The world

The 2023 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit will be held from November 8-10 | Internet | Wuzhen
The 2023 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit will be held from November 8-10 | Internet | Wuzhen

Guangming News reporter learned from the World Internet Conference on September 21 that the 2023 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit will be held in Wuzhen, China, from November 8 to 10. The theme of this year's summit is "Building an Inclusive, Inclusive, and Resilient Digital World - Joining Hands to Build a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace". Twenty sub forums will be held around global development initiatives, digital and green collaborative transformation, artificial intelligence, computing power networks, cybersecurity, data governance, digital poverty reduction, and the protection of minors' networks. At that time, the World Internet Conference will invite representatives from all walks of life to gather in Wuzhen to seek win-win cooperation and promote the construction of a more equitable, open, inclusive, secure, stable and vibrant cyberspace. The head of the secretariat of the World Internet Conference said that 2023 will be the year when the world

Hong Kong and Macao Reception Hall | Fang Shunwen: Continue to promote more enterprises to participate in the "the Belt and Road" development international | Hong Kong | enterprises
Hong Kong and Macao Reception Hall | Fang Shunwen: Continue to promote more enterprises to participate in the "the Belt and Road" development international | Hong Kong | enterprises

Hong Kong, September 21 (Xinhua) - Before joining the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, Fang Shunwen had long served in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government. She joined the Hong Kong Trade and Development Council in 2010 and became its President in October 2014, leading the council to create business opportunities for Hong Kong based enterprises and promote Hong Kong's foreign trade through its global network. How can the Hong Kong Trade and Development Council promote the post pandemic recovery of the exhibition industry? What are the new ideas for the future? How to help the "the Belt and Road" initiative and help enterprises "go out and bring in"? Fang Shunwen recently accepted an interview with China News Network's "Hong Kong and Macao Reception Hall" and answered these questions one by one. Video: Hong Kong and Macao Reception Hall | Fang Shunwen: Continue to promote more enterprises to participate in the development of the "the Belt and Road". The excerpt of the interview is as follows: Fang Shunwen from China Singapore Network: We have built a

Local | Women's Book | Taiwan
Local | Women's Book | Taiwan

On September 20, Taiwan, China. com, Yongzhou reported that "there are thousands of beautiful articles, and we don't believe that there are strange articles in the world. Yongming women are good at learning, and they have been reading books to this day." There is a mysterious text that "hides" in a corner in the southwest of Hunan. Here is a "small island" surrounded by water on all sides, with beautiful scenery and simple folk customs. It is named Puwei because it is located at the end of the Xiaoshui River, and is also described as the "Little Taiwan" of southern Hunan. On Puwei Island, the millennium old female script is quietly passed down here. It is passed down from woman to man, from old to young, from mother to daughter, and from generation to generation. On September 19th, the 18th Cross Strait Media Joint Journalist Team of "Wudao Nanlai Xiangjiang Tour" visited the Jiangyong Women's Book Ecological Museum in Shangjiangwei Town, Jiangyong County. It is a "living museum" located in a village community without walls. Zha

Satellite View of Yancheng | Guarding the Migration Channel of Migratory Birds - "Overlooking" the Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature
Satellite View of Yancheng | Guarding the Migration Channel of Migratory Birds - "Overlooking" the Harmonious Coexistence between Man and Nature

Here is a magical writing on the vast land. Looking down from the satellite, the largest coastal wetland in Asia in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province, stretches in a fan shape. The tide and the mudflat collided with the mainland are still growing. The Yangtze River and the Yellow River have both flowed to the sea here. Two rivers carry sediment from the Qinghai Tibet Plateau all the way eastward into the Yellow Sea, making a magnificent sandbar. Walking on the land at the foot of Yancheng's seashore, there may be sand grains drifting from Tanggula Mountain. This is a natural sketch of the meeting and blending of the sea, land and rivers. This is the sunrise scene of Dongtai Tiaozi Mud Wetland in Yancheng. Here are the most beautiful migratory birds on Earth, wandering in the late summer and early autumn. The southward flight of migratory birds has kicked off, and the busiest of the nine migration routes in the world, the important relay station of "East Asia Australia", is located in the Yellow Sea Wetland of Yancheng. Every year, millions of migratory birds molt and forage here

Multiple countries demand that the United States immediately cease unilateral sanctions!, At the United Nations General Assembly
Multiple countries demand that the United States immediately cease unilateral sanctions!, At the United Nations General Assembly

Honduras President Castro strongly condemned the unilateral sanctions and blockade policies imposed by the United States on Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua in his speech at the 78th United Nations General Assembly general debate on the 20th local time. She pointed out that the actions of the United States violate international law and should be immediately terminated. Honduras President Castro stated that Venezuela's national assets have been frozen, which violates all norms of international law. The United Nations General Assembly calls for the lifting of the blockade against Cuba every year, as it is an unreasonable and outdated measure that violates international law and the principle of respecting national self-determination. We condemn the long-standing and brutal blockades against Cuba and Venezuela, and we demand that Cuba be removed from the list of so-called "terrorist supporting countries". The unjust sanctions against Nicaragua must also be lifted. On that day's

What signal is being released?, Heavyweight! Chongqing's "three no personnel" first ordinary housing is exempt from property tax
What signal is being released?, Heavyweight! Chongqing's "three no personnel" first ordinary housing is exempt from property tax

Following the temporary suspension of real estate tax legislation, Chongqing has made reductions in the scope of property tax collection. On the 20th, Chongqing Municipal People's Government issued the Decision of Chongqing Municipal People's Government on Amending the Interim Measures of Chongqing Municipality on the Pilot Reform of the Levy of Real Estate Tax on Some Individual Houses and the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Administration of the Levy of Real Estate Tax on Individual Houses in Chongqing, which clearly changed the tax target from "the first and more ordinary houses newly purchased by individuals who have no registered residence registration, no enterprise, and no job in Chongqing" to "the second and more ordinary houses newly purchased by individuals who have no registered residence registration, no enterprise, and no job in Chongqing". Experts say that this Chongqing policy represents a relaxation direction in the field of property tax. This is the third type of important policy relaxation after the cancellation of housing, loan, and purchase restrictions in various regions, which has strong signal significance. Three

Gold production has plummeted by nearly 90%! 80% are illegally shipped overseas! The local government has taken action, here
Gold production has plummeted by nearly 90%! 80% are illegally shipped overseas! The local government has taken action, here

Affected by the ongoing armed conflict, Sudan's gold production has plummeted, adding insult to injury to the economy of Sudan, which is deeply embroiled in internal turmoil. Sudanese officials have stated that relevant departments are doing their best to restore gold production. Since the outbreak of armed conflict in Sudan in mid April this year, as one of the pillar industries of Sudan's economy, the production of gold has experienced a cliff like decline, according to a video from CCTV Finance's "Tianxia Finance" program. According to reports, from April to August this year, Sudan's gold production was only 2 tons, while in the same period last year, the gold production exceeded 18 tons. It is estimated that the direct loss from the sudden drop in gold production is $500 million. Officials have pointed out that material shortages have a significant impact on gold production. Ali Sawakani, Head of Gold Business at Port Sudan, Sudan: Large gold companies are currently experiencing supply disruptions to the mercury and cyanide used in their refining operations, all of which have an impact

Part of the questions are open! At the age of 35, she became the mayor and the former female government official voluntarily surrendered
Part of the questions are open! At the age of 35, she became the mayor and the former female government official voluntarily surrendered

On September 21, the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision reported seven typical cases of violating the spirit of the Central Eight point Regulations. Among them, there is the issue of Lei Wenrong, former member of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of the Guizhou Association for Science and Technology, illegally accepting gifts and gifts, and accepting banquets that may affect the fair execution of official duties. According to reports, from 2018 to 2021, Lei Wenrong served as a member and deputy director of the Party Group of the Department of Science and Technology of Guizhou Province, as well as a member and vice chairman of the Party Group of the Guizhou Association for Science and Technology. She received gifts and cash gifts from subordinates and management service recipients multiple times, accepted banquets arranged by management service recipients that may affect the fair execution of official duties, and drank high-end alcoholic beverages. Lei Wenrong also has other serious violations of discipline and law, such as being expelled from the Party and public office, and being transferred to the procuratorial organs for legal review and prosecution for suspected criminal issues. Lei Wenrong

Provide assistance for children to absorb deposits and seek benefits! Wang Qun is "double opened"
Provide assistance for children to absorb deposits and seek benefits! Wang Qun is "double opened"

According to the Hunan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, recently, with the approval of the Hunan Provincial Party Committee, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted a case review and investigation into the serious violations of discipline and law by Wang Qun, a counselor of the Hunan Provincial People's Government. After investigation, it was found that Wang Qun, as a leading cadre of Party members, lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, lacked political consciousness, and failed to fulfill the main responsibility of comprehensive and strict governance of the Party, causing serious adverse effects on the Party organization. He deliberately opposed organizational review by colluding, forging evidence, and concealing property; Ignoring the spirit of the central eight point regulations, illegally accepting gifts, and accepting banquets that may affect the fair execution of official duties; Lack of organizational principles, failure to report personal matters in accordance with regulations, violation of cadre selection and appointment regulations, seeking benefits for others and accepting property in cadre selection and appointment work; Being an official without integrity, taking advantage of one's power or position, and serving as a son

Currently rescued, suspected to be sick, wild giant pandas frequently appear in a village in Shaanxi
Currently rescued, suspected to be sick, wild giant pandas frequently appear in a village in Shaanxi

At around 1:30 pm on September 18th, Wu Yunxian, a villager from Diaoyutai Village, Houganzi Town, Zhouzhi County, Shaanxi Province, discovered a wild giant panda walking on the road on his way home and then ran into the mountains and forests. On the evening of September 20th, Song Sishu, a villager from Diaoyutai, also found a giant panda in a guard shed near his home in the field. On the morning of September 21st, Song Sishu discovered this giant panda again in his backyard. He saw that the giant panda was very quiet and in a very poor condition, suspected of being sick, and immediately reported it to the relevant department at the higher level. The staff of Heihe Forest Park promptly reported and coordinated with relevant departments for treatment. At around 11:30 am on September 21st, rescue personnel from the Shaanxi Province Rare Wildlife Rescue Base rushed to the scene for treatment. At present, this giant panda has been brought back for further treatment. Preliminary assessment, September 18th to 9th

Poland: Oppose!, Zelensky proposed to let Germany "enter the normal"
Poland: Oppose!, Zelensky proposed to let Germany "enter the normal"

According to Deutsche Presse-Agentur, Polish Defense Minister Marius Bouasciak said on September 21 that Poland opposes Germany's becoming a permanent member of the UN Security Council. According to reports, Buvashchak told Polish media that the proposal by Ukrainian President Zelensky is "quite strange" and has disappointed Poland very much. Bouashchak said that Kiev seems to have forgotten that Germany did not provide assistance to Ukraine at the beginning when the Russia-Ukraine conflict broke out in February 2022. According to reports, Zelensky proposed on the 20th to make Germany a permanent member of the Security Council. Buvashchak stated that Germany should first be held responsible for the losses it caused to Poland during World War II. He said, "The war reparations we proposed to Germany are still valid." According to reports, in October 2022, Poland declared war reparations for World War II

We're here!, Huo Qigang: Hangzhou Home
We're here!, Huo Qigang: Hangzhou Home

At around 2:30 pm today, the Hong Kong delegation from China arrived at Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport and was warmly welcomed by the local residents. The head of the Hong Kong delegation, Huo Qigang, introduced at the Hong Kong International Airport today that the entire delegation, consisting of about 940 people, including about 660 athletes, will compete in multiple events such as football, fencing, and table tennis, with the largest scale of competition in history. Huo Qigang said, "The Asian Games is the largest comprehensive sports event in Asia. This year, we have sent the largest delegation, with athletes actively preparing and possessing exceptional strength. We look forward to them demonstrating a spirit of hard work and achieving better results on the field." Hong Kong team's opening flag bearer, Yao Jincheng, Mo Wanying, and Huo Qigang also introduced two flag bearers from the Hong Kong delegation, namely rugby player Yao Jincheng and martial arts athlete Yao Jincheng

Li Qiang is conducting research on specialized, refined, and innovative enterprise technology | technology | enterprises in Beijing
Li Qiang is conducting research on specialized, refined, and innovative enterprise technology | technology | enterprises in Beijing

On September 21, Li Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Premier of the State Council, conducted research on the development of specialized, refined, and innovative enterprises in Beijing.Li Qiang first came to Beijing Changmugu Medical Technology Co., Ltd. to listen to the report on the development of the orthopedic artificial intelligence and surgical robot innovation medical device industry. He expressed appreciation for their technological innovation achievements and hoped that they would further strengthen the research and development of artificial intelligence assisted diagnosis and treatment technology, so that technology can better benefit the people. At Beijing Guoke Tianxun Technology Co., Ltd., Li Qiang listened to a report on the research and development situation

Tickets have been gradually released, and China Railway Group has added 200 night high-speed trains during holidays
Tickets have been gradually released, and China Railway Group has added 200 night high-speed trains during holidays

The reporter learned from China Railway Group that on September 21st, the railway department began selling train tickets for October 5th. From October 1st to 4th, there were sufficient remaining tickets in all directions, and 150 million train tickets were sold from September 13th to 20th. The railway department will add 200 night high-speed trains from September 27th to October 1st, and from October 4th to 7th. Tickets have been gradually released to make every effort to meet the travel needs of passengers. According to the person in charge of the Passenger Transport Department of China Railway Group, based on the October 5th train tickets that have been released today, tickets from Shenyang to Beijing, Qingdao to Beijing, Chengdu to Xi'an, Qingdao to Shanghai, Nanchang to Shanghai, Nanchang to Shenzhen, Chengdu to Guangzhou, Chengdu to Beijing, Nanchang to Guangzhou, Guiyang to Guangzhou and other directions are in high demand. Tickets from Beijing to Xi'an, Chengdu to Chongqing, Beijing to Taiyuan, Shenzhen to Wuhan and other directions are in high demand

Wonders of American politics! Why has the appointment of the top leader of the US military been delayed for so long? Measures | Chief of Staff | Head of Staff
Wonders of American politics! Why has the appointment of the top leader of the US military been delayed for so long? Measures | Chief of Staff | Head of Staff

On the 20th, the US Senate approved the nomination of Charles Brown, the candidate for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, through unconventional measures. However, due to ongoing obstruction by a Republican senator who is dissatisfied with the US military's abortion welfare policy, the nominations of hundreds of senior US military officials are still pending approval. It is not yet known when this "miracle" in American politics will come to an end. The appointment of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff has finally passed. On the same day, the Senate confirmed with 83 votes in favor and 11 votes against that Democratic President Joseph Biden nominated Air Force Chief of Staff Brown as the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in May, replacing Mark Milley, who is scheduled to retire at the end of this month. Senate Majority Leader and Democrat Chuck Schumer used procedural rules to bypass Republican Senator Tommy Tuberville's obstruction, allowing Brown's nomination to be voted on

The first case of actual controller divorce on the Science and Technology Innovation Board! My ex-wife received 156 million shares worth of shares
The first case of actual controller divorce on the Science and Technology Innovation Board! My ex-wife received 156 million shares worth of shares

Since the beginning of this year, the topic of the divorce of the actual controller of listed companies has caught the attention of the market, and the related "detour reduction" has repeatedly sparked heated discussions. Bangyan Technology, which has been listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board for less than a year and suffered the first loss in non net profit deduction in the first half of this year, recently disclosed the divorce of its actual controller. This is the first case of a real controller divorcing after the release of new regulations on reducing holdings. According to the disclosure, Zhu Guosheng, the controlling shareholder, actual controller, and chairman of Bangyan Technology, has completed the procedures for terminating their marriage relationship with Zhang Lan. Zhu Guosheng plans to split his direct holdings of 7.37 million shares of the company under Zhang Lan's name. According to the latest closing price calculation, the market value of these stocks is approximately 156 million yuan. Meanwhile, Zhang Lan entrusted the voting rights of all the shares obtained from the split to Zhu Guosheng. Bangyan Technology's actual controller's ex-wife received a share worth 156 million shares. state

Talking about New Opportunities in China's Economy | Communication: Croatian Wind Power Projects of Chinese Enterprises Benefiting Local Livelihood Projects | Reporter | Communication
Talking about New Opportunities in China's Economy | Communication: Croatian Wind Power Projects of Chinese Enterprises Benefiting Local Livelihood Projects | Reporter | Communication

Seni, Croatia, September 21 (Xinhua) - The Croatian wind power project of a Chinese enterprise benefits local people. The Croatian Seni wind power project, invested and constructed by a Chinese enterprise, has always adhered to localized operation since its official operation in December 2021. It not only brings clean energy to the local area, but also creates many employment opportunities, bringing tangible benefits to the local people. The Seni wind power project was invested and constructed by Northern International Cooperation Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China North Industries Co., Ltd., and construction began in November 2018. Since the start of the project, Tosca Croatia has been providing legal consulting services to Northern International. Company manager Josip Toshi ć recently stated in an interview with reporters that during the project construction process, there were more than 40 Croatian companies involved

Tidal Review | September 23rd Waiting for "Flowers" to Bloom and Share the Wonderful Night of Hangzhou with the World
Tidal Review | September 23rd Waiting for "Flowers" to Bloom and Share the Wonderful Night of Hangzhou with the World

The rehearsal footage for the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games. What kind of wonderful experience is it to bring the Qiantang River, green mountains and clear waters onto the stage, provided by the director's team at the opening and closing ceremonies? The answer is hidden at the opening ceremony of the Asian Games. On the evening of September 23rd, the opening ceremony of the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou will be held at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium. This morning, the preparatory press conference for the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games was held in the press conference hall of the main news center. At the meeting, a spoilers were conducted on several highlights of the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games. The opening ceremony will be themed around "The Rise of Asia", symbolizing that China in the new era is blending and stirring with Asia and the world, surging forward like a tide. Through the presentation of three chapters, National Style Elegant Rhyme, Qiantang Tide, and Hand in Hand, the national style China-Chic, natural tide

Foreign executives: China is a world market with unlimited opportunities
Foreign executives: China is a world market with unlimited opportunities

On September 20th, the State Council Information Office held a routine policy briefing for the State Council. Officials from the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance, and the People's Bank of China interpreted the economic situation and policies. In response to recent bearish remarks about the Chinese economy, the National Development and Reform Commission stated that there is currently a lot of internal and external noise about bearish views and negative views on China. This argument has never been realized in the past, and it is destined not to be realized now and in the future. In fact, the trend of China's economy maintaining growth has not changed, and the magnetic force of the super large scale Chinese market continues to strengthen, attracting foreign enterprises to continuously increase their investment enthusiasm in China. The Wall Street Journal reported on the 19th that due to the growth of the Chinese economy and the recovery of domestic air transportation, Boeing has raised its price

How is the preparation work for the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games progressing? Water elements will permeate the entire venue, and more details will be announced →
How is the preparation work for the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games progressing? Water elements will permeate the entire venue, and more details will be announced →

This morning, a press conference on the preparations for the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games was held at the main media center. At the conference, the spokesperson for the opening and closing ceremony command center and the main creators of the opening ceremony team introduced the progress of various preparations for the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games and shared their creative ideas. What content was introduced in the press conference? CCTV reporters from the headquarters will take you to learn about the latest situation. At the just concluded press conference, the reporter learned that various preparations are progressing smoothly. In terms of the entry and exit of the audience at the opening ceremony, buses, buses, and subways will be used for personnel transportation. On the day of the opening ceremony, a large-scale rapid evacuation of personnel will be successfully completed in a short period of time. Prepare meal packages, gifts, drinking water, and catering guarantees for each audience, in order to

See again the exciting case of "Space Turning" and the "Doctor's Crew" space lecture
See again the exciting case of "Space Turning" and the "Doctor's Crew" space lecture

CCTV News: At 15:48 today, the fourth lesson of "Tiangong Classroom" will be held on the Chinese space station. Newly appointed "space teachers" Jing Haipeng, Zhu Yangzhu, and Gui Haichao will bring a wonderful space science popularization lesson to young people. This is the first time that Chinese astronauts have given a lecture in the Mengtian experimental module. During the approximately 48 minute lecture, astronauts Jing Haipeng, Zhu Yangzhu, and Gui Haichao from Shenzhou 16 vividly presented the working and living scenes of the space station's Mengtian experimental module, demonstrating the spherical flame experiment, the wonderful "ping pong ball" experiment, the momentum conservation experiment, and the gyroscopic experiment, and vividly explaining the scientific principles behind the experiment. During the teaching period, astronauts engaged in real-time interactive communication with teachers and students in the ground classroom through video calls. This teaching activity was held in Beijing, Alxa League in Inner Mongolia, Yan'an in Shaanxi, and

Asian Games song burning! Three songs spanning 33 years
Asian Games song burning! Three songs spanning 33 years

The 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou is about to open. This is the third time China has hosted the Asian Games. Three songs take you through 33 years, and each capital is a story of the Asian Games. 33 years ago, on September 22, 1990, the 11th Asian Games opened in Beijing. "Our Asia, the mountains are high, our Asia, the rivers are like hot blood." The song "Asian Wind" resounded over the Beijing Workers' Stadium. This is the first comprehensive international sports competition held in China. The Chinese delegation won an unprecedented 183 gold medal, bringing great encouragement to the people of the whole country. On September 22, 1990, the 11th Asian Games opened in Beijing. The picture shows the scene of the opening ceremony. Xinhua News Agency announced that 13 years ago, the Asian Games returned to China. On November 12, 2010, the 16th Asian Games opened in Guangzhou《

Unable to bear the burden! Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants have flooded into border cities in the United States. The government has declared a state of emergency in Texas, USA | Immigration | Government
Unable to bear the burden! Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants have flooded into border cities in the United States. The government has declared a state of emergency in Texas, USA | Immigration | Government

Illegal immigrants pouring into Igalpas Overseas Network, September 21 (Xinhua) -- According to the New York Post, on the 20th local time, due to a large influx of illegal immigrants into the border, Igalpas, Texas, USA was overwhelmed and declared a state of emergency. According to sources from the border patrol team, on the 20th, 4000 illegal immigrants flooded into Igalpas from the US Mexico border, an unprecedented number. Last week, as many as 7500 illegal immigrants crossed the border. Igualpas Mayor Rolando Salinas stated that the influx of illegal immigrants is close to 50% of the city's population, causing damage to local resources and particularly affecting the police and fire departments. Apart from Igelpas, the illegal immigration crisis is impacting many parts of the United States. In El Paso, western Texas

Looking at Hangzhou at the New Asian Games: Come to Hangzhou this autumn and collide with "Poetry and Painting Jiangnan", full of osmanthus flowers | Scenic Area | Jiangnan
Looking at Hangzhou at the New Asian Games: Come to Hangzhou this autumn and collide with "Poetry and Painting Jiangnan", full of osmanthus flowers | Scenic Area | Jiangnan

Hangzhou, a city known as "heaven on earth". Every autumn, osmanthus blooms in the city, and the air is filled with a sweet fragrance. Some people say that the appearance of Jiangnan in their dreams is probably like this, with oil painted landscapes and occasional autumn rain, everything they see is scenery. This autumn, go on a trip to Jiangnan and enjoy the poetic and picturesque scenery. Hangzhou is waiting for you here. The picture shows the Haohu Bay Scenic Area in West Lake, Hangzhou, with tree shadows reflected in the lake water. At the Chun'an branch of the Hangzhou Asian Games, the morning sun rises in the east, with a dazzling glow and charming autumn colors. The autumn scenery of West Lake Scenic Area is full of unique small scenery that can be seen everywhere. By the broken bridge of West Lake, osmanthus wafts its fragrance, and when walking, the osmanthus tree weighs itself, bathing in a refreshing fragrance. Colorful chrysanthemums are exhibited on the waterfront of Hangzhou Botanical Garden. Thousands of pots of chrysanthemums of different varieties compete for beauty and beauty. Tourists are in Hangzhou, where the autumn colors are getting darker

The fentanyl crisis in the United States is too scary! Nursery Becomes "Poison Nest" 1-year-old Child Death Center | Police | Nursery
The fentanyl crisis in the United States is too scary! Nursery Becomes "Poison Nest" 1-year-old Child Death Center | Police | Nursery

On September 21, according to foreign media reports, the US police recently reported that a day care center in New York was found to have a large amount of fentanyl hidden. What's even more frightening is that multiple children at the center accidentally came into contact with these fentanyls, causing the death of one 1-year-old child and three children being hospitalized for treatment. This tragedy has once again drawn attention from the American public to the fentanyl crisis, with the Mayor of New York calling for a comprehensive nationwide crackdown on the rampant use of fentanyl. According to The New York Times, on the 15th local time, New York police discovered that multiple infants and young children aged 8 months to 2 years old were showing signs of excessive use of opioids in a local day care center. One year old child Nicholas Dominic died, and the other three have been hospitalized for treatment and are currently in good condition. As of the 18th, France

Heart to hand connection ignites dreams - written at the end of the torch relay event at the Hangzhou Asian Games
Heart to hand connection ignites dreams - written at the end of the torch relay event at the Hangzhou Asian Games

On September 8th, the torch relay of the Hangzhou Asian Games was launched at the Yongjin Park Square by the West Lake. The picture shows the first torchbearer, Luo Xuejuan, running. Reporter Pan Haisong photographed this as a wonderful combination - a flame collected from the Liangzhu Ancient City Site Park, a torch overflowing with colors of "Dan Gui Jin" and "Hong Yun Zi", along with extension materials such as flame lamps and pots, forming one of the main characters of the Hangzhou Asian Games torch relay activity, the "firewood". This is a touching journey - on September 8th, "Fireworks" set sail from the shimmering West Lake in Hangzhou, passing through Huzhou, Jiaxing, Shaoxing, Ningbo, Zhoushan, Taizhou, Wenzhou, Lishui, Jinhua, and Quzhou in sequence. On September 20th, they returned to Hangzhou and completed their final relay by the Qiantang River, which is bustling with tides. On the Internet, the digital torch relay goes forward synchronously

"I'm too difficult!"
"I'm too difficult!"

The Federation of Automobile Workers in the United States has been holding large-scale strikes in recent days, demanding salary increases, reduced working hours, and increased benefits. In the eyes of companies, the US automotive industry is facing technological changes and needs to invest heavily in promoting electrification and intelligent transformation. The cost increase borne by agreeing to union demands is tantamount to suicide. The US political news website believes that Biden, who is seeking re-election in next year's election, has been sent on a "political tightrope". He now wants to be both the "most pro labor" president and the "most environmentally friendly" president. Production | International Online Producer | Chief Planner Wei Jing | Producer Zhong Renzong | Editor in Chief Jiang Lili | Planned by Liu Muchen | Painted by Wang Jiayu | Cao Zhen

Bird's-eye view of the city of the Asian Games | Flying over the Qiantang River, one village and one city, witnessing the new development steps of Hangzhou in the future
Bird's-eye view of the city of the Asian Games | Flying over the Qiantang River, one village and one city, witnessing the new development steps of Hangzhou in the future

The Hangzhou Asian Games includes the Hangzhou Asian Games Village and five Asian Games sub villages located in Ningbo, Wenzhou, Jinhua, Tonglu, and Chun'an, Zhejiang. The Asian Games Village provides comfortable living services, secure preparation guarantees, and rich cultural experiences to help athletes showcase their best performance on the field. A bird's-eye view of the city of the Asian Games. Today, we will go to Hangzhou Asian Games Village to take a look. CCTV reporter Zhao Jing: The opening of the Hangzhou Asian Games is getting closer and closer. Welcome to Hangzhou. From the sky, the towering buildings in the distance are the Hangzhou Asian Games Village. On September 16th, Hangzhou Asian Games Village officially opened and welcomed all delegations to move in! The central location of the Asian Games Village is the international zone, which is the public activity area of the village and also the area for showcasing the city's image to the outside world. The concept of city walls is introduced into the exterior walls of the building, and a green landscape painting is carefully presented

China has done a beautiful thing in this fiercely contested field of human rights | World | China
China has done a beautiful thing in this fiercely contested field of human rights | World | China

This is a fiercely contested and highly sensitive field. Which field? Human rights! We don't have to avoid it either. For a considerable period of time in the past, human rights were the leverage of the West, and many developing countries, including China, were relatively passive, with an awkward situation of being scolded and difficult to fight back. But the situation is also changing, and on September 20th, China did a beautiful thing. On this day, a seminar called the "China Europe Human Rights Seminar" was held in Rome, the capital of Italy, with the theme of "Modernization and Diversity of Human Rights Civilizations". I am honored to be present on site, both online and offline, with over 130 representatives from 16 countries including China. Many are authoritative scholars in the field of domestic law, as well as well-known foreign experts. You read it right, human rights seminar

"Dream Paradise", Gongchen Bridge, Jingui... Highlights of the "spoilers" of the creative team at the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games
"Dream Paradise", Gongchen Bridge, Jingui... Highlights of the "spoilers" of the creative team at the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games

There are still two days left until the opening of the Hangzhou Asian Games. On the evening of September 23rd, the opening ceremony of the 19th Hangzhou Asian Games will be held at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium. This morning, a press conference on the preparations for the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games was held in the press conference hall of the main news center. Li Yiqing, spokesperson for the command center of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Hangzhou Asian Games, Sha Xiaolan, chief director and chief producer of the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games, Lu Chuan, chief director of the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games, Leng Song, chief writer of the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games, Zhu Yanfeng, head of the performance team of the command center for the opening and closing ceremonies of the Hangzhou Asian Games, and Xu Deqing, spokesperson for the main news of the Hangzhou Asian Games, attended the conference to share the creative concept of the opening ceremony and provide answers to the public's concerns about the preparations for the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games. They also "exposed" several highlights of the opening ceremony. Photo by Zhang Di

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