The world

Japan: Strongly Protest South Korea! Korean army | form | Korean side
Japan: Strongly Protest South Korea! Korean army | form | Korean side

On the 7th local time, South Korean media reported that the South Korean military claimed to have held a private defense exercise on Dokdo at the end of June. Japan strongly protested against the South Korean military conducting a private defense exercise on a disputed island between South Korea and Japan. According to Yonhap News Agency on the 7th, the South Korean military revealed on the same day that it had held a private defense exercise on Dokdo at the end of last month. According to Yonhap News Agency, the exercise was conducted by the South Korean Navy and Coast Guard vessels, and the scale of the participating forces was basically the same as last year. This is the third defense exercise held by South Korea on Dokdo since the establishment of the Yoon Seok yeol government.However, since the establishment of the Yin Xiyue government, fighter jets and landing forces have not participated in military exercises. Analysis available

Prohibited in over 120 countries! Biden approves: Provide the weapon to Ukraine by the United States | Ukraine | Biden
Prohibited in over 120 countries! Biden approves: Provide the weapon to Ukraine by the United States | Ukraine | Biden

On July 7 local time, the US Ministry of Defense announced that it would provide cluster munitions to Ukraine. The United Nations expressed its opposition to the use of cluster munitions in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The US announced a new round of military assistance to Ukraine, including cluster munitions. On July 7, the US President's Assistant for National Security Affairs Sullivan said that US President Biden had approved the provision of cluster munitions to Ukraine. Later that day, the US Department of Defense announced a new $800 million military support plan for Ukraine, which includes dual-use improved conventional ammunition for 155mm howitzers, also known as cluster ammunition. The US Department of Defense stated that the delivery date and process of cluster ammunition will be determined based on Ukraine's defense situation. The US military has repeatedly used cluster ammunition, causing significant disasters in the local area. Cluster ammunition is a highly controversial form of warfare

A well-known male star has been forcibly executed, and the plaintiff has become the defendant in the case. In the studio | Information | Plaintiff
A well-known male star has been forcibly executed, and the plaintiff has become the defendant in the case. In the studio | Information | Plaintiff

Deng Lun, who hasn't appeared in a long time, has once again become the top trending topic! What exactly happened? Let's take a look: The plaintiff and defendant Deng Lun have been applied for compulsory enforcement. According to Tianyancha, recently, Deng Lun and Shanghai Panhai Cultural Media Co., Ltd. added a new case of debtor information, with an enforcement target of more than 1.74 million yuan. The enforcement court is Shunde District People's Court of Foshan City, and the applicant for enforcement is Foshan Yunmi Electric Appliance Technology Co., Ltd., which is involved in a service contract dispute case. Who is Shanghai Panhai Cultural Media Co., Ltd? The fund manager saw on the Tianyancha page that the company had been deregistered on November 18, 2022. In April this year, Deng Lun, as the appellant, sued the company and Yunmi Electric Appliances for a service contract dispute. According to informed netizens, the cause of this incident is that previously, Yunmi Electric Appliances

The United States can only blame itself, overseas websites once said: "The process of de dollarization" accelerates the US dollar | The United States
The United States can only blame itself, overseas websites once said: "The process of de dollarization" accelerates the US dollar | The United States

Data image: The Federal Reserve Building: "Do we live in a world that goes against the US dollar?" The European Modern Diplomacy website raised this question in an article published on July 6th. The article states that the monetary system will not change the world power structure, but it reflects changes in the world landscape. For centuries, the Anglo Saxon gold standard and dollar standard have reflected the monopoly of power, but in a multipolar world, we should expect more diverse monetary system arrangements. The use of alternative currencies by multiple countries to "de dollarize" is becoming a hot topic in the international community. According to the Argentine national news agency Inter American News Agency, on July 4th, Bolivian President Ars é, who attended the 62nd summit of the Southern Common Market in Argentina, called on South American countries, including members of the city, to reduce their dependence on the US dollar. Arce

"China's Significant Contribution to the Development of Ethiopia" Country | China | Ethiopia
"China's Significant Contribution to the Development of Ethiopia" Country | China | Ethiopia

The picture shows the headquarters building of the African Center for Disease Control and Prevention, which was built with Chinese assistance, captured in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. "Ethiopia has maintained rapid economic development for over a decade and is still one of the fastest-growing countries on the African continent. Its capital, Addis Ababa, has also become one of the most modern cities in Africa. All of this cannot be achieved without China's help. The Chinese government, enterprises, and people have made significant contributions to Ethiopia's development." Recently, in Addis Ababa, Dr. Sema Tirunesh, a member of the ruling party Prosperity Party and executive deputy governor of Amhara, told reporters. Because he had studied for a doctoral degree at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing for three years, Sema and a journalist from China became familiar at first sight, and the one hour interview had no sense of distance. I note

Co founder of the American Anti War Organization: Cluster Munitions Will Cause Consequences for Ukraine in the coming decades Benjamin | United States | Ukraine
Co founder of the American Anti War Organization: Cluster Munitions Will Cause Consequences for Ukraine in the coming decades Benjamin | United States | Ukraine

[Zhan Huijuan, an intern reporter reported by Global Network] According to the report of Russian Sputnik News Agency on July 7, Medea Benjamin, the co-founder of the US anti war organization "Pink Code", said to the media that it was necessary to call for a ceasefire and negotiate between Russia and Ukraine, but it was regrettable that the United States was hindering this effort. She also criticized the plan of the United States to provide cluster munitions to Ukraine, saying that the consequences of this "bad decision" would make the impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict last for decades, including causing casualties of local children. The US anti war organization "Pink Code" posted a poster on its official website, calling on the American people to urge the Congress to oppose the US plan to provide cluster munitions to Ukraine

Why Arab countries hope to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) | Cooperation | Countries
Why Arab countries hope to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) | Cooperation | Countries

Beijing, July 7th (Xinhua) - The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) welcomed its historic second expansion at the 23rd meeting of the Council of Heads of State recently held. Currently, more and more countries are applying to join the SCO family. In addition to 9 member states, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization also includes 3 observer states and 14 dialogue partners, of which 6 are Arab countries. Why are more and more Arab countries seeking to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization? Why does the Shanghai Cooperation Organization always maintain strong vitality and cooperation momentum? Several Arab experts have stated that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) has always adhered to the "Shanghai Spirit" and played an important and constructive role in international and regional affairs, making practical contributions to maintaining regional security and promoting common development, which is precisely where its appeal lies. This is the "Youpeng Zi" event held during the Qingdao Summit of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Firmly advocating for fair trade, the countries of the Southern Communist Party of China call for a reduction in dependence on the US dollar
Firmly advocating for fair trade, the countries of the Southern Communist Party of China call for a reduction in dependence on the US dollar

On July 6th, Xinhua News Agency, Iguazu Port, Argentina (Xinhua) -- The Southern Common Market countries firmly advocate for fair trade and call for a reduction in dependence on the US dollar. Xinhua reporter Wang Zhongyi recently concluded the 62nd summit of the Southern Common Market in Iguazu Port, northern Argentina. This meeting focuses on economic and trade issues such as free trade agreement negotiations. In order to reduce dependence on the US dollar, leaders of member countries of the Southern Common Market, such as Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay, have called for the use of local currencies for settlement among member countries. This is a shot of the Argentine Ministry of Economy on June 30th in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. On June 29th, the Central Bank of Argentina announced the inclusion of the Chinese yuan in the currency allowed for deposit and withdrawal in the country's banking system, and approved the opening of RMB savings accounts by financial institutions in the country. Analysts from Xinhua News Agency pointed out that as the world's multipolarity continues to advance,

The suspect has been arrested, and the anniversary mourning ceremony for Abe's assassination is now "similar to firearms" in Nara | Reported | Station | Japan | Shinzo Abe | Firearms | Men | Items
The suspect has been arrested, and the anniversary mourning ceremony for Abe's assassination is now "similar to firearms" in Nara | Reported | Station | Japan | Shinzo Abe | Firearms | Men | Items

On the morning of July 8th, local time, a one-year silence ceremony for the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was held in front of the Nara Daiwa Nishidaiji Station where he was assassinated. During the event, a man holding a firearm like object approached the flower stand and was taken away by the police, causing a brief riot at the scene. On the morning of the 8th local time, a memorial service for the one-year anniversary of the assassination of former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was held in front of the Nara Daiwa Nishidaiji Station where he was assassinated. During the event, a man approached the flower stand with an object resembling a firearm and was taken away by the police. After investigation, it was found that the man was not holding a real gun, but a cylindrical object that resembled the firearm used in the assassination of Abe by Tetsuya Yamagami last year. The man subsequently expressed opposition to Abe and the Unification Church. 2022

6 issues worth paying attention to, Yellen's itinerary exceeds half of the Chinese side | Broken chain | Issues
6 issues worth paying attention to, Yellen's itinerary exceeds half of the Chinese side | Broken chain | Issues

On July 8th, the third day of Yellen's visit to China. Halfway through the itinerary, Yellen has held a series of meetings with the Chinese side. After Yellen began his visit to China, the Ministry of Finance first responded on behalf of the Chinese side. On the 7th, the Chinese side stated that the essence of China US economic and trade relations is mutual benefit and win-win, and there are no winners in trade wars or decoupling. In the meeting with the Chinese side on the afternoon of the 7th, Yellen also expressed the same attitude: the US does not seek to "decouple and break the chain". How can China US economic and trade relations develop healthily, and how can they create a favorable environment for achieving mutual benefit and win-win results? Tan Zhu found an expert who has been following Yelen's itinerary recently, Li Chengwei. He is a researcher at the Global Risk Governance Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Financial Sciences. From the perspective of cooperation in resolving risks, he shared his understanding of China US exchanges. Tan Zhu: US Treasury Department

The wreckage has been found! Confirmed, latest news! Missing plane Parana | plane | wreckage
The wreckage has been found! Confirmed, latest news! Missing plane Parana | plane | wreckage

On the afternoon of the 7th local time, the Brazilian Air Force announced that the wreckage of a twin engine aircraft that had previously disappeared in the airspace of the state of Parana has been discovered in the Mar Mountains area in the southern part of the country. The state government of Parana announced on the same day that three people on the plane had been confirmed dead. On the afternoon of July 3rd local time, a twin engine aircraft disappeared from radar shortly after taking off from the city of Umu Alama in the northwest of Parana state in southern Brazil. The destination of the plane is the coastal city of Paranagua in the southern part of the state. After the incident, the Parana state fire department and police organized rescue efforts, but due to the harsh weather conditions in the southern coastal areas of Brazil on that day, no trace of the plane was found.

The term of office of the Secretary General of NATO will be extended again. Every time he takes over, he will have something to do with COVID-19 | Stoltenberg | Secretary General
The term of office of the Secretary General of NATO will be extended again. Every time he takes over, he will have something to do with COVID-19 | Stoltenberg | Secretary General

When the term of office is coming to an end and the shift is coming to an end, there will always be a major event in Europe, such as the "Brexit" of Britain, the COVID-19 epidemic, and the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Therefore, his term has been extended three times before. Author: Stoltenberg, who has been serving as NATO Secretary General for 9 years, will eventually continue to be re elected. On July 4th, NATO issued a statement stating that member states agreed to extend Stoltenberg's term for another year, until October 2024. Currently, NATO leaders hope to reach an agreement on a successor at the annual summit to be held in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius next week. Stoltenberg posted on social media stating that he is "honored" by the decision of NATO member states. US President Biden welcomed this and said in a statement, "Stoltenberg has allowed Europe to survive since World War II."

Formal application! Belarus intends to join the BRICS Brazil | Country | BRICS
Formal application! Belarus intends to join the BRICS Brazil | Country | BRICS

According to the website of the Russian "satellite" radio station on July 7th, the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Belarusian Ambassador Lukashevic has submitted a note to Brazil confirming Minsk's intention to become a formal member of the BRICS countries. The website of the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that "Belarusian Ambassador to Brazil Lukashevic met with Brazilian Deputy Foreign Minister Escorel, who is responsible for international cooperation affairs. During the meeting, Belarus submitted a note confirming Belarus' intention to become a formal member of the BRICS countries." The report stated that the Belarusian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also pointed out that the Belarusian Ambassador and Brazilian Deputy Foreign Minister discussed the importance of providing potassium fertilizer to the Brazilian market and the prospects of Belarus participating in the Brazilian National Plan for Agricultural Producers. The BRICS countries include Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. It is said that,

Officials from relevant departments of the China Securities Regulatory Commission answer questions from journalists about the reform of public fund rates. Industry | Fund | Relevant departments
Officials from relevant departments of the China Securities Regulatory Commission answer questions from journalists about the reform of public fund rates. Industry | Fund | Relevant departments

Q: Today, some fund companies have announced a reduction in the management and custody fees of their public fund products. Do you have any comments from the China Securities Regulatory Commission on this? Answer: In recent years, China's public fund industry has developed rapidly and has become a very important institutional investor in the capital market. It has played a positive role in increasing the proportion of direct financing, promoting the reform and development of the capital market, serving the wealth management needs of residents, and serving the real economy and major national strategies. The China Securities Regulatory Commission has always adhered to the people-oriented development of the public fund industry and continued to promote high-quality development of the public fund industry. During this year's theme education period, the China Securities Regulatory Commission conducted in-depth investigations and research on issues of concern to investors, widely listened to market opinions, and based on the actual development of the industry and the needs of investors, formulated a work plan for the reform of public fund industry rates

She has served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Guilin Municipal Party Committee and Secretary General of the Municipal Party Committee. After resigning as Deputy Mayor, Secretary General | Tuojia Group | Guilin Municipal Party Committee
She has served as a member of the Standing Committee of the Guilin Municipal Party Committee and Secretary General of the Municipal Party Committee. After resigning as Deputy Mayor, Secretary General | Tuojia Group | Guilin Municipal Party Committee

According to the "Tuojia Group" WeChat official account, recently, Tuojia Group and its strategic partner, Guoji Group China United, went to Guilin, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and received a cordial interview from the CPC Guilin Municipal Committee and the Guilin Municipal Government. The news mentioned that Zhou Jiabin, Vice Chairman of the People's Congress of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Secretary of the Guilin Municipal Party Committee, Zhao Qiling, Standing Committee Member and Secretary General of the Municipal Party Committee, He Bing, District Mayor of Lingui District, Guilin City, Dai Bo, Deputy Secretary General and Office Director of the Municipal Party Committee, and Huang Xinheng, founder and chairman of Tuojia Group, held a symposium. The above message shows that Zhao Qiling has been appointed as a member of the Standing Committee and Secretary General of the Guilin Municipal Committee. Zhao Qiling was born in July 1968 in Quanzhou County, Guangxi Province. She started working in October 1985 and joined the CPC in May 1987. She majored in law at Guangxi Normal University. She has an on-the-job graduate degree and the title of political engineer

"China is an Important Source of Innovation" (Witnessing China's Opportunities) Economy | Automotive Industry | Opportunities
"China is an Important Source of Innovation" (Witnessing China's Opportunities) Economy | Automotive Industry | Opportunities

"China's continuous expansion of opening up to the outside world has provided good opportunities for foreign-funded enterprises to develop in China, and the automotive industry is a good example." Gao Le, President and CEO of BMW Group in Greater China, recently stated in an interview with our reporter that China's adherence to opening up has promoted the development and growth of the automotive industry and cultivated a strong supply chain system. BMW Group will continue to increase technological innovation and actively integrate into China's high-quality development. Gaole stated that as China continues to optimize its business environment and relax foreign market access, the attractiveness of the Chinese market continues to increase, bringing important opportunities for many multinational enterprises, including BMW Group, to expand their business in China. He introduced that since 2010, BMW's Shenyang production base has received a cumulative investment of nearly 100 billion yuan; Joint venture BMW Brilliance

Traditional agriculture contains low-carbon smart rice fields | tradition | wisdom
Traditional agriculture contains low-carbon smart rice fields | tradition | wisdom

Traditional Chinese agriculture is a model of "harmony between man and nature" and "the way of nature", providing wisdom and solutions for the development of modern ecological low-carbon agriculture, and providing important inspiration for the sustainable development of world agriculture. Important agricultural cultural heritage sites in China are like shining pearls scattered on the vast land of China, witnessing the continuous growth of excellent traditional Chinese agricultural culture. In these heritage sites, the seemingly ordinary ancient and traditional cultivation methods contain the green and low-carbon Chinese wisdom everywhere. Agricultural cultural heritage sites are a living gene pool of climate resilient animal and plant resources. The National Crop Germplasm Bank of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, located in Beijing, has a capacity of 1.5 million copies and currently has over 540000 long-term preserved crop germplasm resources. Among these precious germplasm, there is the "Xiaozhan rice" collected in Tianjin

Promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind (international forum), stand with China for humanity | destiny | international
Promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind (international forum), stand with China for humanity | destiny | international

Pakistan, as a good neighbor, good friend, good partner, and good brother of China, will always stand with China, jointly promote world peace and development, and jointly promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. Human history is a history of gradually getting rid of exploitation and injustice, and seeking a fair global economic system. After experiencing countless turbulence and pain, people realize that lasting peace and prosperity come from interdependence and cooperation. In the past few decades, the deepening of economic globalization has opened up new prospects for rapid growth of the world economy. The unique and innovative concept of a community with a shared future for mankind is deeply rooted in China's thousands of years of political ideology and cultural traditions.China promotes the construction of a new model of mutual respect, fairness and justice, and win-win cooperation

Pushing Opening Up to a Higher Level of Import | Products | Opening Up to the Outside World
Pushing Opening Up to a Higher Level of Import | Products | Opening Up to the Outside World

At the recently concluded 14th Summer Davos Forum, China proposed to launch more practical and effective measures to promote high-level opening up. In the context of economic globalization facing setbacks and the world economy facing multiple risks, China's deepening of high-level opening up is an inevitable requirement for promoting its own development and reform, stabilizing the world economy, and promoting the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. From our own perspective, high-level openness is the only way for high-quality development. Openness is an important aspect of the new development concept. In the past, the development of the Chinese economy was achieved under open conditions, and in the future, high-quality development of the Chinese economy must also be achieved under more open conditions. In today's era, China's economy has been closely integrated with the world economy. Through high-level imports and exports, it can provide strong impetus for China's economic development. For example,

From "Breaking the Ice" to "Bridge" Group | China UK | Bridge
From "Breaking the Ice" to "Bridge" Group | China UK | Bridge

Video report: Please scan the QR code. On July 6th, the 70th anniversary celebration of the China UK trade "Ice Breaking Journey" was held in Beijing between the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and 48 British group clubs. Representatives of British companies attending the meeting expressed that the 70th anniversary of the "Ice Breaking Journey" is an important milestone in the exchanges between China and the UK. In recent years, the bilateral relationship between China and the UK has been full of vitality and vigorous development, bringing development opportunities to both countries' enterprises and enhancing the well-being of the two peoples. In 1953, Jack Perry, then Chairman of the London Export Company, and more than 10 representatives from the British business community, at the invitation of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, broke through the blockade and embargo imposed by Western countries on China and arrived in Beijing, opening the earliest trade dialogue between China and Britain. This journey is known as the "ice breaking journey" of Sino British relations, with British businesses participating in this visit

Facilities in scenic areas should prioritize convenience. Sightseeing buses | Fees | Scenic areas
Facilities in scenic areas should prioritize convenience. Sightseeing buses | Fees | Scenic areas

With the arrival of the peak summer tourism season, there are many negative reviews online regarding scenic area services. For example, in some scenic spots, sightseeing buses and shuttle buses not only have unreasonable planning and settings, but also have a full range of fees. Phenomena such as customer dumping, bundled sales, and duplicate fees often occur, causing tourists to feel frustrated. Some well-known scenic spots and famous mountains and rivers often have steep terrain, requiring huge investment in road construction, bridge construction, and cableway construction for tourism development. It is understandable to recover costs through reasonable fees, but it is not advisable to pave the way for fees by setting unreasonable sightseeing and shuttle bus routes. Some scenic spots have flat terrain, but the parking lot is built far away from the entrance of the scenic spot. The ticket office is too far from the core scenic spot, and self driving or other transportation cannot enter. Tourists have to "voluntarily" take the car, which invisibly increases the travel burden. Previously, there was "ticket economy"

Promoting consumption cannot stop at the time of consumption vouchers | consumption | economy
Promoting consumption cannot stop at the time of consumption vouchers | consumption | economy

With the rise of summer consumption, a new round of consumption vouchers are being distributed intensively in various regions, with amounts ranging from several million yuan to hundreds of millions of yuan. According to observations, this round of consumption voucher activities is strong and targeted, not only in the fields of catering, retail, cultural and tourism, but also in the consumption of bulk commodities such as automobiles and home appliances, reflecting the characteristics of promoting both physical consumption and service consumption, and emphasizing both high-frequency and durable consumer goods. From the end of June to August this year, Hainan will hold the second Hainan International Offshore Duty Free Shopping Festival in 2023, during which 20 million yuan of government consumption vouchers for duty-free shopping will be issued; From July to September, Ningbo, Zhejiang Province will issue a total of 200 million yuan of "Passionate Summer" Ningbo consumption vouchers; From June 21st to August 31st, Zhengzhou, Henan Province carried out the 2023 "Happy Driving Summer" automobile rejuvenation season, with a total of 5 distributions

Targeting "Efficient and Clean" to Promote Energy Transformation Model | System | Energy
Targeting "Efficient and Clean" to Promote Energy Transformation Model | System | Energy

There are two important directions for the transformation of the future energy system. One is efficiency, supporting better development with less energy consumption. The second is cleanliness, which means optimizing the energy structure, reducing coal and controlling oil, and increasing renewable energy. We need to place more emphasis on energy conservation and efficiency improvement, and adopt more structural, technological, and management energy-saving measures. Recently, many regions in China have entered the "grilling mode", and the electricity load has continued to rise. Recently, 18 departments including the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development jointly issued a notice to hold the 33rd National Energy Conservation Awareness Week, aiming to create a good social atmosphere and further raise people's awareness of energy conservation. Energy is an important material foundation for human survival and development, and is the "blood" and "driving force" that supports economic and social development. While achieving economic development and improving people's livelihoods, a large amount of fossil energy

Wu Hansheng appointed as the Minister of Central Social Work Department at the provincial and ministerial level | Wu Hansheng | Minister
Wu Hansheng appointed as the Minister of Central Social Work Department at the provincial and ministerial level | Wu Hansheng | Minister

According to the Legal Daily, on July 7th, Wu Hansheng, Minister of the Central Social Work Department, presided over the closing ceremony of the provincial and ministerial level cadre petition work special seminar. Wu Hansheng was born in Linqu, Shandong Province in April 1963. He started working in July 1985 and joined the CPC in June 1984. He has successively held positions such as Deputy Mayor of Shenyang, Standing Committee Member of the Municipal Party Committee, Minister of the Organization Department, and Secretary of the Yingkou Municipal Party Committee. In May 2016, Wu Hansheng was promoted to the position of Standing Committee Member and Secretary General of Liaoning Provincial Committee, and was promoted to the rank of Deputy Minister. In April 2017, Wu Hansheng replaced Sheng Maolin as a member of the Standing Committee of the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department. Later in 2018, he was transferred to the position of Deputy Secretary of the Central and State Organ Working Committees. In 2020, Wu Hansheng was appointed as the leader of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission's Resident Organization Department in the Central Committee. In 2022, he was appointed as the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission

Student registration drifted back and forth. After three years in school, multiple students reported that "China Aviation and China Railway Education" had violated regulations in running schools. Several students reported being scammed by China Aviation and China Railway Education
Student registration drifted back and forth. After three years in school, multiple students reported that "China Aviation and China Railway Education" had violated regulations in running schools. Several students reported being scammed by China Aviation and China Railway Education

Recently, multiple students posted videos on the internet reporting their real names to AVIC China Railway Education Investment Management Co., Ltd., claiming that they were attracted to sign up by the other party with slogans such as "ensuring the arrangement of state-owned enterprise identity after graduation". However, after enrolling, they discovered many scams and suspicions. In 2019, Li, a student from Shanxi, was promoted from a vocational school to a junior college. Teachers from China Aviation and China Railway went to the local area to recruit students, claiming to be studying in Beijing. The tuition fee was over 10000 yuan per year, and he could obtain a full-time junior college degree. However, he did not expect to change three campuses in three years, and his student status was in a school in Zhengzhou. In addition, students were also arranged by AVIC China Railway to intern at high-speed trains or subway stations across the country on the grounds of not issuing graduation certificates, with a monthly income of only about 3000 yuan. Li told reporters that due to not being able to obtain the graduation certificate as scheduled, China Aviation China Railway Corporation (AVIC) had planned to sign different contracts with many involved students《

The global average temperature has reached a new high three times in four days | Average temperature | Global
The global average temperature has reached a new high three times in four days | Average temperature | Global

In recent days, many parts of the world have been hit by high temperatures. Research has found that the global average temperature has broken records for three consecutive times in four days since July 3rd. After the global average temperature hit a new high for two consecutive days on the 3rd and 4th, and remained unchanged from the 4th on the 5th, the global average temperature on the 6th broke records again. According to data from the National Weather Service of the United States, the global average temperature on July 6th was 17.23 degrees Celsius, once again breaking the record for the highest global average temperature recorded by the National Center for Environmental Forecasting since 1979. In just four days, the global average temperature has set new highs three times, reaching 17.01 degrees Celsius on July 3, 17.18 degrees Celsius on July 4, and 17.23 degrees Celsius on July 6. Scientists from non-profit environmental data analysis organizations

I can't afford it! There are no fresh tomatoes in McDonald's burgers in many parts of India. Media | Social | Tomatoes
I can't afford it! There are no fresh tomatoes in McDonald's burgers in many parts of India. Media | Social | Tomatoes

Recently, due to factors such as weather, the price of tomatoes in India has skyrocketed, sparking heated discussions on local social media. McDonald's in many parts of India has also announced a temporary halt to adding fresh tomatoes to burgers. According to the Lianhe Zaobao on July 7, McDonald's in many places in India announced that it would temporarily stop adding fresh tomatoes to hamburgers due to soaring tomato prices, supply shortages and poor quality. Two McDonald's stores located in the Indian capital New Delhi have posted notices inside their stores stating, "Despite our best efforts, we are still unable to obtain a sufficient quantity of tomatoes that can pass strict quality inspections. We have to provide you with products without tomatoes." McDonald's store manager stated that the cessation of fresh tomato supply is more due to supply chain issues causing tomatoes to be unavailable

The vast majority of American businessmen hope to improve their relations with China, and the Western trade war with China has created a "weak link". EU | Enterprises | United States
The vast majority of American businessmen hope to improve their relations with China, and the Western trade war with China has created a "weak link". EU | Enterprises | United States

According to the website of the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong on July 5th, sources and analysts said that Washington is facing pressure from American companies to adjust its policy towards China. At present, the United States is seeking to restore economic exchanges with Beijing, but uncertainty still exists. Several anonymous sources have stated that some American companies have been lobbying Washington to ease tensions. One of them said that European companies are doing the same thing to their governments. Another source said that some European executives are also dissatisfied with the actions of the United States, as it seems to be dragging their country and businesses into an "unnecessary conflict". The source also said, "I speculate that some governments of EU member states also feel the same way, because we have heard that the main reason why the United States is currently trying to ease its approach is that..."

You have a ticket buying guide to check! Tickets for the Hangzhou Asian Games are available online. Hangzhou | Asian Games | Tickets
You have a ticket buying guide to check! Tickets for the Hangzhou Asian Games are available online. Hangzhou | Asian Games | Tickets

The 19th Hangzhou Asian Games will be held from September 23 to October 8, 2023. Don't miss this international sports event at your doorstep! At 10am this morning, the official website for ticket sales for the Hangzhou Asian Games was officially launched. Tickets for different events are open for purchase, and everyone can purchase them through Go to the official website to purchase tickets, or search the "Intelligent Asian Games One Stop Pass" applet through Alipay, and click "Ticketing Pass" to purchase tickets. The public can access the latest ticketing information and various ticket sales information of the Hangzhou Asian Games through the official promotion channels. Attention! The Hangzhou Asian Games implements a policy of real name ticket purchase and real name entry. Everyone must fill in their true and valid personal information when registering

Intensive adjustment! This province plans to appoint 6 county party secretaries as graduate students | county party committee | county party secretary
Intensive adjustment! This province plans to appoint 6 county party secretaries as graduate students | county party committee | county party secretary

After announcing three times in over a month that 34 county party secretaries were to be appointed, on July 7th, the Organization Department of the Henan Provincial Party Committee once again issued a pre appointment announcement for cadres, proposing to appoint 14 cadres, of which 6 were to be appointed as county party secretaries. Specifically, there are: Wang Ying, born in April 1978, an in-service graduate student, a member of the Communist Party of China, currently serving as the Deputy Secretary and District Mayor of Shunhe District Committee in Kaifeng City, a second level inspector, and proposed to serve as the County Party Secretary. Wang Zhi, born in June 1979, is an in-service graduate student with a Master's degree in Art. He is a member of the Communist Party of China and currently serves as the Deputy Secretary and County Mayor of Xin'an County. He is proposed to serve as the County Party Secretary. Wang Xiaopeng, born in January 1981, holds a Bachelor's degree in Management from a university. He is a member of the Communist Party of China and currently serves as the Deputy Secretary and County Magistrate of Fanxian County. He is proposed to serve as the County Party Secretary. Fan Yaojiang, born in March 1976, is an in-service graduate student with a PhD in history and a member of the Communist Party of China. Currently