The world

He discovered a crack as thin as a strand of hair and was awarded third class merit! Safe before takeoff | all-round | hairline
He discovered a crack as thin as a strand of hair and was awarded third class merit! Safe before takeoff | all-round | hairline

Honored third class merit! Zhang Ze, a lieutenant and deputy company commander of a certain brigade of the 76th Group Army, deserves such honor for timely discovering equipment hazards and handling them properly! At the end of last year, Zhang Ze led a team to a high-altitude airport to carry out a mission. During the maintenance preparation, he conducted a comprehensive inspection of the helicopter according to the usual process. When Zhang Ze found an abnormal knocking sound in a key part, he immediately raised his alertness. Based on years of work experience, Zhang Ze believed that the equipment may have safety hazards. He then led the crew to remove the parts and use a magnifying glass to repeatedly check. Sure enough, a radial crack about 20 centimeters long and as thin as hair was found at the connection between the part and the engine. Zhang Ze immediately reported to the higher authorities and applied to suspend the helicopter flight plan. He organized the maintenance personnel of each crew to remove the parts and conduct repeated inspections

Shanghai Deepens Theme Education, People's Daily Front Page Publication: From "Doing One Thing Well" to "Solving One Type of Thing" for low-income households | Hospitals | Shanghai
Shanghai Deepens Theme Education, People's Daily Front Page Publication: From "Doing One Thing Well" to "Solving One Type of Thing" for low-income households | Hospitals | Shanghai

At the inpatient window of Xuhui District Central Hospital in Shanghai, Lao He, a low-income household, handed over his social security card: "Low income inquiry, hospitalization." The window staff took the card, scanned the code, lightly clicked the mouse, checked the platform information, and then handed over the social security card. In just 30 seconds, Lao He completed the deposit free hospitalization procedures. "It's great, it's quite convenient!" Previously, when hospitalized, in order to enjoy the "deposit free policy for low-income households," Lao He had to go to the hospital to see his bed, then go to the community to obtain a certificate, and finally go back to the hospital to complete the procedures. According to the "one thing, one action" policy, this process will be repeated for one or two hours in the next hospitalization. "Now, it's done quickly, thanks to the good advice from Teacher Tao and his team!" said Lao He. At the Community Affairs Acceptance Service Center in Tianping Road Street, Xuhui District, staff member Tao Xiongfeng is responsible for medical assistance review work. He and his colleague Wu Weijiafa

People's Daily and Voice: "Four Full Respects" Showcasing China's Diplomatic Style Pacific Island Countries Diplomacy
People's Daily and Voice: "Four Full Respects" Showcasing China's Diplomatic Style Pacific Island Countries Diplomacy

Fully respect the wishes of island countries, adhere to consultation, co construction, sharing, and win-win; Fully respect the cultural traditions of the island nation, adhere to harmony but diversity, beauty and coexistence; Fully respect the unity and self-improvement of island countries, support their implementation of the Blue Pacific 2050 Strategy, and contribute to the construction of a peaceful, harmonious, secure, inclusive, and prosperous Blue Pacific. The "Four Full Respects" demonstrate China's sincere willingness to promote the continuous development of China's relations with island countries, and demonstrate China's firm determination to unite and cooperate with developing countries for joint development.

Give Modi a hard slap and Foxconn decides not to play in India
Give Modi a hard slap and Foxconn decides not to play in India

Do you still remember the photo from 4 months ago? Four hands interlocked, tightly held together. Modi with a white beard laughed happily, and Liu Yangwei beside him had a bright face. Subsequently, Hon Hai Group, which was chaired by Liu Yangwei, tweeted: Chairman Liu Yangwei is currently visiting India, and today we had a warm meeting with the respected Prime Minister Modi to introduce to him the good progress we have made in the country. Foxconn will continue to establish an ecosystem in India that allows all our stakeholders to share, collaborate, and prosper. Modi immediately forwarded the tweet and said, "Mr. Liu and I had a great meeting, and our discussion covered various topics on strengthening India's technology and innovation ecosystem.". But four months later, the original smiling face turned into a bitter expression. Foxconn on July 11th

What to do if "one ticket is hard to obtain"?, Summer Tourism Summit College | Scenic Area | Peak
What to do if "one ticket is hard to obtain"?, Summer Tourism Summit College | Scenic Area | Peak

What is the reason why it is difficult to book popular tourist attractions during the peak summer tourism season? Where is the crux? How can we solve it to meet everyone's needs? News 1+1 invites Wu Bihu, Director of the Tourism Research and Planning Center at the School of Urban Environment, Peking University, to jointly pay attention to the summer tourism peak. What should we do if "one ticket is hard to obtain"? Why is the summer tourism market so hot this year? Wu Bihu, Director of the Tourism Research and Planning Center at the School of Urban Environment, Peking University: ① June, July, and August are already the traditional peak seasons for tourism, and the peak season for summer tourism. ② In recent years, research tours for primary and secondary school students have been on the rise. With the improvement of national cultural level, the cultural demand for museums is also greatly increasing After the epidemic, people's demand for compensatory retaliatory tourism has been concentrated and released. Several reasons

The Chinese side has expressed its position that the Security Council has not passed the humanitarian | Syria | position
The Chinese side has expressed its position that the Security Council has not passed the humanitarian | Syria | position

On the 11th, Chinese Permanent Representative to the United Nations Zhang Jun elaborated on China's position on the humanitarian issue in Syria, emphasizing that providing humanitarian assistance to Syria should respect Syria's sovereignty and the leadership of the Syrian government. On the same day, the Security Council voted on two draft resolutions regarding the extension of cross-border humanitarian aid authorization in Syria. The two draft resolutions were drafted by Brazil, Switzerland as co authors, and Russia, but were not adopted. In his explanatory speech after the vote, Zhang Jun said that China regrets that the Security Council was unable to reach a consensus on this important issue. China's position on the humanitarian issue in Syria has been consistent and clear. China has always advocated that providing humanitarian assistance to Syria should respect Syria's sovereignty and the leadership of the Syrian government. Cross line rescue should become the main channel for humanitarian aid to Syria. Cross border

Repeatedly missing the organization's rescue, he fell into the trap while eating, drinking, and playing. Director Huang Haisheng and Huang Hai
Repeatedly missing the organization's rescue, he fell into the trap while eating, drinking, and playing. Director Huang Haisheng and Huang Hai

An Analysis of Huang Haisheng, the former Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Cultural and Tourism Bureau of Chongming District, Shanghai, who was born in November 1972, joined the CPC in June 1999. Formerly served as the Chief of the Comprehensive Department of the Office of Chongming County People's Government in Shanghai; Deputy Director of the County Labor and Social Security Bureau; Xianghua Town Mayor; Director of the County Administration of Culture, Radio, Film and Television; Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Culture and Tourism Bureau of Chongming District. In November 2022, the Chongming District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted a review and investigation of Huang Haisheng's case and implemented detention measures. In April 2023, Huang Haisheng was expelled from the Party and public office, and his suspected criminal issues were transferred to the procuratorial organs for legal review and prosecution. Former outstanding youth, Chongming County at that time

Intended fine of 100000 yuan, Lijiang reported: The tour guide involved is unqualified, and "the woman was stopped while sleeping on the tour bus". The woman | Travel | Lijiang |
Intended fine of 100000 yuan, Lijiang reported: The tour guide involved is unqualified, and "the woman was stopped while sleeping on the tour bus". The woman | Travel | Lijiang |

On July 11th, the Lijiang Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism issued a report on the investigation and handling of "women sleeping on tour buses being stopped". The details are as follows: On July 9th, a rumor on the internet that a woman was stopped while sleeping on a tour bus caught the attention of netizens. The Lijiang Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism has filed an investigation in accordance with the law. After investigation, it was found that on July 7th, Zhang, a woman from another province who operated travel agency business without permission, illegally formed a group to visit Lugu Lake. On July 8th, on the way to Dazu Village in Luguhu Town, Yanyuan County, Sichuan Province, Zhang had a dispute with tourists on a tourist bus. Zhang's behavior violates Article 28 of the Tourism Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Lijiang Municipal Bureau of Culture and Tourism, in accordance with the provisions of the Tourism Law of the People's Republic of China

Rumors abound, NATO communique mentions China summit 15 times | NATO | Rumors
Rumors abound, NATO communique mentions China summit 15 times | NATO | Rumors

From July 11th to 12th, the NATO summit was held in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. On the evening of the 11th local time, the NATO official website released the Vilnius Summit Communique reached by the attending government leaders. The Governor of Chang'an Street noted that the summit reached a total of 90 consensus points, mainly divided into four aspects: reaffirming NATO principles, welcoming new members, criticizing Russia and supporting Ukraine, and improving defense spending and defense capabilities. The communique mentioned China 15 times, with intense language and a series of lies. The communiqu é of the Vilnius NATO Summit, which deliberately portrays the "China Challenge," stated that China's policies pose a challenge to NATO interests, security, and values, and a systemic challenge to European Atlantic security, falsely accusing China of "committed to subverting the rule-based international order, including the aerospace, cyber, and maritime fields.". Meanwhile, the communique boasts

Bring the perpetrators to justice as soon as possible!, China calls for the prompt release of the investigation results and the Security Council's consideration of the "Beixi" pipeline issue
Bring the perpetrators to justice as soon as possible!, China calls for the prompt release of the investigation results and the Security Council's consideration of the "Beixi" pipeline issue

On the 11th, Geng Shuang, the Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, made a statement during the Security Council's review of the "Beixi" pipeline issue, calling for no politicization of the investigation related to the explosion of the "Beixi" pipeline, let alone political manipulation. Geng Shuang said that it has been nearly ten months since the explosion of the Beixi pipeline. The Security Council has held multiple discussions on this matter through different forms, and China has fully explained its position and propositions. The explosion of the Beixi pipeline not only poses a direct threat to the security of cross-border infrastructure, but also has a negative impact on the ecological environment and shipping safety of the relevant sea areas. We must conduct independent and professional investigations into the incident with a responsible attitude towards regional security and development, and ensure that the conclusions are objective, fair, authoritative, and can withstand historical scrutiny. Geng Shuang said that the country investigation conducted by relevant countries regarding the explosion of the "Beixi" pipeline has already been carried out

Extension of Maternity Leave and Inclusive Childcare... China's Maternity Support Policy System has been preliminarily established to support | Policy | China
Extension of Maternity Leave and Inclusive Childcare... China's Maternity Support Policy System has been preliminarily established to support | Policy | China

Today is World Population Day, and the theme of China has been set as "Promoting Gender Equality and Protecting Maternal and Child Health.". The National Health Commission has issued a notice requiring all regions to actively implement and optimize fertility policies and establish a sound system of fertility support policies. In recent years, various regions have actively promoted the introduction of birth support measures, and currently, China's birth support policy system has been preliminarily established. The relevant person in charge of the National Health Commission introduced that various regions have adjusted and optimized the leadership mechanisms related to population and childbirth, and more than half of the provinces have provincial governors as the leaders of the leadership groups. Each province, district, and city shall revise the Population and Family Planning Regulations and formulate an implementation plan to implement the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Optimizing Maternity Policies and Promoting Long term Balanced Population Development. The maternity leave in each province is extended to over 158 days, and each province generally sets up an extended maternity leave of over 60 days

Summer vacation is here! What "pitfalls" should college students avoid when doing part-time jobs? Work | Part time | College Students
Summer vacation is here! What "pitfalls" should college students avoid when doing part-time jobs? Work | Part time | College Students

The exciting summer vacation has arrived 😝Many college students want to take advantage of their holidays to work and study part-time, which can increase their income and accumulate social experience. However, when looking for part-time jobs, they must keep their eyes open 👀Please keep this "pitfall avoidance" guide to avoid falling into traps 👇👇👇These summer part-time job scams must be guarded against accepting deposits, ID cards, student ID cards, and other financial items. Scammers say, "Pay 100 first, and you will be hired immediately!" It is important to note that employers cannot collect employee property under any pretext when recruiting workers. Be wary of false advertising such as fees, "internal referrals," "internal referrals," and "guaranteed offers. Do not adopt a" shortcut "mentality and believe in the words of scammers. You should use legitimate channels to apply for jobs. Get a job search tip below to deal with the massive summer recruitment

In 2022, China's medical insurance reform will continue to deepen the treatment of the masses, consolidate and improve the medical insurance bureau | Communique | China
In 2022, China's medical insurance reform will continue to deepen the treatment of the masses, consolidate and improve the medical insurance bureau | Communique | China

CCTV News: The National Medical Insurance Administration released the Statistical Bulletin on the Development of National Medical Security in 2022 yesterday. In 2022, the National Medical Insurance Administration will continue to deepen the reform of medical insurance, consolidate and improve the treatment of the masses, and ensure the safe and stable operation of the fund. According to the Gazette, as of the end of 2022, the number of people participating in basic medical insurance in China was 1345.92 million, with a stable participation rate of over 95%. In 2022, the total revenue of the National Basic Medical Insurance Fund was 309.217 billion yuan, an increase of 7.6% compared to the previous year; The total expenditure of the National Basic Medical Insurance Fund was 2459.724 billion yuan, an increase of 2.3% compared to the previous year; The current balance of the National Basic Medical Insurance Fund is 632.493 billion yuan, with a cumulative balance of 4263.989 billion yuan. The fund operates safely and steadily. Continuously doing well

Starting from authoritative departments: Strictly Adhere to the Bottom Line of Resource Security, Build Beautiful China's Forests, Fields, Lakes, Grasslands, and Sands | Landscape | China
Starting from authoritative departments: Strictly Adhere to the Bottom Line of Resource Security, Build Beautiful China's Forests, Fields, Lakes, Grasslands, and Sands | Landscape | China

CCTV News: Today, the State Council Information Office held a series of themed press conferences on "Authoritative Department Talks at the Beginning". The person in charge of the Ministry of Natural Resources introduced the modernization of building harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. The Ministry of Natural Resources stated that as of now, the country has deployed and implemented 51 integrated protection and restoration projects for mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sands, coordinated various ecological elements, and implemented systematic, comprehensive, and source control with the watershed as the main unit. The total area of governance has been completed to 80 million acres. Next, the Ministry of Natural Resources will continue to deepen the implementation of integrated protection and restoration projects for mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands, and sands. It is expected that by the end of the 14th Five Year Plan, more than 30 million mu of ecological protection and restoration area will be completed. In addition, China adheres to and implements the strictest farmland protection system, further tightening and compacting the land

Practical measures taken by various regions to help college graduates find employment | Universities | Graduates
Practical measures taken by various regions to help college graduates find employment | Universities | Graduates

CCTV News: Various regions and departments have implemented a series of policy measures to provide support for the employment of college graduates. Take multiple measures to broaden employment channels. The education department of Sichuan Province organized concentrated visits to enterprises and job opportunities for universities within the province, and launched a special action of "university secretaries and presidents contacting 100 enterprises". Hunan has established a real name account for unemployed graduates, implemented real name assistance, and focused on developing a number of scientific research, skill, management, and social service positions. Universities in Shandong Province actively connect with practical bases and recruitment agencies to further expand employment channels for graduates. Continuously optimize guidance services. Henan promptly sorted out local employment enterprises with large scale and strong employment driving ability, and equipped them with employment service specialists to accurately connect with college graduates. Jiangxi provides social security for market entities to attract college graduates for employment in accordance with regulations

+860000 positions! The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has launched four more recruitment sessions for enterprises and positions
+860000 positions! The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security has launched four more recruitment sessions for enterprises and positions

The reporter learned from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security that from July 10 to 16, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security launched a special recruitment campaign of one hundred days and ten million, which launched four online recruitment sessions, namely, specialized new unicorn enterprises, textile and clothing, the Internet, and medicine and health. A total of 17000 employers participated, providing 860000 jobs. There are 15 specialized and innovative unicorn enterprise sessions, covering multiple industries such as consumer goods, energy, and services, providing over 400 positions. The textile and clothing industry has over 50 companies providing 1037 positions, covering positions such as printing and dyeing technology research and development, fabric design, and clothing sales guidance. Several official employment platforms and recruitment platforms participated in the Internet industry special session, focusing on the Internet, logistics warehousing and other industries, providing development engineers, human resources, project operations, etc

Xinhua News Review | Continuously Promoting More Full, Higher Quality Employment for College Graduates | Universities | Graduates
Xinhua News Review | Continuously Promoting More Full, Higher Quality Employment for College Graduates | Universities | Graduates

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 11th (Xinhua) - Continuously promoting more comprehensive and high-quality employment for college graduates. Wang Peng, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency, believes that college graduates are a valuable talent resource for the country and an important group for promoting employment. For a period of time, relevant departments and universities in various regions have adhered to early deployment and action, seized the critical period, implemented employment responsibilities, and played a positive role in promoting the smooth and early employment of college graduates. At the same time, it should be noted that college graduates still face significant employment pressure. Especially with the continuous departure of college graduates, it is even more necessary for relevant departments to increase their efforts and make every effort to do a good job in the employment of unemployed graduates, promoting more comprehensive and high-quality employment for college graduates. Smooth employment channels and strengthening employment guidance are important measures to do a good job in employment work. this

Lighting up the Night Economy and Enhancing Urban Vitality (Consumer Window · Exploring New Market Highlights) Tourists | City | Window
Lighting up the Night Economy and Enhancing Urban Vitality (Consumer Window · Exploring New Market Highlights) Tourists | City | Window

On Dongguan Street in Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province, citizens and tourists have come to admire the beautiful scenery and enjoy delicious food. Shi Shirong has continuously enriched commercial formats in Yinchuan City, Ningxia, actively promoted the construction of characteristic commercial blocks and key commercial districts, and vigorously developed the night economy. The picture shows tourists purchasing goods on Yuecai City Middle Street in Jinfeng District. Xinhua News Agency reporter Yang Zhisen took photos of night markets, late night snacks, and night tours... The night economy has become an important way to meet the personalized and diversified needs of consumers, playing a positive role in promoting the accelerated recovery of the service industry, unleashing the potential of the consumer market, and enhancing the charm of cities. Since the beginning of this year, various regions and departments have successively introduced relevant policies and measures to promote the development of nighttime economy and stimulate the vitality of nighttime consumption. What are the new highlights, scenarios, and models of the night economy? How to build a more comprehensive nighttime economic ecosystem,

Where has your admission letter gone? Come in and check → University | Admission | Admission Notice
Where has your admission letter gone? Come in and check → University | Admission | Admission Notice

With the progress of university recruitment work, university admission notices have been issued one after another. Who received the first admission notice? Recently, Sun Yingbo from Beijing No. 14 Middle School began to deliver the admission notice in 2023. He was the first to receive the general admission notice from the Spanish major of Beijing Language and Culture University. This year, the design theme of the college entrance examination admission notice of Beijing Language and Culture University is "Tongtong World". The cover is a red paper sculpture representing traditional Chinese culture. With wutong on the main road of the campus as the window, he hopes that students can view the world with the oriental wisdom of the world in mind and face the future 8 days. The first college entrance examination admission notice of Sichuan Province in 2023 will be issued from the University of Electronic Science and Technology in Chengdu

National Development and Reform Commission: Supporting Platform Enterprises to Play a More Positive Role in International Competition Platform | Products | Enterprises
National Development and Reform Commission: Supporting Platform Enterprises to Play a More Positive Role in International Competition Platform | Products | Enterprises

From the research results, it can be seen that platform enterprises are continuously increasing their investment in areas such as technological innovation and empowering the real economy. In the first quarter of 2023, the top 10 platform enterprises in China's market value increased their investment through independent investment or subsidiary investment. The proportion of investment in fields such as chips, autonomous driving, new energy, and agriculture continued to increase, with a month on month increase of 15.6 percentage points. 1、 Actively supporting technology

Chuanbo responds!, Does the guide use a laser pen to take photos of ancient paintings? Netizens question the commentator | explanation | laser
Chuanbo responds!, Does the guide use a laser pen to take photos of ancient paintings? Netizens question the commentator | explanation | laser

Recently, a netizen posted that while visiting the Sichuan Museum, a guide used a laser pen to illuminate ancient paintings, which sparked heated discussions. On the evening of July 9th, the Sichuan Museum replied to the netizen on Weibo, saying "I am deeply sorry and will take it as a warning. I will draw lessons from it, strictly regulate the use of teaching aids, and provide employee training and practical supervision." According to the netizen's description, on July 7th, during a visit, he encountered a museum guide using a laser pen to illuminate and explain a Ming Dynasty painting by Chen Hongshou lent by the China Art Museum, while the glass of the exhibition cabinet was pasted with a warning prohibiting the use of flashing lights. When asked if it was possible to use a laser pen to illuminate cultural relics, the commentator first said "we won't take photos for a long time" and "we will pay attention later". However, after turning around, he continued to use a laser pen on the Flower and Bird Collection in the Forbidden City, explaining:

Think it's wool? Hidden mystery inside, received phone holder swiping orders from strangers one after another via express delivery | QR code | phone
Think it's wool? Hidden mystery inside, received phone holder swiping orders from strangers one after another via express delivery | QR code | phone

Recently, on social media platforms, many netizens have shared their experiences of receiving unfamiliar packages, which include a phone stand, online store promotional flyers, or scratch cards. However, without exception, these items are all printed with a QR code. Many netizens claim that this is suspected to be a new type of online fraud. The reporter learned from the public security department that this is a very confusing new type of fraud! Some people may think that this is a benefit sent by the customer service of the merchant platform. Without much thought, they scan the QR code provided by the other party, and as a result, you enter the chat group set up by the scammer and fall into the scam of the scammer. Recently, Ms. Sun, a resident of Jinshan, received a strange package containing a phone holder, an invitation letter with the signature "Moubao Alliance", and a lottery ticket with a QR code. Images in this article

A major turning point! Is there a drama in Microsoft's 500 billion acquisition case? Buffett "win thoroughly" NASDAQ | Index | Buffett
A major turning point! Is there a drama in Microsoft's 500 billion acquisition case? Buffett "win thoroughly" NASDAQ | Index | Buffett

On July 11th local time, the three major US stock indexes rose, with the Dow Jones index up 0.93%, the S&P index up 0.67%, and the Nasdaq index up 0.55%. Microsoft made significant progress in its acquisition of Activision Blizzard, worth $69 billion, on Tuesday. A US judge gave the deal a green light, followed by a suspension of legal proceedings by UK regulatory authorities. As a result, Activision Blizzard's stock price surged significantly, rising over 12% in intraday trading and closing up 10.02%. Recently, several investment giants have successively released their investment performance for the previous fiscal year. One of the world's largest sovereign wealth funds, the Saudi Public Investment Fund, reported a loss of approximately $11 billion in investment activities last year due to the global stock market downturn, while the investment return in 2021 was $19 billion. Singapore Investment Company

Nearly half of the goals are off track, and the United Nations: the 2030 development agenda is difficult to achieve sustainable development | goals | progress | emergence | action | agenda | achievement | United Nations
Nearly half of the goals are off track, and the United Nations: the 2030 development agenda is difficult to achieve sustainable development | goals | progress | emergence | action | agenda | achievement | United Nations

On July 10th local time, the United Nations released a report stating that at the current global development rate, by 2030, 575 million people will still live in extreme poverty and 84 million children will be unable to attend school. And achieving gender equality will take 286 years. According to the Associated Press, in 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, calling on countries to take action and strive to achieve 17 sustainable development goals over the next 15 years. According to a report released by the United Nations on July 10th, only 15% of the approximately 140 specific goals assessed by experts are expected to be achieved within the next 10 years. Nearly half of the targets are off track, while 30% of the targets have made no progress or even regressed. The goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development include poverty eradication

Can Chinese coffee beans win international "big shots"? Pu'er exploration: "coffee" competition varieties | coffee | coffee beans
Can Chinese coffee beans win international "big shots"? Pu'er exploration: "coffee" competition varieties | coffee | coffee beans

Coffee has become a must-have for many working people to wake up and refresh their minds. But most people are unaware that their coffee may come from Yunnan, rather than traditional coffee producing countries such as Colombia and Jamaica. In fact, Yunnan, which shares the golden belt of coffee cultivation with these countries, is ushering in a golden period for coffee beans. This year, Yunnan coffee beans, which were previously purchased at prices lower than the New York coffee futures price, are experiencing a price explosion: each kilogram of Yunnan coffee beans is about 10 yuan higher than the New York futures price, setting a new historical high for the purchase price of Yunnan coffee beans. The purchase price of coffee beans has increased from only 13-14 yuan per kilogram in 2018 and 2019 to 37-38 yuan per kilogram now. In the past five or six years, Yunnan coffee beans have shown a beautiful upward trend. In addition, Starbucks, Nestle, Luckin, M

Get sentenced!, Zhang Yuejun, former vice president of Anhui University of Finance and Economics, violated the law | Zhang Yuejun | Anhui University of Finance and Economics
Get sentenced!, Zhang Yuejun, former vice president of Anhui University of Finance and Economics, violated the law | Zhang Yuejun | Anhui University of Finance and Economics

On July 11th, the Intermediate People's Court of Lu'an City, Anhui Province, made a first instance judgment on the bribery case of Zhang Yuejun, former member of the Party Committee and former Vice President of Anhui University of Finance and Economics. He was sentenced to five years and nine months in prison for the crime of bribery and fined 300000 yuan. His illegal gains were recovered and turned over to the national treasury. The court's trial found that from 2002 to 2022, the defendant Zhang Yuejun utilized his position as Deputy Director of the Office of Anhui University of Finance and Trade, Director of the Comprehensive Office of the Longhu Campus Construction Committee, Secretary of the Party General Branch and Director of the School of Literature and Art Media, Director of the School Office, Standing Committee Member of the School Party Committee, and Vice President of Anhui University of Finance and Economics from 2002 to 2022, or utilized his own power and position to facilitate project acceptance, commodity procurement, personnel arrangements, and other aspects for relevant units and individuals through the actions of other state officials in their positions

Get the top spot! Zhuque 2 Yao 2 Liquid Oxygen Methane Carrier Rocket Successfully Launched | Carrier Rocket | Zhuque
Get the top spot! Zhuque 2 Yao 2 Liquid Oxygen Methane Carrier Rocket Successfully Launched | Carrier Rocket | Zhuque

At 9:00 am Beijing time on July 12, 2023, the Zhuque 2 Yao 2 carrier rocket was launched from China's Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center and completed the flight mission according to the procedure, achieving a complete success in the launch mission. This mission is the second flight of the Zhuque 2 carrier rocket. What is the significance of China winning the top spot in the global liquid oxygen methane rocket competition? Zhuque 2 has become the world's first liquid oxygen methane rocket to successfully enter orbit, which is a significant technological advancement in the field of rocket power development. On July 12th, the Zhuque 2 liquid oxygen methane carrier rocket, independently developed by Blue Arrow Space Technology Co., Ltd., was successfully launched from China's Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. The rocket entered its intended orbit and the test mission was a complete success. Preparation for launch of Zhuque 2 Yao 2 liquid oxygen

Sudden! Zaporizhzhia area attacked by cluster ammunition
Sudden! Zaporizhzhia area attacked by cluster ammunition

According to the Sputnik News Agency of Russia, the emergency department of Tokamak city in Zaporoge region controlled by Russia announced on the 11th that, according to preliminary information, the Ukrainian army used cluster munitions in the city. The emergency department of Tokmak City stated that at 17:15 on the same day, the Ukrainian army launched an attack on Tokmak City, "according to preliminary information, the enemy used cluster ammunition.". ▲ Information image: Ukrainian artillery fired at the front line in fierce combat. On the 7th, Jack Sullivan, Assistant to the US President for National Security Affairs, said that the Biden administration will provide cluster ammunition to Ukraine. Sullivan said at the White House briefing, "We know that cluster ammunition can cause civilian casualties. This is also why we are delaying this decision as much as possible. However, if Russian troops and tanks cross Ukrainian positions due to insufficient Ukrainian ammunition,...",

Hainan is experiencing a "dust storm"! A tornado rolls up a giant dust pillar about 20 meters high. Dust tornado | ground | dust pillar
Hainan is experiencing a "dust storm"! A tornado rolls up a giant dust pillar about 20 meters high. Dust tornado | ground | dust pillar

At around 14:00 on July 11th, a "dust tornado" appeared in the Yangpu Ancient Salt Field area of Danzhou City, with a height of about 20 meters and a diameter of 5-10 meters. The overall appearance of the "dust tornado" was earthy yellow, accompanied by a large amount of smoke and dust flying at the scene. According to the video captured by witnesses, a large amount of dust was swept up from the ground by the cyclone, forming a huge dust pillar that rushed straight into the sky from the ground, looking very shocking. According to experts from the Danzhou Meteorological Bureau, "dust tornado" is a small cyclone formed near the surface atmosphere due to uneven heating and heating on the surface. Usually, the diameter is within 10 meters, the height is between tens of meters and tens of meters, and the duration is usually several minutes. It is more common on dry and hot ground. Experts remind that although the natural phenomenon of "dust tornadoes" is only one with "tornadoes"

A sudden flash flood and mudslide occurred in Wulong, Baoxing, Sichuan! Rescue | Zone | Baoxing Wulong, Sichuan
A sudden flash flood and mudslide occurred in Wulong, Baoxing, Sichuan! Rescue | Zone | Baoxing Wulong, Sichuan

At around 4:30 pm on July 11th, a sudden mudslide occurred in Wulong Township, Baoxing, Sichuan due to heavy rainfall. According to local residents in Wulong, after the mudslide occurred, people evacuated to a safe area, and then rescue forces arrived at the scene. The on-site video taken by local residents in Wulong shows a mudslide rolling in from a river. A mudslide rolled in from a local river. A mudslide rolled in from a local river. Mr. Shu, a local resident, said that before the mudslide occurred, there was a lot of rain underground, and everyone took shelter at home. After hearing the sound of "bang bang bang bang", someone went out to check the situation and found a mudslide coming. They shouted loudly to remind everyone to avoid danger. Upon hearing of a mudslide, people who were sheltering from the rain at home all left their doors. Mr. Shu said that at that time, he saw a mudslide rushing directly from the mountain