The world

Consumption gradually strengthens its role in driving the economy (Mid year Economic Observation) Scenarios | Consumption | Economy
Consumption gradually strengthens its role in driving the economy (Mid year Economic Observation) Scenarios | Consumption | Economy

The meeting emphasized the need to actively expand domestic demand, leverage the fundamental role of consumption in driving economic growth, expand consumption by increasing household income, drive effective supply through terminal demand, and combine the implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand with deepening the supply side

Doing a Good Job in "Reducing" and "Adding" Beijing and Cangzhou Jointly Promoting the Quality and Upgrading of Coordinated Development in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei Region | Beijing | Adding "Beijing and Cangzhou
Doing a Good Job in "Reducing" and "Adding" Beijing and Cangzhou Jointly Promoting the Quality and Upgrading of Coordinated Development in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei Region | Beijing | Adding "Beijing and Cangzhou

Promoting the coordinated development of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region is a major national strategy. When conducting research in Beijing and Hebei, reporters found that the two regions firmly hold onto the "bull nose" of relieving Beijing's non capital functions, and do not relax. With relaxation as the foundation, they continuously push the high-quality development of the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region to new heights. At 7:30 in the morning, the Mingzhu Trading City in Cangzhou, Hebei was busy in the morning. More than 80% of the merchants here have moved in from Beijing. In the store of merchant Lu Chunming, over 100 woolen coats are displayed and designed by his own factory, with an annual sales volume of nearly 700000 pieces. Lu Chunming used to do business at a clothing wholesale market near Beijing Zoo. In 2014, the relocation of non capital core functions began one after another, and the clothing wholesale market in Beijing entered the scope of relocation. Clothing Industry Operator Lu Chunming: Immediate Relief

How delivery guys fulfill their wishes together | employment | wishes
How delivery guys fulfill their wishes together | employment | wishes

In the scorching summer, the delivery volume of food delivery riders is also heating up, as they ride electric bikes and sprint through the streets and alleys. The living conditions and career prospects of these delivery guys are particularly concerning. Where do they go to cool off and rest in the scorching heat? How to balance running solo and taking care of children? How can we integrate into big cities? How to express inner desires and aspirations? Since April this year, the wish lists of these delivery guys have been signed for by various youth organizations across the country.In order to address external issues more targetedly

Looking at the smiling face of Le Huo Shu, a glance at the millennium old Chengdu | External Propaganda Office | Chengdu | Shu
Looking at the smiling face of Le Huo Shu, a glance at the millennium old Chengdu | External Propaganda Office | Chengdu | Shu

The 31st Chengdu Summer Universiade is about to open. Chengdu's 3000 year old city site remains unchanged for 2500 years, and the city name remains unchanged, giving birth to a brilliant and splendid ancient Shu civilization that nurtures the land of abundance and leaves behind an optimistic and accessible spiritual temperament. Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai wrote "Nine days open one Chengdu, thousands of households enter the painting", depicting the bustling scenery of Chengdu. Du Fu "Watching the red and wet places at dawn, the flowers are heavy in the Jinguan City", writing about the beautiful and poetic beauty of Chengdu. The Han Dynasty terracotta figurines are vividly shaped and witty, with smiling faces, which are a vivid example of the open-minded and cheerful nature of the city. Time continues to be a resilient and optimistic urban character. Drifting for thousands of years and enduring for a long time, this place has experienced hardships but can always be reborn and rejuvenated with vitality. Nowadays, giant pandas, hot pot, tea houses... are ancient yet young

Work together to create a new culture (people's perspective) that belongs to our era. Construction | Culture | Era
Work together to create a new culture (people's perspective) that belongs to our era. Construction | Culture | Era

The construction of modern civilization of the Chinese nation is an inevitable requirement for the promotion of Chinese-style modernization and an important part of the construction of socialist spiritual civilization. "The second combination" is another emancipation of the mind, so that we can make full use of the precious resources of Chinese excellent traditional culture in a broader cultural space and explore future-oriented theoretical and institutional innovations, general Secretary Xi Jinping visited the Pingjiang Historical and Cultural District in the northeast corner of the ancient city of Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, and met Lu Jianying, the representative inheritor of Suzhou embroidery, in a shop on the street. Watching the production of Suzhou embroidery and hearing the story of the inheritance of four generations, General Secretary Xi Jinping was very emotional: "How strong the inheritance of Chinese culture is, you can see it through this Suzhou embroidery. Kung fu like this fully reflects the resilience, patience and determination of the Chinese people. This is the Chinese nation

【 Guangming Current Review 】 Caring for the Respectfulness and Sincerity Behind the "Cultural and Museum Heat" | Culture | Current Review
【 Guangming Current Review 】 Caring for the Respectfulness and Sincerity Behind the "Cultural and Museum Heat" | Culture | Current Review

【 Guangming Current Review 】 Author: Wang Dan, during this summer, the trend of "cultural and museum fever" has continued unabated, and it is not an exaggeration to describe the flow of visitors to cultural and museum museums as "surging". According to the graphic and textual updates uploaded by netizens, in popular cultural and museum institutions, all you can see are the dense figures of "people following the crowd", and the tickets for popular exhibitions are basically "slow to get". Faced with the surging passenger flow and the increasing public enthusiasm for visiting, many cultural and museum institutions have adjusted their entry policies. According to media reports, the Shaanxi History Museum has extended its opening hours on Sunday; Multiple scenic spots and venues in Beijing have adjusted their scheduled ticket release times, with some scenic spots and venues opening earlier or later; The management office of Jiangxi Tengwangge temporarily opened the night resort... The National Cutural Heritage Administration recently issued a notice requiring all regions to strengthen the opening services of museums in summer and other holidays, "one ticket is hard

The recovery trend of consumption is good (People's Review), continuously tapping into potential | Consumption | Review
The recovery trend of consumption is good (People's Review), continuously tapping into potential | Consumption | Review

At present, China is in a stage of rapid development of consumption structure upgrading, with steady progress in new urbanization, effective implementation of rural revitalization, continuous improvement of consumption related infrastructure, and huge consumption potential. At 7 am in the C district of Nanjing Agricultural and Sideline Products Logistics Center Aquatic Market, more than 150 wholesale merchants specializing in crayfish are already busy. A wholesaler household made a comparison, and their average daily shipment this year is over 3000 kilograms, an increase of 50% compared to the same period last year. The booming sales of crayfish have become a vivid portrayal of the recovery of consumption. The increase in travel and leisure activities, frequent gatherings with family and friends, and tangible daily life confirm that overall consumption is showing a rapid recovery trend. According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics, in the first half of the year, the national catering revenue increased by 21.4% year-on-year, and the national film box office increased year-on-year

Enhancing Cultural Consciousness and Building Modern Chinese Civilization | Culture | The Chinese Nation
Enhancing Cultural Consciousness and Building Modern Chinese Civilization | Culture | The Chinese Nation

When presiding over the sixth collective study of the 20th Central Political Bureau, he emphasized that we must not abandon the soul of Marxism or the root of excellent traditional Chinese culture. These important statements provide us with fundamental guidance for further understanding the new era, grasping the new era from the perspective of civilization inheritance, and creating new forms of human civilization and new cultures that belong to our era. The achievements in cultural construction in the new era are extraordinary, and cultural confidence has laid the foundation and forged the soul. The Chinese nation has a history of millions of years of human history, ten thousand years of cultural history, and more than five thousand years of civilization.

Crossing Time and Space and Enduring Renewal (People's Forum) Patriotism | People | Forum
Crossing Time and Space and Enduring Renewal (People's Forum) Patriotism | People | Forum

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Korean War. More than 70 years ago, the heroic Chinese People's Volunteer Army held high the banner of justice to defend peace and resist aggression, resolutely walked onto the battlefield of the Korean War of Resistance Against US Aggression and Aid to Korea, and together with the Korean people and the military, after two years and nine months of arduous and bloody battles, won the great victory of the War of Resistance against US Aggression and Aid to Korea, forging the great spirit of resistance against US Aggression and Aid to Korea composed of patriotism, revolutionary heroism, revolutionary optimism, revolutionary loyalty, and internationalism.In the magnificent waves

Accurate and effective implementation of macroeconomic regulation | bonds | macroeconomic regulation
Accurate and effective implementation of macroeconomic regulation | bonds | macroeconomic regulation

The semi annual report of China's economy shows that since the beginning of this year, the national economy has continued to recover and overall rebounded. At the same time, issues such as insufficient domestic demand and operational difficulties for some enterprises cannot be ignored. During the deployment of economic work in the second half of the year, the Central Political Bureau meeting pointed out the need to increase macroeconomic policy regulation, focus on expanding domestic demand, boosting confidence, and preventing risks. We strongly support the real economy in the first half of the year, with a year-on-year growth of 5.5% in gross domestic product, which is significantly faster than the economic growth rate of 3% for the entire year last year and also faster than the economic growth rate of 4.5% in the first quarter. This achievement cannot be achieved without the proactive efforts of macroeconomic policies such as fiscal and monetary policies. To consolidate the momentum of sustained recovery and development, and address the difficulties and challenges faced by economic operation, macroeconomic policies need to further play a role. The deployment of the Central Political Bureau meeting to continue, optimize, improve and implement

Guangming Forum: Comprehensively Digging into the Treasure of Chinese Civilization China | Marxism | Forum
Guangming Forum: Comprehensively Digging into the Treasure of Chinese Civilization China | Marxism | Forum

【 Guangming Forum 】 Author: Shang Zhixiao: Chinese culture has a long and rich history, and Chinese civilization is vast and profound. To promote cultural prosperity, build a strong cultural nation, and build a modern civilization of the Chinese nation from a new starting point, it is necessary to fully respect the excellent traditional Chinese culture; To promote creative transformation and innovative development, it is necessary to vigorously inherit Chinese civilization and comprehensively explore the treasure trove of Chinese civilization guided by Marxism.

Jin Guanping: Make good use of policy space to boost market confidence. In policy, economy, and market
Jin Guanping: Make good use of policy space to boost market confidence. In policy, economy, and market

To build a modern socialist country in all respects, we must, first and foremost, pursue high-quality development. The recent Central Political Bureau meeting emphasized the need to make good use of policy space, find the right direction for development, and solidly promote high-quality economic development. This has pointed out the direction for China's macroeconomic regulation in the second half of the year. Since the beginning of this year, China's economy has shown obvious characteristics of "stability" and the trend of "progress" has continued, especially under the effective implementation of macroeconomic policies, the economic operation has accelerated its return to the normal track, showing strong resilience and potential. In the first half of the year, China's economy achieved a year-on-year growth rate of 5.5%, faster than major developed economies in the world. However, it should also be noted that the current external environment is complex and severe, the world economy is recovering slowly and weakly, the foundation for domestic economic recovery and development is still unstable, the uncertain and unstable factors of economic growth are increasing, and risks and challenges are not acceptable

Strive to Promote Modernization of China that Coordinates Material Civilization and Spiritual Civilization | Modernization | Material Civilization
Strive to Promote Modernization of China that Coordinates Material Civilization and Spiritual Civilization | Modernization | Material Civilization

Author: Du Qiang General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out in the report of the Party's 20th Congress: "Chinese-style modernization is a modernization in which material civilization and spiritual civilization are coordinated. Material abundance and spiritual richness are the fundamental requirements of socialist modernization. Material poverty is not socialism, and spiritual poverty is not socialism." The harmonious modernization of material civilization and spiritual civilization is one of the important characteristics of Chinese modernization, which fully reflects that the socialist modernization led by the Communist Party of China is people-centered and pursues the all-round development of human beings and the all-round progress of society, reveals the Chinese characteristics and essential requirements of Chinese modernization, and demonstrates that only by promoting the construction of material civilization and spiritual civilization in coordination can we achieve Chinese modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, create a solid and strong material force and spirit

The result of "combination" is mutual achievement (ideological and political) in history, culture, and thought
The result of "combination" is mutual achievement (ideological and political) in history, culture, and thought

On the morning of July 6, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the Pingjiang Historical and Cultural District in Suzhou and pointed out: "Suzhou has done a good job in the combination of tradition and modernity. It not only has historical and cultural heritage, but also has high-tech innovation and high-quality development., Represents the future development direction." The combination of tradition and modernity is a big article, so is the development of civilization, so is the theoretical innovation. At the symposium on cultural inheritance and development, General Secretary Xi Jinping explained in depth the significance of the "two combinations", and pointed out: "The result of the'combination' is mutual achievement, creating an organically unified new cultural life body, making Marxism China's excellent traditional Chinese culture has become modern, and the new culture formed through the'combination' has become a cultural form of Chinese-style modernization." Two subjects who can achieve each other, often

[Guangming Forum] Continuously Deepening the Regular Understanding of Theoretical Innovation of the Party General Secretary | Theory | Forum
[Guangming Forum] Continuously Deepening the Regular Understanding of Theoretical Innovation of the Party General Secretary | Theory | Forum

The process of theoretical innovation of the Party is based on the constantly changing historical background, forming a profound understanding of the essence of things, a principled display of the internal connections of things, a forward-looking foresight of the development trend of things, and a practical effect of changing reality, which is the process of Marxism's sinicization and modernization.To carry out theoretical innovation while adhering to the spirit of Marxism.

Fang Lei was double opened!, Accepting paid companionship from the opposite sex | Wenshan Prefecture | Fang Lei
Fang Lei was double opened!, Accepting paid companionship from the opposite sex | Wenshan Prefecture | Fang Lei

According to the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Wenshan Prefecture, Yunnan Province, recently, with the approval of the Wenshan Prefecture Committee, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Wenshan Prefecture has launched a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Fang Lei, Deputy Director of the Wenshan Prefecture Intellectual Property Bureau. After investigation, it was found that Fang Lei lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, ignored the spirit of the central eight point regulations, and illegally received property, used public funds for reception, and engaged in personal consumption; Using public funds to purchase shopping cards for gift giving purposes; Serve as a "protective umbrella" for evil forces; Disturbing judicial organs in handling cases by pleading and greeting, causing foreign personnel to illegally settle down and related cases not being criminally filed due to incorrect performance of duties; Pursuing low-level pleasures and accepting paid companionship from the opposite sex; Taking advantage of one's position to embezzle public property; Utilize the convenience of one's position to receive and manage the property of service recipients. Fang Lei seriously violated the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulation, integrity discipline, and the masses

Long Sky Sharp Blade Watches "Blue Sky Honor Guard" Dancing in the Battle of the Heavenly Sky, Jiuxiao Air Force | Changchun | Honor Guard
Long Sky Sharp Blade Watches "Blue Sky Honor Guard" Dancing in the Battle of the Heavenly Sky, Jiuxiao Air Force | Changchun | Honor Guard

On July 27th, Changchun, China National Radio and Television reported that the 2023 Air Force Aviation Open Event - Changchun Aviation Exhibition officially kicked off at the Air Force Changchun Airport. The J-20, Y-20, and J-16 fighter jets, known as the "Three Musketeers" of the People's Air Force, have achieved the same frame in Changchun. The Yunyou-20, J-20, and J-16 "Three Musketeers" made their debut in the same frame, known as the "Blue Sky Honor Guard" Air Force August 1st Flight Performance Team. The Air Force Aviation University's "Red Eagle" and "Tianzhiyi" flight performance teams, which bloomed brilliantly for the tenth time in open activities, met in Changchun to participate in this fast-paced and passionate blue sky event. The Air Force August 1st Flight Performance Team has nearly 20 sets of highly technically challenging, high-risk, and unconventional tactical actions, including six machine weight struggles, inverted cloud hanging, synchronous flipping, and grouped flowering, which are highly ornamental and visually impactful

The Prelude to the Universiade: Chengdu Universiade Park Cultural Activities Officially Launched Culture | Chengdu | Activities
The Prelude to the Universiade: Chengdu Universiade Park Cultural Activities Officially Launched Culture | Chengdu | Activities

On July 26th, the cultural activities of the Chengdu Universiade Park officially kicked off in the eastern area of Guixi Ecological Park. The event will last from July 26th to August 8th, lasting for 14 days. Every night from 6:00 to 8:30, there will be exciting content such as sports, culture, and entertainment, showcasing Chengdu's confidence, composure, enthusiasm, friendliness, and humility. Citizens and tourists will immerse themselves in the strong atmosphere of the Universiade and the youthful vitality of the city. Chengdu's long history, unique culture, and modern sports spirit complement each other, and are integrated into a dance called "Welcome to Chengdu, Flying Sichuan Charm", conveying the power of unity, hard work, and progress, opening the curtain on cultural activities in the Chengdu Universiade Park. The music video for the theme promotion song of the Chengdu Universiade, "Our Love is Like the Wind of Summer," premiered on site. The melodious melody and lively visuals are full of infectiousness, singing

Youth is Promising | Xu Dejian: Driving the Transformers Railway Tamping Car | Worker | Xu Dejian
Youth is Promising | Xu Dejian: Driving the Transformers Railway Tamping Car | Worker | Xu Dejian

The winding Yalin Railway cannot be seen at a glance. The Yalin Railway is located in the northern part of the Daxing'an Mountains in Inner Mongolia, connecting Yakeshi City in Hulunbuir and Mangui Town in Genhe City from north to south. It is an important transportation line for the daily travel, medical treatment, and education of the people in the forest area. In order to ensure the safety and smooth operation of the Yalin Railway during the summer transportation period, 12 workers from the Hailar Engineering Section dispatched a large machinery tamping team to overcome difficulties such as high temperature and rainy weather, mosquito bites, and outdoor accommodation. They drove a large road maintenance machinery like a "Transformers" - tamping cars, and carried out meticulous maintenance and upkeep of the line. "Two DC-32 tamping trucks are steel giants that are closely related to us." Xu Dejian is the foreman of the stationed large machine tamping team in the Hailar Comprehensive Machine Repair Workshop of Hailar Engineering Section. "The tamping trucks are a collection of super flat tracks, compacted track beds, and more."

Personnel appointment and removal by the Ministry of Water Resources: Nominate Jiang Nan as Chairman and Dean of China Water Rights Exchange Co., Ltd. | Ministry of Water Resources | China Water Rights Exchange
Personnel appointment and removal by the Ministry of Water Resources: Nominate Jiang Nan as Chairman and Dean of China Water Rights Exchange Co., Ltd. | Ministry of Water Resources | China Water Rights Exchange

The Party Group of the Ministry of Water Resources of the Communist Party of China has decided to nominate Jiang Nan as the Chairman of China Water Rights Exchange Co., Ltd. and no longer serve as the General Manager of China Water Rights Exchange Co., Ltd; Peng Jing serves as the President of the China Academy of Water Resources and Hydropower Sciences, and also serves as the Director of the International Sediment Research and Training Center, as well as the Director of the Remote Sensing Technology Application Center and the Flood Control, Drought Relief and Disaster Reduction Engineering Technology Research Center of the Ministry of Water Resources; Xu Quanxi was appointed as the President and Party Secretary of the Yangtze River Science Institute of the Yangtze River Water Resources Commission of the Ministry of Water Resources; Ma Tiemin was appointed as the Secretary of the Party Committee of Nenjiang Nierji Water Resources and Hydropower Co., Ltd. He nominated him as the Chairman of Nenjiang Nierji Water Resources and Hydropower Co., Ltd. He was dismissed from his position as Deputy Director, Party Member, and First level Inspector of the Songliao Water Resources Committee of the Ministry of Water Resources; Li Hongjun is appointed as the Deputy Director and Party Committee Member of the Xiaolangdi Water Conservancy Hub Management Center of the Ministry of Water Resources; Remove water

China is deeply concerned about this situation | crisis | China
China is deeply concerned about this situation | crisis | China

On the 26th local time, the UN Security Council held two public meetings on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The Chinese side stated that it is necessary to prevent the situation from escalating, control the impact of the crisis, and promote a political solution to the Ukrainian crisis. Chinese Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geng Shuang, stated at the meeting that the situation in Ukraine has been escalating for a period of time, the conflict and confrontation have continued to expand, civilian casualties have been increasing, and important civilian facilities have been severely damaged. China is deeply concerned about this. Geng Shuang pointed out that it is urgent to alleviate the suffering of the people and prevent the situation from escalating. China calls on both sides of the conflict to abandon the logic of military confrontation, maintain calm and restraint, prevent the war from spiraling out of control, and prevent irreversible situations from arising. Geng Shuang, Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations: Parties to conflicts must strictly abide by international humanitarian law and relevant international conventions, and avoid attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure

What does a red typhoon warning mean for 6 delisted individuals? In recent years, the Central Meteorological Observatory has only issued warnings for 10 typhoons, including Dussuri | Jinjiang, Fujian |
What does a red typhoon warning mean for 6 delisted individuals? In recent years, the Central Meteorological Observatory has only issued warnings for 10 typhoons, including Dussuri | Jinjiang, Fujian |

On July 27th, the Central Meteorological Observatory continued to issue a typhoon red warning. What does the red typhoon warning mean? It is reported that since 2016, there have been a total of 48 typhoons landing in China, but the Central Meteorological Observatory has only issued typhoon red warnings for 10 typhoons, including Meihua, Bawei, Lichima, Shanzhu, Maria, Tiange, Haima, Shalika, Moranti, and Nida, of which 6 have been delisted. "Du Suri" has the characteristics of strong landing intensity, large impact of wind and rain, and wide range. The impact of wind and rain on China should not be underestimated, and the public should be vigilant. The Central Meteorological Observatory predicts that Typhoon Dussuri will once again strengthen into a super typhoon in the South China Sea today, and the intensity of its landfall has also increased slightly compared to yesterday. It may make landfall as a strong typhoon or super typhoon. If "Dussuri" uses the current forecast

Two days, two provinces welcome new vice governors! They all serve as cross provincial members of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee | Zhang Chengzhong | Governor
Two days, two provinces welcome new vice governors! They all serve as cross provincial members of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee | Zhang Chengzhong | Governor

Today, the fourth meeting of the 14th Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Hebei Province voted to appoint Zhang Chengzhong as the Vice Governor of Hebei Province. Shangguanhe noticed that Zhang Chengzhong, who took office across provinces at the beginning of the month, had previously served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee and Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Government Party Group. Since the beginning of this year, the Standing Committee of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee has undergone several adjustments. There are two "post-70s" vice governors in Hebei who have published their resumes. Zhang Chengzhong, male, Han nationality, was born in October 1970, started work in July 1993, and joined the CPC in June 1998. He has a university degree, a double bachelor's degree, a senior master of business administration, and a professor level senior engineer. Zhang Chengzhong, who has been serving in Liaoning Province for a long time, has served as the Mayor of Fuxin City and the Secretary of Panjin City Committee. In December of the same year, he was appointed as a member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of the Liaoning Provincial Committee, and in Panjin City

Luo Guancong, a financial aid activist for Hong Kong, has arrested two more individuals from the Hong Kong National Security Department. Unity | Hong Kong | The activist
Luo Guancong, a financial aid activist for Hong Kong, has arrested two more individuals from the Hong Kong National Security Department. Unity | Hong Kong | The activist

According to Hong Kong's Dian News, the National Security Department of the Hong Kong Police Force arrested a 29 year old local man and a 29 year old local woman on the morning of the 27th, and they are currently being detained for investigation. Two arrested individuals are suspected of violating Article 29 of the National Security Law of Hong Kong, which states that they have colluded with foreign or foreign forces to endanger national security, and Articles 9 and 10 of the Criminal Offences Ordinance, Chapter 200 of the Laws of Hong Kong, which states that they have colluded to produce acts of incitement. The police operation continues, and it is not ruled out that more people will be arrested. According to the news, the two arrested individuals were former members of the Hong Kong Solidarity organization. The police investigation shows that the two individuals are related to the arrested person on July 5th. On July 5th, the National Security Department of the Hong Kong Police Force arrested four men aged between 26 and 28 in multiple districts of Hong Kong, suspected of "colluding with foreign countries"

The cover photo of the album "Blooming" and the posthumous photo of Coco Lee will be announced. Introduction | Live broadcast | Announcement | Photos | Music | Farewell | Fans | Coco Lee
The cover photo of the album "Blooming" and the posthumous photo of Coco Lee will be announced. Introduction | Live broadcast | Announcement | Photos | Music | Farewell | Fans | Coco Lee

Li Wen, the queen of the music industry, passed away on July 5th due to depression. According to the obituary previously announced by Li Wen's family, Li Wen's farewell ceremony will be held on July 31st. On the morning of July 27th, the posthumous photo used at Li Wen's farewell ceremony was officially announced. According to ETtoday News Cloud, this photo was jointly selected by Li Wen's two sisters. They felt that COCO's smile in this photo was like an angel, and the clothes were also her favorite white clothes during her lifetime. This photo was also the cover photo of her 2013 album "Blooming". Li Wen will hold a farewell ceremony on July 31st, and according to Hong Kong customs, she will be cremated on August 1st the following day. To show sympathy for fans from all over the world, Li Silin, the sister of Li Wen, also opened an online channel to live stream Li Wen's farewell ceremony. "I know that CoCo has fans all over the world, and there are also..."

You are here. The Ministry of National Defense comforts the martyrs of the Volunteer Army: Veterans will always be in my heart! We are in the War of Resistance Against US Aggression and Aid to Korea
You are here. The Ministry of National Defense comforts the martyrs of the Volunteer Army: Veterans will always be in my heart! We are in the War of Resistance Against US Aggression and Aid to Korea

On the afternoon of July 27th, the Ministry of National Defense held a regular press conference, and Colonel Tan Kefei, the spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense, answered questions from reporters.70 years ago, the heroic Chinese People's Volunteer Army, together with the Korean people and the military, endured two years and nine months of arduous and bloody battles, winning a great victory in the Korean War. Heaven and earth have righteousness, and the cold will endure for eternity. Although the smoke of war 70 years ago has dissipated, the achievements of the soldiers of the Volunteer Army in defending their country and protecting their homes are recorded in history. The heroic hymn of "sacrificing life, forgetting death, and protecting peace" has been passed down from generation to generation, and the great spirit of resisting the United States and aiding Korea forged during the war has transcended time and space and will be passed down forever. Veterans will always be in my heart, and we will never let them be beaten by the rain and wind

Introduction by the Ministry of National Defense on the distribution and use of Type 21 training uniforms for militia and specialized military cadres | Tasks | Distribution | Training uniforms | Basic militia | Cadres | Armed | People
Introduction by the Ministry of National Defense on the distribution and use of Type 21 training uniforms for militia and specialized military cadres | Tasks | Distribution | Training uniforms | Basic militia | Cadres | Armed | People

On the afternoon of July 27th, the Ministry of National Defense held a regular press conference, and Colonel Tan Kefei, the spokesperson of the Ministry of National Defense, answered questions from reporters. Tan Kefei: With the approval of the State Council and the Central Military Commission, starting from August 1st this year, the basic militia and full-time personnel of the People's Armed Forces across the country will gradually be equipped with Type 21 training uniforms. The main consideration for this shipment is to strengthen honor incentives. Militia and full-time cadres of the people's armed forces are important forces to improve the mobilization of social organizations and maintain national security and stability. In recent years, they have played a vital role in stabilizing the border, preventing and controlling the COVID-19, and dealing with emergencies and disasters. Equipping and distributing Type 21 training uniforms for grassroots militia and full-time people's armed forces cadres is conducive to stimulating the sense of honor and responsibility of the majority of militia and full-time people's armed forces cadres, and is conducive to consolidating the support of the whole society for national defense construction and the future

Diqing Police: Dealing with the incident in accordance with the law: "The old lady set up a tent on the national highway, causing a traffic jam of three kilometers". Shangri La handles the incident | National Highway | Dispute | Incident | Exciting News | Elderly people | Set up tents | Highway
Diqing Police: Dealing with the incident in accordance with the law: "The old lady set up a tent on the national highway, causing a traffic jam of three kilometers". Shangri La handles the incident | National Highway | Dispute | Incident | Exciting News | Elderly people | Set up tents | Highway

Video screenshot: Recently, it was rumored on the internet that an elderly person parked and set up a tent on a national highway, causing traffic congestion. The elderly person and their family also had disputes with others. Pengpai News learned that the incident occurred in the Napahai Nature Reserve in Shangri La City, Diqing Prefecture, Yunnan Province. The local public security department has intervened and is currently handling it. On the morning of July 27th, a staff member of the Napahai Nature Reserve in Shangri La, Diqing Prefecture stated that the aforementioned online incident occurred in the reserve. At present, the public security organs have intervened in this matter, and the specific handling situation needs to be announced by the official. On the morning of July 27th, a staff member of the Public Security Bureau of Diqing Prefecture, Yunnan Province, told Pengpai News that a video related to the incident of an elderly person occupying a road and setting up a tent on the National Highway, causing a dispute with other tourists, has attracted the attention of the bureau after it was posted online. Currently, the bureau is handling this matter in accordance with the law and regulations

Canadian geese suffer, oil spill accident, sudden operational error | artificial lake | crude oil
Canadian geese suffer, oil spill accident, sudden operational error | artificial lake | crude oil

A Canadian oil company recently experienced an oil spill, causing 12 geese living in an artificial lake to be contaminated with oil. According to Reuters, the energy regulatory agency in Alberta, Canada, said on the 26th that an operational error occurred at a Canadian Imperial Oil company factory located in the northern part of the province on the 24th, resulting in approximately 900 liters of crude oil leaking into an artificial lake, where 12 geese living in the lake were contaminated with oil. These geese have been sent to a dedicated place for cleaning and rehabilitation. After discovering the problem, the factory has controlled the oil leakage and is currently working to clean up the oil pollution, taking measures to prevent other birds from settling in the lake. According to Reuters, this is another environmental pollution accident that occurred by Imperial Oil Company this year. At the beginning of this year, a mining area under the company discovered that toxic tailings water had been leaking continuously for several months.

Led Shen Fei to complete a second entrepreneurship, and Tang Qiansan, the former helmsman of the "cradle of Chinese fighter jets", passed away. Enterprise | Military Products | Completed | Fighter Aircraft | Mission | Development | Tang Qiansan | Aircraft
Led Shen Fei to complete a second entrepreneurship, and Tang Qiansan, the former helmsman of the "cradle of Chinese fighter jets", passed away. Enterprise | Military Products | Completed | Fighter Aircraft | Mission | Development | Tang Qiansan | Aircraft

Pengpai News reporter learned from the funeral committee of Comrade Tang Qiansan that Tang Qiansan, the recipient of the National May Day Labor Medal and a national level technology management expert with outstanding contributions, former Chairman and General Manager of Shenyang Aircraft Industry Co., Ltd., passed away in Shenyang at 16:51 on July 24, 2023, at the age of 90, due to ineffective medical treatment. According to public information, Tang Qiansan, born in 1933 in Changsha, Hunan Province, has held various positions including Director of the General Assembly Workshop of the State owned 112th Factory, Commander of the J-8 Aircraft Command, Deputy Director of the State owned Songling Machinery Factory, Deputy Manager of Songling Machinery Company, General Manager of Shenyang Aircraft Manufacturing Company, and Chairman and General Manager of Shenyang Aircraft Industry Co., Ltd. During his tenure as Chairman and General Manager, he led all employees of the company to complete four national key new machine research projects in five years