The world

Global Connection | "G77 and China" Will Promote World Peace, Development, and Multipolarization - Visiting Cuba and China Expert Regarado Summit | China | Development
Global Connection | "G77 and China" Will Promote World Peace, Development, and Multipolarization - Visiting Cuba and China Expert Regarado Summit | China | Development

Cuban International Policy Research Center's expert on China issues, Regarado, recently stated in an interview with Xinhua News Agency that the convening of the "Group of 77 and China" summit will promote world peace, development, and multipolarity. Regardeau said that China has played a huge role in promoting a more just world economic and political order. For example, China's initiative to jointly build the "the Belt and Road", the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative are very consistent with the interests of developing countries. The current summit of the Group of 77 and China was held in Havana, the capital of Cuba, from the 15th to the 16th, with the theme of "Current Development Challenges: The Role of Science, Technology, and Innovation". Produced by Xinhua News Agency's Audio and Video Department and produced by Xinhua News Agency's International Communication Integration Platform

Hangzhou Asian Games: Looking Forward to Dreams Blooming
Hangzhou Asian Games: Looking Forward to Dreams Blooming

On September 23, the highly anticipated 19th Asian Games kicked off in Hangzhou, China. Hangzhou became the third Chinese city to host the Asian Games after Beijing and Guangzhou. At that time, Hangzhou will showcase its new positioning as the "China New Era · Hangzhou New Asian Games" to the world, achieve the goal of "Chinese characteristics, Asian style, and splendid diversity", and interpret the concept of "green, intelligent, thrifty, and civilized" hosting. "Green Asian Games" is one of the concepts and important goals of the Hangzhou Asian Games. It has been 73 years since the first Asian Games held in New Delhi, India in 1951. The 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou is expected to become the first Asian Games in Asian Games history to achieve carbon neutrality. In order to achieve the "Green Asian Games", Hangzhou has implemented the construction of green venues

The Asian Games Village officially opens | Hangzhou is ready
The Asian Games Village officially opens | Hangzhou is ready

Hangzhou, September 16th - The opening ceremony of the 19th Asian Games Asian Games Village and the welcome ceremony of the Chinese sports delegation were held at the Flag Square of the Asian Games Village in Hangzhou on September 16th. With the sound of gongs, the Hangzhou Asian Games Village officially opened. The theme of this village opening ceremony is "Drum Dance Lion Qi". The warm-up program was initiated by a children's chorus of the Asian Games theme song "Together in Love", accompanied by the dance of the Asian Games mascot, expressing the beautiful meaning of athletes from various Asian countries and regions gathering in Hangzhou. The fusion of martial arts, lion dance, and drum music in "Lion Warrior Youth" has brought the atmosphere to a climax, showcasing the host's enthusiasm and wishing all delegations good results. At the opening ceremony of the village on that day, Yao Gaoyuan, Mayor of Hangzhou, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the Hangzhou Asian Games Organizing Committee, and Venode, Acting Director General of the Asian Olympic Council, delivered speeches.

Worldview | Lock in "Second Date"! Uncovering the Secret of NSA Spyware
Worldview | Lock in "Second Date"! Uncovering the Secret of NSA Spyware

The "Second Date" software is a network spy weapon developed by the US National Security Agency, which can achieve malicious functions such as network traffic eavesdropping and hijacking, man in the middle attack, and inserting malicious code. It can also cooperate with other malicious software to complete complex network "spy" activities. Recently, the network attack on Northwestern Polytechnical University in China achieved a significant breakthrough. Chinese personnel have successfully identified the true identities of US National Security Agency staff behind this spyware called "Second Date" through analysis. This major discovery has become another ironclad evidence of the US government launching cyber attacks on other countries. What is the secret hidden in this spyware called "second date"? What kind of hidden purpose does it have? Recent content of World View>>Chain reaction triggered by a bizarre theft case>>Click to view

The promotional video "Asian Games In Hangzhou" with the theme of "Hangzhou Charm" has been launched, with a surge in the East: "New Asian Games"
The promotional video "Asian Games In Hangzhou" with the theme of "Hangzhou Charm" has been launched, with a surge in the East: "New Asian Games"

On September 16th, the concluding work of the trilogy of the "New Asian Games, Hangzhou Rhyme" themed promotional video - "Asian Games In Hangzhou" was officially launched. This film is a creative animation that combines traditional Chinese art elements such as seal cutting, calligraphy, and traditional Chinese painting. The story revolves around seals carved on gold and stone, showcasing the expressive function of Chinese as a hieroglyph. The exquisite seals of the Xiling Seal Society are used as carriers to depict the warmth and unique "imprint" that the Hangzhou Asian Games bring to people. The sound of "In" in the title is the same as the Chinese character "Yin", which also highlights the unique charm of "Asian Games in Hangzhou". The entire film adopts a chapter structure and consists of 5 chapters, each lasting approximately 25 seconds. In the Equestrian chapter, the upgraded and renovated venue after the competition transforms into a carousel, adding infinite vitality and attracting tourists to come and experience. The Volleyball Chapter portrays Sheng

Vice President of the International Olympic Committee: The Hangzhou Asian Games will promote world unity and cooperation
Vice President of the International Olympic Committee: The Hangzhou Asian Games will promote world unity and cooperation

The Hangzhou Asian Games will be held from September 23rd to October 8th. On the occasion of the upcoming opening of the Hangzhou Asian Games, Huang Simian, Vice Chairman of the International Olympic Committee, stated in an interview with CCTV reporters that the Hangzhou Asian Games will present an exciting sports event full of Chinese culture to Asia and the world, promoting unity, cooperation, peace, and friendship in Asia and even the world through sports. Huang Simian, Vice Chairman of the International Olympic Committee, said that "Heart to Heart Integration, @ Future" is a very suitable theme for the Hangzhou Asian Games, which can allow more than 12000 athletes from 45 Asian countries and regions to coexist peacefully and have a harmonious heart to heart relationship. Athletes will compete very seriously and friendly in different events. But at the same time, they live under the same roof and have the opportunity to make new friends and strengthen friendships with old friends.

The Rhyme of Eight Sounds | Let's listen to the Lingling Clear Sound Coming from Dunhuang Murals
The Rhyme of Eight Sounds | Let's listen to the Lingling Clear Sound Coming from Dunhuang Murals

This is a clear and serene sound that has been dormant for nearly three hundred years and is now reproducing again. It is as clear as a snowy mountain and clear as a spring, and the ancient sound has been passed down from the depths of history. The Konghou, originally known as Kanhou or Konghou, was set on an upward curved wooden board. It flourished in the Han Dynasty and Tang Dynasty. In the Records of the Grand Historian, it was called the "Konghou of Konghou". There were vertical Konghou that came along the Silk Road, and the Phoenix Head Konghou that was introduced from ancient India. The Konghou came from the dust and smoke of history, flowing with string sounds from different eras, like a phoenix flying on the stage of rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, performing new performances. So, how clear and ethereal is the sound of the konghou played in the Eastern style? This recording uses 3D Jingcai sound throughout, wearing headphones for better viewing effect! For more exciting content, please stay tuned to the main channel, Voice of China, every Saturday at 23:00

Di Er Xiu | Hangzhou Asian Games - Encounter Across Thousands of Years
Di Er Xiu | Hangzhou Asian Games - Encounter Across Thousands of Years

The 19th Asian Games is about to kick off in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. A video with the theme of "Encountering Across Thousands of Years" has opened a journey of time and space dialogue in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. In Hangzhou, a city full of rhythm and vitality, Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Di'er transformed into a woman from the Southern Song Dynasty, embarking on a "thousand year" journey with the culture of "ordering tea". Through three challenges, she was able to experience the Hangzhou Asian Games that will take place a thousand years later. The video takes us to explore not only the Asian Games, but also Hangzhou's millennium old urban heritage: classical and modern, tradition and innovation, development and precipitation. In Hangzhou during the Southern Song Dynasty, the art of ordering tea reached a very high level. At that time, tea masters would use bamboo shoots or bamboo sticks to write poetry or draw beautiful patterns on tea leaves. This not only increases the fun of drinking tea, but also makes each cup of tea a work of art. This ancient tradition

Looking at craftsmanship in simplicity, a venue
Looking at craftsmanship in simplicity, a venue

Zhejiang Online, September 17th - A venue has revitalized and awakened the vitality of the city. In Linping New City, Hangzhou, the renovated Linping Sports Center is ready. On September 19th, here will be the first to welcome the Asian Games football and volleyball matches. In order to welcome visitors from all directions, the Linping Sports Center, built in 1997, utilizes limited space resources and invests as little as possible to upgrade and transform it into a comprehensive sports stadium that can simultaneously undertake multiple large-scale competitions. Adhering to the principle of frugality in organizing competitions, 44 of the 56 competition venues for the Hangzhou Asian Games were renovated or temporarily built, and all 31 training venues were renovated. Behind the revitalization of the venue, there is both Hangzhou's craftsmanship in design and construction, as well as the pursuit of excellence in management and operation. "Saving more than just money" Linping Sports

Calculate three frugal accounts. The construction and operation team of the cricket court at the Hangzhou Asian Games has transformed into an actuary
Calculate three frugal accounts. The construction and operation team of the cricket court at the Hangzhou Asian Games has transformed into an actuary

Cricket at the Asian Games cricket court of Zhejiang University of Technology is an unfamiliar niche sport for many Chinese people, but it is particularly popular in South Asian countries such as India. Before the preparation for the Hangzhou Asian Games, little was known about cricket, and there was no standard cricket court in Zhejiang. It was not until December 2020 that the construction of the cricket court for the Hangzhou Asian Games began at Zhejiang University of Technology, which was also the latest among the 12 newly built venues for the Asian Games in Hangzhou. "The selection and construction of cricket courts lack experience, and a lot of time was spent on research and calculation in the early stage, in order to build the courts with as little investment as possible." Tong Xiaolei, Deputy Director of the Construction Department of Zhejiang University of Technology, said that after receiving the task, the school immediately established a preparatory working group for the Asian Games cricket competition led by the president to start the construction of the Asian Games cricket courts. Among them, not only are there schools involved

Ji Na | Xinhua News Agency's "Show Me China" International Communication Documentary "New Era Chinese Rural Chronicles" Series, Complete Five Episodes
Ji Na | Xinhua News Agency's "Show Me China" International Communication Documentary "New Era Chinese Rural Chronicles" Series, Complete Five Episodes

Editor's note: From "ice and snow" to "green mountains and clear waters", from ancient intangible cultural heritage to cutting-edge 5G technology, rural China is undergoing tremendous changes at an astonishing speed. The International Communication Program of "Show Me China" has launched a five episode series of "New Era China Rural Chronicles", focusing on rural revitalization in five aspects: industry, culture, talent, ecology, and organization. Each episode is about 15 minutes long, with a total length of 70 minutes. Following the footsteps of domestic and foreign hosts, it travels through four seasons, spanning the east, west, north, south, and middle schools, telling the beloved Chinese rural stories of global audiences. We hereby collect all five documentary short films and express our gratitude! [Episode I: Snow Town is not a fairy tale] More than 40 years ago, in the the Changbai Mountains in northeast China, a little known village was hidden between snow and ice and mountains, with a wonderful snow scenery rarely seen in the world. It is when

World view | Chinese doctors under the Moroccan earthquake: She only drank one glass of water after five surgeries
World view | Chinese doctors under the Moroccan earthquake: She only drank one glass of water after five surgeries

In Morocco, Africa, a once-in-a-century strong earthquake suddenly struck, causing thousands of lives to disappear in an instant. At a distance of about 170 kilometers from the epicenter, the Bengali sub unit of the medical team from China immediately deployed intense rescue efforts. 30 minutes after the earthquake, they completed their first surgery. Faced with a shortage of supplies and continuous aftershocks, Chinese obstetrician and gynecologist Yin Hongli completed five consecutive cesarean section surgeries in a day, only having a glass of water to drink... Recent content from "World View">>Lock in "second date"! Uncovering the Secrets of NSA Spyware>>Click to view "What you believe is the threat from China is not a fact!" The UK Foreign Secretary receives a special letter>>Click to view the chain reaction triggered by a bizarre theft case>>Click to view the secrets! What is the 70 billion yen big public relations defense against?> click

Full of details!, Cultural and Museum Calendars | The Moving "Dwelling in Fuchun Mountain" in Zhejiang
Full of details!, Cultural and Museum Calendars | The Moving "Dwelling in Fuchun Mountain" in Zhejiang

"The world's beautiful mountains and waters, ancient and modern times promote Fuchun." Huang Gongwang's "Dwelling in Fuchun Mountain" depicts the mountains and waters on both sides of the Fuchun River. This unparalleled masterpiece, known as the "Orchid Pavilion" in the painting, has been circulating for more than 600 years since its completion. Nowadays, it has been "moving" on this land in another form. The pinnacle of Chinese landscape painting, "Dwelling in Fuchun Mountain: The Remaining Mountains", is Huang Gongwang, the leader of the "Four Families of the Yuan Dynasty". In his middle age, he was falsely accused and was wrongly imprisoned. Shortly after being released from prison, he retired to Hangzhou in his fifties and began to focus on learning landscape painting. When he became famous, he was already in his seventies. Old Man △ "Huang Gongwang, a High Scholar of the Yuan Dynasty" by Wang Tongyu. At the age of 79, Huang Gongwang and his friend Zheng Wu used to go to Fuchun Mountain. He walked on both sides of the Fuchun River, observing the changes in smoke and clouds, and experiencing the victorious scriptures of mountains, rivers, and beaches

The unique "village flavor" of Hangzhou Asian Games Village
The unique "village flavor" of Hangzhou Asian Games Village

On September 16th, the Hangzhou Asian Games Village opened. During the Asian Games, athletes, team officials, media personnel, and others from different countries and regions lived together here and became the "villagers" of the Asian Games Village. Why is it necessary to build a dedicated "village" for the Asian Games? What is special about this "village"? At each Olympic or Asian Games, the Olympic Village and Asian Games Village are one of the most eye-catching places outside the competition venue. This is the non competition venue with the longest running time, highest continuity requirements, and the most service targets during the competition period. So many sports athletes gather in one space in a short period of time, many of whom are also world-class sports stars. Their food, accommodation, and transportation may all affect their performance on the field. In addition, there are also many multimedia journalists and technical officials living in the Asian Games Village, which can be said to have attracted a lot of attention.

The Light of the Asian Games | Hangzhou Asian Games Goes towards Simplicity
The Light of the Asian Games | Hangzhou Asian Games Goes towards Simplicity

Zhejiang Online, September 17th - Prioritize the use of existing venues, with only 12 new venues built out of 56 competition venues; The competition equipment and equipment can be rented or purchased, and the operation services are carefully planned; Write a good article on the second half of the venues. 51 venues have formulated post competition utilization plans... In September of the golden autumn, by the West Lake, the Asian Games will be held. Looking back at the preparation process of this grand event, from venue construction to event operation, and then to post event venue planning, the "minimalist" characteristics of hosting the event are integrated into every detail of Hangzhou Asian Games preparation. Just like a painting with a lingering charm, the Hangzhou Asian Games is sketching a vibrant and exciting scene with simple strokes. "Can be changed but not built", make full use of resources in the preparation for the Asian Games, and prioritize venues. Venue construction is the cornerstone of the preparation work for the Asian Games, and it is necessary to outline a simple and grand grand grand event

What is the Asian Games Village today
What is the Asian Games Village today

We know each other far and near, and thousands of miles are still neighbors. In less than 7 days, the 19th Hangzhou Asian Games will kick off. Nearly 20000 athletes, technical officials, and media reporters will gather in Hangzhou to welcome the grand event. Open your heart and welcome guests and friends. Yesterday, everyone's "home" was ready, opening the door to welcome guests. This "home" has a beautiful name, called the Asian Games Village. A small temporary village, carrying and witnessing dreams and friendships from all over the world. Do you know how the Asian Games Village came about? The earliest Asian Games Village can be traced back to the Fourth Jakarta Asian Games in 1962. Prior to this, there were no centralized residential areas for this large-scale sports event. At that time, everyone stayed in hotels, which arranged for the athletes to eat, stay, and travel. But as the scale of the Asian Games continues to grow, single liquor

At this moment, the bright moon is shining, and the tide is commenting on the opening of Hangzhou Asian Games Village: guests come from afar
At this moment, the bright moon is shining, and the tide is commenting on the opening of Hangzhou Asian Games Village: guests come from afar

Today, at the opening ceremony of the 19th Asian Games Asian Games Village in Hangzhou and the welcoming ceremony of the Chinese sports delegation, with the sound of the opening gong, the Hangzhou Asian Games Village officially opened, welcoming the arrival of all delegations! This marks the simultaneous opening of Hangzhou Asian Games Village, 5 Asian Games sub villages, and 3 athlete accommodation hotels, welcoming all delegations to stay. During the Hangzhou Asian Games, the Hangzhou Asian Games Village will provide comprehensive services such as accommodation, catering, transportation, culture, technology, medical care, and commerce for more than 20000 athletes, team officials, technical officials, and media personnel. From the day the construction of the Hangzhou Asian Games Village started, it has been over five years now, with thousands of days and nights changing and repeating from scratch. A modern new city has emerged on the south bank of the Qianjiang River and in the new center of the city. Now, the Asian Games Village has become the new hub of Hangzhou

What kind of crisis is Sudan experiencing as it falls into the abyss in the Middle East?
What kind of crisis is Sudan experiencing as it falls into the abyss in the Middle East?

On September 13th local time, the United Nations Security Council held an open meeting on the situation in Sudan. In a briefing to the Security Council, the United Nations Secretary General's Special Representative for Sudan, Volk Perez, stated that "there are no signs of a slowdown in the armed conflict in Sudan, and no side can achieve a decisive military victory. Since the outbreak of the conflict, at least 5000 people have died and over 12000 have been injured. This is only a conservative estimate, and the actual number of casualties may be even higher... Sudan is facing the risk of division. The conflict that began between the two armed forces is likely to escalate into a full-scale civil war in Sudan." The conflict in Sudan continues to be entangled with multiple forces. Starting from April 15 this year, the two factions of the original military camp in Sudan - the Sudanese Armed Forces and Rapid Support Forces - are in the capital circle, Darfur, and Kor

Kazakhstani middle school teachers: give a thumbs up to "Chinese Smart Manufacturing"
Kazakhstani middle school teachers: give a thumbs up to "Chinese Smart Manufacturing"

Kyzyl Oda, Kazakhstan, September 16 (Xinhua) - The recent encounter between a journalist and a high school teacher in Kyzyl Oda city has made people marvel at how "Chinese intelligence" has penetrated into the lives of local people. Kizileorda City is the capital of Tanzileorda Oblast in Kazakhstan, located in the southwest of the country. I remember that morning, pedestrians hurried on Kizileorda Street, and students politely greeted them in English at a caf é in the city. The reporter met Orenbasar. The other party took the initiative to chat with the reporter and asked where they came from. After learning that the reporter was Chinese, Orenbasar excitedly told the reporter in fluent Chinese that he had studied abroad in China, majoring in automation at Wuhan University. After completing his studies, he returned to his hometown and became a high school teacher, teaching computer science. I have been to Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou

Global Connection | Master Course: Chinese and Foreign Experts Gather in Beijing to Discuss How Civilizations Learn from Each Other
Global Connection | Master Course: Chinese and Foreign Experts Gather in Beijing to Discuss How Civilizations Learn from Each Other

The 2023 Beijing Cultural Forum was recently held, and its parallel forum on "Civilization mutual learning: mutual respect and cooperative development" attracted more than 200 experts, scholars, and well-known figures in the literary and artistic circles from 15 countries to attend. Chinese and foreign experts expressed their opinions on the theme of "exchange and mutual learning to promote common progress of civilization" at the forum, and held discussions on the topics of "respecting cultural diversity, building a community with a shared future", "art as a bridge, communicating people's hearts", and "film as a medium, connecting the world" in three roundtable dialogues. Masters gather in Beijing, where a "big lecture hall" begins - how to do dialogue and exchange among civilizations? How to tell a good story in international communication? Jordanian Ambassador to China Hussein, Honorary English Editor in Chief David Ferguson of China Foreign Language Publishing House, and Chinese director Ulsan have something to say. Please follow the reporter to "listen"

Hangzhou: The Fuxing Asian Games intelligent multiple unit officially carries passengers
Hangzhou: The Fuxing Asian Games intelligent multiple unit officially carries passengers

On September 16th, the first train of the Fuxing Asian Games intelligent EMU, the G9313 train, departed from Hangzhou East Station and headed towards Jinhua, Quzhou and other places, marking the official passenger operation of the Fuxing Asian Games intelligent EMU. The Asian Games trains will operate continuously for 3 days according to the first day's route, and the subsequent routes will be adjusted in a timely manner according to the requirements of the Asian Organizing Committee and the actual operation situation. During the event, the Asian Games train will undertake functions such as Asian Games arrival and departure, commuting during the event, and event transfer between some Asian Games cities, providing sufficient transportation support for participants, judges, and tourists, while also serving residents in northern, central, southwestern, and southeastern coastal areas of Zhejiang. It is understood that the appearance of the Fuxing Asian Games intelligent multiple unit, specially designed for the Hangzhou Asian Games, is themed "Runze Jiangnan". At the end doors, glass partitions, luggage racks, and other places, the Ya

"One stop shop" for purchasing top goods from ASEAN, come here
"One stop shop" for purchasing top goods from ASEAN, come here

In the golden September, at the Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Center, hibiscus flowers bloom in the wind. On the morning of September 16th, the 20th China ASEAN Expo was held at the Nanning International Convention and Exhibition Center, with a gathering of exhibitors, business negotiations, and endless visitors... Guests from all directions gathered on the banks of the Yongjiang River, embracing the trend of open cooperation in the era. "I came to the Thailand exhibition hall a few years ago and felt like there were about 40 to 50 booths, but this year I saw around 70-80 booths, and the foot traffic was even higher than in previous years," Thai exhibitor Lin Zhanqi told reporters. It is understood that the total number of participating companies in this year's East China Expo is nearly 2000, with a total exhibition area of 102000 square meters, including 350 Fortune Global 500, China Top 500, and well-known enterprises. Wei Chaohui, Secretary General of the Secretariat of the China ASEAN Expo, introduced that the ASEAN exhibition area of this year's East China Expo has attracted

Is it "Zhejiang"? Beautiful
Is it "Zhejiang"? Beautiful

This water town is located in Jiangnan, Zhejiang, which is the province with the most islands in China. It has a world cultural heritage site - West Lake has 10 national historical and cultural cities (Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Ningbo, Quzhou, Linhai Jinhua, Jiaxing, Huzhou, Wenzhou, Longquan), the largest reservoir in the southern coastal areas of China, Xin'anjiang Reservoir, and the largest archipelago in China - Zhoushan Archipelago. The total length of the Zhejiang coastline is 6630 kilometers, ranking first in the country. The world's largest commodity market will be held in Yiwu, Zhejiang. The 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou, Zhejiang will be held from September 23 to October 8. Let's learn about the unique characteristics of 11 cities in Zhejiang. Do you know how many? Zhejiang is not only a misty water town in Jiangnan, but also a modern province known as the "Jiangsu Zhejiang Shanghai Free Postal Area". What other "hard cores" are there in Zhejiang

804 deaths! The most severe dengue fever outbreak on record in Bangladesh
804 deaths! The most severe dengue fever outbreak on record in Bangladesh

According to data released by the Bangladesh Health Service on the 16th, as of that day, the country has reported a total of 164562 dengue fever cases and 804 deaths since the beginning of this year, including 211 deaths in September. The World Health Organization states that this is the most severe dengue fever outbreak on record in the country. According to reports from Bangladeshi media, WHO Director General Tedros recently stated that Bangladesh has experienced the most severe dengue fever outbreak on record in the country, with over 300 deaths in August alone, putting enormous pressure on the healthcare system. Tan Desai also stated that the dengue fever epidemic in Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, has slowed down, but other regions are showing an upward trend. Currently, 64 districts in all 8 districts of Bangladesh have reported cases of dengue fever. The World Health Organization has previously

Accidents keep happening! Okinawa Prefecture Refuses Osprey to Use Shin Ishigaki Airport for Training in Japan and the United States
Accidents keep happening! Okinawa Prefecture Refuses Osprey to Use Shin Ishigaki Airport for Training in Japan and the United States

The frequent accidents of the Osprey transport plane have caught many people off guard. According to Kyodo News Agency, the Japan Ground Self Defense Force and the United States Marine Corps will conduct large-scale combat training in Kyushu and Okinawa in October, and plan to use the Ground Self Defense Force V-22 Osprey transport aircraft at the new Ishigaki Airport on Ishigaki Island in Okinawa Prefecture. In response, Okinawa Prefecture has requested the Japanese Ministry of Defense to abandon this plan on the 13th of this month, citing the continuous occurrence of accidents and malfunctions in the US military's "Osprey", which poses a risk of involving local residents in the accident. On the 14th, a citizen group in Oita Prefecture, Kyushu, also demanded that the central government of Japan suspend this training and called for a ban on "Osprey" transport planes flying at low altitudes in urban areas. On the 15th, Japanese Defense Minister Toshio Kihara stated, "There are currently no plans to change the plan, including the participation of the Ground Self Defense Force's' Osprey '."

Falling to the lowest since Kishida took office, 25%! The support rate of the Japanese cabinet continues to decline
Falling to the lowest since Kishida took office, 25%! The support rate of the Japanese cabinet continues to decline

The support rate for the Japanese cabinet has continued to decline, falling to the lowest level since Kishida took office. According to the latest poll by Japan's Daily News, the latest support rate for the Japanese cabinet is 25%, the lowest since Fumio Kishida became the Prime Minister of Japan. On September 13th, members of Japan's new cabinet appeared for a group photo. According to reports, the implementation time of this poll was on September 16th and 17th, a decrease of 1 percentage point from August, and it is also the third consecutive month that the support rate of the Kishida cabinet has fallen below 30%. On the other hand, the disapproval rate for the Kishida cabinet was 68%, which is consistent with the August survey. According to reports, due to the dissatisfaction of many Japanese citizens with the government's ongoing efforts to abolish health insurance certificates and promote personal identity cards, the support rate of the Kishida Cabinet has continued to decline. Although the new cabinet was on September 13th

Follow up on the plagiarism incident of the Vice Chairman of the Hezhou Writers Association in Guangxi: Another magazine accused him of plagiarizing the Vice Chairman | Wang Zhongmin | Incident
Follow up on the plagiarism incident of the Vice Chairman of the Hezhou Writers Association in Guangxi: Another magazine accused him of plagiarizing the Vice Chairman | Wang Zhongmin | Incident

Wang Zhongmin, Vice Chairman of the Hezhou Writers Association in Guangxi, was dismissed from his position due to being accused of plagiarism by two magazines. This afternoon, another magazine issued a statement accusing Wang Zhongmin of literary misconduct such as plagiarism and plagiarism in his published works. At about 2:00 p.m. on September 17, the Star Poetry Magazine released a statement on its official account, saying that after verification, some of Wang Zhongmin's works published in related publications of the Star Poetry Magazine had plagiarism, falsification and other misdeeds in literary creation. The Star Poetry Magazine stated that in accordance with its regulations on handling plagiarism, the author's work will be recovered from the payment made to Wang Zhongmin and will not be published in the future; Personnel who fail to identify plagiarism issues during the review process will be penalized with corresponding performance-based pay. Statement from Star Poetry Magazine. public

Huo Qigang: "The number of medals for the Hong Kong team is expected to surpass the previous edition."
Huo Qigang: "The number of medals for the Hong Kong team is expected to surpass the previous edition."

The 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou will be held from September 23 to October 8, and Hong Kong, China will send the largest ever delegation to participate. The head of the Hong Kong delegation and Vice President of the Hong Kong Sports Association and Olympic Committee, Huo Qigang, stated today that Hong Kong athletes and accompanying personnel are ready and believe that the Hong Kong team is expected to surpass the results of the previous Jakarta Asian Games. Hangzhou has made Hong Kong athletes more adaptable. Huo Qigang said that the postponement of this year's Asian Games due to the epidemic has given Hong Kong athletes more preparation time. Moreover, in recent years, the SAR government has actively encouraged athletes to participate abroad, increasing competition opportunities and achieving impressive sports results. They have won numerous awards at the World Championships and Asian Championships, and their performance has continued to improve. It is believed that the number of medals at this Asian Games can be surpassed. He also mentioned that due to

"Yu Meijing Girl" has become a prosecutor!
"Yu Meijing Girl" has become a prosecutor!

Recently, Chinese brands on various online platforms collectively organized a group to play the emotion card and play with the trend. On September 14, the Chinese brand Yumeijing also finally launched. At the same time, careful netizens found that the "Yumeijing girl" who held her chin like the doll on Yumeijing's packaging had grown into an excellent prosecutor. Her name was Yuan Bingling in 1999. After graduating from college, she became a prosecutor of Tianjin Hebei District People's Procuratorate. She had won honorary titles such as "National March 8th Red Banner", "National Law Publicity and Education exemplary individual", and she also created "Sunshine Ice Studio" to lead the way for minors Escort It is reported that Yuan Bingling and his colleagues are responsible for the crime of helping and educating during the ten years of working without inspection as of November 2021

Biden and Zelensky have met!, Critical moments
Biden and Zelensky have met!, Critical moments

According to Agence France Presse on September 15th, senior US officials announced on the 15th that Ukrainian President Zelensky will hold talks with US President Biden at the White House next week and further discuss US support for the Kiev Russia conflict. According to reports, US National Security Assistant Jack Sullivan stated that this will be Biden's second meeting with Zelensky at the White House since the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine in February 2022, coinciding with a "critical moment" when Ukraine is seeking progress in counterattacking the Russian military. Sullivan told the media that the meeting coincides with a critical moment as Russia is working hard to continue military operations in Ukraine. He also said that it is expected that the United States and its allies will simultaneously announce further military assistance to Ukraine next week. The report states that those responsible for coordinating aid to Kiev

Decision to appoint Chen Jie as Vice Mayor, Report on the Fourth Meeting of the Standing Committee of the 16th Shanghai Municipal People's Congress | Situation | ShanghaiStrictly abide by the Party Constitution, Party rules, and Party discipline. The Party Group of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Party Group of the Municipal Government, and the Party Group of the Municipal Political Consultative Conference held separate meetings to firmly support the Central Committee's decision on the Party Central Committee | Politics | Party GroupCan Shanghai connect with the greenways of these cities? Official: Proposed Preparation of Greenway Construction Standards for the Yangtze River Delta | Standards | Yangtze River DeltaChen Jining, Gong Zheng, and colleagues from the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee exchanged their experiences and insights on thematic education research based on their respective experiences. Education | Municipal Party Committee | ThemeThe Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference awarded commemorative plaques to members and standing committee members of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference who are no longer re elected in ShanghaiPropose ideas and measures around releasing domestic demand, and the Chairman's Meeting of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference deliberates on key research reports and measures | ideas | research