The world

Can flexible workers still enter the workforce?, New multi location ride hailing service: Pressing the "pause button" for practitioners | ride hailing service providers | job seekers
Can flexible workers still enter the workforce?, New multi location ride hailing service: Pressing the "pause button" for practitioners | ride hailing service providers | job seekers

Reading Tips Recently, Sanya, Changsha and other places have suspended the acceptance of new business of online car-hailing transportation permits, and several cities have issued online car-hailing saturation warnings to remind practitioners to "enter" cautiously ". In this regard, the interviewed experts believe that the suspension of new business is conducive to avoiding vicious competition in the market and helping potential practitioners to choose jobs rationally. At the same time, it is suggested that the exit mechanism of the "suspension" policy of online car Hailing should be improved, and the industry norms and standards should be further improved. "I started running at 4 a.m. and took a 3-hour break at noon. Until 6 p.m., there were only 8 orders in total. I earned more than 110 yuan, but I didn't earn it back." Wang Hao from Sanya, Hainan, is a water amusement coach. Every summer off-season, he will switch to other industries for transition. Since April this year, he has started to take a ride-hailing job, but he did not expect that this job is not as expected.

Multiple locations have announced holiday times, summer vacation is approaching | Kindergarten | Time
Multiple locations have announced holiday times, summer vacation is approaching | Kindergarten | Time

The summer vacation of 2023 is approaching, and many places have announced the summer vacation time for primary and secondary schools and kindergartens. According to the official website of the Beijing Municipal Education Bureau, Beijing will have a summer vacation from July 8th to August 31st, 2023, for a total of 7 weeks and 6 days—— According to the 2022 academic calendar for primary and secondary schools in Shanghai released on the official website of the Shanghai Education Bureau, the school year will start on February 15, 2023 and end on June 30, with a total of 20 weeks. The summer vacation starts on July 1st and ends on August 31st—— According to Jiangsu Education on June 15th, the summer vacation for primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in Jiangsu Province in 2023 is scheduled for July 1st, with the start of autumn school registration on September 1st and class time on September 4th. Unless otherwise specified, winter vacation in 2024

Russia: Will once again request the Security Council to investigate, multiple US media outlets have exposed North Creek | Pipeline | Multiple
Russia: Will once again request the Security Council to investigate, multiple US media outlets have exposed North Creek | Pipeline | Multiple

According to Reuters, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova stated on June 15th that Russia plans to once again request the United Nations Security Council to conduct an international investigation into the North Stream natural gas pipeline explosion. At the end of September 2022, four major natural gas leakage points were discovered on the first and second lines of the North Stream pipeline near Bornholm Island in Denmark, and seismic agencies had previously recorded two underwater explosions. According to reports, Russia has repeatedly stated that the West is the mastermind behind the North Stream pipeline explosion. The West and Ukraine deny involvement in this matter. On the 15th, Zakharova said at a regular press conference, "We will have the United Nations Security Council re-examine this issue." Zakharova said that the three Western permanent members of the Security Council had previously obstructed Russia's efforts to conduct a "transparent" investigation

The United States wants rewards, China wants to become a catalyst for change, China | Middle East | United States
The United States wants rewards, China wants to become a catalyst for change, China | Middle East | United States

With China successfully mediating between Iran and Saudi Arabia and reiterating its willingness to play a positive role in promoting Palestinian Israeli peace talks, the report on the website of Türkiye's Anadolu News Agency on June 14 asked: Is China filling the vacuum formed by the United States in the Middle East? It is reported that during his visit to Saudi Arabia, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken asserted that Washington "does not require anyone to make a choice between the US and China". Although his words are vague, the location of his speech provides many clues: Saudi Arabia, and more importantly, the Middle East. This is a turbulent region, relationships are changing, and the balance of power is clearly changing. In March, the world heard the news of a reconciliation agreement reached between Saudi Arabia and Iran through China's mediation. Antony Blinken is the third senior US official to visit Saudi Arabia since then. According to reports, Palestinian President Abbas spoke this week about

Adult population flows into highlands, with a population growth of over 1 million in 15 new first tier cities
Adult population flows into highlands, with a population growth of over 1 million in 15 new first tier cities

According to a journalist from First Financial News, in 2022, the total new population of 15 new first tier cities reached 1.0949 million, becoming a key focus of population growth. According to the 2023 City Commercial Charm Ranking released by the First Financial · New First tier City Research Institute on May 30, 2023, the 15 new first tier cities on this list are Chengdu, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Suzhou, Xi'an, Nanjing, Changsha, Tianjin, Zhengzhou, Dongguan, Qingdao, Kunming, Ningbo, and Hefei. Data shows that among the 15 new first tier cities, 3 cities have a total GDP exceeding 2 trillion yuan. Among them, Chongqing, the municipality directly under the central government, ranked first. Data shows that in 2022, Chongqing achieved a regional GDP of 2912.903 billion yuan, an increase of 2.6% compared to the same period last year.

Zero tolerance!, Latest announcement on WeChat: Live streaming of such behavior | Users | Announcement
Zero tolerance!, Latest announcement on WeChat: Live streaming of such behavior | Users | Announcement

On the 15th, the WeChat Security Center issued a notice on further cracking down on malicious PK behavior: In order to maintain a green live streaming environment for video accounts, create a good live streaming ecosystem, continuously optimize the live streaming experience, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of users, WeChat Video accounts firmly oppose and continue to crack down on malicious PK behavior that uses eye-catching and fierce tactics as gimmicks. The platform maintains a zero tolerance attitude towards such behavior. If Tencent discovers on its own or receives reports or complaints from others that a user's behavior or published content violates the "Code of Conduct for WeChat Video Account Live Streaming", "Agreement on the Use of WeChat Video Account Live Streaming Function", "Detailed Rules for the Recognition of Bad PK in WeChat Video Account Live Streaming Room", and relevant rules and agreements of the video account, Tencent has the right to stop live streaming and clear the illegal content at any time without notice, and take measures including but not limited to warnings against the violating user based on the violation behavior and circumstances, including but not limited to warning

Russian officials: Regions with declining Western influence in the global economy | Global | Economy
Russian officials: Regions with declining Western influence in the global economy | Global | Economy

On the 15th, at the sub forum of the 26th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Russian officials in charge of economic affairs stated that the trend of Western countries gradually losing their leadership in the global economy is unstoppable. Russian Presidential Assistant Oleshkin said that the globalization process will continue to exist, but will be centered around growing emerging economies. In the coming years, the economy of China, Southeast Asia, Africa and other regions will continue to develop rapidly, while Europe and other regions will not be able to achieve rapid economic growth. Russian Finance Minister Silvanov emphasized that for the G7, global economic transformation is painful, but attempting to maintain the status quo is not feasible. Russian Central Bank Governor Nabiurina stated that the future of international settlement lies in the development of regional payment platforms, and Russia needs to integrate with other countries in the financial sector

Focus interview: "Robots+" accelerating global progress | Biology | Robots
Focus interview: "Robots+" accelerating global progress | Biology | Robots

CCTV News: At the recently concluded Zhongguancun Forum, the Science and Technology Expo, which showcases the latest global technological progress and significant achievements, was one of the important contents. The robotics sector is particularly eye-catching. Robots are also one of the key directions for China's future development. The Implementation Plan for "Robot+" Application Action, issued by 17 departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, proposes that by 2025, the density of manufacturing robots will double compared to 2020; Focusing on 10 key application areas, breaking through more than 100 innovative robot application technologies and solutions. China's robotics industry is about to usher in significant development. Not long ago, at the Zhongguancun Forum's Science and Technology Expo, various cool robots appeared one after another, which opened one's eyes. In fact, some of these seemingly sci-fi robots have quietly entered our sight

The farce of transferring immigrants to the United States is once again unfolding. US officials: Immigration has become a political issue. Immigration | Bus | Politics
The farce of transferring immigrants to the United States is once again unfolding. US officials: Immigration has become a political issue. Immigration | Bus | Politics

On June 14th local time, Republican led Texas used a bus to transport illegal immigrants to Democratic led Los Angeles, California. This is the third incident of immigrants being transported to California this month. The farce of illegal immigration transfer in the United States has repeatedly occurred. Los Angeles city officials said that a total of 42 illegal immigrants, including some children, were transported to a local station around 4 pm on the 14th. At present, these immigrants have been taken care of by urban institutions and charitable organizations. Social welfare lawyer: These children sat on the bus for 24 hours, coming from Texas. If you are in the same car with your children, even if it takes 2 hours, you can imagine the scene where the children are tired and hungry. This is the third time this month that immigrants have been transported to California. On the 2nd and 5th of this month,

Creating a Better Future for the World - China's Contribution to Improving Global Human Rights Governance
Creating a Better Future for the World - China's Contribution to Improving Global Human Rights Governance

Protecting human life, values, and dignity, and realizing the enjoyment of human rights by all, is a common pursuit of human society. Since its founding, the CPC has united and led the people of all ethnic groups to strive for, respect, protect and develop human rights. Nowadays, China has successfully embarked on a path of human rights development that is in line with its own national conditions, achieving comprehensive development of the human rights cause. It has not only written a magnificent chapter in promoting and protecting human rights in its own country, but also made important contributions to promoting the development of the world's human rights cause. The wisdom of China, which enriches the form of human rights civilization, to do its own thing well is the foundation of China's participation in global human rights governance. Ma Yong, a Miao villager from Pingzi Community, Weixin Town, Nayong County, Bijie City, Guizhou Province, in the hinterland of the Wumeng Mountains, takes a family photo before the start of the New Year's Eve dinner. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Ou Dongqu

Observing the World · US Iran Relations | Media Exposes US Iran's Secret Talks on Informal Nuclear Agreement Negotiations | US | US Iran
Observing the World · US Iran Relations | Media Exposes US Iran's Secret Talks on Informal Nuclear Agreement Negotiations | US | US Iran

Beijing, June 15 (Xinhua) - The New York Times reported on the 14th that the United States has been secretly negotiating with Iran to restrict Iran's nuclear program and release imprisoned American citizens, using officials from the United States, Iran, and Israel as sources. This is one of the measures taken by the United States to ease tensions with Iran and reduce the risk of military confrontation. The US goal is to reach an "informal, unwritten" agreement, which some Iranian officials refer to as a "political ceasefire.". According to reports, the conditions agreed upon by Iran to reach an agreement include maintaining the current 60% enriched uranium abundance without further increase. Enriched uranium with an abundance of over 90% can be used to manufacture nuclear weapons, and the United States has set this abundance as a red line for "being forced to respond harshly.". Iranian officials have also promised that regional armed groups associated with them will suspend attacks

"Long term US sanctions have caused serious harm to the Cuban economy and people's livelihoods" (in-depth observation) Cuba | United States | Economy
"Long term US sanctions have caused serious harm to the Cuban economy and people's livelihoods" (in-depth observation) Cuba | United States | Economy

Vendors wait for customers to buy seasonings at a market in the Cuban capital Havana. The unilateral sanctions imposed by the United States on Cuba have lasted for more than 60 years, bringing huge economic losses and serious humanitarian disasters to Cuba. From fuel, food, daily necessities to medicines, the US sanctions against Cuba cover almost all areas of people's livelihood, causing Cuba to face a long-term severe shortage of materials. The illegal unilateral sanctions imposed by the United States seriously violate the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the basic norms of international relations, damage regional peace and stability, and highlight its hegemonic and bullying nature. After the victory of the Cuban Revolution in 1959, the United States Government adopted a hostile policy towards Cuba. In 1961, the United States broke off diplomatic relations. The following year, the United States imposed an economic, financial and trade embargo against Cuba.

International Sharp Review | "Three Point Proposition" Explains China's Always Speaking Fairly and Dealing with Affairs in the Middle East | Palestine | Middle East
International Sharp Review | "Three Point Proposition" Explains China's Always Speaking Fairly and Dealing with Affairs in the Middle East | Palestine | Middle East

"China supports the just cause of Palestine" and "China's responsible image and status as a major power have once again become prominent"... In recent days, Middle Eastern media such as the Egyptian newspaper "Republic Daily" and Qatar Al Jazeera TV have highly praised China's three proposals on the Palestinian issue. Starting from the 13th, Palestinian President Abbas will conduct a four-day state visit to China. He is the first Arab head of state received by the Chinese side this year, known as an "old friend and good friend of the Chinese people.".The outside world believes that this will create a new top-level design for the development of bilateral relations and promote cooperation in various fields to a new level.

China Boosts Middle East Peace Summit | Abbas | Middle East
China Boosts Middle East Peace Summit | Abbas | Middle East

On June 14th, Xinhua News Agency reported that China is promoting peace in the Middle East. Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Weijian, Palestinian President Abbas, arrived in Beijing on the 13th and officially began his state visit to China. Analysts point out that Abbas is the first Arab head of state received by China this year and another important guest from the Middle East region. Since Saudi Arabia and Iran announced the resumption of diplomatic relations under China's mediation in March this year, the Middle East has been experiencing strong winds and tensions. Middle Eastern countries are constantly strengthening pragmatic cooperation with China, and it is widely expected that China will make more contributions to promoting peace and prosperity in the Middle East region. On February 12th, Palestinian President Abbas attended a meeting at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo, the capital of Egypt. Xinhua News Agency inherits the traditional friendship between China and Pakistan. During Abbas's visit to China, China and Pakistan announced the establishment of a strategic partnership

Decoding Cultural Confidence as a City Sample | Heroic City Welcoming Companions - Decoding Cultural Confidence as a City Sample in Jiangcheng Wuhan | City | Companions
Decoding Cultural Confidence as a City Sample | Heroic City Welcoming Companions - Decoding Cultural Confidence as a City Sample in Jiangcheng Wuhan | City | Companions

Jianghan is magnificent, with a variety of lakes and lakes; The four directions are interconnected, and the nine provinces are interconnected. The vast Yangtze River and the towering Yellow Crane Tower witness the millennium glory of Wuhan. Here, the great river surges and heroes are shown through righteousness, reverence, and propriety; Here, the string song never stops, welcoming the kindred spirit with elegance and sincerity. Shouyi City: "Shou" When it dares to be the first, the sound of gunfire at the city head of Wuchang opened the prelude to China's modern national democratic revolution in a complete sense. The Xinhai Revolution Wuchang Uprising Memorial Hall is located in Wuchang District, Wuhan City. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Cheng Min: Wuhan, the city of Shouyi, has a long history and a rich cultural charm. The Yellow Crane Tower is the most famous landmark of this city. More than a thousand years ago, the Tang Dynasty poet Cui Hao climbed high and looked far, leaving behind the quatrain "Yellow cranes once gone and never return, white clouds for a thousand years in the air"; Li Bai, the "Poet Immortal", wrote this: "In the Yellow Crane Tower, the jade flute is played, and in May, the plum blossoms fall in the river city."

Tower drying - Shandong summer grain postpartum service news, Xinhua All Media+| Courtyard Grain Drying New City Community | Dezhou City | Shandong
Tower drying - Shandong summer grain postpartum service news, Xinhua All Media+| Courtyard Grain Drying New City Community | Dezhou City | Shandong

In the evening, the orange sunlight sprinkled on the neatly arranged wheat grains. Deng Haisheng, a 56 year old farmer from northern Shandong, stopped his work of flipping through the sun and discussed with his three-year-old granddaughter, "Let's go home?" "No," as she sat on a pile of wheat, focusing on "peeling the husks" of the grains. Deng Haisheng and his granddaughter are drying wheat in the courtyard of the New City Community Party and Mass Service Center in Lingcheng District, Dezhou City. This is the scene that the reporter saw recently when entering the courtyard of the New City Community Party and Mass Service Center in Lingcheng District, Dezhou City, Shandong Province. In addition to Deng Haisheng with his granddaughter, four or five villagers are taking care of their newly harvested wheat in the courtyard. A courtyard of over 2400 square meters has been occupied by wheat grains, leaving only a few narrow paths for passage. Xincheng Community is a community within the jurisdiction of Zhengjiazhai Town

To play a more active role in promoting the resolution of the Palestinian issue - International Experts Talk on the China Pakistan Summit | Palestine | International
To play a more active role in promoting the resolution of the Palestinian issue - International Experts Talk on the China Pakistan Summit | Palestine | International

International experts said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency that the China Pakistan summit has yielded fruitful results and is of great significance. The two heads of state have jointly drawn a new blueprint for the development of bilateral relations and provided guidance for the continued healthy and stable development of China Pakistan relations.China Pakistan relations

Jointly Promoting the Development and Progress of Human Rights Civilization International | Development | Human Rights
Jointly Promoting the Development and Progress of Human Rights Civilization International | Development | Human Rights

The Global High end Forum on Human Rights Governance, co hosted by the State Council Information Office, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the National Agency for International Development and Cooperation, was held in Beijing from June 14th to 15th. More than 300 Chinese and foreign guests from nearly a hundred countries and international organizations, including United Nations agencies, engaged in in-depth exchanges and candid dialogues around the theme of "Equality, Cooperation, and Development: The 30th Anniversary of the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action and Global Human Rights Governance", contributing insightful insights to the development of international human rights. The attending guests highly praised the achievements of China's human rights development and believed that China's plans and actions are of great significance in safeguarding and safeguarding human rights, injecting new impetus into promoting global human rights governance towards a more fair, just, reasonable and inclusive direction. The development of China's human rights cause has achieved historic achievements

Xinhua All Media+| Grasp the Key Period and Assist All Parties in the Employment of College Graduates Series | Universities | Graduates
Xinhua All Media+| Grasp the Key Period and Assist All Parties in the Employment of College Graduates Series | Universities | Graduates

At present, it is the graduation season for universities. During interviews in Guangdong, Hubei, Liaoning and other places, it was found that relevant departments in various regions are seizing the critical period before college graduates leave, making every effort to expand employment opportunities, and striving to use high-quality and efficient employment services to promote the smooth employment of college graduates. Detailed guidance services are more considerate. During the graduation season, the employment director of Shenyang Engineering College has become the "favorite" of graduates. Fan Jiapeng, Deputy Director of the Enrollment and Employment Office of Shenyang Institute of Engineering, told reporters that the Graduate Employment General Instructor established by the college is specifically responsible for the employment work of graduates. The main workplaces of the Employment General Instructor are job fairs and lecture classrooms. It is the daily work of the Employment General Instructor to discuss recruitment needs with enterprises, resume production with graduates, and teach interview skills to graduates. Through precision

Be careful of these "tricks" scams, Xinhua All Media+| College Entrance Exam Candidates | College Entrance Exam Candidates | tricks
Be careful of these "tricks" scams, Xinhua All Media+| College Entrance Exam Candidates | College Entrance Exam Candidates | tricks

Xinhua News Agency, Tianjin, June 15th - They falsely claimed to hold "internal quotas" and were able to help candidates achieve "low scores and high admission"; Claiming to be able to "check scores in advance"... After the college entrance examination fell behind the scenes, some informal institutions and criminals took advantage of the opportunity to "circle money" and even commit fraud, frequently "riding on the heat" and setting "traps". The language and methods were innovated, not only disrupting social order, but also easily causing economic losses to candidates and parents. The reporter found that there are several common "tricks": lying about "unplanned enrollment". According to Lou Jinjun, a police officer from the Tianjin Anti Telecom Network Fraud Crime Center, some criminals use methods such as creating fake documents to claim to hold "internal indicators" and "flexible indicators" under the pretext of independent enrollment and targeted enrollment in universities. They can recommend candidates to key universities and allow those who have not reached the undergraduate admission line to undergraduate institutions

Viewing Economic Leap News through Data | CCTV | Economy
Viewing Economic Leap News through Data | CCTV | Economy

CCTV News: Looking at the Economy through Data. Data 1: Growth of 11.7%. The National Bureau of Statistics released data today, showing that in May, China's service industry production index increased by 11.7% year-on-year, maintaining rapid growth. Among them, the contact aggregation service industries such as accommodation and catering, leasing, and business services continued to improve. Data 2: 3780.3 billion yuan. According to data released today by the National Bureau of Statistics, the total retail sales of consumer goods in China reached 3780.3 billion yuan in May, a year-on-year increase of 12.7%. Market sales continued to recover, while sales of upgraded goods such as communication equipment, gold and silver jewelry, and sports and entertainment products grew rapidly. Data three: 209 million households. According to data released by the State Administration of Taxation, 209 million households have been accurately promoted with tax and fee preferential policies this year

How about external investment? How is the consumption trend going? What is the outlook for exports Ministry of Commerce responds to recent hot economic and trade news | China | Export
How about external investment? How is the consumption trend going? What is the outlook for exports Ministry of Commerce responds to recent hot economic and trade news | China | Export

Beijing, June 15th (Xinhua News Agency) Question: How is foreign investment going? How is the consumption trend going? What is the outlook for exports How has China's foreign investment and cooperation since the beginning of this year been? How will the consumption trend in the second quarter go? What challenges and opportunities do exports face? The Ministry of Commerce held a regular press conference on the 15th to respond to recent economic and trade hotspots. In the first five months, China's outward non-financial direct investment increased by 24.2% year-on-year, according to Shu Jueting, spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce, at a press conference. From January to May this year, China's outward investment continued to grow, with non-financial direct investment of 356.46 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 24.2%. From January to May this year, non-financial direct investment of Chinese enterprises in countries along the "the Belt and Road" 630

15000 job fairs released job demands, 11.39 million graduates | universities | demands
15000 job fairs released job demands, 11.39 million graduates | universities | demands

Beijing, June 15th (Xinhua) --15000 job fairs released job demands of 11.39 million people - Spring scan of joint recruitment of college graduates in large and medium-sized cities. Xinhua reporter Jiang Lin learned from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security on June 15th that the more than two month spring joint recruitment of college graduates in large and medium-sized cities has recently ended. During the event, various regions extensively explored employment opportunities to bridge the gap for graduates. A total of 15000 online and offline job fairs were held nationwide, with 635000 employers posting job demands for 11.39 million people. The number of graduates who participated in job hunting reached 11.53 million. According to the person in charge of the National Talent Mobility Center of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, in order to help graduates find employment early and secure good jobs, since the launch of the activity in March, people from all over the country have

More than 20000 people evacuated, and hot lava flowed down the mountain! Persistent volcanic activity in Mount Mayon, Philippines | Mayon | Volcanic activity
More than 20000 people evacuated, and hot lava flowed down the mountain! Persistent volcanic activity in Mount Mayon, Philippines | Mayon | Volcanic activity

On June 16th, the Philippine Institute of Volcano Seismology announced that from 5:00 am on the 15th to 5:00 am on the 16th, Mount Mayon recorded a total of 4 volcanic earthquakes, 307 rockfalls, and 13 volcanic debris density flows. On the 15th, 826 tons of sulfur dioxide gas were discharged, a significant increase compared to before. The volcano has a slow outflow of magma, with plumes reaching a height of 750 meters, and the mountain continues to expand. On June 15th local time, in Liyashibi, Alba Province, Philippines, the activity of Mount Mayon intensified, with hot lava meandering down the mountain. According to the Philippine National Disaster Reduction Commission, as of 8:00 am on June 16th, the intensified activity of Mount Mayon has affected over 38000 people, and currently more than 20000 people have been evacuated to 27 resettlement centers

The Ministry of Commerce responds to the US Treasury Secretary's statement that the US hopes to cooperate with China in the economy | the world | the US
The Ministry of Commerce responds to the US Treasury Secretary's statement that the US hopes to cooperate with China in the economy | the world | the US

On the 15th, spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce, Shu Jueting, stated at a regular press conference that China and the United States, as the world's largest developing and developed countries, complement each other's economies and blend their interests, benefiting from each other's development. Bilateral economic and trade cooperation not only concerns the vital interests of the two peoples, but also plays a crucial role in promoting global economic growth and enhancing the well-being of people in all countries. Both sides should adhere to the principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation, and strive to promote the healthy and stable development of bilateral economic and trade relations, injecting more stability and positive energy into the world economy. At the press conference on the same day, a reporter asked: US Treasury Secretary Yellen recently met with the board of directors of the National Committee on US China Trade and other US business leaders, emphasized the importance of trade and investment with China, and told them that the United States hopes to cooperate with China

Apologize to the fans who rushed into the infield and hugged Messi! What punishment will you face? Match | Stadium | Messi
Apologize to the fans who rushed into the infield and hugged Messi! What punishment will you face? Match | Stadium | Messi

On the evening of June 15th at 8 o'clock, the Argentine team led by Messi made their debut at the new team, but they easily defeated the Australian team 2-0 in an international friendly match. The highly anticipated Meiqiu King has sparked public opinion in China these days, grabbing all the attention. During the game, Messi celebrated his goal. During the game, a fan broke into the field, causing the game to be interrupted for over a minute before being carried off the field by security guards. Afterwards, the fan involved, Mr. Di, stated in an interview that he started liking Messi at the age of 9 and had a cramp and sprain in his foot after jumping in the stands. He apologized for his behavior. Some netizens questioned the carelessness of the on-site security. In response, the security company stated that our people have been chasing after us and held a work meeting overnight after the game. What punishment will fans face if they break into the stadium and hug Messi, causing the game to be interrupted? Lawyers have stated that, taking into account the circumstances of the violation and the age of minors

The work is well-known to everyone, and this veteran actor has passed away
The work is well-known to everyone, and this veteran actor has passed away

According to online sources cited by multiple Hong Kong media on the 14th, Zhang Yingcai, a young Cantonese filmmaker, passed away alone in a nursing home on the afternoon of the 14th, without any family to accompany him, at the age of 88. Subsequently, senior voice actor Ding Yu confirmed the death of Zhang Yingcai, and Hong Kong writer Shen Xicheng also posted on social media, saying, "Zhang Yingcai has also left." This has attracted a large number of netizens to mourn. Perhaps young audiences may be a bit unfamiliar with this name, but when they see this familiar face, they will think of Tai Bai Jin Xing in Journey to the West, Huang Mei Master in Tianlong Babu, Fang Zheng Fang Zhang in Xiaoao Jianghu, and those chivalrous dreams of wandering the world that were built by sitting in front of fans in childhood summers. Zhang Yingcai played the role of Master Huang Mei in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" and filmed nearly 200 films for the young master of the Shaw family. In 1934, Zhang Yingcai was born in Hong Kong

The pilot's face was covered in blood, but he remained calm while driving. A giant bird shattered glass and crashed into a cabin in Ecuador, leaving bloodstains on the plane
The pilot's face was covered in blood, but he remained calm while driving. A giant bird shattered glass and crashed into a cabin in Ecuador, leaving bloodstains on the plane

Video screenshot: According to the New York Post on June 15th, a plane in Ecuador was flying when a giant bird suddenly smashed the windshield and crashed into the cockpit. The unexpected impact left the pilot with bloodstains on his face, but he remained calm and continued to pilot the plane. This video circulating on social media shows a pilot tightly gripping the control stick while piloting an airplane, with the wreckage of a large bird hanging directly above him, and the bird's huge claws visible. The screen then turned to the pilot, and he could be seen with bloodstains on his face and uniform, but he continued to pilot the plane with a calm expression. American media reported that the bird that collided with the plane died a few minutes after the impact. Its species is not yet clear, but some speculate that it is an Andean bald eagle,

Causing 1 death and 1 injury, foreign media: An attack on two tourists at a tourist attraction in Germany | Germany | tourist attraction
Causing 1 death and 1 injury, foreign media: An attack on two tourists at a tourist attraction in Germany | Germany | tourist attraction

According to the website of Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao, a man who sexually harassed two female tourists in a tourist attraction in southern Germany met resistance and threw them into a ravine in anger, killing one woman and injuring the other. At present, the man involved in the case has been arrested. According to a report by German newspaper Bild on June 15th local time, the incident occurred near Neuschwanstein Castle at the foot of the Alps in Bavaria, Germany. Two women met a man on a bridge that provided a distant view of the castle. They clashed physically with him due to the man's harassment. The man then pushed the two women over the railing of the bridge and threw them into a 50 meter deep mountain ditch below. German television reported that among the two victims, a 21-year-old woman died in the hospital, and her 22-year-old companion was injured and hospitalized. Based on comprehensive reports from German media,

A big fire broke out on site!, At least 15 people die in a serious car accident in Canada | Capri Town | Car accident
A big fire broke out on site!, At least 15 people die in a serious car accident in Canada | Capri Town | Car accident

On the 15th local time, a semi-trailer truck collided with a bus carrying numerous elderly passengers near the town of Capri in the southwestern province of Manitoba, causing at least 15 deaths. According to Agence France Presse, Canadian police reported that they are responding to a "collision accident that caused large-scale casualties" near the town of Capri, with emergency personnel and Royal Canadian Mounted Police present at the scene. Manitoba police officer Rob Hill stated that a bus carrying approximately 25 people collided with a semi-trailer truck at an intersection, with at least 15 confirmed deaths and approximately 10 others taken to the hospital. Hill added that the majority of passengers on the bus are elderly. Reuters quoted local police as saying that the drivers of the two cars survived. The police refused to disclose who may be responsible for the accident. Agence France Presse Assistance