The world

He counterattacked the United States and Australia: You should not be afraid. After the end of your visit to China, the United States, Australia, and the United States and Australia
He counterattacked the United States and Australia: You should not be afraid. After the end of your visit to China, the United States, Australia, and the United States and Australia

According to the Associated Press on July 17th, Solomon Islands leaders countered criticism of their country's deepening security relations with China on the 17th, stating that the United States and Australia have nothing to worry about. According to reports, Solomon Islands Prime Minister Sogavare made these remarks at a press conference held in the capital city of Honiara after returning from his visit to China. Sogavare said that he signed multiple agreements and memorandums during his time in China, including a police cooperation plan. He stated that the plan "strengthens cooperation in law enforcement and security affairs, and China promises to provide necessary support" to strengthen the law enforcement capabilities of this Pacific country. On July 4th, Solomon Islands Prime Minister Menasi Sogavare gave an exclusive interview to Xinhua News Agency reporters in the capital city of Honiara. The report states that both the United States and Australia are concerned about new police officers

The next China? US media pours cold water on India. India is touted as another China - but here are four key areas that this South Asian power still needs to catch up with | competitors | China
The next China? US media pours cold water on India. India is touted as another China - but here are four key areas that this South Asian power still needs to catch up with | competitors | China

The US business insider website published an article on July 12th titled "India is touted as another China - but here are four key areas that this South Asian power still needs to catch up with.". The full text excerpt is as follows: After the population surpassed China, India's potential seemed to become more prominent, prompting many observers to see this South Asian country as the next noteworthy economy. People's optimism about India is so high that Goldman Sachs predicts that by 2075, the Indian economy will surpass that of the United States. But India is not an easy place for foreign investors to navigate. On August 15, 2022, Indian Prime Minister Modi delivered a speech during the Independence Day celebration in Delhi. India still needs to catch up with its Asian competitor China in the following four areas. Firstly, India lacks China's

Xia Xiande no longer serves as the Deputy Minister of Finance, Director of Finance, Commissioner, Deputy Minister of Finance, previous positions, Budget, Xia Xiande, and Ministry of Finance
Xia Xiande no longer serves as the Deputy Minister of Finance, Director of Finance, Commissioner, Deputy Minister of Finance, previous positions, Budget, Xia Xiande, and Ministry of Finance

On July 17th, Pengpai News found in the "Department Leaders" section of the website of the Ministry of Finance that Xia Xiande is no longer a member of the Party Group and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Finance. According to public data, Xia Xiande, male, Han nationality, was born in May 1969 in Huanggang, Hubei Province. He started working in August 1991 and joined the CPC in December 1996. He graduated from the Department of Finance and Finance of Central South University of Finance and Economics with a master's degree and a doctor's degree in economics. Xia Xiande served as the Deputy Director of the Comprehensive Department and the Director of the Second Central Expenditure Department of the Budget Department of the Ministry of Finance from 2001 to 2008. From 2008 to 2015, he served as the Deputy Director of the Budget Department of the Ministry of Finance. From 2015 to April 2022, he served as the Secretary of the Party Group and the Supervisory Commissioner of the Commissioner's Office of the Ministry of Finance in Hebei, as well as the Supervisory Commissioner and Deputy Director of the Budget Department of the Ministry of Finance and the Natural Resources Department

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs couldn't help but announce, Just now! A stunning scene of the country occurred in front of Yuan Longping's tomb. Africa | Africa | Spokesperson
The spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs couldn't help but announce, Just now! A stunning scene of the country occurred in front of Yuan Longping's tomb. Africa | Africa | Spokesperson

Before reading this article, please click on the "card below" and then click "follow" to share high-quality articles with you every day. Completely free subscription, please rest assured to follow. ▲ Click on the card above to follow. Recently, an unusual figure appeared in front of the tomb of Yuan Longping, an internist at the Chinese People's Longevity Garden. A man with dark skin was holding flowers and staring at the tombstone for a long time. He was Rakutosong, former Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Madagascar. In the early morning of June 28th, he flew to Changsha and didn't have time to change into a suit. The next morning, he appeared at the Longevity Garden with a gift: a bowl of hybrid rice from Africa. This scene, even Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin couldn't help but share with the world. Although Yuan Longping had never been to Madagascar in his lifetime

New position clarified, Ge Jianrong Organization Department | Ge Jianrong | New position
New position clarified, Ge Jianrong Organization Department | Ge Jianrong | New position

According to an update on the official website of Anhui Province Supply and Marketing Cooperative, Ge Jianrong, a member of the Standing Committee of the Hefei Municipal Party Committee and Minister of the Organization Department, has been appointed as the Deputy Secretary of the Party Group of Anhui Province Supply and Marketing Cooperative and nominated as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. According to the public resume, Ge Jianrong, female, Han ethnicity, born in November 1965, is a graduate student at the Provincial Party School and a member of the Communist Party of China. Formerly served as the deputy leader of mass organizations in prefecture level cities, member of the Standing Committee and Minister of the Organization Department of county-level city committees, deputy secretary of county-level city committees, county mayor, county party secretary, member of the Standing Committee, Minister of the Organization Department, and Minister of the United Front Work Department of prefecture level city committees. The picture is from the website of the Hefei Municipal Government on June 12th. The Organization Department of the Anhui Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China released a pre appointment notice for cadres. Among them, Ge Jianrong, female, Han ethnicity, born in November 1965, holds a graduate degree from the Provincial Party School, is a member of the Communist Party of China, and currently serves as a member of the Standing Committee and Minister of the Organization Department of the Hefei Municipal Party of China. She is proposed to be appointed

A woman drowned in a flooded culvert after a rainstorm in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province? Local response: Bridge and culvert | Pearl | Woman
A woman drowned in a flooded culvert after a rainstorm in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu Province? Local response: Bridge and culvert | Pearl | Woman

On July 17, a sudden rainstorm occurred in Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province, causing serious ponding in some sections of the urban area. It is rumored that there is a large area of water accumulation in the Pearl Bridge culvert in Runzhou District. A woman drowned while riding an electric scooter through the culvert. On the afternoon of the 17th, staff from the Emergency Management Bureau of Runzhou District told reporters from the Xiaoxiang Morning Post that the situation was true. On the morning of the 17th, a netizen posted a video claiming that a group of people in Zhenjiang were submerged in a culvert under the bridge. Someone in the video said, "A person in the water, call the police. How can we save this?". According to another online report from the Municipal Housing and Urban Rural Development Bureau, at around 8:00 am on the 17th, at the Pearl Bridge culvert in the city, a citizen ignored warning signs and did not listen to advice. They forcefully rushed into the culvert by riding an electric scooter from the motor vehicle lane, but unfortunately drowned despite rescue efforts. According to Jiupai News, on the afternoon of the 17th, the reporter contacted Zhenjiang City for flood prevention

25 drivers have been returned to their original units, and newly appointed leaders in Nanchang are not allowed to accompany or indirectly accompany drivers to work in other places
25 drivers have been returned to their original units, and newly appointed leaders in Nanchang are not allowed to accompany or indirectly accompany drivers to work in other places

Recently, the Discipline Inspection Commission and Supervision Commission of Nanchang City organized a special anti-corruption education talk, targeting all levels of leaders, drivers, and bus drivers in the city. They were urged to maintain a stable "steering wheel" in their lives, fasten their "seat belts" when performing their duties, and firmly uphold the bottom line of integrity. Since the beginning of this year, Nanchang City has made leading cadres and drivers a key target of supervision, urging and promoting leading cadres and responsible departments to strictly shoulder their responsibilities and manage their jurisdiction, and jointly prevent and control "driver corruption". 589 leading cadres and bus drivers in the city have received anti-corruption talks and education. From the cases investigated and dealt with in recent years, it can be seen that some leading cadres often have "job changes and driver transfers" during promotion, communication, and job transfers, which can easily lead to long-term dependency relationships; Some drivers with ulterior motives seek personal gain by sharing power

The United States really wants to "fight to the last Ukrainian", [Truth | Marvel Review] provides cluster ammunition for Ukraine | ammunition | the United States
The United States really wants to "fight to the last Ukrainian", [Truth | Marvel Review] provides cluster ammunition for Ukraine | ammunition | the United States

The US government has recently announced a new batch of military aid to Ukraine, including large lethal cluster ammunition classified as prohibited by US law. Cluster ammunition is more lethal than regular ammunition and has a greater likelihood of causing civilian casualties. This move by the United States has caused a stir in international public opinion. Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen recently called on social media for Ukraine not to use cluster ammunition provided by the United States, as the use of these ammunition will pose the most serious danger to the bombed areas in the coming years or even 100 years. Hun Sen's cry comes from Cambodia's painful history of suffering from cluster ammunition. According to the Cluster Munitions Alliance, according to US statistics, during the Vietnam War, the US used approximately 80000 airdropped cluster munitions in Cambodia, including 26 million submunitions, which were conservatively estimated to remain on the ground

South African scholar: NATO's accelerated expansion is the root cause of massive casualties. NATO | Ukraine | casualties
South African scholar: NATO's accelerated expansion is the root cause of massive casualties. NATO | Ukraine | casualties

The NATO Vilnius Summit concluded last week, and NATO insisted on expanding and promising comprehensive support to Ukraine. In response, Filani Mtamb, Director of the South African Institute for Global Dialogue, stated that NATO's reckless acceleration of expansion has added numerous obstacles to the resolution of the current Ukraine crisis. He emphasized that NATO's accelerated expansion is the root cause of the huge casualties. Filani Mtamb, Director of the South African Institute for Global Dialogue: The continued expansion of NATO will have sustained negative impacts, and you may see more hostile actions. Regarding the recent provision of cluster ammunition by the United States to Ukraine, Mtamb stated that this will cause greater civilian casualties and will continue to cause harm and impact to the local population after the war ends. Filani Mtamb, Director of the South African Institute for Global Dialogue: We are concerned about these types of weapons

The United States has no limit to "economic coercion", and the truth | manga review: directly take advantage of Citroen | the United States | the economy
The United States has no limit to "economic coercion", and the truth | manga review: directly take advantage of Citroen | the United States | the economy

The United States has added new evidence of economic coercion. In May of this year, the US government made a decision to sell the subsidiary of Venezuela National Oil Company, Citro ë go Oil Company, in the United States. Venezuelan President Maduro condemned this, calling it "plundering" and refusing to accept it. According to Reuters, a US court has rejected Venezuela's appeal to block the sale of shares in Citro ë go Oil Company and continues to enforce the confiscation of assets. Citroen is clearly an overseas asset of Venezuela, why can the United States sell it on its own? It turns out that the United States has been eyeing this oil company for a long time. It is not a secret that the United States attempts to overthrow the Venezuelan regime. In 2019, the United States imposed sanctions on Venezuela and even conspired to launch a coup, using the normally operating Citroen as a tool for political struggle, disrupting the normal market order

But a bad year is still going on, with 6 months, 28 incidents, and 140 victims, according to the world! Massive killings in the United States set a shocking record with firearms | Scale | United States
But a bad year is still going on, with 6 months, 28 incidents, and 140 victims, according to the world! Massive killings in the United States set a shocking record with firearms | Scale | United States

On July 17th, China Daily reported that the ongoing bloodshed across the United States in 2023 has brought another cruel and disgraceful milestone - the past six months have been the most severe and deadly for large-scale killings in the United States since at least 2006. The Associated Press reported on the 14th that from January 1st to June 30th, the United States experienced 28 large-scale killings, which is the worst so far. And, except for one incident, all 27 other incidents involved firearms. "Killed by strangers or shot by family members. Whether in big cities or small towns, people are killed in their own homes or in broad daylight." The Associated Press reported in screenshots, further stating that one country, six months, 181 days, 28 days

Nanjing police reported that "street rage fighting" hit | man | police
Nanjing police reported that "street rage fighting" hit | man | police

Nanjing police reported a street brawl: the woman who was hit had a tooth injury, and the man who hit was arrested. On July 15, 2023 at 13:49, our bureau received a report from the public, claiming that his friend was injured at the intersection of Changjiang Road and Hongwu North Road in Xuanwu District. After receiving the report, the police immediately organized police forces to rush to the scene for disposal. After investigation, at around 1:40 pm on July 15th, when Li was driving at the intersection of Changjiang Road and Hongwu North Road, he had an argument with Hu and two others due to driving problems, causing physical conflicts and resulting in Hu's tooth damage. At present, Li has been criminally detained by the public security organs on suspicion of intentional injury, and the case is being further processed. On July 17, 2023, the Xuanwu Branch of the Nanjing Public Security Bureau reported that a road rage fight occurred on the streets of Nanjing, and a woman was knocked down to the ground

What is the current economic situation like?, Demand for important data release in the first half of the year | Industry | Economy
What is the current economic situation like?, Demand for important data release in the first half of the year | Industry | Economy

China's semi annual economic report was released on the 17th: The gross domestic product (GDP) was 59303.4 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.5% at constant prices, an increase of 1 percentage point from the first quarter. How do you view this semi annual report? Xinhua Viewpoint reporters have sorted out key data. GDP grew by 5.5% year-on-year: The overall economic growth rebounded in the first half of the year, with China's GDP growing by 5.5% year-on-year, which is faster than last year's full year economic growth rate of 3% and also faster than the average annual growth rate of 4.5% over the past three years due to the pandemic. From a quarterly perspective, GDP in the first quarter increased by 4.5% year-on-year, while in the second quarter it increased by 6.3%. From a month on month perspective, GDP grew by 0.8% in the second quarter. Fu Linghui, spokesperson for the National Bureau of Statistics, stated at the press conference of the State Council Information Office on the same day that 5.5% of economic growth is global

Capable of accommodating over 6500 people, the first domestically produced large cruise ship has begun its first sea trial at the dock | Test | Domestic
Capable of accommodating over 6500 people, the first domestically produced large cruise ship has begun its first sea trial at the dock | Test | Domestic

The reporter learned from Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China Shipbuilding Corporation, that China's first domestically produced large cruise ship, "Aida Modu", departed from the dock on the morning of the 17th and began its first trial voyage. After successfully undocking on June 6th, the "Aida Modu" completed a series of tests such as bow side propulsion equipment dock mooring test, paralyzed ship test, and power loss test before the trial voyage. The entire ship's interior installation area had also reached a light state before the trial voyage. On June 25th, through the joint efforts and collaborative cooperation of multiple departments, the "Aida Modu" successfully completed the mooring test of three bow side thruster equipment docks. This side push equipment debugging involved the joint debugging of three devices, and it took a total of 6 days from the official operation of the equipment to the completion of inspection, which was highly recognized by the shipowner and ship inspection. It is understood that both the paralyzed ship test and the power loss test are

Early Reading | 2023 China Economic Half Year Report Announcement Quarterly | Year Over Year | Economy
Early Reading | 2023 China Economic Half Year Report Announcement Quarterly | Year Over Year | Economy

Good morning The morning reading of the news is here! On Tuesday, July 18, 2023, the first day of the sixth lunar month in Shanghai, it was cloudy to cloudy with scattered showers or thunderstorms, with temperatures ranging from 27 to 35 ℃. Today, we will pay attention to the GDP growth of 5.5% year-on-year in the first half of 2023. On July 17, the 2023 China Economic Half Year Report was released. The National Bureau of Statistics released data on the 17th. Preliminary calculations show that the gross domestic product (GDP) in the first half of the year was 59303.4 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 5.5% at constant prices, an increase of 1 percentage point from the first quarter. According to Fu Linghui, spokesperson for the National Bureau of Statistics, at the press conference of the State Council Information Office on the same day, the GDP in the first quarter increased by 4.5% year-on-year and 6.3% in the second quarter. From a month on month perspective, GDP grew by 0.8% in the second quarter. Agricultural production situation

The earliest meeting to be held within this month is planned by Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida | Japan National Fisheries Association Federation | Plan
The earliest meeting to be held within this month is planned by Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida | Japan National Fisheries Association Federation | Plan

According to a report by Kyodo News Agency on the 16th, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida plans to hold talks with Yasuhisa Sakamoto, President of the National Fisheries Association of Japan, as soon as this month, to seek understanding of the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge plan into the sea, so that the government can smoothly initiate the discharge this summer. According to the report, Fumio Kishida will promise to thoroughly ensure the safety of discharge into the sea and address the issue of image damage to the National Fisheries Association of Japan, in order to seek understanding from the fisheries association. According to the results of the meeting, Kishida will make a judgment on the plan to discharge nuclear contaminated water before and after summer. The report speculates that the Japanese government may initiate sea discharge in August. Tokyo Electric Power Company, the operator of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, recently held a press conference and stated that it will effectively abide by the commitment made to the Fukushima Prefectural Fisheries Commission regarding the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea, and will widely distribute it domestically and internationally

Interest bearing debt exceeding 1.7 trillion yuan, Evergrande has finally made a fortune! Announcement of a huge loss of 812 billion yuan in two years | Perspective | Evergrande
Interest bearing debt exceeding 1.7 trillion yuan, Evergrande has finally made a fortune! Announcement of a huge loss of 812 billion yuan in two years | Perspective | Evergrande

On the evening of July 17th, China Evergrande reissued its 2021, 2022, and 2022 interim performance announcements, with a total net loss of 812 billion yuan over the two years. From another perspective, it is an important prerequisite for Evergrande to complete the resumption of stock trading. However, there are still many conditions to be completed before China Evergrande can truly resume trading and overcome the risk of delisting. China Evergrande announced after its performance disclosure that the company's shares will continue to be suspended for trading until further notice. As predicted 7 days ago, China Evergrande's board of directors completed the review and disclosed three long-awaited financial reports with a net loss of 812 billion yuan over two years. According to the financial report, China Evergrande achieved a total net loss of 812 billion yuan in 2021 and 2022. Specifically, the total net loss in 2021 was 6862

Honor will not, the athletes roast that "the silver medal of Tokyo Olympic Games will become scrap in two years"? Netizens: Fading Medals Olympic Games | Medals | Silver Medals
Honor will not, the athletes roast that "the silver medal of Tokyo Olympic Games will become scrap in two years"? Netizens: Fading Medals Olympic Games | Medals | Silver Medals

On the evening of July 16, Zheng Pengfei, a kayaker, sent a paper "roast" that the silver medal he won at the Tokyo Olympic Games two years ago had been seriously oxidized "into scrap iron", which quickly aroused netizens' heated discussion. Zheng Pengfei wrote in the article: "I have kept the Olympic medal at home for nearly two years, and today when I take it out, it is just like this. It is scrap iron." He also said that he may have stored it improperly, but this is one of the few cases of medal oxidation in his home. The reporter noticed that in the photos posted by Zheng Pengfei, there were indeed obvious oxidation marks on the silver part of the medal, which looked like "rusted". It is reported that on August 3, 2021, Zheng Pengfei and his teammate Liu Hao won the runner up in the men's 1000m double kayak event at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.

A man in his 40s has cerebral infarction! Don't do these things in the summer. A bowl of mung bean soup will keep you hydrated | chilled | mung bean soup
A man in his 40s has cerebral infarction! Don't do these things in the summer. A bowl of mung bean soup will keep you hydrated | chilled | mung bean soup

Mr. Zheng, who is in his 40s, returned home after sweating profusely from work at night, drank a bowl of chilled mung bean soup, and then fell asleep. He never imagined that when he woke up, his body was not agile on one side and he couldn't speak fluently. When he was sent to the hospital, it turned out to be a stroke! After drinking mung bean soup, the patient woke up feeling bad. "When the patient arrived at the hospital, their mouth was unclear and their left hand and foot were not obedient. Based on the symptoms and medical history, they understood about 80-90% at that time," said Shao Yanqi, the attending physician of the Department of Neurology at Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital. Mr. Zheng works in sales and is very busy running around in hot weather. A few nights ago, when he returned home, he immediately took out chilled mung bean soup from the refrigerator and drank a bowl of it, which was very refreshing. Not long after, for some reason, I started to have a stomachache, pulling several times in a row, feeling like I was about to collapse. A day of fatigue combined with diarrhea

His successor is him, the chairman of the 380 billion chip giant resigns as a director | executive | giant
His successor is him, the chairman of the 380 billion chip giant resigns as a director | executive | giant

China Fund News Amman's 380 billion chip giant has once again changed its head! On July 17th, SMIC announced on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange that due to work adjustments, Gao Yonggang resigned from his positions as Chairman, Executive Director, and Chairman of the Nomination Committee of the Board of Directors, effective from July 17th, 2023. Liu Xunfeng, Vice Chairman, Executive Director, and Chairman of the Nomination Committee of the Board of Directors, has been appointed as the Chairman, Executive Director, and Chairman of the Nomination Committee of the Board of Directors, effective from July 17, 2023. Chemical giant veteran appointed as chairman. According to previous announcements, Liu Xunfeng was just nominated for positions such as Vice Chairman and Executive Director of SMIC two months ago. On the evening of May 11th, SMIC announced the resignation of non-executive directors and the appointment of executive directors. Announcement shows that it will be integrated by the country

One "quasi 85th generation"! He, born in the 1980s, plans to be promoted to deputy department, with four department heads serving as new members of the Standing Committee and Deputy Department of Yunnan University
One "quasi 85th generation"! He, born in the 1980s, plans to be promoted to deputy department, with four department heads serving as new members of the Standing Committee and Deputy Department of Yunnan University

According to Yunnan University News Network on July 14th, Zhou Xuebin was appointed as the Secretary of the Party Committee of Yunnan University. On July 12th, Yunnan University held a cadre meeting and announced the appointment decision of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee to the main leaders of the university's Party Committee. Zhou Xuebin was appointed as a member, standing committee member, and Secretary of the Party Committee of Yunnan University. Zhou Xuebin, born in January 1969, holds a doctoral degree and is a member of the Communist Party of China. He started working in July 1990. He graduated from Yunnan University and stayed on campus for more than 20 years. He has served as the Deputy Secretary of the Youth League Committee of Yunnan University, Deputy Secretary of the Party Branch of Yunnan University, Deputy Minister of the Organization Department of Yunnan University Party Committee, Secretary of the Party Committee of Yunnan University, Director of the Personnel Department, Director of the Financial Management Department of Yunnan University, and Vice President. In 2018, Zhou Xuebin served as the Deputy Secretary and Dean of the Party Committee at Zhaotong College, and the following year, he was appointed as the Party Secretary of Zhaotong College

4 cadres investigated, coal mine concealed 7 deaths and 7 injuries accident supervision | law enforcement | accident
4 cadres investigated, coal mine concealed 7 deaths and 7 injuries accident supervision | law enforcement | accident

The recent high-profile incident of 7 deaths and 7 injuries at Honglin Coal Mine in Fuxin, Liaoning Province, which was concealed, has made the latest progress. On the evening of July 17th, the Liaoning Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision announced that four responsible persons, including Li Xueqing, Director of the Supervision and Law Enforcement Department of the Liaoning Bureau of the National Mining Safety Supervision Bureau, Li Bo, Director of the Safety Supervision and Management Department of the Liaoning Local Coal Mine Safety Supervision Bureau, Ning Deshuang, Director of the Coal Industry Transformation and Development Bureau of Fuxin City, and Di Xiaodong, Director of the Emergency Support and Market Safety Supervision Law Enforcement Center of Haizhou District, Fuxin City, Liaoning Province, are suspected of serious violations of discipline and law. They are currently undergoing disciplinary review and supervision investigations. According to a public report by Li Xueqing, Director of the Supervision and Law Enforcement Department of the Liaoning Bureau of the State Administration of Mining Safety, Honglin Coal Mine was established in June 2003 and is located in Haizhou District, Fuxin City, with a recoverable reserve of 539.3

The pilot died suddenly! Russian fighter jet crashes in the Sea of Azov | fighter jet | pilot
The pilot died suddenly! Russian fighter jet crashes in the Sea of Azov | fighter jet | pilot

Mayor of Yeysk, Russia: A fighter pilot who crashed in the Sea of Azov died. On the 17th local time, according to the Yeysk district mayor of Krasnodar Krai, Russia, the Su-25 fighter pilot who crashed in the waters of the Sea of Azov was killed. Earlier that day, the Russian Krasnodar Border Region Operations Command announced that a Su-25 fighter jet had crashed into the sea in the Sea of Azov. The pilot ejected and escaped without causing any casualties or losses. According to the news released by the Southern Military Region of Russia, the fighter jet experienced an accident during training flight, with preliminary speculation that the engine stopped working. The Russian Ministry of Defense and intelligence agencies are conducting on-site investigations to determine the specific cause of the plane falling into the sea.

Special consultation and deployment by the Ministry of Water Resources, with a maximum wind force of 13 levels, the first of its kind this year! "Taili" landing emergency | Typhoon | Ministry of Water Resources
Special consultation and deployment by the Ministry of Water Resources, with a maximum wind force of 13 levels, the first of its kind this year! "Taili" landing emergency | Typhoon | Ministry of Water Resources

According to the Central Meteorological Observatory, Typhoon Tai Li, the fourth typhoon of this year, made landfall along the coast of Nansan Island in Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province around 22:20 on the 17th. At the time of landfall, the maximum wind force near the center was 13, making it the first typhoon to make landfall in China this year. It is expected that "Taili" will move towards the northwest direction at a speed of 15-20 kilometers per hour, and will enter the Beibu Gulf in the early morning of the 18th. It is possible to make landfall again along the coast of Guangxi in the morning of the 18th, and weaken and dissipate in northern Vietnam on the 19th. Typhoon "Taili" came to the Central Meteorological Station and issued a yellow rainstorm warning. It is estimated that from 8:00 on the 17th to 8:00 on the 18th, affected by "Taili" and its surrounding cloud systems, most of the South China Sea, Beibu Gulf, Qiongzhou Strait, Guangdong coast, Guangxi coast, Hainan Island coast, Xisha, Zhongsha, Nansha and the sea near Huangyan Island will

Official confirmation: "International fencing master" died in conflict Milan | Fencing | Conflict
Official confirmation: "International fencing master" died in conflict Milan | Fencing | Conflict

According to Deutsche Presse-Agentur, Ukrainian fencer Dennis Boreko was killed in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. According to his club, the 34 year old man died on July 3rd and was buried 10 days later. According to reports, Anton Grashchenko, an advisor to the Ukrainian Minister of Interior, wrote on Twitter that "he is an international fencing master who has won medals at the World and European Youth Championships.". "Dennis has been helping the Ukrainian armed forces and participating in Dnieper's territorial defense since February last year. He volunteered to join the Ukrainian army in March 2022," Grachenko said on Twitter. The report also stated that the International Fencing Federation ruled in March this year that fencers from Russia and Belarus can participate in international competitions as neutral athletes. Last week, it was reported that Ukraine will boycott July

This is the first time a Chinese naval vessel has visited Kiribati. Report | First time
This is the first time a Chinese naval vessel has visited Kiribati. Report | First time

According to Reuters on July 16th, a hospital ship managed by the Chinese military has arrived in Kiribati for the first time.This is the first visit of a Chinese naval vessel to Kiribati, marking the enhancement of China's soft power in this Pacific island country.The Chinese Navy's "Peace Ark" hospital ship, carrying out the "Harmony Mission-2023" mission, arrived in the capital of Kiribati, Tarawa, on the 15th and began a 7-day friendly visit to Kiribati, providing medical services. The Ministry of National Defense of China said on its WeChat official account that the hospital ship "Peace Ark" arrived in Kiribati on the morning of the 15th local time to start a 7-day friendly visit and humanitarian

Deputy Representative of Russia to the United Nations: The decision on the agreement for the export of agricultural products from Black Sea ports is the final United Nations | agreement | port
Deputy Representative of Russia to the United Nations: The decision on the agreement for the export of agricultural products from Black Sea ports is the final United Nations | agreement | port

According to TASS on the 17th, the Deputy Representative of Russia to the United Nations stated that the decision on the agreement for the export of agricultural products from Black Sea ports is final and there are no plans for further negotiations. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on the same day regarding the agreement on the export of agricultural products from Black Sea ports, stating that the agreement will be suspended from July 18th. The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs pointed out that the Russian side is opposed to continuing to extend the agreement on the export of agricultural products from Black Sea ports. On the 17th, it officially notified Türkiye, Ukraine and the United Nations Secretariat of the decision. Russia will cease navigation safety guarantees for the Black Sea Food Corridor, close the maritime humanitarian corridor in the northwest of the Black Sea, and dissolve the Black Sea Food Export Joint Coordination Center located in Istanbul. On the 17th, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement on its official website, stating that the implementation of the agreement on the export of agricultural products from Black Sea ports has been blatantly disrupted, and the continued implementation is "completely ineffective."

World Health Organization reports of cat infection with avian influenza in Poland | virus | Poland
World Health Organization reports of cat infection with avian influenza in Poland | virus | Poland

The World Health Organization reported on the 17th that some cats in Poland have been infected with avian influenza virus and have died. This is the first report to show a large number of cats infected with avian influenza in a country. According to information provided by the World Health Organization to the media on June 17th, relevant institutions in Poland reported to the World Health Organization on June 27th that their cats had died abnormally. As of July 11th, among the 46 cats and 1 caracal cat sample tested, 29 samples tested positive for avian influenza A (H5N1) virus. Some cats exhibit severe symptoms, and in some cases, their condition rapidly worsens and even leads to death. The gene sequencing results of viruses extracted from relevant animals showed that they all belong to the evolutionary branch of avian influenza A (H5N1) virus. These viruses are associated with viruses that spread in wild birds

Increase the reward for reporting, emergency management department: to carry out mine accident concealment "big bottom" action general secretary | safety | accident
Increase the reward for reporting, emergency management department: to carry out mine accident concealment "big bottom" action general secretary | safety | accident

On July 17, Wang Xiangxi, Secretary of the Party Committee and Minister of the Emergency Management Department, presided over the ministerial party committee and ministerial affairs meeting to convey, study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on network security and informatization work and the spirit of the national network security and informatization work conference. Listen to the work reports of the Party Group of the State Mine Safety Supervision Bureau and the Party Group of the China Earthquake Administration in the first half of the year, and study and deploy key safety precautions. Wang Xiangxi emphasized that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, with a high sense of political responsibility, vigorous style, and resolute and powerful actions, to compact responsibilities, prevent and control major risks, make up for shortcomings, and resolutely perform well Emergency management responsibilities and missions, with practical actions and practical effects to achieve "two maintenance". The meeting pointed out that General Secretary Xi Jinping's emphasis on network security and information work

Arrest of criminal suspect 35 years ago, Heilongjiang police offer a reward of 500000 yuan to Cao Yiguo | Sister | Heilongjiang
Arrest of criminal suspect 35 years ago, Heilongjiang police offer a reward of 500000 yuan to Cao Yiguo | Sister | Heilongjiang

One day in June 1988, Cao Yiguo's parents and sister were killed at home. Many pieces of evidence pointed the culprit to Cao Yiguo's former brother-in-law Xu Chuanmin, who disappeared after the incident. On July 17th, the Public Security Bureau of Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province issued a notice offering a reward of 500000 yuan to arrest the fugitive suspect Xu Chuanmin. The notice shows that on June 15, 1988, a major criminal case occurred in the residential area of Group 18 of the 19th Committee of Jianshan District, Shuangyashan City, and the suspect Xu Chuanmin has absconded since the incident. Xu Chuanmin, male, Han ethnicity, born on June 11, 1965, of average height, lived in Group 6 of the 13th Committee of the original Jianshan District at the time of the incident. In the notice, the police appeal to the public to actively provide clues. Anyone who reports to the public security organ and assists the public security organ to directly capture the suspect will be rewarded with 500000 yuan