The world

The United States announces arms sales to Taiwan!, Foreign media: sensitive moments
The United States announces arms sales to Taiwan!, Foreign media: sensitive moments

It is understood that this batch of search and tracking pods will significantly enhance the F-16V's long-range reconnaissance capabilities and enhance its air combat effectiveness. The "Legion Strategy Module" next to the F-16 air intake is the infrared search and tracking system. Reuters reported that although the military sales case did not mention specific items, it only mentioned that the main contractor was Lockheed Martin, which produced the F-16. It is speculated that the equipment may be the Archer strategy module previously sold to Taiwan, or the latest Legion strategy module

China ranks third! Yao Ming officially enters the FIBA Hall of Fame
China ranks third! Yao Ming officially enters the FIBA Hall of Fame

On the 24th, FIBA announced through social media that the 2023 FIBA International Basketball Association Hall of Fame selection ceremony will be held on the 23rd in Manila, the capital of the Philippines. Chinese Basketball Association President Yao Ming has been officially selected, becoming the third Chinese to enter the FIBA Hall of Fame after Mou Zuoyun and Zheng Haixia. The International Basketball Federation once commented on Yao Ming as follows: "Yao Ming once represented the Chinese men's basketball team in international competitions. He was the scoring champion of the 2006 Men's Basketball World Cup and also the first international player to enter the NBA as the top scorer. As an eight time NBA All Star player, he continued to play the role of the global spokesperson for this sport." Before the words "Yao Ming", the picture was adorned with many titles: Little Giant, Great Wall of China, First Center, Olympic Flag bearer, Club Owner, and Chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association... "

Four county-level cities have entered major cities, with a net population inflow of over 500000 in nine counties: nearly one million in Yiwu
Four county-level cities have entered major cities, with a net population inflow of over 500000 in nine counties: nearly one million in Yiwu

The net inflow of population refers to the difference between the permanent population and the registered residence population. If the permanent population is larger than the registered residence population, it means that the urban population is in a net inflow, otherwise it is a net outflow. In China, some economically developed counties have also attracted a large number of migrants, with a relatively large net inflow of population. So, which counties have a higher net inflow of population? According to statistical bulletins and public data from various regions, First Financial reporters have found that the net inflow of population in 9 counties in China has exceeded 500000 people, namely Yiwu, Kunshan, Jinjiang, Cixi, Changshu, Changsha County, Xinzheng, Zhangjiagang, and Jiangyin. Seven of them come from the eastern coast, and two come from the central region. It should be noted that the net inflow of population reflects the stock over the years, not the changes in a single year. Secondly, a part of the registered residence population in a place always flows out

China is deeply concerned that some countries continue to strengthen their illegal military presence in Syria
China is deeply concerned that some countries continue to strengthen their illegal military presence in Syria

On August 23, Geng Shuang, the Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, said that some countries continue to strengthen their illegal military presence in Syria, and China is deeply concerned about this. On the same day, Geng Shuang emphasized in his speech at the Security Council's open meeting on Syrian political issues that Syrian sovereignty and territorial integrity must be respected. China urges foreign military forces to immediately end their illegal presence and military operations in Syria, and to immediately stop illegal plundering of natural resources in Syria. Geng Shuang stated that a political solution is the fundamental way out for the Syrian issue. China supports the United Nations Secretary General's Special Envoy for Syria, Pei Kairu, in following the "action for action" approach and engaging extensively with all parties to implement Security Council Resolution 2254. We look forward to the early resumption of the Constitutional Committee meeting in accordance with the principle of "Syrian leadership and Syrian ownership". China looks forward to Ala

Announcement from the General Administration of Customs: Starting from today, the import of aquatic products originating from Japan will be completely suspended
Announcement from the General Administration of Customs: Starting from today, the import of aquatic products originating from Japan will be completely suspended

Beijing, August 24th (Xinhua) - The Japanese government ignored strong questioning and opposition from the international community and unilaterally initiated the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea on August 24th. According to the laws and regulations of our country and relevant provisions of the World Trade Organization, the General Administration of Customs has decided to completely suspend the import of aquatic products originating from Japan from August 24, 2023. The announcement released by the General Administration of Customs on the same day showed that in order to comprehensively prevent the radioactive pollution risk caused by the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea in Japan, protect the health of Chinese consumers, and ensure the safety of imported food, in accordance with the Food Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and its implementation regulations, the Measures for the Administration of Import and Export Food Safety of the People's Republic of China, as well as the relevant provisions of the Agreement on the Implementation of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures of the World Trade Organization, the General Administration of Customs has decided to

Experience the vitality, influence, and attractiveness of the BRICS mechanism, being strong at the forefront of major country diplomacy, both inside and outside the venue
Experience the vitality, influence, and attractiveness of the BRICS mechanism, being strong at the forefront of major country diplomacy, both inside and outside the venue

>The BRICS countries account for 26% of the global area, 42% of the population, and 25% of the total economic output, representing the historical trend of the collective rise of developing countries. Why is it said that the BRICS countries are a big family of mutual assistance and good partners for win-win cooperation? What is the special meaning and value of the term "partner" for the BRICS countries?Producer | Shen Yong Planner | Shi Wei, Wang Pengfei Reporter | Lu Xinyu, Pan Yi Information | Ding Xin

The First Offline Meeting of Leaders of BRICS Countries, Strong @ Frontline of Major Power Diplomacy | After Three Years
The First Offline Meeting of Leaders of BRICS Countries, Strong @ Frontline of Major Power Diplomacy | After Three Years

>The 15th BRICS Leaders' Meeting, held on the morning of the 23rd local time, revolved around the theme of "BRICS and Africa: Deepening Partnership, Promoting Mutual Growth, Achieving Sustainable Development, and Strengthening Inclusive Multilateralism", continuing the good cooperation momentum of last year's BRICS "China Year" and jointly creating a better future for the BRICS. How can BRICS countries strengthen unity and cooperation? How to promote the development and growth of the BRICS cooperation mechanism? Entering Africa again after five years, what are the "African elements" of the BRICS summit? The frontline of major country diplomacy arrived early at the Sugido Conference Center in Johannesburg, where the meeting was held. Amidst the crowds of journalists, they felt the increasing influence and attractiveness of the BRICS mechanism. By the way, the "frontline of great power diplomacy" has also arrived at a mysterious location, taking you from a different perspective to see the BRICS countries carrying

Continuously popular!
Continuously popular!

As of 18:00 on August 23, the program has been translated into multiple languages such as English, French, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese, Hausa, Swahili, Hindi, Tamil, etc., and has been broadcasted and launched on 209 mainstream media outlets in more than 80 countries worldwide, causing a warm response.

Ready - written in the 30 day countdown to the Hangzhou Asian Games, we
Ready - written in the 30 day countdown to the Hangzhou Asian Games, we

After the summer heat, summer and autumn come, entering the season of harvest. The footsteps of the Hangzhou Asian Games are clearly audible. In 30 days, the main torch of the Hangzhou Asian Games will be lit at the Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium, and the 19th Hangzhou Asian Games will kick off in anticipation; In 30 days, tens of thousands of athletes, technical officials, media reporters, and audiences from various Asian countries and regions will gather in Zhejiang to jointly write the story of this grand event. This is a highly anticipated sports event and a lively cultural feast. It will showcase the unique charm of "poetry and painting of Jiangnan and vibrant Zhejiang", and will undoubtedly promote the further high-quality development of China's sports industry. It will also become a stage for Asian civilization exchange and mutual learning, and the unity and progress of Asian people. During the Asian Games, exciting moments gather. As various preparations enter a sprint and

What are the future development trends?, Accelerate centralized cooling in multiple locations
What are the future development trends?, Accelerate centralized cooling in multiple locations

This summer, many areas have been experiencing sustained high temperatures. Not only do southern cities continue their barbecue style, but traditional summer resorts in the northwest and northeast are also being tested by high temperatures. In this context, the topic of how refrigeration can be more efficient and environmentally friendly has attracted public attention. Xinhua Vision reporters have found that many regions are accelerating the exploration of centralized cooling in different regions. Will this method be widely implemented compared to centralized heating? What are the future development trends? More and more centralized refrigeration projects are under construction, and about 20 buildings in the Shenzhen Bay Super Headquarters Base will adopt centralized cooling in the future. Fu Jianping, Chairman of Shenzhen Qianhai Shenran Energy Development Co., Ltd., responsible for centralized cooling in the region, told reporters that research is currently underway to determine the scale of cooling installed capacity and the construction mode of cold station civil engineering. Regional centralized cooling refers to the installation of cooling systems within a certain area

Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Genetically modified foods that can cause cancer and infertility are rumors
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs: Genetically modified foods that can cause cancer and infertility are rumors

The person in charge of the Science and Technology Development Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Areas and the National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center replied to reporters about promoting the industrialization of biological breeding. This year, the No. 1 central document of the central government proposed to accelerate the industrialization of corn and soybean biological breeding, orderly expand the scope of the pilot, and standardize planting management. How is the progress of this work as we are currently halfway through? Recently, the reporter interviewed the responsible persons of the Science and Technology Development Center of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center on relevant issues. Q: Many people are concerned about the industrial application of genetically modified corn and soybeans, and some netizens ask why it is necessary to carry out genetically modified technology. What is the overall consideration and arrangement for this work, and how is the current progress? Answer: Genetically modified organisms are indeed a concern for everyone, and there are even some controversies. We have also noticed that some people say that using conventional seeds is not

Citizens do not need to follow the example of overseas salt hoarding, as Guangdong's salt supply is safe and sufficient
Citizens do not need to follow the example of overseas salt hoarding, as Guangdong's salt supply is safe and sufficient

Japan announced the launch of the Fukushima nuclear contaminated water discharge into the sea on the afternoon of the 24th, which has sparked widespread global attention and discussion, and some overseas markets have experienced a phenomenon of salt rush buying. Some consumers in Guangdong are concerned about the impact of Japan's nuclear contaminated water discharge on the safety of salt supply in our province. Southern+reporters interviewed Guangdong Salt Industry Group on relevant issues. As the only provincial-level salt production, transportation, and reserve enterprise in Guangdong Province, the group bears the responsibility of Guangdong's salt government reserves and supply guarantee. Guangdong Province, cities, and enterprises have sufficient reserves of salt. As a special food, the country has a strict and complete standard system for testing the quality of salt. Among them, sea salt is made from seawater as raw material, naturally exposed to sunlight, without adding chemicals, and retains various minerals and trace elements required by the human body, such as calcium

Yao Ming remains as a member of the Central Bureau, while Al Thani is elected as the President of the FIBA
Yao Ming remains as a member of the Central Bureau, while Al Thani is elected as the President of the FIBA

The FIBA announced on the 23rd that former AFC President and Qatari Al Thani has been elected as the new FIBA President. At the same time, the list of members of the new FIBA Central Bureau has been announced, and Yao Ming, Chairman of the Chinese Basketball Association, will continue to serve as a member of the Central Bureau. On the occasion of the upcoming 2023 Men's Basketball World Cup, the International Basketball Federation held its annual conference in Manila, Philippines, and Alessani was elected as the chairman at the conference. Al Thani once served as the President of the Asian Basketball Federation. After Yao Ming took over his position in 2019, Al Thani became the President of the Asian Basketball Federation and was also elected as the Vice President of the International Basketball Federation. This year, the term of FIBA President Hamane Nyon came to an end, and Al Thani successfully took over. After being elected, Al Thani said, "This is a great honor for me personally, my country Qatar, and the Asia I am in. I am now..."

Police: 11 people have been arrested. The wife of a prisoner from Taiwan, China, China in Cambodia hired gangsters to rob prisoners
Police: 11 people have been arrested. The wife of a prisoner from Taiwan, China, China in Cambodia hired gangsters to rob prisoners

According to the Cambodian China Times, on August 17, five masked armed gangsters attacked the prison guards escorting prisoners in a dental hospital in Siem Reap, Cambodia, and robbed Chen, a prisoner from Taiwan, China, China. On the 23rd, the Cambodian police reported that as of the morning of the 23rd, a total of 11 suspects have been arrested, including Chen who was abducted. The Cambodian police stated that Chen's wife spared no expense in hiring an American gang to rob her husband who was serving his sentence in prison. The deputy director of the Cambodian National Police General Administration in charge of anti drug work in the picture, Mo Jidu, said that among the 11 suspects arrested, in addition to Mr. Chen, the other 10 suspects include a man from Taiwan, China, a female Chinese American, a Cambodian man, a Saudi Arabian man, and six Cambodian American men. At present, the police have identified 7 suspects at large, including 6 Turks and

Nvidia: Long term chip export controls against China will cause the US industry to lose competitive opportunities
Nvidia: Long term chip export controls against China will cause the US industry to lose competitive opportunities

AI chip giant Nvidia reiterated that if the US government restricts Nvidia from selling GPUs to China, it will cause the US industry to lose its leading edge in one of the world's largest markets. On August 23rd local time, during a conference call after the release of the second quarter financial report, Nvidia CFO Colette Kress stated that although Washington has implemented export restrictions against China, the majority of AI chip demand still comes from China, and Chinese buyers account for 20% to 25% of its total data center product revenue. Kress believes that given the strong global demand for Nvidia products, if the US government imposes additional export restrictions on data center GPUs, it is not expected to have an immediate significant impact on Nvidia's revenue performance. But at the same time, it is pointed out that "in the long run, such as..."

Comrade Yu Zeyou passed away
Comrade Yu Zeyou passed away

Comrade Yu Zeyou, an outstanding leader of the China Democratic League, Vice Chairman of the Eighth and Ninth Central Committees of the China Democratic League, and an outstanding member of the CPC, died of illness in Beijing on August 18, 2023 at the age of 91. During Comrade Yu Zeyou's critical illness and after his passing, relevant central leaders expressed condolences and condolences in different ways. Yu Zeyou, from Huai'an, Hebei, was born in November 1932. I studied in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Tsinghua University and the Refining Department at Beijing Institute of Petroleum from 1952 to 1957. From 1957 to 1987, he served as a technician, engineer, deputy head of the technical department, director of the research institute, director of the design institute, director of the infrastructure department, deputy chief engineer, chief engineer, deputy factory director, factory director, company general manager, and senior engineer at Dandong Chemical Fiber Industry Company. one hundred and ninety-eight

Jiangsu Internet Reporting Center responded to the "gift of Deputy Director Gao" related microblog: under investigation
Jiangsu Internet Reporting Center responded to the "gift of Deputy Director Gao" related microblog: under investigation

"Thank you for the gift from Deputy Director Gao. I will work hard to serve the people." "Director Jing knew that I was in a bad mood and gave me a beautiful little banana as a gift." "Fortunately, I have a small place among a group of senior and deputy department level officials." Recently, a series of Weibo posts by Sina Weibo user @ Awhitedrese with an IP address of Jiangsu have attracted public attention. In the morning of August 24, the staff of Jiangsu Internet Illegal and Harmful Bad Information Reporting Center said that they had paid attention to this matter and were investigating and handling it. Pengpai News noticed that earlier, other Weibo users pointed out that "showing off everything will only harm you and the Deputy Director Gao and Chief Jing who gave you gifts." The user involved, @ Awhitedrese, left a message saying, "I'm here, I'll leave you a fake.".

Russian bombers are suspected to have been destroyed by Ukrainian drones again
Russian bombers are suspected to have been destroyed by Ukrainian drones again

On August 21st, the Ukrainian Defense Express website reported that after a Ukrainian drone attacked the Soltsi Air Force Base in the Novgorod region of Russia on the 19th and destroyed a Tu-22M3 supersonic long-range bomber, the Ukrainian military drone attacked the Shekovka military airport in Kaluga, Russia on the morning of the 21st, suspected of destroying another Tu-22M3 bomber. At present, the Russian authorities have not responded. How much damage may Ukraine's drone attack cause to Russia? What impact will the Ukrainian army's drone tactics bring to the Russia-Ukraine conflict? Why does the Ukrainian army want to destroy the Russian Tu-22 bomber? According to a previous report by TASS, on August 15th, Yuri Ignati, spokesperson for the Ukrainian Air Force Command, stated on a program that Ukraine's air defense system

The county government responded that multiple art students had their sketching tools thrown away in Hongcun, Anhui
The county government responded that multiple art students had their sketching tools thrown away in Hongcun, Anhui

On the evening of August 23rd, a netizen posted a video claiming that several art students were painting in the Hongcun Scenic Area of Yixian County, Anhui Province when their artworks were thrown away, resulting in significant losses. On the morning of the 24th, the government of Yixian County, where the scenic area is located, responded to Jimu News reporters that the incident occurred in the scenic area and is currently under investigation and handling. "Yesterday was the first day, it was a bit hazy," a student told Jimu News reporters. After sketching by the South Lake in Hongcun that day, they left for dinner at around 6 pm, leaving their painting tools in place and then resting. At around 9 o'clock, she heard from her classmates that the drawing board had been damaged. It was only when she arrived at the scene that she saw a mess, and all her unfinished works were thrown to the ground. Another student said that they had not received any prior notice to tidy up the scattered painting materials on the ground. And there is also a student table

Strengthening Supervision, General Administration of Customs: Continuously Conducting Radioactive Pollution Assessment on Japanese Food
Strengthening Supervision, General Administration of Customs: Continuously Conducting Radioactive Pollution Assessment on Japanese Food

On August 24th, the head of the Import and Export Food Safety Bureau of the General Administration of Customs answered questions from reporters regarding the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. The person in charge stated that the Japanese government ignored strong questioning and opposition from the international community and unilaterally initiated the discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea on August 24th. Chinese customs are highly concerned about the risk of radioactive contamination caused by Japan's actions in exporting food and agricultural products to China. In order to prevent the export of Japanese food contaminated by radiation to China and protect the lives and health of the people, the General Administration of Customs continues to conduct assessments of the risk of radiation contamination in Japanese food. On the basis of strict safety assurance, strengthened regulatory measures have been taken for imported food from Japan. According to relevant laws and regulations in China, as well as the provisions of the Agreement on the Implementation of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures of the World Trade Organization, the General Administration of Customs has decided to impose restrictions on the place of origin

The latest brain computer interface device has been developed internationally to help severely paralyzed individuals recover their communication skills
The latest brain computer interface device has been developed internationally to help severely paralyzed individuals recover their communication skills

The internationally renowned academic journal Nature has recently published two neuroscience papers, and researchers have reported the development of a new brain computer interface device that can decode brain activity into language more quickly, accurately, and with a larger vocabulary than existing technologies. The research findings demonstrate advances in technology aimed at helping severely paralyzed individuals recover their communication skills. According to the paper, people with neurological disorders often lose their language ability due to muscle paralysis. Previous studies have shown that language can be decoded from the brain activity of paralyzed patients, but it can only be output in written form, with limited speed, accuracy, and vocabulary. In one of the research papers, Francis Willett and colleagues from Stanford University in the United States developed a brain computer interface device that can be inserted into the brain's fine fibers

Journalist's on-site inspection: The highest radiation value around the Fukushima nuclear power plant is 200 times that of Tokyo
Journalist's on-site inspection: The highest radiation value around the Fukushima nuclear power plant is 200 times that of Tokyo

On August 24th, CCTV News reported that the Japanese government ignored domestic and foreign opposition and officially launched the discharge of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea at 13:00 local time on August 24th. At the fishing port about 6.5 kilometers away from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, there are more than ten fishing boats parked at the port, but no fishermen are seen. The CCTV reporter conducted on-site visits and tested the port with a radiometer, and the radiation level was much higher than that in Tokyo. Tokyo Electric Power Company stated that the discharge into the sea will last for at least 30 years. This will affect the entire Pacific and even global waters. According to @ Xiaoyang Video, the highest radiation level around Fukushima is 200 times that of Tokyo. The reporter conducted a radiometer test about 6.5 kilometers away from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, and the result showed 0.10 μ Sv/h. The reporter stated that when in Tokyo, the radiometer test result was 0.01 μ

Creating a sensation for personal gain, Trump plans to live stream his self proclaimed president during prime time in the evening
Creating a sensation for personal gain, Trump plans to live stream his self proclaimed president during prime time in the evening

The Wall Street Journal reported on the 23rd that former US President Trump had previously announced that he would surrender himself in Fulton County, Atlanta, Georgia on the evening of the 24th local time, which is the morning of the 25th Beijing time, in a criminal case suspected of overturning the results of the 2020 presidential election. According to reports, Trump has chosen to surrender in the evening, so that major television stations in the United States can broadcast during prime time. It is said that Trump is seeking to maximize television ratings for his own benefit. 【 News Link 】 Four TV stations will broadcast subpoenas of Trump. According to a report by the Congressional Hill on the 22nd, the state judge in charge of former US President Trump's case in Georgia has ruled that during the defendant's subpoena, the court will allow filming, marking Trump's criminal prosecution process

Repatriated due to group chat information! Chinese students studying abroad in the United States have repeatedly encountered obstacles from the US, and their phones have been confiscated
Repatriated due to group chat information! Chinese students studying abroad in the United States have repeatedly encountered obstacles from the US, and their phones have been confiscated

China Overseas Chinese Network, August 23 (Xinhua) - The "Study Abroad Voice" column of China Overseas Chinese Network has recently received feedback from some students studying in the United States, sharing their experiences of being hindered by the US during their entry into the United States and studying there, which has affected their academic performance. Three Chinese international students were questioned and threatened upon entry, describing their recent situation when entering the United States with valid US visas: they were detained and interrogated for a long time by US Customs and Border Protection and Homeland Security personnel. In the absence of factual evidence and valid permits, American personnel detained electronic products such as computers and mobile phones of the parties involved and demanded power on passwords. They repeatedly entangled whether the parties involved had a background in the Communist Party of China and the military, and ultimately refused entry to three Chinese international students and induced them to sign visa waiver documents. The international students involved have reported that the US has resorted to harsh interrogation methods

Japan's strong discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea causes endless harm
Japan's strong discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea causes endless harm

On August 24th, along the northeast Pacific coast of Japan, Tokyo Electric Power Company began the official discharge of contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. In the following decades, the contaminated water generated by the Fukushima nuclear power plant will continue to be discharged into the sea. The consequences of Japan's forced discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea cannot be overstated. The long-term consequences of this move on the marine environment are unpredictable. The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has stored up to 1.34 million tons of contaminated water so far, and TEPCO has set a emissions target of 31200 tons for 2023. However, there is no doubt that emissions will increase significantly in the future. Meanwhile, due to the cooling and melting of the core with water, as well as the flow of rainwater and groundwater, a large amount of high concentration nuclear contaminated water continues to be produced every day. Japanese media quoted experts as saying that in the long future, nuclear contaminated water will continue to flow continuously

The "trans provincial general office" in Beijing and Guangdong accounts for the majority, and more than 134000 couples are married on Qixi Festival
The "trans provincial general office" in Beijing and Guangdong accounts for the majority, and more than 134000 couples are married on Qixi Festival

This year's Qixi Festival is the first peak after the expansion of the pilot program of "trans provincial general office" for marriage registration of mainland residents. According to the statistics released by the China Social Daily on August 24, as of 24:00 on August 22, 2023, there were 134588 marriage registrations nationwide on the day of Qixi Festival, including 3558 "trans provincial" marriage registrations. Pengpai News noticed that Guangdong and Beijing accounted for 70.01% of the 3558 marriage registrations completed through the "inter provincial communication". Among them, on Qixi Festival, there were 7849 marriage registration pairs in Guangdong Province, and 1608 marriage registration pairs were "cross provincial general office". A total of 2802 marriage registrations have been processed in Beijing, of which 883 cases have been processed through cross provincial procedures. It is also worth mentioning that the number of marriage registrations in several provinces on Qixi Festival this year is higher than that of last year

Victims of the Nagasaki nuclear explosion protest against the discharge of contaminated water into the sea: no more nuclear radiation victims
Victims of the Nagasaki nuclear explosion protest against the discharge of contaminated water into the sea: no more nuclear radiation victims

According to a report by Kyodo News Agency on the 24th, the second generation group contact agreement meeting for victims of nuclear explosions in Japan held a press conference on the same day to protest against the Japanese government and Tokyo Electric Power Company's discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea, stating that "as victims of the Nagasaki nuclear explosion, it is difficult to tolerate". On the 24th, the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan started discharging contaminated water into the sea. On the same day, Japan held a press conference on the second generation group contact agreement for victims of nuclear explosions, reiterating its opposition to the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea. The group stated that they do not want to see victims of nuclear radiation appear again. "No matter how low the amount of nuclear radiation is, it is harmful to health. The data of victims who died from the pain of nuclear radiation has proven this. Nuclear cannot coexist with humans." The council has sent protest materials via email on the 22nd

Enjoy participating! This children's karate invitational is being held and they love sports
Enjoy participating! This children's karate invitational is being held and they love sports

Recently, the first edition of the "Huinan Cup" Children's Karate Invitational of the 2023 "Running Youth" Shanghai Children's Sports League was held. 200 "little athletes" showcase their charm while interpreting the national sports spirit of "love sports, enjoy participation" and the concept of "sports+neighborhood". This competition is jointly organized by Shanghai Youth Training and Management Center, Shanghai Youth Sports Association, and Shanghai Student Activity Management Center, and organized by Huinan Town Cultural Service Center and Quan Tae Kong Sports Brokerage Development Co., Ltd. The theme is "Gathering Neighborhood Competition Families". This invitation competition adheres to the concept of national fitness and sets up 7 competition groups according to the age groups of participants, meeting the participation needs of young athletes in different age groups of 6 to 17 years old. The level setting includes both male and female individuals

Let's take a look at his story, community police officers transform into short video anti fraud pioneers
Let's take a look at his story, community police officers transform into short video anti fraud pioneers

"Sweet words imitate stars, and fake voices and fake faces are really deceitful." Coincident with the "Qixi Festival", Ni Yinfei, a police officer of Zhuqiao Police Station of Pudong Public Security Bureau, is busy shooting anti fraud propaganda videos for residents in the area under its jurisdiction on Qixi Festival. As a senior community police officer, he has performed a series of humorous and interesting short dramas and produced them into short videos, bringing a wealth of knowledge points to prevent telecommunications network fraud to the public. As a community police officer, Ni Yinfei has always been concerned about the salary security of batches of migrant workers. The traditional "point-to-point" promotion format cannot keep up with the speed of personnel turnover in the factory. In order to help employees in the factory better establish awareness of telecommunications network fraud prevention, it is necessary to use some thought-provoking methods to help employees learn anti fraud knowledge. So, Ni Yinfei gradually developed his own set of strategies in practice

New progress has been made in the construction of Line 21! These two stations have entered the excavation stage of the foundation pit
New progress has been made in the construction of Line 21! These two stations have entered the excavation stage of the foundation pit

Recently, the Yanggao North Road Station and Kangnan Road Station of Line 21 Phase I project have successively entered the excavation stage of the foundation pit, laying the foundation for the construction of the main structure of the station. At present, out of the 18 stations in the first phase of Line 21, 11 stations have started construction. Yanggao North Road Station is located on the east side of the intersection of Jufeng Road and Yanggao North Road, arranged in a north-south direction along the green belt on the east side of Yanggao North Road, and connected to Yanggao North Road Station on Line 12 for transfer. The station is an underground three story island style station. The total length of the main body of the station is 170 meters, with a standard section width of 21.6 meters and a standard section foundation pit depth of approximately 28.2 meters. The excavation depth of Yanggao North Road Station on Line 21, along with numerous surrounding structures and pipelines, poses extremely high requirements for safe and civilized construction and risk management. The Fourth Branch of Shentong Metro Construction Group requires participating units to layout in advance and make reasonable arrangements before the excavation of the foundation pit