The world

How did the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region become a "furnace"?, Starting from the 27th, high temperatures will reappear | Huanghuai | Furnace
How did the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region become a "furnace"?, Starting from the 27th, high temperatures will reappear | Huanghuai | Furnace

On the first day of work after the holiday, the high temperature weather in North China, Huanghuai and other areas has weakened, and the Central Meteorological Observatory has lowered the orange high temperature warning to a yellow warning. But starting from the 27th, there will be another heatwave in North China, Huanghuai, Fenwei Plain and other areas. According to statistics, the average temperature in China from the 22nd to the 24th was 31.6 ℃, with a maximum temperature of 41.8 ℃. Among the national meteorological stations, there are 1590 with temperatures reaching 30 ℃ or above, accounting for 64.69%; 370 have reached 37 ℃; There are 130 that reach 40 ℃. From the 21st to the 24th, the high temperature weather in the Beijing Tianjin Hebei region developed rapidly. The highest temperatures in Beijing, Tianjin, central southern and northeastern Hebei reached 38 ℃ to 41 ℃, with 14 national meteorological stations exceeding historical extremes and 37 stations exceeding the same period in June. The highest temperature in the region occurred on the 22nd

How is Russia doing now?, After the plot twists, Roston | Wagner | Plot
How is Russia doing now?, After the plot twists, Roston | Wagner | Plot

Within 24 hours, the situation in Russia suddenly tightened and stabilized, and the Wagner incident, which was classified as a "rebellion" by Russian President Putin, came to a temporary end. On the evening of the 24th, the Russian side emphasized that the current situation will be stabilized and will not affect the progress of Russia's special military action against Ukraine. Counter terrorism actions against the rebellion will also be canceled in the near future—— What are the movements of Wagner's troops? According to Russian media reports, personnel of the Wagner organization and all their heavy military equipment have completely left the area where the headquarters of the Southern Russian Military Region is located late on the 24th. Rostov Governor Vasily Golubev posted on social media that Wagner's troops have withdrawn from Rostov on Don and are heading to their field camp. Rostov on the banks of the Don River is the headquarters of the Southern Russian Military Region and the command center for special military operations against Ukraine. On June 24th, in Russia

Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu Holds Consultations with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Rudenko Foreign Minister | Region | Russia
Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu Holds Consultations with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Rudenko Foreign Minister | Region | Russia

On June 25, 2023, Vice Foreign Minister Ma Chaoxu held consultations with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Ludenko in Beijing.In the complex and severe international situation, it is necessary to take the important consensus of the two heads of state as the guide, communicate and balance in a timely manner, ensure stable and far-reaching relations between the two countries, and safeguard the common interests of both sides. Rudenko stated that currently, Russia China relations are at their best in history, and high-level exchanges and cooperation in various fields between the two countries maintain a positive development momentum. The Russian side is willing to continue working together with the Chinese side to promote mutually beneficial cooperation between the two countries and achieve more results. Both sides agree that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization plays an important role in maintaining regional security and stability, and promoting common development among all countries. Both parties will further increase

Zhonggong Manping | Sending More "Union Cool" Workers to Employees in the Heat | Union | Zhonggong
Zhonggong Manping | Sending More "Union Cool" Workers to Employees in the Heat | Union | Zhonggong

Painting/Liu Qi text/Li Jing hot summer, trade unions around the active action. Distribution of Huoxiang Zhengqi water and other heatstroke prevention and cooling supplies; open-air work to avoid high temperature periods, shorten the continuous working time of workers; set up migrant workers' summer rooms, in the work surface to install high-power fans ...... In the Guangzhou-Dongguan-Shenzhen intercity railway before the emperor section of the four work area Huanggang port station site, the first-line builders felt the high temperature "mother's family" sent care and care. It is currently in the hot summer. Since June, the highest temperature of many national meteorological observation stations in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and Shandong has exceeded the historical extreme. When the heat hits, doing a good job in preventing and cooling the workers is related to the life safety and health of countless workers, and the trade union is duty-bound. The All-China Federation of Trade Unions recently issued the ''Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Prevention and Cooling of Workers' Heatstroke in 2023.''

People's Forum Online Review | Singing the Song of Youth in the Journey of Dedication to the Motherland | Youth | Era | Youth
People's Forum Online Review | Singing the Song of Youth in the Journey of Dedication to the Motherland | Youth | Era | Youth

On June 19th, the 19th National Congress of the Communist Youth League of China opened in Beijing. Nearly 1500 representatives from all over the country gathered in Beijing, shouldering the heavy responsibility of over 73 million Communist Youth League members, to jointly draw the next five-year development blueprint and look forward to the bright future of building a strong country in the new era. With ideals as the carrier and struggle as the sail, they stirred up the surging spring tide of national rejuvenation, demonstrating the mission and responsibility of Chinese youth in the new era.

Zhang Hao and Li Sihan: Understanding the Significant Significance of "Two Combinations" from a Strategic Perspective Culture | China | Strategy
Zhang Hao and Li Sihan: Understanding the Significant Significance of "Two Combinations" from a Strategic Perspective Culture | China | Strategy

We must deeply understand the significance of the "two combinations" from a strategic perspective

How will the "Million Project" iterate and upgrade? Zhejiang | Global | Engineering
How will the "Million Project" iterate and upgrade? Zhejiang | Global | Engineering

Next, Zhejiang will accelerate the iteration and upgrading of the "Ten Million Projects", accelerate the construction of a new picture of "Ten Million Projects" with "Thousand Villages Leading, Ten Thousand Villages Revitalizing, Global Prosperity, and Urban Rural Harmony", and promote the "Ten Million Projects" to be more direct to people's hearts and shine brightly in the new era and new journey. The newly-built community in Dinghai District, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province is exploring the development model of "cultural leisure tourism" while promoting the "Ten Million Project", forming a unique feature of "culture+creativity+tourism"

Pancake Pan: A tool for frying pancakes that have been around for thousands of years. 1972 | Pancake
Pancake Pan: A tool for frying pancakes that have been around for thousands of years. 1972 | Pancake

A pottery pot unearthed from the Yangshao Culture Site in Qingtai Village, Guangwu Town, Xingyang City, Henan Province. Aozi is the main tool for making hot cakes and spreading pancakes. In the Qing Dynasty's "Shuowen Sentence Reading", it was recorded that "pan, with a round and flat surface, three legs, about two inches high, is also called a pancake pan." The Ming Dynasty's "Zhengzi Tong" also recorded that "pan, now known as a pancake pan, is also called a pancake pan." In ancient times, a pan was made by grinding a thin stone into a turtle back shape, then grinding it smooth. It can be heated on fire below, and can be used to heat a bun or spread pancakes on top. It was a cooking utensil specifically used for pancakes. The frying tools are constantly updated, and the roasting technology has a long history. In the Neolithic sites of China, a type of disc-shaped pottery with three legs on the edge is often unearthed. At first, cultural relics experts had no unified understanding of this until in the spring of 1981, archaeologists from the Zhengzhou Museum in Henan Province worked in Qingtai Village, Guangwu Town, Xingyang City, Henan Province

People's Daily Review: Strengthen safety supervision in key industries and areas. Safety Production | Enterprise | Field
People's Daily Review: Strengthen safety supervision in key industries and areas. Safety Production | Enterprise | Field

The State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council recently held an emergency video conference on central enterprise safety production to study and deploy central enterprise safety production work. The meeting emphasized that central enterprises should improve the quality of hazard investigation and rectification work, carry out in-depth hazard investigation and rectification in fields such as gas, hazardous chemicals, mines, and construction, strictly implement the responsibility system, prevent and warn accidents, build grassroots teams, enhance emergency capabilities, establish safety culture, strengthen safety production and disaster prevention during flood season and holidays, and resolutely curb the occurrence of major accidents. Safety production has always been of utmost importance, and no industry can afford to be careless. Seeking development and managing security have never been a contradiction. To some extent, safety is development, efficiency, and long-term competitiveness. We must not neglect safety just because we want efficiency and development. Especially in some key lines

Raise the rice bowls of 1.4 billion Chinese people, praise China, and comment on it. Land | Land use | China
Raise the rice bowls of 1.4 billion Chinese people, praise China, and comment on it. Land | Land use | China

Earth is the spitting creature of the earth. "Two" is like under the ground, within the ground, "|", and things take shape—— "Shuowen Jiezi" is a book about the birth of all things in the earth. The earth records that for thousands of generations, the land is the foundation of survival and development. For thousands of years, the Chinese people have been working on this land at sunrise and resting at sunset. The gifts of spring, summer, autumn harvest, and winter storage of the land continue to thrive, and they keep looking up and gazing at the wind blowing wheat waves, and the grains returning to the warehouse... Today is the 33rd National Land Day. This year's theme is "Saving and Intensive Land, Strictly Guarding the Red Line of Farmland". This "red line" is 1.8 billion acres of arable land, and guarding this "red line" is the foundation and cornerstone of the "Chinese Bowl" filled with "Chinese grain". Farmland is not coveted by anyone. Tang Monk's meat must not be slaughtered arbitrarily. We must protect farmland like we protect giant pandas

Hong Kong youth representatives speak out in support of Hong Kong's national security and France's security at the United Nations Human Rights Council | Hong Kong | Youth
Hong Kong youth representatives speak out in support of Hong Kong's national security and France's security at the United Nations Human Rights Council | Hong Kong | Youth

Geneva, June 24th (Xinhua) - Hong Kong Special Administrative Region youth representative Rong Shiyun gave a speech at the 53rd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council on June 23rd, introducing the social development situation in Hong Kong after the implementation of the National Security Law, expressing the sincere support of the young generation in Hong Kong for "One Country, Two Systems". Rong Shiyun stated that "One Country, Two Systems" enables Hong Kong to share the vast resources and huge market of the motherland while preserving its own socio-economic system and enjoying a high degree of autonomy. After the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, society has returned to stability, laying an important foundation for future development. The claim that the legitimate rights of the Hong Kong people have been infringed upon by national security laws is purely defamatory. Rong Shiyun stated that in fact, most Western countries have laws related to national security, which is a necessary condition for protecting the people, ensuring healthy economic development, and universal prosperity. According to the fragrance

Vitality in Travel, Tourism, and Consumption during the Dragon Boat Festival Holiday: Highlighting Data for Travelers | Nationwide | Data
Vitality in Travel, Tourism, and Consumption during the Dragon Boat Festival Holiday: Highlighting Data for Travelers | Nationwide | Data

CCTV News: The Dragon Boat Festival holiday has ended. According to statistics from the Ministry of Transport, the three-day holiday is expected to send over 140 million passengers nationwide. Transportation departments in various regions accurately allocate transportation capacity to ensure safe and orderly travel for passengers. During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, a total of 140.47 million passengers are expected to be sent by railways, highways, waterways, and civil aviation nationwide, an increase of 89.1% compared to the same period in 2022. Among them, the railway is expected to send 43.26 million passengers, an increase of 150.2% compared to the same period in 2022; The highway is expected to send 89.34 million passengers, an increase of 64.4% compared to the same period in 2022; The waterway is expected to send 2.53 million passengers, an increase of 99.3% compared to the same period in 2022; Civil aviation is expected to send 5.34 million passengers, an increase of 287% compared to the same period in 2022. In addition, two

Overview: "Patriots Governing Hong Kong" Implemented in Practice Hong Kong Showcases New Governance | Government | Governance | Implemented in Practice Hong Kong
Overview: "Patriots Governing Hong Kong" Implemented in Practice Hong Kong Showcases New Governance | Government | Governance | Implemented in Practice Hong Kong

From June 25th to July 1st this year, the sixth government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has celebrated its full anniversary. Over the past year, with the strong support of the central government, the new Special Administrative Region Government has put "patriots governing Hong Kong" into practice, demonstrating a new atmosphere of governance with courage, pragmatism, and progress. Looking back at the beginning of the current SAR government's inauguration, the central government proposed the "Four Musts" to the SAR government, among which it was explicitly stated that "it is necessary to implement the principle of 'patriots governing Hong Kong'.". The implementation of "patriots governing Hong Kong" is a fundamental principle that concerns national sovereignty, security, development interests, and the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong. Only in this way can national security be guaranteed, and Hong Kong can truly restart and move towards long-term stability. Without security and stability, nothing can be discussed. In mid May, the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Li Jiachao, attended the first session of the Legislative Council

The total length is 2712 kilometers! Traveling along the world's first desert railway to Xinjiang - Xinjiang | Guanqiaoqiao | Railway | Xinjiang
The total length is 2712 kilometers! Traveling along the world's first desert railway to Xinjiang - Xinjiang | Guanqiaoqiao | Railway | Xinjiang

Xinjiang, Taklamakan, vast sea of sand. Suddenly, a train passed through the tracks under the cover of green plants, breaking the silence around it. 13-year-old Abdul Reyim Abdul Ali looked out the window and occasionally raised his hand to look at his watch. In an hour or so, he will go to Uncle Kurban's hometown of Yutian County for further studies. "We have known the story of Uncle Kurban 'riding a donkey to Beijing' since we were young, but it is still the first time we have taken a train to his hometown." Abdul Reyim couldn't conceal his excitement in his words. More than 30 classmates who accompanied him were also full of expectations. In June last year, the Horuo Railway was opened, holding hands with the previously opened Geku Railway and Southern Xinjiang Railway, marking the formation of a closed loop of the Taklamakan Desert Railway Line. This is also the world's first desert railway line, with a total length of 2712 kilometers. A year has passed, and the reporter has been following the iron

The development of China's express delivery industry demonstrates strong resilience, reaching 60 billion packages 34 days ahead of schedule this year | Data | China
The development of China's express delivery industry demonstrates strong resilience, reaching 60 billion packages 34 days ahead of schedule this year | Data | China

CCTV News: The National Postal Administration released data today, stating that China's express delivery business has reached 60 billion pieces since the beginning of this year. Especially since June, multiple e-commerce platforms across the country have successively launched mid year promotional activities, driving a new round of growth in express delivery business volume. According to data from the National Postal Administration, as of June 24th, the volume of express delivery business in China has reached 60 billion pieces since the beginning of this year, 34 days ahead of reaching 60 billion pieces in 2022. Since the beginning of this year, China's express delivery business has exceeded 10 billion items in 39 days, 20 billion items in 67 days, 30 billion items in 96 days, 40 billion items in 124 days, 50 billion items in 151 days, and 60 billion items in 175 days. Since June, multiple e-commerce platforms across the country have successively launched mid year promotional activities, driving a new round of growth in express delivery business volume. country

Commentary: "China is a Key Part of New Zealand's Economic Recovery" Premier | China Singapore | Economy
Commentary: "China is a Key Part of New Zealand's Economic Recovery" Premier | China Singapore | Economy

From June 25th to 30th, New Zealand Prime Minister Hopkins led a delegation to visit China. This is Prime Minister Hopkins' first visit to China since taking office and has received widespread attention from foreign media. Promoting economic and trade cooperation between China and Singapore is an important highlight of Hopkins' visit to China. The official website of the New Zealand government shows that Hopkins will visit Beijing, Tianjin, and Shanghai successively. He said, "China accounts for nearly 1/4 of all our exports, making it our second largest source of tourists before the pandemic and an important source of international students. Therefore, China is a key part of New Zealand's economic recovery." Agence France Presse noted that the delegation accompanying the Prime Minister of New Zealand to China this time includes representatives from multiple industries such as dairy products, tourism, and education. The Otago Daily in New Zealand reported that the visit of the New Zealand Prime Minister to China will bring benefits to both sides. During this visit, Hopkins

The Vitality of China's Land from a Space Perspective of Special Protection of Permanent Basic Farmland Satellite | Farmland | Earth
The Vitality of China's Land from a Space Perspective of Special Protection of Permanent Basic Farmland Satellite | Farmland | Earth

CCTV News: The reporter learned from the Ministry of Natural Resources that the essence of cultivated land, permanent basic farmland, has been comprehensively designated and specially protected by the state. Permanent basic farmland is a high-quality cultivated land designated by law, with a focus on developing food production, especially ensuring the planting area of the three major grains of rice, wheat, and corn. As of now, 1.546 billion acres of permanent basic farmland have been designated nationwide. The Ministry of Natural Resources stated that in accordance with the principles of ensuring basic self-sufficiency of grains, absolute food security, and basic stability of grain planting scale, the state has clarified the protection tasks of permanent basic farmland in each province, and requires that all permanent basic farmland shall not be converted into other agricultural land such as forests, grasslands, gardens, and agricultural facility construction land. Chen Xiuxin, Director of the Comprehensive Department of the Farmland Protection Supervision Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources: Permanent basic farmland is food

Protect Liangtian and listen to me! Net increase in total arable land for two consecutive years | Basic farmland | Good farmland
Protect Liangtian and listen to me! Net increase in total arable land for two consecutive years | Basic farmland | Good farmland

Today is the 33rd National Land Day, with the theme of "Saving and Intensive Land Use, Strictly Adhering to the Red Line of Cultivated Land". The reporter learned from the Ministry of Natural Resources that this year, China will continue to strengthen the protection concept of integrating the quantity, quality, and ecology of arable land, and strictly abide by the red line of arable land protection. The latest data shows that the total amount of arable land in China has achieved a net increase for two consecutive years, with a cumulative increase of over 2 million mu over the past two years. Data shows that the current arable land area in China has reached 1.914 billion mu, providing a solid foundation for grain production exceeding 1.3 trillion jin for seven consecutive years. Chen Xiuxin, Director of the Comprehensive Department of the Farmland Protection Supervision Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources: Ensuring national food security and strictly guarding the red line of farmland are fundamental. The next step is to optimize the layout of arable land, and through economic rewards and punishments, urge southern provinces to promote it in a planned, rhythmic, categorized, and regional manner

More than a thousand German citizens protest against US military hegemony | Ramstein | United States
More than a thousand German citizens protest against US military hegemony | Ramstein | United States

On the 24th local time, more than 1000 German citizens held a demonstration in the small town of Ramstein in the southwest of Germany, protesting the US military hegemony, provoking wars everywhere, and repeatedly stoked the flames in the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The protesters demanded that the US military withdraw from Germany. CCTV reporter Yu Peng: This is the town of Ramstein in southwestern Germany, and it is also the location of Ramstein Air Force Base. On the noon of the 24th, thousands of German citizens came to this town for a parade and rally, and are now heading towards the air force base. They demanded that the US military withdraw from Germany. On that day, about 1500 people participated in the demonstration. The protesters waved slogans such as "Do not transport weapons to Ukraine", "Americans return home", and "There is no peace with NATO". CCTV reporter Yu Peng: The protesting crowd has arrived

Sports and leisure craze stimulates consumer vitality Dragon Boat | Vitality | Sports
Sports and leisure craze stimulates consumer vitality Dragon Boat | Vitality | Sports

CCTV News: During holidays, various regions carry out diverse sports and leisure activities, effectively unleashing consumer vitality and driving the vigorous development of related industries. The exciting dragon boat racing event has ignited the development of the dragon boat economy. Dongguan, Guangdong, with a history of over 300 years of dragon boat making, has received more than 100 orders, the highest in nearly 8 years. The workers and masters are busy day and night. Not only large dragon boats, but also small dragon boat models that integrate traditional techniques and trendy expressions are popular in the market. The local government has also introduced projects such as dragon boat clubs and camping bases, forming a dragon boat economic industry chain from dragon boat production, event training to cultural and creative research. Dragon boat races in the south and water sports in the north are also lively and colorful. Beijing opens up the Liangma River and other inland river areas to carry out sports such as kayaking and paddleboarding

[Truth | Random comment] The cold rice of "laboratory leakage theory" of COVID-19 is rotten to the intelligence department | America | virus
[Truth | Random comment] The cold rice of "laboratory leakage theory" of COVID-19 is rotten to the intelligence department | America | virus

The "laboratory leakage theory" of COVID-19, which some people in the United States and the West have repeatedly speculated about, is a cold rice. According to the report of NBC and other US media on June 24, the US intelligence agencies had to admit in a report declassified last Friday that they had not found direct evidence that COVID-19 originated from the Wuhan Virus Research Institute. Given the urgency of US intelligence agencies slandering and smearing China, "no direct evidence found" is just a euphemism for "no evidence.". Simply put, it means that no matter how much one wants to make a "presumption of guilt" against China, they cannot find evidence even by digging three feet deep. In February of this year, the US intelligence agency once again hyped up the already refuted inferior lies, attempting to confuse the public and deceive the world. In recent months, some foreign media parrot studies

International Observation: Strong Promotion of Pollutant Discharge into the Sea Plan Reflects Japan's Moral Deficit and Intellectual Dilemma Science | Standards | Plan
International Observation: Strong Promotion of Pollutant Discharge into the Sea Plan Reflects Japan's Moral Deficit and Intellectual Dilemma Science | Standards | Plan

It has been two years since the Japanese Cabinet adopted the plan to discharge Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea in April 2021. In the past two years, neither the Japanese government has made corrections to erroneous decisions, nor have they attempted to consider other less risky solutions, nor have they sincerely and diligently communicated with the international community and sought help. In recent years, the Japanese government, which is known as the "international rule of law in the ocean" and the "rule-based international order," has adopted a sophistry strategy of deceiving others when it comes to nuclear contaminated water discharge plans that pose real risks to the security and interests of all countries. Inconsistency and double standards both kidnap science and humiliate the law. The Japanese government's sophistry about the discharge of nuclear contaminated water into the sea can be summarized as "what meets scientific standards is safe, and what is legal."

Comments on the US debt crisis: "snowball" problem | debt | US
Comments on the US debt crisis: "snowball" problem | debt | US

Cartoon author: Ma Hongliang The New York Times reported on June 16 that the latest data released by the US Treasury Department showed that the US treasury bond exceeded $32 trillion for the first time, nine years earlier than previously predicted. On January 19th of this year, the US government reached its debt ceiling of $31.4 trillion. After months of entanglement between the two parties in the United States, on June 3rd local time, President Biden officially signed a bill on the federal government's debt ceiling and budget, temporarily lifting the US government's debt default crisis. This is also the 103rd time since the end of World War II that the United States has adjusted its debt ceiling. The continuous accumulation of US federal government debt, like a snowball, is the result of the two parties struggling to resolve their differences on fiscal issues and shifting blame over a long period of time. Continuously adjusting debt ceiling and budget

Australian media: "They know the future is in China" visit. They | Article | China
Australian media: "They know the future is in China" visit. They | Article | China

On June 22nd, the Australian website "Pearl and Stimulus" published an article titled "China, Located at the Center of a Multipolar World" by Jerry Gray. The article excerpt is as follows: It's really lively here. This is certainly China. There are many things happening, already happening, or about to happen here. The world is most concerned about the visit of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. There are many speculations about the progress of this meeting, but both sides believe that the situation is going smoothly. China could have humiliated him, but it didn't do so. The message sent by China is clearly powerful and positive, and now it undoubtedly kicks the ball onto the side of the United States. Antony Blinken's trip attracted great attention and was also very important; But many other things that have happened here have made Chinese observers find these past month or two very interesting. China welcomes President Castro of Honduras to visit: Honduras

Hong Kong Media: China Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation Achieves a Win Win Situation Relationship | China | Situation
Hong Kong Media: China Africa Economic and Trade Cooperation Achieves a Win Win Situation Relationship | China | Situation

According to the website of the South China Morning Post in Hong Kong on June 23, overseas travel began immediately after China reopened its borders in early January. Thousands of Chinese manufacturers are starting to participate in foreign exhibitions and trade fairs, eager to attract new customers and personally meeting with old customers for the first time in three years. Some people go straight to events like the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, but a trade delegation of 30 people has a completely different destination - industrial parks and trade zones in Africa. According to the report, during a trip organized by the local commerce department, these people departed from the manufacturing center of Foshan in southern Guangdong Province, China in May, with the aim of helping Foshan's industry go global and maintain competitiveness. Their idea is that compared to many other destinations, Africa can provide untapped opportunities

I'm really looking forward to it! Premier Fan Mingzheng from multiple countries visiting China | China | Premier
I'm really looking forward to it! Premier Fan Mingzheng from multiple countries visiting China | China | Premier

According to Vietnam News Agency, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Myung sung arrived in Beijing on the 25th and began his official visit to China. According to a report on the website of Vietnam News on June 22nd, according to the announcement of the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Myung sung will make an official visit to China from June 25th to 28th and attend the 14th Summer Davos Forum. A spokesperson for the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs said that it is expected that Pham Myung sung will give a speech at the forum, looking forward to future development and consulting with political and business leaders from various countries. The spokesperson also said that this forum will provide valuable opportunities for Vietnam to demonstrate its independent, multilateral foreign policy and attract international investment. This will be Fan Mingzheng's first official visit to China. This visit is taking place against the backdrop of maintaining a good development momentum in bilateral relations, including economic and trade relations between the two countries

There is radiation! Visiting the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant has begun registration with the public | Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant | Radiation
There is radiation! Visiting the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant has begun registration with the public | Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant | Radiation

According to Kyodo News on June 25th, Tokyo Electric Power Company's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant "tour" will begin accepting public registration. Previously, it was only aimed at relevant individuals, local residents, and groups for training purposes. The implementation entity is a travel agency that has obtained the "Hope Tourism" certification in Fukushima Prefecture, and is expected to start after July. According to the report, East Electric Power began to discharge more and more nuclear wastewater from the first nuclear power plant into the sea around the summer. By expanding the number of visitors, it aims to promote understanding of reactor decommissioning work. ▲ Materials and images: According to TEPCO, the standard route for Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant is to take a bus inside the plant to observe the "multi nuclide removal equipment" and storage tank group for purifying wastewater, and to get off the bus to view Units 1-4 that experienced core melting and hydrogen explosions from a high platform about 100 meters away

Wagner turned around and withdrew. He made a few phone calls to Putin, Lukashenko, and others
Wagner turned around and withdrew. He made a few phone calls to Putin, Lukashenko, and others

Author: Feng Luyu Qiyao has just been staring at Russia in the past 48 hours. The Russian mercenary group "Wagner" suddenly had an accident and made a move towards Moscow. Russian officials characterized it as a "rebellion" and filed a "criminal case" against Prigo, the founder of "Wagner", and entered a state of emergency and "anti-terrorism" mode in many places. Overnight, Russia seemed to be "full of wind and rain". But in a blink of an eye, with the intervention of Belarusian President Lukashenko, the sudden storm ended like a whirlwind, "and there is no cloud and no thunder". "Wagner" withdrew his troops, while Prigo was "dismissed" and will leave. The streets of Moscow on June 24. Mediator Lukashenko, not simple. Several phone calls were made on June 24, "We are facing a rebellion!" Russia

The competent department | Taiwan |! " Taiwanese college students
The competent department | Taiwan |! " Taiwanese college students

In order to cooperate with the resumption of one year of compulsory military service in the Taiwan military, the defense and education departments of the Democratic Progressive Party have launched the so-called "3+1 education plan", which allows male service personnel to complete their studies within three years and serve in the military for one year, causing controversy. The defense department of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) has launched a so-called "3+1 plan" to extend the compulsory service of the Taiwanese military from four months to one year, allowing male military personnel to complete both military service and education during their four years of university education. The education regulatory department has also released the "Flexible Study Guidelines", which determine that the first batch of applicants are male service personnel born after 2005 who are eligible to attend university in mid September this year. Female students are not allowed to apply and are not mandatory to participate. But still criticized by Taiwanese netizens, academic performance and military service have become half hearted, "I can't learn well, and I can't be a good soldier."

More than 50 nationally protected animals electrocuted to death on grasslands? Official response to public security | Jiatang | Grassland
More than 50 nationally protected animals electrocuted to death on grasslands? Official response to public security | Jiatang | Grassland

Recently, an environmental volunteer group launched the "Jiatang Bird Counting Man" wild bird observation and protection project, which attracted attention due to a monthly salary of 10000 yuan during the probationary period. The volunteer group has published multiple research articles stating that the recruited "bird counting personnel" have discovered more than 50 dead raptors under multiple power poles in the Jiatang grassland in the past month, including the great eagle, grassland eagle, white tailed sea eagle, falcon, etc., all of which are national key protected wildlife and are suspected to have died due to power grid leakage. On June 25th, the public security of Chengduo County, which belongs to Jiatang Grassland, responded to Red Star News reporters that the case is currently under further investigation. "The public security, natural resources and forestry grassland bureau, as well as various departments of the State Grid, are all investigating this matter and will issue an investigation notice later." Red Star News reporters learned from the Yushu Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department in Qinghai that the local area has intervened in the investigation, but one person was electrocuted