crabs and skin shrimp are being launched, and the sales of aquatic products have entered the peak season. The reporter visited a large wholesale market for aquatic products in Zhengzhou, Henan and learned that currently, the overall price of seafood is decreasing, with a decrease of about 20%. In the seafood area of an agricultural product trading market in Zhengzhou, Henan, every stall is filled with seafood products such as swimming crabs, skin shrimp, and grouper. September to October is the peak season for seafood sales, and due to the large number of listings, seafood prices also experience seasonal declines. Among them, the prices of swimming crabs and skin shrimp from Lianyungang have dropped the most significantly, with a magnitude of about 20%. Zhu Xu, a seafood merchant in a market in Zhengzhou, Henan Province: Currently, the quantity of swimming crabs is relatively large, and the selling price for more than 4 liang is about 60 to 70 yuan per kilogram

What are the tricks of "Love Experience Hall"?, Merchants | Maids | Experience Hall Providing Clear Pricing for Chat and Play Services
What are the tricks of "Love Experience Hall"?, Merchants | Maids | Experience Hall Providing Clear Pricing for Chat and Play Services

Immersive experience, priced at 300 yuan per hour, accompanied by watching movies, eating snacks, chatting, killing scripts, and not bothering if you don't understand the rules... Recently, on some content and service platforms, there have been many businesses promoting themselves under the names of "board game teaching assistants" and "love experiences", claiming to provide services such as chatting, playing games, and experiencing love. They have also displayed a large number of sexy beauty pictures on the details page, many of which are dressed as maids. A recent investigation by a reporter from the Legal Daily found that such businesses usually place their contact information in promotional brochures or provide customers with social media accounts from other platforms during private message inquiries, so that customers can "learn about specific services". The service prices range from one to two hundred yuan to one or two thousand yuan per hour. In addition to chatting and playing games, some of the service contents involve gray areas, including some

Fuzhou and Xiamen issue red warnings! Fuzhou: unnecessary people do not go out, cars do not go on the road, and the rainstorm continues
Fuzhou and Xiamen issue red warnings! Fuzhou: unnecessary people do not go out, cars do not go on the road, and the rainstorm continues

The heavy rainfall caused by typhoon "Haikui" in Fujian is still continuing. On the evening of September 5, Fuzhou and Xiamen also issued a red rainstorm warning. At 20:26 on September 5, 2023, Fuzhou Meteorological Station upgraded the orange rainstorm warning signal to the red rainstorm warning signal: the rainfall in Chengmen Town, Cangshan District in the past one hour will be 88.6 mm, and in the next two hours, there will still be 50-70 mm of rainfall in Mawei District, Jin'an District, Cangshan District, Taijiang District, Gulou District, and High tech Zone, with local rainfall exceeding 80 mm. At 20:48 on September 5, 2023, Xiamen Meteorological Station continued to issue the rainstorm red warning signal: over 160 mm of heavy rainfall has occurred in Dongfu Street, Haicang District in the past 12 hours, and it is estimated that there will still be rainstorm to heavy rainstorm in the city this night, with a cumulative rainfall of 80~100 mm

Learning Times: The country has set up a large "bureau"
Learning Times: The country has set up a large "bureau"

A national department setting up an internal institution has attracted such great attention and response, which has not been seen in many years. On September 4th, the news of the establishment of the Private Economy Development Bureau by the National Development and Reform Commission immediately became a hot topic on the internet. After watching various discussions for most of the night, I feel that whether it is fully affirmed, not taken lightly, or even ridiculed, all contain deep emotions and expectations. The reason for such attention and response, such deep emotions and expectations, is really because this "situation" is too big. The greatness of the bureau lies first and foremost in its establishment within the National Development and Reform Commission. As a constituent department of the State Council, but compared to other economic departments of the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission has more policy, macro, and comprehensive characteristics, especially its authority. Its important function is to implement the Party Central Committee's policy on development and reform

Economic Daily Jin Guanping: Independent Innovation Supports "Chinese Chip"
Economic Daily Jin Guanping: Independent Innovation Supports "Chinese Chip"

From the sudden pre-sale of Huawei Mate60 Pro to the long queue in offline stores, the attention of various sectors of society to this domestically produced phone has not decreased in recent days. Behind this is the expectation for "Chinese chip", the urgency to break through the blockade, and the confidence in technological self-reliance and self-improvement. Although Huawei is currently silent on the technical details of this phone and there are many unknowns about the chips it uses, based on various sources, it is certain that "Chinese chip" is making great strides and overcoming obstacles. Pressure is also power. In recent years, sanctions have brought practical difficulties and also provided strong impetus for innovative development. The domestic chip market continues to release demand, and industrial technology is accelerating its evolution, gradually narrowing the gap with the world's advanced level. Previously, China's chip industry had reached the world's advanced level in design, packaging and testing

The reason for EMO is... a lack of vitamin D in the body?!
The reason for EMO is... a lack of vitamin D in the body?!

Do you often feel EMO? Recently, the reporter noticed that many netizens have found that the reason for their EMO is actually related to a lack of vitamin D in the body. Director Lu Lijuan of the Pain Department at Nanjing Gulou Hospital pointed out that the lack of vitamin D can indeed lead to various sub-health conditions, but it is not recommended to blindly supplement just because of a bad mood. Unexpectedly, there is a lack of vitamin D, and many netizens have found the reason for EMO. Ms. Yao, a netizen, posted that she has been prone to EMO and sensitive since a long time ago, and even if things go smoothly, she will suddenly feel low. Sleep for 9 hours a day and the quality of sleep is not bad, but the next day you still feel uncomfortable and drowsy, especially on cloudy and rainy days. Ms. Yao has also tried the combination of coffee and exercise, but she feels that it can only alleviate symptoms, occasionally accompanied by lower back pain and soreness. Post on Xiaohongshu

Is a 0.6% growth a "strong recovery"?, An increase of 5.5% is "losing momentum"
Is a 0.6% growth a "strong recovery"?, An increase of 5.5% is "losing momentum"

"The annual growth rate of over 10% is slowing down, and the Chinese economy is losing momentum." "At the end of 2021, the economy actually grew by 0.6%, and the UK has performed much better than expected." Recently, two news articles published by the veteran British media, Sky TV, in just three days, once again proved with naked "double standards" how absurd the argument of criticizing the Chinese economy in the international public opinion field is. In the post pandemic era, the century long changes are accelerating and the overall global economic situation is not optimistic. According to predictions from relevant international organizations, the world economy may face stagflation this year, with GDP growth of 2.7%, inflation rate of 6.5%, and global goods trade growth of 1%, which will be significantly lower than normal years. Specifically for each country, "every family has its own difficult to read scripture.". As far as China is concerned, our current economic output has exceeded

Indian media: India wants to change its country name?
Indian media: India wants to change its country name?

According to reports from several Indian media outlets, including India Today and the Economic Times, cited by Global Times on September 5th, the Modi government may propose a resolution to change the name of India to "Bharat" at a special parliamentary meeting scheduled for September 18-22. Indian media reports that the government may propose a resolution to rename the country. Indian media "India Today" reports that there is a growing call to change India's name to "Bharat" by amending the constitution. Sources suggest that the central government may propose a resolution to rename the country. The Economic Times added that several leaders of the People's Party, including the Chief Minister of Assam, spoke out on social media on the 5th in support of changing the name of India to "Bharat". According to Xinhua News Agency's "India Today", Indian Prime Minister Modi also stated

Stall or slight increase?, The domestic oil price adjustment window opens on the 6th
Stall or slight increase?, The domestic oil price adjustment window opens on the 6th

On September 6th, China News Service reported that at 24:00, a new round of price adjustment window for domestic refined oil products will open. The institution believes that this round of oil price adjustment will face shelving or a slight increase. According to Dai Tiandong, a product oil analyst at Zhuochuang Information, although the market is concerned about the economic outlook and oil demand, and concerns are enveloping the market, the disturbance of the US Gulf of Mexico hurricane has led the market to pay more attention to the reduction of US crude oil supply, and the significant destocking of US crude oil inventories has resulted in stronger fundamentals. In addition, the expectation of the Federal Reserve suspending interest rate hikes has strengthened. Therefore, the overall international crude oil market has shown a volatile upward trend since the beginning of this cycle. Dai Tiandong analyzed that the domestic reference crude oil change rate is constantly rising within a negative range and is currently at a positive low level. If international oil prices fluctuate or slightly rise at the current level, then this round of retail price restrictions on refined oil products will face challenges

Saudi Arabia and Russia respectively announce new measures to reduce oil production
Saudi Arabia and Russia respectively announce new measures to reduce oil production

On September 5th local time, according to the Saudi Ministry of Energy, Saudi Arabia announced the extension of its daily oil production reduction measures of 1 million barrels until the end of 2023. On April 2nd this year, Saudi Arabia announced a daily reduction of 500000 barrels of oil production from May to the end of the year. On June 4th, Saudi Arabia announced again after the 35th OPEC+ministerial meeting that it will reduce daily production by an additional 1 million barrels in July, which has been extended multiple times since then. After two production cuts, Saudi Arabia's daily crude oil production has decreased to around 9 million barrels since July this year. [More News] Russian Deputy Prime Minister: Russia will reduce its daily oil exports by 300000 barrels. On September 5th local time, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Novak stated that Russia will voluntarily reduce its daily oil exports to the global market by 300000 barrels until the end of 2023. Novak stated that this measure

Romania has repeatedly refuted rumors, while Ukraine has repeatedly claimed that a Russian drone crashed in Romania
Romania has repeatedly refuted rumors, while Ukraine has repeatedly claimed that a Russian drone crashed in Romania

On September 4th, Ukraine stated that a Russian drone crashed and exploded on Romanian territory during a night attack on Ukrainian port facilities. However, this statement was immediately denied by the Romanian side. On the 4th, Ukrainian State News Agency reported that Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba stated that Ukraine has evidence to show that during a large-scale airstrike by the Russian military on Ukrainian port facilities on the Danube River in the early hours of the 4th, Russian drones crashed and exploded inside Romanian territory. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kuleba: Something fell there, and our evidence confirms that it was a drone. Denying this matter is meaningless, as photos can prove what happened there. Romanian Foreign Minister: Russian military drones do not pose any direct military threat. Romania "explicitly" denies that Russian drones are in Romania

Multiple countries demand "must be returned", leading to criticism of the loss of British Museum collections
Multiple countries demand "must be returned", leading to criticism of the loss of British Museum collections

The loss of collections at the former British Museum has sparked criticism from multiple sources. The British Museum recently announced that it will appoint Mark Jones as the temporary director of the British Museum to replace Hartwig Fischer, who previously resigned. In mid August, some collections of the British Museum were exposed as missing, stolen, or damaged, and the British police are still investigating this matter. George Osborne, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the British Museum, recently confirmed that approximately 2000 collections of the museum have gone missing, with only some being recovered. The lost collections include gold jewelry and glassware from the 15th century BC to the 19th century AD. British media also reported that some lost collections were even sold on websites at prices far below the actual estimated value. The British Broadcasting Corporation reported that an art dealer and the British Museum

The biggest IPO of this year has been confirmed, a stunning night! Global currency market plummets
The biggest IPO of this year has been confirmed, a stunning night! Global currency market plummets

On September 5th local time, major stock indexes in European and American stock markets collectively closed lower. ARM, which is considered the largest IPO project of the year, has officially set its IPO price in the United States. The company plans to issue 95.5 million shares of ADS, priced between $47 and $51 per share. In terms of commodities, international oil prices slightly rose overnight, and important oil producing country Saudi Arabia announced that it will extend its measures to reduce oil production until the end of the year. On the eve of the Federal Reserve's interest rate meeting this month, several Federal Reserve officials will speak out this week on issues such as inflation and interest rate hikes. Overnight, officials were the first to release dovish signals, believing that "the data does not indicate that the Federal Reserve needs to take any immediate action.". However, it also emphasizes that the Federal Reserve will have to maintain high interest rates until inflation decreases. According to news from Xinhua News Agency and CCTV, local time

Is the entire exterior wall of a residential area in Hangzhou cracked? The response is coming
Is the entire exterior wall of a residential area in Hangzhou cracked? The response is coming

A building in Xiangsheng Yunjing, a newly built residential area in the Zhijiang area that has only been delivered for a year, unexpectedly cracked open from top to bottom? Recently, this news has attracted worldwide attention. The reporter came to the scene to visit as soon as possible. Chao News reporter Xu Shujing and Wu Jiayi took a bird's-eye view of Building 22 and Building 26 in Xiangsheng Yunjing. At the north gate of the community, you can see the building that looks like it has cracked open. The community owner said that there are two cracked buildings, 26 and 22, both of which are self owned by the developer and are currently vacant. From the north, there is a gap in the middle of both buildings. Among them, 22 buildings have slightly better conditions, with two horizontal aluminum plates connecting each floor; Building 26 looks quite exaggerated, except for a horizontal aluminum plate connecting the second and top floors, all other parts are gaps, which really look like it from a distance

Yin Xiumei, Lin Yongjian, Huang Bo, and others have new positions!
Yin Xiumei, Lin Yongjian, Huang Bo, and others have new positions!

The Third National Congress of the Chinese Literary and Art Volunteer Association closed in Beijing on the 5th, and Yin Xiumei was elected as the President of the Third National Congress of the Chinese Literary and Art Volunteer Association. The conference also elected Shan Chong, Liu Jin, Ren Jun, Ren Luyu, He Jialin, Li Xianhua, Yang Hong, Zhang Kaili, Wang Shunan, Song Jing, Wu Bixia, Meng Guanglu, Lin Yongjian, Yao Jianping, Huang Bo, Gong Yu, Fan Jianchuan, and Ji Yanwei as the vice chairmen of the third session of the China Literature and Art Volunteer Association. Yin Xiumei said in her closing speech, "In the next five years, we will work together with one heart and shoulder to shoulder, work diligently, and serve wholeheartedly, always singing praises of the times and serving the people, deeply rooted in the front line, dedicating ourselves to society, advocating morality and art, and dedicating ourselves to cultivation, continuously pushing forward the cause of literary and artistic volunteer services." This conference was held in Beijing from the 4th to the 5th. The meeting reviewed and approved the work report

Putin: This weapon forces the enemy to "think twice before acting"
Putin: This weapon forces the enemy to "think twice before acting"

According to a report on the website of Newsweek on September 2nd, Russia has strengthened its nuclear rhetoric after stating that it has put an advanced intercontinental ballistic missile into military service. Putin once said that this missile would make Moscow's enemies "think twice before acting.". According to TASS, the official Russian news agency, Yuri Borisov, the head of the Russian National Space Group, said that the Salmat intercontinental ballistic missile has "taken on combat missions.". What is the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile? The RS-28 Sarmat is a liquid fueled intercontinental ballistic missile produced by the Markyev Rocket Design Agency of Russia. The design intention of this missile was to replace the R-36 intercontinental ballistic missile with a range of 9940 miles. NATO refers to R-36 as "Satan", therefore its successors

What happened?, Vice President of the "First High Speed Rail Stock" is under investigation! Appointment is less than 8 months old
What happened?,

On the evening of September 5th, the Beijing Shanghai high-speed railway announced that the company received a "detention notice" from the Shanxi Provincial Supervision Commission on September 2nd. Wang Yong, the deputy general manager of the company, was detained for suspected serious violations of discipline and law. It has been less than 8 months since Wang Yong was appointed as the deputy general manager of the Beijing Shanghai high-speed railway on January 12th. According to the resume, Wang Yong's past work experience includes positions such as member of the Party Committee, director, and deputy general manager of China Railway Beijing Group Co., Ltd. On September 4th, the day before Wang Yong was announced for investigation, according to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, Yang Xucheng, member of the Party Committee and deputy general manager of China Railway Beijing Group Co., Ltd., was investigated for serious violations of discipline and law. In terms of the secondary market, as an individual stock with the dual concepts of "state-owned enterprise reform" and "central special evaluation", the Beijing Shanghai high-speed railway obtained multiple public funds in the first half of the year

Consumption "reducing burden" ≠ consumption "downgrading", promoting "numbing" and "replacing" very fragrant "
Consumption "reducing burden" ≠ consumption "downgrading", promoting "numbing" and "replacing" very fragrant "

The topic of "saying one thing proves that your consumption has been downgraded" recently became a hot topic on Weibo. On the social media platform "Douban", there are over 360000 members in the "Has Consumption Downgraded Today" group. Money saving bloggers have appeared on social media such as Tiktok, Station B and Little Red Book, and the keywords for shopping search are "Haile Wool", "Collaborate" and "Pingdi". During the period of June 18th this year, both Alibaba and saw a decline in sales growth, while Pinduoduo, which focuses on the low-priced market, saw a sharp increase in performance. Faced with discount promotions on major e-commerce platforms, some young people have expressed that they are "already numb" and "not buying and saving 100%" is becoming a choice... The consumption shift is undergoing feedback from multiple sources, and the current consumption shift is taking place. However, can this indicate that China, like Japan, has entered a "low desire society"

Japan puts more effort into dealing with China
Japan puts more effort into dealing with China

On the basis of a special fund subsidy of 80 billion yen, the Japanese government announced an additional allocation, in order to "respond to China". According to Global Times, on September 5th, the Kishida government finalized an additional allocation of 20.7 billion yen at a cabinet meeting to respond to China's announced import control measures for aquatic products after the launch of nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea. Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida pointed out on social media X on the same day that the cumulative response funding after the sea discharge has reached 100.7 billion yen. Kishida also introduced five key points of the so-called "support policy" - increasing domestic consumption, responding to negative rumors both domestically and internationally, changing export targets, strengthening Japan's domestic aquatic product processing system, and providing prompt and thoughtful compensation. Previously, the Japanese side had announced the allocation of a special fund worth 80 billion yen to subsidize the discharge of pollutants

The second largest city in the UK went bankrupt and woke up from sleep
The second largest city in the UK went bankrupt and woke up from sleep

I think many people in the world may not have expected that when they wake up, Birmingham, the second largest city in the UK, will actually go bankrupt. Why? The first answer is a lack of money. The second answer is still a lack of money. The third answer is extreme lack of money. The head of the Birmingham Parliament stated that this is a "perfect storm" due to a lack of money, a significant increase in social welfare spending, a significant reduction in corporate tax revenue, and currently rampant inflation. The government is at a loss, and the landlord's family has no surplus food left! Let's just go bankrupt. I didn't expect the British to have such divine manipulation, did they!? Who is the last straw that overwhelms the camel? You may not believe it, according to the Birmingham Parliament, the culprit is equal pay for equal work between men and women. In 2012, the UK Supreme Court ruled that Birmingham

School: The contractor has been corrected. The cafeteria stall of a university in Guangdong was fined for not increasing the price of food below 13 yuan
School: The contractor has been corrected. The cafeteria stall of a university in Guangdong was fined for not increasing the price of food below 13 yuan

Did you receive a fine instead of raising the price of the food? On September 4th, a netizen revealed that a stall in the cafeteria of Guangzhou Huali University received a penalty of 300 yuan for not raising the price of each meal below 13 yuan, which has attracted attention. On September 5th, Guangzhou Huali College told a reporter from Zonglan News that the above-mentioned punishment was imposed by the cafeteria contractor. The school believes that the punishment is indeed unreasonable and has requested the cafeteria contractor to correct it. The cafeteria stall has not been punished. Meanwhile, the cafeteria contractor also stated that they will not increase prices again. The Market Supervision Administration of Zengcheng District, Guangzhou City stated that it has requested the company involved to carry out rectification. After investigation, no illegal pricing behavior was found, and it has been recommended that the company strengthen internal management. On September 4th, a netizen posted two pictures with accompanying text stating that on September 3rd, there was a place in the cafeteria of Guangzhou Huali University